=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft === RyanKnack_ is now known as RyanKnack === pkircher_ is now known as pkircher === dean|away is now known as dean [00:04] do nvidia drivers work on 15.04 or does everyone get black screen on boot like me :D === tase_ is now known as tase [00:06] jhutchins, yea [00:08] don't tase me bro === ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB [00:12] !nomodeset | dlam [00:12] dlam: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [00:14] ooo kk [00:17] If I got an error during package installation and the OS boots, but only into black screen ... (which is odd as seemingly it is NOT Xorg running?), but I can get back to root terminal, might I be able to fix it easily by chroot on livecd and simply adding packages? === Red_M_ is now known as Red_M [00:21] The installer's themselves like to complain because i'm installing to a disk i'm installing from, pretty sure it's where the error stems from... I always manage but it's not always "easy" (and no i'm not trying to repartition a drive i'm installing from) [00:23] I'm trying to see if I can directly connect my ubuntu box to the internet without the modem provided by my ISP [00:23] dunderproto: you need a modem to connect to the internet [00:23] Last week, I set my router to bridge mode and then connected my computer to the router successfully via pppoe [00:24] is it possible to entirely skip the modem and just hook up the vdsl2 line to the pc? [00:24] hola desde Argentina :) [00:24] Ben64: Is it possible for Ubuntu to act as a modem? [00:25] Hey, so recently I've been having trouble with xorg and my desktop, can anyone help me? I posted a thread on ubuntu forums, but unfortunately I was away from my computer for a few days and now there's no activity on the thread [00:26] I should've known it'd fail yet again and lock up, I guess i'll be installing the whole system from command line [00:28] Here is the thread:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2296572 , however I have determined it is not a lubuntu-desktop error, as I installed cinnamon which also cannot launch properly [00:31] fun w. debootstrap [00:31] The cable I'm trying to connect to was labeled VDSL2, and it seems to have an RJ11 connector. Is it impossible to skip the intervening router given by my ISP? [00:31] joy [00:32] hmm i suppose I could make grub boot the iso instead ... but i recall that being flaky too [00:32] dunderproto: you NEED a modem === Tibo is now known as Guest62306 [00:38] Anyone tried ubuntu on a macbook air from 2011 ? [00:38] I'd like some battery life statistics [00:39] Ben64: Ah, OK. Thanks. A pity, I was hoping to be able to reduce the number of machines [00:42] bela, the mid 2011 imac and mba can be a pain in the ass, but I do get them to work [00:43] ZeZu, I get 7 hrs of batter ilfe on my yosemite doing browsing + compiling latex occassionally [00:43] Does that compare ? [00:44] bela, I've no clue on battery life for mba personally, I know you can tune linux to take into account cpu scaling etc for power requirements, and it will significantly raise battery life ... I've never had any problems on notebooks w. linux. [00:44] Just install it side by side and try it out [00:45] The thing is I'm a relative noob and would like to have some reassuring words before trying something like that [00:45] Plus, if the battery life really is bad then it wouldn't be worth the hassle [00:45] People will tell you anything, until you try it yourself they are only words... Try the livecd so you don't have to change your pc at all [00:46] livecd can be live-usb, it's actually as simple as extracting an iso to a usb drive and holding down the option (alt) key while booting and it'll bootup live-usb of ubuntu [00:47] after try to write history in my terminal, the terminal autocomplete to "histCCCory" === Onion is now known as Guest96426 [00:59] Hi all. I'm having an issue with partitioning. I'm installing Ubuntu 14.04 over Linux Mint. I've deleted all previous partitions with GParted, but when I try to install Ubuntu, it asks me to partition manually instead of simply wiping out the disk and doing a fresh install. [00:59] It asks me to create a partition for boot loader code [01:00] but when I do that it gives me an error [01:00] how should I partition it? [01:01] It should have the option to use whole disk [01:01] its in the same dialog where you would have to explicitly select manual paritioning [01:02] will give it a shot ZeZu thanks for the suggestion of the live usb ! [01:07] bela, no prob [01:07] bela, make sure you have the latest efi firmware for your macbook from the apple site, should already have it but doesn't hurt to make sure and it may save a lot of headache === Haugli92_Away is now known as Haugli92 === Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms [01:25] :-) [01:27] y esto que? [01:29] esta joda que es?? [01:30] pero que carajos es estooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [01:30] Are programs supposed to be able to find libs in /opt/lib or should I be telling them to look there? [01:30] ha? [01:31] are ṕrograms que? es con igo? [01:31] jsabeaudry: normally you wouldn't have libs there unless you installed something yourself, so its kind of on you [01:31] ivan_, english please. [01:31] Hi [01:32] i not speak ingles :( [01:32] !es| ivan_ [01:32] ivan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [01:34] haa ok osea que esto es un servidor de ayuda? no necesito ayuda solo queria saber que funcion hacia este chat [01:34] Ben64, alright, I ldconfig /opt/lib and all is fine now :D thanks [01:34] this is english only ivan_ #ubuntu-es for espanol [01:34] I installed environment-modules but I don't have the "module" command available in my terminals unless I ssh into myself or su. This happens even after a reboot. In fact "su eric" doesn't even make it available only "su - eric" http://pastebin.ca/3197150 [01:34] ivan_, stop speaking spanish here [01:37] crof [01:39] can someone explain that?... why ssh'ing or using "su - eric" I would have the "module" command available but not just by logging in graphically even after a reboot? Why is my environment different depending on how I come in? Some website suggested for Ubuntu to source "/etc/profile.d/modules.sh" from ~/.bashrc [01:39] but on the RHEL machines I use I can just use "module" from my terminals no problem and I didn't add anything to my ~/.bashrc [01:40] FunkyELF, you ssh in as a non-root user. if you use sudo module, you can do what you want. [01:41] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Loadable_Modules [01:41] OerHeks: not kernel modules [01:42] FunkyELF: explain more [01:42] OerHeks: look at the pastebin. "module" is a bash function which just calls eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd sh $*` [01:44] Ben64: install environment-modules yourself and see. You'll only get the "module" function available if you "su - your_userid" or "ssh localhost" [01:45] FunkyELF: did you reboot [01:45] Ben64: I did... thats the weird thing [01:45] Ben64: I tried logging out and back in first... didn't work. So I did a reboot [01:51] Ben64: did you install environment-modules ? [01:51] FunkyELF: nah, don't want to [01:51] Ben64: any idea what differences there are between "su eric" and "su - eric"? [01:52] FunkyELF: a lot [01:53] Ben64: any way to tell where a function was defined and how the file that defined it got sourced? [01:53] FunkyELF: add this to ~/.profile http://sprunge.us/VALR [01:54] Ben64: ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile ? [01:54] ~/.profile [01:54] Ben42: so it seems with "bash -i" it is not available but with "bash -l" it is [01:55] Ben64: thanks [01:57] Ben64: at work we use RHEL. It has "module" available with both interactive and login shells. Any clue how to debug everything that gets sourced during bash startup? I always seem to have this problem on every distro, trying to figure out where something came from [01:57] hi guys, have ubuntu server on a vm. i setup a static ip in my interface file settings, but still can't ping my gateway. i disabled firewall sudo ufw disable, as well. not sure what i'm missing. [01:58] FunkyELF: it can be different on different distros [01:58] What's the recommended way to grant a user sudo permissions in 14.04? [01:58] TheNet: add them to the 'sudo' group [01:59] Ben64: is that different than visudo? [01:59] yes [01:59] Ben64: adding that to ~/.profile didn't seem to work. "bash -i" still doens't give me the command while "bash -l" does [01:59] Ben64: thanks [02:00] FunkyELF: weird [02:00] why a sudo group over visudo? [02:00] TheNet: because ubuntu is already set up to give everyone in the sudo group access to sudo, no editing the sudoers file or anything [02:01] makes sense [02:01] thanks [02:01] Hey guys, currently I am reinstalling ubuntu 14.04 after weeks of trying to fix an unknown issue, however now the installation is stuck in a loop while "restoring previously installed packages" [02:01] my settings are auto eth0 [02:01] iface eth0 inet static [02:01] address [02:01] netmask [02:01] gateway [02:01] dns-nameservers [02:01] danimal: use a pastebin [02:02] sorry [02:03] rookie on xchat [02:03] Can someone help or refer me to a channel to get help? [02:06] interface settings http://pastebin.com/2Ng7GmDX [02:07] I ran [02:07] sudo apt-get purge wine [02:07] and lost a bunch of important packages [02:07] what happened and how do I revert that? [02:07] I lost fonts [02:07] Ubunutu software center [02:08] a bunch of stuff unrelated to wine [02:08] couldnt tell ya magnetik that sucks. guess you would have to just reinstall what ya need? [02:08] thats why you should look and see what it says its going to remove [02:08] I don't know the names of what's missing [02:08] is there a log? [02:09] yes. /var/log/apt/term.log [02:09] magnetik_: It will be in /var/log/apt/history.loh [02:09] log* [02:09] Both logs have good information [02:09] anyone have some ideas on my issue? [02:10] explain everything [02:10] Ben64 rypervenche thanks! found it [02:10] danimal: I saw the paste but not the original problem - can you repeat? [02:10] sure [02:10] I mean look at this [02:10] Commandline: apt-get purge wine* [02:10] Purge: gnome-shell:amd64 (3.10.4-0ubuntu5.2), kerneloops-daemon:amd64 (0.12+git20090217-3ubuntu8), libabiword-3.0:amd64 (3.0.0-4ubuntu1.1), gconf2:amd64 (3.2.6-0ubuntu2), abiword:amd64 (3.0.0-4ubuntu1.1), xubuntu-desktop:amd64 (2.180), libgdata13:amd64 (0.14.1-1), librasqal3:amd64 (0.9.32-1), python-sam [02:11] very odd for those packages to get purged no? ... [02:11] that was 15/100s [02:11] wine* is not wine [02:11] ubuntu server on vm. setup static ip, but can't ping my gateway. i also disabled firewall via ufw disable. [02:12] firewall doesn;t block outgoing connections [02:12] danimal: what sort of vm? What networking are you using (bridged, etc) [02:12] maybe your vm network device isn;t configured correctly. [02:12] its a bitnami vmware image. and it is set for bridged [02:13] magnetik_: ^ the * was the mistake you made. [02:13] just using this for web development [02:13] who's bitnami ? [02:13] why does wine* match all those packages though? [02:13] bitnami.com they make stacks for devs [02:14] you should ask the bitnami guys why their image is faulting with network [02:14] magnetik_: You should look to see exactly what it matches. [02:15] better get ubuntu server iso and cook your own vm, see if same problem exists [02:15] true, that's a good idea [02:16] magnetik_, if you have pastebinit installed run "cat /var/log/apt/history.log|pastebinit" and share the link [02:17] same drill for /var/log/apt/term.log [02:17] cool, not heard of the piping to pastebin [02:18] babodh all I needed was the locations of these logs, no need to send you list of all my package version ;) I'm not on a bouncer [02:18] it makes sense now that I see the output of [02:18] danimal, it's quite handy for troubleshooting. hard to copy/paste big log files manually. [02:18] apt-cache search wine* [02:19] cool, will install that. thanks for the tip [02:19] is it recommended to add your public key to root's authorized_keys (I have passwords disabled)? [02:19] magnetik_: Good :) Always check before acceoting in the future. [02:19] I can't see why it would be if your account has root access [02:20] TheNet: shouldn't be able to log in to root at all [02:20] @TheNet no [02:20] Ben64: well I can't if I don't have an authorized_keys file for root, right? [02:20] danimal, you can also pipe commands like "apt-get update|pastebinit" and "dmesg|pastebinit" [02:20] hello, in network connections i'd like to do a "shared to other computers" with my wifi card but set it up manually, i cant seem to figure out how to do it manually [02:20] authorize yourself to access your account [02:20] only use sudo to root [02:20] you can always [02:20] sudo su [02:21] if you really need root shell [02:21] badbodh, nice [02:21] please don't [02:21] alright, and root login is essentially disabled if I don't have an authorized_keys file for root, right? [02:21] 'sudo -i' if you need a root shell [02:21] the way you mentioned is not good [02:21] TheNet you should also set AllowRootLogin no [02:21] if you're using sshd [02:23] sorry, PermitRootLogin === Onion is now known as Guest40885 [02:23] thanks [02:24] In general, though some hosts are configured with a bunch of public keys in root's authorized keys [02:24] but this is bad practice TheNet for a number of reasons [02:24] Ben64, what's the diff between sudo -i and -s , the manpage says both user's password [02:24] including no audit log [02:24] *both use [02:26] #android === ColtonDRG-ZNC is now known as ColtonDRG [02:29] badbodh just read the manpage, -i runs a shell using the shell indicated for the target user (root) in /etc/passwd, -s just runs $SHELL as root, so you don't get the right env for root if you really want to seem like root [02:29] you can try it [02:31] hey guys...lately i've noticed that during apt-get upgrades some of the updates seem to wait for input. some message is displayed and i have to press q to quit/continue. almost like the upgrade is doing a more on a file.... [02:31] magnetik_, my environmental variables are preserved either way (i keepenv in /etc/sudoers) . in -i i don;t need to edit sudoers file anymore ? [02:32] opposite [02:32] -i uses root's .profile [02:32] so you get root's env if you want it with -i [02:33] it's clear for me because my root's PS1 is very different than my nonpriv user [02:34] I'm so used to doing sudo su, so this is good to know about [02:34] yeah really try not to do that [02:34] it can break things [02:34] imthenachoman, we need the exact " some message is displayed" part [02:35] badbodh: it happens a lot. almost every time i do an update there is something or the else that it gets stuck waiting for input [02:35] some packages during upgrade asks if you wish to keep the existing configuration or overwrite it with "package maintainer's version" [02:36] normally you wouldn;t wanna do that, but it depends on what package you are upgrading. so name of the package and exact message is needed before we give any usable advice [02:36] badbodh, that's as opposed to using -s. I can see how it can be confusing if you use keepenv [02:41] magnetik_, i'm very confused. i've been sudo -s ing my entire life :D [02:42] imthenachoman, run "cat /var/log/apt/history.log|pastebinit" and share url, we'll know what you upgraded and which ones ask for user input [02:42] to me, sudo -s looks like sudo -i with keepenv [02:42] so sudo -i must not look like anything new for you [02:42] I have a bash script I want to run from a shortcut on the desktop. I created the .desktop file and it runs the program. however the screen closes immediately after the program starts an the script only works half way. It appears in only process one line of the scripts and closes the script. The script works just fine from CLI, is there a reason why this happens [02:42] dammit. [02:43] jre56, did you "TERMIANAL=yes" ? [02:43] *terminal [02:46] badbodh what option are you using exactly? you should see a difference, from the manpage "As a special case, if sudo's -i option (initial login) is specified, sudoers will initialize the environment regardless of the value of env_reset." [02:47] jre56, Terminal=true , sorry. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Desktop_entries [02:47] magnetik_, i use sudo -s [02:48] I mean special options in your sudoers file to keep your environment [02:48] keepenv += "a bunch of stuff i need" [02:49] badbodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12785657/ [02:50] ok, well, if that environment creates a superset of root's .profile chain that looks similar to your environment you'll see no difference between -i and -s [02:50] run $ set > sudoi.txt [02:50] badbodh: all the output of doing an apt-get upgrade, is that saved in a log? i can find the reference to it [02:50] $ set > sudos.txt [02:50] and diff them [02:50] you' [02:50] ll see [02:51] imthenachoman, that will be in /var/log/apt/term.log [02:53] badbodh: gah. the input message it showed is not in it. i'll have to see next time i do an upgrade [02:54] badbodh: unless you see something in what i pastebinned [02:54] magnetik_, one diff is obvious at first. when i sudo -i the directory changes to root's home, sudo -s keeps me in my own home === sebastien is now known as Guest65394 [02:55] Anybody here use DeaDBeeF? [02:55] imthenachoman, ok keep an eye out. [02:56] I was wondering if there was some sort of plugin for DeaDBeef that shows like the "Now playing" thing... Like Clementine and some other players do when you switch tracks and such [02:56] The "Now playing" in the corner [02:56] Cernunnos: sadly, deadbeef is no longer supported [02:56] Supported? [02:56] !info deadbeef | Cernunnos [02:56] Cernunnos: Package deadbeef does not exist in vivid [02:56] imthenachoman, usually it's desirable to keep your current config if you modified it (duh!) , else replacing with default config won't be a bad idea. the messages will suggest you what to do. [02:57] hm ok [02:57] So one more question [02:57] badbodh: k. i don't remember what it was. i'll check next time [02:57] thanks [02:57] Why is Skype ugly as a-? [02:57] Why does it not want to follow my theming [02:57] cursor's even wrong [02:58] Cernunnos, skype isn;t native linux app. it doesn;t really follow your theme. [02:59] Well the thing is, badbodh I've gotten it to at the very least follow my cursor theming before [02:59] I can' [02:59] can't seem to replicate what I did though [02:59] if you used repository, it'll look like some punched up gtk, on wine it looks like windows 95 [02:59] to force cursor set environmental variable XCURSOR_THEME=something [03:00] Hi All, I am using ext4, is there any way to log what files had opened from system startup to normal operation in filesystem level? [03:06] so... I have a xubuntu disk x64 loading in UEFI mode (tried BIOS load as well), and yet it can't recognize my windows 10 partitions... I've disabled fast boot as well [03:07] and for some reason in BIOS my windows 10 drive shows up as Legacy rather than EFI [03:07] rick_ do you know about strace? [03:07] e.g. [03:07] strace ls 2>&1 | grep open [03:08] you may be able to add strace to an init script [03:08] the above command show all files that are opened when `ls` is run [03:09] Well DeaDBeeF is starting to seem like it's pretty featureless... Anybody know any good lightweight music players? [03:09] mpd [03:09] Cernunnos, mplayer [03:09] Cernunnos, mplayer2 [03:10] I'm looking for something more... Oriented to music specific things [03:10] manacit, something like that, but I am interesting about all files opened. If I can log what files are opened during operation, I can remove files not used and reduce size of root file system [03:10] I've come across a few that run all in the terminal and those seem interesting but idk lol [03:11] and I don't see a secure boot option in the BIOS to disable... [03:11] manacit, strace only keep track of process, and lsof only list opened files when I issue lsof command [03:12] rick_ deleting files that "aren't used at boot" is a bad idea [03:12] manacit, I want to gather a list of opened files from system boot up and regular operations. [03:13] many things are scheduled to run at boot only after certain intervals have passed [03:13] and honestly I've been spoiled by equalizers can't live without em [03:13] on certain days [03:13] any more suggestions for lightweight music players? [03:13] magnetik_, yes [03:13] and some critical files are rarely used [03:14] so gparted shows me a random internal rcovery drive I didn't know this laptop had and a huge unallocated HDD which should have 1, maybe 2 partitions on it [03:14] rick_ if you really want control over your filesystem I suggest LFS [03:14] nearlyNon_, Have you resized windows just before this? [03:14] yes [03:15] nearlyNon_, did you reboot it so it runs a chkdsk if needed? [03:15] I rebooted once and then shut down completely without fastboot [03:15] well technically at this rate I've probably rebooted thrice [03:16] in gparted there's... [03:16] dev/mmcblk0 which is flagged as boot and is labelled RECOVERY [03:17] and dev/sda which is the problem drive [03:17] rick_ it looks like you can do what you want with auditctl http://linux.die.net/man/8/auditctl [03:17] see the examples [03:17] the syscall that you want for is -S open [03:18] okay so the drive is MBR [03:18] auditd init has to start early [03:18] not UEFI [03:37] Are there any known issues with remmina/vino not responding to keyboard/mouse input in a remote session? === neurotus is now known as Guest47710 === Guma_ is now known as Guma_away [03:52] Does anyone know what may have caused my laptop to get so hot and shut off? [03:56] http://player.989thedrive.com/ i cant seem to get rhythmbox to play it [04:01] caleb_, dirt ? compiling ? fan died ? ... am I close ? [04:05] Has anyone got a working rxvt-unicode + font setup (~/.Xresources) that covers all the unicode characters? In particular \ue0a0 [04:05] I installed terminus, but that one doesn't seem to display it right on ubuntu, only on arch linux [04:12] Hello I am new to ubuntu and trying to setup nginx on my server. Iam following this guide: http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html and failing to serve static content. This is what my config file looks like: http://snag.gy/ZHuvk.jpg. Now if i try to access the server via ip i get the welcome to nginx message. But if i try to access a files inside the folder "/cirgges" i get a 404 error. [04:17] anyone know why on startup I get hung up on the ubuntu splash screen? [04:17] http://ip.addr.goes.here/filename.ext right ? [04:19] cause "/cirgges" is the root folder [04:25] HackSmash: I am not sure what the root folder is but this where the folder is stored: http://snag.gy/Cl5um.jpg [04:25] Hello. FUCK ALL SPICS, NIGGERS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, SAND NIGGERS, DUNE COONS, KIKES, CHINKS, WETBACKS, FAGS, DYKES, AND PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEACH ICE CREAM, JOIN #R.TREES FOR FREE OPS [04:25] and yes iam trying to access the file via [04:26] !ops | alleycatfrat [04:26] alleycatfrat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang [04:26] Hello. FUCK ALL SPICS, NIGGERS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, SAND NIGGERS, DUNE COONS, KIKES, CHINKS, WETBACKS, FAGS, DYKES, AND PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEACH ICE CREAM, JOIN #R.TREES FOR FREE OPS [04:26] Hello. FUCK ALL SPICS, NIGGERS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, SAND NIGGERS, DUNE COONS, KIKES, CHINKS, WETBACKS, FAGS, DYKES, AND PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEACH ICE CREAM, JOIN #R.TREES FOR FREE OPS [04:26] Hello. FUCK ALL SPICS, NIGGERS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, SAND NIGGERS, DUNE COONS, KIKES, CHINKS, WETBACKS, FAGS, DYKES, AND PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEACH ICE CREAM, JOIN #R.TREES FOR FREE OPS [04:26] <[n0mad]> really [04:27] <[n0mad]> still? [04:27] How can I help you today? [04:27] hi [n0mad] [04:27] <[n0mad]> i guarantee there's no way you can help me ever [04:28] ok :( [04:28] I just wanted frens [04:28] cholby rules [04:28] [n0mad], perhaps you've heard the saying "don't feed the trolls"? [04:28] right click on the nick, add to /ignore if you use hexchat/xchat [04:29] <[n0mad]> lol [04:36] http://ipaddress/rootfolder/userfolders/file.ext <= think of it that way .. but rootfolder is usually hidden by the webserver [04:37] where can i view the history/log of packages automatically upgraded in the background by the software updater? [04:39] h82or8, /var/log/dpgk.log displays recent installations. [04:40] I'm at a bit of a loss. My host (soyoustart) gives me a second IP that doesn't show up in hosts or /etc/hosts /etc/network/interfaces. I want to run a gitlabs server on this IP, but I can't figure out how to do this (I have the gitlabs server running on the main IP right now). [04:41] TheNet: maybe the ##networking guys can sort this out? [04:42] cfhowlett: thanks [04:42] lotuspsychje: I'll give it a try, thanks [04:43] If I add the Numix PPA and bring in the circle icons and plymouth will it conflict with the officially supported numix gtk and icon themes that are preinstalled? I was gonna remove the preinstalled ones first but it says it will also remove xubuntu-setting xubuntu-artwork and xubuntu-desktop? Or can this be avoided if I just simply remove the preinstalled Numix theme folders? [04:43] h82or8, happy2help! [04:43] Crigges im thinking your web server is set to not display files from the root folder ... which is normal cause that would normally show the user directory structure [04:43] In Xubuntu that is. [04:43] !ppa | CountryfiedLinux [04:43] CountryfiedLinux: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [04:44] root folder is normally the /home folder with ~username/file.ext running out from there [04:46] The standard Numix Gtk, window, and icon theme is installed lotuspsychje and I'm just wanting to make sure the ones from the PPA don't conflict with the preinstalled ones. That and also wanting to know that if it does that I can simply remove the theme folders without removing xubuntu-artwork xubuntu-settings and xubuntu-desktop. Numix is officially supported in Xubuntu that's why I'm asking this here. [04:46] thats why i think your getting a 404 ... security on the root folder isnt allowing it [04:47] CountryfiedLinux: we dont support 3rd party ppa's mate [04:48] I understand that lotuspsychje my main question is will removing theme folders also remove xubuntu-desktop xubuuntu-settings and xubuntu-artwork. If I remove numix with sudo apt-get remove/purge numix-gtk-theme it will, just needing to know if manually removing them from the theme folders will do the same. [04:49] CountryfiedLinux, best ask the ppa maintainer for recommendations. We don't support them at all [04:49] nice try though [04:50] I'm past PPA. Again, my question is will manually removing the Numix themes from the theme folders also remove xubuntu-desktop xubuntu-artwork and xubuntu-settings in the same way that is indicated if I removed them via 'sudo apt-get remove numix-gtk-theme'. [04:51] Numix theme is preinstalled in Xubuntu, that's why I asked. [04:52] how to fast start vnc server on screen 0 in ubuntu? [04:52] what command should i use? [04:52] ubuntuhater: be carefull with vnc, use vnc over ssh instead [04:52] !vnc | ubuntuhater [04:52] ubuntuhater: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [04:53] i dont care security, i need just one command [04:53] is it possible? [04:53] startmyvnc screen 0 [04:53] or something [04:53] the simple solution guys [04:55] THERE IS NO FUCKING SIMPLE SOLUTION [04:55] !language | ubuntuhater [04:55] ubuntuhater: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [04:57] Ok lemme rephrase the question. [04:57] Hey, just testing if this works [04:57] Can manually removing theme folders possibly remove any other packages? [04:58] CountryfiedLinux: normally no, check apt-cache showpkg packagename for dependecies [05:01] sudo apt-get install x11vnc && sudo x11vnc -xkb -auth /var/lib/mdm/:0.Xauth -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -forever -bg -rfbport 5900 -o /var/log/x11vnc.log [05:01] 10-pages howto pick and pull in your asses stuppid bastards [05:02] !ops | ubuntuhater language [05:02] ubuntuhater language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang [05:03] Ok thanks lotuspsychje that's what I was thinking. I removed the theme folder then attempted 'sudo apt-get remove numix-gtk-theme' after and it warmed me about those critical packages again, which indcates they're still installed. [05:06] Hello! [05:08] hi!! [05:10] ,hi brollypop [05:11] anyone upgrade linux-image to linux-image-3.13.0-66-generic (3.13.0-66.108), have some problem [05:11] ubuntu version: 14.04.3 [05:12] dragon9783: any error message you can provide would be helpful. [05:13] jwhats the issue? [05:13] run a command, but cant return [05:13] phunyguy: the running command will hang on [05:14] now i return the linux-image-3.13.0-65-generic [05:14] dragon9783: I would love to help, but I have no idea what that means. [05:17] jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj [05:17] sorry [05:19] phunyguy: for example ps -ef , it return process list, but causes the shell to hang. === T0ggi3 is now known as Toggi3 [05:34] how to get mount.cifs === Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms [05:41] getting a lot of 404 not found for the security updates [05:42] is security.ubuntu.com down? [05:42] well just this ip really: [05:43] utopic is missing from [05:44] and looks freshly rebuilt :3 [05:44] !utopic | Laaw [05:44] Laaw: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic [05:45] ah [05:45] Laaw: install an ubuntu version from topic please [05:45] I built this box like 3 months ago [05:45] doing upgrade now [05:45] honestly didn't know, sorry [05:45] plz dont be too upset [05:45] :((((( [05:46] Laaw: im not upset mate, just informing you [05:46] all the packages are erroring tho [05:46] Laaw: i would fresh install 14.04LTS [05:46] and lts is 15.04? [05:46] no [05:46] oh [05:46] !lts | Laaw [05:46] Laaw: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) [05:47] hah I just wanted to do some dev work and now I'm upgrading my os [05:47] wheeeee ubuntu [05:47] do a bit more research beforehand === Haugli92 is now known as Haugli92_Away [05:48] lol [05:49] I mean still does look like a box soemone from the ubuntu community might want to look at, running old apache and serving nothing [05:50] but I'm sure someone's awware already [05:50] I say community, I guess I mean team [05:50] nobody needs to go to so why bother [05:50] it's vulnerable [05:50] to a number of security issues [05:51] it isn't [05:51] oh? [05:51] https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-45/product_id-66/version_id-142323/Apache-Http-Server-2.2.22.html [05:51] disagrees [05:52] Laaw: how about you just focus on installing a new ubuntu version, your the one vunrlable [05:52] *you're [05:52] lol [05:52] and it's going [05:52] not much *I* can do [05:52] guys this is getting kind of hostile [05:52] no need for negativity :D [05:52] thats the version of apache in 12.04, which is still supported and receiving security updates through 2017 [05:52] a 7.5 is on that list [05:53] https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-2249/ [05:53] mod_session_dbd.c in the mod_session_dbd module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.5 proceeds with save operations for a session without considering the dirty flag and the requirement for a new session ID, which has unspecified impact and remote attack vectors. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2249) [05:53] what's the threshold? [05:53] for "worth patching"? out of curiousity [05:53] 8? [05:53] Laaw: if you find a security hole in ubuntu join #ubuntu-hardenened [05:53] Laaw: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2013/CVE-2013-2249.html [05:53] Laaw: im curious if youl find something... [05:54] nice try though [05:54] ah no nothing, just a casual google [05:54] the default welcome page at the IP made me curious is all [05:54] why did my laptop keyboard stop working after a failed live CD boot [05:54] it has happened before [05:55] could be anything nanodrone [05:56] does anyone know of a 'Gyazo GIF' for *nix? [05:57] !behelpful | Laaw [05:57] Laaw: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [05:57] lol sorry but I genuinely don't care bud [05:58] consider for a moment the idea that "the problem you've presented does not have a solution" is actually, indeed, helpful [05:58] but hey, the negative vibe in here is only growing [05:59] Laaw: the only attitude is you [05:59] you do see the irony in that sentence, rite [05:59] :3 === Haugli92_Away is now known as Haugli92 [06:16] <|Xenom|> anyone around? === Haugli92 is now known as Haugli92_Away [06:19] lots of them [06:19] lots lots lots === Haugli92_Away is now known as Haugli92 [06:28] <|Xenom|> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/93681/ive-wiped-my-partition-table-using-gparted-is-there-a-way-to-recover-my-partit [06:28] <|Xenom|> so... that's my scenario [06:28] <|Xenom|> and the solution like 3 replies down would work... [06:29] <|Xenom|> but I'm encrypted [06:29] <|Xenom|> basically... I hosed my partition table on accident.. [06:29] <|Xenom|> havent yet rebooted [06:29] <|Xenom|> fml [06:30] No, not f*** your life. F*** not having backups. [06:30] <|Xenom|> I have backups [06:30] <|Xenom|> lol [06:31] I'm happy for you, for realzies. [06:31] <|Xenom|> I'm not.. I'd rather not have to use the backups [06:32] <|Xenom|> fdisk [06:32] <|Xenom|> just never had to do it with encrypted partitions [06:33] I'm sorry you're not happy. I hope you feel better soon. [06:33] But cryptography makes me feel good. I'm glad you're playing with encryption. [06:35] <|Xenom|> yea, I went to redo an SD card for a raspberry pi, and forgot to switch to the SD card vs my main.. [06:35] <|Xenom|> just clicked it all to hell [06:35] <|Xenom|> fail [06:36] eh [06:36] why not restore backup? [06:38] What's the point of making backups if you don't wanna use them in the event of actually needing a backup? [06:39] i think the idea is that the backup is the last resort === nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert [06:43] <|Xenom|> yes, auronandace ... yes :) [06:49] Hi, sorry but does anyone have any experience getting multigpu Nvidia cards working? [06:52] I have problem about codec in line 319. [06:52] When I try to install it. [06:53] Does anyone have a solution for this ? [06:55] I can't use pastebin. [06:56] XXKnight: Without pastebin it'll be hard, since what you've told us so far doesnt really say anything what you're trying to install, or why it might fail [06:56] ^ [06:56] You basically said "My car isn't working. What do I do?" [06:56] stop using "^" it adds no extra value to the conversation [06:57] bindi: don't care [06:57] LambdaComplex, so true (about the car example) [07:16] I recently reinstalled ubuntu, and it appears that gnome-terminal no longer sources .profile [07:16] that is, my environment variables that I set there are no longer available [07:17] an apparent fix is to set the default terminal to be a "login shell" [07:17] alternatively, I could put my environment variables in .bashrc [07:18] which is right? [07:19] Is it possible to install the LXDE environment without installing all of Lubuntu? I just want to have a choice of desktop environment managers without changing all my applications. [07:20] BlackDalek: Calling "LXDE" a desktop environment is a bit of a stretch tbh. It's basically just throwing a bunch of applications together into a desktop environment [07:21] Like, XFCE has it's own window manager. So does Cinnamon and GNOME and KDE etc. [07:21] LXDE just uses OpenBox, which is pretty usable standalone [07:22] So, maybe find a list of LXDE stuff you actually wanna use and then just install that? [07:23] Hi, i have a stock ubuntu 14.04Lts . but i have a problem with dualscreen .. i have to monitors on the dvi so 1 dvi for each monitor and when i boot ubuntu the screens lose there config (ubuntu loses it ) zo i press the windows key and p and ubuntu sets it back to extended mode . can i make this permanent ? [07:26] wait... so LXDE is NOT a desktop environment? I am confused. [07:28] BlackDalek: lxde is a desktop environment, it is just a light one that relies on individual components [07:28] BlackDalek, It's a desktop, the lubuntu mini minimal install is very light, no apps, you add want you want. [07:29] if you are looking for something light you should try mate [07:29] it's the new mint [07:31] ok. thanks for your input. [07:34] hi.. [07:34] how r u [07:35] I need help [07:36] anyone please [07:36] hi, i have an HP 530 notebook, with "iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver" (output from dmesg). My problem is that the wifi Switch on|off doesn't work, its dead. Any ideas? [07:37] I am trying to get a program to startup after login with a delay. I have tried "sleep 30; program" "sleep 30 && program" and "sleep 30 && program;" and none of them work in Startup Applications. (Ubuntu 14.04) [07:38] * curiousx has liked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4GPgw2wyzg [07:38] Hi I installed ubuntu 15.10, i,ve lost all data. [07:39] and its shows only 1 drive [07:39] zetheroo, does it run at all? [07:39] sp3ck: not automatically [07:40] used space is 4 gb and remaining is free 445 gb [07:40] sp3ck: all three commands work from terminal [07:41] zetheroo, what's the action of the program? How are you sure that it doesn't run? [07:41] it's keepass2 [07:42] zetheroo, in example: if you echoing something in stdout it wont show up [07:42] i want 2 partition in remaining disk plese help [07:42] sp3ck: I know it's not opening because when it opens it asks for creds to load the keepass db [07:43] shiv, write your question in one message, no one will follow-up all these msgs in irc. [07:43] thanks [07:44] zetheroo, i have keepass startup and working. Maybe it's a scope/path issue [07:45] sp3ck: with a delay? [07:45] zetheroo, nope. It doesn't need it, so i don't have it. :P [07:46] sp3ck: I have it starting up as well ... without a delay it works ... I need to delay it's opening [07:46] create a bash script with all your commands, run it, test it, then put its absolute path on startup applications [07:47] zetheroo, [07:48] zetheroo, and remember to make it executable before or prefix the abs path with `bash ` in order to run it [07:49] I had windows7, I Installed ubuntu 15.10 today. now I see only one drive 4GB used in operating system and 445GB is free. I want 2 other partition in remaining space please help I am new Ubuntu user [07:49] tried to use the full path - also not working [07:50] shiv: try this: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step [07:51] zetheroo, full path of the script or full path of keepass executable? I'm proposing to run a startup script which does all the work you need, instead of running an one-liner. [07:51] thank u very much [07:54] shiv, What are you trying to do partition resize etc won't be painless. Be aware. In your position and with the data lost.. First, i would try to recover some and second i would format and install again Ubuntu with the desired partitioning. [07:56] sp3ck: full path to the keepass executable - I would rather not have to fiddle with scripts as I am looking for solutions for a wide user base who are just learning the basics of Linux [07:57] (bump) hi, i have an HP 530 notebook, with "iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver" (output from dmesg). My problem is that the wifi Switch on|off doesn't work, its dead. Any ideas? [07:59] Yes u R right [08:01] Please tell me how to create partition I have already backed up data [08:02] well, if you want you can use gparted [08:02] Does apt have a roll back command? [08:02] sp3ck: So you do not have a working wifi connection, is that the problem? or is the problem you cannot turn it off? [08:03] * HackSmash has a hp 2000 ... i needed to try a few different drivers to get everything working when i first loaded ubuntu [08:03] hateball, nope, no wifi connection. Btn is dead. [08:03] or you can use fdisk [08:03] sp3ck: run "rfkill list" in a terminal, see if it is softblocked [08:03] shiv, http://askubuntu.com/questions/51272/how-do-i-repartition-with-gparted [08:06] hateball, yes it is soft-blocked [08:07] sp3ck: run "rfkill" on its own to see the syntax for unblocking [08:07] Note that unblocking wont work if it hasnt been able to load the correct firmware [08:08] hateball, :) `rfkill unblock all` and now its unblocked. [08:08] sp3ck: Does it behave as expected now? [08:09] hateball, nope the button is still dead and wifi connection in UI is also disabled. [08:09] sp3ck: suppose you could try "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware" and a reboot [08:10] hateball, already did and rebooted. [08:10] hmm. [08:10] did it work under windows ? [08:10] sp3ck: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [08:10] Rather, what kernel [08:10] 15.04 [08:11] hateball, 15.04 [08:12] HackSmash, yes under vista before 5-7 years. I had Ubuntu 12.04 till now and the switch was working. [08:12] sp3ck: Hmmm. Could you try reloading the module? "sudo modprobe -r iwl3945 && sudo modprobe iwl3945 [08:14] hateball, still the same [08:14] sp3ck: Do you see anything interesting when running "dmesg"? Like failing to load firmware etc === zkanda is now known as Guest2077 [08:16] hateball, nothing except [ 0.184415] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM [08:16] [ 1.242126] ACPI PCC probe failed. [08:16] hateball, http://pastebin.com/PwPJGqeD [08:17] hey guys, i am currently running ubuntu 14.04, sudo apt-get upgrade did not update me to 15.xx isn't 15.xx the current version of ubuntu or do I need to run another command? [08:18] Exogar: You use "do-release-upgrade" for release upgrades [08:18] may be pertinent to 530 wireless http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2189598 [08:18] Exogar: that is not how you upgrade [08:19] !upgrade | Exogar [08:19] Exogar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [08:19] Exogar: By default an LTS release will only look for newer LTS releases however, and there is no one newer than 14.04 [08:19] Exogar, not sure but i think if you run an LTS version the apt will update you to the next LTS version. And that's not how you upgrade anyway. [08:19] thanks guys, i was confused. Thought the 15.xx was LTS, will look at those links and try 'do-release-upgrade' :) [08:20] Exogar: i'd recommend you stay on 14.04, it's supported until 2019 and you can upgrade straight to 16.04 in April. 15.04 is the latest, and support for it ends in January [08:20] read the links before doing any commands [08:20] HackSmash, Exogar: It might be the firmware is in the linux-firmware-nonfree package then, worth a shot [08:21] well basically i just wanted to see whats new with the 15.xx version, I stay on 14.04 at my desktop. Thanks for the help again [08:22] im thinkin so ... sudo rfkill unblock all was the only other thing i could think of [08:22] hateball, already installed the package. No luck. [08:22] Exogar, if you want to see 'what's new', just install virtualbox or something similar and install 15.04 in a VM. [08:22] Exogar, use a Virtual Machine to do so or a live usb/cd/dvd [08:23] * sp3ck there's some "telepathy" in this room i think... [08:23] lol [08:23] khildin, second time today .. [08:23] or it was the obvious remark... [08:24] sp3ck: Hmmm, starting to run out of ideas! Usually intel stuff "just works" :| [08:25] hateball, is there a way to switch it on programmatically without using that damned switch? [08:26] sp3ck whats the output from lscpi -nn | grep 0280 [08:27] HackSmash, "10:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection [8086:4222] (rev 02) [08:27] " [08:27] k so it HAS found it [08:27] HackSmash, yes... [08:28] sp3ck: well the switch only controls the block state, and as long as both hard and soft are unblocked it *should* work, provided it loads the right module/firmware [08:28] hateball, hard-blocked states is set to "yes" [08:29] hateball, only soft-blocked is set to "no" [08:31] iwconfig eth0 power on ??????? [08:31] sp3ck: Hmmm, I don't know of any way to unblock hard block. Has the switch worked in the past? [08:32] hateball, yes, i just moved from ubuntu 12.04 to 15.04. Notebook formated and installed the new Ubuntu version. [08:32] sp3ck: Does the 530 only have a "wifi button", or does it have an FN+something combo as well? [08:33] hateball, only the button ... :S [08:33] sp3ck: might be time to invest in a usb wireless thingy [08:33] hateball, I checked the BIOS just in case. Wifi adapter is enabled there. [08:34] sp3ck: I found https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=181194 perhaps you could try a "sudo modprobe -r wmi" and see if it helps === circ-user-2So3C is now known as Ian === Ian is now known as Guest54028 [08:35] Ben64, yeah but it's a pitty to have the adapter found and be forced by a "button" to do so === Guest54028 is now known as ianclark001 [08:36] sp3ck: sounding more and more like a hardware issue though [08:38] sp3ck: sorry the module should be hp_wmi [08:38] sp3ck: unload that, run rfkill again and see if it helps [08:41] hateball, hmm still hard-blocked [08:42] hateball, maybe a BIOS update will solve it? Just brainstorming now... === max is now known as Guest81914 [08:44] sp3ck: doesnt hurt to try === good0 is now known as Guest96656 [08:45] sp3ck can you connect that machine via wire and update ubuntu [08:46] hello i have a question about to setup a local apt repos. If i put on place 2 deb packages there with depends inside, This depends will be need on the same place, in the same repo or apt will be jump automatically to search that depens in the anothers repos configured in the same system [08:47] is there a way to extend the login window over more than one display so that it's not mirrored to all screens? [08:47] HackSmash, it is connected via wire. I'm on ssh. It's updated to the latest. [08:48] :/ [08:48] andresr: apt will take needed dependencies from any configured source. [08:49] can anyone help me with an issue? [08:49] musca: ok did you see that before true? [08:49] musca: i was worried about it, because i want to place 2 deb packages on a custom local repo with depends not there like a deb packages [08:50] musca: then apt is cross-repo , oh nice [08:50] andresr: yes. [08:51] musca: perfect ;) many thanks [08:51] Hi, anyone around here that has experience with the linuxacademy (website) and could tell me if it is any good [08:51] nude_dragon: only if you ask a detailed question. [08:52] is youtube down? [08:52] TheEagerPadawan: better ask that in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel [08:53] aight [08:54] Okay, my issue is that i'm trying to install a certain version of dolphin emulator so that I can play ssbmelee online. So i downloaded the file, and when i went to install it, it said dependency missing: libavcodec56(>=6.11~beta1) then then same with a beta version? === Kryxo is now known as Kryptron [08:55] then i went to find that, and tried to install that, then it said i needed libreavsample? And i couldn't find a download for that [08:55] sp3ck ... shot in the dark ... press fn key and hold .. press wireless key ... release both [08:55] I tried downloading aptitude, but then i search for it in my applications, and it wouldn't show up, and then i downloaded synaptic, and these packages aren't showing up when i search there [08:56] nude_dragon: you'd be best off googling something along the lines of "dolphin emulator ubuntu " [08:56] ben64: i tried that, and was able to load a different version, but the netplay community uses a specific version [08:56] HackSmash, nah... the same ... [08:57] worth a shot [08:57] nude_dragon: i'm sure someone already made a guide on how to do it for your version of ubuntu [08:57] HackSmash, found a BIOS update from hp ... I need windows to create a usb recovery [08:57] did u have to fiddle with EUFI setting ever ? [08:57] Hi guys! I have a bug with compiz that uses 100% CPU and 100% memory (8GB..) and basically crashes my PC [08:58] nude_dragon: put the whole output into a pastebin and link that here [08:58] it started after i installed the numix-square icon theme and changed a desktop file [08:58] if I login as guest it doesn't happen [08:58] k1l: not sure what output is? new to ubuntu [08:58] k1l_: * [08:59] HackSmash, don't think so. Don't remember actually. This lappie was left on Ubuntu 12.04 for years. [08:59] i would crawl through the BIOS very slowly [09:02] nude_dragon: the whole errormessages you got in the terminal. [09:03] k1l_: it wasn't in terminal, it was in ubuntu software center [09:03] nude_dragon: i would use a PPA like this http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/07/install-dolphin-emulator-in-ubuntu-15-0414-04/ [09:03] yeah i'm doing that now [09:03] don't know why i was too dumb to do that before [09:03] HackSmash, hateball found that the laptop has the latest HP firmware [09:04] sp3ck: is it a dualboot? [09:04] k1l_, no === max_ is now known as Guest53160 [09:09] ummmmm [09:09] sp3ck alt+F12 [09:11] HackSmash, nope... [09:11] someone found a bug in that wireless card http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1793994 is worth reading [09:12] HackSmash, iwl3945 0000:10:00.0: can't disable ASPM; OS doesn't have ASPM control says the dmesg [09:13] can u disable ASPM in the BIOS [09:15] HackSmash, haven't seen any option for ASPM unfortunately [09:17] its odd that it worked in the previous ubuntu [09:18] HackSmash, yeap ... [09:19] I would crawl through the BIOS and evaluate every power management setting carefully [09:20] bbi5 smoke break [09:21] HackSmash, I will do it again. [09:24] hi, is there a tool like rdesktop with which I can connect to windows 2012 server? [09:24] tuor: I use remmina with remmina-plugins-freedekstop or something [09:25] tuor: freerdp-x11 [09:32] hi all, how to remove first occurrence of two different patterns in a file (not in every line of file, only delete the first time they appear)? [09:32] but removes the first time the pattern appears from every line [09:34] I have tried that for one pattern sed '0,/pattern1/{//d;}' file [09:34] HackSmash, fwts output http://pastebin.com/yVWjP2aW [09:37] sp3ck: have you tried fetching a nightly 15.10 and live-boot to see if it automagically works? [09:37] sp3ck ... looks like 15.04 isnt patched yet https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagementASPM [09:37] 12.04 was [09:40] hateball, HackSmash lshw -C network output http://pastebin.com/VnBDy9eW [09:40] hateball, I will give it a try... === nudtrobert1 is now known as nudtrobert [09:40] sp3ck: Since 15.10 is out in a week that'd solve your problem [09:41] sp3ck: did you try a sudo rfkill unblock all ? [09:41] k1l_, yeap [09:43] pesari, thx. [09:44] tinyhippo, i don't find the plugin package for freedekstop. [09:45] sp3ck yup the OS sees it .. but the ASPM isnt passing the 'state' properly back to the OS [09:45] tuor: I think I meant remmina-plugin-rdp [09:46] i would roll-back === antonio_ is now known as Aael [09:48] tinyhippo, i have it installed, but can't connect to win2012. [09:48] d [09:49] pesari, is freerdp-x11 a fork of rdesktop? [09:49] It seems like, just supporting newer stuff. [09:49] HackSmash, roll-back ... arghhhhhhhhhh... [09:50] either that or suffer for a bit and see if nightlies fix it ... soon-ish [09:50] depends on how mobil that laptop is [09:51] tuor: try opening a terminal and running remmina in the terminal, and connecting to your server [09:51] tuor: you should get a more detailed error message in the terminal [09:51] tinyhippo, ok. [09:53] Error: protocol security negotiation failure [10:00] netstat [10:04] I tried to delete .freerdp/knowhots (or something like this). But didn't resolv the problem (maybe fingerprint has changed). It don't seem to be this. [10:04] !ping [10:04] pong! [10:06] * HackSmash waves nini [10:07] so when does one get an I/O error? I was getting one while I try to open a folder on my WD ext hard disk on Ubuntu, but I can open the same folder without any problems on Windows. Any idea why? [10:08] i/o errors could be a faulty connection but usually indicate failing storage hardware. [10:12] shyamsk: what manner of filesystem does the partition have? [10:12] shyamsk: if it's uncleanly unmounted NTFS you will get errors in linux until you mark it as clean, Windows wont mind [10:16] hateball: NTFS [10:16] uncleanly mounted? [10:16] shyamsk: like if you just remove it without unmounting properly [10:17] shyamsk: if you plug it in, and then run "dmesg" in a terminal you should see a message if it cant mount it [10:17] shyamsk: or can you access *some* content on it? [10:17] ah I did do that (simply remove it) [10:18] on a Windows system right now. Will have to check the dmesg o/p and get back to you. [10:18] shyamsk: Well then you can either connect it to windows and perform a clean unmount, or use "ntfsfix -d /dev/sdX" [10:19] shyamsk: where /dev/sdX is whatever the kernel assigns the drive/partition. Probably /dev/sdb1 if you have just one internal HDD [10:20] yes. I seem to be able to access all the content except one folder. I had copied to it today and disconnected the hd hurriedly. [10:21] hateball: A clean unmount in Windows would be simply clicking "Eject", correct? [10:21] shyamsk, and waiting until windows says "safe to remove" ... [10:22] right :) [10:22] hi, anyone running snappy ubuntu [10:23] Where can I find the IP ranges for the Amazon Ubuntu repository mirror, for outbound firewall rules? [10:23] hateball: so what is the cause of the error? I understand it bcoz I didn't unmount it properly. But could you get a little more technical? So that I can learn a little more from your explanation [10:24] is it just the 3 IPs that are returned by looking up eu-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com [10:26] shyamsk: Well Windows keeps the filesystem open to writing data to it, and without closing then Linux will say "hang on, someone isnt done with this yet". [10:26] shyamsk: To put it simple :p [10:27] :D [10:29] hateball: hmmm... if thats the case then my other ext hard disk may not be dead. Yippee... It constantly gives me the i/o error when it tries to mount along with every file having ??? as permission. [10:30] shyamsk: you could try running ntfsck against that partition [10:32] I will... thanks for that :D [10:33] cfhowlett: thats what I thought too. So how could I verify whether it is or isn't? [10:33] cfhowlett: dying I mean [10:34] shyamsk: You can run tests and display smart data with smartctl [10:34] shyamsk, smartmontools against the HDD should inform you of the health [10:35] !info gsmartcontrol [10:35] gsmartcontrol (source: gsmartcontrol): graphical user interface for smartctl. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.7-1.1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 561 kB, installed size 1923 kB [10:35] hateball: smart data? [10:35] oh it was an abbr [10:35] :D [10:35] shyamsk: The drives firmware stores logs of events [10:36] like how many bad sectors it has, and so on [10:37] and how would I know its dying? too many bad sectors? like what is a dead giveaway that its time to let it go? [10:38] shyamsk: bad sectors, read retries, etc etc [10:39] It will tell you in the GUI (or CLI) what are threshold values for any given event [10:41] ah ok... guess I ought to give it a look to know :D [10:48] thanks hateball and cfhowlett [10:48] shyamsk: No problem === kossak is now known as Guest11571 [10:52] helllo how to check the repo source about a package, i trying with apt-cache show package, is right? [10:54] bjr [10:54] andresr: "apt-cache policy " [10:56] configuration DNS please [10:58] nabil: that is not a valid question, what are you after? [10:59] I have a PC with 4 Screens. I use the integrated VGA card for 2 screens and an external card with another 2 screens. [10:59] The problem is: 2 of then are exremely slow [10:59] Its like the a different PC on 2 of the screens [11:00] Any hints on how to overcome this? Installing the right drivers or something like that? [11:01] p4trix: well what is the "external card" ? [11:02] and how are they connected? [11:02] one sec: [11:02] there is one help me for configuration DNS [11:02] p4trix: as for drivers, running "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" should fetch any (supported) missing drivers for you [11:03] I ll try that one first hateball [11:03] nabil: What is your native language? Perhaps it would be easier getting help in a channel that speaks it [11:04] hateball : i speak frensh and my channel is " nabil " [11:05] !fr | nabil [11:05] nabil: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [11:05] /join #ubuntu-fr [11:07] ubottu : comment je trouver l'espace en francais pour discuter .? [11:07] nabil: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [11:08] nabil: you're in the wrong place - try ##networking [11:09] if you can help me .. i know speak english === O_o is now known as Guest79097 [11:10] nabil: not likely, but you haven't actually asked a question yet. === Guest79097 is now known as Oo === Oo is now known as O-o [11:12] daftykins : i want to configurat a DNS server ? [11:12] what's a good free virus scanner for linux, that can scan windows as well on another hard drive? [11:12] nabil: no sorry, not specific enough. [11:12] Shambler[Bishop: clamav [11:12] !av [11:12] Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [11:12] Shambler[Bishop: ^ [11:12] cheers [11:13] ok dont bother you [11:13] I'm looking mainly for a once-off scan type thing [11:13] to clean up someones hosed Windows install? [11:14] nabil: If you are trying to setup bind, ##networking or indeed ##bind would be a better choice [11:15] hateball : i try but when i finish the install .. the DNS is failed :/ [11:15] is it possible to use the ubuntu boot screen, to boot from usb? [11:16] nabil: there is also #ubuntu-server which deals more with things like bind or other things typically running on a server [11:18] Shambler[Bishop: 'boot screen' ? [11:19] hateball : I chose ubuntu server 12.04lts, but when I finished all Apré command installing Bind ..etc ... when testing the server if it works or not, it appears to me that he does are no domain [11:20] hateball : I chose ubuntu server 12.04lts, but when I finished all command after installing Bind ..etc ... when testing the server if it works or not, it appears to me that he does are no domain [11:26] hi [11:26] could someone check line 30 http://pastebin.com/mMLJ2JPV === metal_camp is now known as metalcamp [11:27] I've got it from Apple :( ;) [11:27] fRit_^: /join #javascript [11:28] I aked them... and they gave me ban f... [11:30] fRit_^: doesn't make it relevant to this channel, sorry. [11:30] hi, I can't login now after upgrade to 14.04 from 12.04, Anyone know how should I fix this? [11:30] that'd be a downgrade zhxt_ :) [11:31] zhxt_: doesn the login screen work? does the guest account or other account work? [11:31] hi all - I'm trying to use citrix, but keep getting told I don't have a certificate that I have installed. Help would be really appreciated. [11:31] k1l: yes. [11:31] zhxt_: what exactly? [11:32] k1l: after I entered password, [11:32] it back to login screen after few seconds. [11:32] zhxt_: does guest account or other account work? [11:33] daftykins: who can help me, which? without #java [11:33] k1l: guest not work. [11:33] fRit_^: sorry, not our problem - try the bot alis for finding channels. [11:33] !alis | fRit_^ [11:33] fRit_^: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [11:34] zhxt_: Can you change to a tty with ctrl+alt+f1, log in and then "sudo chown yourusername:yourusername ~/.Xauthority" then switch back to gui with ctrl+alt+f7 and try loggin in again? [11:34] hateball: no point if guest doesn't work [11:34] hateball: tring... [11:34] might be a video card issue [11:34] /driver [11:35] daftykins: Yep, too bad I had typed it all before the reply ;) [11:35] probably wouldn't get the login greeter working if it were as serious as drivers [11:35] daftykins: the lightdm doesnt need 3d. when starting the desktop it will try to run 3d and crash then [11:35] Hello where can I find mysql error log ? [11:36] k1l: ah ok, native resolution might be a clue though [11:36] motaka3: /var/log/mysql/ ? [11:36] zhxt_: try ctrl+alt+f1, then type lspci | grep VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:37] and type the link here [11:37] Hello, everytime I try to install htop, I get the following error "E: Unable to locate package htop"... I did apt-get upddate but nothing, I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 [11:37] !info htop [11:37] htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 194 kB [11:38] hateball: that doesn't work... :( [11:38] m_abdelfattah: do you have the universe repo enabled? dash > software & sources [11:38] EriC^^: trying... [11:38] m_abdelfattah: its in universe [11:40] EriC^^: http://termbin.com/ek2o [11:40] I have followed the ubuntu instructions for setting it up... but it doesn't seem to work for me and I keep getting the same SSL error. It works fine from windows, just not ubuntu [11:40] EriC^^: Yes, I have the following sources in sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main [11:40] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates main restricted universe [11:40] deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted universe multiverse [11:40] deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner [11:40] zhxt_: ok, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm [11:40] m_abdelfattah: add a universe on the first line [11:40] EriC^^: trying... [11:41] m_abdelfattah: ok, you need http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main universe [11:41] EriC^^ WILL DO IT [11:41] m_abdelfattah: sudo apt edit-sources [11:41] EriC^^ sorry for the cap [11:41] k1l THank you will add it [11:43] rebooting... [11:43] Hey there, I'm passing an LPIC-esential class --> The teacher belives Swap partition is really imperative and we can not install ubuntu witout a swap partition. Is it true? [11:44] frenda: it works without swap if there is a decent amount of ram [11:45] Does it give any warnig to propose for creating a swap partition when we'r goming to install ubuntu via abaquity? [11:45] EriC^^: still the same :( [11:45] warnning* [11:45] zhxt_: ok, type dpkg -l | grep fglrx [11:45] zhxt_: ok, type dpkg -l | grep "fglrx\|headers" | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:46] frenda: yeah it does [11:47] Do you any tutorial or doc that mention to 'swap is not essential'; I need it to refer to it in th class.0 [11:47] EriC^^: http://termbin.com/ek2o [11:47] Hello, my daughter is learning Japanese and using lbuntu on an older laptop. How can she enter Kanji characters? Etc. I tried adding a Japanese "Keyboard Input" for her. Pressing "Super Space" key sequence shows "JP and US" in a nice dialog on the screen. However regardless of how the input is toggled, Kanji char input sequences do NOT output Kanji chars. Any advice? [11:48] frenda: it really depends on the application [11:48] Why I can run 'chmod 700 filename' --> I'm giving 7 for th owner who is me and also 0 to group that owner is a member of it! Isn't it a paradox? [11:48] zhxt_: wrong link [11:49] frenda: its still mandatory for using hibernation [11:49] frenda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq [11:49] EriC^^: sorry , http://termbin.com/bwsj [11:49] frenda: no its not. but your teacher will explain it to you :) [11:50] zhxt_: type uname -r [11:50] kll: do you know anything about citrix on Ubuntu? [11:51] frenda: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10678 [11:51] EriC^^: 3.13.0-65-generic [11:51] mat1tc: no, dont use citrix [11:51] zhxt_: ok, maybe try removing the fglrx? [11:51] zhxt_: sudo apt-get purge fglrx* [11:51] frenda: Linux Journal article that refutes the notion that swap space is not useful on modern hardware. [11:52] k1l: ok, I need it for work, but can't get it, well, working - wondering if it might be a general security certificate issue though, as when I run a check on the site it tells me I'm missing an intermediary cert, but whenI try to install it, it tells me it's already installed. A bit at a loss. [11:52] zhxt_: did you just upgrade from 12.04? [11:52] EriC^^: yes, [11:52] sewardrobert: going to read it. tnx [11:53] mat1tc: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo [11:53] better answer is - it depends [11:53] k1l: Followed all of those instructions :( [11:54] if you need swap for a reason, or you have low memory, it can be helpful. for some people it is completely unnecessary [11:54] EriC^^: purge done. then reboot ? [11:54] zhxt_: hold on [11:54] EriC^^: okay, [11:55] mat1tc: sometimes you need to combine cert+intermediate in one cert or it will fail the chain lookup [11:55] hateball: Thanks - I've only really started learning about them in trying to get citrix to work - what would I need to do to combine them? [11:56] try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-org xserver-org-core xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon [11:56] zhxt_: [11:56] Hi, someone here running dnscrypt? [11:57] I set it up and it's running, but I can't resolve anything [11:57] EriC^^: trying... [11:57] mat1tc: you just put the two certs in the same file, add the intermediate cert after the end block of the server cert. dont forget a newline (enter) at the end of it all [11:57] heh, nvm :D [11:58] hateball: ok will give it a try, thanks [11:58] mat1tc: and in rare circumstances you may need to add the CA cert after intermediate [12:00] hateball: so it's says I'm missing the VerisSign Class 3 secure server CA-G3 which is the intermediate [12:01] EriC^^: done, [12:01] zhxt_: try rebooting [12:02] rebooting... [12:03] Hi, It takes me about 1 min. to boot. used to take 10 secs (SSD) - I disabled plymouth etc. and I get messages like this: ubuntu usb 1-4: device descriptor read/64 error -110 [12:03] No USB devices plugged in. Really strange. [12:04] EriC^^: \o/ , thank you very very very much :) I can login now. [12:05] zhxt_: great, no problem :) [12:07] EriC^^: :) [12:07] EriC^^: I don't need to reinstall the entire OS now... \o/ === bofh is now known as Guest23535 [12:09] I chose ubuntu server 12.04lts, but when I finished all command after installing Bind ..etc ... when testing the server if it works or not, it appears to me that he does are no domain [12:09] thanks also goes to k1l, hateball, daftykins, [12:10] hi someone who nows how i turn swap permanent off ? [12:10] theptr: remove it form fstab [12:10] or comment it with a # at the beginning [12:10] theptr: sudo swapoff [12:11] EriC^^, if i do that it turns itself back on after a reboot [12:11] * sudo swapoff -a [12:11] hello ubunters! [12:11] theptr: do as kil said, add a # in /etc/fstab before the swap uuid [12:13] EriC^^, i have 1 rule that starts with /dev/mapper/...swap so i place an # infront of that ? [12:13] theptr: yeah [12:13] i want tou install DNS servers please [12:13] nabil: you have been told you are in the wrong place. [12:14] EriC^^, thanks [12:14] k1l, thanks [12:14] np [12:14] daftykins : ok i will go out :) === Guest23535 is now known as bofh_hex [12:16] Hi folks [12:21] hi [12:23] oh [12:23] ahoy [12:23] gm [12:23] buen día men [12:23] hmmm... I still don't see an option to timestamp everything that goes on in a channel. [12:24] in xchat [12:24] Alguien sabe usar xampp? [12:24] hellow [12:25] iji9uu [12:26] sortkwik: preferences > interface > textbox > enable timestamps [12:27] Hi. I'm installing ubuntu on a disk with two windows installs on it. Frankly, it is a decade since I last installed windows so I'm not sure what to do regarding "drive to put the boot manager on". where the windows one is? root? [12:27] moijk: whichever is the primary disk your windows installs + thus system BIOS boots from, yep [12:27] Look at that. I have not idea it was there. Now I feel like an idiot... [12:28] moijk: unless they are windows 8+ and are installed as EFI [12:28] Kartagis: thanks you. [12:29] moijk: yeah, watch the EFI f you have it. You'll have do uncheck secure boot in BIOS in order for everything to work. [12:30] No need for disabling secure boot, just follow the !uefi manual, or http://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu-1404-dual-boot-mode-windows-8-81-uefi/ [12:31] thanks guys. [12:36] I installed abiword on ubuntu recently. Now every time I start the machine up, it's not only in the menu bar but full onscreen. I don't want it on either. How can I stop this ? [12:37] it doesn't seem to be listed in 'startup applications' [12:37] artag, i had that too, it is a bug, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/1432271/comments/10 for the solution [12:37] Launchpad bug 1432271 in abiword (Ubuntu) "[vivid] Abiword always starts after logging in" [High,Triaged] [12:37] thanks ! [12:37] how do i get an ubuntu shell account [12:37] hateball: no luck :( [12:37] i need it for testing and learning [12:37] bob269: talk to a provider, that's not really on topic here. [12:38] bob269: digitalocean.com are good, though [12:38] thanks /daftykins [12:39] @daftykins thanks [12:40] mat1tc: well I am not in know with regards to citrix so I have no idea how it works [12:41] hateball: ok, thanks for trying === NetworkingPro is now known as MrWhiskers === Ankhers_ is now known as Ankhers [12:52] x.x.x.x. [13:00] wb ahahaha [13:04] hey guys, I think I found an issue with the update-motd sections of the sshd and login pam files. When I was logging in I was seeing the MOTD of the last time I logged in, instead of the fresh one, but it would be updated once I logged in [13:05] I realised it's the second line that was supposed to show the /etc/motd static file that was causing the update to the /run/motd.dynamic file which had already been shown [13:06] by moving the noupdate to the second line which is only supposed to be showing the static file you get the fresh update shown on login [13:10] nagchampa, seems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shadow/+bug/1368864 [13:10] Launchpad bug 1368864 in shadow (Ubuntu) "old motd is displayed on login" [Medium,Triaged] [13:11] nagchampa, maybe you like to confirm this on launchpad [13:11] OerHeks: sure, i was just searching for it [13:11] ☺ === metal_camp is now known as metalcamp === zch is now known as caihu [13:20] Thanks for the help OerHeks [13:23] HI TO ALL [13:23] hi bag === Ors is now known as Guest49562 [13:26] How can I extract a specific directory foo from filename.zip, to a local directory /bar ? [13:26] without extracting everything in filename.zip [13:26] the command line equivelant of dragging it out of Archive Manager [13:27] unzip "/path/to/archive.zip" "in/archive/folder/\*" -d "/path/to/unzip/to" [13:28] Hi, so i am using a program correcly with systemd and the binary is installed. But not when doing a apt-get install of something, it always tries to install the program again. Suggestions? [13:28] I fear when I do a purge, it will get deleted [13:29] Nindustries: program name etc. might help to figure stuff out [13:30] EriC^^, dnscrypt-proxy, e.g.; http://pastebin.com/i19QrWMJ [13:30] Thanks OerHeks it was that, but without escaping the * since the double-quotes already do that [13:30] EriC^^, notice the "Setting up dnscrypt-proxy (1.6.0-3pmo1~vivid) ..." [13:31] Nindustries: try sudo apt-get -f install [13:32] Nope; http://pastebin.com/aXPBa3cv [13:33] did something happen to the ubuntu utopic repo? [13:33] EoL [13:33] does it get moved to an archive anywhere? [13:33] negative :( [13:33] Nindustries: ok, try to remove the dnscrypt... package if you don't need it [13:34] Well I do need it [13:34] or reinstall it [13:34] and I am using it [13:34] ahhh cause i cannot upgrade this machine to vivid either [13:34] reinstall it then, something is wrong with it [13:34] mistralol: oh [13:34] !eolupgrade | mistralol you can do the old-releases trick, but that would not make your system safe, only for testing/upgrading purposes [13:34] mistralol you can do the old-releases trick, but that would not make your system safe, only for testing/upgrading purposes: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [13:34] mistralol: actually http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ [13:34] Hello [13:34] HI [13:35] thebwt: thats basically the old repo arhcive locations? [13:35] mistralol: see the bots message [13:35] looks like it, I just found out about it, but do read bot msg [13:35] I imagine it links to it somewhere [13:35] How are you.... [13:36] Aye, I fixed it [13:36] thanks [13:36] mistralol: the archives of the unsuported releases get put away. if you still run a unsupported release upgrade asap. this is highly security risk [13:36] k1l: i cannot upgrade vivid wont run on this machine it hangs [13:37] mistralol: no [13:37] Nindustries: np [13:37] k1l: no seriously i need the machine to work on and I installed it with vivid when it came out and its hangs [13:37] mistralol: you can not stay on 14.10. there is no choice. either you make a 14.04 lts install or upgrade to 15.04 and solve the issue [13:37] mistralol: I'll let you know how moving to the old-releases channel works [13:38] k1l: well 14.04 has some other bugs that dont work on this machine and 15.04 wont work either sooo ummm? [13:38] k1l: for some people, they understand the risk and need a temp fix [13:38] mistralol: i would not call it working on a EOL ubuntu. aynthing you do there is highly security issue. [13:38] thebwt: that is just plain stupid [13:38] k1l: thats fine the machine is behind some firewalls ;) [13:39] mistralol: firewalls dont help anything [13:39] mistralol: it's not firewalls do get off ASAP, but this will get you working long enough [13:39] k1l: whats more important ot me is haveing a stable system vs security issues from being behind 2 nats ..... [13:39] k1l: you gotta realize i adont actually use the machine for browsing the web and stuff [13:39] k1l: in fact its just running a bunch of virtual machines [13:40] this morning when i open a terminal window it aborts instantly, something about malloc and "array assertion botched". how might i go about remedying this? only unusual thing i've done recently is use the enlightenment WM last night. [13:41] mistralol: in the end its your choice. but its a dumb choice. no matter how hard you try to justify it. [13:41] mistralol: okay confirmed, you can just change the domain name in place and it seems to work well [13:41] i can't even log in via ctrl-alt-f2 [13:41] mistralol: i bet the issues on 14.04 or 15.04 are solveable. [13:42] mistralol: you know where the repo list is from? [13:42] thebwt: that old repos still dont get any updates. they are just in the last state to make an upgrade workable [13:42] k1l: I am VERY aware of that [13:42] k1l: well the 14.04 issue basically requires an upgrade because of a nasty kernel bug with virtualbox. And the 15.04 issue is a kernel lockup [13:42] when will 15.10 come out? [13:42] mistralol: i bet both are solved already. [13:42] cowbacon: 22.10. [13:43] cowbacon: the 22nd iirc [13:43] thanks [13:43] kernel bug with virtualbox ? [13:43] k1l: i cannot risk the 2 days downtime to find that out ;) [13:43] hi [13:44] is there annyboy [13:44] many people [13:44] aydin: yes, just ask [13:44] hello [13:44] ada orang indonesian? [13:44] !id | quest9 [13:44] quest9: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [13:44] yup under 14.04 i get kernel lockups as well because of extremly high load in virtualbox and it locks upt he kernel [13:44] where is here? [13:44] mistralol: that seems unlikley [13:44] in 15.04 i get a kernel lockup releated to the gfx card :) [13:44] oke [13:44] i join to just [13:44] aydin: you're in #ubuntu a generic support channel for ubuntu linux [13:45] ikonia: unless its been fixed [13:45] how can I "tail -f" a file and execute a command with every line of text ? [13:45] So I keep running into 'An error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system. Kernel package: 'linux-generic' # looking into it more i see linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic, package linux-image-generic is not configured yet. This is a pretty basic preseed.cfg FAI install that I can't seem to figure out how to get around. [13:45] mistralol: seems totally unlikley based on how wide virtualbox and the 14.04 kernel are used in the enterprise [13:45] wow [13:45] ikonia: oh yeah and 15.04 also has a virtual box kernel bug as well on anothe rmachine which lock up but only when running ubuntu inside a vm [13:45] how manage here [13:45] mistralol: seems unlikley again [13:45] ikonia: so yeah these things do exist [13:45] linux is very amazing [13:45] i join just [13:45] mistralol: where are these bugs logged [13:46] ikonia: since its basically impossible to actually capture any information on these i have not bothered to log them [13:46] mistralol: of course it's possible [13:46] i want to learn linux im matlab programmer [13:46] mistralol: and do you not think others may have had these "bugs" and put details in [13:46] how can i learn it [13:46] mistralol: I suspect it's more likley down to your setup/config [13:46] is there any book? [13:47] (obviously thats without actually looking into it properly) [13:47] ikonia: no its not i have tried. (btw I know how to use kdump and kgdb and capture stuff from a serial cable) hint: i have writtena few drivers over the years [13:47] mistralol: please provide proper errormessages and kernel versions. it sounds more like you just need to justify you running a unsupported release. [13:47] mistralol: still seems very unlikley, that you're locked into this version [13:47] ikonia: well i am locked in because i will get a new machine in 2-3 months [13:48] until then Ic annot risk the downtime of this machine until i get the new one because i need it fomr something else [13:48] mistralol: running unsupported releases is , well, not supported. so if you want to do that against all suggestions, its your choice. [13:48] kids is there any book about ubuntu linux [13:48] ?? [13:48] mistralol doesn't have to justify anything, he/she understands the issue and risks will you guys cut it out [13:48] so i don't know if it has been fixed in 15.04 but i simply cannot risk it (welcome to real world problems) [13:49] thebwt: the issue is you and him justifying running EOL releases like its a all day thing. and now all beginners in here think: well than its ok when i do it too. [13:49] thebwt: so i bet you and him are not here to support all the issues afterwards caused by EOL systems. [13:49] k1l: yeah but in this case your saying upgrade it will be fine. Yet you don't understand the risks invlved in me doing that [13:49] Guys, I am ubuntu 14.04 32bit. Is there a way to upgrade to 64bit version of ubuntu without a clean install [13:50] I-am-Groot: no [13:50] By that, i mean i dont want to reinstall all my programs [13:50] I-am-Groot: negative :( [13:50] Dang! [13:51] I am pretty cool with my 32bit but it looks like many devs are slowly droping support for 32 bits [13:51] k1l: wat do you do for work? [13:51] I-am-Groot: move all your data to a 2nd disk, then wipe and reinstall x86 on your system disk, restore to the data [13:51] I-am-Groot: if the hardware can go 64bit there is no reason to install a 32bit OS today. even distributions are considering dropping the 32bit isos [13:52] mistralol: that doesnt matter. [13:52] thanks dft, but i wanna upgrade to 64bit [13:52] k1l: yes it does. Cause if you were about to accept the same risk as I would be by updating you migth actually understand? [13:52] I-am-Groot: yes, so copy all your data to a 2nd disk then reinstall your OS to x86(ie 64bit) [13:52] I-am-Groot: You can however clone your package list, as well as configs located in /etc, for an easier reinstall [13:52] !clone [13:52] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate [13:53] mistralol: what is the actual thing you need/want help with [13:53] (summary) [13:53] hateball: ooo I like that [13:53] ikonia: ahhh thats resolved ;) [13:53] perfect [13:53] Is there a way to let linux cache a directory listing ? [13:53] I have a slow filesystem mounted [13:53] Nindustries: why is it slow ? [13:53] Nindustries: the file system cache is managed by the kernel [13:53] it's remote [13:53] Thanks hateball [13:55] One more question, Would the 64bit version of ubuntu require more resources than the 32bit version? [13:55] I-am-Groot, the software centre has a software sync option afaik [13:55] I-am-Groot: not really [13:55] i have an i5 processor with 4gb ram [13:55] I-am-Groot: you'll be fine [13:55] OOkay! :) [13:55] resource usage really depends on what your running === pkircher_ is now known as pkircher [13:55] and by that I mean services/apps [13:56] ikonia, ideally I would just want to have a a layer inbetween so /tmp/slow is cached at /tmp/faster [13:56] Yea...that i understand but back in windows, the system requirements for 32bit and 64bit windows varies [13:57] I-am-Groot: not on ubuntu [13:57] Nindustries: that does not seem locgical [13:57] thats why i was concerned [13:57] Okay..Thanks [13:57] logical even [13:57] well, /tmp/slow is a fuse filesystem but it's slow [13:58] I will be back here again once i have downloaded the 64bit iso for a thorough guide [13:59] Would you recomend ubuntu 15 ?? In terms of stability? [14:00] I-am-Groot: are you ok with upgrading every 6 months? [14:00] k1l: Not really.. why? === alan_ is now known as Guest84791 [14:01] I-am-Groot: then go for the 14.04 LTS [14:01] Yes Sir!! [14:01] 14.04 it is [14:02] I-am-Groot: on 15.04 you need to upgrade to 15.10 in january 2016 and 6 months later to 16.04 since they got only 9 months support timeframe. 14.04 LTS got 5 years [14:02] Wow!!! [14:02] k1l, can you easy upgrade from an lts to a sts ? [14:02] But why is it that way? [14:03] theptr: yes. but you need to upgrade to every next release. so 14.04 to 14.10 to 15.04 ..... you cant jump releases. [14:04] k1l You will be able to upgrade directly to the next LTS? [14:04] k1l, but if 16.04 lts comes out can i upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 lts ? [14:04] I-am-Groot: if you want stability use LTS. be fine 5 years. if you want the newest stuff you want to upgrade anyway when the next release is out. so no matter of waiting longer and the devs having the whole work of supporting that much old releases [14:05] Oh okay [14:05] MrBiogene: theptr yes, 14.04 to 16.04 is possible in the LTS to LTS upgrade. but its officially the "to 16.04.1" then [14:05] ^^ [14:05] k1l, then im going to wait until the next lts [14:06] Same here [14:08] I-am-Groot, 14.04.3 comes with the kernel and X from 15.04, in other words, updated drivers for many devices and graphics cards. 14.04.4 will eventually get the 15.10 stack somtime in february [14:09] OOkay..thats great1 [14:09] great!* [14:11] I just found out abt lightdm, and got it to work with this unity theme called MacBuntu. Lightdm shows up after a full reboot but when i logout or timeout and end up on the lockscreen, Ubuntu uses the default logon screen instead of lightdm's logon screen. Anyway to fix that? [14:11] Make lightdm show up when i logout or lock my desktop instead of the default logon sreen [14:11] screen* [14:12] I-am-Groot, know inssue with tha crappy macubuntu theme, ask them ? [14:13] OOkay...I taught it was a lightdm problem === Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms [14:26] See you all later [14:27] hola [14:27] !es | pc2 [14:27] pc2: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [14:31] hello guys [14:32] hi Piperanci [14:35] <_Piperanci> im back bitches [14:35] I am probably missing something here that is starring me in the face - but how do you manually add a network password to the keyring? [14:36] <_Piperanci> you hump it hard until it connects [14:37] I see that if I enter the credentials via Nautilus there is a "Network password" entry stored automatically in the Login keyring ... but how to manually add one I can't figure out [14:39] if I click on the + to add a new entry and select "Stored Password" it doesn't have much there ... just "Description" and "Password" - nowhere to add a smb:// path etc ... [14:39] hello! how can i set priority between repos when using apt-get install, i mean i want set priority for a specific package to try fist to install from a selected repo but my sources list provide 2 repos for the same package [14:40] andresr_: the priority is set by the versin number available [14:40] ActionParsnip: package version? [14:41] ActionParsnip: because i need link to repos, one local apt repo and the official repo, but both have the same package [14:41] andresr_: if one source has version 1 and another has version 2, then you will install version 2 by default [14:42] andresr: then if i understood you good , i need up the version for my preference [14:42] ActionParsnip: can i manage that without touch the deb package? i mean if can i use the apt preferences and pinning strategy for this [14:43] andresr_: you wont touch a deb package, apt-get will manage it all for you. [14:43] if you want t pin a package you can, then it will not upgrade [14:44] Man, installing dual boot ubuntu / Windows with full disk encryption is a nightmare. [14:44] I'm using the following command to email myself a log of the output of a screen command but it is not waiting for the process to complete…any ideas? screen -m -d “$backup_client_script” & wait $!; echo | mutt -a “$LOG_FILE” -s "backup job completed” -- mailto:admin@info.com [14:45] I've been fighting with Grub for HOURS. [14:45] ActionParsnip: ok its true , it is only to manage upgrades, true? [14:45] then the unique solution is to change the version of the package? [14:45] ActionParsnip: [14:46] ActionParsnip: then cant i choose repo priorities? in another elegant way? [14:47] ActionParsnip: when i doing apt-cache policy package im seeing both repos, my local and the remote repo [14:47] ActionParsnip: with same versions [14:48] At one point I got grub working so it would let me select Ubuntu, but then it would drop me right into BusyBox. [14:48] hey all, i have a python app that i've turned into an executable with pyinstaller....and i want to get it submitted to the Ubuntu software center. I'm in between learning how to package things and pull my teeth out. Any help? [14:48] Human Right Wolf Defense http://holmesivonline.com [14:48] andresr_: if you use apt-get and use the dry run option, what source is used? [14:48] . [14:48] Now I'm back to a point where it just drops me right into grub. [14:49] Oh, right, I think I need to reinstall lvm2... [14:50] any help? [14:50] he [14:52] help === GingerGeek_ is now known as GingerGeek [14:56] ActionParsnip: when i run apt-get install package --dry-run , it doesnt show me the repo choosed [14:57] andresr_, just call up the package in your package manager and check the details, the repos is usually listed [14:59] andresr_, or apt-cache policy packagename [15:00] quick question [15:00] what IRC client do you guys use? [15:02] <-- konversation , but I'm a KDE guy [15:02] BluesKaj: yes, im running that time ago, yes , now i discovered something [15:03] Brazil? [15:03] hey all, i have a python app that i've turned into an executable with pyinstaller....and i want to get it submitted to the Ubuntu software center. I'm in between learning how to package things and pull my teeth out. Any help? [15:03] BluesKaj: i was setting the repos in order and now, it seems try to install from the first repo in order [15:03] andresr_, in order? [15:04] I have a variable named "$FILE04_TEST_MAIL" that is assigned the following command: echo | mutt -s "file04_test backup job" -a /tmp/file04_test_screen.log -- mailto:admin@info.org ….I can enter this command in @ the terminal and it will send mail w/ attachment but if I simply enter in the variable $FILE04_TEST_MAIL" @ the terminal it will display the error message of "No such file or directory"…any ideas? [15:05] john_doe_jr, best to ask that in ##linux , unless you have infinite patience [15:05] john_doe_jr: or #bash really [15:06] Pici: I've asked in #bash === he1kki_ is now known as he1kki === farid is now known as Guest47506 [15:07] BluesKaj: yes because i have 2 repos, one own local repo with deb packages(the issue is this have depends to resolve with the official repo ;) and the another official repo, with the depends of the deb in the local repo [15:07] BluesKaj: ehehe really it isnt a egg problem [15:08] BluesKaj: i want to avoid to place deb depends packages in my local repo, and i want to get it the solution without changing the version of similar packages names in boths repos [15:10] Has anyone had success using ubuntu with a hidpi system like a dell xps 15? The resolution is 3200x1800 and it loooks absurdly tiny when I use that resolution. [15:10] I've tried different things I've found online to configure the dpi but none work right. [15:11] How do I remove apps from appearing in my launcher? [15:11] /s/remove/prevent [15:11] sudomarize: Like when you install them you don't want it in the sidebar? [15:11] ¿Hola? [15:11] wldcordeiro: i don't wait them appearing in my launcher at all, not just the sidebar [15:11] want* [15:12] sudomarize: If that's what you're looking for then you open software center and go to view > new applications in launcher [15:12] basically prevent ubuntu from recognizing them as executables (including in terminal) [15:12] uncheck that menu item. [15:12] Oh, that's a bit more complicated. [15:13] sudomarize: why are you trying to hide software from the system? Can't you just uninstall it? [15:15] wldcordeiro: yeah i suppose i could just uninstall it actually, don't really need it anymore anyway. thanks [15:15] wldcordeiro: what if it's a node package? [15:17] öÅå [15:17] %þ{&ªØ»#ÕNBõŠ”ÿ빃…³_K»·L>”]└É_Ý+DG„ÞÁ!5À0/Üó”O◆␊°ß$ [15:18] ␊─!Ðñü¦·▒–!8NK±ö ჰ“å)ÓÕ.–ဠ/‡Wõ*¨/<#≤¼─¬éݛöì│◆€( €øÃø▒␍˜ž;›M!π+┴‘é´+è├+Šþ≠␋ [15:18] ��S┐�L�│�␉��V�=J���B;�U�*��#Һ-���ɞƾ⎺I ���;�└�0� [15:18] ��┼S+─·�9≤� � [15:18] ì����␤�õ�AӕL��$@· [15:18] °.ꌼ�␋�G�������JA=� N�─��۬ [15:18] ���O< F�┐��\�4┴ڂ��R [15:19] L��π:≠�F?��7�┐( === someon is now known as someone [15:23] hi, i have 15.04 on my asus notebook, all my fn+f keys work perfectly excep fn+f5 and fn+f6 which is used for brightness, i tried to see the keycode in with keycode or acpi_listen, but they dont output anything, i tried adding acpi_osi= and acpi_backlight=vendor to boot command but it doesnt work [15:24] I keep getting funky graphics glitches... anyone have any ideas? [15:26] skweek: Drivers up to date? [15:26] where do I check that? I know i've seen it somewhere before [15:26] Anyone configure Ubuntu with a hidpi screen yet? [15:27] In the launcher there's an "additional drivers" application skweek [15:28] skweek: ^ [15:29] I just ran it, it said there where't any drivers available... but clearly i'm seeing graphic glitches :( [15:30] wldcordeiro: Im running on dual 4k monitors, maybe I can help? [15:31] skweek: which driver are you using? type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste the link here [15:31] skweek: Not sure what else it could be, sorry. EriC^^ looks like he has some ideas. [15:32] Hidpi support should be the next big priority for Ubuntu. Good native support with no config stuff. [15:32] I had to drop my resolution to 1080p to make it usable instead of the 3200x1800 norm of my laptop [15:32] wldcordeiro: did you try to use scaling ? [15:33] http://termbin.com/gx4h [15:33] I've got 3840x2160 scaled down 1.5 and that gives me a great picture on both monitors [15:33] drmagoo: It's a decent solution but not optimal, lots of apps don't scale properly. [15:34] If I knew the default dpi of Ubuntu the scaling would be easier. [15:34] wldcordeiro: are you using unity ? [15:34] I know my monitor is 238 dpi, but I'm not sure what the default is for ubuntu, probably 90-96 but if I could figure out I can do the math for the right scale ratio [15:34] 90 [15:35] drmagoo: Yeah I'm on 15.10 b2 or b3 if there is [15:35] skweek: looks like it's an intel chipset and it's using the intel driver [15:35] is there a problem with that? [15:36] skweek: no, i've no idea what you could do to try to fix it though [15:36] :/ [15:36] wldcordeiro: its easy to change the scaling, system-settings/displays (i think) just a slider you move, so that you test and find what is optimal for you [15:38] hi [15:39] Hey guys I've noticed when removing kernels (linux-virtual, linux-3.13.whatever) that I'm have to update grub and update-initramfs -u manually [15:39] I would expect apt to handle this for me [15:39] worstadmin. how are you removing them? [15:40] apt-get remove followed by autoremove [15:40] using apt [15:40] Yes. [15:40] I just do a sudo apt-get autoremove [15:40] Yes even after that if I reboot it does nothing [15:40] blank screen [15:40] however if I update grub and initramfs it works [15:41] worstadmin: is this a VPS? or other online service server VM? which version is it running? [15:41] some ppl use dpkg to remove old kernels, but I dont know if that will update grub, etc [15:41] that'd be a bad idea ^ [15:42] THX 4 all the people working on(?) ubuntu, i use this OS many years on my pc and now on my new raspberry to(sorry for my bad english, i am from austria and primary speak german) [15:42] daftykins: No it's just a regular box [15:46] hi2all! is there, ubuntu 14.04, shortcut like in windows win+D for roll up all windows? [15:48] b100s, hold win key for all shorkeys [15:48] *shortkeys [15:49] wow [15:49] compdoc: Those updates are usually in the scripts that come in the .deb package. [15:49] ctrl super D [15:51] OerHeks, thanks a lot [15:52] hi all! [15:52] i'm looking for some experiences w/regards to stability and performance, day to day use of an AMD Opteron Istanbul or Shanghai system, as main desktop [15:53] was wondering if anyone round here was using something like that still, and if it performs alright [15:53] !hcl | rann [15:53] rann: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [15:53] rann try ##hardware and #ubuntu-offtopic for polling and chat [15:54] (AMD Opteron's Istanbul and Shanghai line is the 24x 84x series of Opterons) [15:54] rann: if you have access to the systems, try out some live sessions / server installs [15:54] hi [15:55] I'm not looking for information regarding that it's supported, more like: human interaction, people that have daily desktop interaction with such systems and how it works for them [15:55] [~] [atlantique] were onna get banned instantly [15:55] [toast] [11:55] == hashbot [~lua@] has joined #ubuntu [15:55] [11:55] hashbot [~] [atlantique] were onna get banned instantly [15:55] rann: yeah not relevant in this channel. [15:55] [toast] fuck [15:55] [toast] hbi [15:55] [~] [jos] LOL [15:55] whats up [15:55] rann check those channels this one is not for polling [15:56] hello all [15:56] toaster_test: ubuntu support questions in here, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic === BOHverkill_ is now known as BOHverkill [15:56] bazhang: ah ok thanks [15:57] so how is everyone doing [15:57] very niiise [15:57] how are you? [15:58] im all right i guess but having some problem with my xfce voyager linux version [15:58] do u guys support this [15:58] Please help, trusty gdm/X.org will not start, strangely enough unity greeter does, then black screen [15:58] hello all [15:58] bcx: what's changed recently? [15:59] bcx: does the guest session work? [15:59] alis to fine the voyager channel ferrero [15:59] !alis | ferrero [15:59] ferrero: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [15:59] . [15:59] daftykins: I get a window message, then nothing [16:00] sry. [16:00] bcx: with the guest session? [16:00] yes [16:00] i had yesterday problem with booting ubuntu: Gave up waiting root device. [16:00] i fixed this prob [16:01] bcx: so what've you done, recently upgraded - or? [16:01] just changed port of hdd sata cable [16:01] daftykins: I can only do that if I switch to lightdm, gdm won't start [16:01] daftykins: all this is in a virtualbox [16:02] ok [16:02] bcx: ah, and i still need an answer as to what changed [16:02] daftykins: sorry don't know [16:03] so you haven't done a thing? [16:03] hold left shift at boot and try another kernel, it has to have been prompted by something [16:03] daftykins: my install script has done a lot [16:04] oh so it's not even a normal install [16:04] good luck with that, then [16:05] daftykins: I can use ttys for debugging [16:05] check your home for file ownership, if anything isn't owned by you that'd be a good start [16:06] daftykins: already chowned -R 1000: [16:06] without even knowing if it was relevant? [16:06] I saw the classical .Xauthority owned by root === marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505 [16:07] daftykins: shouldn't everything in /home/user belong to user ? [16:07] yes, which is what i said to check just a moment ago [16:07] bcx: alright so query your log files and check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log . [16:08] daftykins: i have some (EE) in Xorg.0.log [16:08] pastebin the whole file, i can't diagnose it via you :) [16:09] daftykins: is there a cli paste service helper ? [16:09] pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log [16:10] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12791738 [16:11] alright your virtualbox graphics driver module isn't present [16:12] How big is too big for a logfile I wonder what sane defaults should be for logrotate size paramater [16:12] daftykins: must confusing is frame buffer stuff [16:14] bcx: it's falling back to FBDEV, yes - "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms" then "sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox-dkms [16:14] or /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup [16:14] daftykins: excuse me, i have oibaf/graphics ppa, will remove it and retry [16:15] daftykins: ubuntu vbox drivers are old & weak, for that reason I only use guest additions ISO [16:15] bad idea imo [16:16] daftykins: i use vbox5 from their apt sources, so to get a decent match it is recommended === moz is now known as Guest42147 [16:26] Has ubuntu dropped adobe flashplayer? [16:27] cap, no, it is still part of restricted extras .. but flash is dead [16:27] chrome switches to html5 when possible, even it has pepperflash build-in [16:27] adobe has dropped support for linux flash [16:28] how can I remap e.g.: c + ' = ç? [16:29] chrome has an embedded flash that it supposedly gets secretly from adobe [16:29] I'm using a macbook and I need my diacritical marks to type in portuguese and esperanto [16:29] esperanto? [16:29] Well, problem is; I have a friend's computer here and he is complaining about sites that keep saying that adobe flash player needs to be updated. [16:29] pizzaiolo, are you from brazil? [16:29] ilja_: yes, yes [16:30] cap use chrome [16:30] movado estas tie forta [16:30] Shall I just tell him to use chromium? Or is there a way to avoid this. [16:30] or chorme? [16:30] hello [16:30] cap: is ubuntu-restricted-extras installed and up-to-date? [16:30] BluesKaj: Will chrome be better for him? [16:30] not chromium, it won't help , gotta be chrome [16:30] I'm realy newbie [16:30] mcphail: Let me check [16:30] I'm just getting to know IRC [16:31] ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version [16:31] ilja_ jes ja :) [16:31] cap, yes chrome will work fine on sites that other browsers like FF don't have the correct flash version [16:31] cap: and you have run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ? [16:32] what irc to go for linux mint? [16:32] !rules | neogineer [16:32] neogineer: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [16:32] !mint haidora11 [16:32] !mint [16:32] Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [16:32] thanks ubottu, I'm figure this out [16:32] whoops [16:33] mcphail: Running now... [16:35] cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda1 [16:35] cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab [16:35] sumtingwong [16:36] mcphail i am joining mintirc but they are not letting me === Khaotic is now known as Guest18318 [16:38] cap: are you doing this from a live usb or something? [16:38] haidora11: can't help you there, I'm afraid [16:39] hi guys [16:39] how can I check the channels available on this network? [16:39] !alis [16:39] alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [16:39] have a chat with alis. [16:40] cap what did you do to deserve this error ? "cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda1 [16:40] upgrade ? version of ubuntu ? setup crypt from scratch ? [16:40] do you know the passphrase ? [16:41] EriC^^: No, it's installed on a conventional HD, it's a desktop computer. [16:41] gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c "echo "123456" | sudo arpspoof -i wlan0 -t"'& Ask: this command is right? [16:41] (Aviad) (Aviad) i am medical 1st year student, & good in computer software programming, have made Android apps, worked on web apps & little more. How can i mix knowledge of both subjects in future.? [16:42] not sure what I did to deserve this. I should add that I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 (couple days ago when I got the PC). [16:43] I probably should have backed up /home and do fresh install... [16:43] ask:this command is right? [16:44] gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c "echo "123456" | sudo arpspoof -i wlan0 -t"'& [16:44] bodhi_zazen: Setup crypt? passphrase? [16:44] bodhi_zazen: Was that for me? [16:44] ulot0: such queries are not allowed here. [16:45] daftykins, why? [16:45] afternoon folks, is there a software to control an LSI RAID from ubuntu? [16:45] ulot0: because you are up to nefarious activities, plus it's not really OS support. [16:46] finetundra_: actual LSI or 3ware branded as LSI? i install their software manually from their site for mine. [16:46] daftykins, OK, [16:46] daftykins: pretty sure it's actual LSI [16:47] ah ok, check their product page for downloads then [16:47] Here are last 23 lines; http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792094/ [16:47] daftykins, gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c "echo "123456" | sudo ping"'& Ask: this command is right? [16:47] daftykins: could I get a link? [16:47] ulot0: sorry i'm not helping you on this topic. [16:48] finetundra_: not from me, no - because you haven't told me what the card is - plus i'm pretty sure you can find LSI's website. [16:49] daftykins, This command is normal. [16:49] ulot0: i know - and my answer stands :) [16:49] daftykins: to be honest, I don't know what the card is myself. [16:49] finetundra_: is it installed? [16:49] daftykins, Why still can't help me? [16:50] daftykins: yeah, I'm pretty sure. === haskell is now known as Guest89667 [16:51] finetundra_: i just mean physically inside whatever system... "lspci" would help [16:51] hang on [16:51] or even "lspci | pastebinit" with pastebinit installed prior [16:51] ok. I need a minute [16:52] I ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again and get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792140/ [16:53] daftykins: MegaRAID SAS 1068 [16:53] Does this one look normal? [16:53] Should I run it again? [16:54] cap: looks like you're completely up to date. [16:56] finetundra_: are you sure about 1068 ? [16:57] cap, yes, you posted the error [16:57] So I wonder why I got the error on the other attempt? [16:57] Do I have a problem or was the error in error? === user is now known as Guest40778 [16:58] does anyone knows how to pass mp3 files to iphone 4 iso 7.0 from ubuntu??? [16:58] cap, is this a failed upgrade ? [16:59] bodhi_zazen: From all I could tell, it went though ok. Got to the point where it asked to reboot, it rebooted on and all looks fine. Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS [16:59] sfdebug: rhythmbox supposedly can do that [16:59] EriC^^, i'm trying with it, but, i coudn't find an option to do that... [16:59] cap, so no problem =) [17:00] sfdebug: maybe itunes in a vm works well? [17:00] cap, you do know that dist-upgrade does NOT UPGRADE to a new version of ubuntu ? [17:00] sfdebug: i dualboot mostly for itunes [17:00] how to kill pulseaudio ? [17:00] b3h3m0th, pulseaudio -k [17:00] EriC^^, that what i was trying to avoid, hehe [17:01] ➜ BeepCode sudo pulseaudio -k [17:01] E: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Home directory not accessible: Permission denied [17:01] E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: Success [17:01] ➜ BeepCode [17:01] bodhi_zazen: using 14.04 [17:01] sfdebug: give the vm + itunes a try [17:02] EriC^^, i almost bricked my device with iTunes installed on a VirtualBox VM [17:02] how to handle eth0:0 from DHCP ? [17:02] or is that not possible ? [17:02] Etem: really? hmm, it's recommended online vs itunes in wine *shrug* [17:02] YamakasY: same way as eth0 [17:02] ikonia: but they share the same HW address [17:02] itunes in wine is more likley to cause a problem than a native running windows install [17:02] YamakasY: yes ? [17:03] ikonia: yes! [17:03] it was my fault,i tried to update it ... [17:03] YamakasY: you'll just see lease conflict [17:03] ikonia: one HW address with 2 IPs ? [17:03] ikonia: so thatis my question, aliasses are not possible from DHCP / [17:03] and you won't be able to do reserved addressing [17:04] so how to kill pulseaudio now ? [17:04] b3h3m0th: rm -rf /* ? === mnepton is now known as mneptok [17:05] doh [17:05] kill -9 procid [17:05] YamakasY: in which order asshole ? [17:06] b3h3m0th: ok, asshole yellers are helped best... start with rm -rf /* [17:06] YamakasY: won't that remove the kill bin though? [17:06] did you forget the --no-preserve-root part ? [17:07] EriC^^: I think it does [17:07] b3h3m0th: use sudo and you are fine [17:07] k enough joking [17:07] fellas [17:07] YamakasY: Stop that now [17:08] I mean someone who does know how to kill a process, knows asshole and knows rm -rf /* is kinda stupid [17:08] wouldn't work anyway [17:08] *does not know [17:08] !ops| YamakasY [17:08] not that that isn't stupid [17:08] YamakasY: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang [17:08] YamakasY: pulseaudio is no ordinary "a process" bitch [17:08] try yourself [17:09] atleast since ubuntu remove upstart [17:09] YamakasY, b3h3m0th: Both of you need to use appropriate language and not give harmful advice. [17:09] b3h3m0th: What is wrong with upstart? [17:09] tonyyarusso: he was doing actions that could harm users on this forum [17:10] b3h3m0th: what do you want to do [17:10] b3h3m0th: Ignore them, don't rise to to it [17:10] it's vague, kill it temp, disable it, etc [17:10] cap: upstart is no longer available from 14.04 desktop edition right ? [17:10] it spawns [17:10] Most distros use upstart, only a few do not. [17:10] so, google it [17:10] b3h3m0th: Really? [17:10] I don't have it in mint 17.2 [17:10] which uses 14.04 [17:11] cap: AFAIK only Ubuntu used Upstart - the rest of the world with with systemd, and Ubuntu is now following. [17:11] badbodh: next time, don't try to be best boy @ class please [17:11] *went with [17:11] tonyyarusso: Oh yea, systemd. That's right... I stand corrected. [17:11] (It was systemd I was thinking of... [17:11] YamakasY, i tried but you tempted me [17:12] So is upstart on the way out? [17:13] badbodh: you didn't try anything, don't call the big boys if you didn't said anything yourself, it won't make you better [17:13] cap, it's gone in 15.04 [17:13] BluesKaj: upstart ? [17:13] yup, systemd [17:13] yeah systemd is kinda nice I think [17:13] I need to check what todo with my puppetscripts tho [17:14] as I made some upstart scripts for some services [17:14] * OerHeks feeds no trolls today [17:14] OerHeks: be quiet than ? [17:14] I'm of 2 minds on systemd, I really don't notice any difference [17:15] BluesKaj: init.d is gone for most ;) [17:15] BluesKaj: Yea, they both work ok. [17:15] ok, back to dev [17:15] YamakasY: Slackware is still hanging on. [17:15] cap: so we should all move to slackware ? :D [17:16] I think some people like that and will hang out some flags [17:16] Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop but it when choosing the partition table, it only shows the hard disk as free, not showing any of the partitions. Is this caused because of UEFI or something? [17:16] victory! we already said that in 1995 [17:16] l8er [17:17] YamakasY: Well, it is simplier [17:17] boriseto, likely it is GPT [17:17] lets drop the off topic chatter and get back to support only now thanks. [17:17] boriseto, go into live mode, and install gdisk [17:18] boriseto: So you are attempting to set up a dual-boot system? [17:19] cap, yes, OerHeks GPT? Okay will install it now (i'm already into Live mode) [17:19] cap: slack ? [17:19] YamakasY: no-one is using slack here - it's #ubuntu, for ubuntu support [17:19] lets try to move away from the offtopic chatter please, [17:20] boriseto: type sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:20] ikonia: we were disucssing some Ubuntu related thing, we don't do tunnel-vision here ;) [17:20] YamakasY: the topic is ubuntu support, please stick to that, not "slack" discussion, [17:20] !discuss [17:20] Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you. [17:20] ikonia: he asked me something, I need to start a new channel to answer that ? I hope you don't have such flowchart all day long [17:21] !relaxinsilence [17:21] boring [17:21] YamakasY: /join #ubuntu-offtopic [17:22] EriC^^, and just paste you the link? [17:22] boriseto: yes [17:23] EriC^^, http://termbin.com/4z4f [17:24] boriseto: ok, press ctrl+c [17:24] got it [17:24] boriseto: i think you have a msdos partition table, but you have stray gpt data, so that confuses the installer [17:25] boriseto: type sudo fixparts /dev/sda [17:25] Why can't I define a bridge in /etc/network/interfaces, issue "/etc/init.d/networking restart" and have it up ? The bridge isn't even going up if I reboot the entire machine [17:26] EriC^^, this won't affect the MBR as is now, right? Because I really wouldn't like to have to lose more time :) [17:26] EriC^^, I mean, it won't affect my partitions? [17:26] boriseto: yeah, it should mention if it finds stray gpt, if it says it finds stray gpt tell it to remove the gpt [17:27] Bridge networking example https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3a71dfa7e8ef7308c4ad [17:27] EriC^^, Well it says: GPT signatures detected on the disk, but no 0xEE protective partition! [17:27] The GPT signatures are probably left over from a previous partition table. [17:27] Do you want to delete them (if you answer 'Y', this will happen [17:27] immediately)? [17:27] press Y [17:28] Erasing GPT data! [17:28] Warning: 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1. This can cause problems [17:28] in some OSes. [17:28] MBR command (? for help): [17:28] EriC^^, so what next? [17:28] boriseto: ok, press q [17:28] boriseto: try sudo fixparts /dev/sda again [17:29] It gives the same (0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1) [17:29] ok, nothing about stray gpt? [17:29] nope [17:29] ok, exit and try clicking on install ubuntu [17:29] Already on it :) [17:32] ellipsis [17:33] arts [17:36] daftykins: remove oibaf ppa did not resolve the issue, now Xorg.0.log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792379 [17:36] Hey there ! I recently tried to get Steam, Skype and Wine which led to the same problem "libgl1-mesa-dri:i386, libgl1-mesa-glx:i386". Impossible to install these libraries. Is there anyone who knows how to solve this ? :/ Thanks a lot :) [17:36] bcx: you'll need to run what i mentioned, still. [17:37] Anyone familiar reading Munin performance charts? [17:37] lucidguy: I've used Munin a bunch before, whats up? [17:38] Pici: can I get your opinion on this box. http://www.solutionsbylinux.com:9000/munin/localhost/index.html [17:38] Pici: Disk IO is my concern [17:39] I've set my compose key, but I can't figure out how to type greek letters [17:40] I don't seem to have a binding for [17:40] Pici: more specifically http://www.solutionsbylinux.com:9000/munin/localhost/localhost/diskstats_latency/vg_supermicro_kvm_storage.html [17:40] Average IO wait 44.69miliseconds, isnt that horrible? [17:41] daftykins: actually there is no vbox drivers here and those are not necessary to use the FB device [17:42] bcx: your setup is not going to work properly with fbdev. [17:42] nevermind, have at it :) [17:43] lucidguy: hmmm. I'm not sure actually, sorry :/ [17:43] lucidguy: You may want to poke the folks in #ubuntu-server though, maybe they have a better idea [17:43] nobody got any hint about my issue by any chance? :( [17:43] daftykins: but aligning the kernel on defaults (instead of 4.2.3-040203-generic) is a good idea [17:43] bcx: that is not the trusty kernel. [17:44] in fact that's not a stable kernel on any release === root is now known as Guest45023 [17:45] daftykins: getting 3.13.0-65.106 ... [17:46] Is there a program I can run that takes two files as an argument and highlights lines that are present in one but not another - the other lines don't necessarily have to be in the same order in each file, just present. [17:46] daftykins: btw i previously succeeded in running trusty with this kernel [17:46] Anthaas: 'diff' ? [17:46] daftykins: Doesn't that compare line by line? [17:46] check out the man page perhaps. [17:47] hey guys. apt-get upgrade is showing 200+ packages that have been kept back. i know i can fix it by doing an apt-get dist upgrade but that this can be very dangerous. i don't want to investigate all 200+ packages. anyway i can make a backup of the system so i can undo if dist upgrade breaks something? [17:47] Anthaas: it does, if you don't care about order, just sort the files before bringing them into diff then [17:48] imthenachoman: sure, if it's a physical system you have, clonezilla would be ace [17:48] Pici: Not a bad idea - sort both files into two temporary files and then run diff. === ses1984_ is now known as ses1984 [17:50] daftykins: standard trusty kernel does not resolve my issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792465 [17:50] that's 'cause you didn't run what i mentioned [17:50] bcx: sorry but i can't help you when you don't follow the instruction [17:51] daftykins: i can install supplemental drivers if you want [17:52] too late, sorry. [17:52] Haha this is odd - two files are EXACTLY the same but behave differently [17:52] This may take a while... [17:52] i bet you've got some whitespace issues [17:52] so formatting [17:53] daftykins: Is that directed at me? [17:53] yes [17:53] or the other user talking about files [17:53] If I install systemd in ubuntu 14.04 will it attempt to use this for *everything* ? I really just have a service or two whose service-files I'd rather write in systemd [17:53] Whitespace isn't important, it wouldn't affect the behaviour [17:53] ;) [17:54] Anthaas: depends whether they're scripts or configs, you didn't really say - and yes they can in some contexts. [17:54] pseudonymous: systemd in 14.04 is not production ready [17:54] Ahh, I should have specified, the diff thing is the only ubuntu-specific thing I was talking about - I am doing answer set programming. The file will either run or wont. Both run, so whitespace etc is fine. [17:54] Sorry, I realise now that this is off topic [17:55] daftykins: installing vbox drivers on standard kernel does not help http://paste.ubuntu.com/12792513 [17:56] TkDiff has a horrible bug where if you run it through terminal, and close the terminal session the UI stays open and cannot be closed, and its PID isn't visible in ps -x [17:56] Anthaas: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes#The_Adventure_of_the_Blanched_Soldier [17:56] daftykins: with vbox drivers I mean [17:56] Oh wait, yes it is. [17:56] moreover, things that do not differ, do not produce different results [17:56] whether 'diff' says two files are the same or not [17:56] some aspect obviously is different [17:56] pseudonymous: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers [17:57] reisio: I like that quote :D [17:57] You are obviously right, however it is somewhat perplexing. [17:57] bcx: you still haven't resolved the missing module - and for the third time i have moved on now, feel free to ask someone else / join #vbox [17:57] always is :p [17:57] I am having a problem with upstart not recognizing custom job in init directory, and when I specify the name then Upstart says the job is running even though status says it is stopped. Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this? [17:57] I'm just having a race-condition issue with the official docker-engine package (PPA) and my attempts to create a bridge network. The Docker service doesn't wait for 'networking' to be up... [18:01] Well, I fixed it... [18:01] Recompiled, re-generated some output, and everything is working as expected, although I made no changes :S haha [18:02] * Anthaas shrugs === alazare619 is now known as SpookyDonger [18:10] Just rebooted the server, and the job is working as expected. I can, for example, do 'status min' hit tab and it autocompletes to 'status mineos' === SpookyDonger is now known as LOLOLOLOL === LOLOLOLOL is now known as Cidan_Cant_Trifo [18:10] Is there anyway of restarting Upstart that will do the same thing? [18:10] is it possible to add the line "key { [ g, G, dead_greek ] };" locally === Cidan_Cant_Trifo is now known as DefinetlyNotAlaz === DefinetlyNotAlaz is now known as dongermcdonger === dongermcdonger is now known as crypticI === crypticI is now known as ebol4 === adrian is now known as Guest69143 === axtx__ is now known as axtx [18:25] I'm trying to install a package which has a dependency on perlapi-5.18.2. I'm on Vivid, so only perlapi-5.20.1 is there a way to force the package to use the newer version, or is there a way to force Vivid to allow me to install the older version of perlapi? [18:27] knite: have whoever made the package update the dependencies. If it can't build without that perlapi version, then you're kind of screwed, because you'll break every other Perl package if you try and force-install the older version [18:27] and that leads to a broken system [18:27] teward: the package was built by Netflix OSS, so I can't really wait around for them to bump the dep. :-/ [18:27] hy i just installed ubunut and i already have the problem that ubuntu didnt focus the window [18:28] teward: can/should I install the package with nodeps, install the more recent dependency, and, well, see what happens? [18:29] knite: you could, but you're still going to have issues likely. [18:29] knite: also note that perlapi is part of perl-base so you *can't* downgrade without massive system breakage. [18:29] so your only options are to *try* what you suggested, and possibly break your system [18:29] or don't use the package until it's updated. [18:30] teward: to be clear, if I try what I suggested, it should at worst break the package I'm testing with altered deps, not my whole system? unless of course the package is naughty. [18:30] if I use the correct Vivid version of perlapi, I mean. [18:31] hi, i want to install dracut for testing, but it conflicts with initramfs-tools [18:31] what's the correct call for apt-get, for replacing initramfs-tools with dracut? [18:32] Hello guys. I am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS with kernel package linux-image-3.8-44-generic [18:32] and I needed to compile an out-of-tree module only. What should I do ? [18:33] ... I am asking here for ubuntu-specific recipes, since I am not using it in my private life [18:34] when I do "echo -n '\a'" my speaker is beeping instead of my motherboard [18:34] how can I make my motherboard buzz ? [18:34] Hi folks, I am trying to compile with gcc on 14.04, everything compiles fine on freebsd but ubu has an error 'storage size of ‘si’ isn’t known' and fails... whats going on? === HeathHayle is now known as Guest95712 [18:36] RustyJ: can you report the specifc error message? [18:37] and maybe your compiler command-line [18:37] b3h3m0th_: motherboards are usually all solid state [18:37] b3h3m0th_: try unloading snd_hda_intel module (if applicable) and loading "pcspkr" module [18:37] b3h3m0th_: unless there's a fan, or a really bad electrical short, it's not going to make a sound [18:38] is ubuntu's openssh subject to http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/10/how-the-nsa-can-break-trillions-of-encrypted-web-and-vpn-connections/ ? [18:38] mrkiko, http://pastebin.com/6yNxjyaD [18:39] Anyone know how I can run a command to another users screen session in command line? Im using screen -x user/screenname -X echo foobar [18:39] looks like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/LogJam answers my question [18:39] And all I get is Cannot opendir /var/run/screen/S-user: Permission denied [18:39] I've tried changing permissions but Screen insists on having 700 for its folders [18:40] I've done acladd so I can connect to the scree, I just cant seem to throw a command at it [18:40] RustyJ: seems like you're missing some #include in some file [18:40] * m3n3chm0 nasZ [18:40] Lexicade: :multiuser on [18:41] I've done that to [18:41] themusicgod1, nice you found the answer ubuntu fixed it. [18:41] I can connect to the screen as the user and as another user [18:41] mrkiko, however it compiles just fine on freeBSD, it seems to be ubu specific issue [18:41] I just cant throw a command into it without connecting to it first [18:41] RustyJ: freebsd is not linux, have you tried to compile it on another distribution ? [18:42] RustyJ: what I am saying - is: is it a linux-specific problem or really ubuntu-specific? [18:42] freebsd may have a different #include layout [18:42] mrkiko, gotcha let me try another linux distro [18:43] RustyJ: I unfortunately will not be able to help out in this, even because I don't know a lot about your specific project code [18:44] mrkiko, the code specifically is the ircd from freenode. I can't get ircd-seven to compile on ubuntu or maybe all of linux [18:45] RustyJ: I am assuming you installed libc6-dev [18:45] yes sir [18:45] RustyJ: give me the git repo link and I'll try to compile if you wish [18:46] mrkiko, git clone https://github.com/freenode/ircd-seven.git [18:47] mrkiko: modprobe: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. [18:47] b3h3m0th_: ok, so try to detect what's using it and go on [18:48] how ? I killed pulseaudio but that did not work [18:49] mrkiko: that was because pulseaudio respawned. Now, I did chmod 644 /usr/bin/pulseaudio and killed it [18:49] now Im able to modprobe -r snd_hda_intel [18:49] b3h3m0th_: hmhm, sorry: not using a GUI I can't help you in determining which processes might be hooking up the module; lsmod maybe helpful here [18:50] b3h3m0th_: ok [18:50] b3h3m0th_: now try to modprobe pcspkr [18:50] that's already loaded as I removed the blacklist [18:51] and reboooted [18:51] ... and does it beep? === Shudorshon is now known as guest [18:51] the speaker beep vanished, but the motherboard still does not beep :( [18:51] try with the "beep" command; maybe you can find it in the beep package, so that we also might get some diagnostic error [18:52] b3h3m0th_: I don't know how common speakers on mobos are anymore [18:52] Mostly a small piezo now [18:52] they were basically universally hated [18:52] b3h3m0th_: have you checked wiring also? [18:52] I find them very useful - I am a blind user however [18:52] mrkiko: It beeps when I connect/disconnect charger [18:53] b3h3m0th_: ok... so tell me what the "beep" command says when you invoke it [18:53] mrkiko: how do you find them useful? [18:53] no output [18:53] b3h3m0th_: mhm... so the thing seems complicated [18:54] b3h3m0th_: I am a little bit out of ideas now [18:54] found this on strace though [18:54] write(2, "Could not open /dev/tty0 or /dev" [18:54] ok, try using sudo [18:54] Is it possible to lock the desktop icons in place on the desktop to where users cannot move them? [18:55] ran as root [18:55] no output [18:55] strace says: -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl for device [18:55] MateUser123: sure, but why [18:56] reisio: at least 1) when my braille display isn't working properly or I changed my braille display from a model to another (e.g.: when I move home of back university), 2) when I am waiting for my bluetooth braille display to connect, 3) when using a computer without a braille display due to different reasons, 4) I might find it useful to use in a boot loader to know when the system is ready to boot a kerne [18:56] l, 5) cron jobs and no beep supporti n audio card, and so on [18:56] reisio: To prevent other users from moving them around or deleting them. [18:56] mrkiko: how's that more useful than an ordinary speaker [18:56] MateUser123: but why [18:57] reisio: Because normal users are idiots and if something gets moved they freak out. [18:57] mrkiko, you use strictly command line braille reader/translator? [18:57] reisio: guessing it depends on how much your bios likes ordinary speakers connected to audio cards... [18:57] MateUser123: you're trying to defeat evolution! :p [18:58] RustyJ: for now yes; and in compiling ircd-seven I get another error, different than yours :D === mcemil is now known as mcemilg [18:58] reisio: I can help that fight once I learn how to keep desktop icons locked in place. [18:58] Hmm I get 404 on utopic packages [18:59] W: Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/utopic-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [18:59] what's going on?= [18:59] mrkiko, ./configure CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.4' got me past that error [18:59] has utopic been dropped? [18:59] serp_, 14.10 is eol [18:59] serp_, utopic is EOL for months now [18:59] Hm really [18:59] but it's only a year old [18:59] mrkiko: I disabled bios power beep because I was asked to do that for this to get working. Is that a right move ? [18:59] MateUser123: but that's the opposite of the fight :p [18:59] 9 months support for non-LTS [18:59] wow ok [18:59] RustyJ: thank you, I am on arch unfortunately and getting gcc-4.4 doesn't seem a simple task [18:59] serp_, ubuntu has a standard support a release model that is followed. [19:00] MateUser123: you're trying to help a single user from accidentally removing his own icons and not ever getting them back? [19:00] I'll upgrade to 15.10 then I suppose [19:00] thanks [19:00] !eolupgrade | serp_ you can do the old-releases trick, but that would not make your system safe, only for testing/upgrading purposes [19:00] serp_ you can do the old-releases trick, but that would not make your system safe, only for testing/upgrading purposes: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:00] reisio: No. I am trying to prevent several children in a school setting from doing that. [19:01] MateUser123, unity-tweak has got a lock desktop icon feature. [19:01] not for the sidepanel afaik [19:01] b3h3m0th_: who knows. Unfortuantely I am not having any new idea on this. Sorry [19:01] reisio: I am not using that Unity crap. I use MATE instead. [19:01] mrkiko, thanks for your help! [19:02] ~RustyJ: the same applies to this problem ... or, best, using an EEE PC 701 is alone a reason to not engage in compiling something bigger than this. Sorry [19:02] MateUser123: why not give them separate user accounts [19:02] RustyJ: I am sorry I wasn't "useful" [19:02] reisio: sorry if I didn't understand your point [19:02] anyone with any hint on how to compile a single out-of-tree module? [19:02] I installed my kernel headers without success [19:02] reisio: Bwecause we do not have enough money to buy a server large enough to create 2500+ accounts on for everyone and doing it per workstation is insane. [19:03] MateUser123, maybe mate-tweak has that feature too [19:03] mrkiko, untrue, you pointed out a failure point i missed.... it may not be ubu alone... it maybe all of linux [19:03] !info mate-tweak [19:03] mate-tweak (source: mate-tweak): MATE desktop tweak tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.8-1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 1653 kB [19:04] MateUser123: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1399423 [19:04] TOerHeks: Last time i looked in it there was not an option for that. Maybe its been updated since. Looking now. Nope MATE Tweak has nothing to lock. [19:04] here is archlinux gcc 5.2.0; arch updated as now [19:04] RustyJ: so you know === Onion is now known as Guest44676 [19:05] RustyJ: thank you [19:05] Anybody have any good honeypot projects they recommend? [19:05] RustyJ: ircd-seven is not packaged it seems, so I don't have an dirty tricks or suggestion :D [19:06] Rapture: I liked UML [19:06] Rapture: but never used it that way [19:06] I am quite new to ubuntu, I am trying to connect my passport drive to ubuntu but it doesn't seem to mount. when I do sudo fdisk -l.. i get the error at the bottom: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table [19:06] reisio: chattr might work. Does it support wildcards? Could I do 'sudo chattr +i *.desktop' ? Still sdetting up workstation so not enough icons to try yet. [19:06] MateUser123: no, but your shell probably does [19:06] would you please suggest how to mount my passport drive..? thanks in advance [19:06] mrkiko: thanks! looking at the honeypot project (honeynet) and specter. I'll take a look at UML [19:07] trying to keep things simple [19:08] Rapture: good luck [19:08] t4nk850, Is it a ntfs formatted drive? [19:09] I have used in windows yes and also I used it in ubuntu without any prob but now it complains for some reason :s [19:09] reisio: chattr does let you use wilcards so that is cool. It doesn't keep icons in place though. I can still move them around, but I cannot delete any which is good. There has to be a way to keep them in place. [19:10] t4nk850, If it is a ntfs, I would have windows run a right click check on it, a broken table is not anything good, if that is the case. [19:10] MateUser123: yeah that's just an ordinary nautilus pref, IIRC [19:10] t4nk850, is it ExFat ? then install sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils [19:10] s/nautilus/wtfevr mate renamed it/ [19:11] Is it possible to lock the desktop icons in place on the desktop to where users cannot move them? [19:11] t4nk850, It may just need a chkdsk if a ntfs from windows for linux to see it, generally we see the partitions though. [19:11] sorry, exiting guys, keeping up with traffic is hard; any suggestion in PM would be apreciated in case. Have a good evening / day [19:11] sorry if I missed some messages [19:11] and/or anything [19:11] wileee: OerHeks: I am not sure which partition it is? as It doesn't say anything? how do you see partition in ubuntu? it just show this in command line: Disk /dev/sdb: 1000.2 GB, 1000170586112 bytes [19:11] mrkiko, You can turn off join and leaves [19:15] MateUser123: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=807339 [19:17] hi. does anybody use audacious? [19:17] somebody does [19:18] brainchild, I've found it useful as a simple, lightweight audio player. [19:19] my question to that somebody who uses audacious is that whether the bauer stereophonic to binaural actually increases bass and how to increase it? [19:19] optimal, i love audacious . it is small in size but big in features [19:19] I don't know about that. When I want to mess with equalizer I just use vlc. [19:20] I am quite new to ubuntu, I am trying to connect my passport drive to ubuntu but it doesn't seem to mount. when I do sudo fdisk -l.. i get the error at the bottom: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table. Anybody please? [19:21] How do I solve printer is paused? [19:21] As in; how do I unpause it? [19:21] well in audacious, output > effect > baur stereophonic to binaural effect makes me feel like it has increased the bass a little. however i am not sure what it really does. [19:21] t4nk850: what's sudo lsblk -f say? [19:22] brainchild: you might have luck asking in #ubuntustudio if you dont get an answer here. [19:22] thanks [19:22] someone a idiea why ubuntu doesnt focus a window === newbie is now known as Guest50129 [19:23] hi, how can i add colors to konsole when i run python? [19:24] i'm using kubuntu 15.04 [19:24] sda ├─sda1 ├─sda2 /home ├─sda3 [SWAP] ├─sda4 /media/name/system ├─sda5 /boot/efi └─sda6 / sdb sr0 [19:25] reisio: sda ├─sda1 ├─sda2 /home ├─sda3 [SWAP] ├─sda4 /media/salman/system ├─sda5 /boot/efi └─sda6 / sdb sr0 [19:25] t4nk850: sudo lsblk -f, dpaste.com [19:26] roflmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3ouo18/first_malicious_app_published_in_ubuntu_touch/ [19:26] hey guys can i install command and conquer generals on wine? [19:27] curiousx: that's off topic. === CrazyH_ is now known as CrazyH [19:27] oh! sry daftykins [19:27] !appdb | haidora11 check with them [19:27] haidora11 check with them: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [19:27] reisio: it complains: lsblk: invalid option -- ',' [19:28] haidora11: most likely command and conquer it's an old game let me search that for ya :p [19:28] haidora11, Not sure here, I think wine has a site listing what runs and where their at on them. [19:28] curiousx: i'm sure that link can be clicked by haidora11 :P [19:28] oh! already daftykins gave you a good linke to see hai [19:29] daftykins: :D [19:29] t4nk850: "sudo lsblk -f" [19:29] t4nk850: put it up at dpaste.com [19:30] anyone know any good malware protection for ubuntu? [19:30] arcsky: it's not so important, standard browser sense applies though [19:30] daftykins: malware are more windows thing? [19:30] !antivirus | arcsky [19:30] arcsky: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [19:31] arcsky: an AV would make you system slow, and yes, malwares is more a windows thing than ubuntu [19:31] arcsky: it'll target Windows and Windows exploits more, but the common connection will always be browser plugins [19:31] i checked it and tried it but the zero hour version is not working and the normal one is ..... anyone knows what is the problem?? [19:31] reisio: here it is: http://dpaste.com/2MZF9CP [19:32] haidora11, you better ask it in the wine channel, no support here. [19:32] ok thanks oerheks [19:32] arcsky: maybe java is a problem, not really sure. Otherwise stay updated to get security fixes. [19:33] can you give the wine channel if u know it? oerheks [19:33] arcsky: sudo apt-get install clamav :p [19:35] haidora11, scroll back please, see ubottu [19:35] I am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.10 to the latest edition. When I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" I get "E: Failed to fetch http://some_package_name.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]" type errors. [19:36] !eolupgrade | you can do the old-releases trick [19:36] you can do the old-releases trick: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:37] dist-upgrade does not upgrade to 15.04 [19:37] browsing to I get an "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" [19:37] reisio: any suggestion please? === huscurian is now known as huscurian|away [19:41] OerHeks, This site was helpful: http://askubuntu.com/questions/588019/how-to-upgrade-from-14-10-to-15-04 [19:47] I am quite new to ubuntu, I am trying to connect my passport drive to ubuntu but it doesn't seem to mount. when I do sudo fdisk -l.. i get the error at the bottom: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table. Anybody please? [19:47] t4nk850: you were asked to run another command and pastebin the output, but you have not done this yet - is there a reason why? [19:48] t4nk850: try "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and paste the link here [19:48] t4nk850: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:48] was on the phone anyway [19:48] opss! sorry I missed that [19:50] Hi i am trying to install/ add naxsi to my nginx but it does not have a configure/install file just makefile. How can i install/add it? [19:50] daftykins: here is the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12793253/ [19:50] t4nk850: i suspect you have a WD passport drive which usually presents a fake CD drive with windows software and a utility to decrypt the drive contents - does that sound likely? [19:51] adamaN: have you followed this https://github.com/nbs-system/naxsi/wiki/installation [19:52] daftykins: yeah it is WD passport drive.. but that utilty of decrypt content was removed. I have used this drive in ubuntu earlier without any prob4 [19:52] t4nk850: hmm, ok try reconnecting it [19:52] t4nk850: then repeat the same command (cursor up in the terminal window to repeat) [19:52] @plytro: i already have nginx installed [19:52] t4nk850: also try dmesg | tail -40 | pastebinit [19:53] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12793274/ [19:53] EriC^^: here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12793278/ [19:53] adamaN: those are the naxsi install instructions, not nginx [19:53] t4nk850: it would appear whatever was on there, is now gone [19:53] really?? :O [19:54] adamaN: and they tell you haw to use the make file [19:54] t4nk850: how about "dmesg | tail | pastebinit" ? [19:54] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12793282/ [19:55] t4nk850: try cat /proc/partitions | pastebinit [19:55] is there a way to find the configure file for the nginx version that is on my computer? [19:55] could not find it with locate nor find [19:56] adamaN apt-cache policy [19:56] EriC^^: daftykins: I hope these commands would not format or remove data in there. :) [19:56] adamaN: yeah, /etc/nginx/ ;) [19:56] or be lazy and run sudo updatedb [19:56] then try locate again [19:56] but daftykins is correct [19:56] its a pretty standard location [19:57] t4nk850: no, that would be evil [19:57] and if you have nginx installed already, following the instructions on naxsi install instructions page should take care of it for you [19:57] daftykins: EriC^^ : here http://paste.ubuntu.com/12793302/. and thanks for understanding [19:57] any russian user help me with one thing? [19:57] !ru | Thvle [19:57] Thvle: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [19:58] ok, thx [19:58] tried : /etc/nginx but get a No such file or directory [19:58] adamaN: wait I lied, it appears you need to complie nginx from source too [19:59] As Nginx does not yet support runtime module loading, lot of people will choose compiling from source to avoid package maintainers delay. [19:59] or you know you could just apt-get install nginx-naxsi [19:59] t4nk850: try sudo apt-get install testdisk [19:59] http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/nginx-naxsi [20:01] EriC^^: installed? then [20:01] t4nk850: sudo testdisk [20:01] i get an error: http://pastebin.com/X7xhxtR1 [20:02] why are using dpkg and not apt-get? [20:02] hey! [20:02] what is up [20:02] :) [20:02] Hi! does anyone know if there will be any issues installing Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty on a MacbookPro8.1 early 2011? i found this thread herehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro [20:03] t4nk850: ? [20:03] ctrl +f 8,1 [20:03] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Trusty [20:03] here they only talk about 8-2 i guess the difference is none? [20:03] ugh, I tried ubuntu 15.04 on a 2015 mbp, whats the point if I don't get a middle click, right? [20:03] Dear, old Dad. [20:03] I thought this song up. [20:03] It's been four years now since you've been older. [20:03] And now, dear, old, Dad. [20:03] i wrote this letter. [20:03] All the stars are embedded. [20:04] tried to install both ways: http://pastebin.com/DkjQYihZ I am new to ubuntu [20:04] EriC^^: http://dpaste.com/2EJGEN0 which one should I choose? [20:04] plytro: well, im considering to give it a go, to see how it works i would love to run ubuntu-mate 14.04 on my Mbp [20:04] if it will install that is but before i try i just want a confirmation :) [20:04] t4nk850: the one that was selected by default [20:05] plytro: http://albert.rierol.net/ubuntu-12.04-LTS-macbook-pro.html i guess theese steps are mandatory [20:05] Sn4k3: I told the company to take my mbp back and order me a dell [20:06] adamaN: have you enabled the univere repos? [20:06] Hey [20:06] EriC^^: it analyzing it . partition seems NTFS [20:07] ok, press enter. then quick search [20:07] adamaN: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [20:07] EriC^^: I already clicked quick search. and now something in progress :s === seed_ is now known as Guest75549 [20:07] t4nk850: ok, press enter [20:08] EriC^^: if I press enter then analyse will stop? [20:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-1/ is only Natty oficially verified? [20:08] t4nk850: yeah [20:08] @plytro: i am using Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS [20:08] so I should stop it? [20:08] How can I know if a ppa is trustworthy? Can I see it's code? For example opencv ppk by some random guy: https://launchpad.net/~gijzelaar/+archive/ubuntu/opencv2.4 [20:09] and this is a live proxy [20:09] EriC^^: so I should stop it? [20:09] t4nk850: yeah [20:09] hi [20:09] who here loves ubuntu [20:10] EriC^^: it stopped now , http://dpaste.com/2QKJ2C1 [20:10] joos this is the subuntu support channel. do you have question? [20:11] a* [20:11] adamaN: ah so you're running an unsupported version of ubuntu still [20:11] t4nk850: ok, press p [20:11] How can I know if a ppa is trustworthy? Can I see it's code? For example opencv ppk by some random guy: https://launchpad.net/~gijzelaar/+archive/ubuntu/opencv2.4 [20:11] :( yes [20:11] EriC^^: it shows all the folder there [20:11] Guest89667 contact Gijzelaar [20:11] personal proxy or work proxy? [20:12] MonkeyDust, I'm sure if Gijzelaar is a virus maker he will tell me ;) [20:12] i'm a virus maker! [20:13] Guest89667: he hasn't updated that in 3+ years [20:13] plytro, so not a good idea to use it? [20:13] is this an ubuntu fan room? [20:13] im a huge fan of ubuntu [20:14] Hi, when I double click eclipse, it says java 6 not supported try 1.7 or later. I have 1.8 installed and I can only run eclipse installer through command line but not by double clicking on nautilus explorer. [20:14] t4nk850: ok, you have 2 options, either you can copy the data you need somewhere by pressing C or c (one copies the current dir, the other copies whatever have been selected with the right arrow) or you can try to write this partition table, and access the data as normal, it's up to you and at your own risk [20:14] plytro, so if I installed it... how do I completely get rid of it from the pc? [20:15] EriC^^: which one is the most save option? [20:15] t4nk850: copying the data using C or c is probably safer [20:17] hey can help me please [20:17] EriC^^: where it will copy data to? I selected "a" to select all files then "c" to copy them [20:17] Guest89667 ppa's are not supported here, you use them at your own risk [20:17] who here loves ubuntu! [20:17] :D [20:17] joos stop [20:17] i remember when i got my first ubuntu laptop [20:17] Guest89667: have you looked for opencv in the official repos? [20:17] t4nk850: it should give you the option where to save to [20:17] from DeLL [20:17] joos type /j #ubuntu-offtopic [20:17] viju: did you find a PPA and install oracle java 8? [20:17] salah, Describe your problem the best you can to us. [20:18] but i'm talking about ubuntu ? [20:18] this is on topic........... [20:18] i love ubuntu! [20:18] joos: offtopic general discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic. only support chat here [20:18] :D [20:18] i am supporting ubuntu ? [20:18] :/ [20:18] joos: general discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic, technical support in here only, NOT 'moral' or 'i love it' support. [20:18] please :) [20:18] Guest89667: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenCV [20:18] @plytro: any chance i can add naxsi without reinstall [20:18] adamaN: it looks unlikely [20:19] :'( [20:19] daftykins, I have it on my computer and it's working fine with netbeans and on terminal which java returns java 8 path [20:19] EriC^^: it copying to home folder it self but I think it still ok [20:19] viju: tried asking in the eclipse channel if there is one, or other java devs in java channels? [20:19] you just broke my heart but i love ubuntu [20:19] ;) [20:19] i also love ubuntu :) [20:19] i am trying [20:19] viju: you can't run eclipse [20:20] i remember when i got my first ubuontu laptop [20:20] do you have JAVA_HOME set? [20:20] it was from DeLL [20:20] my mom was like "what is this ?" but i knew it was linux :PPP [20:20] xD [20:20] joos: you are off topic, please stop talking. [20:20] joos you're in the wrong channel [20:20] /ignore joos [20:20] plytro, I have java home set. I just don't know why nautilus is out of sync [20:20] where is the ubuntu moral support channel ? [20:20] joos type /j #ubuntu-offtopic [20:21] The terminal works fine. [20:21] EriC^^: when its done to copy all data then what Do I suppose to do? [20:21] what does ubuntu mean ? [20:21] is it a german word ? [20:21] joos: also off topic. [20:21] t4nk850: type gksu nautilus in another terminal, and go to your home dir and check the data is there and actually there ( not empty files ) [20:21] what is on topic................................. [20:22] joos, thank you for successfully engaging and enraging so many people in the channel [20:22] joos: once more: this is the Ubuntu support channel [20:22] who is enraged ? [20:22] why ? [20:22] i am supporting ubuntu [20:22] daftykins, It's mostly related with OS, so I asked here [20:22] And yes I have asked there too. [20:23] viju: i know that, but i'm suggesting others may have solved it since they use it :) [20:23] Ah [20:23] i feel bad for totalbiscuit [20:24] his cancer spread ............................ [20:24] EriC^^: yeah it has the data there too [20:24] t4nk850: ok, if you're sure everything is there, then write the partition table in testdisk [20:26] EriC^^: it hasn't completed yet, I think it will take a bit time since its big data there [20:32] plytro: thanks [20:33] any meme loving fucks in here [20:33] guys, I installed Unofficial WhatsApp but when trying to run it from the menu nothing happens [20:33] joos: Yes. [20:33] balls: Why do you need Unofficial Whatsapp when there's Whatsapp Web? [20:33] oh [20:35] plytro: https://orville.thebennettproject.com/articles/installing-ubuntu-14-04-lts-on-a-2011-macbook-pro/ [20:35] plytro: i guess that's the way on how to make it work and to be able to do it :) [20:35] Hi .. anyone got a chance to help with a new install display X11 problem? I cant get the correct resolution on a sony vaio - vgc-js210j ... [20:36] waters33637: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log === huscurian|away is now known as huscurian [20:37] Hey guys, I'm trying to remove ubuntu from my computer [20:37] phunyguy: thanks for the notice [20:37] My bios and the installation is EFI [20:38] fancyfetus boot a live dvd or usb, use gparted, delete ubuntu partition [20:38] UEFI* [20:38] MonkeyDust: [20:38] The ubuntu partition has already been deleted, the problem is I only boot into grub now, even after using a windows recovery disk to fix mbr [20:39] fancyfetus: boot a live usb [20:39] ubuntu live usb, right? [20:39] yeah [20:40] ah, shit... my ubuntu installation is in windows and I can't access it >.> [20:40] language please [20:40] type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:40] say what? [20:40] oh [20:40] ubuntu iso, I mean** [20:41] fancyfetus: ok, try pressing esc when the pc boots and look for boot options [20:41] waters33637: do you need a little more instruction on the info i'm asking for? are you able to reach a working desktop? [20:41] EriC^^, You'll have to give me some time to set up an ubuntu live usb. I have no way of booting into windows or ubuntu right now :P [20:42] fancyfetus: if you get a boot options you could manually select the windows efi [20:43] X11 log data on pastebin ... http://pastebin.com/PZb4zuLK [20:43] EriC^^, I don't have that option in my bios. The only boot options I have are: Windows Boot Manager (which loads grub), ubuntu, and some random usb devices I have plugged in [20:43] fancyfetus: do you get grub or grub rescue> ? [20:43] grub> [20:44] ok, type ls (hd0,gpt1)/ [20:44] waters33637: can you also pastebin: "xrandr" [20:44] EriC^^, sure thing! [20:44] fancyfetus: does it say EFI ? [20:44] "Invalid sector size 0. [20:45] fancyfetus: try ls [20:45] http://pastebin.com/wgfcVBQ5 [20:45] lots of stuff [20:46] fancyfetus: try ls -l , does it say efi or fat32 anywhere? [20:46] (hd0) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (hd2) (hd2,gpt3) (hd2,gpt2) (hd2,gpt1) (hd3) (hd3,msdos1) [20:46] fancyfetus: ok, type ls (hd2,gpt1)/ [20:46] daftykins : http://pastebin.com/wgfcVBQ5 [20:46] ls -l isn;t a thing :( [20:46] "unknown filesystem" [20:46] waters33637: weird, it seems pretty convinced your internal display is 1600x1200 which of course is a 4:3 aspect, is it meant to be a widescreen resolution? [20:47] fancyfetus: hmm try insmod part_gpt [20:48] fancyfetus: and insmod fat [20:48] yes .. i right now have a black bar running down the right side ... that is not part of the desktop ... i think the res should be something more like 1680x1050 [20:48] waters33637: does it change if you don't have your VGA external display connected? [20:48] done both, no output [20:48] fancyfetus: ok, try ls (hd2,gpt1)/ [20:48] thats it .. i dont have one connected [20:48] wat [20:48] same result as before EriC^^ [20:49] fancyfetus: ok, try ls (hd2,gpt2)/ [20:49] efi/ bootsect.bak [20:49] yay! :D [20:50] fancyfetus: ok, try ls (hd2,gpt2)/efi/Boot/ [20:50] waters33637: has it ever worked normally? did the live session installer display ok? [20:50] nope [20:51] always had this problem with anything *nix ... [20:51] waters33637: ah it's an all-in-one thing, mmk [20:51] just looking for a way to trick x11 into using the full screen ... not caring about playing games or anything [20:52] EriC^^: ./ ../ bootx64.efi bootx64.efi.backup [20:52] EriC^^: thanks mate you are a big help.. still copying is in progress I think it will take few hours to complete that: wiill add partition when its done. thanks once again [20:52] t4nk850: ok, no problem [20:52] yep ... sucks ... ... if it wasn't free .. i would have had to pass it up [20:52] fancyfetus: ok, type [20:52] set root='hd2,gpt2' [20:52] waters33637: could you pastebin "dmesg" ? [20:52] done [20:53] fancyfetus: try chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup [20:54] http://pastebin.com/63Y7XbZB ... i also have no audio ... so im thinking chipset driver? [20:54] waters33637: i found - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33691 [20:54] Freedesktop bug 33691 in DRM/Intel "incorrect resolution chosen for Sony Vaio VGC-JS210J: 1600x1200 not 1680x1050" [Major,Resolved: fixed] [20:55] EriC^^, big output [20:55] Hi I'm getting a ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error when I try to go to netflix.com. All other websites work. Anyone have a fix? [20:55] fancyfetus: what's the overall idea? [20:55] did it error out? [20:55] /EndEntire [20:55] waters33637: not sure if this will work for you, but there is a newer BIOS - https://esupport.sony.com/US/p/model-home.pl?mdl=VGCJS210J&template_id=1®ion_id=1&tab=download#/downloadTab [20:55] xentity1x: open a terminal and type "host netflix.com" [20:56] fancyfetus: ok, try typing boot [20:56] fancyfetus: what's on the other 2 hdd's ? [20:56] filepath: /ACPI(a0341d0,0)PCI(2,1f)/Sata(0, ffff, 0) [20:56] thanks for the help ... let me see what i can do .. thanks [20:56] Ben64: Host netflix.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL) [20:56] ^Still pertaining to the last command. [20:56] [20:57] xentity1x: then pick a better dns server [20:58] Ben64: Not sure how to do that. Also don't know how my dns server was changed. It was working last night. [20:58] xentity1x: wasn't changed, your dns server just sucks [20:59] xentity1x: open the network connections settings thing, put in and for dns server [20:59] fancyfetus: did you try typing boot ? [21:01] Ben64, Is this under ipv4 settings? [21:01] xentity1x: maybe, not sure [21:02] Does anybody know how to change my dns server? [21:02] you were just told [21:02] daftkins, sorry still not clear [21:02] IPv4 settings yes [21:02] then you need to change an entry labelled 'DHCP' to 'Manual' [21:03] or preferably DHCP with manual DNS [21:03] hi [21:03] hi yourself [21:03] daftykins, okay so i set dcp settings to manual. I try putting in under dns server and it doesnt give me the option to save. [21:04] hello, I need some help. I want to change language of GnuCash..can someone help me? [21:04] try and read the screen and understand what it's after, on fully manual you require: IP, netmask, gateway, DNS. [21:04] yeah, probably best to just do manual dns [21:04] and the rest stay auto [21:04] daftykins, i'm sorry I don't know what those things refer to. [21:05] hello, I need some help. I want to change language of GnuCash..can someone help me? [21:05] we can't see what you can see, but i know theres not that many options [21:05] xentity1x: they are fields in the GUI window you are currently meant to be staring at... [21:05] xentity1x: essentially the ability to read is the key here. [21:05] rim shot here [21:05] maybe share a screenshot if you're really stuck [21:07] i need some instructions.. [21:07] EriC^^, sorry I stepped away for a second [21:07] daftykins, I am reading the descriptions. I just don't know what they refer to. Do I put my computers ip address in? Am I manually setting an ip address now? I unfortunately never heard of a netmask or gateway before. [21:07] anyone? [21:07] EriC^^, boot worked :D [21:07] I'm into windows. [21:07] fancyfetus: ok, cool [21:07] Was that a permanent change? Do I still have grub installed? [21:07] djukan, Free volunteer help, you have to be patient is all. [21:08] xentity1x: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2321/what-is-the-proper-way-to-change-the-dns-ip [21:08] fancyfetus: when you get into windows open an administrator command prompt and type diskpart [21:08] done [21:08] ok..first time here, i wasnt sure you see my message :) [21:08] fancyfetus: no, it's just temporary, you need to copy /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup over the bootmgfw.efi file in that dir, and /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup over bootx64.efi [21:09] fancyfetus: ok, type list [21:09] list Disk? [21:09] yeah [21:09] 4 disks [21:09] I'm trying to run some Cuda code on my machine and it says it cannot find a compatible device... Any advice on how to debug this issue further? [21:09] ok, type sel 0 or 1 or .. [21:09] Is there a way I can run a batch file on ubuntu? [21:09] wileee, you tell me when is the time [21:09] EriC^^, am I selecting my boot HDD? [21:09] fancyfetus: yeah the hdd that has the efi [21:10] done [21:10] Codmadnesspro: why you need that anyway? [21:10] ok, type list vol [21:10] 3 partitions. Recovery, System and Primary [21:10] ComradeHaz`, no - you need to use the Bash scripting language. If I recall right, it's different from windows [21:10] fancyfetus: we need the efi partition, the fat32 one [21:10] djukan, their site give some help http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Locale_Settings#Notes_for_Ubuntu_users [21:10] djukan, Ah, I think the channel bot says 10 min, but just be thoughtful really. Welcome here, lots of great help. ;) [21:10] hi im new to this thing [21:11] uhh hang on [21:11] first time using ubuntu [21:11] fancyfetus: it's probably the system one [21:11] joshua__: support questions only in here, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:11] bprompt, steam bot [21:11] Yeah, it's the system one. [21:12] Selected [21:12] OerHeks, i tried everything, no good [21:12] daftykins, okay so I added the additional dns servers under automatic. However, I still can't access the website. [21:12] djukan, after change, logout/login again, i guess, to make it work [21:12] is there a way to rebuild the index on here [21:12] without ruining everything [21:12] Codmadnesspro: dunno what that means [21:12] joshua__: here? [21:13] i am trying to put icons in the desktop window [21:13] rather than on the side [21:13] fancyfetus: ok, type sel part 1 or 2.. if you haven't already [21:13] bprompt, it basically runs a steam bot that does trading for me [21:13] fancyfetus: then type assign letter=e [21:13] although I can run it on windows, I want to move it to my ubuntu server [21:13] joshua__: you need to fully explain what you want [21:13] OerHeks, thats the thing I cant find [21:13] Codmadnesspro: run it in a vm or make a new script [21:13] кто сомной в порнухе отснимиться [21:14] LOL, EriC^^, that's so cool! [21:14] good idea thanks [21:14] i want to put my icons in the desktop rather than on the side bar, that is pretty specific [21:14] xentity1x: repeat the instructions you were given which showed errors, if it still does error, restart. [21:14] why doesnt it work [21:14] Codmadnesspro, steambots are illegal. [21:14] joshua__: good luck with that [21:14] joshua__: they didn't make that very easy is my understanding. [21:14] fancyfetus: ok, you can't access the e: partition yet right? [21:14] OerHeks: they aren't [21:15] OerHeks, ones that just take automatic trades and pushes the trade to my site? [21:15] actually wait [21:15] djukan, if you cannot find logout on the top right panel, reboot [21:15] fancyfetus: type exit in diskpart, and then type dir e:\ [21:15] joshua__, I believe the unity-tweak tool has a tab for that, you need to install the app. [21:15] ty lee [21:15] OerHeks, you mean com...I restarted it couple of times [21:16] joshua__, unity ? [21:16] go to /usr/share/applications and copy paste the app you want on desktop [21:16] joshua__, Many linux desktops now have a empty desktop switch basically, usually several specific files, like home...etc [21:17] im using ubuntu though [21:17] unless you want me to install linux [21:17] djukan, is your ubuntu in a different language than gnucash ? [21:18] joshua__: ubuntu is linux [21:19] Okay so I restarted now when I run host netflix.com I get host netflix.com [21:19] ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached [21:19] Hi [21:19] joshua__, Terms can be a bit strange at first, we want to help. [21:19] xentity1x: try "host netflix.com" [21:20] Ben64, host netflix.com [21:20] Using domain server: [21:20] Name: [21:20] Address: [21:20] Aliases: [21:20] Host netflix.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL) [21:20] My UEFI system isn't remembering my menu entry for Linux, i use Ubuntu 15.04 and i have booting problems.. [21:20] wileee, /usr/share/applications <--- he needs to copy/paste the files from here [21:20] xentity1x: .... obviously don't post 17 lines here [21:20] djukan, i do no PM [21:20] !pm [21:20] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [21:21] badbodh, I know how to make apps usable there, I'm just concerned we don't overwhelm. [21:21] that is a bit better thanks [21:21] mfers [21:21] Anyone ? === monster_ is now known as monster [21:22] ubottu are you a person or a generated message ? [21:22] Primology_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:22] ok OerHeks.. I changed language od ubuntu to language I want to be in gnucash..SR [21:22] wileee, tweak-tool might have been overwhelming :) even i don;t like it very much === monster is now known as Guest40231 [21:22] dear god [21:22] hey all, is there a way to install xen hypervisor post 15.04 installation? I just tried and it borked my display settings. I had to uninstall it. === Guest40231 is now known as monster_ [21:23] any other usefull advice about customizing my os [21:23] so now ubuntu is in serbian, and gnucash in english OerHeks [21:23] OerHeks === Acilim_A is now known as Acilim [21:23] joshua__, don;t look for tips. just find something and wing it as you go. trust google. [21:24] djukan, then i have no idea :-( [21:24] how does Ubuntu earns money? [21:24] on the downlow [21:24] EriC^^, stepped away again. Pizza has never been this hard to order :'( [21:25] fancyfetus: :D [21:25] It's been years since I used Linux. How do I install CUPS on Ubuntu 14.04. I cant seen to see an installer, just an updater. I dont even know if CUPS is installed. [21:25] AndreyBz: with commercial support [21:25] OerHeks sorry, but I now saw your link... there is no localpurge insstaled [21:26] how to install it? [21:26] EriC^^: "Volume in drive E has no label. \n Volume Serial Number is AC2C-5EEA. \n Directory of E:\ \n File Not Found" [21:26] k1l: like Amazon in Unity? [21:26] AndreyBz: no. [21:27] fancyfetus: try taskkill /im explorer.exe /f [21:27] fancyfetus: then explorer.exe [21:27] Tuzlo, cups is installed standard, try ' localhost:631 " in your browser [21:27] fancyfetus: then browse to it from the file explorer [21:28] djukan, sudo apt-get install localpurge # or use softwarecenter [21:28] Tuzlo, it should be already there. [21:28] EriC^^, "You have been denied permission to access this folder." Then something about a security tab. [21:28] you may need specific files for a particular printer but iirc the generic cups libs exist on the default install [21:29] i tried.. E: unable to locate package localpurge [21:29] but there is no security tab in the properties. [21:29] OerHeks [21:29] Hello Room! [21:29] fancyfetus: did you type explorer.exe from an admin command prompt? [21:29] Can somebody pm me [21:29] EriC^^: woops [21:29] bigmodz54: no? [21:29] !find localpurge [21:29] Package/file localpurge does not exist in vivid === matze_ is now known as Kirsche [21:29] bigmodz54, what do you need? [21:30] k1l ubottu ?? [21:30] I need help, but I would rather pm than be in the chatt jumbled with everyone else. If thats okay [21:30] djukan, it is localepurge , not localpurge. [21:30] !pm | bigmodz54 [21:30] bigmodz54: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [21:30] !pm | bigmodz54 No, sorry. [21:30] bigmodz54 No, sorry.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [21:30] oops. [21:31] I won't Bite you BigMod! :) But might nibble!!! :D [21:31] EriC^^, alright [21:31] Do you want me to navigate to it from explorer GUI? [21:31] I tried to install ubuntu to my pc but my wireless network card is not working. I've tried alot of methods. It is a broadcom 802.11g [21:32] I'm installing the MINI iso from CD of 14.10 on a dell laptop..it's going great but now I have choices like server type!? [21:32] !14.10 [21:32] Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic [21:32] So now when I run host netflix.com I get: netlfix.com has address [21:32] BigMod...any chance to use direct Ethernet? [21:32] claycub, 14.10 is EOL. try 15.04 or 14.04 lts [21:32] claycub: stop the install. load a supported iso and start again. 14.10 is already dead [21:32] However, I still can't access it with chrome. [21:33] bigmodz54, first make sure the hardware is turned on (should be a switch or something). [21:33] badbodh: thats the thing, it works on my windows os [21:33] EriC^^, I've tried every way of running everything as an admin. I can't see the files in E. I can dir E:\ though [21:33] 0 files, 1 Dir [21:34] EriC^^ | daftykins , can you guys think of anything [21:34] bigmodz54, run "lspci -k" and "ip link" , share output on pastebin [21:35] fancyfetus: did you try taskkill then explorer from the admin prompt? [21:35] yeah [21:35] badbodh: okay [21:35] I can live boot ubuntu in like... 5 mins if that will help :P [21:35] fancyfetus: ok, try cd e:\ , then dir /a [21:35] badbodh: Let me boot to ubuntu real quick. ill use usb tether for internet [21:36] <[n0mad]> xentity1x: i'm pretty sure google dns is having some problem with netflix. i can't reach it either unless i use my vpn which uses its own dns [21:36] cd e:\ does nothing. no output either [21:36] hmm e should be mounted [21:36] It is, I can see it in File Explorer [21:36] badbodh: (Running ubuntu on an older system is okay right. it will work well?) [21:36] either make an ubuntu liveusb or check in diskpart that it's mounted [21:36] fancyfetus: ok, and cd e: ? [21:37] try dir /a e:\ [21:37] bigmodz54, i have a 6 year old pentium laptop that can run ubuntu. so yes. [21:37] badbodh: My pc is 10 years old with only 4gb of ram [21:37] BOOTSECT.BAK and EFI dir [21:37] bigmodz54, 4GB is plenty :D [21:37] bigmodz54: what does "older" mean? if its really old and slow you might want to look at Lubuntu, since its more lightweight. [21:37] bigmodz54, "only 4Gb" is outrageous statement. reboot and focus on wifi [21:38] bigmodz54: 4gb is ok for ubuntu [21:38] http://www.cnet.com/products/dell-inspiron-530s-pentium-e2160-1-8-ghz-2-gb-320-gb-lcd-17/specs/ [21:38] fancyfetus: ok, type del /F /S /Q /A "e:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi" [21:38] OerHeks thanks man! still not done, after restart I will see [21:39] badbodh: Hey can you use google hangouts at the moment [21:39] badbodh: So we can communicate when im on ubuntu [21:39] EriC^^, deleted [21:39] fancyfetus: ok, type del /F /S /Q /A "e:\EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi" === Venus is now known as Guest43699 [21:40] we don;t do that bigmodz54 , keep discussion within this channel. if you have problems use irc chat clients from your cellphone or web based like mibbit kiwiirc or freenode's own client [21:40] badbodh: Alright [21:41] EriC^^: Deleted [21:41] fancyfetus: ok, type ren e:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot bootmgfw.efi.backup bootmgfw.efi [21:41] bigmodz54, IRC takes IRC VERY seriously :P [21:42] EriC^^, was there supposed to be a \ after Boot? [21:43] fancyfetus: maybe [21:43] EriC^^, very convincing :| :P [21:43] It's been years since I used Linux. How do I install CUPS on Ubuntu 14.04. I cant seen to see an installer, just an updater. I dont even know if CUPS is installed. [21:43] EriC^^, done :) I ran ren e:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi.backup bootmgfw.efi [21:44] fancyfetus: did it work? there's supposed to be a space between the file and dir [21:44] oh, i thought you meant a trailing \ [21:44] nah there should be a space i think [21:44] No, it said invalid syntax with a space [21:44] when I replaced the space with \ it didn't say anything [21:44] no output [21:45] ok np [21:45] Tuzlo: what do you want cups for [21:45] this chat is confusing [21:45] what are all the channels for [21:45] falcon: the C in IRC [21:45] oh remote connections [21:46] Common Unix Print System [21:46] nah, relay. [21:46] i should probably stay in ubuntu then eh [21:46] Tuzlo: got a printer, have you? [21:46] oh ok [21:46] fancyfetus: ok, type ren e:\EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi.backup bootx64.efi [21:46] yes [21:46] Tuzlo: which one? [21:46] HP laserjet CP1525nw already printed from Ubuntu, want to share it [21:46] EriC^^, done. I'm starting to think you're a magician [21:47] Eric^^: No go on the compiling that program we talked about yesterday, even with those programs. [21:47] Tuzlo: probably already have cups if it already printed [21:47] oh well === Acilim is now known as Acilim_A [21:47] well, "server" does not show up on printer properties [21:47] fancyfetus: ok, type dir /a e:\EFI\Boot [21:47] Ideas? [21:48] is bootx64.efi there? [21:48] EriC^^, only one file. bootx64.efi [21:48] fancyfetus: ok, great [21:49] reisio: ideas on why I cant share it? [21:49] fancyfetus: try rebooting [21:49] EriC^^, all done? :D [21:50] lol, whoah [21:50] "Choose an operating system: [21:50] Windows 10 [21:50] was that your card? [21:50] Windows 10 Pro" [21:50] :P [21:50] hm what [21:50] I'm getting a Windows screen that has those two options [21:51] Hang on, I'll try again [21:51] Okay [21:51] Yeah, same thing [21:51] Is there a place to ask about cloud-init/cloud-config stuffs? [21:51] What do i do [21:51] If I select windows 10 it works :P [21:53] fancyfetus: can you help [21:53] OerHeks [21:53] OerHeks still the same..nothing happened [21:54] need help changing language of gnucash? anyone? [21:55] djukan: doesnt have gnucash a setting for that? [21:55] where man? [21:55] i dont use gnucash. look into the settings? [21:55] Ok, I'll reword this. When I try sharing my printer I get "Publish SHared Printers" option needs to be enabled in the server settings, but I cannot see the server dropdown in the printers window. [21:56] i did that 10 times till now.. no it doesnt have [21:56] Who was i talking to [21:56] Like badbod [21:56] k1l? [21:56] bigmodz54: could just reask [21:56] djukan: http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.4/C/gnucash-help/chang-lang.html [21:57] fancyfetus: is it working? [21:57] I am on ubuntu but my wireless network card is not working. I've tried alot of methods [21:57] k1l did that also..nothing. Also put UFT-8...same nothing [21:58] uft is wrong anyway [21:58] :) [21:58] its UTF-8 === sniper is now known as Guest45171 [21:58] i know..spelling mistake [21:59] bigmodz54, you need to highlight our nick when you come back. can't expect us to keep staring at the screen can you :) [21:59] djukan: use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure localepurge" and make sure your language is not deleted [21:59] djukan: after that reinstall the packages: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnucash gnucash-common gnucash-doc [22:00] ooo la la [22:00] i did it before, but had some problem..i will try again, and tell you whats happen k1l k1l [22:00] bigmodz54, ? [22:00] Yes [22:01] I'm waiting [22:01] reisio you still here? [22:01] djukan: make sure none of your language is marked for deleting [22:01] 'fraid so [22:02] did you see my reword of my problem? [22:02] no...I mark the ones i want to keep??? [22:02] k1l [22:02] bigmodz54, run "lspci -k" and "ip link" , share output on pastebin [22:02] Okay [22:03] djukan: see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Locale_Settings#Notes_for_Ubuntu_users [22:03] k1l Use dpkg --path-exclude? [22:03] yes or no? [22:04] terminal question k1l Use dpkg --path-exclude? [22:04] djukan: no [22:04] ok [22:04] and this │ Also delete localized man pages? │ [22:05] yes or no? [22:05] badbodh: pastebin.com/HMby1X5m [22:05] djukan: if you want to keep the manpages select no [22:05] There the first one [22:06] k1l E: Unable to locate package gnucash-doc [22:06] !bcm43 | bigmodz54 [22:06] thats the last line... [22:06] docs not doc [22:06] badbodh: pastebin.com/zCKjMYYU [22:06] !bcm | bigmodz54 [22:06] bigmodz54: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [22:07] Ok [22:07] k1l it was written doc on that page [22:07] done [22:07] !info gnucash-docs [22:07] gnucash-docs (source: gnucash-docs): Documentation for gnucash, a personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.6.4-1 (vivid), package size 63042 kB, installed size 96855 kB === pkircher_ is now known as pkircher [22:07] its docs in ubuntu ^ [22:08] bigmodz54, what's connected to your usb? is that tethering ? [22:09] ok k1l [22:09] i did the last thing... [22:09] Badbodh yes [22:10] should I rest...or logout [22:10] bigmodz54, what have you tried so far? what did you install for wifi ? [22:10] djukan: follow the wiki instructions i linked [22:11] Ive tried installing b43 and sctivatibg addition drivers [22:11] djukan: as i said: i dont use gnucash [22:12] i did every thing... i will try rest === pkircher_ is now known as pkircher [22:13] bigmodz54, go to folder /etc/modprobe.d [22:13] look for a file named "blacklist or something [22:14] paste the contents on pastebin [22:14] hello [22:14] is anyone here a web developer? [22:15] loren: MAybe just ask your actual ubuntu related support question? :) [22:16] k1l [22:16] sorry [22:16] nothing man.. Thank you very much for your effort [22:16] i'll go to a #webdev channel then [22:16] or is there any other channel for webdev related questions? [22:17] #html, #rails, #css ? [22:17] #rubyonrails [22:18] !alis [22:18] alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [22:18] ok thanks [22:19] bigmodz54, got to focus buddy. haven't got all day. [22:19] EriC^^, it works but I still get a weird blue windows screen asking me to choose between windows 10 and windows 10 pro [22:23] hmm [22:23] fancyfetus: that sounds like windows bootloader menu with those choices, as opposed to grub's [22:25] fancyfetus: try the rebuild bcd and other commands [22:25] Ahh, alrighty! [22:25] I'll have a go at that eventually :) [22:25] Thanks for all the help EriC^^! Saved me a ton of time! [22:25] fancyfetus: yeap, use bcdedit.exe to add/remove entries to the bootloader [22:25] no problem [22:25] EriC^^, in win 7 you can boot into recovery mode and run bootrec.exe/fixboot and bootrec.exe/fixmbr , win10 have similar stuff ? [22:26] badbodh, it does, yeah [22:26] badbodh sorry got sidetracked. Im back [22:27] fancyfetus, then boot into win10 dvd, choose recovery > command prompt and run these. then use easybcd to delete invalid boot entries. [22:27] bigmodz54, scroll up and do the thing [22:28] The folder is full of .conf files [22:29] yes. look for the one with "blacklist" name [22:29] blacklist.conf [22:30] daftykins, it could be of another name too, but the word "blacklist" will be mentioned [22:31] bigmodz54, find it ? [22:31] pastebin.com/qPCv59Z9 [22:32] bigmodz54, now remove whatever you installed earlier. b43 and other stuff. [22:33] *purge [22:33] Done [22:35] badbodh what now [22:35] now install "bcmwl-kernel-module" or something like that. don;t remember exact name, do "apt-cache search" [22:35] Ok [22:37] haribert [22:40] badbodh: why not link the broadcom page and give info direct ;) [22:40] !broadcom [22:40] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [22:42] bigmodz54, ^^ take a look at that link. [22:43] I did [22:43] Which one should i do [22:43] B43 [22:43] Or b43legacy [22:43] msg ferna [22:45] bigmodz54, you have 4318 so b43 [22:46] I ran the command but still no internet [22:46] bigmodz54, that's just one step. it installs the "installer" :D [22:46] scroll down the page for step 2 [22:48] bigmodz54, http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43/ [22:50] bigmodz54, ok looks like there is no step 2. just reboot and check [22:50] if no wifi run "lsmod" and share the output on pastebin. [22:52] Ok [22:53] badbodh help me? [22:53] djukan, i'm not an expert. ask your question and wait for reply :) [22:54] *ask the channel, not individuals [22:54] i asked several times, but they couldnt help me.. [22:55] I need help to change language od GnuCash [22:56] i got no idea what gnucash is, ask the gnucash developers [22:56] its software.. accounting program [22:56] 's'like a quicken alternative, IIRC [23:04] djukan: there is a #gnucash btw [23:05] mmm, monies [23:07] There's nothing badbodh [23:08] I know there are two versions of Virtualbox for Ubuntu. Not sure which one I need to install. I need USB support - that much I know [23:08] there used to be two [23:08] now the usb support is supplemental to the one [23:08] reisio: What do you mean? [23:08] antonio_: Install the latest official version from the official vbox website and install the extension pack. [23:08] antonio_: there's only two now [23:09] I'd install virtualbox from the universe repo [23:09] and virtualbox-ext-pack [23:09] s/universe/multiverse [23:14] It won't reboot. Its stuck [23:15] I install virtualbox from the oracle repo [23:15] deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian vivid contrib [23:17] How can I set gpg-agent to properly export SSH_AUTH_SOCK to my whole X session? On 15.04 [23:17] badbodh are you here [23:22] badbodh? [23:23] ciao === wook is now known as Guest54815 === ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr === FameW0lf is now known as FameWolf === kdavyd_ is now known as kdavyd === Rudemeister is now known as Guest71466 === iSagitt__ is now known as iSagitt_ [23:33] Hi, I have a problem with PhantomJS under 17.2 Linux Mint. When I try to start it gives me this error: "error while loading shared libraries: libicudata.so.55 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - system is up to date, anyone know how to solve this? === hill is now known as Guest94944 [23:33] !mint | kad_ [23:33] kad_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org === michael is now known as Guest24744 === flet_ is now known as flet [23:35] ubottu: the webchat from spotchat needs Java, can't enter there :/ [23:35] kad_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:35] So what's going on here guys xD === ubuntu is now known as Guest77528 [23:39] Thanks again EriC^^ :D Now I can run Ubuntu in a VM instead === ilbelkyr_ is now known as ilbelkyr [23:39] dual booting is too much of a hastle === evan_262 is now known as evan3334 [23:41] fancyfetus: no problem === AlexPortable_ is now known as AlexPortable [23:43] Whats up everyone? [23:43] what is the best way of safely and permanently increasing the size of / ? or specifically /tmp/ ? i've got an issue where /tmp/ is running out of space. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11478861/cant-start-emulator-environment-error-nand-could-not-write-file-file-exists # i'm on Linux Mint 17 === cryptodan_androi is now known as cryptodan [23:47] ?wer kann helfen kenne mich nicht gut aus noch Neuling [23:49] im Terminal hab eine Fehler anzeige sie bekomm ich nicht raus === bradjones is now known as bradjone|away === bradjone|away is now known as bradjones|away