
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
* JamesTait feels conflicted.08:39
mcphailJamesTait: today should be "accidental nick-ping day" - sorry :)08:40
JamesTaitConflict resolved! You're really getting into the swing of this! 😃08:41
davmor2JamesTait: I can fix that08:41
JamesTaitOh don't you start. 😝08:41
karnimhall119: I recently saw you talk about 15.04.1 - I'm guessing my click review tool is outdated (host maschine is up to date 14.10, but build is in 15.04 click chroot), but I'm getting this: 'ubuntu-sdk-15.04.1' is not a supported framework. We're encouraged to use 15.04.1 in the manifest, right?09:05
davmor2JamesTait: consider yourself luck that it would cost to much to get to you for me to bother ;)09:08
nik90zsombi: Hey, I just noticed something strange in https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/Ubuntu.Components.AdaptivePageLayout/09:33
nik90zsombi: it says import UC 1.2, but that this component was introduced only since UC 1.3 which are two contradictory statements.09:34
popeysverzegnassi: heya, did you get any kind of stack trace from docviewer / libreoffice that we can pass to Bjoern? (He's keen to look) :)09:47
sverzegnassipopey: o/ At the moment I only have a trace for the resource files missing. Can I send it by email?09:58
popeysverzegnassi: sure, feel free to send to bjoern and me, he's sat next to me :)09:59
sverzegnassipopey: ok. btw when do we have next meeting? later this afternoon or tomorrow?10:01
popeysverzegnassi: oh, good question. we moved it didn't we?10:07
popey16:36 < mrqtros> "is 14:00 UTC Thursday possible for you?" yes10:07
popeysverzegnassi: sorry, I forgot to move it, done now10:08
sverzegnassipopey: I was having a look at the calendar and i wasn't sure if it was right... thanks for fixing it10:12
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mhall119karni: you're getting that from the SDK?12:24
karnimhall119: from "click build ..." review part. sorry, my Internet just went down, typing on my phone..12:37
mhall119karni: you probably don't have it on your build host then, bzoltan_ ^^12:38
karnidoes click review run in the click chroot as well or on the host machine?12:39
karniI'll check in later, typing on the touch screen is killing my thumbs12:40
snizzois there a way to extract a click package?16:24
snizzoI lost the source of my app16:24
beunosnizzo, it's a tar file inside a tar file16:24
beunothere's a few ways to do it16:25
beunoone way is to rename it to .tar16:25
beunoand use the GUI to extract it16:25
beunothe code will be in data.tar.gz16:25
popeyar -x foo.click16:25
popeytar zxvf data.tar.gz16:25
popeythats what I do16:25
snizzothanks guys! :D16:25
snizzois there a list of icons usable with iconName property?17:29
nik90snizzo: http://icons.mivoligo.com/20:59
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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