
mupBug #1506247 opened: NIC configured as "DHCP" in the UI gets configured as manual <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506247>00:03
mupBug #1506247 changed: NIC configured as "DHCP" in the UI gets configured as manual <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506247>00:06
mupBug #1506247 opened: NIC configured as "DHCP" in the UI gets configured as manual <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506247>00:15
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=== Sagar is now known as Guest86099
Guest86099wanted some help in configuring MAAS with CentOS image node deployment03:50
Guest86099has anyone in the group tried it?03:51
mupBug #1506441 opened: maas web UI: cannot remove default gateway on cluster interface (once set) <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506441>12:04
mupBug #1506453 opened: statically assigned ipv6 address is deconfigured on procps restart <ipv6> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506453>12:38
fandihi all13:14
fandii have question when try to pxe boot .. os always power off13:14
fandiwhen it finish ..13:14
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mupBug #1506453 changed: statically assigned ipv6 address is deconfigured on procps restart <ipv6> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1506453>14:20
mupBug # opened: 1506516, 1506517, 1506518, 1506519, 1506520, 150652315:20
mupBug # changed: 1506516, 1506517, 1506518, 1506519, 1506520, 150652315:23
mupBug # opened: 1506516, 1506517, 1506518, 1506519, 1506520, 150652315:26
mupBug # changed: 1506516, 1506517, 1506518, 1506519, 1506520, 150652315:29
mupBug # opened: 1506516, 1506517, 1506518, 1506519, 1506520, 150652315:32
mupBug # opened: 1506524, 1506525, 1506528, 150652915:35
sa-shuklaHi All15:37
sa-shuklaI wanted some help for https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/150283915:37
sa-shuklahave someone tried with CentOS deployment through MAAS?15:38
mgzsa-shukla: jog has just been doing it recently, I'll ask him if he has any ideas on your problem15:44
mupBug # changed: 1506524, 1506525, 1506528, 150652915:47
mupBug # opened: 1506524, 1506525, 1506528, 150652915:50
sa-shuklathanks mgz. Have been trying out different things since last few days, but things seem quite complicated with the CentOS15:56
sa-shuklaDocument does not mention about any complications though15:56
mgzsa-shukla: we're using maas 1.9, and had a different set of issues16:04
mgzsa-shukla: so, probably not much help to you I'm afraid, apart from to say yeah, this stuff is not straight forward unfortunately16:05
sa-shuklamgz - are you able to get it working on MAAS 1.9? What steps are involved?16:29
roaksoaxsa-shukla: did you download the centos image from MAAS 1.9 directly?16:30
sa-shuklanope ... I am running MAAS 1.8 and downloaded it from daily repo provided by MAAS16:31
sa-shuklaearlier I was not aware and had compiled my own centos image using image-builder tool16:32
sa-shuklasomehow looks like the error is unchanged16:32
sa-shuklalooks like while try to fetch the image, URL contructed is using network instead of region / cluster controller IP16:33
sa-shuklaIn the bug I have tried to attach screenshots as well16:33
mgzsa-shukla: we were, but it involved fiddling with nics and how our setup stuff worked16:39
sa-shuklamgz: ok, is it possible for you to send me the steps involved. I will try to see if I can figure out what is going on with my environment16:42
sa-shuklait is possible that issues might be similar16:43
sa-shuklaon 1.8.2 and 1.916:43
sa-shuklamy email ID is sa_shukla@yahoo.com16:44
mgzsa-shukla: have you seen http://wiki.cloudbase.it/juju-centos16:45
sa-shuklanope ... will take a look16:45
sa-shuklabut would be good if you can share the info16:46
sa-shuklaatleast that will have something for me to work on16:46
roaksoaxsa-shukla: install MAAS 1.9, change the 'Sync ULR' from http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/releases/ to http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral-v2/daily/16:47
roaksoaxsa-shukla: then go to the Images page16:47
roaksoaxsa-shukla: you'll see CentOS16:47
sa-shuklayes ... I have downloaded using this approach16:48
sa-shuklafor 1.8.216:48
roaksoaxsa-shukla: ok, so 1.8.2 hould work just fine16:48
roaksoaxsa-shukla: for 1.9: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas-images/+bug/149955816:48
roaksoaxsa-shukla: you need to change the storage layout16:48
roaksoaxsa-shukla: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas-images/+bug/1499558/comments/316:49
mgzroaksoax: bug 1502839 is his experience so far16:50
mgz...this channel needs moar mup16:51
roaksoaxmgz: yeah, but I'm deploying centos right now on 1.9 and works like a charm :16:53
sa-shuklayou mean just importing the image through daily works out of the box?16:57
sa-shuklaI thought there were issues with 1.9 as well in deploying CentOS nodes16:58
sa-shuklaalso 1.9 seems to be in alpha state ... is it stable enough for deploying?16:58
sa-shuklaroaksoax: my error message is different from storage layout error given in bug # 149955817:07
sa-shuklaI can give it a try though if you feel this might be one of the possible issues looking at bug # 150283917:08
roaksoaxsa-shukla: i just deployed 40 machines with centos using the flat layout17:19
roaksoaxsa-shukla: downloading the image directly from MAAS17:19
sa-shuklaok, thanks. Will give it a try17:20
sa-shuklaroaksoax: what version of MAAS you are running? Is 1.9 stable enough to deploy?17:27
roaksoaxsa-shukla: yup17:29
roaksoaxsa-shukla: running 1.917:29
roaksoaxsa-shukla: 1.9 is still alpha due to missing UI features17:29
roaksoaxsa-shukla: but provided those land later this week/early next week, MAAS will be moving to beta17:30
sa-shuklaroaksoax: will try with the workaround, else will try the upgrade17:30
sa-shuklaalso occassionally, I have run into issues where I deleted a node in the UI, but it still trying to boot under MAAS provisioning17:31
sa-shuklaany way cleaning up the nodes?17:31
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