
[n0mad]tase: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/raring/system-config-samba/ this is what i used, made it much easier for me to setup but i don't use any users00:01
tase[n0mad], don't use any users ? so it's a public share, or does it use a simple password, or somesuch ?00:02
[n0mad]well, public on my network00:03
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zeio hi all, is possible use on the same  installation on device radeon and one other nvidia00:11
OerHekszeio, never tried to switch between them, i guess it can with the open driver only.00:14
zeioOerHeks: ok thks, i try this00:16
SmashcatHi, Is there an alternative to vsftp that supports chroot and TLS ?00:32
writershordevsftp is good, yes?00:35
cdk_is there a way i can get info on the program CANtact?00:36
cdk_and i do not know what vsftp is00:36
Smashcatwritershorde: Yeah, it's a bit fragile though. Just changing the user's shell stops them from being able to login.00:37
Ben64cdk_: have you tried looking on google for cantact? or going to cantact.io?00:37
Ben64Smashcat: ftp is old and bad and not good and terrible. you should use sftp00:37
SmashcatBen64: Er, no it's fine when you use TLS (encryption)00:37
Ben64eh, its still bad00:38
SmashcatBen64: Explain00:38
writershordeonly thing I used ftp for was to allow wordpress updates on my dev laptop.00:38
cdk_tried google couldnt find it00:38
SmashcatBen64: Do you know what TLS is?00:38
Ben64i do00:38
SmashcatBen64: So, why do you think using FTP over TLS is "bad"?00:39
Ben64why even bother when sftp works great and already has encryption built in00:39
SmashcatBen64: Bearing in mind it's as secure as sftp and https00:39
SmashcatBen64: Explain how it's not00:40
Ben64the file transfer might not be encrypted00:40
writershordeftp is slow compared to http downloads. don't know any other reason to use it except what stated. otherwise use ssh and fuse.00:40
SmashcatThat's what TLS is for.00:40
Ben64no, the file transfer itself might not be encrypted00:40
Ben64the client gets to choose, and thats dumb00:40
SmashcatBen64: It is, as TLS is enforced by the server. It would be "dumb" not to...00:41
gartralhey all, I got a bit of a problem here with a 14.04 system, google chrome keeps crashing with a core-dump, has anyone else had any similiar issues?00:41
Ben64the login is encrypted yes, the transfer, maybe00:41
OerHeksSmashcat, TSL is only safe, when you work with certificates.00:41
SmashcatBen64: Can you link to anything that says "transfers may not be encrypted over FTP using TLS"? I was not aware of this00:41
SmashcatOerHeks: Yep - in fact you NEED to use certificates for TLS to work. That's how the encryption works :)00:42
OerHeksSo your trust is on the certificate-authority.00:42
SmashcatOerHeks: All encrypted transfers rely on certificates.00:42
cdk_ thank you the cantact.io is what i was looking for00:42
Smashcat(including ssh, sftp, scp https etc)00:43
SmashcatBen64: Can you link an article where file transfers are not encrypted, when enforcing TLS over FTP? I need to check, and you seem to know about it...00:46
Ben64yeah not finding one, but the login and transfer are done with separate connections, and the client gets to choose the data options00:46
Ben64what i don't understand is why you're so opposed to sftp00:47
SmashcatBen64: You're the one telling me not to use FTP. You don't seem to have any reason for saying that though. As I am enforcing TLS (so the client does NOT get to choose) as I said.00:48
Ben64fine, do whatever you want then00:48
OerHeksgartral, just got a chrome update00:48
SmashcatHeh, that's what I thought :)00:48
Ben64stupid me trying to help people in a support channel00:48
gartralOerHeks: 45-47 seem to cause a nasty core dump, 44 works00:49
writershordehttp is more reliable for downloads than ftp, and torrent is a whole lot more reliable than either one.00:49
evonDoes anyone know of a program that will create a bootable USB with a non-linux disk image?00:49
OerHeksgartral, tried to clean your profile?00:49
SmashcatBen64: You weren't trying to help really. I do need to use ftp. You were saying it's "bad", "wrong" etc, with nothing to back it up. It's fine so long as it's secured correctly.00:49
=== Rob_C is now known as Rob_zZz
Ben64you don't need to use ftp00:49
gartralOerHeks: the google profile?00:49
Ben64nobody does00:49
wileeeevon, look at pendrivelinux00:49
OerHeksgartral, yes, the folders in your /home00:50
gartralOerHeks: yep, tried that00:50
SmashcatBen64: You don't know anything about the server, or why I do need to use FTP.00:50
Ben64because you didn't provide any of that information00:50
writershordeftp suck dude00:51
SmashcatBen64: But you made an assumption ("nobody needs to use FTP"). In this case (as said) I do, as the remote system uses it to transfer files.00:51
gartralSmashcat: you're right, we don't. Why don't you tell up why you *must* use an inherently insecure server?00:51
Ben64Smashcat: i worked with the information available00:51
wileeeevon, here is the site, handful of usb loaders for differing OS's, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/00:51
Smashcatgartral: I've already explained why a secure FTP server is not insecure. Please read up before making such comments00:51
SmashcatBen64: Saying "nobody needs to use X" is always a bad assumption. If nobody needed something, it wouldn't exist, and be maintained.00:52
Ben64its not really maintained00:52
writershordesometimes even the linux ftp mirrors don't work, have to use http.00:52
RDM1337I was trying to follow the steps on Ubuntu's website on how to write Ubuntu-core on the Pi 2, and the "xzcat" command is showing wierd output. Help?00:52
Ben64so instead of arguing, explain why you "need" ftp?00:52
SmashcatBen64: Really? I just installed it using apt on the latest ubuntu...00:53
pbxcan't we skip that part00:53
SmashcatBen64: I've already explained twice. Please read above.00:53
pbxRDM1337, how about sharing the output via pastebin?00:53
Ben64you haven't actually00:53
SmashcatBen64: What part is confusing to you?00:53
Ben64you never explained why you need it00:53
SmashcatBen64: I'll quote it "In this case (as said) I do, as the remote system uses it to transfer files."00:54
Ben64and frankly, i don't care anymore, enjoy your 30 year old protocol with 18 year old security tacked on to it00:54
SmashcatBen64: You've been proven wrong, now you're pouting like a child. Fine.00:54
writershordeBen64, i agree.00:54
Ben64you still didn't explain anything by the way, you just said it needs it because it uses it00:54
edveand your using IRC yeah right Ben64 ...00:54
Ben64edve: not for anything secure00:54
* Smashcat Laughs, thinking about how old the ssh protocol is :)00:55
imthenachomanhey guys, i have a generic *nix question and thought i'd run it by here. i have a folder with numerous files/sub-folders with all sorts of different permissions. i want to use rsync to back it up to a drive on a 2nd machine. i was going to use sudo to run the rsync/script. is that the best/right way to do this?00:55
edveenyway there is not any secure protocol00:55
edveif you want your data to be secure try disconnecting your PC00:55
edvethere is the only secured way to have a PC00:55
SmashcatBen64: Read it more slowly - I said the remote server uses it. I have no control over that00:55
writershordeuse http (apache) or ssh for local users who have an account, otherwise use torrent for files.00:55
Smashcatedve: Yup.00:56
Ben64Smashcat: so get it changed00:56
OerHeksSmashcat, your original complaint is "Just changing the user's shell stops them from being able to login"00:56
pbxSmashcat, it seems the answer is, "nobody here knows about anything better than vsftp" :\00:56
edveI know some accountants that are on my IT care and they do all their work on an offline PC00:56
SmashcatBen64: You haven't considered the possibility that the remote server is not controlled by me, and uses proprietory software, that is very expensive.00:56
Smashcatpbx: hehehe00:56
Ben64if its so fancy it should be able to use ssh00:57
Smashcatpbx: Funny thing is, during this useless conversation, I've reconfigured vsftpd :)00:57
[n0mad]i'm confused because if the server isn't you, isn't vsftp server side?00:57
OerHeksSo your issue is serverside, no?00:57
edvelooks like it yeah00:58
RDM1337pbx: It was         still   going, at a speed that's way too fast to record, but then I killed it by closing the window, the program was outputing weird symbols and Chinese letters and other ridiculous stuff at a fast rate, is this what "xzcat" supposed to do? O_o00:58
SmashcatBen64: This is pointless. The remote system uses FTP to transfer files to hundreds of other systems at night. They are not going to throw it out and cobble something together with ssh because "some guy on IRC thinks it's cool"00:58
* OerHeks facepalms00:59
Ben64yep. i'm the only person who thinks ftp is outdated00:59
pbxRDM1337, depends what's in the xz file you're catting00:59
* [n0mad] gets it i guess00:59
SmashcatBen64: The irony of someone on IRC calling any communication protocol outdates is not lost on me00:59
ExecSlimRDM1337, you're probably catting a binary file like a zip, gz or tar file01:00
RDM1337pbx: ubuntu-core for pi01:00
Ben64again, i'm not using irc for anything secure01:00
pbxwe are only a few rounds away from a suggestion that Smashcat make the server admins rewrite all their stuff in Node01:00
Smashcatpbx: hehe01:00
RDM1337pbx: it's a .img.xz file01:00
SmashcatBen64: I need to stick you on ignore dude. I don't think anything you have to say will help me in any way :) Bye!01:01
pbxRDM1337, maybe share the instructions you're following and at what step your experience seems to be diverging from normal?01:01
evonwileee thank you01:02
edveomg bitchslap please01:02
pbxRDM1337, also, have you asked in #raspbian?01:02
edvewell raspbian will help him only with raspbian product ..01:03
edvehe's at the right place i think01:03
pbxedve, pardon, i misunderstood then01:03
Ben64nah, should probably be in #ubuntu-arm01:03
RDM1337pbx: First, I did "wget http://people.canonical.com/~platform/snappy/raspberrypi2/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-rpi2.img.xz" Then I did "zxcat ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-rpi2.img.xz."    Oh, BTW, #raspbian helps raspbian, not Ubuntu-core.01:04
Ben64or maybe #raspberrypi01:04
RDM1337Ben64: There's a #ubuntu-arm?01:04
edveGrats Ben6401:04
edvecant tell but thats more of logic that way01:05
Ben64RDM1337: yeah there is01:05
Ben64RDM1337: but looking at your command... you didn't output anywhere so you put the entire image to stdout ?01:06
RDM1337Ben64: stdout?01:06
Ben64the terminal01:06
RDM1337Ben64: I'm guessing, though I did do it again a while ago with "-d," but no difference.01:07
Ben64what do the instructions say to do01:07
RDM1337Ben64: It said xzcat ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-rpi2.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M01:08
RDM1337oh wait, did I need to add the "| sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M to it?01:09
Ben64yep, thats why it said it :)01:09
Ben64but be very careful with that command, the wrong letter can wipe your drive01:09
RDM1337I'm an absolute idiot..... I thought my newly installed copy of 14.04.3 was bugged up, lol.01:09
RDM1337Ben64: First I'll reboot to be safe, but then I'll try that, thanks. :P01:12
Ben64RDM1337: note you have to replace the X with the actual letter for the drive you want to write the image to01:13
RDM1337Ben64: I know. I dd'ed before.01:13
Ben64RDM1337: ok good :) i've seen too many people wipe their drives01:13
RDM133710/10 Will dd again. -IGN        :P01:14
gartralOerHeks: any other ideas?01:15
OerHeksgartral, nope, i see no issues (yet)01:16
gartralOerHeks: I've reinstalled chrome01:19
OerHeksgartral, then i am out of ideas .. filing a bug trough chrome itself possible?01:20
spagoopHi all, need some advice. What's the best practice for running an ongoing daemon in the background? I have a python script that I'm running in crontab that depends on a daemon but running one in crontab doesn't feel right.01:28
spagooprunning 14.0401:29
writershordegartral, mv .pki .pki.bak01:30
Jordan_Uspagoop: What is your end goal?01:30
spagoopI have a python script running in crontab that outputs .txt documents. The daemon watches a file and uploads the contents of a text document to twitter.01:31
RainMan28I'm trying to have an upstart script that waits 30 seconds after reboot before starting. Any idea how to accomplish this? Ubuntu 14.04.01:31
writershordeRainMan28, Unity?01:32
RainMan28um its a digital ocean droplet thats running ubuntu, no GUI01:32
thmsWhen I uname -ra I get 3.13.0-042stab111.12 - I want the kernel headers for this kernel, but apt-cache search inux-headers-3.13.0 jumps from 41 to 43, there is no 42, what can I do ?01:32
Jordan_Uthms: Why not upgade to the latest available kernel?01:33
Jordan_Uthms: What version of Ubuntu are you using?01:33
thmsJordan_U: I am looking into this. Trusty.01:33
thmsRebooting the server to see if it loads another kernel.01:34
thmsJordan_U: erm, apt-get upgrade doesn't upgrade the kernel01:34
thmsI am lost, I really need those headers01:35
Jordan_Uthms: It looks like you're not using an official Ubuntu packaged kernel, but rather packages provided by another party (openVZ?). Try asking the organization you're getting your kernel from.01:35
thmsJordan_U: yes, it is a vServer01:36
FroodleHi, I'm trying to get the helptags for vim-rails to generate, but after I type :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/vim-rails/doc I keep getting "Sorry, no help for rails."01:39
FroodleAnyone got any ideas?01:40
RainMan28I'm trying to have an upstart script that waits 30 seconds after reboot before starting. Any idea how to accomplish this? On Ubuntu 14.04 server.01:40
Jordan_URainMan28: What does this script do? What is your end goal?01:41
RainMan28Hi Jordan_U. The script will monitor a logfile's contents but want to make sure that it doesn't start before the logfile is created.01:41
Jordan_URainMan28: So why not just check if the logfile exists before starting it?01:42
writershordedon't know much about it yet, but search turned up start session-init-setup01:42
RainMan28Jordan_U: didn't know you could do that01:42
writershordestart session-init-setup will start job after network is up.01:43
prometAnyone ever buy a usb microscope to use with Ubuntu?01:43
RainMan28Jordan_U: how can I check for existence of a file before starting my task?01:43
Jordan_URainMan28: You can do anything you want with a bash script, and I suspect that Upstart has an official way to do this as well (but I'm only familiar with the systemd method for handling starting services only after a certain file exits).01:43
ZettaGuys it seems my "proxy server is refusing connections".01:45
Jordan_Uspagoop: Why are you using cron at all? What daemon does your script depend on?01:45
ZettaI believe I messed up when I was trying to configure it to be more secure.01:45
GAbbs83hola a todos01:46
GAbbs83me gusta el arrrrte01:46
spagoopi'm using cron to run the script every hour (it's for a twitter bot). the daemon is then used to take the content generated by the script and upload it to twitter. it's not very elegant, but i'm afraid my python skills are a bit too limited at the moment to make it more efficient :(01:46
gartralOerHeks: I just downloaded 44 from uptodown and reinstalled with that, an frigging pinned it01:46
ZettaGAbbs83: Greetings. :)01:46
Jordan_Uspagoop: If the script only runs every hour, then why do you need a daemon at all? Why not just upload to twitter as part of your cron job / script that's running every hour (then exiting until it's run again)?01:52
writershordeRainMan28, if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then echo "true"; fi01:56
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RainMan28writershorde: thank you but is that checking to see if .profile exists? where do I place that? in my init file?01:57
RainMan28err in my conf file?01:57
writershordeupstart runs bash right? we still on that?01:58
RainMan28writershorde: sorry I'm really new to this, I was trying to have my upstart script wait until a log file exists before starting02:01
writershordesearch for: start session-init-setup and upstart02:02
Jordan_URainMan28: start on file FILE=/path/to/file EVENT=create02:03
writershordeJordan_U dat might work.02:03
Jordan_URainMan28: That will start your service when that file is created. I don't know what will happen if the file already exits when you boot, but I suspect that the service wouldn't start in that case.02:04
chaunaxhi, pretty new to linux; anyone here use Quassel for IRC? It seems to only work for me when running it using sudo02:05
chaunax(but this might just be a general sudo usage question)02:06
Jordan_URainMan28: And it turns out my suspicion was wrong, it does what is probably useful for most people (yourself included): "If the file already exists when the job is registered, and EVENT either specifies create or the variable is not specified, the event will be emitted."02:06
RainMan28ah ok02:07
RainMan28will try now02:07
wafflejockchaunax: you shouldn't typically be running regular apps with elevated privileges haven't used quassel in a while but I don't recall ever needing to use sudo to run it, perhaps some of your quassel files have the wrong ownership02:08
Jordan_Uchaunax: Don't ever run an IRC client as root. It should never have been something you even considered testing.02:08
RainMan28Jordan_U: this is what I have now: https://dpaste.de/DWF802:08
Jordan_URainMan28: I'm really not very familiar with upstart jobs, but that start on line looks correct to me. Have you tried it?02:10
RainMan28trying now, thank you Jordan_U!02:10
wafflejockchaunax: you can try to run, sudo apt-get purge quassel, and then re-install it, sudo apt-get install quassel02:10
chaunaxok, will try it out, thanks02:10
wafflejockchaunax: otherwise maybe consider hexchat or pidgin or some other IRC client, np02:10
chaunaxok, was just going to ask what other clients to try02:10
chaunaxbrb (hopefully)02:11
Jordan_Uchaunax: What happens when you try to run quassel as your user? Note that running it as root may have actually caused you additional problems by making some of its files root owned.02:11
gartralchaunax: i use irssi02:11
chaunaxyeah, I think I may have initialized some files as root owned02:11
chaunaxI'll try the purge had hopefully that'll clear it out02:11
writershordeuplink.sh will run from upstart if it's in /root?02:14
RainMan28writershorde: yeah I'm trying to make it so that uplink.sh will run from upstart once /var/log/upstart/server.log is created02:16
RainMan28Jordan_U: didn't work :/02:16
cynixx3writershorde, isint that what init.d scripts are for?02:17
Jordan_URainMan28: You'll have to give a slightly more detailed description of what happened than that.02:18
RainMan28Jordan_U: sorry, I created that startup file (/etc/init/uplink.conf), then I rebooted the server, and when it started up again, uplink.sh didn't run02:18
cynixx3RainMan28, checklvl -l02:20
RainMan28cynixx3: whats that mean?02:20
cynixx3just because a script is init.d doesnt mean it will run on startup. There are 6 different startup levels from recovery mode to normal boot. Checklevel is a program that calls init.d scripts into action depending on the boot level.02:21
Jordan_URainMan28: Is uplink.sh a short lived script or a daemon?02:21
RainMan28Jordan_U: it keeps running constantly02:22
RainMan28it doesn't quit ever02:22
Jordan_URainMan28: Then "task" is inappropriate.02:22
Jordan_URainMan28: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#task02:23
RainMan28ah service then?02:23
Jordan_URainMan28: I think you just need to remove that line, without replacing it with anything else.02:24
cynixx3RainMan28, I would try chkconfig --level to see if your init.d script is being called at boot or not.02:27
cynixx3or chkconfig --list, my bad.02:28
RainMan28Jordan_U: removed task, still a no go02:28
RainMan28cynixx3: do i just type chkconfig --list at the prompt?02:28
RainMan28chkconfig: command not found02:29
asdffffubuntu is free!02:31
Jordan_URainMan28: What happens when you run "sudo service yourservice start"?02:32
cynixx3my appologies Ubuntu updated the command update-rc.d yourscript defaults02:32
RainMan28Jordan_U: I don't know if what I have is a service...what would be the name of my service? I have two files uplink.sh and uplink.conf (which is in /etc/init/)02:33
chaunaxthanks all, I found out that I had to delete some .config files out but that did the trick02:33
erkburglesI can only run a certain application through command prompt, it's located in root/bin. I can navigate to the folder and see the application but cannot open it unless I do it through the command prompt. How do I change it so I can open it by clicking on the icon02:33
Jordan_URainMan28: What is the output of "sudo service uplink start"?02:34
RainMan28uplink stop/waiting02:35
cynixx3RainMan28, a service is just a script that runs constantly in the background. Scripts in /etc/init.d are to start programs. the command Jordan_U gave starts scripts in /etc/init.d02:35
RainMan28cynixx3: oh i see02:35
Jordan_URainMan28: What is the output of "ls -l /var/log/upstart/server.log"?02:35
RainMan28-rw-r----- 1 root root 468476 Oct 13 19:36 /var/log/upstart/server.log02:36
cynixx3we could probably use a pastebin of that log02:37
RainMan28cynixx3: https://dpaste.de/RroJ02:38
erkburglescan i get some pointers here02:39
cynixx3depends erkburgles02:39
erkburglesim listening02:40
erkburgleswhat information can i give you to narrow that down02:40
Jordan_URainMan28: Please pastebin your uplink.sh.02:40
cynixx3erkburgles, is this what you are tying to do? http://askubuntu.com/questions/436891/create-a-desktop-file-that-opens-and-execute-a-command-in-a-terminal02:42
Jordan_Uerkburgles: What application? How are you trying to run it? What happens when you try to run it now?02:42
RainMan28Jordan_U: cynixx3: https://dpaste.de/Lf6i02:43
cynixx3RainMan28, the upstart/server.log left more questions than answers.02:43
erkburglesits called SPSS02:43
erkburglesI run it by going to the destingation folder02:44
erkburglessudo ./STATISTICS02:44
erkburglesthe permissions indicate I do am not the owner02:44
erkburglesi was trying to do chown02:44
erkburglesnot sure if that's right02:44
erkburglesdidn't seem to fix anything02:44
Jordan_URainMan28: And the contents of /var/log/syslog .02:45
cynixx3erkburgles, you may need to check the ownership permissions of the parent folder as well.02:45
erkburglesis that the folder root?02:47
Jordan_Uerkburgles: How did you install SPSS?02:47
RainMan28Jordan_U: https://dpaste.de/MxQj02:47
cynixx3This looks like a program that should have its own user and not be installed in root. Are you sure its supposed to be installed there?02:48
Jordan_URainMan28: Oct 13 19:34:55 development kernel: [  520.100113] init: uplink main process (1486) terminated with status 202:48
RainMan28Jordan_U: whats that mean?02:48
Jordan_URainMan28: It means that upstart tried to run uplink (presumably uplink.sh) and it exited with "2" as the exit status.02:50
erkburglesfrom bin file chmod +x SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin then ./SPSS_Statistics_22_Lx.bin02:50
Jordan_Uerkburgles: Were you following a particular set of instructions? If so, please link to them.02:51
DrHalan1i have two screens with different DPI value and would like to set the scaling independently. is there a bug report for this already? this seems like common issue but i cant find it02:54
Jordan_UDrHalan1: As I understand it, this can only be properly addressed using Wayland (or possibly Mir).02:55
RainMan28Jordan_U: any other ideas? thank you02:56
Jordan_URainMan28: Does the script run properly when executed directly?02:57
RainMan28but it doesn't quit until I do CTRL+C02:58
RainMan28but its not supposed to quit either...supposed to keep going02:58
RainMan28Jordan_U: I just tried running it with @reboot bash /root/uplink/uplink.sh >/dev/null 2>&1  in my crontab and it worked03:00
erkburglesccynixx3: in that case, how do I move the bin folder to a location where I can run it as a normal user?03:01
Jordan_URainMan28: Why did you use "@reboot bash /root/uplink/uplink.sh >/dev/null 2>&1" instead of "@reboot /root/uplink/uplink.sh >/dev/null 2>&1"?03:01
RainMan28Jordan_U: I don't know, should I try changing it?03:02
Jordan_URainMan28: Yes.03:02
Jordan_URainMan28: Please also try adding "console log" to your upstart job, then starting it again. That should give you the stdout/stderr in a new file /var/log/upstart/uplink.log .03:03
RainMan28Jordan_U: removing the bash made it stop working03:04
Jordan_URainMan28: Is /root/uplink/uplink.sh executable?03:05
RainMan28I did chmod +x /root/uplink/uplink.sh03:05
Jordan_URainMan28: ls -l /root/uplink/uplink.sh;03:05
RainMan28-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3265 Oct 13 20:02 /root/uplink/uplink.sh03:06
RainMan28should my console log part be above the exec in my upstart job?03:07
Jordan_URainMan28: D'oh, simple mistake :)03:07
Jordan_URainMan28: Sometimes adding comments can have an effect. #!/bin/bash needs to be the first line of the file.03:07
RainMan28Jordan_U: ok added it as first line, now will try to restart and see what happens03:08
Jordan_URainMan28: And you should pretty much never use bash/python/perl/foo explicitly when executing a script. Best practice is to just execute the file and allow the #! magic do its work.03:08
RainMan28oh ok03:08
kro2488what is the best way to learn ip tables? I've been using ufw because its easy but i don't really know what im doing using that.03:09
kro2488it makes it too easy03:09
RainMan28Jordan_U: you're right, it worked now from the upstart file03:09
RainMan28Jordan_U: should I just use a cronjob instead of what we did? It seems the cron job works the same03:10
Jordan_URainMan28: No, because the cron job won't ensure in any way that the log file exists first, and doesn't have the same monitoring capabilities as upstart.03:10
RainMan28Jordan_U: thank you so much for all your help. you too cynixx303:11
Jordan_URainMan28: You're welcome.03:11
degva Hello guys - just installed ubuntu 15.04 in a lenovo flex 3 and the touchscreen is not working - how can I know it's even detected?03:16
erkburglesI'm trying to open a .sav file, I have the program that opens this extension, but when I try to open it, and it asks what program I'd like to use to open the file, the program I have that opens it does not populate, why?03:19
NicholasCageGood evening people!03:20
geniierkburgles: The extension .sav would seem to just be some generic extension you give a file like .bak or such, that doesn't actually have anything to do with what the file actually is. Probably want to do: file filename.sav     ( or whatever the filename ending in .sav is actually called) and see if it tells you what the file actually is so you know what to use to open it03:22
NicholasCageWhat is the best antivirus out there?03:23
somsip!av | NicholasCage03:23
ubottuNicholasCage: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:23
erkburglesI know what to use to open it03:23
erkburglesit just doesn't populate03:23
NicholasCageubottu: See I have heard about this, but people are still stating that it is needed03:24
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | NicholasCage03:24
ubottuNicholasCage: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-0.4 (vivid), package size 194 kB, installed size 1027 kB03:24
somsip!info avclam | NicholasCage03:24
ubottuNicholasCage: Package avclam does not exist in vivid03:24
somsip!find clam03:24
ubottuFound: clamav, clamav-base, clamav-daemon, clamav-dbg, clamav-docs, clamav-freshclam, clamdscan, libclamav-dev, libclamav6, libclamunrar6 (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=clam&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all03:24
erkburglesgenii: see what i mean?03:24
somsip!info clamav | NicholasCage (wrong one last time)03:25
ubottuNicholasCage (wrong one last time): clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 95 kB, installed size 743 kB03:25
Jordan_UNicholasCage: Please actually read the link provided by ubottu (which is a bot, not a real person).03:25
geniierkburgles: If you could clarify what you mean by "populate" it ight help03:26
erkburgleswhen you try to open a file, it asks what application you want to use to open it and gives a bunch of options03:26
erkburglesthe program i have that i need to open it is not there03:26
Jordan_Uerkburgles: And that program is SPSS?03:27
erkburgleslol yes03:27
Jordan_Uerkburgles: That's unfortunately what you get with programs that aren't in the default repositories and whose developers didn't take the time to add proper integration to.03:28
erkburgleswhy is it that I can only run SPSS through command prompt?03:29
Jordan_Uerkburgles: There are well agreed upon standards for shipping configuration files, .desktop files mainly, that tell the Desktop Environment where in the launcher menus to add your program, how to launch it, what types of files it can open, etc. It looks like IBM didn't bother writing those files, in which case you have to write them yourself. This is one of the downsides of proprietary software.03:30
erkburglesah ok03:31
erkburglescan you point me to how to do that03:31
Jordan_Uerkburgles: Does PSPP fit your needs https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/pspp/?03:33
erkburglesi was looking at that, but it03:33
erkburglescrashes when I start it03:33
erkburglesill look into further03:33
Jordan_Uerkburgles: http://matalangilbert.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-add-menu-item-for-spss-in-linux.html Gives an example for a launcher. I do not know if this will work with current releases of Ubuntu or with how you installed SPSS.03:35
erkburglescan you explain why th e how iunstaled it matters, not trying to be smart  just curious03:37
kiawinhi all, anyone uses openbox here?03:49
curiousxkiawin: i did, but long time ago -.- tell your qustion03:54
NicholasCageMy SSL handshakes are not working, what can I do about that?03:54
cynixx3NicholasCage, find out why they are failing ssh -vvv03:55
cynixx3or update openssl?03:57
=== Blaster is now known as Guest22162
optimistic7while setting  alias   hello = '/home/john/ds.py'   , i got this error messaage why? bash: alias: =: not found in ubuntu 14.0404:18
lotuspsychjeoptimistic7: maybe the #python guys might know?04:24
writershordeworks here #optimistic704:24
optimistic7But mine is not working , i'm using ubuntu 14.0404:25
soupnanodesukardid you put too much whitespace in04:25
writershordeecho $SHELL04:25
writershordei put no spaces on =04:26
writershordechmod 755 ds.py04:26
somsipoptimistic7: remove whitespace, eg: alias hello='/home/john/ds.py'04:26
spider_Hello all. I am trying to install Ubuntu Gnome onto my desktop, however the monitors go to sleep when I get past the BIOS boot?04:26
spider_This makes it really hard to install ubuntu :D04:26
optimistic7ok , let me try writershorde04:26
soupnanodesukarspider_: boot with nomodeset and install amd/nvidia graphics drivers on the console04:27
writershordeand put at top of script #!/usr/bin/evn python04:28
writershordeor script #!/usr/bin/evn python204:28
kiawinhi anyone familiar with openbox? I modified my ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml and ran "openbox --reconfigure" but my menu seems still remain unchaned04:29
kiawin* unchanged04:29
spider_How would one go around to booting with nomodeset and installing the nvidia driver?04:29
spider_I am in the bios at the moment04:29
somsip!nomodeset | spider_04:29
ubottuspider_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:29
spider_Is this done in the bios? I never seen a console in BIOS before.04:30
somsipspider_: did you read the link?04:30
writershordespider, nomodeset is typed into grub end of line. http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu04:31
spider_Just to be sure, I have not installed ubuntu. I am in the bios at the moment, here I can boot using the USB04:33
spider_when I boot from the USB I see the Ubuntu icon for a moment and then monitor goes to sleep04:33
writershordespider_ something wrong with your usb. bad download maybe. on my box you hit F11 on startup to bring up usb boot option.04:35
zacmanHi can somebody help me04:35
spider_No no, it is the nvidia graphics card, seems to be a common problem04:35
soupnanodesukarspider_: You're booting from USB? Create a usb boot disk with usb-creator-gtk/usb-creator-kde, make sure it has a persistence file, and boot into the usb disk with the nomodeset option, then install the drivers on to the usb from alt-ctrl-f1 console. Reboot, and the installer should run with the proprietary driver.04:35
cynixx3Whats up zacman ?04:37
curiousxkiawin: maybe you didn't edit your menu.xml, properly, maybe there are missing characters or somethin'  bonus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10894405/  :p04:37
writershordesoupnanodesukar that would mean he has to create bootable use with persitence.04:37
writershordei mean usb with persistence.04:37
curiousxkiawin: your menu.xml properly...04:38
soupnanodesukarwriteshorde: yes, i had to do that with my laptop once.04:38
writershordei would just install it and then install extra drivers.04:38
kiawinActually I copied a copy from xdg and reconfigure it04:39
kiawinBut I don't see changes still04:39
kiawinSo I don't think it is format issue04:39
optimistic7it showing again error "bash: /home/john/ds.py: No such file or directory"04:41
kiawincuriousx: btw the first screenshot looks good :D04:41
curiousxkiawin: well, sry i used openbox a long time ago, i don't remember what's xdg is , but... i suguest you lernin' and understand how that file works so you can adited at you own04:41
yi_hellow i am new here04:42
kiawinoptimistic7: can you put the bash script in http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and I can check for you04:42
kiawincuriousx: thanks mate :)04:42
writershordels -la /home/hohn/ds.py04:42
writershordels -la /home/john/ds.py04:43
writershordeit's late and beat.04:43
curiousxkiawin: i think to remember myself running a sctipt that autoconfigure the menus, i don't remember if its worked or not, but, i end up learning and editing that file my self, tho, ty :p04:43
curiousxkiawin: do ya want me to send mah configuration files that i had in openbox ?04:43
spider_hmm if I hold F6 at the Ubuntu Gnome icon I can enter this menu.04:44
spider_I gotta aFK, I will look at this when I return04:44
writershordecomputers different, but one key opens boot menu yes.04:44
k3pl3r16has ssh been patched and secure now?04:45
kiawincuriousx: that not necessary. I'm just unsure what behavior has changed as I used to modify the file too.04:45
k3pl3r16sorry ssl04:45
curiousxoh! ok, mmm, maybe can i send some links that i used back in those day to learn how configure openbox ?04:46
writershordenot used openbox, only i3wm unity and gnome.04:46
lotuspsychje_!heartbleed | k3pl3r1604:47
ubottuk3pl3r16: A fix for the recent OpenSSL vulnerabilities (2014-0076 & 0160) has been pushed to the Ubuntu repositories. See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/ and http://heartbleed.com/ for more information.04:47
k3pl3r16lotuspsychje_, cheers for that04:47
curiousxwritershorde: oh! i saw some screenshot in "unixporn" about i3wm and bspwm, those WM looks awesomes, i used gnome-shell tho -.-04:47
spider_Seems like you can select nomodeset if you hold down F6 when the gnome logo shows up, and then in there if you press F6 you can select nomodeset and a couple of others04:48
writershordegot 8gb, might as well use Unity. i3wm good on large screen where you never close out prog and leave same stuff running.04:48
kiawincuriousx: I did an experiment by copying a default menu (which is different from the "loaded" menu), and run "openbox --reconfigure" (or even restart), but it doesn't change04:48
kiawinthe default xml is located in /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml04:49
kiawinSo something has changed somehow04:49
writershordenot reading in .conf I had that happen before04:50
kiawinwritershorde: I thought of i3wm, but heard it doesn't play well with swing stuff.04:50
writershordei3wm good, once i learned it still had problem setting up fonts but on some desktops it's great with large screen.04:50
kiawinunfortunately i spend most of the time on intellij04:50
TechspectreUbuntu 15.04 running windoze and android apps in vbox VMs. Is there a way to get the launcher to see each VM as its own sort of app?04:50
writershordeI know a little python, just now learning Glade though.04:52
kiawinhi Techspectre, I think there's a "seamless mode" for Ubuntu04:52
kiawin* sorry, virtualbox04:52
writershordeit very different!  installed Lazarus, I used to know some pascal but forgot most of it.04:53
Techspectrekiawin, thanks but that isn't what I mean. I want the Ubuntu launcher to recognize each VM as its own program, instead of just multiple instances of virtualbox04:53
k2596hello everyone04:53
curiousxkiawin: take a look:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12778251/04:54
kiawinTechspectre: you mean, customized launcher icon and name?04:54
Techspectrekiawin, yeah that'd be pretty sweet04:54
Techspectremake it look like I'm running creative suite natively04:55
kiawinthanks curiousx04:55
curiousxkiawin: np04:55
kiawinTechspectre: so when you press the icon, it will show you the windows desktop (entire vm), or just the adobe creative suite04:55
Techspectrekiawin, the entire VM is fine04:56
Techspectreseamless mode is very um.. not seamless. So I set up Windows's UI to look like it's all one app04:56
kiawinI totally agree with you on that part Techspectre04:57
writershordei only have 8 gigs no vm, but my son has win 7 so i do the remote desktop thing and play with powershell.04:57
TechspectreIt becomes very clear when you drag a window and you see trails of windows desktop04:57
kiawinTechspectre: here's the link to create a custom launcher04:58
Techspectrekiawin, isn't that the same as just drag and dropping it into the launcher04:59
writershordeI leave you all with this tip to speed up things, make capslock ctrl and esc. good night. http://www.economyofeffort.com/2014/08/11/beyond-ctrl-remap-make-that-caps-lock-key-useful/05:03
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kiawinTechspectre: sorry was away, so you want to startup the vm and it appear on launcher with customized icon?05:27
Techspectrekiawin, I figured out how to do it05:28
kiawincool :)05:28
TechspectreCreate a shortcut to the VM on the desktop via vboxmanage's function to do so. Move the shortcut to the home folder. Then drag it into the launcher.05:28
=== phantomcircuit_ is now known as phantomcircuit
kiawinAh, that's an easier way to create a custom launcher icon :D05:29
TechspectreYes you can just right click the shortcut and set its icon before you move it into the launcher05:30
DrManhattanI have a quick question about pxebooting, is it possible to hit tab and edit a label entry at the pxeboot prompt like you can with a standard grub boot menu?05:31
=== sianlerk is now known as kiawin
spider_Hello all, is it possible to set nomodeset through the console and how? I am in the boot console and would like to do that due to having the "sleeping monitor" issue05:39
spider_I had a graphical interface by pressing F6 but setting nomodeset there didn't do much05:43
ubuntu748hey is anyone here?05:44
ubuntu748i need some help05:45
somsip!ask | ubuntu74805:45
ubottuubuntu748: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:45
spider_You can see who is only in the list to the left <<<< or right? Well, in chatmozzila it is to the left.05:46
ubuntu748whilestarting ma ubuntu os which is installed in other drive is showing probe failed .....can anyone explain it05:46
spider_Does anyone know the text version of the nomodeset command? I am in the grub menu (Live Mode, Install, File Integrity Check, Memory Test). Here I can press F6 for Other Options and there I can select nomodeset but it isn't working as I a still getting an error. However I have Boot Options: and it has some commands in it, but nothing about nomodeset.05:51
spider_This is in relation with the Blank screen after grub boot.05:52
LambdaComplexspider_: Can you get to the editor? I think it's "e" with the entry selected05:54
LambdaComplexAlthough I'm not sure if I'm fully understanding the question05:54
spider_editor? Do you mean the the boot options console?05:54
LambdaComplexspider_: http://cdn9.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/grub2-timeout.png05:55
LambdaComplexe to edit the commands05:55
spider_Hey, seems like I have fixed it, by typing  nomodeset in the boot options console05:56
spider_I am now seeing the install GUI05:56
spider_Ok, ubuntu is installing. Thanks for the help.05:58
ubuntu748i having problem while starting ubuntu on dual boot mode ,it is showing just like a  DOS command and written probe failed...so on this condition what should i do to recover working process properly?05:59
spider_ubuntu748 did you do anything before you started getting that problem?06:00
ubuntu748i dont think so but it shows like probe failed DOS format...!!06:01
jordanyhello word!!06:02
ubuntu748<spider> i dont think so but it shows like probe failed DOS format...!!06:03
deweydb_is there a way to dismiss an incomplete install06:03
deweydb_so it doesn't keep trying everytime i apt-get upgrade06:03
spider_Hey LambdaComplex I am able to enter the menu, as I still have the blank monitor issue after installing ubuntu06:04
LambdaComplexspider_: Configure grub to use nomodeset06:05
spider_ok, I am in the menu, do I simply type in nomodeset under the setparams 'Ubuntu'?06:06
dionysus69I am on ubuntu server and I installed it with minimal lubuntu, but I want to run gui only when I want to, how do I prevent it from loading by default and also what is the command to start lubuntu gui?06:06
spider_LambdaComplex do you remember what button is for save?06:07
LambdaComplexspider_: After editing the entry from grub?06:10
LambdaComplexI honestly don't think there is one06:10
spider_yeah, I simply have to do ctrl+x06:10
spider_but it says nomodeset commands is wrong so I guess I am typing it in the wrong place06:10
ubuntu748same here <LambdaComplex>06:11
ubuntu748no one is here to help06:11
wileeespider_, look at the bots nomodeset info and no splash in grub06:11
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:12
Moussaerver irc.freenode.org06:12
wileeeubuntu748, This a wubi install from windows? What you describe is not really ever seen here.06:13
LambdaComplexI thought wubi wasn't supported anymore06:13
LambdaComplexAm I wrong?06:13
LambdaComplexdionysus69: A. I don't think ubuntu server is supported in this channel. B. disable the display manager, edit .xinitrc, and use the startx command.06:14
LambdaComplexLemme seeee06:14
spider_I tried reading that article either I am missing it or it is not there, I simply can't see how to add the nomodeset parameter to the grub2 file thingie before boot06:14
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server06:14
LambdaComplexdionysus69: ^06:14
dionysus69how do I disable display manager? when I do service lightdm stop it just doesnt go to cli and system hangs06:15
wileeespider_, At grub hit e than look about 3rd 4th line fir no splash, that is what us described.06:15
ubuntu748black screen with command probe failed.....how to solve it? can anyone are listening here?06:16
LambdaComplexdionysus69: maybe like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10798400#post1079840006:16
LambdaComplex(but lightdm.override instead of gdm.override)06:16
spider_wileee, the only splash I see is quiet splash06:17
spider_There is nothing on the 3rd or 4th line for no splash06:18
Ryeinok after several hours of fuss i keep running into the same issue over and over again06:19
wileeespider_, right, in that place I forget before or after you would put nomodeset, this is a per boot mod, you can change this permanently if need after an update.06:19
wileeesplash is the key word06:20
Ryeinis there any way to install CUDA 7.5 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 without it locking up at the Ubuntu Slpash screen?06:20
hateballRyein: are you running the latest nvidia drivers?06:21
hateballor the ones supplied in 14.0406:21
spider_thanks wileee, adding the nomodeset after quitesplash seemed to do something, I will see if it progresses06:21
spider_Ok, I am in the desktop now, better change the driver before it messes up ^^06:21
Ryeinhateball, i am running the drivers that come with CUDA 7.506:22
Ryeinhateball, Nvidia's deb file comes with driver version 35206:22
Ryeinthe default CUDA libs offered by default in 14.04.3 is 5.506:23
Ryeinpretty old06:23
hateballRyein: I wasnt aware it came with the driver, iirc that wasnt always the case06:23
hateballRyein: My suggestion would have been to add the https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa and updated, but 352 should be new enough I guess. Although the PPA has 355 as well06:24
Ryeintried doing that previously06:25
Ryeinive been banging my head against this issue for awhile06:25
Ryeinhateball, do you know in the Xorg log what does "compiled for 4.0.2" mean?06:26
Ryeinthis is what it says right after it loads the Nvidia module06:26
Ryeindoes that mean it is the wrong Xorg version or wrong kernel version?06:26
deweydb_is there a way to dismiss an incomplete package install, so it doesn't keep trying everytime i apt-get upgrade06:27
ubuntu748I am running Ubuntu 15.04 ....[1.079026] ACPI PCC probe failed starting version 21906:27
hateballRyein: I would assume kernel, since Xorg is 11 in 14.0406:29
spider_Thx for the help wileee that did it, boots and reboots fine now06:31
wileeespider_, Cool, you got pretty far by yourself and others help.06:32
spider_Best thing is, the more errors I encounter the easier it gets to upgrade other pc's to linux06:32
spider_only been using linux for a week now06:32
wileeegets easier with time for some, probably more than not06:33
ubuntu748<wileee> I am running Ubuntu 15.04 ....[1.079026] ACPI PCC probe failed starting version 21906:33
motaka2Hello, if I upgrade my ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 will I losse LAMP setting and so on?06:35
hateballmotaka2: You shouldnt, but as always take a backup before upgrading06:36
motaka2how to take a backup ?06:36
somsipmotaka2: apache changes from 2.2 to 2.4 from 12.04 to 14.04 so you would need to change your sites-available files, but I did that upgrade and it was fine. Though I don't use LAMP - I use separate packages06:36
motaka2somsip: How long would it take? I mean how much should download?06:37
somsipmotaka2: depends how much you've got, how fast you can get it. Unanswerable06:38
hateballmotaka2: issuing "do-release-upgrade" will prompt you for how much it needs to download etc, before you agree to it06:38
hateball!backup | motaka206:38
ubottumotaka2: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:38
motaka2I already agrred it06:38
ubuntu748Hello,hateball:I am running Ubuntu 15.04 ....[1.079026] ACPI PCC probe failed starting version 21906:38
motaka2Pray for me06:38
hateballmotaka2: Personally I like to use clonezilla to backup an entire system06:39
spider_Do you guys know if it is possible to automatically size different windows to like half of the screen06:40
spider_if that makes sense?06:40
hateballubuntu748: No idea about that, google gives http://askubuntu.com/questions/584248/boot-error-acpi-pcc-probe-failed06:40
spider_like so half of the screen is firefox other half is w.e other window I have open06:40
hateballspider_: Are you using Unity, or some other window manager?06:40
spider_Ubuntu Gnome 3.1606:40
Ryeinwhen i look in dmesg i get "module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel" when I dmesg | grep Nvidia06:41
Ryeinis this why i get locked at boot06:41
motaka2recentely I had to restart several times so I could see the ubuntu start page. Was that because  I hade not upgraded for long time ?06:41
hateballspider_: You could use devilspie for instance, to create custom rules06:41
phaidrosI have a weired problem. I just upgraded from trusty to wily and somewhere along the way gpg agent changed, hence my gpg key are not unlocked on login anymore. problem is, I forgot the passphrase for one rather (very!) important key and wonder if someone knowledgeable could help me understand if the passphrase might still be cached somewhere in seahorse agent or so, and if there is a chance to unlock that06:42
phaidros key ..06:42
spider_hateball seems like holding down the super key (the windows logo one) and simply using the arrow keys seems to do the job06:43
hateballspider_: oh you meant manually06:45
spider_yes indeed, sorry about that.06:45
spider_Next step, getting rid of the windows button :D06:46
spider_on my laptop06:46
auronandacespider_: use a superman sticker, you can then truly refer to it as the super button06:47
spider_hm, excellent idea!06:47
motaka2from where I can run upgrade again ?06:47
somsipspider_: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71806:47
samssammerzspider_, I find it useful as a command key ... I usually either reserve it for VM controls or typing unicode chars06:47
samssammerzSometimes I open my browser with it06:48
samssammerzand look at pictures.06:48
spider_Oh, I do not want to get rid of it, just cover it up.06:48
somsipspider_: ^^^06:48
wileeemotaka2, what does 'lsb_release -a' show06:48
samssammerzI like to uncover it every now and then though, and peek at it.06:48
samssammerzIt makes me giggle.06:49
wileeemotaka2, Ah never mind, you are 12.0406:49
spider_Thanks for the link somsip06:51
motaka2wileee: I am 12.0406:51
motaka2I want to upgrade to next mager version06:51
wileeemotaka2, You can set software & updates for lts update and your update gui will show you 14.04, can't guarantee any thing other than that.06:52
spider_I was wondering, is it possible to have more processes running at once, like if I am installing something over the terminal it says the directory is in use06:53
spider_if I try to install something else06:53
wileeespider_, you can only use one installer at a time,06:55
spider_ok thanks06:55
hateballmotaka2: you can run "do-release-upgrade" from the commandline as well, it is the same thing as the GUI does06:55
wileeeterminal or software center or synaptic, you can make an install string in the terminal though06:55
wileeespider_, ^^06:56
cooldharma06hi all06:56
cooldharma06i am trying to sync the ntp server but it not syncing time how to resolve this one06:57
=== newbie is now known as Guest95382
optimistic7how to make alias avail in every directory06:58
phaidroshow can I start seahorse-daemon as gpg-agent?06:58
hateballcooldharma06: How are you trying to sync? Can you run "sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org" in a terminal and see if that works?06:59
cooldharma06hateball : "no server suitable for synchronization found"07:00
hateballcooldharma06: are you behind some firewall that blocks ntp ?07:00
hateballcooldharma06: ntp uses udp:12307:00
cooldharma06i have to tell to my n/w administrator to enable the port or any other way?07:02
cooldharma06hateball.. ^ ..?!?07:03
hateballcooldharma06: well, perhaps you have an internal ntp server you could use?07:03
hateballcooldharma06: but yeah, talking to them is probably least painful :)07:04
motaka2it says I have not enough diskspace07:04
cooldharma06hateball: thanks dude i ll check with my admin..07:04
regumI want to boot to the terminal, how can I do this? I'm running ubuntu 14 arm, and I can't use grubs07:06
regum I want to boot to the terminal, how can I do this? I'm running ubuntu 14 arm, and I can't use grubs07:14
cfhowlettregum, ask the arm channel07:15
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.07:15
regumI did07:15
regumthere's noone there07:16
TJ-regum: do you want to do it manually at boot-time, or set it permanently? On which specific device?07:17
regumraspberry pi 207:17
TJ-regum: Right, so that requires editing the boot-loader's command line.07:19
regumTJ: how would I go around doing that?07:20
skweekwondering why it might be that my wallpaper isn't changing when Im setting it07:20
TJ-regum: usually by running raspi-config to configure ub-oot07:22
regumTJ: I don't have raspi-config on ubuntu 1407:22
TJ-regum: which Ubuntu image is installed?07:23
regumTJ-, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi07:24
TJ-regum: That's not a supported option I'm afraid; from a brief scan it appears to be a customised set of manual install steps created by some RasPi users. You'd need to ask them how the boot-loader config is supposed to be edited07:28
TJ-regum: It does say, under "2015-02-19": "Created legacy /boot/config.txt and /boot/cmdline.txt symlinks as these live in /boot/firmware" which infers there should be access to the boot-loader config manually07:29
stemidI can't get english messages when I run commands, I keep getting swedish. this sucks for googling and also ansible seems to be getting them which messes up parsing. I've tried prefixing LANG=C or LANG=en_US.UTF-8 before commands, if sudo I use sudo -E after but I keep getting swedish localized messages.07:30
regumTJ-, well, it used to boot to the command line until I installed lubuntu-desktop, which I needed at the time, isn't there a way to disable lubuntu's gui?07:30
stemidis there no way to temporarily reset this?07:30
regumstemid, that looks like a locale problem07:30
TJ-regum: Depending on which init system is installed. If it is regular Upstart then simply "echo 'manual' | sudo dd of=/etc/init/lightdm.override" *ought* to do it07:31
regumTJ-, thanks, I'll try that07:31
stemidregum: yes, the specific question is: how do I temporarily reset localization back to default when I run commands? in debian LANG=C prefix still works before commands but not in ubuntu 12.04 or 14.0407:31
TJ-stemid: did you create the English locate ?07:31
stemidTJ-: localectl lists C.UTF-8 and en_US.UTF-8 if that's what you mean.07:32
rick_Hi All, I am interesting how ubuntu build so many packages and integrated them into an iso file.07:32
rick_Is there any buildbot to do this?07:33
TJ-stemid: OK, just checking it was actually there. is LC_MESSAGES set the same as LANG?07:33
cfhowlettstemid, I've not seen that on the terminal, but I had the derndest time getting my calendar/clock to speak English rather than chinese.  If you boot while online, the localization seems to auto generate a locale which is not cleaned up after you set language.  try this:  sudo purge locale-gen07:33
stemidno, I only tried LANG so far.07:33
wileee!uck | rick_07:34
ubotturick_: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/07:34
TJ-rick_: See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage07:34
TJ-rick_: More generally, binary packages are built for all supported architectures on clusters of buildd (daemons) controlled via launchpad07:35
stemidTJ-: LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 instead of LANG did not help.07:36
stemidcfhowlett: you mean apt-get purge locale-gen?07:36
stemidthat doesn't seem bright07:36
cfhowlettyou're not GETTING anything07:36
cfhowlettyou're SETTING07:36
stemidyou said "sudo purge locale-gen"07:37
stemidI'm sure you missed something07:37
Viking667i.e.    export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-807:37
cfhowlett... and you tried.  right?07:37
stemidthanks Viking667 this helped LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sudo -E update-alternatives --display editor07:37
cfhowlettstemid, wait 107:38
stemidcfhowlett: purge isn't a command I have installed. but it doesn't matter now because LC_ALL was what I needed to set.07:38
cfhowlettstemid:  NICE!  :)07:38
Viking667stemid: and purge can often mean   dpkg --purge, but tat's a rather lethal command n the wrong hands07:38
cfhowlettstemid, ah!  Right!  sudo locale-gen purge         sorry for the error.  it's a command used most unfrequently.07:39
Viking667ohhh, that's one I didn't know.07:39
rick_Tj, Thanks! so uck can be used to gather binary packages into an iso. how about built so many packages form source to binary?07:42
rick_Tj, oh, it's on launchpad, I miss your words....07:43
Gamoder_Hi everyone, does anybody know how I can copy files retaining their extended attributes from ext4 to ntfs and vice versa? I am using ubuntu 14.04 on an odroid (ARM architecture)07:48
Gamoder_I would like to do it in a way I can use the UserDefinedFileAtributeView in Java07:48
Gamoder_I can set extended attributes there both in NTFS and EXT4, but they get deleted when I copy the file07:49
optimistic7how to make alias avail in every directory07:49
somsipGamoder_: NTFS does not support permissions in the way that ext4 does07:49
Viking667optimistic7: whoa. you don't half want to waste inodes.07:49
Gamoder_somsip: I mean metadata information07:50
Gamoder_and it is supported in some way because if I set a metadata attribute and move the file, the attribute is still there07:50
Gamoder_it only disappears if I copy the file07:51
spider_Hey, I have dual monitors. Do you guys know if it is possible to assign a workspace like workspace 3 to always be a specific monitor?07:51
spider_I am on Ubuntu Gnome 3.1607:51
optimistic7i didn't get it Viking66707:51
somsipGamoder_: AFAICT, the same thing applies. It's an NTFS issue, not a ext4 issue07:51
jill_hi, i am getting a 'mount.nfs: mount(2): Protocol not supported' while trying to mount an NFS share using version 407:51
Gamoder_somsip: it's not an NTFS issue. If I copy the file on windows, the attributes ARE retained07:52
somsipGamoder_: do you mean 'if I copy from ntfs to ntfs it works, but when I copy from ext4 to ntfs it doesnt'?07:53
jill_mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=4 ipaddress:/share  /mount-point , this is the command issued07:53
Gamoder_ok, it seems to be a general linux issue. Metadata attributes seem to be never copied, even not for ext4->ext407:53
Gamoder_somsip: if I copy from ntfs to ntfs on windows, it works. If I copy from ext4->ext4, ntfs->ext4, ext4->ntfs or ntfs->ntfs on linux it doesn't work even though attributes itself work07:54
jill_and rpcinfo -p server-ipaddress shows version 4 also ,  '100003  4,3,2   tcp,udp6,tcp6,udp  nfs  superuser'07:54
jill_any idea about this07:55
regumoptimistic7, have you tried edditing bash_aliases?07:57
Gamoder_ok, now i found out: There actually IS a way to copy files with there metadata, but you have to write cp --preserve=xattr src trg. Is there any way to make this the default?08:07
Gamoder_(and why the hell isn't that the default?)08:08
quackgyverIs there a market for Linux games?08:16
quackgyverI.e. are there a lot of Linux gamers?08:16
Gamoder_but there still is a market08:17
Gamoder_but not a really large one08:17
cfhowlett!steam | valve would disagree with that assessment08:17
ubottuvalve would disagree with that assessment: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.08:17
regumquackgyver, if you want to play games, windows is the way to go08:18
Gamoder_... there are only 1% or so linux gamers in steam. Yes, steam wants to increase that market in th future, but currently there are few gamers08:18
regumlinux has an extremely long way to go08:18
quackgyverregum: I'm asking cos I'm trying to determine whether it'd be worth spending time porting my game to Linux08:18
quackgyverbefore releasing it08:19
quackgyverI'd say selling a few thousand copies would make it worthwhile08:19
Gamoder_how many copies do you expect to sell?08:19
quackgyverBut I have no idea how many Linux users actually game :P08:19
regumquackgyver, that depends on how difficult it would porting it be08:20
quackgyverGamoder_: No idea. It's a pretty unusual and quirky game, but at the very least a few thousand copies on Windows and Mac.08:20
quackgyverregum: Yeah I'm guessing a few weeks.08:20
Gamoder_I think you can expect to have about 0,5% or so sale increase if you do a linux version. More, if it is a game without great graphics08:20
quackgyverGamoder_: Good logic.08:20
Gamoder_no, you can't expect to double your sales if you support linux08:20
quackgyverWell, I figured that less popular market would warrant more time in the limelight08:21
quackgyverMore exposure in Linux-related mags and such08:21
quackgyverwhich I assumed might weigh things up a little08:21
Gamoder_that's why I said "more if it is a game without great graphics"08:22
regumNoone I know uses Linux for entretainment, only work, so I don't know about that08:22
Gamoder_I used to play some games on linux08:23
quackgyverYeah you're probably right.08:23
Gamoder_but mostly OSS ones and games with wine08:23
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Gamoder_so, I got another question: Is there a version of cp which has --preserve-attr (and maybe even -i) as default?08:25
TJ-Gamoder_: no; set an alias if you want that as default. Linux doesn't enable it by default since not all file-systems support user_xattr and often are not mounted with that option08:27
asdffffanyone got a moment to answer a question?08:27
asdfffffor i have a question to ask.08:28
Gamoder_imho that's not a reason, but how would I set such an alias?08:28
asdffffif you dont mind.08:28
cfhowlett!ask | asdffff08:28
ubottuasdffff: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:28
asdffffare you serious.08:28
asdffffi didnt kno you would be so nice.08:28
asdffffvoice mode on irc08:29
Gamoder_if I add an alias to .bashrc, will it also be active for tmux sessions?08:29
asdffffdoes it activate voice services?08:29
asdffffyou dont mave to answer.08:29
asdffffnot mave.08:29
* soupnanodesukar has no voice, and would scream, but is mildly amused right now instead08:30
asdffffcuase like, a text/voice program would be nice.08:31
asdffffthough most text/voice based have turned into video games?08:31
asdffffwhen alot of society is going text/voice/video08:31
asdffffcuase you would think irc would support voice....08:31
socon my (xubuntu) system, most $XDG_ ... variables don't exist08:32
soupnanodesukarasdffff: check out mumble, xmpp, and if you're feeling brave, tox08:32
socis this intentional, and how would I figure out whether some application writes a file to some other directory because of that?08:33
asdffffalready did mang.08:33
asdffffstarted on video games before irc.08:33
asdffffits a long story.08:33
soupnanodesukarasdffff: well you can always install skype. :^)08:34
asdffffskype used to be free.....then it wasnt.08:34
soupnanodesukarsoc: are you a programmer? perhaps you are thinking of inotify08:34
asdffffit was the like opposite of a miricle.08:35
regumskype isn't free?08:35
regumsince when?08:35
SiouxPlexskype is definitely still free lol08:35
somsip!free | regum08:35
ubotturegum: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing08:35
wu1skype isn't free software ;)08:36
regumI meant gratis08:36
SiouxPlexnot having to pay any money to use software08:36
SiouxPlexcounts as free softwre08:36
SiouxPlexmaybe not open source08:36
SiouxPlexbut $0 is free08:36
regumyeah, you scared me for a moment08:37
TJ-SiouxPlex: $0 != free ... you give up other things in return08:37
regumwhat do you give in return for using skype?08:37
socsoupnanodesukar: it's more along the lines of "does app X dump things to $HOME because it is hardcoded, or because the $XDG stuff is not set?"08:37
socregum: no data privacy?08:37
SiouxPlexdata privacy...whats that?08:38
socnot having random people watching your conversations?08:38
asdffffskype is still free?08:38
Gamoder_free software = open source software + possibility to modify and re-destribute. Freeware = costs nothing08:38
asdfffflast time i checked......it kinda isnt....or they made it more complicated?08:38
wu1free like free beer but not free like in freedom08:39
socasdffff: free as in "they don't charge you for (basic) usage"08:39
regumyou don't really want data privacy on skype, the same way you wouldn't talk about something confidential in a public space08:39
Gamoder_still, I'd consider Skype as Freemium08:39
SiouxPlexif you want data privacy, encrypt everything08:39
socsure, that's why it's not free. you are paying with your private data.08:39
k1lhey guys, can we put that "is it free opr just gratis" talk to #ubuntu-offtopic ?08:39
asdffffwell im just saying, i have reason to believe that irc has voice features.08:39
asdffffcause i think im banned from msn servers.08:40
asdfffffor knowing about ubuntu or something.08:40
asdffffso im here like wasup.08:40
SiouxPlextalking about ubuntu on microsoft servers08:40
cfhowlettasdffff, can't imagine why.  anyway; instead of "reason to believe" why not RESEARCH it and get the facts.08:40
TJ-asdffff: IRC does not have audio; mode +v (voice) is for channels that are set 'quiet' and therefore only channel operators and regular users with +v mode can talk in the channel08:40
asdffffthough voice features are offered in many different programs.08:41
asdffffother than irc.08:41
asdffffand ill research.08:41
regumWhat do you want voice irc for?08:42
regumwouldn't it be kinda chaotic?08:42
soupnanodesukarsoc: most apps write to ~/.local and ~/.config, or ~/.<programname> and use $HOME to determine ~, or hardcode to /home/[username]/whatever. at the source of apps that I've read do. $XDG_* vars in my experience doesn't seem to come up very often.08:42
asdffffirc is text based.08:42
soupnanodesukar*at least08:42
asdffffor so it seems.08:43
asdffffnot to mention if irc had video features.08:43
asdffffin one program.08:43
regumwhat? banned from msn for knowing about ubuntu?08:43
asdffffit MIGHT turn into the most popular program.08:43
asdffffor something.08:43
cfhowlettit's called "google hangouts" for all that08:43
somsipasdffff: it doesn't, it hasn't. Stop.08:43
asdffffiono......for windows dont istall.08:43
regumlike it's some kind of secret or something08:43
asdffffon this computer.08:44
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:44
asdffffwithout an error anyymore08:44
asdffffwell ubuntu is free based software.08:44
asdffffand yea....08:44
regumso what?08:44
TJ-asdffff: Please take your discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is ONLY for support08:44
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:44
regumI can't really say I beleive you08:44
regumit soounds really stupid08:44
asdffffi do apologize....08:45
k1lasdffff: please stick to actual technical support issues in here. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic08:45
spiderHello all. I am experiencing an odd audio bug. I have no sound until I go under sound and click on HDMI/DisplayPort3 -GM204 High Definition Audio Controller. Is it possible to set this to be enabled as default? Because I have to repeat this every time I start the computer or if I want sound in the other workspaces.08:47
=== anibal26 is now known as maferv
TJ-spider: that's probably because the system has a built-in audio device which is set as the default08:48
spiderBut that one does not play any sound?08:48
TJ-spider: there's a way of changing the default sound device by setting the usually default device's index to -1 (so index 0 is free for the next device)08:48
hateballIs it not possible to do using the GUI volume applet? In kmixer (kde) you can just assign default channels etc08:50
spiderCan this be found under /etc/pulse/default.pa08:50
spiderhmm, not that I can see hateball08:51
spiderhowever I have a profile in the bottom it is set to Digital Stereo (HDMI 3) Output08:51
TJ-It depends if you want it system-wide or just for PA.08:51
curiousxspider: did you install "pulse equalizer" ?08:51
spidersystem wide, I do not use any headsets (ruins my hair due)08:52
spiderno, never heard of that curiousx08:52
curiousxspider: mvm :p08:52
spiderI was just looking around in the etc foulder and found that default.pa file figured it might be useful08:52
TJ-spider: see for example "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" where several (removable) devices are already set iwth negative indexes so they don't become the default08:52
TJ-spider: if you identify the kernel driver for the internal sound device with "lspci -nnk" you can add that drive to the alsa-base.conf file in the same way08:53
nabni just installed and uninstalled elementary-desktop on ubuntu-gnome. now i can't find the system settings. I tried reinstalling gnome-shell, didn't work still. when i run from the command line, i get an error saying `settings schema org.pantheon.dpms` is not installed. how do i solve this?08:53
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cfhowlett!elementary | nabn08:56
ubottunabn: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.08:56
spiderok TJ- I have identified it to be 01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GM204 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:0fbb] (rev a1)08:56
spiderSubsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device [1462:3160]08:56
spiderKernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel08:56
spiderI will check to see if there are other ones08:57
AxtonI have a problem with connecting to my ubuntumachine from ssh. It worked for 6 month, then after new firmware in my router it wont work. I have forwarded the port, but now when I am trying it comes with a Man-in-the-middle prompt. I have removed my known_host key from my laptop. But when I connect now, it ask if I wana add it, I type yes and it ask for a password... Dont know what that password is. It is not the user pw on the server, not the passphrase,08:58
Axtonit just give me a Permission denied (publickey,password).08:59
AxtonI have local acces (via ssh) to the server.08:59
nabncfhowlett: shouldn't i be able to reconfigure/reinstall gnome-shell so that it gets reset to the default state?08:59
spiderHowever TJ- I am not sure if the one I posted is the internal one08:59
daftykinsAxton: so you're using key auth, not password auth?09:00
cfhowlettnabn, one would think so, but installing that elemenary stuff?  not advised.  I'd suggest you first purge gnome-shell then apt-get inststall --reinstall it09:00
Axtondaftykins: I was using key auth yes09:01
Axtondaftykins: Thats why im confused. It ask for a pw when I am connecting after the "fingerprint has changed"09:02
nabncfhowlett: thanks. i'll give it a try09:02
Gamoder_ok, and another question: can I preserve xattrs when using scp?09:02
daftykinsAxton: hmm, well have you tried password auth with user@host yet?09:02
apikhello, everybody, can i ask something?09:03
apikbtw, english isn't my native, so...09:03
apikcan i ask?09:03
nabnapik: yes you can.09:04
cfhowlett!ask | Apachez09:04
ubottuApachez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:04
=== kangyong1 is now known as kangyong
apikthen, how to setup LAN game using cable?09:04
apik0ad, that's the game09:04
cooldharma06anybody i am trying to make local ntp server. in ntpq peer its showing the server name but time is no updating in client09:04
hateballapik: Are you using a switch, or a twisted pair cable between two computers?09:05
daftykinscooldharma06: that might be more relevant in #ubuntu-server09:05
apikno switch, just cable09:05
apikyes, just two computer09:06
clsgrep '[a-zA-Z]+-[a-zA-Z]+-\d-[a-zA-Z]+'; am trying to grep everything that looks like this asdaSsdf-sdfr-12323535-sdfsdf any idea what am doing wrong with that grep?09:06
Axtondaftykins: I have tried "ssh user@localIPaddress" with succes. But "ssh user@IPfromISP" gives me a password prompt.09:06
hateballcooldharma06: It shouldnt matter, but if the drift is too large it might not work. So make sure the time is reasonably correct first09:06
daftykinsapik: if the computers are new enough, you can connect them directly with just a cable - then you will need to either use their automatic IP addresses (APIPA) or to address them both as for example, and
apikwell, one of them is old, and... how to see my ip?09:07
daftykinsAxton: i suspect something still remains in your .ssh folder for the external facing IP, you could try a clean configuration and see how it behaves.09:07
daftykinsapik: "ip a" in terminal09:07
cooldharma06hateball: server time is in IST and my client time is in UST format are u saying this one09:08
apikhmmm, wich one? waln0? eth0? l0?09:08
hateballcooldharma06: Nah, more like if your computer was set to 1986 or something09:08
daftykinsapik: eth0 for the wired LAN09:08
apikoh, i see, but, did i need to restart my computer?09:09
hateballcooldharma06: does running ntpdate against the server you've set up in ntpd work?09:10
daftykinsapik: no, just connect the cable between the two... you should normally see the lights on the network port shine to show it's active09:10
Axtondaftykins: I have tried removing all files except authorized_keys. Then made a sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart09:10
Axtondaftykins: on the server, that is09:10
apikok, thanks :)09:10
EriC^^Axton: try ssh -vvv user@ip it might show more info09:11
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daftykinsAxton: no i mean client end really09:11
cooldharma06hateball you have any guide or reference link to help this one.?!!09:11
apikand, how to send message to someone here? just like what you did to me09:12
apikdaftykins : hello09:12
apiknot work09:12
daftykinsyou type for the first character or more of their nickname then hit tab, unless you're on the webchat09:12
apikno, i using Konversation09:13
daftykinsoh ok09:13
apiktet me try09:13
apikdaftykins: hello09:13
apikdaftykins: thanks :)09:13
lotuspsychje!cookie | daftykins09:14
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!09:14
daftykinsom nom nom just in time for breakfast09:14
Apachez!ask | cfhowlett09:14
ubottucfhowlett: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:14
cfhowlettApachez, misdirected at you.   sorry09:15
apikwhat is cookie? how to send it?09:15
Apachezcfhowlett: shame on you :)09:15
PaolasHello all09:15
lotuspsychjePaolas: welcome, what can we do for you?09:16
Paolasplease to help me about problem microfn on skype  on Laptop in ubuntu 12.04.5 TS09:16
daftykinsPaolas: 'microfn' ?09:16
daftykinsoh microphone09:17
daftykinswhat's wrong?09:17
Paolasdont work on microfon on skype09:17
Paolaswork on webcam is good09:17
daftykinsdid you install from skype.com or from ubuntu packages?09:17
hateballcooldharma06: Well you have defined an NTP server somewhere, I assume? Run "ntpdate that.server.ip"09:17
lotuspsychjePaolas: did you test your mic if it still works?09:18
lotuspsychje!sound | Paolas09:18
ubottuPaolas: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:18
Paolashow to make  ?09:18
lotuspsychjePaolas: please answer daftykins also09:18
clsnvm, figured it out, works with egrep :D09:19
xubuntuJonathanHello, Im wondering if anyone here has some tips for someone whos trying to move from windows to linux? I have removed windows, safely erased my sdd with hdparm, installed Xubuntu 8.2 from USB image. The problem is when i restart, Linux wont boot. Im on a netbook (sony vaio pro) and it just complains that it cant boot windows (duh!) I ran boot-repair which did nothing and i have turned off secure boot in BIOS. I am feeling kinda09:21
xubuntuJonathanlost at this point. Anyone got any suggestions?09:21
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: can you boot a live usb?09:21
Ben64xubuntuJonathan: hdparm doesn't erase drives09:21
xubuntuJonathanYes, im on xubuntu live right now09:21
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:21
xubuntuJonathannot even with --security-erase command_09:21
Ben64xubuntuJonathan: thats ... not what you want09:22
daftykinsBen64: nothing wrong with it for an SSD secure erase :)09:23
cooldharma06hateball. in my client -> http://pastebin.com/NQtcXn6009:23
xubuntuJonathanOk, then i must have missunderstood the online tutorials. @Eric, ok did it09:23
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: link please09:23
Ben64daftykins: except it could break your drive, sure09:23
daftykinsBen64: no? being a bit dramatic :)09:24
hateballcooldharma06: that looks like it completes without any errors to me09:24
Ben64daftykins: check the man page09:24
daftykinsi don't need to, i've used it first hand :)09:24
Ben64 --security-erase PWD              Erase  (locked) drive, using password PWD (DANGEROUS).09:24
stkim1Q. How do I compress 1.1gb linux img file into less than 100mb zipfile?09:25
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: link isn't right09:25
daftykinsdangerous if you forget the pass, maybe09:25
Ben64Warning: If you have a Lenovo laptop, do not reboot it after this step. Certain variants of Lenovo's BIOS are susceptible to use a deviating algorithm for calculating the encryption key. After startup the machine will not be able to connect the SSD drive.[1]09:25
cooldharma06hateball but my server time is Wed Oct 14 14:54:55 IST 2015 but in my client time is-> Wed Oct 14 09:25:29 UTC 2015.. time is not syncing09:25
Ben64DISCLAIMER: If you hit kernel or firmware bugs (which are plenty with not widely-tested features such as ATA Secure Erase) this procedure might render the drive unusable or crash the computer it's running on.09:25
Ben64not worth it to try really09:25
daftykinsthere are known working ones, we weren't asked about a Lenovo :)09:26
xubuntuJonathan@Eric my bad, http://termbin.com/1jzf09:26
daftykinsstkim1: unless that's text i don't see it happening, why so small?09:26
Ben64you said there is nothing wrong with it, theres plenty wrong with it, its a pointless command if it can brick your drive09:26
deweydb_guy's i'm stuck in post installation script failure09:26
deweydb_i'm loosing my mind09:26
deweydb_i can't finish installing, or uninstall the package.09:27
daftykinsBen64: yeah cause it's worked fine in my first hand experience, i'm going to let it go now if you can too... obviously you're always right09:27
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999909:27
Ben64deweydb_: pastebin the error(s)09:27
Ben64daftykins: your experience isn't everyone or everything09:27
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: you might need to run sudo apt-get install efibootmgr09:27
deweydb_Ben64: I added the suggested varnish repo's so i could get varnish 4.1 on ubuntu 14.04.  The problem i'm having is the post installation script does a few things: 1) service varnish start. 2) service varnishlog start.09:28
daftykinswhat a poor challenging attitude you have, Ben6409:28
cfhowlett+1 efiboot, xubuntuJonathan09:28
deweydb_but 1) modifies a file and sets its ownership to root, and permissions of read only.09:28
deweydb_and 2) tries to read that file, and fails.09:28
deweydb_here's a better pastie, one sec.09:28
Ben64daftykins: i don't understand why you're arguing? it has the potential to cause issues, don't say it doesn't09:28
cooldharma06hateball is anything i am missing.?? if you are free means plz guide me09:29
deweydb_Ben64: http://pastie.org/1048053509:29
daftykinsBen64: nevermind, this is a waste of time with you.09:29
Ben64daftykins: great09:30
stemidI have an ubuntu with dnsmasq on localhost and nameserver in resolv.conf. the dnsmasq hijacks all queries except a few exceptions. one exception is ubuntu.com for apt. but I don't think it's enough because I get size mismatch errors for apt packages when I do apt-get upgrade.09:30
Ben64deweydb_: contact the maintainer/developer about their scripts09:31
stkim1daftykins I’d like to build a small distro image and I saw someone has done it already. Trying to figure it out really hard but been unable to so far.  Here’s an 1.75GB image compressed down to 150mb.09:31
xubuntuJonathan@Eric nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known on 'sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999'09:32
MorouHi.. a have a problem to configure tun interface for AppGate09:32
Paolashow to make install microfon for skype on laptop ?09:32
Morouanyone make this ?09:32
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: try sudo apt-get install efibootmgr pastebinit09:32
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: then sudo efibootmgr -v | pastebinit09:32
lotuspsychjePaolas: you didnt asnwer daftykins yet...09:32
lotuspsychjestemid: maybe something for the ##networking guys?09:33
deweydb_Ben64: tried that, no luck. is there some way i can modify the install / uninstall script09:33
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12779463/09:33
hateballcooldharma06: well if they are set to different timezones you cant "sync" like that09:34
stemidlotuspsychje: nevermind, I found the issue. it's trying to resolve other domains than ubuntu.com during the apt-get upgrade. so clearly I need more dns exceptions.09:34
stemidor allow localhost09:34
lotuspsychjestemid: glad you made it!09:34
Ben64deweydb_: go for it09:34
deweydb_where would i find it?09:34
cooldharma06oh great hateball.. let me try with same timezone..09:35
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:35
xubuntuJonathan@eric, yep done09:35
Ben64deweydb_: you'd probably have more luck fixing the permissions or whatever09:35
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi09:35
Ben64deweydb_: or force removing the package09:35
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, affirmative, done09:36
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:36
deweydb_problem with force removing it, is it gets stuck on the pre-removal script09:37
Ben64deweydb_: sudo dpkg --force-all -P <package>09:37
xubuntuJonathanwrote that entire line, seems to work, got no output just new line for commands :)09:38
apik_where is linux firewall, did linux need it?09:38
cfhowlett!firewall | apik_09:38
ubottuapik_: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo09:38
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type ls -lR /boot/efi/EFI | pastebinit09:38
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: wait,09:38
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type ls -lR /mnt/boot/efi/EFI | pastebinit09:38
cooldharma06hateball lot of thanks dude finally its working.. thanks for great help..09:39
apik_ok, if i want to set a LAN game, how to allow it?09:39
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12779505/09:39
Ripchordallow all09:39
cfhowlettapik_, open a terminal:  man lan          read.09:40
apik_apik@Apik-Inspiron-N4030:~ > man lan09:40
apik_No manual entry for lan09:40
cfhowlettapik_, man ufw09:40
lotuspsychjeRipchord: can we help you?09:41
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: are you using secureboot?09:41
xubuntuJonathan@Eric it is sest to Disabled in BIOS09:41
apik_cfhowlett: Thanks :)09:41
HackerII i never understood people who have to have 26 letters for a nick in order to get attention, very immature.09:41
cfhowletthappy2help! apik_09:41
apik_see ya all09:42
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup09:42
stkim1HackerII: it’s a valuable proof that social attetion is critical for a human being. Just sit back and watch. :)09:42
HackerIIno, its immature.09:43
Ripchorddo ppl still lan?09:43
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: also type sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup09:43
Okay123unable to get mydesktop while I enter my login name and password09:44
daftykins!ot | Ripchord + HackerII09:44
ubottuRipchord + HackerII: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:44
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, done and done.09:45
EriC^^Okay123: does the guest account work?09:45
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: type ls -lR /mnt/boot/efi/EFI | pastebinit again please09:45
Okay123gues account is also not working09:46
EriC^^Okay123: ok, type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999909:46
Okay123actually I was in the middle of installing some updates and I accidently shut down laptop09:46
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12779538/09:46
RipchordI thank you for your feedback. And also, I submit, that people take advantage of this channel all the time, with questions about exploits09:46
RipchordI promise to never ask a non-ubuntu question again09:47
EriC^^Okay123: ok, type cat /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999909:47
Okay123where to type command, there is just login dialog box09:47
EriC^^Okay123: press ctrl+alt+f109:47
EriC^^alt+f7 to get back to login09:47
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi09:48
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: also type sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi09:48
ablest1980hey EriC^^09:49
user2hi everyone! Does anyone a good website where students can buy ultrabooks?09:49
Okay123did it09:50
EriC^^Okay123: ok, what's the link?09:50
ablest1980if press prt sc and copy and paste in a image editor and save as jpg i have a ss of my desktop?09:50
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, 10-4 captain, its done09:50
cfhowlettuser2, ask your university bookstore for that.  they'd know more than we would09:50
cfhowlettablest1980, more likely saved as a .png but yes09:51
EriC^^ablest1980: if you press prntscreen it should ask you where to save09:51
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok :)09:51
user2I have heard many times that asus is not good. Do u agree with that?09:51
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: type sudo chroot /mnt09:51
cfhowlettuser2, ?? do you live anywhere near a computer store?  make a *buntu USB, go to computer store, insert USB, boot ubuntu, test for yourself09:52
daftykinsuser2: no09:52
Okay123did you get the link EriC ?    termbin.com/id2509:52
xubuntuJonathan@Eric yeah, 'root@xubuntu:/#'09:52
EriC^^Okay123: yeah09:52
EriC^^Okay123: type wget http://termbin.com/514n09:54
user2I just meant in general! I tried many different products ndd I really like the asus ultrabooks, but i just dont know about the lifetime09:54
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: type sudo nano /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft09:55
Okay123did it09:55
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: then in the middle there's a bootmgfw.efi , replace it with bootmgfw.efi.backup09:55
EriC^^Okay123: type xargs -a 514n sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall09:56
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, okay the value of the path variable?09:57
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: no, it's after bootmgfw=$(item_in_dir bootmgfw.efi09:58
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, oh sorry i see it, changed it09:58
Okay123dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:58
EriC^^Okay123: type sudo dpkg --configure -a09:58
capsicum1hi, currently running docker and thinking of trying is lxd. Is it ready? is ok?09:59
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, type update-grub09:59
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, im doing all this in root, correct?09:59
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: yeah09:59
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, 'done'09:59
hvoigtHi, I've googled a bit but did not find anything about this: How do I configure the screen settings before login? I have three Monitors from which one is a TV and switched off most of the time. But the login Window keeps appearing on the TV rather than the other screens.10:00
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, did it mention picking up windows boot manager?10:00
xubuntuJonathan@Eric got a warning about 'setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.' relevant?10:01
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: that's fine10:01
xubuntuJonathan@Eric, it found linux and initrd image, no mention of windows10:01
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, try grep bootmgfw.efi.backup /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft10:02
EriC^^i think it should have mentioned it even if windows isn't installed10:02
tuorhi, in the bash man at ["chapter" INVOCATION, paragraph 10, sentence 2] there is written "...it reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc and ~/.bashrc...", why?10:02
tuor(ubuntu 14.04)10:03
xubuntuJonathangrep gives 'bootmgfw=$(item_in_dir bootmgfw.efi.backup "$efi/$microsoft/$boot")'10:03
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: ok, seems ok, anyways type exit10:03
EriC^^then try rebooting10:03
Seveastuor: that repetition seems to be a bug :)10:04
xubuntuJonathan@Eric rebooting from SSD right, not live USB?10:04
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: yeah10:04
tuorSeveas, report it? Or will this be fixed in future?10:04
xubuntuJonathan@Alright, ill be back in a moment10:04
Okay123flash pluggin installed, procesing triggers for libc-bin10:05
Seveastuor: it's a bug in a debian or ubuntu patch, so you'll need to report it on launchpad.10:05
Seveasspecifically, debian/patches/man-bashrc.diff is broken10:05
Okay123Hey Eric^^  are you there ?  flash player installed10:07
EriC^^Okay123: ok, it's finished?10:07
EriC^^Okay123: try sudo apt-get -f install , is it all good?10:07
Okay1230 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to removed and 12 not upgraded  @Eric^^10:08
xubuntuJonathan@Eric^^, Man i will name my firstborn after you10:08
EriC^^Okay123: ok try xargs -a 514n sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall10:09
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: :)10:09
xubuntuJonathan@EriC^^, works like a charm, thank you so much!10:09
EriC^^xubuntuJonathan: no problem!10:10
Okay123heppening @Eric  :)10:10
cobradabest_Hey, does anybody know how to enable flash on Chromium?10:13
cousteauis it still possible to use Wubi, or is that project already dead?  a friend of mine needs to install Ubuntu natively (well, Xubuntu) but repartitioning might be too much trouble10:13
daftykinscobradabest_: yeah, install pepperflashplug-nonfree10:15
daftykins!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree vivid10:15
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.7ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:15
daftykins^ that one10:15
Okay123Its done , what now @Eric^^10:15
Okay123processing triggers for libc-bin10:15
cousteau...actually, if it were possible to just run natively a VMWare virtual machine file, that would be nice...10:16
EriC^^Okay123: ok, try sudo service lightdm restart10:16
cobradabest_daftykins: Does that automatically enable it on Chromium?10:17
joelr_Hey, could anyone help me? I think my server`s being used for a DDoS in that I`m getting LOADS of outgoing traffic, iftop says its coming from my ntp10:18
joelr_which ive switched off10:18
daftykinscobradabest_: yeah, you probably want to close and re-open if you already had it open during install10:18
joelr_It`s racked up 500GB in about 24 hours10:18
daftykinsjoelr_: nasty, sounds like an amplification attack10:18
Okay123shit man, it happened ! :)  Would you plz summarise where was the prob and what I (you) did !10:18
cobradabest_daftykins: Okay, it works now, thanks so much!10:18
daftykinsOkay123: that language isn't appropriate here10:18
Okay123I got my home account back , Thanx a lot bro @Eric^^10:19
EriC^^Okay123: no problem :)10:19
joelr_daftykins, so i hear, but i've already turned off ntp [i think] and its still showing up [and my control panel says my bandwidth usage is still increasing :/]10:19
daftykinsjoelr_: well, identify what the data is (this might be more relevant in #ubuntu-server or ##networking by the way)10:19
joelr_i`ll take a look over there, cheers10:20
EriC^^Okay123: the packages weren't installed and configured, and that's about it10:22
Okay123Hey Eric would you plz summarize where was the prob and what you did ?10:23
tuorSeveas, I don't have time now, to read the terms and conditions stuff now. It's a minor documentation bug, that's to much to read for now.10:24
tuor(because I need to create an account to report bugs).10:25
Axtondaftykins and EriC^^: Still having SSH problems. I have tried to generate new key on my laptop but still no acces. I have checked /var/log/auth.log but I cant see anything here out of the normal.10:25
Axtondaftykins: here is output from ssh -vvv http://pastebin.com/CbpuYk3k10:28
Axtonwith some privacy data removed...10:28
cousteauuh... wubi.exe seems to still be available!  could someone explain me if it's still supported or what?10:28
cfhowlett!wubi | cousteau10:29
ubottucousteau: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.10:29
cousteaucfhowlett, it seems available on http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ though10:32
cfhowlettavailable.  NOT recomended10:33
cousteau(although "Do not use Wubi" seems like a good indication that Wubi shouldn't be used)10:33
cousteauI don't get why it was discontinued; that option was rather good for people who wanted more than a virtual machine but not quite a binding compromise10:34
shailendersinghhow can i check last system or kernel update time in Ubuntu/Debian, i have requirement to create list when our system last patched so collecting that information in excel sheet, i read some blogs that says to get it from history.log file under apt folder but i need single command that can give me time stamp like how we can get in rpm -lastupdate format, please help me to get last system update time10:42
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shailendersinghhow can i check last system or kernel update time in Ubuntu/Debian, i have requirement to create list when our system last patched so collecting that information in excel sheet, i read some blogs that says to get it from history.log file under apt folder but i need single command that can give me time stamp like how we can get in rpm -lastupdate format, please help me to get last system update time10:50
OnkelTem_Hi all. I forgot to configure the swap at installation, so I have now the space allocated (a separate partition) but it is not mounted, neither it has a record in /etc/fstab. What is the canonnical way to enable it on Ubuntu?10:50
billbillbillIn Ubuntu everything is Canonical.10:50
OnkelTem_even unconfigured swap, I c10:51
cfhowlett!swap | OnkelTem_10:51
ubottuOnkelTem_: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info10:51
mcphailOnkelTem_: just remember that swap is often more of a hindrance than a help on modern machines with lots of RAM10:52
theptrhi, i want to install latest APCu on my ubuntu 14.04 server but i get an error . if someone could help me that would be nice10:52
Ben64OnkelTem_: add it in fstab, make sure its formatted as swap10:55
Kartagisweird, I am being asked to authenticate to mount the usb stick I plugged in10:55
Kartagiswhy is that?10:55
AnthaasIs it possible to send an email through Thunderbird without invoking any UI?10:59
AnthaasSo that I can ssh into a machine, and have the machine send an email once a script is finished, for example11:00
teemoAnthaas: You don't need Thunderbird to do that http://tecadmin.net/ways-to-send-email-from-linux-command-line/11:00
AnthaasI can't configure the MTA etc, because it is sat behind a firewall11:00
teemoyou don't need to configure a mail server, just use the same ones you're using in Thunderbird11:01
teemoIf you can send a mail from your network with Thunderbird, you can do it with sendmail too11:01
atezaihow can i create my own chat room?11:01
teemoatezai: /join #channelname11:01
teemoatezai: /join #freenode for network support questions11:02
Kartagiswhy am I being asked to authenticate to mount the usb stick I plugged in?11:02
swenzela frind of mine has the same problem as http://askubuntu.com/q/661001/307124 I told him to install http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/main/updates/linux-firmware but it doesn't help... he cannot direclty update his pc because due to that problem he has no internet11:04
swenzelany ideas?11:04
wumpusKartagis: a LUKS encrypted file system on it?11:05
hateballswenzel: well, it works ootb in 15.04, but perhaps he wants to use LTS for a reason?11:05
Kartagiswumpus: no11:06
swenzelhateball: because I told him to :D he is new to linux11:06
hateballswenzel: Does he not have an ethernet cable to perform updates?11:06
swenzelneither cable nor plug11:07
swenzelalso no wifi dongle11:07
OnkelTem_mcphail, Ben64: yeah, thanks11:07
hateballswenzel: How did they install in the first place without no internet connection?11:08
swenzelhateball: from external harddrive11:08
OnkelTem_mcphail: I've an exciting device - Asus' transformer T300L where I installed Ubuntu w/o serious problems. But the great fail is that it has RAM sealed in! Crap 4Gb, and I can't extend it11:08
hateballswenzel: I see11:09
OnkelTem_I've got*11:09
hateballswenzel: Well I would just put 15.04 on there and re-install. Otherwise you need to grab a mainline kernel for 14.0411:09
OnkelTem_mcphail: and after 1 hour of using chrome it ran out off it and I had to reset11:10
swenzelhateball: so you think 15.04 is already stable enough?11:10
hateballswenzel: I personally do, yes. For my desktops I always use the latest, only use LTS on servers. But of course it depends what you use the machine for11:11
swenzelhateball: okay, I'll tell him to install 15.04 then. thank you :)11:14
hateballswenzel: We use those models at work, so I know it should just work :)11:14
jaska__how i can make bootle usb in ubuntu?11:16
k1ljaska__: use the usb creator or the terminal command "dd"11:16
VincentDI've done an upgrade yesterday and now Thunderbird seems to hang every five minutes, thus becoming unusable as a result. Anyone else experienced this and has a suggestion?11:24
cyruhwho's good in  openssi11:28
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cyruhopenssi help guys11:28
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CodeChris_You probably want a channel that's more specific cyruh11:30
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Kartagiswhy am I being asked to authenticate to mount the usb stick I plugged in?11:53
guest-fqojnehow is aoibha?11:58
guest-yEEioVtara delaney11:58
BluesKajHiyas all11:59
LangleyHelp, I have a TV that doesn't report it's supported resolutions. How do I make Ubuntu (Mate) force 1920x1020 at start up?11:59
guest-fqojnehow you doing?11:59
MonkeyDustguest-fqojne  this is ubuntu support11:59
guest-fqojnei am iran11:59
mcphailLangley: what video drivers are you using?12:01
LangleyUhh I don't know... built in standard12:01
theptris there a chanel for ubuntuserver or ask here ?12:02
MonkeyDusttheptr  #ubuntu-server12:02
theptrMonkeyDust, thanks12:02
mcphailLangley: try adding "drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/1920x1080.bin" to your boot parameters12:02
mcphailLangley: (between "quiet" and "splash" will be fine)12:03
LangleyThanks I'll try that12:07
AxtonIn setting up ssh for pw free acces. When I have copied my p key to server and connect, it ask me if I wanna add server to known_host. I type "yes" and it then ask for a password. Which password is it asking for? User pw on server? Passphrase for key? user pw on client?12:10
k1lon client12:11
SeveasAxton: which key did you copy and how? Can you pastebin the output of this command on the server: ls -laR ~/.ssh12:11
LangleyI don't have any /etc/default/grub ... do you know if it's different on ARM, mcphail ?12:12
stimoceiverwhats the preferred driver for my Radeon R9-290? With the default driver, apps like youtube or mplayer are definitely not running accelerated. I see two packages, fglrx and fglrx-updates. Whats the deal?12:12
k1lLangley: ARM is a total different setup.12:12
mcphailLangley: no idea about ARM, I'm afraid12:13
AxtonSeveas: http://pastebin.com/2J2EGEh412:13
k1lLangley: better ask in #ubuntu-arm for help and name the exact hardware you use etc.12:13
wumpuswith ARM you have a bootloader (e.g. uboot) instead of grub12:13
LangleyUgh... okay, thanks12:13
wumpusthis differs per device unfortunately, some are supported out of the box, some need manual fidgeting12:13
mcphailLangley: I have an old ARM device running Debian, but I have never been brave enough to tackle uboot :(12:14
SeveasAxton: ok, those permissions look good. And the content of authorized_keys is the same as your local public (not private!) key?12:14
LangleyWell I think I found it... it's configured in /boot/config.txt12:15
wumpusmessing with uboot can brick your device, so if there is no way to recover it's not recommended12:15
stimoceiverwhats the preferred driver for my Radeon R9-290? With the default driver, apps like youtube or mplayer are definitely not running accelerated. I see two packages, fglrx and fglrx-updates. Whats the deal? or should I use the stuff from the xorg-edgers ppa??? Cuz I definitely end up needing crap like RandR on some of my monitors...12:15
wumpus(eg a serial console, jtag, some vendor-supported to re-flash the firmware over USB, ...)12:16
AxtonSeveas: Yeah, im pretty sure. I have used ssh-copy-id to copy it over...12:17
AxtonSeveas: I have ssh acces to server without pw on local network, but if I try with ip from ISP it ask for my password...12:17
Seveasah, the server is behind a nat? Is the port forwarded properly?12:18
AxtonSeveas: I can see in the debug output that it connect12:18
AxtonSeveas: Ill just make a pastebin with ssh -vvv output12:19
SeveasAxton: but is it connecting to the right thing?12:19
Seveasdoes the connection attempt show up in /var/log/messages or /var/log/auth.log on the server?12:20
AxtonSeveas: http://pastebin.com/HwNmk2Dd12:21
AxtonSeveas: I am not sure. I have changed loglevel to VERBOSE in sshd_config but im not sure its in the log. Only entry for the local connection is in the log... I think, not sure..!12:22
Seveasdebug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version dropbear_0.4612:23
SeveasI bet that's the ssh on your router12:23
Seveaswhich really shouldn't be made publicly accessible, you should fix that first...12:24
AxtonSeveas: When i forwarded the port on my router it told me that the router ssh was moved to another port12:24
SeveasAxton: looks like it lied.12:26
AxtonSeveas: I think your right... I just got into my router and removed ssh. Now i just get a connection refused...12:26
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AxtonSeveas: All this shit actually started course my F#%& ISP flashed the router and all of the settings. When i redid the settings, I got a man-in-the-middle dialog when connecting to my server... 2 hours later, I still dont have connection to my server from outside the network....12:28
AxtonSeveas: THX for the help. You notice that my router was messing up, Now I fixed everything..! I owe u a beer ;-)12:34
LibertyWeNeedHas UBUNTU home directory encryption been broken?12:36
OerHeksLibertyWeNeed, we don't know if it is broken for you, is it?12:37
LibertyWeNeedI don't know that's why i asked. Any way what kind of encryption is it?12:37
OerHeksAES256 i think12:38
LibertyWeNeedIs it 100% Free Software?12:39
bazhang!free | LibertyWeNeed12:40
ubottuLibertyWeNeed: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing12:40
k1lLibertyWeNeed: its ecryptfs12:40
LibertyWeNeedI was referring to the encryption12:40
bazhangcontast the fsf for the one hundred percenter there LibertyWeNeed12:41
k1lLibertyWeNeed: see their website about how free that is12:41
bazhang#fsf  < LibertyWeNeed12:41
LibertyWeNeedDoes UBUNTU have a section on their website that anyone knows of where I can look about how the encryption in ubuntu works?12:42
bazhangtry the wiki LibertyWeNeed12:42
LibertyWeNeedthank you12:42
bazhang!rute | LibertyWeNeed have a good read12:42
ubottuLibertyWeNeed have a good read: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com12:42
benbro1is there a simple tool to generate stats graphs locally for cpu, ram, disk usage...?12:44
bazhangsomething like conky perhaps benbro112:45
OerHeksFirst think i learned to program is Conky, here are 2000+ with examples http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=232212:46
bazhanghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conky_(software) benbro112:46
OerHeks2000+ pages *12:46
OerHeksthen cronjobs..12:46
hateballbenbro1: glances is pretty nice, or you can use nmon to save logs12:49
hateballbenbro1: here is a tool to parse nmon data http://nmonvisualizer.github.io/nmonvisualizer/12:49
OerHeksnice page with indicaters for 14.04 and above http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available12:50
OerHekshateball, glances can be used for remote monitoring too ?12:50
hateballOerHeks: define remote? you can set it to run in web mode if you like https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/blob/master/docs/glances-doc.rst#web-server-mode12:52
OerHekshateball, that is what i point at, thanks.12:52
benbro1bazhang: thanks12:54
benbro1hateball: thanks12:54
hateballbenbro1: enjoy12:55
kynikeris there a possibility to find out how many threads a given process has started during it's lifetime? The process runs only for a fraction of a second (it's a unit test of a library I've written)12:59
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:06
=== Spartan is now known as Guest1716
DWSRHey all, I'm creating a Lubuntu system image for some fire and forget loaner netbook machines for use while staff laptops are in for repair. If I simple use dd to capture the image and then change /etc/hostname, will that work?13:09
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SeveasDWSR: you'll also want to change /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:14
ubottukocis: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:15
DWSRSeveas: For what purpose?13:15
SeveasDWSR: to keep network interface naming consistent.13:15
SeveasDWSR: you might even just delete it before dd'ing (it's what I do), it'll be generated again at the next reboot13:16
OerHeksSeveas +113:16
OerHekshow about oem install ?13:16
DWSRSeveas: Hmm, good to know.13:16
SeveasOerHeks: I've never played with the OEM install. dd does the trick for me13:17
SeveasI have a fleet of raspberry pi's driving wallboards13:17
Seveasall done this way13:17
electron_shellquery: I recently installed 14.04 LTS and everything iz up however, wifi wlan0 interface drops link intermittently - is this a known issue?13:17
Seveas(bloody pi's can't boot from the network, so no PXE install :/)13:18
DWSRSeveas: iirc, newer PIs can?13:18
DWSRSeveas: Alternatively, can't you boot to a PXE install environment and then swap disks?13:19
swenzelhateball: problem with the wifi adapter persists under 15.04 -.-13:19
DWSRBoot, swap, done.13:19
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: wich wifi chipset?13:19
theptr_Seveas, how do you drive the wallboards ? what software do you use on the pi ?13:19
electron_shelllotus: let me check13:20
Seveastheptr_: chrome :)13:20
theptr_Seveas, aaa . i thought u used a package so it is like a info kiosk13:21
hateballswenzel: that's very strange. what sort of network is it connecting to? or does it not see networks at all?13:21
Seveastheptr_: just montoring graphs being shown all around the office. chrome can do that just fine13:21
electron_shelllotus when I ran wlist it came on and connected ;)13:21
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: check sudo lshw -C network13:22
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: chipset + driver=13:22
swenzelhateball: device is not recognized... it is listed with 'lshw -class network', though.13:22
swenzelhateball: or may it just not be enabled?13:23
electron_shellthanks lotus it is running now13:23
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: ok13:23
electron_shellit iz a realtek rtl8187se13:24
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: realteks needs updated firmwares in many cases to work properly13:24
electron_shelllotus: iz it propriertory or foss?13:25
hateballswenzel: hmmm, I may have spoken too quickly earlier, I'm wondering if the machines we have didnt come with intel chipsets but rather realtek/broadcom...13:25
lotuspsychje!info linux-firmware | electron_shell look in here13:25
ubottuelectron_shell look in here: linux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.143.3 (vivid), package size 24170 kB, installed size 84290 kB13:25
hateballswenzel: because reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1476900 suggests you need a mainline kernel13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1476900 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Vivid) "Backport Intel 8260 Wifi/BT firmwares" [Medium,Fix released]13:25
electron_shelldo I need a diff repo or is it the mainz?13:25
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: main13:25
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: system also up to date to 14.04.3?13:26
hateballswenzel: without an ethernet connection it get's a bit annoying to sort it tho... as per comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1476900/comments/11 supposedly 15.10 works ootb, so one could grab the beta and install13:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1476900 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Vivid) "Backport Intel 8260 Wifi/BT firmwares" [Medium,Fix released]13:26
electron_shellyesy ran update13:26
lotuspsychjeelectron_shell: ok, keep an eye on your syslog/dmesg to see whats your card doing13:27
electron_shellthank you ubottu iz ubottu a bot ;)?13:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone13:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:28
electron_shellthank you lotuspsychje13:28
swenzelhateball: could he use windows driver with ndiswrapper?13:28
lotuspsychjeswenzel: dont think that it would give same firmware version13:29
bishopsHi all, I'm curious to know your advice on getting a USB audio-interface that is compatible with ubuntu 14.04.13:35
hateballswenzel: that would be more of a pain than going to 15.10 (which is released stable in a few days anyhow)13:36
MonkeyDustbishops  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic13:36
bishopsMonkeyDust: Ah ok thanks13:36
hateballswenzel: actually... I may have been running 15.10 these thumbdrives I've been using to test our 430/450 machines13:36
lotuspsychjebishops: or maybe here: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/13:36
swenzelhateball: I'm not so good with linux low-level stuff, but isn't it possible to install this 4.1 kernel along with that linux-firmware package?13:38
spiderHello. I have an executable (application/x-executable) file. Right now it is in a folder. If I move this file to bin, do you think it will function without being in the folder it started with?13:38
lotuspsychjespider: what kinf of program are we talking about?13:39
MonkeyDustspider  what happesn if you try?13:40
spiderGood question, I will try.13:40
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:40
hateballswenzel: ^13:40
spiderBeen fixing errors whole day ^^was hoping to avoid13:40
hateballswenzel: But as I said it's a pain without an internet connection, as you'll need to manually copy packages instead of using the repos13:41
hateballswenzel: and since it's not LTS, you'll want to go to 15.10 anyway since 15.04 support drops after 9 months13:41
spiderOk, that did not work, the application was not too happy about not having rest of the folder with it13:43
lotuspsychjespider: wicj application is this13:43
spiderit is of type: executable (application/x-executable)13:44
* Guest89083 is cooking a turkey mmmmm13:44
spiderit also has another file installation instructions (text/x-install) type file13:45
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MonkeyDustGuest89083  no random comments here13:45
lotuspsychjespider: and the name of the package?13:45
BadDreamoh erm sorry MonkeyDust....is there a ubuntu chat channel?13:45
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BadDreamcool thanks13:45
spiderIt is just a debugging program OllyDbg13:47
the_nichi, I'd like to report a hardware bug with ubuntu wily, but each time i click on "report a bug" only the wiki page opens...13:48
MonkeyDustthe_nic  #ubuntu+1 for wily13:49
lotuspsychje!info edb | spider can this help?13:50
ubottuspider can this help?: edb (source: edb): database program for GNU Emacs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.31-3 (vivid), package size 351 kB, installed size 1127 kB13:50
spiderAh, I already have EDB13:50
lipenghow to use IRC?13:50
spiderEvans Debugger, good stuff.13:50
cfhowlettlipeng, you ARE using irc.13:51
MonkeyDustlipeng  type text, then hit enter13:51
hateball!irc | lipeng13:51
ubottulipeng: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:51
lipengok  thanks13:51
spiderlipeng, you are. This irc is based on freenode, others might be on other servers13:51
lotuspsychjespider: seems like winehq has ollydbg in its database aswell13:51
michael_2015 Hi i realy like to see a Ubuntu image which can be deployed to any Tablet13:52
spiderLotus, the program functions well, I just wanted to move it to the bin folder, so I could quick launch the application by typing in the executable13:52
spiderinto the terminal*13:52
cfhowlettmichael_2015, and?13:52
OerHeksspider, why not add the folder in your home to your %PATH ?13:53
michael_2015well i can not find any tablet supporting it13:53
spiderhmm, yea I could do that13:53
lotuspsychjemichael_2015: nexus7, ubuntu-touch13:53
cfhowlett!touch | michael_2015,13:54
ubottumichael_2015,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch13:54
spiderAnyway thanks for the help, I gotta run!13:54
lotuspsychjemichael_2015: you can also install ubuntu desktop on some win8 based tablets13:55
lipenghow to come true files share?13:59
lipengcouldn't install VMware tools13:59
lotuspsychjelipeng: what are you trying to do?14:00
C_minuswhat can i type into terminal to get a readout of wverything my WIFI card is doing? because i have hella problems connecting (has been trying to connect for hours)14:02
lotuspsychjeC_minus: ubuntu version and wifi chipset please?14:02
C_minus14.04 intel 726014:03
lotuspsychjeC_minus: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg and play around with wifi14:03
hateballC_minus: You'll want a recent kernel such as in 15.04 for 7260 to work properly. I have the same chipset14:04
OerHeksC_minus, were you here before ? intel 7260 should be supported OOTB in 15.1014:04
OerHeksoh, 15.04 too14:05
C_minusYes i was. Funny, no sooner do I ask you guys about it, it connected straight away. I hate computers!14:05
OerHeksmagic irc room14:05
cfhowlettgremlins ...14:05
hateballthe kernel in 14.04 can have problems unless you disable N or AC14:05
hateballbut if you run 15.04 and onwards, everything works glorious14:06
hateballC_minus: ^14:06
lotuspsychjehateball: thats good to know, just for that chipset?14:06
hateballlotuspsychje: Well surely other chipsets can have malfunctioning drivers, I just happen to know about 7260 since I have it myself14:06
lotuspsychjehateball: ok nice14:07
hateballlotuspsychje: but it's not uncommon for various chipsets using iwlwifi/iwlagn to struggle, forcing you to disable N14:07
lotuspsychjehateball: does your card show firmware version? might be interesting to compare with him14:07
C_minushmmm, that's interesting to know. i have been reluctant to upgrade to 15.04 because my laptop came with 14.04, and it has "long term support".14:07
hateballlotuspsychje: Sadly I am at work now, I have that chipset at home14:08
cfhowlettC_minus, current version is 14.04.3 ...14:08
hateballWell the kernel/modules are still "old" in .314:08
lotuspsychjehateball: so upgrading trusty kernel could be usefull in this case?14:10
cfhowlettcan't hurt to try???14:10
C_minusHow come I can't just install some driver that will make it work properly? I got the driver package from the Dell website, but it contains about 30 different .dpkg files whose names are just garbled strings of numbers and letters. Dell want you to use their "dell recovery tool" to load the driver package onto a stick (but this doesn't work).14:10
C_minusI might as well just upgrade to 15.04 for all the help dell has been.14:11
lotuspsychjeC_minus: you can try few things now, 14.04.3 or kernel upgrade or 15.1014:11
cfhowlettC_minus, sudo apt full-upgrade will grab new kernels and package upgrades14:12
C_minusdid i mention - it only gives me this problem at home. it connects to all other networks just fine. even its Win7 partition connects fine, as well as all other computers/phones/tablets.14:13
MonkeyDustam doing that now with 15.10 vm14:13
hateballC_minus: yes, it depends on how the SSID you're broadcasting is set up.14:14
hateballC_minus: That's why it can work properly if you disable N speeds, but then... you wont have N speeds14:14
C_minussometimes the other machines struggle to connect to the home router for a while, but they come around. the androids say "acquiring IP address...", the Macs and the Win7s show a little exclaimation mark over their WIFI icons... but Ubuntu just tries and fails.14:15
hateballC_minus: If other devices struggle as well you might want to look into upgrading the routers firmware14:15
C_minushateball yeah trouble is, the rest of the fam need the N speeds.14:15
hateballC_minus: Yes, but you can disable N in the intel driver in ubuntu14:16
C_minusi think its running latest. lousy D-Link router came free from the ISP.14:16
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hateballC_minus: See http://zeroset.mnim.org/2014/04/22/unstable-wifi-connection-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-ctrl-event-disconnected-reason4-locally_generated1/14:16
iamrohit7in freya, i get graphical glitches when changing the wallpaper or when in multasking mode, when using midori. I use a Dell Vostro 1400. How can I fix my problem? I know this isn't for elementary but there isn't much activity in #elementaryos14:17
C_minushateball oh i've tried that fix, didn't work so well for me14:17
cfhowlettiamrohit7, not supported here.  not ubuntu.  sorry.14:17
hateballC_minus: I see, well then either grab a mainline kernel, or upgrade to 15.04+ I am afraid14:17
iamrohit7cfhowlett: its based on ubuntu, isn't it?14:18
C_minuswhile i'm here, what can I do about screen tearing while playing videos etc.?14:18
cfhowlettiamrohit7, it is.  but it is NOT ubuntu and not supported here.14:18
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.14:18
hateballC_minus: what GPU chipset are you using, and what browser?14:18
iamrohit7cfhowlett: there isn't much activity there.14:19
hateballC_minus: or is it tearing in video players outside the browser? the usual fail is flash, is why I am asking14:19
lotuspsychjeiamrohit7: feel free to install an ubuntu version from topic14:19
cfhowlettiamrohit7, if you need support, I strongly urge you to install an official ubuntu flavor.  if elementary OS doesn't support you - perhaps there's a cosmic message for you rhtere14:19
C_minusnot just browser. I have intel integrated graphics and NVidia Quadro.14:19
cfhowlett!flavors | iamrohit714:20
ubottuiamrohit7: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:20
hateballC_minus: For nvidia there are ways to prevent tearing globally, see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#Avoid_tearing_with_GeForce_500.2F600.2F700.2F900_series_cards14:20
iamrohit7lotuspsychje: i currently use ubuntu. i want to switch. and then there are all those problems.14:20
hateballC_minus: But if you're using optimus so the intel card is used.... I am not sure how you set that up14:20
lotuspsychjeiamrohit7: if you have troubles on ubuntu desktop, come to us14:21
C_minusi don't have the NVidia prime, nor the Bumblebee thing whatever. So I'm not sure how my computer is sharing out the workload to my GPUs...14:21
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MonkeyDustiamrohit7  learning something new can be frustrating, we're here to help and assist14:23
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Sn4k3Hi! does anyone know if this ISO https://ubuntu-mate.org/ provides an OEM installation option, or do i need to use a "normal" 15.04 Desktop ISO?14:27
cfhowlettSn4k3, pretty sure all buntus (except server?) offer OEM14:28
Sn4k3cfhowlett: excellent! :) thank you14:29
cfhowletthappy2help! Sn4k314:29
=== taco is now known as Guest95064
AsdasdWhere can i find any sql injection dork fuzzer project thats written in C?14:29
lotuspsychjeAsdasd: no hacking here14:31
ger0448than what forum is the one to ask?14:32
cfhowlett!alis | ger044814:33
ubottuger0448: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:33
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MonkeyDustthe wildcards * are no longer required for alis14:37
PiciMonkeyDust: updated14:44
Che-AnarcHi I'm trying to use `aptitude -r -y -f install _software_` to resolve unmet decencies as part of a script.... but the the recommended resolution is not actually done post `Keep the following.... No packages will be installed.`14:52
Che-AnarcIs it something I'm doing wrong?14:52
daftykinswhy use aptitude since it doesn't come with a default install?14:55
daftykinsare you expecting users to install it before running your script?14:55
thebwtHowdy folks, is there a document out there that details packaging destination directory best practices?  like when to use /sbin vs /usr/sbin ?14:55
cfhowlettthebwt, I've only ever seen one with suggested "best practice".  I suspect #ubuntu-server would have the lin,14:56
thebwtthanks cfhowlett14:56
cfhowletthappy2help! thebrush14:56
Che-Anarcdaftykins - its there as part of my current image... just having issue with getting `Y` as per manual process which works to also work from cli.14:56
cfhowlettthebwt ^^14:56
mcphailthebwt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard14:56
thebwtmcphail: I know about that one, was more curious about ubuntu specific best practicies14:57
mcphailthebwt: Ubuntu tends to stick to the FHS14:57
thebwtthough they should be similar :)14:57
OerHeksChe-Anarc, in that aptitude line, what software are you trying to install ? hard to give answer in this hypothetical question14:58
mcphailthebwt: basically, if a binary might be needed before disks are mounted it has to go in /bin or /sbin. If it can wait for disk mounting, it goes in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin (if provided by the package manager) or /usr/local/bin (if provided by the user self-installing)15:00
Che-AnarcOrphis, ```aptitude -q -r -f -y install libperl5.14 libsnmp15```15:00
thebwtmcphail: gotcha, thanks for the insight, that's exactly what I needed15:01
SchrodingersScatI have a reverse tunnel that I'm trying to ssh over, but my ssh hangs and sometimes doesn't connect. stops at "debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Ubuntu-5ubuntu1.3" with ssh -vv after it checks identity files.  Do I need to tunnel more ports?15:02
Che-AnarcSchrodingersScat,  is that an OSX device your trying to do it from out of interest?15:03
SchrodingersScatChe-Anarc: no, both are ubuntu 15.0415:03
OerHeksChe-Anarc, -q & -y ? that bites AFAIK15:03
Che-AnarcOerHeks,   I tried it with simply `-y -r`  still the same it seems to take suggestion but doesnt do / take its course of action.15:05
=== geheimnis` is now known as geheimni1`
mcphailthebwt: there are exceptions, such as games going into /usr/games (probably due to draconian office politics!)15:05
thebwtmost of the stuff i'm working on is /usr/sbin so no worries about that15:06
=== geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis`
SchrodingersScatafter the long hang, it gave this error, "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"15:07
thebwtSchrodingersScat: can the remote server 'ssh localhost' well?15:07
thebwtthat's a timeout and typically a firewall thing15:07
thebwtif it's can ssh localhost, and then ssh <public IP>, then we know the ssh server is runnign fine and that it's a network thing15:08
SchrodingersScatthebwt: I'm using -R 7667:localhost:22 from the server, then on the publicly reachable machine ssh -p 7667 user@localhost  and sometimes it seems to connect, others it has issues :/15:11
thebwtvery strange15:12
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Che-AnarcSchrodingersScat does it make a differance if you add `ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=2 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1 ....` before the reset?15:16
regumhi all, I  am trying to boot to the command line with ubuntu 14 arm running on a raspberry pi 2, how can I go about doing this?15:16
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SchrodingersScatChe-Anarc: I'm getting connection refused, so we may have to pause this troubleshooting until tonight xD  thanks for trying.  I think power went off at home...15:17
daftykinsregum: step 1, would be to pop to #ubuntu-arm - but likely i would've thought Pis get disk images you dd onto an SD card?15:18
regumyes, I burned the image into a microsd15:20
daftykinsregum: what image?15:20
daftykinsand it's only burn with optical media15:20
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regumthis one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi15:22
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daftykinsregum: so what's the problem, it's doing graphical boot but you want command line only?15:23
daftykinsregum: ok, edit the boot parameter to have "text" instead of where it says "quiet splash"15:23
regumdaftykins,  where is the boot parameter?15:24
amanatahi :)15:24
daftykinsregum: you can either boot as normal and edit the config, or if you are attaching a mouse and keyboard, holding left shift at startup should give GRUB15:24
ytixdecafHas anyone tried installing Aurous in Ubuntu?15:25
regumdaftykins, I dont have GRUB15:25
daftykinsregum: you won't see it as standard with normal boot processes, but it's likely there regardless.15:25
a1_hi i've installed raid 1 ubuntu server according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID15:25
regumI've read that the raspberry pi doesn't use it15:25
a1_how do i check if it installed correctly15:25
a1_in raid 1 2 harddrives15:26
daftykinsregum: ah, this justifies asking in #ubuntu-arm then :) perhaps getting a server image would make more sense also15:26
regumit's the only image that sofar works for what I need15:27
daftykinswell, ask the right people and you might get a good reply ;)15:27
daftykinsa1_: well your own link has a "checking the status of your RAID" section15:27
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daftykinscat /proc/mdstat15:27
DWSRIs there a way to compress data from stdin via tar?15:28
DWSRI'm trying to create a compressed disk image via dd and tar15:28
regumdaftykins, thanks, but I think I've got it15:29
regumdaftykins, if you're interested, adding 'single' to the kernel parameters did it15:29
a1_does installation take twice as long since your write to 2 hardrives15:30
mcphailDWSR: tar doesn't compress. But you can pipe teh output of dd through bzip2 or gzip15:30
daftykinsregum: and you gained access to change that via editing /etc/default/grub or...?15:30
daftykinsa1_: no15:30
ruindDid this change recently?  Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/partner/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch15:30
daftykinsa1_: depends whether you did RAID-0 or RAID-1 also15:30
DWSRmcphail: I know that it doesn't, but I want a compressed tarball because reasons.15:30
a1_raid 115:30
regumdaftykins, no, just editting /boot/cmdline.txt15:31
a1_there doesnt seem to be a straight forward way of putting zfs on ubuntu 14.0415:31
daftykinsregum: ah yeah the Pis do things by text file, of course :)15:31
DWSRa1_: zfsonlinux, or linux-zfs.15:31
regumdaftykins, thank you nevertheless15:31
daftykinsa1_: well it'd not be appropriate for ubuntu nor two disk only15:31
daftykinscya \o15:32
a1_it has someadvatged of regular raid 115:32
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daftykinsa1_: i would even say it is a mistake for you to put the OS onto the RAID, but that's just my preference :)15:34
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:35
andresr_hello can somebody help me to configure a DEBIAN/control file to support 2 sames packages? One is OS version , the another Commercial support version, and have shared files inside. The problem come when i have Depends: packageOS | packageCS and packagesCS is already installed on system when i try to run the install of the third package with thats Depends it fail because it try to unpack and it break the apt loop15:35
dawntreaderI'm running Ubuntu 15.04, but I can't seem to get my Epson WP-4530 printer to work.15:36
SonikkuAmericadawntreader: Hmm... let me look at up for you.15:37
SonikkuAmericaI think this question on AskUbuntu will help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/349835/cant-install-drivers-for-epson-wp-4530 It shows how to install LSB to get your printer working.15:39
SonikkuAmericadawntreader: ^15:39
dawntreaderOK, thank you!15:40
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Guest35205what up15:44
CharlieSuAnyone know why ncsd would be opening /etc/services a ton?  sysdig shows the file being opened hundreds of times a second.15:47
aarobcOkay this is interesting: if I hibernate with an external monitor attached, then unplug it, it won't recover from hibernate15:48
skweekanyone know why my background picture wont change?15:49
ulot0join ubuntucn15:49
ulot0join ubuntu-cn15:49
ulot0join in ubuntu-cn15:49
Piciulot0: /join #ubuntu-cn15:50
ytixdecafNo, I wont.15:50
ytixdecafNo, I wont.15:50
ytixdecafNo, I wont.15:50
Piciytixdecaf: knock it off15:50
ytixdecaf:D :D :D15:50
ytixdecafI was just giving a valid reply.15:51
adrian_lcso I have some machines running 14.04.3 LTS on AWS and some have a package named python3.4-venv but the others don't ... any idea?15:55
daftykinsadrian_lc: what makes it matter?15:55
adrian_lcdaftykins, it's listed as a dependency in our deployment script15:56
daftykinsapt-cache showpkg python...15:57
daftykinssee what wants it :)15:57
thebwtadrian_lc: you can do dpkg --rdepends python3.4-venv15:57
thebwtor that15:57
thebwtmy bad it's apt-cache rdepends15:58
littlebithi poeple, I have a deamon working in the background that uses 25% of my cpu alone. it is called tumblerd. Any idea what that deamon is supposed to do?16:06
Picilittlebit: looks like it generates thumbnails for things you see in your file manager.16:08
Pici!info tumbler16:08
ubottutumbler (source: tumbler): D-Bus thumbnailing service. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.31-1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 294 kB16:08
adrian_lcturns out the package was on the update was released for a while and then reverted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-urllib3/+bug/150076816:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500768 in python-urllib3 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Fix committed]16:14
ulot0help me16:17
ulot0Sometimes, I will open up a lot of terminals, and will switch to the ROOT permissions, but each terminal is running the command is a continuous different command, with the script should be how to achieve?16:17
syntroPiulot0, that is very difficult to understand. can you try to be more specific?16:20
ulot0syntroPi, Execute a script, the script will open N terminals, each terminal automatically execute different commands!16:22
pmaxksyntroPi: what you like to do...?16:25
=== zz_`ar|elo` is now known as `ar|elo`
ulot0syntroPi, ?16:26
ulot0Do you speak Chinese?16:27
ulot0syntroPi, Do you speak Chinese?16:27
syntroPii dont speak Chinese sorry16:27
cfhowlett!cn | ulot0,16:27
ubottuulot0,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:27
erkburglesI am trying to install a program it says I need these dependencies, which I just downloaded and installed and it says i still need them16:27
erkburglescan someone please help me fix this16:28
Picierkburgles: what are you trying to install, and how?16:28
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erkburglesthe most up to date version is not available through the software center16:28
erkburglesso I downloaded the tarball16:29
Picierkburgles: if you're trying to compile it, you'll need the build dependencies, which are different that the package dependencies.16:29
cfhowlett!lastest | erkburgles16:29
Picierkburgles: sudo apt-get build-dep pspp   will install the build dependencies for you16:29
erkburglesok what does that mean16:30
Picierkburgles: those are the pacakges required to compile the software16:30
cfhowlett!newest | erkburgles16:30
ubottuerkburgles: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:30
erkburglesthats not helpful16:30
erkburglesi need the latest for this package16:30
pmaxkerkburgles: are you trying to compile from source..?16:31
erkburglesthe pspp version in the center is utterly lacking16:31
adityamHello everybody. I needed some help with Xchat IRC Client for Ubuntu.16:32
cfhowlettadityam, xchat is unsupported and dead.  use hexchat16:32
adityamIt shows the following message when I hit Connect button after filling the Alias Details:16:33
ulot0syntroPi, thanks16:33
adityam"Python interface loaded  \nPerl interface loaded  \nMessaging Indicator 0.3.11 plugin loaded.  \nTcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.64   \nCopyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski  \nhttp://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/  \nTcl interface loaded \n* Looking up irc.ubuntu.com \n* Connecting to chat.freenode.net ( port 8001...  \nNot connected. \nTry /server <host> [<port>]"16:39
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k1lerkburgles: "cat /proc/mounts" in a pastebin please17:08
=== Toledo is now known as croberts
deccigenii: ok17:10
=== vincent is now known as Guest51121
ioriadecci from your paste http://pastebin.com/CQyLbHKq i see only links .... where are the lib ?17:12
k1lerkburgles: cat /var/log/apt/term.log  in a pastebin please17:12
erkburgleshow do i navigate to the last command prompt17:15
lotuspsychjeerkburgles: history can help you17:15
erkburglesi dont want to just scoll up looking waiting to find my last prompt17:16
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erkburglesok how do i find use that17:18
k1lerkburgles: are you talking about getting the output to a pastebin? you can use pastebinit. install the package "pastebinit" and then run "pastebinit /var/log/apt/term.log "17:19
erkburglesk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12782916/17:20
lapinozzhmm, would it be possible assign a keybiding to pastebin something in the clipboard?17:21
erkburgleshow do i install that package17:21
lapinozzerkburgles: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:23
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k1lerkburgles: "sudo rm /etc/gshadow.lock"17:24
erkburglesdpkg: error processing package postgresql (--configure):17:27
erkburgles dependency problems - leaving unconfigured17:27
erkburglesNo apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.17:27
erkburgles                          No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.17:27
erkburgles                                                    Errors were encountered while processing:17:27
erkburgles postgresql-common17:27
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erkburglesthat's what i get when i try sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:28
erkburglesthanks k1l now what?17:29
k1lerkburgles: "sudo apt update&& sudo apt full-upgrade"17:30
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SCHAAP137oh nice, libssl1.0.2 for Trusty17:32
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SCHAAP137that's great17:32
erkburglesthat should now put me in a position to do what k1l?17:36
k1lerkburgles: that depends on what the exact output is17:36
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dpWith an /etc/sudoers like http://paste.linux.chat/view/bdbcb4a3, with the "glens" user not in the admin or sudo groups, is there a reason why "service php5-fpm restart" still requires a password? I've tried changing the order for that users sudo lines, but it doesn't seem to matter.17:42
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MotherMGAHello, Ubuntu 15.04 here. I just pulled the kernel 3.19.0-31 update and it freezes my laptop. I can select to use my system, but I'd like to know how to troubleshoot the problem  so I can write up a bug report. Does anyone know where I can find out how to do that?17:44
k1lMotherMGA: look into the older dmesg and syslog in /var/log/ after the reboot.17:45
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energizerI just did a dist-upgrade, then restarted. Now whenever I try to log in, I enter my correct password and then it changes to logging me in but lands me at the login screen again. The same thing happens with the guest (passwordless) account.17:59
EriC^^energizer: press ctrl+alt+f1, do you get a terminal?17:59
energizerEriC^^: yes17:59
k1lenergizer: sounds like the video driver is not working and the desktop crashes and you get back to the lightdm18:00
EriC^^energizer: ok, type lspci | grep VGA18:00
energizer1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Curacao XT [Radeon R9 270X]18:01
EriC^^energizer: ok, type dpkg -l | grep fglrx18:01
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tuelhoHow to install java ?18:02
MotherMGAk1l: my most recent dmesg log file is from May 1. I don't think dmesg is getting saved as a logfile.18:03
bazhang!java | tuelho18:03
ubottutuelho: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:03
energizerok when i try logging in now it turns to black (with mouse in the middle) for a second, i see a little "System problem detected" box for a half second, then I land back at login.18:03
tuelhoim a new one here18:03
tuelhocan i hack anyone with ubuntu18:04
EriC^^energizer: what's the output of dpkg -l | grep fglrx ?18:04
k1ltuelho: no18:04
energizerEriC^^: nothing18:04
k1lMotherMGA: seems they changed it with systemd18:04
erkburglesk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12783192/18:04
EriC^^energizer: ok, type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999918:05
energizerEriC^^: http://termbin.com/xh9f18:06
kubast2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2226702 bumping for myself18:06
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brainchildhi. does anybody use thunderbird here?18:09
brainchildi am having trouble with the firetray extension18:09
ihsan_Hi there. Is there a way to force my ubuntu system to run on noveau drivers instead of i915 ?18:09
ihsan_and I am referring to the whole session. not just isolated software on bumblebee18:10
=== Haugli92_Away is now known as Haugli92
energizerEriC^^: k1l: Further thoughts?18:11
OerHeksbrainchild, on what ubuntu version?18:12
brainchildlubuntu 14.04.3 LXDE18:12
k1lenergizer: what video driver did you use before? how was it installed?18:13
brainchildfiretray displays a mail icon on the lxpanel18:13
brainchildbut clicking on it does nothing18:13
k1lerkburgles: so it did install postgresql now18:13
energizerk1l: unfortunately/fortunately i haven't needed to do anything video-driver related for a long time, so i can't recall18:13
energizerk1l: but i dont think i did anything to it manually -- whatever comes out of the box ubnutu 14.0418:14
EriC^^energizer: did you try an older kernel?18:14
k1lenergizer: you could install the fglrx package and try the amd prop. driver18:15
OerHeksbrainchild, oh no idea on that, you might want to check the #firefox channel too.18:15
OerHeksbrainchild,  ore #ubuntu-mozillateam18:16
brainchildthanks :)18:16
sortkwikLooking for help on prolonged shutdown issue, 15.04. Fairly noob here. PM me (=18:16
bazhangsortkwik, in channel help here not PM18:17
erkburglesk1l: thanks, so recap, what did you do to troubleshoot18:17
sortkwikbazhang: didn't want to clog things up too much18:17
OerHeks!es | canaima_ this channel is english only18:17
ubottucanaima_ this channel is english only: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:17
bazhang!details | sortkwik18:18
ubottusortkwik: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)18:18
k1lerkburgles: somehow some process in the past  did change the user/group settings and didnt remove the lock file properly that blocks other processes to change stuff their. we removed that lock file and now it works again18:19
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erkburglesok ty18:19
erkburgleswhere did you see that that had happened?18:19
sortkwikWell there's not much to tell. When I use the normal GUI shudown, it takes around 20 minutes to shutdown. When I use terminal and shutdown through there, it's immediate. Any insight or suggestions on why this is so?18:19
erkburglesor "we"18:19
k1lerkburgles: look at the error when trying to install postgresql: something like "could not lock file...."18:21
sortkwikbazhang: would the shutdown command be routed differently from command prompt to the graphical shutdown?18:21
EriC^^sortkwik: yeah18:22
sortkwikEric^^: so if this is the case, why does shutting it down graphically take so long?18:23
EriC^^i have no idea18:23
sortkwikEric^^: is there somewhere I can look or modify to do this?18:23
EriC^^when you mean it takes long, do you mean after the ubuntu logo and dots come?18:23
EriC^^or until they come?18:23
sortkwikIt sits at the shutdown screen, for a long time. Like 20 minutes.18:24
EriC^^press esc and it should say what it's trying to do or waiting for18:24
sortkwikTried that, nothing popped up.18:24
EriC^^it should show you a terminal18:25
sortkwikI can try again but I don't see it working.18:25
MorpheusDoes ubuntu kernel supports TProxy by default?18:25
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sortkwikI'll brb.18:25
EriC^^sortkwik: does it hang on the dots?18:25
sortkwikDots meaning while it shutdowns or when it reboots? I haven't quite memorized the before and after screens.18:26
ubuntu923someone to help me to install ubuntu18:26
EriC^^sortkwik: while its shutting down it shows the logo & dots at the bottom18:26
sortkwikAh heck, let me reboot and I will get a bit more info for you Eric^^18:26
EriC^^sortkwik: try this command it's close to the one used by the menu i think /usr/bin/dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop18:26
mcphailubuntu923: what problems are you having?18:27
ubuntu923i always got Gave up waiting for device error18:27
wileeeubuntu923, Outline where your at in the process if you can to the channel.18:27
Guest83578!ubottu |tproxy18:27
ubottutproxy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone18:27
sortkwikEric^^: I'll try that18:27
ubuntu923with 14.04,12.04 i trying right now with 15.0418:27
flabsmall technical guestion, I'm installing a UX303L with 14.04 and the touchpad is not recognized by the 3.19 kernel. I read that the 4.0 support it. Should I install now the 4.0 or will the 4.0 kernel ship in 15.10 and will be backported to 14.04?18:28
=== Chex- is now known as Chex
ubuntu923i acidently install it with encyption my home directory18:30
erkburgleskl1: I think I just compiled pspp from source, now how do I run it?18:30
OerHeksflab, 15.10 ( 9 days from now) ships with 4.2, you can try the live iso18:30
ubuntu923i formated my hdd and installed win7 and i try again ubuntu but same error again18:31
OerHeksflab, as of 15.04 ubuntu changes to systemD. too.18:31
wileeeubuntu923, So, is this error associated with a separate home partition encrypted?18:31
flabOerHeks, hi. I don't want to install 15.10 this is not my computer so I want a LTS on it. The question is, will the kernel of 15.10 be backported to 14.04? (as the previous ones have been..)18:31
OerHeksflab, not sure it will, maybe someone else here knows?18:32
mcphailflab: you can try a mainline kernel right now18:32
mcphail!mainline | flab18:32
ubottuflab: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:32
ubuntu923sec plz18:32
energizerk1l: EriC^^ fixed by reinstalling lightdm. Used this thread. http://askubuntu.com/questions/223501/ubuntu-gets-stuck-in-a-login-loop.18:33
ubuntu923this is full error: Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:  - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)    - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)    - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)  - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/920903aa-762f-40d2-8126-87f4b0e6f975 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!  BusyBox v1.19.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.3-7ubuntu1.1) built-in shell (ash) E18:33
energizerthanks guys18:33
EriC^^energizer: great18:33
=== ryan__ is now known as sortkwik
sortkwikEric^^: That command triggered the same slow shutdown, at the dots, as a normal graphical shutdown.18:34
sortkwikEric^^: So yes, it's at the dots.18:34
sortkwikEric^^: Esc didn't work or any other key. I let it sit for 5 minutes than forced shutdown with power button.18:35
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=== nuno_nunes is now known as Guest22057
ubuntu923wileee do you know some solutions how to fix that?18:36
flabmcphail, yeah I use upubuntu.com to download the last kernel18:37
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flabI was just wondering if I could wait a few days and have it without installing it manually ;)18:37
wileeeubuntu923, I see this basic error on google, not sure the exact answer. Some context might help you here, when you see it as a start, for the channel.18:38
sortkwikEric^^: Get my last couple of messages?18:38
mcphailflab: aah! Don't know about that one, I'm afraid18:38
erkburgleshey everyone, so I just installed a program, how do i run it from the cmdprompt?18:38
OerHekserkburgles, care to share the name?18:39
erkburglespspp 0.8.518:39
Picierkburgles: typically you just type the program name.18:39
bazhang!info pspp18:39
ubottupspp (source: pspp): Statistical analysis tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.9+git20120620-1.2 (vivid), package size 3825 kB, installed size 10444 kB18:39
mcphailerkburgles: have you installed through the package manager?18:40
bazhangis that even from the ubuntu repos18:40
OerHeksjust type: pspp18:40
erkburglesok i did that18:40
erkburglesi got this18:40
bazhanginstalled from where erkburgles18:40
erkburglesPSPP is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it18:40
erkburglesunder certain conditions; type "show copying." to see the conditions.18:40
erkburglesThere is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for PSPP; type "show warranty." for details.18:41
erkburglesGNU pspp 0.8.5 (Wed Oct 14 18:18:09 UTC 2015).18:41
erkburglessorry for no pastebin18:41
Picierkburgles: then it looks like you've started your program.18:41
mcphailerkburgles: sounds as if it worked, then18:41
OerHeksfull  documentation  is  available in directory `/usr/share/doc/pspp18:41
erkburglesIgives me a new line with: "PSPP> "18:42
Picierkburgles: what did you expect?18:42
OerHekserkburgles, see their manual how to use it http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/manual/pspp.html18:42
erkburglesits a statistical analysis program18:42
sortkwikerkburgles: it's working18:43
erkburglesso a window with graphs18:43
Picierkburgles: it has no gui18:43
erkburglesit typically does though18:43
erkburgleshow do I add one18:43
Picierkburgles: it looks like there is a gui part called psppire18:43
erkburgleshow to add this?18:44
Picierkburgles: exit the app and type that18:44
erkburglesill just follow oerheks18:44
OerHekserkburgles, there is a GUI, just type pspp in dash18:46
erkburgleswell i just did what pici said18:46
erkburglesand it opened18:46
sortkwikerkburgles: I am guessing this program would work well with a statistics class in college??18:47
erkburglesits for a political science class18:48
erkburglesbut yeah18:48
wileeemmmm stats18:48
erkburglesspss has historically been better, but this new version of pspp is really good18:48
sortkwikI just downloaded it and will check it out18:48
sortkwikI have a stats class I have to take and if this helps me out then I am golden18:48
sortkwikAll I need now is a program to help out with calculus18:49
erkburglesspss is proprietary thout18:49
erkburgleshmm calculus, what kind of calculus18:49
sortkwikCalc I18:49
sortkwikYeah, that's what most people say...18:50
erkburglesgnu octave18:51
sortkwikdoes it have a gui??18:52
erkburglesTHANK GOD18:52
sortkwikheh k18:52
erkburglessorry I am just very happy that this works18:53
erkburglesthanks a bunch k1l18:53
sortkwikYeah, I bet.18:53
erkburgleswherever you are18:53
sortkwikI still don't have an answer to my shutdown issue.18:53
EriC^^sortkwik: try cat /var/log/dmesg.018:53
sortkwikSpeak of the devil...18:53
sortkwikEric^^: Straight from dmesg... (Nothing has been logged yet.)18:55
wowoxHello guys. I've just installed an apache server on my ubuntu machine through ssh but I can't access it through internet18:56
sortkwikEriC^^: Actually, there was no dmesg.0, just dmesg18:56
wowoxnetstat -nlp  tells me that it's listening on port 8018:56
EriC^^sortkwik: anything in /var/log/kern.log ?18:57
cobradabestCan someone help me? Cinnamon has started to only run in software rendering mode...18:57
dpWith an /etc/sudoers like http://paste.linux.chat/view/bdbcb4a3, with the "glens" user not in the admin or sudo groups, is there a reason why "service php5-fpm restart" still requires a password? I've tried changing the order for that users sudo lines, but it doesn't seem to matter.18:58
bazhangcobradabest, mint?18:58
sortkwikEriC^^: kern.log, kern.log.1 and 3 .gz's18:58
cobradabestbazhang: Actually, it's Ubuntu Studio, but their chat is seems deserted...18:58
ubuntu923now with 15.04 version is little diferent18:59
nishikino-makiUbuntu Distribution it's like explosion,one by one "UD" linux created <like kubuntu(Actually just change the desktop to KDE) Lubuntu(change the desktop to LXDE) elementary OS(MAC theme OS)>19:00
erkburglesWhile I'm here, why is there still a Kubuntu graphic upon startup if I don't have it installed?19:00
sortkwikEriC^^: Going to initiate another shutdown so I can get the logs.19:01
ubuntu923new error is: BusyBox v1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-9ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.19:01
cobradabestI've tried uninstalling and reinstalling cinnamon, but that didn't do anything...19:02
cobradabestWhat do i do?!19:02
ubuntu923after typing help: (initramfs) [   56.483912] ata2: CMRESET failed (errno=-16)19:03
cobradabestSorry, but can someone help me with my problem of cinnamon only running in software mode? I'm kind of in a rush...19:05
sortkwikEriC^^: So that graphical shutdown worked. I was able to get esc to show me what it was doing.19:05
Elw3Hey there. I have a laptop here with this efi stuff and i dont know how to install, the installer just fails when it comes to installing grub. What are the steps that differ from a normal install?19:05
wileeecobradabest, Is there a 2d or 3d choice with cinnamon, this is free volunteer help, so rush is not really relevant.19:05
vachoguys, how do I install an ssh keypair on a user account that I cannot acess, since I don't have ssh keypair setup .. :) I have root access.19:06
cobradabestwileee: No, there isn't...19:06
EriC^^sortkwik: ok19:06
sortkwikEriC^^: So I have no idea why it did it now. I've tried restarting many times and that's the fastest shutdown graphically. Was it due to the command you recommended me to put in??19:07
wileeecobradabest, No idea what the issue is, might help if you name the graphic hardware. If this is a PPA cinnamon you would have to contact them, if that is the fault.19:07
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EriC^^sortkwik: i have no idea19:08
EriC^^so it didn't hang?19:08
sortkwikEriC^^: No hang, maybe 15-20 seconds and then it shutdown.19:08
sortkwikEriC^^: PFM19:08
cobradabestwilee: it isn't though, I haven't used a PPA for cinnamon... Also, I have an AMD R9 200X card.19:10
sortkwikvacho: a good question I don't have an answer to, maybe someone else does.19:10
wileeecobradabest, Sure, just a heads up on the support model here is all.19:10
OerHeksvacho, so you want ssh login to an account you have no access to? that is called hacking?19:11
vachoOerHeks: I have root access.19:11
OerHeksvacho, why do you not have access to that account? that makes no sense.19:12
cobradabestwileee: Well, I'm kind of in a panic right now, I don't know why...19:12
wileeecobradabest, You will probably get this fixed, I would assume you still have other desktops; which give you some time to follow the right lead.19:14
cobradabestwileee: I hope so. Do you have any suggestions on what to try to fix it?19:16
wileeecobradabest, Not really, other than if you're sure it is a ppa cinnamon, contact them is our standard response.19:17
wileeeand sure it is that desktops issue19:18
OerHekswileee, cinnamon is in the repos too19:18
wileeeOerHeks, Right I've clearly stated PPA here, just info, I'm all for support.19:19
OerHekscobradabest, did you try the driver tool in ubuntu for fglrx 15.9 or higher?19:21
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cobradabestOerHeks: driver tools?19:22
OerHekscobradabest, open dash and type driver, the tool should show up19:22
cobradabestOerHeks: you mean the drive manager?19:22
doomlordcan any spin of ubuntu with its' desktop environment do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMsqA4k0J3419:25
doomlordvery similar to the way desktops work on mac OSX; microsoft have copied it. i was under the impression linux worked differently to avoid legal issues19:25
OerHeksdoomlord, maybe/maybe not, how should we know?19:25
k1ldoomlord: virtual desktops have been on linux desktops since very long time19:26
doomlordyes they have19:26
doomlordand the feature has been evolved. I've seen expo/scale.19:27
k1ldoomlord: is there any specific support issue? for general talk please join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel19:27
doomlordwheres' a good place for this question19:27
Picidoomlord: whats the question?19:29
doomlordis there a way to get this specific behaviour in ubuntu. (the desktop overview seen in OSX mission control and now windows 10). .. amongst the various array of plugins and desktop environments19:30
Picidoomlord: compiz has been able to do that for a few years now/19:31
doomlordi've seen expo and scale - is that what you're talking about19:31
Picidoomlord: there are a number of compiz plugins, of which those are two.19:32
Picidoomlord: the folks in #compiz might be able to suggest which ones will give you functionality like that19:32
doomlord(so has someone written a plugin that does this: simultaneously show desktop thumbnails *and* current desktop windows)19:32
PiciI don't know, I don't use a desktop regularly, but the #compiz people would be the ones most familiar with their plugin offerings19:33
doomlordthe point is the overview in mission-control and OSX combines desktop&window overview in one screen19:33
doomlordthe second question is:19:33
cobradabestDoes anybody know a way to do system restore points on Ubuntu?19:34
cobradabestSystemback doesn't work properly for me.19:34
doomlordDo legal issues prevent the linux community sharing such a plugin?  I assumed thats' why it never appeared before. Seeing Win10 now questions that view.19:34
Picidoomlord: I would doubt it.19:34
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zerowaitstatedoomlord: it's possible there's a cross-licensing agreement that lets them do things another party wouldn't be able to. Software patents are dumb to start with, so trying to work out logically why a particular patent applies is the path to madness19:36
cobradabestSo does anyone know a good restore point program for ubuntu?19:36
doomlordzerowaitstate thanks .19:37
zerowaitstatecobradabest: LVM snapshotting?19:37
mcphailcobradabest: are you using btrfs?19:37
k1ldoomlord: the compiz plugin is called window spread19:37
cobradabestzerowaitstate: Well, whatever the equivalent to windows system restore is.19:37
zerowaitstatecobradabest: windows system restore doesn't really do what it advertises19:38
cobradabestzerowaitstate: Well it's always worked for me...19:38
zerowaitstatecobradabest: you've been fortunate19:39
k1ldoomlord: press super+w or super+shift+w19:39
mcphailcobradabest: if you use btrfs, you can snapshot your filesystem at any point. If you don't use btrfs you will need to use something like LVM19:39
cobradabestmcphail: I don't know what btrfs or lvm are...19:39
doomlordk1l i've seen that and its' related, but last time I tried it it wasn't the specific behavior i'm after - unless its' gained options lately.   In ubuntu unity out of the box, you had super+W for windows, or super+S for desktops. The beauty of OSX is its' one shortcut for both, and you can move windows between desktops on that, and slide between them19:41
TR3M3R3hi everyone... somebody speak spanish?19:41
mcphailcobradabest: then you are probably not using them :) Btrfs is a filesystem you can use instead of the default (ext4). LVM is a technology for managing partitions and filesystems which you set up at install time19:41
Pici!es | TR3M3R319:41
ubottuTR3M3R3: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:41
cobradabestmcphail: Oh, okay, so if I reinstall, I could choose btrfs instead of ext4?19:42
mcphailcobradabest: if you want to be able to simply snapshot your filesystem, it is a good choice. But it is not as well tested as ext419:42
PiperanciI have an app running but it's not showing in the panel, just in the task manager. What can I do?19:43
k1ldoomlord: well, you can still move the apps on ctrl+s19:43
mcphailcobradabest: personally, I think the advantages outweigh the risks, but you may disagree19:43
cobradabestmcphail: It sounds like a better idea, at least I can do risky stuff on btrfs.19:44
doomlordk1l i realise its' "useable", it certainly isn't 'bad'. I just have a very specific preference and would be surprised if I was unique in that19:44
Piperancinvm I opened it somehow19:45
mcphailcobradabest: there are a few apps which will automatically make snapshots on btrfs when you use the package manager etc, but I have never found them to be much use. I create the snapshots manually as I need them19:45
doomlordk1l recently in linux I have used XFCE/xbuntu more, sticking with a simpler environment... but I also enjoy using the mac19:45
k1ldoomlord: there is a huge amount of users that have never used OSX before. so they might not be used to that like you are.19:46
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cobradabestmcphail: Can you make schedules for backups?19:46
mcphailcobradabest: you can make schedules from crontab, if you wish19:47
mcphailcobradabest: these are not "backups", though. They are "snapshots"19:47
k1ldoomlord: so "it needs to be exactly like OSX" is not what most users or developers might think in the first place.19:47
MonkeyDustdoomlord  only OSX is exactly like OSX19:48
doomlordk1l whilst I'm no mac fanboy, in this instance I think apple got it right. v1 of mission control was terrible but v2 fixed it (app bundles).  Windows10 seems to have copied the behaviour. Whats so good about it is you get an overview of everything, but with recent windows larger , and older ones (on other desktops) smaller; its not eye-candy - the information is readable19:48
doomlordMonkeyDust oh sure - i'm not after the specific *look*, but the specific *behaviour* i.e. what information is visible at one time, and the transitions19:49
SchrodingersScatChe-Anarc: -o ServerAliveInterval=2 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1 had no effect19:49
doomlordWindows10 replicates that, but with a windows 'look' rather than an apple 'look' (and slightly different  options)19:49
k1ldoomlord: well, than suggest bugfixes or whishes to the desktop enviroments. but it might not be seen like you do from other users/devs19:50
jancoowHi guys19:51
doomlordi'd be very surprised if no one else wants it. I had assumed legal issues prevented it19:51
jancoowCould someone help me fixing broken packages? For some reason python3 wouldn't update. With some tricks here i had to downgrade some packages. But now the module threading doesn't exist19:51
jancoowI really need python3 but i can19:52
OerHeksdoomlord, if the behaviour is exactly the same, we would have legal issues. a 'start' button is very expensive19:52
jancoow't do anything with it if the module threading is missing19:52
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doomlordOerHeks intersting, you seem to have speciic information there, "a start button"19:52
doomlordthere's a specific patent for that?19:53
OerHeksjust an example.19:53
OerHeksdoomlord, sure, google for that, i don't have an url ready19:53
doomlordgnome-shell almost does what I want - but I find it offputing in other ways (to date, xubuntu/xfce is my favourite environemnt in linux)19:53
balancehow can I check a png for an alpha channel using terminal?20:01
apatheticsheephowdy, anyone know if byobu is supposed to work in like teraterm or putty?20:01
MonkeyDustapatheticsheep  byobu is a layer over screen multiplexer20:02
MonkeyDust!info byobu20:03
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): text window manager, shell multiplexer, integrated DevOps environment. In component main, is optional. Version 5.92-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 102 kB, installed size 641 kB20:03
MonkeyDustapatheticsheep  putty is a windows program to connect over ssh20:03
apatheticsheepok ... let me clarify, it's not recognizing function keys.  I am guessing that has more to do with my terminal software settings than the program i am using.20:03
MonkeyDustapatheticsheep  true, byobu has its own key settings... for that reason I cannot use it for irssi20:04
apatheticsheepMonkeyDust I know what putty and byobu are ...20:05
MonkeyDustapatheticsheep  then you should know that you were comparing apples with pears20:05
apatheticsheepi guess a better way to phrase the question would've been ... why can't I create a new window using F2 or access help (shift+f1) in a putty ssh terminal using byobu?20:07
apatheticsheepI can use screen ...20:09
zerowaitstateapatheticsheep: probably the terminal emulation you have selected in putty20:10
sortkwikHmmm... so there is a new version of a program called octave, when I apt-get it it installs v3.8.2 but v4.0.0 is available according to the website. What repository do I need to update in order to get this newer version??20:10
SchrodingersScatChe-Anarc: heh, and then it randomly worked just now, without those -o options, my reverse tunnel threw these errors on the server, Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 60111, Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 7667;  7667 is the one I forward, should I also forward the 60111?20:10
SchrodingersScat!info octave20:10
ubottuoctave (source: octave): GNU Octave language for numerical computations. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.8.2-4 (vivid), package size 905 kB, installed size 3171 kB20:10
MonkeyDustsortkwik  v4.0 is not yet in the repos, maybe in a later ubuntu release20:11
SchrodingersScatsortkwik: right, would have to go outside the scope of this help for that, ie whatever they recommend, if you want the version not in ubuntu20:11
apatheticsheepzerowaitstate ... I am using vt10020:12
zerowaitstatesortkwik: If you need bleeding edge I would either check for a ppa, or build from source and use checkinstall to generate a machine-specific package20:12
Guest34450How can I write to files, example: sudo "x" >> /etc/rc.local20:12
sortkwikI gotcha. I guess I would need to learn how to compile then?? I've downloaded the tarball for it from their website.20:12
Guest34450I try to do that and get: bash: /etc/rc.local: Permission denied20:12
zerowaitstateapatheticsheep: I think there's another emulation type called Linux, did you try that?20:12
Guest34450How can I write to files, example: sudo "x" >> /etc/rc.local20:13
Guest34450I try to do that and get: bash: /etc/rc.local: Permission denied20:13
bmsr256!info glut20:13
ubottuPackage glut does not exist in vivid20:13
MonkeyDustGuest34450  try echo "x" >> /etc/rc.local20:13
OerHeks!info freeglut20:13
ubottuPackage freeglut does not exist in vivid20:13
PiciOerHeks: its freeglut320:14
sortkwikThanks for the assist MonkeyDust, SchrodingersScat, zerowaitstate. (=20:14
k1lGuest34450: that doesnt work with files that need root permissions20:14
bmsr256!info freeglut320:14
ubottufreeglut3 (source: freeglut): OpenGL Utility Toolkit. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.1-2 (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 269 kB20:14
OerHeksPici, thanks, just found it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeglut20:14
Guest34450MonkeyDust, I tried echo both with and without sudo in front and still get Permission denied20:14
MonkeyDustGuest34450  look what k1l said20:15
mcphailGuest34450: the "sudo" does not carry beyond the redirect, so that is to be expected20:15
Guest34450k1l, so how can I write to those files using command line (I can vim into the file and edit it, but I am trying to write script to update some settings)20:15
mcphailGuest34450: see http://superuser.com/questions/136646/how-to-append-to-a-file-as-sudo20:16
k1lGuest34450: echo "hello" | sudo tee foo.txt20:16
balancewhy can I see a folder via terminal but not from emacs?20:16
balance*i mean kate20:16
zerowaitstatek1l: he needs a -a on the tee command, in order to append20:17
k1lGuest34450: right, you need "-a" for tee to append. i forgot that20:17
k1lzerowaitstate: thanks20:18
Guest34450k1l, thanks that did the trick, thanks man!20:19
zerowaitstatesortkwik: cd to untarred source tree, "sudo auto-apt run ./configure", then do "make && sudo checkinstall". That helps deal with the dependency hell that comes with building C stuff from source.20:21
zerowaitstatesortkwik: before that will work though, you need to "sudo apt-get install auto-apt build-essential checkinstall"20:22
sortkwikzerowaitstate: so run "checkinstall" after I run "make"?20:22
sortkwikGot it20:22
zerowaitstatesortkwik: then "sudo auto-apt update && sudo auto-apt updatedb && sudo auto-apt update-local"20:22
zerowaitstatesortkwik: then do the cd to untarred...20:22
sortkwikzerowaitstate: Already ran "./congifure" and now installing said programs you stated earlier then I will run "make" and then "checkinstall"20:24
zerowaitstatesortkwik: so ./configure didn't produce errors?20:24
sortkwikzerowaitstate: None20:24
zerowaitstatesortkwik: k. usually when compiling from source on debian, you often are missing "-dev" packages, which contain the header files (.h) for libraries you are compiling against20:25
sortkwikThis will be my first compiled program from source code, I'm excited.20:25
dickGraySonso what is this about20:25
zerowaitstatesortkwik: auto-apt is designed to automatically fetch the necessary -dev packages during the ./configure step20:25
sortkwikzerowaitstate: We'll see how it pans out and go from there. Would the errors have been glaring in all the scrolling text? I didn't see anything.20:26
zerowaitstatesortkwik: however, if ./configure isn't producing errors, then means auto-apt isn't necessary20:26
zerowaitstatesortkwik: yeah, it will fail loudly20:26
sortkwikzerowaitstate: Awesome, no loud fails then.20:26
ubottuSpyderSnake: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:26
dickGraySonany1 know how to run a command remotely20:27
dickGraySonusing ssh20:27
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sortkwikzerowaitstate: I'll let you know how it goes, it looks like it might take awhile.20:27
gullHi guy, i've got some really annoying (not)bug happening to my laptop.20:27
gulli have a xmodmap config file which i use to redefine some buttons, but when i replug my usb mouse it looks like xmodmad reserts its config, so i have to run it again with my own config20:27
gullwhat exactly happens when i plug my usb mouse?20:28
zerowaitstatesortkwik: on a generic linux system, make install directly copies the necessary files to the default install location (this is normally set up by configure, and it is normally under /usr/local by default). However, checkinstall analyzes the locations where the "make install" script is trying to copy stuff and instead makes a .deb package out of it20:28
dickGraySonremote command via ssh in background?20:28
k1ldickGraySon: use screen20:28
Picior tmux20:28
zerowaitstatesortkwik: if you don't use checkinstall, and do it the generic linux way, you have to keep the source around, so you can run "make uninstall" later to remove the software. the deb package makes that unnecessary, as you can use dpkg or other tools to remove it20:29
brother_hi all, somebody help me doing this from command line20:29
brother_I want to replace multiple empty lines with just one blank line, recursively in all the files in a directory, and they have to keep their filenames20:29
sortkwikzerowaitstate: That makes sense, sort of. Still a bit of a newb at this but we're all here to learn!!20:29
reisiobrother_: what's the one blank line for?20:29
sortkwikSlow mo compiling right now. I don't have a super speedy machine. (=20:30
brother_reisio to keep it organized20:30
brother_not to remove them all20:30
zerowaitstatesortkwik: as I learned on freenode a day or two ago, you can apparently do something like "make -j 2" to run multiple build tasks in parallel, but you have to be careful when you use it20:31
reisiobrother_: uniq would do it, though it'd also remove other duplicate consecutive lines20:31
zerowaitstatesortkwik: compiling is CPU bound, so the more cores you can use, the faster you will get done20:31
reisiobrother_: another way: perl -0pe 's/\n\n+/\n\n/g'20:31
brother_aha reisio, and how can I apply that to all the files in the directory, and they keep their original name after the removal of the blank lines?20:32
reisiobrother_: how big are these files?20:34
sortkwikzerowaitstate: Yeah, I have 4 cores but not a super speedy cores. toshiba satellite radius 1120:35
reisiobrother_: I'd probably do something like: mkdir ../cleaned; ls | while IFS='' read -r item; do uniq "$item" > ../cleaned/"$item"; done20:35
brother_reisio they vary from 4 KB to 150 KB in some cases, but norm is 30 kb let's say20:35
reisiobrother_: okay, so tiny20:35
sortkwikzerowaitstate: My monitor shows all 4 cores are chugging away.20:35
s1dr0hola a toc from italy20:35
reisiobrother_: fine to make a duplicated 'cleaned' dir, then20:35
zerowaitstatesortkwik: well, never mind then20:35
reisioif they were huge files, you'd have to modify them and delete the original basically simultaneously, which you have to be more careful about20:35
reisiocopying to another dir is simpler, and requires less care :)20:35
reisiobrother_: what's nice about that loop is you just make the ls output what you want, if there are exceptions20:36
reisiobrother_: so "ls | while IFS=''..." could be instead "ls | egrep -iv 'not wanted|also not wanted' | while IFS=''..."20:36
reisiolots of other ways you could do it, though20:37
sortkwikzerowaitstate: Yeah, I am not going to try any parallel builds.20:37
brother_reisio but in that expresion, where do you refer to the files inside the directory?20:40
reisiobrother_: 'ls'20:40
reisioyou'd run it from in the dir20:40
reisioif the output of 'ls' is all the files you want to process, and nothing more, then it's good to go20:41
reisiomkdir ../cleaned; ls | while IFS='' read -r item; do uniq "$item" > ../cleaned/"$item"; done20:41
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brother_ok reisio I would try what you suggest, thanks for your interest20:44
aiviGood morning all20:45
gullany ideas what happens behind the scene when initializing usb mouse?20:45
reisiobrother_: this would also work, but is way less cautious :p -> perl -i -0pe 's/\n\n+/\n\n/g' *20:46
reisiogull: ?20:46
gullreisio: my xmodmap resets my custom setting to default20:46
brother_aha, yes I will try that too, making sure I have a back up before, thanks reisio20:46
gullOr whats the proper way to redefining keys in linux20:51
reisioxmodmap is okay20:51
reisioGodFather: you're a delicious pepper20:52
gullthere must something a lever higher, cause autorunnig "xmodmap .xmodmap" on login dosent help20:53
gulli have to type that manually in terminal20:53
gullfeels like something overpowering xmodmaps behavior20:54
jancoowHello, could someone help me fix a broken package of python3?20:55
jancoowi'm on ubuntu server and i can't reinstall it for some reason20:55
jancoowThe threading module is missing20:55
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daftykinsshare a pastebin of what package management processes error, so someone can assist - jancoow20:57
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eb0ti dont knwo what to install ...ubuntu gentoo or archlinux20:58
k1leb0t: ubuntu. for all other answers #ubuntu is obviously wrong20:59
* eb0t slaps his thigh20:59
jancoow daftykins: https://jancokock.me/f/83ccf21:08
regumhi everyone, why doesn't ssh work if the host computer hasn't logged in?21:08
regumhow can i fix this?21:08
daftykinsjancoow: i meant to the channel really and not me, i know nothing about python :)21:08
daftykinsregum: sounds like an issue that's come about through upgrading.21:09
regumdaftykins, what do you mean'21:09
k1lregum: can you give more details?21:09
regumI have a raspberry pi 2, and it boots as root21:10
regumi can't ssh into it until I log in as a user21:10
regumit says 'connection refused'21:10
blakdogDo the ubuntu lts versions able to run as a live cd ?21:10
bekksregum: Because the root accoutn is disabled in Ubuntu, by default.21:11
daftykinsblakdog: run as live for testing, yes21:11
regumwhich is really inconvenient, as it means I have to plug a keyboard every time I turn it on21:11
daftykinsregum: so reconfigure SSHd21:11
jancoowdaftykins: oh haha sorry21:11
regumhow can i do that?21:11
regumwhat should I change?21:12
jancoowhttps://jancokock.me/f/83ccf someone can help me reinstalling python3?21:12
jancoowits broken21:12
k1lregum: ask in #ubuntu-arm if that sort of setup is common on that arm image. its not on pc21:12
regumok, I'll try there21:12
daftykinsjancoow: also i meant to pastebin what happens when you try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall <pythonpackage>" :)21:12
regumthere's noone there21:12
regumI just remembered I sked a while ago and there have been no answers21:12
regumit's always kinda dead21:12
daftykinsregum: sure you didn't typo the channel?21:12
daftykinsheh, figures.21:13
regumI mean, there are people, but they seem to be afk21:13
regumor just ignoring the channel21:13
daftykinsyou can't say they're not there in 5 seconds of joining21:13
regumit's been close to 10 min now21:14
regumand it's always kinda empty, it's not my first visit21:14
daftykinsand i guess your issue is mission critical :)21:14
k1lregum: welcome to irc21:14
daftykinsregum: so to be sure, you're ssh'ing as username@host when you try after the Pi boots up?21:14
regumno, just ssh hostname21:15
regumthe users have the same name21:15
regumthat way it's less of a hassle21:15
daftykinsok so it's not trying root@ to begin with, that's good21:15
daftykinsit's possible SSHd isn't even running until your user logs in then21:16
regumis there any way i can set it up so that it logs into my user at boot time?21:16
regumyeah, it's probably something like that21:16
regumbecause after I log in it works perfectly21:16
bekksregum: Ensure your raspi isnt in sleep mode or something, and wakes up only upon the user logging in.21:16
k1lregum: is it encrypted?21:16
regumit isn't encrypted21:17
regumand it isn0t in sleep mode21:17
bekksHow do you know, if you arent logged in? :)21:17
regumI can work on it as root without logging in if it's connected to a display21:17
regumI connected a display before to check21:17
daftykinscheck SSHd is configured to run at boot21:17
bekksah :)21:17
regumthat's how I know21:17
regumhow can I check that?21:18
k1li still dont understand what the issue is21:18
daftykinsdon't know.21:18
daftykinsit's a weird Pi image for ARM so all of my usual bets are off21:18
daftykinswhat about that boot text file from last time?21:18
regumk1l, my pi boots as root, and it refuses ssh connection until i log into it from the same pi21:18
daftykinsdoes it mention SSHd?21:18
k1lregum: no. it boots as nothing.21:19
regumi don't think it did21:19
regumI'll check21:19
k1lregum: seems you are mixing loging in and the base system running.21:20
regumdwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait single21:20
regumthis is what it says21:20
bindiCan anyone point me to an up to date guide for running a program (irssi) in a jail?21:20
jancoowdaftyskins: well that's the problem, no errors lol21:20
regumI just added 'single' to that file, so that it wouldn't start the gui21:21
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jancoowdaftyskins: but i can't use pip3 or easy install because all of these packages are using threading and i have NO idea why this package is gone21:21
daftykinsjancoow: i wonder if this is the bad build i heard about on the bug site21:21
jancoowyes it is21:21
daftykinsand that bug doesn't have an answer yet?21:21
regumcan't I add some sort of script at boot time that inputs 3 commands?21:21
regumthat logs me in21:22
daftykinsnot really.21:22
k1lregum: well, you boot into single user mode then. that is not loading the regular system then21:22
k1lregum: so better use text.21:22
daftykinsah yeah regum did that yesterday21:22
jancoowlast time i asked it here also because "python.h" was missing. Then someone helped me downgrading some stuff to get it extally updated. Since then the module threading is missing for some reason21:22
daftykinsi did suggest text but you did single instead, mmm21:22
daftykinsso there you go.21:22
daftykinsk1l: good catch!21:22
regumbut i can't use grubs21:22
regumthat's why21:22
daftykinsput text into the boot text file instead21:23
k1lregum: so there you need to talk to the guys that made that image21:23
Silentloudhow do i enable firewall21:23
regumthe image boots into text21:23
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daftykins!ufw | Silentloud21:23
ubottuSilentloud: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:23
regumit's lubuntu that added the gui21:23
daftykinsregum: though it's frustrating, there's a reason we point you to the ARM channel :)21:23
Silentloudty, first time using21:23
daftykinsregum: i'm saying specifically USE the parameter 'text' - it's not good enough what you have now.21:24
k1lregum: "..but that drops you to root..."  that was after you quit too fast in  #ubuntu-arm today21:24
k1lregum: "single user mode" is not the same as "not starting the gui"21:24
regumI see, well Im kinda lost then21:24
daftykinsput text instead of single!21:24
daftykinsshow us that .txt21:25
regumdaftykins, in cmdline.txt?21:25
daftykinspastebinit blah.txt21:25
Silentloud!ufw doesnt work21:25
ubottuSilentloud: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:25
regumdaftykins, /boot/cmdline.txt ?21:25
daftykinsSilentloud: yes it does.21:25
k1lregum: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/10/14/%23ubuntu-arm.html#t15:5021:25
k1lregum: so next  time you say no one helped you better be aware to actually listen to what they say and dont rush to quit.21:26
Silentloudis it suppose to not display like a text saying it worked, im new to the terminal21:26
regumI said it's normally kind of empty, not that noone helped21:26
regumthis channel is way more active is what I meant21:26
regumI did try that21:26
regumit didn't work21:26
daftykinsSilentloud: let's backup, what are you wanting to achieve with a firewall today?21:27
Silentloudwell im trying to enable it, i dont know if its enabled by default21:27
daftykinsfor what reason?21:28
daftykinsif you use your system at home behind a NAT router, there's not too much point you bothering21:28
Silentloudim like praticing for a cyber comp21:28
pwcahi, I want to merge two tables in OpenOffice Calc.21:31
pwcaone column consists of numbers which I want to match the tables by.21:31
pwcathere's an unequal number of rows in the files.21:32
regumk1l, ok, apparently I left before I read zirpu's answer, that works. I did howver try something before with lightdm, so that's why I now thought I had already tried it21:33
reisiopwca: so they have differing columns & values otherwise?21:34
regumthank you all for your help21:34
regumsudo mv /etc/init/lightdm.conf /etc/init/lightdm.conf.disabled21:34
regumthis did it ^21:34
regumalso forgive me for seeming a little bit impatient, but you really do feel lost at sea with linux21:35
regumthanks again21:35
avenger_qi need help21:36
avenger_qi downloaded quake 3 arena through the software center21:36
avenger_qit tells me to install the pak0.pk3 file in the ,.baseq3 folder... but i cant find the damn folder... i have the base.pk3 files... all of them.21:37
CzokNorrishello. does anyone know why i am getting this in my syslog every 5 seconds and how to get rid of it: kernel: [ 1095.212966] charon[5353]: segfault at 841f0f ip 0000000000841f0f sp 00007fff591bfd68 error 1421:42
CzokNorrisI am trying to get ipsec VPN with IKEv2 and StrongSwan running21:42
CzokNorrisi tried apt-get strongswan install --reinstall and also ipsec restart, but it doesn't help21:43
daftykins"charon segfault with incomplete strongswan.conf file"21:43
daftykinscould be many things :)21:43
CzokNorrisdaftykins: let me see, thank you21:44
CzokNorrishow did you find this very issue? What to search for?21:44
daftykins"charon segfault" was my winning google21:44
daftykinswhich also showed a Bug #501 too21:45
ubottubug 501 in Launchpad itself "Subscribe to packages by email" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50121:45
daftykinsnope not that one :)21:45
CzokNorrishmm, it doesn't seem to be this bug however. My config file is complete.21:46
CzokNorrisIs there a way to reset the whole storngswan thing to factory settings?21:46
daftykinspurge the package and nuke all configs i would say21:47
harovalihi, there is an excecutable binary , which owner "me" and group "me". It is marked suid. I expect that de EUID become 'me' , but instead it continues to be 'thelogedin_user'. Isn't it suposed that if a file is suid the EUID becomes the file's owner , and thus the files created by it will have as the creator the owner of the executable binary?21:48
EriC^^harovali: depends on the program, when it uses setuid()21:48
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nieehi. how to lock screen on closing laptop lid Ubuntu 14.04 MATE22:00
goddardubuntu version 15.10 has a kenerl that supports my touchpad, but 14.04 doesn't.  How can get my touchpad working correctly?22:10
reisiouse 15.10?22:11
reisioor its kernel22:11
reisiowhy wouldn't you use the latest, though22:11
daftykinstry throwing on the wily HWE, once one appears22:11
daftykinsotherwise install the mainline kernel 4.222:11
CzokNorrisi don't get this. How to uninstall strong swan?22:13
CzokNorrisI tried apt-get purge strongswan22:13
CzokNorrisalso apt-get purge -remove strongswan22:13
MonkeyDust!info strongswan22:14
CzokNorrisand when I type ipsec version it still reports Linux strongSwan U5.2.2/K3.13.0-45-generic22:14
ubottustrongswan (source: strongswan): IPsec VPN solution metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.2-0ubuntu5.2 (vivid), package size 29 kB, installed size 184 kB22:14
CzokNorrishot get it. Sorry for asking noob questions, but how to get rid of this?22:14
CzokNorris*hot = dont22:14
daftykinswell, did it complete cleanly?22:15
CzokNorrisdaftykins, let me retry22:16
CzokNorrisdaftykins it says: Package 'strongswan' is not installed, so not removed22:18
CzokNorrisbut ipsec version says: Linux strongSwan U5.2.2/K3.13.0-45-generic22:18
daftykinswhere are you reading that?22:19
daftykinsthat kernel is out of date for ubuntu 14.0422:19
reisiohi anon22:23
jr_I try to format my usb but an error is thrown: http://pastebin.com/RA1Fv49W22:41
jr_Can anyone help me fix this?22:41
daftykinsjr_: pull it out, put it back in again, then check it's mounted anywhere (maybe use nautilus and click the eject button beside it)22:45
jr_daftykins: tried that. the only thing that works is using sudo umount22:45
jr_I'm trying to do it through disks though22:45
taseis there an ubuntu minimal iso ? no ui nothing, just barebones ? i saw the mini.iso but the description seems to say it downloads everything the normal iso has22:46
Bashing-om!minimal | tas22:47
ubottutas: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:47
daftykinsjr_: so do it and nuke the partition table with dd?22:47
TheLourie10Is there any way to share enigmail keys/configuration on a partition between Windows and Ubuntu?22:47
daftykinstase: no, it asks you to pick - so mini would be fine22:47
TheLourie10Btw on mobile22:48
zhxkhello, maxsizeofswapfile=memorysize*swippiness/100?22:58
curiousxzhxk: no, just set 2 gb of swap22:59
bekkszhxk: No. maxswap = yourram + 100M.22:59
bekksIn case you want to use hibernation.22:59
LeftFootBrakera propos swap: why does the standard-ubuntu installer not allocate enough swap for hibernation?23:00
curiousx!swap | zhxk23:00
ubottuzhxk: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:00
computa_mikehey - anybody know how to install wizardpen for Ubuntu 15.04 - the installation guide seems really old23:01
taseso with this mini.iso, can I just keep my home partition and squish my ubuntu install on the / partition w/o problems ?23:02
Ben64tase: what are you trying to do23:03
goddardubuntu version 15.10 has a kenerl that supports my touchpad, but 14.04 doesn't.  How can get my touchpad working correctly?23:04
Ben64install 15.10 or wait23:05
computa_mikeBen64 : Could you compile your own kernel with that touchpad support in it (I'm not suggesting you personally do it ) - but could that be an option (perhaps adifficult option)?23:07
jhutchinsgoddard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile23:08
jhutchinsDoes ubuntu not have backported kernels?23:08
daftykinssure it does23:08
daftykinsHWE stacks and mainline kernels.23:09
tgm4883however it won't get the 15.10 kernel until it's released23:09
taseBen64 go from Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop to Ubuntu 15.05 Minimal23:10
Ben64tase: there is no 15.0523:11
curiousxgoddard: you could upgrade to 15.10 beta, till 15.10 cames out eight day ahead :p23:12
goddardcuriousx: i would but i need to keep things stable23:14
goddardjhutchins: is it a difficuclt process?23:15
curiousxgoddard: is it a server ?23:15
Ben64goddard: mainline would be better than compiling your own, but waiting for wily's kernel to pop up in trusty would be best23:15
goddardcuriousx: no a work computer that relies on the community to maintain version stability23:16
taseBen64 15.04....23:16
Ben64tase: why do you want to do that? and what do you want from 'minimal'23:17
pepeecan anyone using 14.04.3 check something for me? can you see the package libestools2.4 in your repos?23:26
Ben64!info libestools2.4 trusty23:26
ubottuPackage libestools2.4 does not exist in trusty23:26
pepeek, thanks23:26
k1l_pepee: 2.1 is in trusty23:27
pepeeyeah, thanks23:27
taseBen64 what do you mean why? just going from one version to an other23:31
Ben64tase: why going from LTS to a version that will be unsupported in January, why desktop to 'minimal' and what do you think minimal is for23:33
luckybunnyanyone know what i can do when SysRq doesn't work? It seems specific to this actual keyboard, since I plugged another in and Alt-PrScr my way to REISUB success, but tried twice on this one before hand with nada23:34
tasenot like it matters, i want to use the machine to render, so i dont need unity23:34
luckybunnyI thought it was curious that Alt-PrScr only worked for me on a cheapass old keyboard, awhile my newer gaming keyboard wouldn't take it23:35
tasei dont need an auto updater, i dont need someone to convince me otherwise, ill be connecting from ssh23:35
Ben64tase: so install the server version23:36
k1l_tase: then use the server install. the server is the same system just without a desktop23:36
taseand the unsupported thing is exactly why im asking if i can keep my /home partition intact while swapping linux versions around23:36
Ben64i don't see the point in dropping LTS on a server in favor of something which will be unsupported in 3 months23:37
tasedoesnt server run a bunch of services like apached ? i only need openssh and samba23:37
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k1l_tase: not if you choose to make it run apache.23:38
k1l_tase: server doesnt mean "webserver".23:38
tasewell luckly for me its not a server its just a personally owned spare computer23:38
Ben64what you're describing is a server. a computer you ssh into to perform tasks without a gui23:39
k1l_yep, server doesnt mean it needs to run on a dual cpu xenon mainboard with 100GB ram.23:39
Ben64you could turn the gui off on your already existing 14.04 install and be done with it already23:39
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taseserver doesnt mean it needs to run Ubuntu 14.04 server LTS either :)23:40
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tasei mean if im not going to use apache, why use the server iso over the minimal iso23:41
Ben64k1l_ already said server isn't for apache23:41
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k1l_tase: mini.iso is very very minimal. server is basically the general ubuntu base system like the desktop but without a desktop.23:42
Ben64i'm done with this though, i don't know why i bother trying to help people who don't want it23:42
k1l_tase: if you think your way is the only way: then do it. but dont ask us about it and then be picky when we suggest another way23:43
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tasewell i wasnt asking for help with picking a distro in the first place23:43
k1l_tase: you wanted us to guarantee that everything will be fine. so we suggested not to change everything then but just make the actual setup work like the task is.23:44
taseif i pick server or mini my question is the same, can a /home partition be reused in different instals without .config files spoiling ?23:44
k1l_tase: yes, but since from 14.04 to 15.04 program version changed, too. that can be an issue. not a common issue but no one will guarantee that for you.23:45
k1l_tase: that is why we suggested not to change everything in the first place.23:45
k1l_and an issue could be that the configs in the old /home rely on services/packages that are not installed on the mini system. and therefor produce errors23:46
tasewell im on Desktop atm,going to Server would change things23:46
k1l_tase: you dont listen at all, do you?23:47
tasemaybe i misread23:47
k1l_!text | tase23:47
ubottutase: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:47
tasewhen did you even mention that23:48
k1l_a server is a system that doesnt have a desktop (running) and is maintained through ssh in most cases.  so a desktop ubuntu made not to start the desktop is a server. and the server.iso is the same bases system than the desktop.iso just without a installed desktop23:48
taseso which part didnt I listen to btw ?23:51
k1l_you still combine a server with running apache23:51
tasecombine a server with running apache ?i dont understand23:52
k1l_tase: you asked, we suggested a different solution. its your choice what you do now23:52
tase... yes ? i asked about /home files between ubuntu installs and you told me to install Ubuntu Server, then got personal when I said the version didnt really matter.23:55
tasethis feels like a nice misunderstanding23:56
jhutchinstase: Why don't we start over, what was your original question?23:56
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jhutchinstase: I think k1l_ misunderstood what you were asking.23:57
k1l_you can make that install into a server like i told you now several times23:57
k1l_if you want to reinstall at all costs. then go for the server install.23:57
k1l_if you want to do it your way. well, then do it.23:57
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