
phunyguyKeep an eye on this tux38 character01:57
Unit193tonyyarusso: BTW, I'm going to start calling you "Rafael" now. ;)03:29
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (alleycatfrat)04:26
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (ubuntuhater language)05:02
marienzUnit193: belated thank you12:21
tonyyarussoUnit193: Okaaaaay, why?15:43
andrexhi all) I apologize for flood on #ubuntu. unintentionally I inserted in the client,  out from dev/urandom. sorry.16:32
Piciandrex: I'll go ahead an remove the ban then.16:33
Piciandrex: you should be able to join now16:33
andrexPici: thanks16:33
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ubottubadbodh called the ops in #ubuntu (YamakasY)17:08
daftykinscan you not just +q this asshat already? :(17:23
ikoniawhat's up17:23
MyrttiI'm sure someone has their finger on the trigger for the last final ccall17:23
daftykinsi'd hope so, but process seems a tad delayed around here of late :P17:23
ikoniathe YamakasY guy daftykins  ?17:23
daftykinsikonia: yeah17:23
daftykinsclearly trolltastic17:23
ikoniahe won't start again17:23
ikoniahe seems to have stopped and taken the hint17:24
daftykinshrmm here's hoping17:24
daftykinsok, off with me17:24
k1lYamakasY rings my bells somehow17:34
phunyguy!away > huscurian|away19:40
Unit193tonyyarusso: There was an email from "Philip Crabtree" that claimed it was sent to you as well.20:06
tonyyarussoUnit193: Ah, Google sent that to Spam.20:07
Unit193Nice, didn't for me, but figured it was.  Odd list of emails to send it to though.20:08
tonyyarussoI see a lot of stuff like that in my Spam - small groupings of Launchpad users.20:17
tonyyarussoI think they pull the full user list, then break it up a bit to have a better shot at going through, often semi-alphabetically.20:17

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