
ianclark001Hi all, today I found myself unable to boot (specifically to get past the full-disk encryption screen). I couldn't find a way to retrieve any meaningful information as to why this was. I'm able to boot using the recovery mode, and everything works fine when using 3.19.0-28-generic, but 3.19.0-30-generic just won't boot.08:39
ianclark001Would be super-appreciative of any guidance as to how I should approach debugging / resolving08:39
smbHm, if people would give a little time to respond...08:58
caribouapw: smb: do you guys have good ties with the Debian kernel people ?09:04
caribouI'm thinking of proposing my "small initrd" changes to Debian as well09:05
caribouI see that dannf is in the team, I'll probably ping him about this later09:05
smbcaribou, We (ok, probably apw more) have talked to Ben a few times...09:06
caribousmb: on a side note, who "owns" the /boot directory ?09:07
apwcaribou, i'd not call our ties strong no, they should be better than they are, i guess henrix talks to ben a fair bit on security topics09:07
caribouI mean who whould mostly be concerned about kdump-tools putting stuff there ? the kernel team ?09:07
apwbetween us and the bootloader people09:08
smbMaybe a shared interest between kernel and grub...09:08
caribouapw: I just don't want to ruffle feathers by adding stuff there09:08
apwdid we decide it had to be in there, i thought they were loaded after we had filesystems09:08
apwelse /var/lib/kdump or whatever is an option09:08
caribouapw: hmm, true; might be better there, let me test09:09
caribouapw: I need to test. kexec is mostly concerned there09:09
caribouapw: ok, thanks for the info09:10
caribouapw: smb: I will write a blog post about the proposed changes09:11
caribouapw: FYI - file system availability is not an issue here09:55
caribouthe kexec call at boot time goes and reads the content of vmlinuz & initrd.img in memory for later use09:55
caribouhmm, well that's only true for the vmlinuz09:58
caribounevermind, initrd.img goes in memory too10:02
* caribou is making his way into kexec sources10:02
apwcaribou, right they are both loaded at "setup time"10:47
apwso its all about the kdump job, where it comes in the boot process, whether it is after wait for filesystems or not10:48
caribouapw: kdump-config load happens late at boot time10:49
caribouapw: it happens after network-online.target10:50
apwthen i'd say it matters not where they are in a disk sense10:50
caribouapw: I had a doubt for a while on wether kexec was loading them only when triggered so I went back to the source to check10:50
apwcaribou, no it definatly has to load them at init time, else it would rely on a lot of the kernel working to dump, which would defeat the purpose10:51
caribouapw: indeed10:51
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aisraelI'm running 15.10 and noticed (after a failed reboot) that there's no packaged for the signed kernel for 3.16.0-41-generic (looks like the last signed is -30). Is there something I'm missing, or should I downgrade kernels (this is on a Mac Mini so the signed kernel is important)17:12
apwaisrael, do you have linux-signed-generic installed ?17:16
aisraelapw: Yes, sorry. I have 3.16.0-41-generic signed. I meant to say that there's no signed package for 3.19.0-3017:17
apwaisrael, ok i am utterly confused, you are installinling linux-lts-vivid-generic ?17:18
apwaisrael, to swithc up from lts-utopic to lts-vivid ?17:19
apwor did you upgrade utopic to vivid ?17:19
aisraelapw: I upgraded from trusty -> utopic -> vivid17:19
aisraelI just found the signed package -- it wasn't installed when I upgraded last, so I might be wasting your time. :(17:20
apwaisrael, ok and do you have linux-signed-generic package installed17:20
apwas it is that that makes sure the signed kernels get installed as we release them17:20
aisraelapw: Aha. I did not have the meta package for the signed kernel installed17:20
apwand that would account for the lack of a signed one then17:21
aisraelI'll reboot that machine and verify that worked (and I'll add notes to the Ubuntu on Mac docs to note that requirement)17:21
aisraelapw: That fixed it, thank you!17:23
lfaraonejsalisbury: can you also upload a sig on the SHA256SUMs for your latest build in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~jsalisbury/lp1500751/ ? :) 18:14
* lfaraone is paranoid, sorry.18:14
jsalisburylfaraone, sure18:30
jsalisburylfaraone, done.  In a file named: signature-lp1500751-commit-90dcba7ee18:33
ogra_grmpf ... 21:06
ogra_does anyone know a way to make devtmpfs re-populate /dev ? i ran a broken script that wiped my dev dir and dont want to reboot21:07
apwogra_, maybe you can retrigger udev to repopulate it22:15
ogra_apw, i tried that ... it doesnt recreate the initial nodes 23:12
ogra_in the end i bit the bullet and rebooted 23:12
ogra_(i had a semi populated /dev ... but all block devices were missing etc)23:12
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