
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
jak2000offtopic question, anyone know any place or a channel for talk about gps? how to extract it? thanks03:26
geniijak2000: Extract it from what?03:27
jak2000from the gps03:27
jak2000the gps is: http://www.plataformagps.net/manuales/manuales/tk668/03:27
geniiIt's serial data03:28
jak2000not know the protocol03:28
jak2000i am googling03:28
jak2000genii you know: https://www.traccar.org/03:29
geniijak2000: Well, gpsd to grab the data, but you need some kind of client as well to make it useful03:33
jak2000genii, the gps have a SIM card, ok? i can send sms for programming, right? i programmed every 10 minutes send data to a certain ip, but the ip (the opengts or trace car) not understand the data, because the protocol. (i think)03:36
geniiFrom what I can tell of the TK668 user manual, it just exchanges SMS messages with another phone or computer03:51
jak2000genii send a sms message to server.... and the server receive it and interpret. :(04:11
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
lordievaderGood morning.07:54
jill_hi, i am getting a 'mount.nfs: mount(2): Protocol not supported' while trying to mount an NFS share using version 408:12
jill_ mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=4 server-ipaddress:/share  /mount-point , this is the command issued08:13
lordievaderjill_: Is nfs-common installed?08:14
jill_lordievader: yes08:14
lordievaderWhat does dmesg say?08:15
jill_[129685.461408] nfs: server server-ip not responding, still trying08:16
jill_[129697.508047] nfs: server server-ip OK08:16
jill_lordievader: rpcinfo -p server-ipaddress shows version 4 also08:17
lordievaderjill_: Does 'showmount -e <server-ip>' list the mounts?08:17
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jill_yes lordievader08:19
lordievaderPerhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2182217 helps08:20
lordievaderjill_: Oh, what does 'mount -v <mount-point>' give?08:21
jill_mount -v -t nfs  gives08:22
jill_nothing when trying version 408:22
jill_but when trying version 208:23
jill_it gives08:23
jill_server-ip:/share on /srv/backup type nfs (rw,nfsvers=2,proto=udp,port=2049,addr=server-ip)08:23
jill_we can do a ls and cd to the mount point08:23
jill_but when we issue touch some-file08:24
jill_touch: cannot touch ‘/srv/backup/somefile’: Input/output error08:24
jill_by the way my client is a mailserver running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and server is a windows 2012 with NFS08:25
TJ-jill_: is portmap running ?08:26
lordievaderWindows supports NFS? (And does it support NFSv4?)08:27
jill_in NFS server, the admins did a rpcinfo, it show the result, so it is running08:27
TJ-jill_: maybe it needs 'nolock' in the mount options?08:28
jill_lordievader: check this link -> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/32408908:29
jill_TJ-:  mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=4,nolock ip:/share /mount-point ?08:30
lordievaderNow I remember that I once wanted to mount my nfs shares in Windows, it was a disaster.08:31
lordievader"which includes full support for NFS v3." Guess v4 ain't supported.08:31
jill_lordievader: I have tried v3 and it gives input/output error08:32
TJ-jill check the logs at both ends08:33
jill_v4:- protocol not supported08:34
jill_v3:- mounts but input/output error on ls command08:34
jill_v2:- mounts, can ls , but input/output error while trying to write08:34
TJ-Sounds like a portmapper issue08:36
jill_TJ-: , i will check that08:37
TJ-jill_: firewall rules interfering possibly?08:41
jill_TJ-: , we are checking that also, microsoft says to open 111,1039,1047,1048 and 204908:45
TJ-jill_: might be worth running tcpdump on the client side; see if any connection attempts get refused/unanswered08:45
cooldharma06hi all09:06
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd
theptrHi anybody who knows the command to connect to open-vpn from an ubuntu server ? 14.0412:05
rbasakYou need to install and set up openvpn manually to do it.12:06
rbasakUnless you want to use Network Manager, but I'd recommend against that on a server.12:06
theptrrbasak, let me explain :i have an ubuntu server with open-vpn server running . i always use windows as the client but now i want my second ubuntu server as a client .12:08
rbasaktheptr: so install openvpn on your second ubuntu server and configure it as a client.12:10
rbasakopenvpn is almost entirely symmetrical. There's barely any difference between a server and a client apart from which side initiates the connection.12:11
theptrrbasak, okay i installed it on the second server12:14
theptrwhat should i do next ?12:14
rbasakI'm sorry, I don't have the time to talk you through this. Hopefully someone else will be able to help, or you could try to find a guide on configuring the openvpn client.12:17
rbasakWell, on just configuring openvpn configured as a client, really.12:17
rbasakIt should be almost identical to configuring the server.12:17
theptrrbasak, i think i just need an command that says openvpn look in de .ovpn file12:18
theptrrbasak, anyway thanks for your time12:19
theptrrbasak, found it sudo openvpn --config YOUR_SELECTED_CONNETION_TYPE.ovpn12:20
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coreycbjamespage,  I'll start on rc3 today and then kilo stable13:03
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
thebwtHowdy folks, is there a document out there that details packaging destination directory best practices?  like when to use /sbin vs /usr/sbin ?14:56
geniithebwt: Possibly useful: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/modify.en.html#destdir15:01
patdk-wkmore exact: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html15:02
thebwtwoot thanks guys!15:02
patdk-wkbut normally it comes down to15:03
patdk-wkif /usr was network mounted15:03
patdk-wkcan the system function without it? use /usr/sbin, no, use /sbin15:03
thebwtAwesome, thank you for the insight15:04
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Guest83578does ubuntu server kernl has support for tproxy by default?18:26
RoyKGuest83578: you mean just transparent proxy with a squid thing?18:29
RoyK(or something else)18:29
Guest83578Completely transparent proxy.18:29
RoyKI've set it up a few times18:29
RoyKnot related to distro18:29
Guest83578That still needs the kernel tproxy support.18:29
RoyKusually a NAT router with forwards to a squid thing in the back18:29
RoyKthis thing? https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tproxy.txt18:30
Guest83578That will not do the IP spoofing.18:30
RoyKit's been supported for years18:30
RoyKI mean, a decade or two18:30
Guest83578ok thanjs,18:30
Guest83578This https://ma.ttias.be/compile-a-centos-kernel-and-iptables-with-tproxy-support/ got me curious.18:30
RoyKroy@marvin:~$ grep PROX /boot/config-3.2.0-91-generic18:32
RoyKthat's from a 12.04 server18:32
RoyKprobably the same on 14.04 and later18:32
rbasakAlso on Vivid.18:35
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
RoyKrockstar_: seems CONFIG_NETFILTER_TPROXY is out now19:05
RoyKrbasak: that is, you19:05
RoyKrockstar_: sorry19:05
rockstar_RoyK: not a problem19:06
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