[00:22] how do i install flash on kubuntu 15.04 [00:27] hello anyone there? [00:28] !flash [00:28] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash === strayPuppy is now known as Guest69419 === ikonia is now known as Guest16046 === strayPup1 is now known as StrayPuppy [00:38] on kubuntu? [00:40] bulldawg: if 32 bit, the package you're looking for is kubuntu-restricted-extras === Gama is now known as Gamayun [01:34] How do I decrease the cursor size in all things === StrayPuppy is now known as sPu === sPu is now known as strayPuppy === strayPuppy is now known as submissivePuppy === submissivePuppy is now known as strayPuppy [04:11] When Kubuntu 16.04 is released will the backports repo continue to ship latest Plasma(Plasma, frameworks, and apps)? === kubuntu is now known as Guest60893 [04:51] can I ask a question on installing a dual-boot? [05:59] how to get the "Obsidian Coast" theme (that came with kde 4.x) in Kubuntu 15.04 ? [06:00] (its the dark theme I need for e.g. digikam) [06:48] Has this bug been fixed in 15.10? Using the backports ppa atm btw. http://a.uguu.se/whlusx_whitetextonwhitebackgroundwithdarkmode.png [06:48] happens only in that dialog as far as i know. === kubuntu is now known as Guest88743 === Guest88743 is now known as bajopickin === Steffstoff is now known as Guest66312 [08:16] Good morning === shiva is now known as Guest24509 === odroid is now known as Morris11 === Morris11 is now known as Morris12 === soee_ is now known as soee === kubuntu is now known as donnw [11:19] t minus 6 days ! [12:05] Hey all [12:15] Good morning [12:15] is anyone aware of the reasons ? (I assume its loading stuff whilst the spash screen loads) http://askubuntu.com/questions/684843/does-anything-useful-happen-during-the-kde-plasma5-splash-screen-load-delay-it [12:17] yossarianuk: i don't know the reason but have the same [12:29] I think the new splash screen and the 'look' is awful, looks too much like ubuntu colours, orange etc, the delay is annoying too and nobody seems to know what's causing it [12:30] yossarianuk: wow. [12:31] well probably it waits for some apps/session data/settings or whatever to be loaded [12:31] so we just need to track it down :) [12:32] wish there some other splash screens available like in plasma 4 [13:15] BluesKaj: yes its odd there no other splash screens available - every other theme/style can be downloaded but not splash screens.... [13:18] yossarianuk, the login screen has an option to use a background pic other than the default. I had file pic working for a while, but it disappeared after an upgrade . [13:23] huh, no knode in 15.10 [13:23] disappointing [13:24] BluesKaj: you can change the login pic [13:24] I have changed mine to a pic of Leadbelly.. [13:25] system settings -> account details -> click on pic -> remove image -> click apply -> click on image again and choose image -> apply [13:27] one thin though - I had to add blank space padding to the pic otherwise it looks stretched [13:27] (i.e padding left/right) [13:29] yossarianuk, I'm on 15.10 [13:44] BluesKaj: same I believe (I have 15.10 @ home and also have changed the pic to my boy.) [13:45] BTW - has anyone else upgraded to Android 6 ? (marshmellow) [13:45] Its a great update as battery life seems to be about 20 -30 better [13:45] however kubuntu no longer can connect via USB to see my files ? [13:46] still waiting for it on my nexus 7 2013 [13:47] its great except the fact that USB transfer seems broken [13:49] i usually install swiftp and connect to the phone via filezilla [13:50] MoonUnit`: really with andriod 4/5 on KDE I just unlock the phone - connect and can access fine via dolphon [13:51] *dolphin* [13:51] however now when you plug it in nothing in dmesg at all - i've set it up mtp (you have to enable developer mode to enable that now) [13:52] (I know this isn't akubuntu issue) [13:52] as such... [13:57] Hi all. How can I make so new windows and applications open on primary screen not secondary? [14:06] yossarianuk, there's no pic in acct details other than the personal one. I'm talking about the background pic on th elogin page. [14:09] the login === kubuntu is now known as rockys [14:24] So my usb with bootable kubuntu just wont boot anymore, any ideas why0 [14:25] Well, it will boot to the kubuntu logo, but blackscreen after that [14:26] your usb stick is only device pluged in usb? [14:26] yes [14:26] I took it when phone charged via usb [14:27] well I mean the boot obviously works since it boots it and I can choose kubuntu and see the logo and all, but after that nothing happens [14:29] rockys, are you using the usb to run a persisitent ubuntu with making permanenet installation? [14:29] without rather [14:33] i had a few problems with the livecd on usb, removed 'quiet splash' and kde started normally. [14:34] I made a normal kubuntu installation [14:35] rockys, so why are you using the usb to boot ? [14:35] Cause kubuntu is installed on there_ [14:36] tha's not a 'normal' install [14:37] I installed it from a live cd like you would with any installation [14:37] using the @install@ option, not the livecd option [14:37] a normal install is to a hdd or a ssd , not a usb [14:38] and how is that relevant to anything [14:38] the procedure is the same [14:39] perhaps if you explained yourself more clearly then it might be relevant [14:39] I already explained everything [14:40] ok , nevermind, I'll leave it alone [14:41] if theres something you think I didnt explain well please say so cause otherwise I cant explain further since form my viewpoint ive allready explained everything [14:41] obvilously , but I'm no longer interested === rattking_ is now known as rattking [15:01] FireFox 41 is just garbage. Why Opera is not a default browser in Kubuntu? Opera is build on Qt, plasma is build on Qt. [15:06] Opera cannot be included as the default browser because of it's licensing restrictions [15:06] Also they provide only binaries, which cannot be audited [15:12] ejay,does opera still contain an email client ? [15:13] BluesKaj: to be honest - I have no clue [15:14] genii: oh, ok. That makes sense. [15:15] I always liked opera, but seems it was trying to do too much , reminded me of the old netscaape back in the late 90's [15:16] Firefox is now full of useless crap [15:17] well, a lot of websites are to balme too, they aren't adopting new technology like HTML5 and IPv6 [15:18] so we're stuck with garbage plugins that in soem cases are no longer supported [15:18] damn spell check doesn't woirk yet on 15.10 [15:19] I remember when I could surf on my old PC with 128MB of ram. Now I need GBs. And 30% of my CPU goes to youtube. [15:19] one week to go and there's still a lot to be doen [15:19] done [15:22] whats the kde version of notepad? [15:22] kate? [15:23] thanks [15:23] Kate is way better than notepad. [15:23] well, notepad *is* rather spare [15:24] Heh, yes [15:24] awesome thanks again [15:24] notepad is as minimalistic as it gets [15:25] doesn't look like it's changed in 20 yrs [15:27] Anyone getting Plasma died unexpectedly on shutdowns? === nicolas__ is now known as batmanrad [15:57] Good Morning, Folks, I was working along on my new Kubuntu system (15.04) When I got a message that plasma had crashed, I rebooted the computer and logged in as normal and all I get is a black screen with my mouse cursor. What do I do to get my desktop back? [15:59] W8TAH: remove ksycoca5 from .cache [16:00] and then run kbuildsycoca5 [16:03] ejay I can't seem to get to a terminal to run a command like that (sorry, I'm 6 years out of practice) [16:04] W8TAH: you can change TTY [16:04] press ctrl+alt+f2 [16:04] it will change your tty to text one [16:05] ejay Stand by ... I'm trying it [16:06] W8TAH: good luck ;) [16:10] ejay it's rebooting. What went wrong to cause the problem? === EvilRoey is now known as RoeyDropTables === me is now known as Guest47084 [16:13] what happened to xchat system tray icons in 15.04? [16:13] W8TAH: that is a good question. I, personally, don't know but it's well known issue. [16:14] ejay It worked! Thank you very, very much. === Khaotic_ is now known as Khaotic [16:47] projects [16:51] hello. I have a problem with keyboard shortcuts stopping to work in kubuntu 15.10. Does anybody knows solution? === richard is now known as Guest16558 [18:45] Jeez, any clever ideas how to fucking make plasma open apps on primary screen? I even made kwin rule to open everything on primary but fuck me I guess because it still open windows on secondary. [18:46] behave yourelf [18:47] My elf is fine. This screen mess is not. [18:49] ejay, let's keep this family friendly [18:50] BluesKaj: Oh, I'm sorry. My friendliness is on secondary screen and I can't access it becouse my second screen is not pluged in right now. [18:56] ejay, 15.04 ? if so, there are a lot of problems with multiple screens not working properly and I have no idea how to fix them either with nvidia, amd/ati or any other gpu and drivers [19:00] ejay: With this kind of attitude you will never receive any help. [19:03] lordievader: What kind of attitude you excpect? They made me to use plasma5 and it is not working. It's like FU, don't like it, then get lost. But imagine a normal person that just installed this and such basic thing is not working. I'm not even mentioning constant plasmashell crashes and poor performance. So annoying. [19:04] which version of 5 are you using? [19:04] ejay: Remember we are all volunteers here. If you start shouting and using this kind of language people are simply less likely to help you. [21:54] Some KDE thing crashed and did not come back. I rebooted and it's still not back. No task bar at the bottom, the task runner thing you get with alt+f2 is showing but not working... [21:55] JeroenDeDauw: what version of Kubuntu? [21:55] JeroenDeDauw: er, can you be a bit more specific [21:56] clivejo: 15.04 [21:56] denza242: kinda hard, I don't know what this stuff is called, else I'd google it [21:57] JeroenDeDauw: the desktop? or a specific program? [21:57] did you run a KDE app as root (ie like sudo dolphin) [21:58] sounds like the permissions of some files needed by Plasma have changed [21:59] JeroenDeDauw: drop to a terminal and type in -> kstart plasmashell & <---- what do you get? [22:02] clivejo: you guessed the exact command I ran yes ;p [22:03] Why run it as sudo :P? Just curious [22:03] JeroenDeDauw: its a common issue! but kills plasma [22:03] Ive done it myself [22:03] I've just removed .cache and rebooted. Seems to have fixed things... missing the bar at the bottom now though [22:04] Easy to add again anyway [22:04] you need to fix the permissions [22:04] clivejo: where [22:04] aotea: stupidity mostly :) [22:04] * clivejo scratches head [22:04] I forget [22:05] is it .config in your home [22:06] everything directly in .config is owned by me [22:06] what about .kde ? [22:07] Same [22:08] clivejo: perhaps it was just in .cache? Everything seems to work fine now [22:08] could always just do a -> chown MYSELF * -R [22:08] well... on ~ folder that is [22:09] JeroenDeDauw: it was that very issue made me come to this channel over 6 months ago [22:10] I was running sudo dolphin and kept breaking it! [22:11] How long does it usually take distros to go stable? Only tried ubuntu before this and can't remember having as many issues. Don't take me wrong, love kubuntu and wish it all the best [22:13] bprompt: thanks [22:13] clivejo: perhaps this is some evil plot from the kde devs to make this channel more popular? [22:14] JeroenDeDauw: could ask them yourself at #kubuntu-devel =P [22:15] aotea: hmmm 15.10 is out of RC on the 22nd IIRC [22:16] so.. 3 more days [22:16] JeroenDeDauw: well it worked in my case! [22:17] bprompt: I'm still 15.04 and every other reboot just gets me a balckscreen, though maybe that's plasma acting up or something. Wish I was better and knowing my problems :P [22:21] could be :) === brandon is now known as Guest75412 === Guest75412 is now known as convict [22:25] I don't know if this is the right place, but I install kubunut-desktop and it seems that no matter what I do I can't change my icon in system settings. I tried clearing the iconcache folder that I've seen some people mention online but nothin seems to do the trick for me. [22:29] Hmm. It appears that the GTK theme was overriding the kde themes I guess. Weird. === miguel_ is now known as Guest13297 === Guest13297 is now known as miguelxpn [22:51] Hi, maybe anyone can help me. I looking for a solution to install Kubuntu in a EFI Mode. But it wasn`t successfull. An Ubuntu was possible to boot if i modify the grub.cfg like this point: [22:51] menuentry "Try Ubuntu without installing" { search -n -u --set=root 9D38-31C7 set gfxpayload=keep linux /casper/vmlinuz.efi file=/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash locale=de_DE bootkbd=de console-setup/layoutcode=de -- initrd /casper/initrd.lz } [22:51] can anybody tell me how it works with the kubuntu? [23:02] Hello, do you guys use Mopidy with the system Media Player (the one in the tray)? It is said to work out of the box with the Ubuntu Sound Menu http://mopidy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/clients/mpris/ but it doesn't seem to integrate with the KDE player. are there plugins for that? [23:03] Vtec234: are you referring to the media player plasmoid? [23:04] or the media player controls plasmoid [23:05] denza242: hmm, i'm not sure. i mean the one with the play or stop icon that shows up in the system tray on the panel when e.g. the official spotify client is running [23:05] Ah got it. My problem is solved [23:05] denza242: media player controls [23:06] I mean if it does use D-Bus, it should work [23:06] hmm, one sec [23:10] Vtec234: er, how is modipy used/ [23:10] ? [23:10] do you use a frontend, or can you directly use it? [23:11] it sends audio to the designated channel and can run in the background, but i believe a frontend must be used to actually tell it to play something [23:11] hmm [23:11] and it's an MPD server right? [23:12] it does implement the mpd protocol http://mopidy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ext/mpd/ . it uses its own code though [23:14] Vtec234: which frontend do you use? [23:16] denza242: right now just mopify https://github.com/dirkgroenen/mopidy-mopify , so a web client. my goal is to have it working through the media player controls so that i can tell it what to play and then just pause it from the tray when needed [23:16] hmm [23:18] Vtec234: I think that's the problem, that it doesn't use d-bus [23:20] denza242:how do you know? and what does it use then? [23:20] er, actually I'm not sure if it uses d-bus or not [23:21] I'm just assuming that's why it isn't showing up [23:21] i guess I could check, but that might take a while [23:21] i tried finding out something, but there isn;t much info about the plasmoid [23:22] Is there a "clear all" button for the notifications panel? [23:23] Vtec234: I don't know much about the plasmoid either, just that it uses d-bus to communicate with clients [23:25] somehow implementing this might work, but again, I'm not exactly sure http://code.google.com/p/v8-dbus/ [23:25] hmm ill try to experiment with mpd clients [23:28] Vtec234: sorry I couldn't help much [23:30] np