
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
=== nik0 is now known as niko
popeywe've lost the bot in #ubuntu-app-devel - can someone bring one back?14:15
k1lubottu: is quiet too. maybe Pici known whats going on14:16
ubottuk1l: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
Unit193 ubottu ping18:18
Unit193ubottu: fooperofowoijeieoiwjefjiweofjeoijwefoeoijwef18:18
Unit193Well now it works.18:18
Picilooks like some sort of reconnect loop caused the bots to write way too much info to their logs, and ended up filling the disk.23:11
PiciI'm putting in some logrotate rules in now, so at least if one of the bots does this again, it doesn't end up causing issues for the others.23:11

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