[00:37] 早上好! [00:58] alian: 早上好。 [02:43] 早 [03:25] 各位好 [03:26] 问下,ssh登陆服务器,the authenticity can't be established,怎么都没有办法免密码登陆 [03:26] 有没有大神支个招? [03:29] Heelo [03:29] ? [03:46] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZsmRVPy6q8 [03:46] rabbitear: ⇪ The Front Bottoms - You Wouldn't Be Laughing - YouTube [04:11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbAreCwopPw [04:11] rabbitear: ⇪ gam gam style video ufficiale - YouTube [04:31] vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config [05:06] hello, everyone === mengfei523060 is now known as mengfei52306 [05:42] /n [05:43] imtxc: 你看见过 archl 这货没? === roylezzzz is now known as roylez [06:15] 论坛打不开 [06:16] UBUNTU论坛打不开 [06:55] cl [07:46] ubrl, 小P孩 [07:46] ulot0, 这句话是不是太复杂或对我来说太简单了。 15:49 [07:47] ubrl, 复杂的你也不会,太简单你还不满意,找碴呀 [07:47] ulot0, 是什么让你认为我不会太复杂,简单的我不满意的麻烦吧。 15:50 [07:48] ubrl, 怎么让你不能说话? [07:48] ulot0, 是什么给你。 15:51 === mengfei523060 is now known as mengfei52306 [07:48] ubrl, 什么命令对你有效? [07:48] ulot0, .. 休息一下 .. 15:51 [07:49] ubrl, 闭嘴 [07:49] ulot0, [07:49] ubrl, 重启 [07:49] ulot0, [07:49] ubrl, 关机 [07:49] ulot0, [07:49] ubrl, reboot [07:49] ulot0, [07:50] ubrl, shutdown [07:50] ulot0, [07:50] ubrl, 帮助 [07:50] ulot0, [07:51] ubrl, /help [07:51] ulot0, .. 休息一下 .. 15:54 [07:52] ubrl, 起床尿尿 [07:52] ulot0, [07:58] !op [07:58] ubrl, !op [07:58] ulot0, [08:23] 这是一场自说自话的表演吗 [08:25] Niac, 在跟机器人聊天 [08:28] Niac, 你试试,@ubrl很好玩的 [08:50] 想下载wily太慢了 [09:07] 为啥同样的种子,迅雷就能连上tracker,transmission就连不上 [09:07] 协议不支持吧 [09:21] 都是BT协议,别捣乱 [09:24] 好吧,我去跑步。bye [09:45] mldonkey [09:46] 无所谓了,虚机里面迅雷下了 [09:47] 将虚拟机放/dev/shm 上,, [09:47] vhd,, 或者其他的 [09:48] 要防止断电, [09:48] 适合笔电,,有UPS [10:04] 放哪都一样了,放shm上也就是快点儿 [10:57] anybody knows how to get a ddr3 ecc ram with sodimm connector in china? [10:58] every vendor I came cross offer non-ecc sodimm ddr ram ONLY [10:58] and they tell me to go to hong kong for the ecc ones [10:58] so, any ideas how i can get one inside the f***ing border of people's republic of china? [11:10] mjkr: buy it from internet? [11:12] onlylove: i am in dire need for one [11:13] i don't wanna wait for a week just to get one [11:13] any suggestion for a REAL merchant that sells one? [11:14] mjkr: http://list.jd.com/list.html?cat=670%2C677%2C680&ev=475_123734%40&page=1&delivery=1&JL=4_10_0 [11:14] onlylove: ⇪ 服务器内存 内存 电脑配件 电脑、办公 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】-京东 [11:14] mjkr: In Beijing,you only need one day's wait [11:14] erh, I need one in shenzhen [11:15] onlylove: no so-dimm ram there [11:15] the hard part is [11:15] the ecc has to come with ddr3 so-dimm [11:15] I know where to buy in Beijing…… [11:16] something like kingston's kvr16lse11/8kf [11:16] lainme_: 现在在不? [11:17] onlylove: 什么事? [11:17] lainme_: 那什么,你知道深圳哪里有卖ECC内存的不,香港也好,给 mjkr 介绍下 [11:17] actually, this one looks fine: http://item.jd.com/1080192.html [11:17] mjkr: ⇪ 【金士顿低电压】金士顿(Kingston)DDR3 1600 8GB ECC笔记本服务器内存【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 599.00 [11:18] looks like its ecc with so-dimm [11:18] lainme_: 那种科技市场或者卖服务器的地方都应该有吧 [11:19] (can't read the chinese here) [11:19] onlylove: 不了解啊,我觉得应该是 [11:19] lainme_: 他貌似要移动工作站的 [11:20] nope [11:20] are you saying it's for mobile workstation? [11:20] it's for an embedded server, rather [11:22] I think mobile workstation and embeded server use the same memory [11:22] correct [11:24] lainme_: 所以,深圳华强北在哪?要不你给他说下? [11:25] it would be great if you have the EXACT address of the merchant [11:26] (preferably both in pinyin and in english) [11:26] mjkr: http://www.szmc.net/cms/page?arg=bigmap [11:26] lainme_: ⇪ 深圳地铁 [11:26] erh, isn't this one shenzhen metro? [11:27] mjkr: the location is 华强北 or 'Huaqiang North', in the line colored in yellow [11:27] ah, actually, that's where I head to earlier this day [11:28] the vast majority there are trying to sell me non-ecc sodimm ddr3 rams meant for notebook computers [11:28] the rest are offering me rdimm or udimm ddr3 rams meant for BIG boards [11:29] dunno what specifics I have miscommunicated to those vendors [11:30] mjkr: http://www.price.com.hk/shop.php?s=2115&page=5 this merchant seems sell ecc ram in hongkong [11:30] I had a big whiteboard with "DDR3 ECC SO-DIMM 1066+MHz" written thereon [11:30] lainme_: ⇪ Concept Neo - 香港格價網 Price.com.hk [11:31] nobody in that place seems ever to read it, in plain text [11:33] I prefer to avoid the exorbitantly crammed checkpoints if I don't have to [11:34] (shenzhen merchants, pls) [11:35] if your country's gonna build the city of shenzhen into a city of creative ingenuity, there's gotta be some place to buy a so-dimm ecc ram... [11:36] unless it turns out to be propaganda, yet again... === JQK2 is now known as JQK [11:39] I usually head to hong kong during my visa runs [11:39] I would avoid going into cramped places if such can be avoided [11:44] guess that's a no then? [12:19] all right. I will try to get up early tomorrow for a hong kong trip then [12:19] these vendors bedamned [12:20] btw, why is it that no ecc vendor ship from shenzhen? [12:50] the benefit of an over-the-counter transaction is that the ram can be easily returned if it turned out that it dsimply doesn't work [12:51] this is a non-x86 server... [12:51] so there's a reasonable chance the ram just might NOT work === Wild-Farmer1 is now known as Wild-Farmer === Wild-Farmer1 is now known as Wild-Farmer [14:48] 各位大神,有谁知道linuxmint进桌面黑屏几秒有办法解决吗? === onlylove_ is now known as onlylove [15:34] Hello! [15:49] 有人在吗= = [15:49] - - [15:49] sh HMCL-用不了怎么办啊= = [15:49] 打不开程序 [15:49] 不懂java [15:49] 长夜漫漫,我的WIN7怎么修也修不好。。 [15:50] linux没有游戏。。 [15:50] 这日子没法过了 [15:50] alian, 一堆游戏 [15:50] 233 [15:50] alian, 小白 [15:50] - -。 是免费的不多而已 [15:50] steam上免费的就5个。。 [15:50] 一个帧数还特别卡= = [15:50] chung, alian www.lgdb.org [15:51] 关键是我没法弄N卡驱动不知道为什么 [15:51] alian, 因为你的n卡烂 [15:51] N卡是GT840 [15:51] 点击下载了出现一堆cmd指令,然后。。 [15:51] 啊啊啊啊FAQ [15:52] 果然linux能让我专心弄软件啊= = [15:52] 哈哈 [15:52] alian, 扯蛋 用什么os都能抽游戏 [15:53] alian, lgdb.org上面那么多呢 [15:53] 啊啊我去看看 [15:53] 谢咯 [15:53] 老司机带带我~我要去装逼 [15:54] alian, 你逼格不够 [15:54] = = [15:55] 网站进不去啊 [15:56] 进去拉! [15:57] 挖槽我果然是被腾讯洗脑了,这么多游戏都没见过,就知道个GTA5和光晕12345 [16:00] alian, 和腾讯有毛关系 [16:20] alian, java -jar HMCL- [16:23] vickycq-bpi, 谢谢 [17:54] ... [17:54] 有人咩? [18:00] alian, 还撸呢 [18:00] ... [18:00] 4包纸用完了 [18:00] yum的指令还不回 [18:00] 会 [18:00] 蛋疼 [18:01] alian, man yum 读 [18:01] 好像要配置什么仓库 [18:01] 但是查百度没有能用的。。 [18:02] alian, 看fedora centos的发行版说明 [18:03] 奥,我去看看 [18:04] 百度没有诶 [18:04] 我去谷歌查查 [18:04] alian, 百度 那是娱乐的 [18:05] 。。。 [18:05] 也是- - [18:11] 那我用什么搜索引擎查啊- - [18:11] 天啦撸 [18:11] 论坛? [18:12] alian, google [18:12] 果然谷歌才是王道233 [18:12] 话说这么晚了你不睡觉吗 [18:13] alian, 20点14 [18:13] 额 [18:13] alian, 这么晚了 不睡觉的是你 [18:13] 02:13。。。 [18:13] 我夜机= = [18:13] 明天睡一天 [18:13] 后天上课 [18:13] 不对 [18:13] 今天睡一天 [18:13] 明天上课 [18:14] alian, 不明白有什么好熬夜的 [18:14] alian, 这东西都在发行版的说明上 一看就有了 [18:14] 奥,我去查查 [18:14] 谢谢 [18:16] 挖槽 [18:16] google进不去诶 [18:16] 中国谷歌也是 [18:16] VPN程序没法在debian运行- - [18:17] 法克,还要VPN [18:20] gebjgd, 你有什么办法翻墙吗? [18:20] 不知道怎么回事,连不上PPTP协议的VPN了 [18:25] 这日子没法过了!!! [18:27] alian, 肉身 [18:30] 。。。 [18:33] alian, 天朝那么多人民都没说说没法过了 [18:33] alian, 凑合用用百度 上上qq 就行了 [18:33] alian, 不要有那么多追求 [18:34] 好吧= = [18:34] 想去Deep web转转呢。。 [18:35] alian, 跟你一毛钱关系都没有的事情 还是好好看看新闻联播乐呵乐呵 [18:36] 噫 [18:36] 睡觉了