
LaibschI'd like to fix #1245041 and to do so I need to SRU for trusty.13:14
LaibschWhen doing that I will introduce a Ubuntu delta.  Should I change the Maintainer to XSBC-Original-Maintainer?13:14
LaibschWould some kind soul please accept nomination for trusty for bug 1245041 and if possible even move along the SRU?14:07
ubottubug 1245041 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "mysql-workbench-bin crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124504114:07
LaibschSorry, wrong bug number14:07
Laibschbug 128742414:08
ubottubug 1287424 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "Cannot install mysql-workbench with mysql-server 5.6 or mariadb" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128742414:08
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