
pieter2627morning all05:42
Kiloshi there everyone08:10
Kiloseven inetpro 08:10
thatgraemeguyhey Kilos 08:10
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 08:10
thatgraemeguyeverything looking good?08:11
Kilosyip so far all tests are fine. only they moan about smoking for 40 years08:11
Kilosop tomorrow, just the anaethetist still to consult with08:12
thatgraemeguythat's a given08:13
thatgraemeguyour doctor is a smoker, and he also used to moan constantly08:13
thatgraemeguybloody hypocrite08:13
Kilosyeah he/they must just know that last one made me need morphine for 3 days because it near popped my head08:14
Kilosya many of them smoke but moan at patients08:14
MaNIdo what I say not what I do :p08:42
inetprooops sorry Oom Kilos 11:58
* inetpro forgot to say hi 11:58
inetprogood mornings everyone 11:59
inetproMaaz_: ftp 11:59
Maaz_Dump FTP! http://www.43folders.com/2008/07/14/dump-ftp see also: FTP must Die!! http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie11:59
=== qwebirc63619 is now known as antonm
inetproWas way too long ago that I last mentioned, FTP must die! 12:01
Kiloshi anton welcome to ubuntu-za12:27
Kiloswhen you have time anton tell us a bit about yourself, as in where you are ,what you do and what system you using12:33
Squirm'lo Kilos, anton12:35
Kilosand feel free to join the other lurkers here 24/712:35
Kiloshi Squirm 12:35
Kilosi o have a smoke12:36
antonwill do.......12:39
Kilosoh and any linux flavour is wecome here, wearent just tied to ubuntu12:43
antonhaha...kewl have about 20 odd ubuntu servers....home is ubuntu14.04.3 and work elementaryOS12:43
Kiloswe even have odd windows visitors that need help installing linux12:44
Kiloselementary is quite nice as well ive tried it12:47
Kilosbut im a kde fan mainly12:48
antonneed some insight. I need to setup a DFS, but need a fs for both Linux & the odd windowz - was looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceph_(software)#CephFS12:49
antoni like eyecandy hence elementary12:49
KilosMaNI you busy?12:52
Kilosor Squirm 12:52
Kilosi dunno who to point too, head not happy atm12:53
SquirmI have no idea12:53
SquirmI came across one at some point, can't remember what they used though, so I'm no help I'm afraid12:53
Kilosany idea who does Squirm ?12:58
SquirmI don't I'm afriad. Maybe thatgraemeguy? Need to find the sysadmins12:59
Kilosthe pro will know but he so busy12:59
Kilosthatgraemeguy you available?12:59
Kilosor inetpro 12:59
* thatgraemeguy reads12:59
thatgraemeguyI don't much input, sorry :-/13:01
Kilosoh my13:01
Kiloswhere mr fixit13:02
Kilosinetpro stop sleeping man13:02
Kiloswork time13:02
thatgraemeguyI've used Windows' DFS in the past, and that is rock solid, but that's not exactly the kind of answer people care for around these parts13:02
antonno worries all...been reading up alot on the ceph as it has been incl in the linux kernel source13:02
thatgraemeguythere is a team at work here playing with Ceph but I am not involved in that stuff at all13:03
antonwe have TB's of mysql data, hence a dominant linux dfs13:04
Kilosi need some help please. trying to connect to tswane free wifi but it tries for a while then says deactivated13:22
Kiloswhat am i doing wrong13:22
thatgraemeguy/join #tswane-free-wifi-tech-support13:23
Kilosgoogling dont help me to find what settings i must use13:23
Kilosty thatgraemeguy 13:23
Kilosno one there but me13:24
antonlol....bcause no 1 can connect.......:P13:24
thatgraemeguyt'was a joke...............13:24
Kilosi mean the wifi connection man13:24
Kilosim too slow to catch on atm13:25
Kilosall the googling gives othe info on how wonderful it is but i cant get it to connect13:26
antonnope sorry never connected to it13:27
Kilostried ad hock access point and infrastructure13:27
Kilosusing airodump-ng mon013:28
Kilosi see it and all its info13:28
thatgraemeguymaybe signal is just too weak?13:29
Kilosi have no idea13:29
Kilosi get this info13:30
Kilos24:A4:3C:AE:32:F7  -86       32        0    0  11  54e. OPN              Tshwane Free Wi-Fi  13:30
thatgraemeguyuh, ja13:31
thatgraemeguyno idea, sorry13:31
Kilosmaybe one must join memeburn first13:31
Kiloslemme try13:31
thatgraemeguywhat does memeburn have to do with it?13:31
thatgraemeguywhat drugs are they giving you there?13:32
Kiloswhen you google tswane free wifi how to connect you get them things13:37
Kilosthose kinda links13:38
Kilosi wasnt going to bother but docs just said tomorrows op might only be possible on monday13:39
Kilosnm ty guys13:39
mekissGood evening15:33
Kiloshi mekiss 16:06
mekissHey Kilos, how you doing?16:16
Kilosim ok ty lad and you16:17
Kilosoh superfly 16:17
magespawngood evening16:17
magespawnhey Kilos 16:17
Kiloshi magespawn 16:18
mekissI'm Good Kilos, evening magespawn16:18
magespawnhi mekiss 16:18
magespawnhow is it going Kilos?16:18
Kiloswell hopefully op at midday tomorrow, but docs said maybe monday because emergencies take priority16:19
Kilosso who knows16:19
Kilosbut ive had anaethetists and all kinds here saying its 12 tomorrow so maybe the prof in charge needs his battery charged16:20
Kilosgonna be long not eating or drinking till midday16:20
magespawnget him onto linux that should sort it out16:21
magespawnyup, have they got you on a drip at least?16:21
Kilosnot yet16:21
Kilosnothing wrong with me man what i want a drip for16:21
Kilosyou tried showering with a drip pon16:22
magespawnyes i have, and using the bathroom16:22
Kiloswhat a pain16:23
magespawnif you are not eating or drinking, the drip can at least keep you going16:23
Kilosthey can put one in for the anaesthatic and when i wake ill renmove it16:23
Kilosdont like foreign objects sticking outa me16:24
Kilosand gotta find lockup for cell and lappy16:25
magespawnmm i suppose, i know i get really weak if i cannt drink anything though16:25
magespawnthat would be a good idea16:25
magespawnbusy here trying to sort out a messed up windows system after a maiware removal16:27
magespawnmalware that is16:38
=== stickyboy_ is now known as stickyboy
magespawntime for me to go, good luck Kilos 16:55
magespawngood night16:57
skokkkKilos, what op?17:02
Kiloshi skokkk 17:04
Kiloswhat op what17:04
skokkkhello Kilos 17:04
Kilossorry inguinal hernia17:04
skokkkoh.. fun17:04
Kiloshope so, wasnt fun wlking around with it17:05
skokkkdrips are rather terrible, unless they contain morphine17:05
Kiloslolol that why i say they must only put the dripp when its sleep time17:06
skokkkuuuh only once you are asleep, drips are painful to put in17:06
Kilosna thats bearable17:06
Kilosonly hurts for seconds17:07
skokkkwell depends on how much liquid/hour17:07
Kilosoh my california breaking away17:08
Kiloswb cocooncrash tumbleweed 17:10
tumbleweedhi Kilos17:10
* tumbleweed is waiting for a flight home, from Joburg17:10
Kilosoh my17:11
Kiloshome being?17:11
tumbleweedSan Francisco :)17:11
skokkkenjoyed our slow internet tumbleweed ?17:11
tumbleweedheh, it's really not that bad17:12
skokkkwhat speed did you get?17:12
tumbleweedI'm on my phone, now, which keeps losing connectivity for a few seconds17:12
skokkkavg wifi or wherever you stayed?17:12
tumbleweedI think everywhere had 10 Mbps connections17:13
* tumbleweed wishes there was more IPv6 penetration17:13
tumbleweedhopefully my parents will have fibre by the next time I visit...17:14
Kilostumbleweed why dont you tell us when you are here17:14
tumbleweedKilos: I'm bad at that :P17:14
skokkktumbleweed, 10Mbps is a lot..17:14
Kilosim normally going to sleep when you heading for lunch 17:14
inetprogood evening18:20
inetproKilos: we have rain 18:20
Kilosbig wind here but no rain so far 18:21
grembleWe have rain :D18:21
Kiloshope you get lots inetpro 18:21
skokkkrain here aswell :)18:21
Kilospta been crying for rain18:22
inetprothe red-chested cuckoo called for it this morning18:22
CryterionHi. Raining in port st johns too18:23
inetprowoke me up before 4 this morning18:23
inetprobut I hope I haven't chased it away now... stopped as I start talking about it :-)18:24
inetproat least we got about 1mm already this afternoon18:25
inetproanything to break that heat was good for me18:25
Kilosthat doesnt even settle the dust18:26
Kilosso dry here even google is battling18:26
inetproKilos: sorry for not jumping in this afternoon18:27
Kilosnp inetpro 18:27
Kiloscould you have helped18:27
* inetpro was kinda busy has has nothing to contribute to DFS 18:27
inetproand has*18:28
Kilosso strange18:28
inetprowell, apart from being aware of it and that it's kinda a magic potion of sorts18:28
Kilosyou supposed to impress new peeps with your know how so they stay18:28
inetprono ways18:29
inetprothey must stay and share the answer when they have found it18:29
* Cryterion agrees with inetpro18:30
Kiloswell when yo see him again make friends and hell tell you how he worked it out18:30
Kilosyou have to befriend peeps first18:30
Kilosai! all i taight you you still know nothing18:31
* inetpro don't want to step on somebody else's toes by taking over your job 18:31
Kilosai! man i asked you to weeks ago already18:32
Kilosand everyone elst too18:32
inetproyou doing a good job even from the hospital oom18:33
Kilosnee man18:33
* inetpro takes his hat off for oom Kilos18:33
Kilosif they cut morrow ive got 3 days of blinding headaches from the anaesthetic18:33
Kilosi need the team to carry me for a while18:34
Kiloscarry us18:34
inetproyou should hope for the best man18:35
Kiloswell of course18:35
Kilosonly last experience frightened me18:36
Kilos3 dys of multiple morphine injections18:36
Kilosi told anaethetist and she said shed do more local numbing and weaker general so heres hoping18:37
Kilosigts raining here now18:37
Kiloskinda embarrassing having young chicks work down there18:38
Kilosim sure i blush scarlet18:38
Kiloswb mekiss 18:43
Kilosnight all, sleep tight, heep the flag flying19:06
Kiloskeep as well19:06

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