
NoskcajHey everyone. I've got a new laptop, so i can start doing stuff again. downside is i'm now in year 12 so i have to focus more on school. Have i missed anything major?09:36
bluesabreHey Noskcaj, welcome back10:54
bluesabreThe biggest thing right now is going to be testing and reporting/fixing bugs10:54
knomeyep, final freeze tomorrow11:59
flocculantwe can hope so :p12:03
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan
NoskcajThe installer's popup to overwrite windows 8's UEFI talks about debian not ubuntu. If someone can reproduce it that would be great, since i'd prefer to not nuke my new setup18:51
flocculanthi Noskcaj - belated welcome back :)18:59
Noskcajhey :)19:00
flocculantI can't - I'd just report it manually 19:00
Noskcajoh crap, no one fixed redshift19:03
flocculantis it broken then19:38
* flocculant wouldn't know nor worry either :)19:39
drcGeneral Relativity is broken?19:39
drcdarn, better inform Einstein. :)19:40
NoskcajIf i open multiple xfce4-terminal's they all come up on top of each other, rather than at different points on the screen. Is this a regression (didn't happen at the start of the cycle) or my laptop?20:11
flocculantbeen like that as long as I remember 20:15
Noskcajok, must have been something i accidently made work20:18
flocculantnope 20:18
flocculantjust booted vivid image - that opens them in multiple positions20:18
flocculantso you're not going mad 20:19
drcThe only time I've ever seen them open in the same place is if one sets tweaks->Center of Screen.20:19
flocculantdrc: yep - but you can't seemingly turn that off 20:20
drcsure you can...set Minimum Size to small...or are we talking over each other?20:22
flocculantdidn't know that ... 20:22
flocculantsettings editor - shows placement_mode as center20:23
flocculantsilly me - thought the lock column was on or off :D20:23
flocculantignore that 20:23
flocculantand yes drc - that does at least work around it - though why it affects terminal in that way suddenly 20:26
NoskcajWhere do i find possible value's for the setting?20:27
flocculantI just set placement to small in tweaks like drc said 20:27
Noskcajok, that fixed it20:28
flocculantUnit193 or ochosi or bluesabre would possibly be the best to ask when or why probably20:29
drcflocculant: It's been that way as long as I remember...say, about 5 minutes :)20:30
flocculantfunny that :p20:30
drcI know it was in 4.1020:30
flocculantwas like what? over the top of each other? 20:34
flocculantcos it's not like it in vivid default20:34
drcNever mind...I think we were slightly talking past each other (i.e., talking about different things)20:36
flocculantentirely possible :)20:36
flocculantmmk 20:37
flocculantso in wily livesession it doesn't do this 20:37
drcI trust the Live Session about as far as I can throw the Isle of Man.20:38
knomealmost too21:17
Unit193I selected the link and copied it, some reason it didn't copy. >_<21:18
ochosiNoskcaj, flocculant: what setting where and why again? :)22:08
Unit193Amusingly, the link I posted doesn't include Xubuntu. :P22:51
bluesabreevening all23:47
Unit193Howdy, bluesabre.23:48
bluesabreheya Unit193 23:48
knomeheya seany23:49
knome...and unity23:49
bluesabrehiya knoomy23:49
knomeloomy boomy23:49
bluesabredoomy zoomy23:49
knomefed up23:50
bluesabreknome: why?23:51
knomei referred to kryty leaving23:52
knomegot fed up to our discussion23:52
bluesabrehe'll be back23:53
bluesabreone day23:53

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