
pittiGood morning05:59
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larsumorning pitti!08:13
willcookemorning all08:13
TheMuso`Hey desktoppers.08:14
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willcookeevening TheMuso08:14
pittihey larsu, how are you?08:15
* pitti waves to the desktoppers08:15
larsupitti: sick again :/ Not sure what's going on with me08:15
larsupitti: how are you?08:15
pittilarsu: meh :( darn ubuflu?08:15
larsupitti: I'd be patient 0 if so ;)08:15
pittilarsu: a bit groggy from basketball and staying up late, but okay otherwise, thanks08:15
larsupitti: not many other desktoppers here yet. I here there was some sort of port involved last night ;)08:16
larsu*hear even08:16
TheMusoHope you folks had a good time last night, wish I was there.08:17
larsuTheMuso: it was a lot of fun up until the part where I had to leave because I was too tired :) How are you?08:18
TheMusolarsu: Much better than I was earlier in the week thanks.08:18
GunnarHjHi all, irrespective of what happened last night, I'd need help with sponsoring an im-config patch. It's bug #1481025, and it's a "must go in today" thing. Anyone?08:21
ubot5`bug 1481025 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut for layout switching works in Unity but not in Gnome-Flashback" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148102508:21
LaneyGunnarHj: Trade for you looking at the broken mascot image in ubuntu-docs?08:22
GunnarHjLaney: Are you sure it's broken? It works with en_US, and the rest will work when the translations have been built.08:23
Laneywell I don't get it here08:23
Laneywhat do you mean?08:23
larsumorning Laney08:24
larsuhow are you?08:24
Laneydpkg --configure laney08:24
larsuwhat version you on?08:24
* TheMuso -> EOD, later folks.08:25
GunnarHjLaney: I mean that if you start yelp as "LANGUAGE=en_US yelp", it should show up.08:25
Laneyyes, and C works too08:25
Laneyso what fixes this?08:25
GunnarHjLaney: Right. And the rest depends on the language-pack-gnome-XX-base packages, which haven't been built yet. Right, pitti?08:26
Laneyso en_GB should work already then08:27
GunnarHjLaney: All other languages but en_US should work when those packages have been built.08:29
GunnarHjLaney: Now, after this good news, any chance you can help with the im-config patch? ;)08:30
pittiGunnarHj: haven't been built yet> err, what?08:31
GunnarHjpitti: Latest version from October 2, and the ubuntu-docs build happened after that.08:33
pittiGunnarHj: ah, ok; yeah, we'll get another fresh build; I just pinged infinity in #u-devel to ask when this should happen08:33
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, that's what I (and Laney) am/are waiting for. :)08:34
LaneyGunnarHj: -> happyaron :-)08:35
GunnarHjhappyaron: Hi Aron, have you seen my corrections at bug #1481025?08:37
ubot5`bug 1481025 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut for layout switching works in Unity but not in Gnome-Flashback" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148102508:37
happyaronGunnarHj: yes I'm reading that, just thinking I was correct for uploading the cjkv one, :)08:39
GunnarHjhappyaron: You were indeed. You should have stopped me. ;)08:39
GunnarHjhappyaron: Will you take care of the latest patch?08:40
happyaronyep for im-config08:40
GunnarHjhappyaron: Great, then I'll go ahead and upload the l-s part.08:41
GunnarHjhappyaron: I made a stupid mistake, so you really don't need to thank me. But anyway, you're welcome. ;)08:42
hikikohello :)08:47
robert_ancellmvo, what does sessioninstaller do? file-roller recommends it, does that seem like it still should?09:19
robert_ancellGunnarHj, does language-selector work with PackageKit? We're looking at removing aptdaemon.09:23
robert_ancelldarkxst, around?09:27
darkxstrobert_ancell, maybe, just got home 1min ago09:28
darkxstwhats up09:28
robert_ancelldarkxst, we're sprinting in London and were about to have a discussion about what version of GNOME for 16.04 - was wondering if you wanted to be involved.09:29
darkxstI need 15mins though09:30
robert_ancelldarkxst, np09:30
mvorobert_ancell: I think it used to install missing compressors and such09:30
darkxstirc? or hangouts?09:30
robert_ancelldarkxst, hangout probably works best09:30
robert_ancellmvo,  I couldn't see any associated patch to file-roller to use it directly, so I guess if PackageKit is working then file-roller will just continue to work.09:31
darkxstok, just let me grab some food first09:32
darkxstre packagekit, it uses aptdeamon, shit breaks if you use apt-cc backend (like debian does)09:32
darkxstlanguage-selector uses aptdeamon09:33
robert_ancelldarkxst, we're looking at fixing the issues in apt-cc and dropping aptdaemon09:33
mvorobert_ancell: yeah, session-installer is providing a PK session compatible API09:34
robert_ancellmvo, ah09:34
darkxstrobert_ancell, I am all for that, but pitti doesnt like apt-cc09:39
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pittiwell, 'like' -- it doesn't support plugins any more, but that ship has sailed long ago already anyway09:40
robert_ancelldarkxst, let us know when you're ready09:40
pittiwith that we lost the feature that if you install a package it also installs necessary langpacks09:41
pittiit's not the end of the world of course09:41
darkxstrobert_ancell, eating, about 10 mins09:41
pittidarkxst: didn't we drop the apt backend several releases ago already anyway?09:41
darkxstsetup a hangout I'll join it when I'm done09:42
darkxstpitti, did we ever use apt-cc? I don't think so09:42
darkxstof course packagekit also has the older python? apt backend but that is different09:42
pittidarkxst: aren't we now? packagekit-backend-apt still exists in precise, not after that09:43
darkxstpitti, apt-cc conflicts with aptdaemon09:43
pittidarkxst: well, "now" -> if you actually use packagekit, of course09:43
pittiwith aptdaemon we obviously use that, and have plugins, right09:44
darkxstapt-cc also has no support for locale provides, but ximion would take that upstream09:44
robert_ancelldarkxst, ok, let's just do it on IRC then. seb128 Laney larsu attente anyone else who cares09:45
robert_ancellI think everyone is pretty much agreed here to go with 3.18 for GNOME09:46
robert_ancellattente was keen to go to 3.20 for GTK+ because it has some features for GTK+ Mir09:46
seb128looking a GTK, 3.20 would be good for the mir backend/the things attente is working on09:46
robert_ancelldesrt too09:46
seb128but " Merge GSK " seems a bit scary09:46
robert_ancelldarkxst, does that match what you guys want in Ubuntu GNOME?09:46
seb128unsure how much the scene graph impacts09:47
seb128is that new code/backend09:47
seb128or going to impact x11 rendering?09:47
robert_ancellSounds likely to cause bugs, probably would not be perfectly ironed out until 3.2209:48
* robert_ancell watches the tumbleweed go past09:50
darkxstrobert_ancell, I can do a hangout now09:50
darkxstI don't think the scene graph stuff is ready to land yet?09:52
ricotzseb128, afaik gsk will only be used and impact new widgets09:52
seb128ricotz, the second link states "The first step is to get a scene drawn inside a GtkWidget "09:53
seb128so it seems like it has potential for quite some code change/creating issues09:53
ricotzI think this widget would be some kind of new container with the needed api to go further09:55
darkxstgnome has been pretty stable the last few releases, but you never know when they decide to go and break stuff at the last minute]09:55
ricotzI doubt that literally GtkWidget is meant here09:55
ricotzsorry, g2g09:56
seb128darkxst, ^ want to join?09:59
seb128ricotz, bye09:59
darkxstseb128, trying to join10:00
seb128darkxst, we can't hear you10:01
seb128do you hear us?10:01
darkxstseb128, I can hear you10:02
seb128darkxst, doesn't work?10:02
darkxstseb128, apparently no sound10:03
seb128we can't hear you...10:03
seb128darkxst, can you try to reconnect?10:04
davmor2seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/150639610:10
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1506396 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Desktop scaling from 2→1 on dell xps doesn't resize to screen dimensions" [Undecided,New]10:10
seb128davmor2, thanks10:11
darkxstseb128, that was a pretty shallow meeting, but if you guys reallly want to switch, and we are for it, you will need to find a server to generate metadata10:39
seb128darkxst, is debian going this way?10:40
darkxstseb128, yes, but so far its only hooked in tanglu, but they have a dedicated server generating the data10:40
darkxstximion was talking about getting a meta-data package into ubuntu for kubuntu, but that is just a hack10:41
darkxstdebian already defaults to apt-cc backend so a little easier for them10:42
darkxst(and kubuntu also)10:42
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
chrisccoulsonWhat was that?12:52
Sweet5harkshut up guys, I wanna work.12:52
chrisccoulsonstop poking me seb12812:53
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
pittichrisccoulson: just feed him some stollen, and he'll become really friendly!13:13
chrisccoulsonhah! :)13:14
* Sweet5hark remembers that for the next crappy package he wants to get sponsored.13:15
ckingseb128, any progress on zfs?13:16
seb128cking, I did new spl-linux and looking at zfs now but it's not a trivial package13:18
ckingseb128, ack, indeed13:19
qenghoWill zfs integrate with gnome-disks and such? It crosses so many layers, it seems hard.13:22
ckingqengho, no entirely sure13:26
Riddellpitti: apport test failure reported on konsole looks like a network issue? lots of "ERROR: Package download error"13:33
Sweet5harkhmmm, so cnn published the current top 50 bars of the world and 9 of them are in London. I wonder, if we should use that information for Great Good(tm) ... http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/09/foodanddrink/world-50-best-bars-2015/index.html13:33
popeySweet5hark: any chance you can join us in #ubuntu-touch-meeting14:02
robert_ancellqengho, does bug 1506483 look reasonable to you?14:12
ubot5`bug 1506483 in Light Display Manager "Cannot "killall chromium" from a guest session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150648314:12
qenghorobert_ancell: reasonable, yes. SRU-worthy, I an not so sure.14:14
qenghoI'll leave that up to you~.14:14
robert_ancellqengho, yeah, I'm not going to SRU it, but wanted to check if it should go onto trunk14:14
qenghorobert_ancell: LGTM14:15
robert_ancellqengho, thanks14:15
Pharmasolinwillcooke: i will need to get some fixed bug from Unity bug tracker and write steps for reproduce for specific bug, that were fixed?14:16
Pharmasolinwillcooke: it is from our yesterday conversation i were afk and you exit irc later14:16
Pharmasolinwillcooke: we were talking about U7 test cases14:16
willcookePharmasolin, just talking to davmor2 about some of the options14:19
Pharmasolinwillcooke: ok14:21
qenghochrisccoulson: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+files/firefox_41.0.2.orig.tar.bz215:34
chrisccoulsonqengho, thanks15:34
LaneyTrevinho: http://5digits.org/pentadactyl/15:44
seb128robert_ancell, do you see anything wrong with http://paste.ubuntu.com/12791538/15:52
seb128robert_ancell, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=8bd98c08aa380dd31273b4377ef6417f9946c94116:06
seb128robert_ancell, I guess fixed in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=b6bf982289273c1416ba66281b8c09a1ee6a33a416:08
GunnarHjcyphermox: Nudging you about the MP at bug #1499088. There are also a couple of unreleased revisions in trunk, so there should indeed be another upload of ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu before final freeze.17:06
ubot5`bug 1499088 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu Wily) "Text is unreadable (dark-on-dark) in ubiquity slideshow "Help & Support" slide, when installing Ubuntu 15.10" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149908817:06
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cyphermoxGunnarHj: cool, you ready to upload ubuntu-docs?17:17
cyphermoxscratch that, I see it happened alredy17:17
GunnarHjcyphermox: Right.17:17

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