
aisraelWould it be possible to get this page renamed (to fix the typo)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbumtuOnMacMini16:21
pmatulishmm, yah, "U-bum-tu", is a new one to me16:43
pmatulisaisrael: there is one:16:44
pmatuliswe need to delete the bad page16:44
pmatulisoh no, the bad page is receiving more updates16:45
aisraelWell, that page is much more useful. The bad one is the one I keep seeing in my google search results16:45
pmatulisaisrael: can you send a note to the ubuntu-doc mailing list on this issue?16:45
aisraelpmatulis: Yep, will do16:46
pmatulisaisrael: thanks a bunch!16:46

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