
balloonssorry yes. I should be around again :-) catching up on things00:31
knomehullo balloons00:31
balloonshello knome00:31
balloonsI trust this evening finds you most well00:32
knome3am :P00:32
knomeno evening any more00:32
balloonshehe, yes, I didn't bother calculating it.. It's LATE for you00:32
balloonsor really.. it's early for you by now00:32
knomeas always ;)00:32
knomenot yet00:32
balloons0400 is early imho00:32
knomeit's around 5-6am00:33
balloonsnight becomes morning00:33
knomenot in finland in the winter...00:33
balloonsmmm.. yes, that winter thig00:33
balloonsdrat, I'm ripped away again00:33
balloonsI'll see you in the morning00:33
knomehehe, sure00:33
knomehave fun!00:33
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DanChapmanballoons: hey! i'm curious to see the results of pilot app. Is there some way I can view them?11:42
nuclearbobpitti: I'm getting a lot of timeouts during the copy up of adt-virt-chroot, are there specific logs or data I should get to look into it further?12:52
pittinuclearbob: default copy timeout is 300s (5 min), does it actually take that long?13:06
pittinuclearbob: log with --debug is usually useful13:07
nuclearbobpitti: I've been running with -d, and it is taking that long, but I don't know why. Sometimes it doesn't take that long, and the test passes13:11
nuclearbobpitti: I think I must be close to the timeout since it's passing sometime, can I raise the timeout somehow?13:11
pittinuclearbob: yes, --timeout-copy=3000 or so13:12
nuclearbobpitti: thanks! I'll also try to figure out why it's copying so much13:12
pittinuclearbob: what beast of a package are you testing that copying it across a disk takes more than 5 mins? :-)13:12
nuclearbobpitti: it's just the auto-upgrade-testing, I don't know why it's taking so long, I'm looking at that as well13:13
pittinuclearbob: ah; well, in between testbed resets it has to copy the entire build tree out, and then back in13:14
pittinuclearbob: not sure if you keep a whole distro in the test tree or so :)13:14
nuclearbobpitti: OH, good point. I do have several tarballs in there that I've accumulated, I'll clean those up, thanks :)13:14
nuclearbobyes, that's a lot faster13:14
pittinuclearbob: I suppose the test itself is just a few kB, that should copy in no time?13:15
pittiperhaps a bunch of logs at the end in $ADT_ARTIFACTS13:15
nuclearbobpitti: yep. When I clear the leftover distro tarballs out, it's very fast indeed13:15
nuclearbobnow I feel a little silly13:15
pittinuclearbob: you're working on porting the upgrade tests to standard dep-8? that's great!13:17
nuclearbobpitti: yep. we're getting as much stuff there as possible13:17
pittinuclearbob: I still vaguely remember the old tests which had two metric tons of setup logic around basically just a handful of lines for upgrading and some post-upgrade tests13:18
pittinuclearbob: nice!13:18
nuclearbobpitti: yep, I'm untangling what of that we still need :)13:18
pittinuclearbob: the post-upgrade tests were nice; some of them are probably not necessary any more, such as the python imports, but maybe some still are13:18
pittinuclearbob: but ensuring that do-release-upgrade works, and the effing thing still boots after that would indeed be really helpful to get back13:19
nuclearbobpitti: yeah, first trick is to get the upgrade working at all, then I can do those. Do you happen to know where I can get all the frontend options available for do-release-upgrade?13:19
pittinuclearbob: not sure what you mean by that, but my knowledge of d-r-u is pretty much limited to the manpage13:20
* pitti points mvo-wards13:20
nuclearbobpitti: okay. the manpage says I can specify a frontend, but doesn't mention which ones exist, and the one I'm using seems like it maybe wants X, which seems wrong13:20
pittinuclearbob: ah, I figure if you just don't specify anything  it'll use some CLI?13:21
pittinuclearbob: but that's a thing which you should be able to just copy from the old jenkins tests?13:21
nuclearbobpitti: yeah, I want it to be noninteractive, and I'm passing that frontend, but I'm getting errors about mir and a display13:21
nuclearbobpitti: I'm asking mvo also, thanks13:22
pittinuclearbob: how do the old tests invoke d-r-u? should be exactly the same13:22
nuclearbobpitti: I'm using "do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewNoninteractive" cribbed from the old tests13:22
pittithat sounds promising13:22
nuclearbobyeah, it sounds great until I get a lot of Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory13:23
nuclearbobUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused13:23
nuclearbob(wily:1738): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_settings_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed13:23
pittisounds like it's using the installed ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk then13:23
pittinuclearbob: or maybe jibel still remembers13:24
nuclearbobpitti: that's a good question. jibel: do you have any suggestions about frontends beyond that's already in the tests?13:24
pittior maybe the old VMs actually did set up X.org -- but you still need to drive that somehow then13:25
pittithat == the release upgrader13:25
barrypitti: is it possible, in a d/tests/control to specify Depends that only get installed on one vendor or another?  i have a package that differs b/w ubuntu and debian only in one extra dependency that has to be installed on ubuntu.  iwbni i didn't have to delta the package just for that13:32
pittibarry: apt doesn't have a concept of that; but of course you can call "apt-get install -y thatpackage" in your test based on "if dpkg-vendor --is ubuntu"13:33
barrypitti: ah yep, i could do that.  right now i have a nice little Test-Command but i can script it up.  didn't know if you did some preprocessing on Depends or not.  would it be insane to support a syntax like: `Depends: @ foo[ubuntu]` ?13:35
pittibarry: I guess you need to take that up with the dpkg/apt maintainers :)13:35
pittibarry: but this particular syntax is used for arch restrictions already13:36
barrypitti: another crazy idea: `Depends-<vendor>: foo`.  e.g. Depends-Ubuntu: foo13:37
pittibarry: another hack would be to depend on "foo | aspell-doc" or something -- i. e. alternatively depend on a package which is unlikely to be already installed13:37
pittibarry: but my gut feeling is that just adding the apt-get that you want with the condition you want to the test is simplest13:37
barrypitti: yep, that's a good idea.  thanks!13:38
pittibarry: Test-Command: is a shell string, so you can just prepend it there13:38
pitti"dpkg-vendor --is ubuntu && apt-get install -y foo || true"13:38
balloonsDanChapman, yes, I'm just getting back and I'll work on getting information to you and the other core devs13:53
DanChapmanballoons: super! thanks mate :-)13:55
balloonsyw :-) Sorry for the delay14:00
balloonsDanChapman, you can follow this bug also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-testing/+bug/150218614:14
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1502186 in Ubuntu Community Testing "Reports are missing P/F data, and aggregate results" [Critical,In progress]14:14
barrypitti: the one bummer is that now the test needs-root14:32
gQuigsI'm curious if this bug also affects AMD video cards - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/150616915:41
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1506169 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "fresh install - linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic python-notify thermald can be auto removed" [Undecided,New]15:41
gQuigsand if anyone else has been able to reproduce15:41
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