
zeiohi all, is possible use on the same  installation on device radeon and one other nvidia00:10
zeioanybody have expertise in setup  one radeon and one nvidia on the same time00:22
=== user is now known as akis
akishi all. why ubuntu software center doesn't support midori's updates? The only way to update it to a newer version is to follow these instructions http://midori-browser.org/download/ubuntu/ or is there any other option too?04:46
Luyinakis without having checked, does a ppa exist?04:55
akisLyrin: @Midori's site exist instructions to add a ppa. I didn't check it too. I avoid to add ppa's other than official.04:59
Luyinakis then either you have to avoid midori or switch to another distro05:02
Luyinakis     ppa:midori/ppa  what about this one? looks official enough to me05:03
akisok. i mean ubuntu's official. anyway, why ubuntu doesn't provide updates as it makes with other distros?05:05
Luyinakis dunno, you'll have to ask somebody else for that05:06
akisok. thanks05:09
xubuntu394I kinda felt like taking a shot for some advice here, I recently removed windows from my netbook to install linux. Went for Ubuntu, i safely erasedmy ssd with hdparm and installed Xubuntu from USB. However, the netbook wont let me boot into linux. It just complains about the fact that it ccannot boot windows and enters recovery mode. Anyone experienced this before?09:07
xubuntu394ran boot-repair on Xubuntu live, it completed without errors but did nothing to my boot problem unfortunately09:08
cfhowlettxubuntu394, ask in #ubuntu = more eyes09:08
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:08
miltonIs 15.10 release significant?11:46
flocculantsignificant in what way?11:47
miltonin common sense11:50
miltonoh xubuntu 15.10 doesn't have gimp, abiword, and gnumeric11:59
knomemilton, yes, it's significant in common sense; developers have put 6 monhts of effort to it.12:01
miltonyeah all releases are significant, but some releases are more significant12:04
knomethen it would make sense if you told what your criteria was...12:05
knome(and i think you just answered your own question too...)12:07
miltonyeah. i think i like cutting-edge, ubuntu, and xfce. also libreoffice out of the box is a big plus12:09
miltonBTW, i never used a pre-release version before12:10
miltonshould i expect significant instability in 15.10 final beta?12:10
bazhangwait til after release milton12:20
bazhangits still beta, so some last minute bug fixing might happen, never can tell12:20
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knomewell if being cutting edge was important, then the question would have been "is xubuntu 15.10 significantly cutting edge?" and the answer "no"12:38
jilocasin0morning all13:39
jilocasin0does anyone know how to switch hard drives (/dev/sdb -> /dev/sda etc.)?13:40
jilocasin0Does it even matter?13:45
mrkrampswhat exactly do you mean by "switch"?13:46
jilocasin0mrkramps: initially the internal hard drive (EFI, boot, swap, /) was /dev/sda and the external ext4 USB3 hard drive was /dev/sdb, after reboot they've been switched (external is /dev/sda).13:47
jilocasin0mrkramps: I am looking to mount the external drive at boot and noticed the switch.13:48
jilocasin0mrkramps: thought the fstab seems to be using UUID as opposed to /dev/<xxx>, so maybe it doesn't really matter. <shrug>13:49
mrkrampswith uuid it does not matter13:49
jilocasin0mrkramps: [old timer here]  Seems a might bit odd though.  When did fstab move to UUID's?13:50
mrkrampsdevice files still work in fstab, but i remember UUIDs for some years now13:51
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)14:54
bazhanglink about why ^14:54
jilocasin0bazhang: thanks14:55
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Belovsomeone is here ?18:56
Belovi'm new user of xubuntu. And have big problem18:56
PiciJust ask :)18:56
BelovMy problem is that I install xubuntu, i selected encrypting after installation i restart and need to put password of encryption18:57
drcand be specific :)18:57
Belovthe problem is that i try to put password and nothing, error18:57
Belovi re-installed xubuntu 3 times :D18:58
Belovalways i put correct password for encrypting18:58
Belovbut when xubuntu is installed and i try to login, first ask the password of encrypting18:58
PiciWhen you mean "nothing", do you mean that when you type there are no stars?18:59
PiciBecause that is normal.18:59
Belovthere are starts, all is ok. I mean that always error something about keys18:59
PiciJust type your password.18:59
Belovno one keys18:59
BelovNo key available for this passphrase19:00
Belovmy password is not small, i use sybols like ' and _-19:01
Belovfirst time i thought that i'm wrong with password when i put in installation19:02
PiciI'm not really sure myself, I don't encrypt my disks.19:03
BelovI will install without encrypting. New question. I have redhat on another hard disk. I removed the hard disk before i try to install xubuntu (because i want to install on my new ssd)19:04
Belovi will have problems when i will put old hard disk ?19:04
flocculantBelov: personally I would install with the disk connected - then xubuntu will find it and add it to the boot menu19:05
Belovproblem is that it not ask me about new my ssd19:05
Belovand want to format my old hard19:05
flocculantBelov: as far as the password issue - did you check that the keyboard layout was correct and the same both times19:05
Belovi not need my old red hat, i need only info19:06
flocculantBelov: then I wouldn't connect it :)19:06
flocculantyou can connect afterwards and xubuntu will see it - you can obviously use fstab to add it if you wish19:06
flocculantbecause there have in the past been issues with locales and passwords19:08
flocculantanyway - just an idea - same as Pici here, no encryption19:08
Belovwhen i put 3 times wrong password of encrypting, after this was opened terminal (black screen with white text), and i can put commands. And i put password to see if really is good19:09
Belovand is good19:09
Belovso the problem is not locales19:09
flocculantseems a bit like bug 104738419:10
ubottubug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104738419:10
Belovalso about encrypting. I not see which locales i use (no icons or something like this to show is english or ot)19:11
Belovit's correct so ?19:11
flocculantI'm not sure - sorry19:13
flocculantwhat the bug implies is that the password is entered before your keyboard layout19:14
flocculantat which point - wrong password19:14
flocculantwe had the same issue a while back with normal passwords so didn't ship ibus19:15
BelovOk. About my old hard drive. I want only info from this HDD. Not want to use old OS. But i'm afraid that if i will put this old HDD, xubuntu will install OS on my old HDD19:17
Belovbut i need on SSD19:17
flocculantyep - as I said just do it disconnected as you have before19:17
flocculantyou can plug it in afterwards19:17
BelovOne thing, can i plug when OS is started ? or better shutdown and plug ?19:18
flocculantshutdown and connect it19:18
Belovthank you very much19:19
Belovi go to try19:19
Belovjust say me good luck :D19:19
flocculantyou don't need luck ;)19:20

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