
neopsychehelo all00:01
neopsychehope someone can help00:01
neopsychehi all.. I installed 'sophos' and ran some checks.. on reboot.. all my file permissions seem to not be loading, cant login to alt interface on load screen (only cinnamon which I was using, which only loads a bit of the GUI) I can see files etc in ttyX etc.00:01
neopsycheanyone know how to fix this total mess?00:01
votlonShinyLinoone: have u ever tried playonlinux? it usally works out of the box for stuff like that for me :)00:01
neopsycheoh .. also, its not loading nm-applet / cant connect to internet on other machine. all icons are blanked out etc.00:02
neopsycheso its like its trying to load.. the gui.. but it is not quite getting there (at all really) I cant ctrl alt T for terminal.. but it popped up .. need to reconfigure flash etc.. so then it opened a terminal briefly and I was able to open another terminal from that one00:04
ShinyLinooneNo, volton.00:05
ShinyLinooneTell me more.00:05
neopsycheany ideas?00:06
votlonsarcasm? .-.00:06
cfhowlett!info playonlinux | ShinyLinoone00:06
ubottuShinyLinoone: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.5-1 (vivid), package size 1101 kB, installed size 4190 kB00:06
ShinyLinooneHm, I might try that if I ever end up getting Madd Effect Trilogy.00:07
ShinyLinooneSure beats having to use Windows.00:07
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cfhowlett!es | Guest324300:17
ubottuGuest3243: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:17
xubuntu95wHow i can start preinstalled? (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-preinstalled/current/)00:21
wileeeyou've just fixated on preinstall right00:24
bazhang!info unity800:27
ubottuunity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.02+15.04.20150409.1-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 5608 kB, installed size 6735 kB00:27
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diphtherialhey, do any of you happen to know how to get the python bindings for opencv installed and working?00:29
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diphtheriali installed python-opencv via apt, but for some reason it didn't register itself with my python installation; attempting to import cv2 results in an error about the module not being found00:29
diphtheriali apologize if that question is overly vague; i can clarify if need be00:30
xubuntu95w!info unity800:30
ubottuunity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.02+15.04.20150409.1-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 5608 kB, installed size 6735 kB00:30
Latrodectusdiphtherial: can you purge the module then reinstall?00:30
diphtherialLatrodectus: sure, i'll attempt that00:34
Latrodectusdiphtherial: just be careful00:34
diphtherialLatrodectus: cool, that seemed to do it; i can import cv2 without issue after a purge and an install00:35
diphtherialcareful in what sense, for future reference?00:35
Latrodectusjust make sure not to uninstall anything "important"00:35
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Latrodectusit's pretty hard to brick an install with a purge, but not impossible00:36
Latrodectusdiphtherial: but i'm glad that you're problem is fixed00:36
Guest18440anyone have experience installing ubuntu on a system with nvidia geforce gtx 980?00:37
Guest18440I get an annoying “input not supported” which seems to be due to not having the display drivers at its disposal00:38
capGuest18440: Download from nvidia.com00:41
LatrodectusGuest18440: 32 or 64 bit?00:41
Guest18440i’m fresh installing, so there’s no way to install the drivers00:42
LatrodectusGuest18440: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/92826/en-us00:42
Guest18440the ubuntu installation cd starts booting, but then freezes into a little blue box floating around the screen saying “input not supported"00:42
cfhowlett!nomodeset | Guest18440,00:42
ubottuGuest18440,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:43
Guest18440okay, i’ll try that. Thanks!00:44
SazpaimonCan someone suggest a remote desktop application that supports multiple users and works well with video playing on the remote system? I've found that something like VNC slows down the entire desktop to a crawl when there's video playing00:46
capSazpaimon: What are you trying to do?00:47
Sazpaimoncap, I'm setting up a machine that will have software to stream video to a streaming website running, while giving people access to the software remotely00:49
cfhowlett!es | taenius00:49
ubottutaenius: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:49
Sazpaimonthe people remoting into the machine will have to be able to see the preview of the stream on the remote session00:49
capSazpaimon: Is this machine also the webserver?00:51
capSazpaimon: If not, maybre it should be.00:52
capToo much beer maybre?00:54
donatien_alphonsi'm running kxstudio (kde+ubuntu, i think) and i'm having a weird problem logging into the desktop environment.00:56
capI leave the streaming video to youtube00:56
cfhowlettdonatien_alphons, kxstudio has their own support channels.  ubuntu only here please.00:57
capdonatien_alphons: Describe the wierd problem00:57
donatien_alphonsbasically, when i boot up, the normal splash screen displays for several seconds just before the login screen would appear. but just as the login screen starts to appear, it disappears and drops me to a terminal login.00:57
capoh, kxstudio...00:57
donatien_alphonscfhowlett:i know, but i think the problem is more general00:57
cfhowlettcap, donatien_alphons it's not ubuntu, so off-topic.  if you insist on supporting, go to a private channel.00:57
donatien_alphonsbut isn't it ubuntu?00:58
cfhowlett!flavors | donatien_alphons00:58
capcfhowlett: I dont00:58
ubottudonatien_alphons: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.00:58
cfhowlettdonatien_alphons, those flavors are ubuntu.  if it ain't on that list, it ain't supported here because it ain't ubuntu.00:58
Latrodectusquestion is there a way to edit an lxde panel via a config file?00:59
capdonatien_alphons: Ad cfhowlett points out, there are others better equipped to answer your question.00:59
Latrodectusbecause i can't access the panel via the gui00:59
donatien_alphonsyeah yeah yeah01:00
cap*As*  (not Ad)01:00
cfhowlettLatrodectus, might want to ask the lxde channel directly:  http://lxde.org/irc/01:00
donatien_alphonsLATRODECTUS: OFF TOPIC01:00
donatien_alphonsdon't bring that crap around here01:00
Latrodectusbye donatien_alphons01:00
Latrodectusoh lol01:01
Latrodectuswas about to ignore you01:01
donatien_alphonshaha, yeh, sorry01:01
donatien_alphonsjust funny how no one even wanted to listen to my issue once i mentioned kxstudio01:01
Latrodectuscfhowlett: i try to log into the network but it seems that i'm banned, i've never even been to that net...01:02
capdonatien_alphons: And they explained why...01:03
cfhowlettLatrodectus, eh?  yeah, just tested it.  same thing.  sorry, don't know what to tell you.01:03
Latrodectusi know, i'm like wtf01:03
cfhowlettdonatien_alphons, no deep mystery.  see the channel /topic?  that's what we're about.  and kxstudio is off-topic.01:03
cfhowlettLatrodectus, language!  keep it clean01:04
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:04
Latrodectuscfhowlett: sorry01:04
Latrodectuscfhowlett: found it irc://irc.oftc.net/lxde01:06
donatien_alphonslanguage, jen01:06
jenforgot the 'o' oops01:07
jeni need help01:07
donatien_alphonshaha, totally kidding01:07
cfhowlett!ask | jen01:07
ubottujen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:07
jenoh!? haha ku01:07
jensweet ty01:08
Latrodectusjen: might i ask what you need help with?01:09
jenso, ive just installed ubuntu 8.1 on my labtop and cannot update, upgrade, download plugins, play a cd or read a flash drive amongst many other things01:09
Latrodectusjen: 8.1 is old01:09
cfhowlettjen, 8.10 is unsupported.  install a supported version01:10
jeni know but its all i have right now and actually its making me learn ubuntu01:10
BuzzardBuzzso sounds like laptop toast01:10
Latrodectusjen: can you upgrade to a different version01:10
cfhowlettjen, the first thing to learn is NOT to install unsupported OS.01:10
Latrodectusjen: if you need it to be light-weight install lubuntu01:10
cfhowlettor xubuntu01:11
jenlight weight???01:11
Latrodectusjen: also if you want to learn linux try a server version01:11
jenserver version??01:11
cfhowlett!server | jen01:11
ubottujen: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server01:11
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jenthank u all what is a server environment and how is it different from the alternative01:12
cfhowlettjen, no gui on a server so everything is done from the command line.01:12
BuzzardBuzzits main use is to provide an apache server output to the network01:13
Sazpaimoncap, it's the rtmp server as well, if that's what you mean01:14
BuzzardBuzzor other network functions if wanted01:14
jeni am normally a windows user and this is my first experience with any other o.s. so what ur saying looks like chinease to me. im sorry01:14
cfhowlettjen,  install lubuntu01:14
Sazpaimonbasically, my server is the relay between the streamer and the destination website01:14
jenok lubuntu. can i install this on top of ubuntu\01:15
Sazpaimonmy server handles stuff like the stream overlay and making sure there's a continuous connection to the streaming website01:15
BuzzardBuzzjen: your older version to start from is problematic01:16
jeni understand that. all i have right now01:16
cfhowlettjen, no you are using a completely unsupported and unsecure OS>  download or torrent lubuntu, make a boot usb or CDROM, boot and install01:17
jenok thank u all im out.01:17
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aquilesbuenas noches01:29
Latrodectusi would quote samuel l jackson but then people would get mad... :(01:30
Abehey is this still possible on KDE 14.04? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdHOJiTkcg001:30
Abeand if yes how can I get this too? :D01:30
aquilesbuenas noches01:31
AbeGuten Abend aquiles01:32
bazhangAbe, try in #kubuntu01:32
bazhangaquiles, english here only01:32
Latrodectusaquiles: nsfw http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/5cwl/01:32
bazhangLatrodectus, cut that out01:33
gnome-newbhi @ all. i run gnome 3.16 as WM. problem is they removed the session-manager? how do i set up autostart for applications?01:44
wileeegnome-newb, I noticed in 15.10's 3.16 startup applications was there01:46
wileeegnome-newb, Gnome-shell though, you running the fallback?01:47
gnome-newbdon't think so... i get i can use ~/.config/autostart/xxx.desktop .. will be back01:50
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MinusFouris it ok to set rw flag on the bootloader confg files? I see all entries marked as ro02:12
taseIs there a way to make an alias that filters autocompletes ? i.e  when I hit tab it cycles through certain extensions ?02:21
paq7512how do i get Wine to update using the ppa? I originally installed and have 1.7.50, but I don't get
bazhang#winehq repo paq7512 ?02:33
bazhangdid you check the channel I just suggested paq751202:34
paq7512will do02:34
noobuntuI need a little help02:41
noobuntuanyone here?02:42
ShinyLinoonehmm, noobuntu?02:42
ShinyLinooneOops, sorry02:42
noobuntuyes, I am new to using ubuntu02:42
noobuntuspecifically ubuntu server 14.402:42
ShinyLinooneAlright, what do you need help with?02:43
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noobuntuI can't get files uploaded to my server via FTP02:43
noobuntuI installed vsftpd02:43
ShinyLinooneI see.02:43
noobuntumessed with the config and directory permissions a bit02:43
noobuntubut when I finally gained access and uploaded the files the directory disappeared02:44
Guest22585any reason why when i ./configure && make for warzone2100 3.1.2 after ./autogen.sh and install Qt 5 i still get a configure error qt 5 not found - required!     ?02:44
ShinyLinooneHmm, I dunno about that.02:44
noobuntuso I tried to do it again but when I went mkdir /mydirectory it gave me an error02:44
ShinyLinooneWhat did the error say?02:44
noobuntupermissions denied02:45
notaeonGuest22585: maybe it wants a specific version of qt5?02:45
Guest22585i have latest02:45
ShinyLinooneGah, I'm having permissions error with crap on my copy of Ubuntu too02:45
ShinyLinooneBut I found out my copy is corrupted so I'm reinstalling it on a higher-quality DVD-R02:45
noobuntunow I'm getting 553 critical file transfer error02:47
ShinyLinooneTry this https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=2091702:48
noobuntuI figured it out02:49
ShinyLinooneOh, nice02:49
Guest22585anyone ?02:49
noobuntuare you using the ubuntu desktop client?02:49
noobuntuGuest22585 I'm not sure about hosting that game02:50
noobuntuI have a friend that could help you but he's not avail at the moment02:50
Guest22585i just need to get it compiled02:50
noobunturedditors are helpful, maybe try there?02:50
Guest22585it wont ./configure && make02:50
Guest22585says no qt5 but i just installed02:50
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noobuntumaybe its user permissions?02:51
noobuntuwhen you list your packages does it appear?02:51
Guest22585what is command for that02:51
Guest22585havent used linux in like 8 years02:51
noobuntudpkg --get-selections02:52
capGuest22585: apt-cache search qt502:55
capGuest22585: AS noobuntu suggests dpkg --get-selections |grep qt5 or dpkg --get-selections |grep qt02:58
capGuest22585: apt-cache search qt402:58
capGuest22585: Reinstalling what?02:59
Guest22585QT i had 4 not 502:59
capI C02:59
Guest22585getting annoyed02:59
Guest22585with all of this having to compile and get packages etc...02:59
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Quinnanyone here03:40
inteus!ask | Quinn03:40
ubottuQuinn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:40
aj_Hello all! I was wondering if it is possible to download an ubuntu iso, stick it on a floppy, and install from the net?03:46
Latrodectusaj_:  what kind of floppy?03:46
aj_lol sorry i meant usb drive03:47
wileee!mini | aj_03:47
ubottuaj_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:47
wileeenot uefi however03:47
aj_what if it is the only operating system on my computer?03:48
aj_becue on the linux distro i haave now its uefi and i have to boot the efi directory before installing grub03:48
wileeeaj_, if you are uefi than I believe the mini wont work.03:49
aj_ok what about this03:49
aj_is there anyway to download a drive emulator and mount the ubuntu full.iso and intall it from hard drive?03:49
aj_Download the Ubuntu iso file you want to install, and use EasyBCD. Open EasyBCD and click "Add New Entry" from the left side. Then on the bottom, select "ISO Boot" and then find the ISO file you want to boot from. Then give it a name, click "Add Entry," and then Restart.Feb 10, 201103:50
wileeeaj_, If you have a full iso and a usb, why is that not okay for an install.03:50
aj_my usb is only 1gb03:51
capaj_: Use regular Ubuntu ISO on a USB drive?03:51
aj_is regular ubuntu small?03:51
Latrodectusaj_: not really03:52
capaj_: I think xubuntu is less than 1G03:52
capaj_: I'm looking at the ISO for 14.04 on my computer and it appears to be 899M03:54
aj_what? that's small03:54
wileeelatest 14.0.3 desktop 1.1 gig03:55
cap996M ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso03:55
wileeeubuntu desktop, lubuntu is below a gig03:55
aj_14.04.03 amd6403:56
wileeeyou want .3 for the kernels03:56
capThey keep getting bigger and bigger, oh well...03:56
capwileee: But he can upgrade.. Right?03:57
aj_i'm really new to linux btw03:57
aj_i want to learn more and get into it though03:57
capBut... easiest thing is to get a bigger USB drive.  I have a couple here, come on over, I'll loan you one ;)03:57
capI think the last one I bought was 4G and less than $1003:58
owen1is there a screen recording video that also records the webcam and works with 15.04?03:58
owen1(kazam doesn't come with ppa for 15.04)03:59
cap...stopped at Walgreens and got a 4G for under $1003:59
cap!info cheese | owen104:00
ubottuowen1: cheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.1-2ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 86 kB, installed size 676 kB04:00
owen1cap: thanks! does it also record the screen?04:00
capowen1: There are a couple options. I think cheese is most popular04:01
capowen1: Don't think so, you'll need another app for that like recordmydesktop-gtk04:01
capowen1: Or ssr04:01
owen1might be hard to merge cheese with recordmydesktop ):04:02
capowen1: You can use an app to display the webcam image on the screen, recordmydesktop will get that too.04:03
aj_what's a good program to use to make a bootable usb04:03
owen1cap: when u say 'an app', which app are u referring to?04:04
capowen1: scratch ssr (I think ubuntu has ditched ffmpeg), but if you want to see what I'm talking about, see:  http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/04:04
capguvcview or wxcam04:05
capguvcview - GTK+ base UVC Viewer04:06
capowen1: But I think cheese will also display it on the screen.04:06
owen1i just tried to record a video with cheese. where is the recorded video?04:06
owen1oh. nevermind04:07
owen1found it04:08
capowen1: Here is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FT1vApWW004:08
owen1how do i hide the bottom part of the cheese window?04:09
owen1where it shows me the different buttons and the recorded videos?04:10
logichello all, is there anyone who can possibly help me troubleshoot an upstart service not auto-starting at boot?04:10
owen1cap: ^04:10
capowen1: I dono really..04:10
aj_ok so im a little confused i know i can install ubuntu to my computer from the hard drive from my current linux os04:11
owen1cap: i can work around it by locating it at the bottom.04:11
aj_so if i use cfdisk to partition and i choose DELETE on the partition i am using now and i resize it, doe it format that partition too?04:11
aj_or just the space i cut from the original04:11
capowen1: Or use another app04:12
capaj_: Ubuntu's partition manager will do that for you, (during the install process).04:13
aj_oh nice04:13
aj_good job Ubuntu04:13
capaj_: So just create the bootable Ubuntu USB and go for it.04:14
aj_what's a good program to create one with04:14
owen1cap: yup. Guvcview is cleaner04:14
cap!usb | owen104:16
ubottuowen1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:16
owen1aj_: ^04:16
capsorry, that was for aj_04:16
aj_thank you cap04:17
capaj_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:17
yalejonesanyone here?04:21
inteus!ask | yalejones04:22
ubottuyalejones: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:22
yalejoneswhat is that?04:23
aj_how do i find out what my usb is mounted to?04:24
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aj_got it04:25
zprochey, asking here too because i didn't have any help on #ubuntu-gnome earlier, i had installed JACK and then "cadence" from the kxstudio repositories and candence messed up something, the audio devices disappeared from gnome settings/outputs, alsamixer still work tho, i uninstalled JACK and cadence, i tried re installing some packages like pulseaudio but no luck, any idea?04:27
lotuspsychjezproc: you added ppa's?04:28
zprocit wasn't a ppa i think, but .debs to add a lot of repos, i don't i could purge them04:28
lotuspsychjezproc: those .debs belonged to right ubuntu version?04:29
zproclotuspsychje: http://kxstudio.linuxaudio.org/Repositories04:29
lotuspsychjelemme see04:29
zprocbut someone i know told me something similar happened to him when he tried the same software04:29
zproche forgot to warn me :/04:29
lotuspsychjezproc: think you better run recoverymode/fix broken packages04:30
zproclotuspsychje: how's that?04:31
lotuspsychje!recovery | zproc04:31
ubottuzproc: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode04:31
lotuspsychjezproc: in the recoverymode you can choose 'fix broken packages'04:31
zprocwhere do i find that?04:31
zproci mean in the recovery mode04:32
lotuspsychjezproc: enter grub by holding shift at bot04:32
zprocthe fix broken packages is available from grub?04:32
lotuspsychjezproc: from grub you can choose recoverymode===>fix broken packages from there04:33
zprocok thanks!04:33
lotuspsychjezproc: system will try to reset things(if possible)04:33
zproci'll try that and eventually come back :)04:33
zprocbbl rebooting04:34
lotuspsychjezproc: ok good luck!04:34
* wileee waits for the majic04:34
cloaked1so I'm running Kubuntu 15.04 (upgraded from 14.10) which totally borked my Linux installation. Finally decided to try and fix it. Did a full fresh install of 15.04 but then KDE just dies after about 2 mins of being up. xsession-errors.log shows "Battery No file queue: suspended or on battery"04:36
lotuspsychjecloaked1: for a more stable experience you can always choose LTS04:37
cloaked1Looking through lsof and grep'ing for xsession-error shows something that I missed before. kde4 and kde5 are both running apparently. This doesn't seem right.04:37
lotuspsychjecloaked1: or maybe the #kubuntu guys might know this?04:38
cloaked1yeah, I just popped in there. Didn't know that existed.04:38
lotuspsychje!lts | cloaked104:38
ubottucloaked1: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)04:38
cloaked1I'll ask in there.04:38
lotuspsychjecloaked1: if you cant get answer come back an re-ask here mate04:39
cloaked1thank you!04:39
lotuspsychjeno sweat :p04:39
logicI have a couple upstart jobs set (minecraft servers :P) that used to start on boot, however after trying to login I've noticed they don't any longer. I can start them with 'start mc-serv' and 'start mc-serv2' just fine, but they don't survive a reboot. Is there a way I can determine why they aren't starting any longer?04:40
logicUbuntu Server 14.04.2, btw. I have both set to 'start on runlevel [2345]' in their respective /etc/init/*.conf files04:40
lotuspsychjelogic: maybe the #minecraft guys would know?04:41
logicI'll check, I was assuming it was more related to upstart, since there is no issue with the server's operation once started manually.04:41
Latrodectuslogic: it sounds like a security thing04:41
BuzzardBuzzit sounds like the scripts work fine but are not being called anymore04:41
lotuspsychjelogic: yeah could be mate04:41
logicexactly BuzzardBuzz04:41
pandarocI am totally new to ubuntu, can somebody help me out with a few things04:42
BuzzardBuzzhave you thought about starting them from rc.local04:42
logicany idea where to check why? from googling ive seen 15 is supposed to move to systemd?04:42
lotuspsychjepandaroc: ask away in this channel04:42
logici have not BuzzardBuzz, is there much involved with switching to that method? or is it something that would simply be able to ensure the job is being started?04:43
logici'm not familiar with it, and am still barely above intermediate-novice in the linux realm04:43
BuzzardBuzzwell, it would be easy to try that method04:43
pandaroci just installed ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, it seems that I have to install the wifi card driver, but i don't have an ethernet connection to my laptop04:43
lotuspsychjepandaroc: wich wifi chipset?04:44
BuzzardBuzzjust edit the rc.local file to call one of them and reboot and see if it does what you exspect04:44
pandarocBroadcom BCM4314204:44
lotuspsychje!broadcom | pandaroc04:46
ubottupandaroc: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:46
lotuspsychjepandaroc: check your ubuntu iso, there's a broadcom driver there in some folder04:46
logicso then in rc.local i would simply add the 'start mc-serv' command that starts the server?04:46
logicor does it have to call a shell script?04:46
BuzzardBuzzlogic: might be able to do it with a cron job too04:46
GlamdringI'm having trouble interpreting the output of ifconfig. I'm trying to forward my ports so I can host multiplayer games on a specific application. What is the default gateway on this output04:47
logicill try both. i do still wonder why they stopped running on boot, though.04:47
BuzzardBuzzwell there must have been something change with the system, like an update or something is my guess04:48
pandarocbut 43142 isn't there on http://www.broadcom.com/support/?gid=104:49
BuzzardBuzzlogic: what method are you seeing the test reult with that shows the issue04:50
pandarocdo you think any other 64-bit one would do04:50
lotuspsychje!bc43 | pandaroc04:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:50
logici am currently only using an upstart .conf file in /etc/init and it has previously always worked. i just edited /etc/rc.local to include 'start mc-serv' and both services launch appropriately.04:51
logicBuzzardBuzz, i havent set it up to use anyother autostart method, and doing that works. i was at first worried that there would be some issue with upstart04:52
BuzzardBuzzlogic: cool, glad you seem to have a solution at hand, but it is puzzling why it broke04:53
logicvery puzzling, indeed. i havent noticed anything else mess up, the only other service i run is a basic mumble server, and that i believe was all auto-configured, my minecraft servers i set up manually04:54
phelixWhy if i download a file today would it show date modified as of 8 days ago?04:54
BuzzardBuzzlogic: there is a system wide configureation change that would break it that has something to do with systemd04:55
BuzzardBuzzlogic: perhaps that configureation change was done to the server04:56
logicBuzzardBuzz, do you mean config change to ubuntu or to upstart specifically? i haven't run any updates on this server in quite some time, as i don't have it set up for internet access. it simply serves local minecraft and samba servers (mumble was a test, its never used)04:57
BuzzardBuzzlogic: the configuraton change would be to ubuntu using an elevated privlige command04:58
BuzzardBuzzlogic: inet.d runlevels would no longer be in effect for services05:00
logicBuzzardBuzz, so you're saying it would have had to have been a manual change, or something with a system update/upgrade?05:00
alexbucurestihi guys05:00
BuzzardBuzzlogic: i think that is likely so05:00
logicBuzzardBuzz, i see05:01
logichowdy alexbucuresti05:01
alexbucurestii want install ubuntu05:01
alexbucurestiwhat is the best or 14.04 or 15.04?05:02
logicBuzzardBuzz, very strange indeed. i cant recall making any changes, but alas it is working now with rc.local and i appreciate you pointing me to it05:02
Koyaanisalexbucuresti 1505:02
alexbucurestithank s Koyaanis05:02
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BuzzardBuzzlogic: hope your gaming goes well :)05:02
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KoyaanisAnd god replied with a netsplit05:03
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pandarocokay, following !bc43 help, i downloaded bcmwl-kernel-source on USB, moved it to my laptop, but i am still stuck05:03
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GlamdringI really need to know my default gateway. How do I figure that out? All the guides I can find online tell me how to set one, but not how to discern one.05:08
GlamdringWhich is probably because my Google Fu is awful, but hey, so be it.05:08
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GlamdringI think I found it. (I've backed up my file.) Silly me, I found it in a wrong answer for another question.05:10
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owen1gtk-recordmydesktop is completly unusable - on-the-fly encoding outputs a video that is twice as fast as normal speed. i think this is the relevant bug report - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/recordmydesktop/+bug/570133  any workarounds?05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570133 in recordmydesktop (Ubuntu) "Video playback timing is wrong when recording with --on-the-fly-encoding switch" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:12
lotuspsychje!info kazam | owen105:13
ubottuowen1: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 733 kB, installed size 2052 kB05:13
GlamdringBugger. At a loss again. Is port forwarding always a lot of work in Linux?05:15
pandaroccan anybody run me through this bc43142 driver installing thing :/05:16
owen1lotuspsychje: thanks!05:16
owen1lotuspsychje: any idea how to stop the recording in kazam? i 'pkill kazam' ):05:19
lotuspsychjeowen1: press stop on the kazam icon right upper corner05:19
owen1lotuspsychje: i use i3. i don't have any icons.05:20
lotuspsychjeowen1: ah, sorry not sure then try the #i3 channel05:20
owen1lotuspsychje: thanks.05:20
danimalpandaroc, see my message i sent u?05:21
pandarocdanimal, i think i am too new to linux & terminal to even understand what is going on :/05:22
danimalah ok05:22
danimalits easy to use gedit05:23
danimalfrom terminal05:23
danimalyou will need to be root though to edit conf files05:24
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owen1lotuspsychje: kazam outputs 2GB for 10 seconds video. and the audio is not synced!05:26
lotuspsychjeowen1: works pretty nice for me05:26
owen1lotuspsychje: i am trying Webm instead of AVI as kazam's output05:28
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wahtowikпривет народ05:28
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owen1Webm fails me as well.05:33
owen1mp4 is also not perfect. it didn't record the entire video.05:33
owen1i'll try to lower the framerate to 1005:34
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owen1didn't work. it's still broken.05:38
owen1maybe it's because of me killing the process?05:38
owen1works on mp4, and i found the icon! now it actualy saves it in the correct format.05:46
owen1lotuspsychje: thanks!05:46
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lotuspsychje!yay | owen105:55
ubottuowen1: Glad you made it! :-)05:55
rt0606does anybody experience static sounds on ubuntu 12.0406:02
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ubottuGlad you made it! :-)06:08
pagioshi all06:12
pagiosi would like to connect remotely to a computer having GUI, and launch a software (gui) to run on the remote machine 's screen and not mine how can i do that?06:12
owen1lotuspsychje: what's video editor do u use?06:16
owen1i know of openshot06:17
owen1but remember it crashed a lot06:17
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lotuspsychjeowen1: i dont use video editor sorry06:28
lotuspsychje!ot | Guest9009606:28
ubottuGuest90096: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:28
owen1lotuspsychje: np06:29
maldridgeI'd like to modify an ubuntu install USB to include a different bootloader, what is the best way of doing this?06:37
baizonmaldridge: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization06:38
wileeemaldridge, why?06:38
baizonmaldridge: or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization06:38
maldridgewileee: I need 32-bit EFI, and the default installer only ships with support for x86_6406:39
maldridgebaizon: those all assume that you already have a functional ubuntu system, I'd rather not spin up a VM for this; is there a way to simply un-write protect the partition on the usb disk and drop in my compiled grub?06:40
ANubHello guys06:44
ANubCan someone tell me which control panel is most used / suitable for LAMP06:44
ANubFree ones only06:44
mattslI have a problem with my system. I am using a TV as my monitor, and it has a bit of backlight still on even when the output from the computer is plain black.06:48
mattslSo, I want to turn off the TV at night.06:48
mattslHowever, when I turn it back on in the morning, there is no video.06:48
mattslI turned off all power saving options in my settings, and if I leave it on, then it will stay on for hours and hours.06:49
maldridgehm, so is my only option for customizing the disk really to spin up an ubuntu VM?06:50
zodsballsnew ubuntu user here.  Should I create a non-administrator account for normal desktop use, web browsing, or is the administrator user safe?07:03
zodsballs(the first account that ubuntu creates upon install)07:03
maldridgezodsballs: in general, you can stay logged in as a sudo-capable user, but you should exersize caution typing your password when the system asks for it (i.e. know what its being used for)07:04
zodsballsThanks maldridge.07:05
zodsballsIs that all that makes it an "administrator," that it's listed in /etc/sudoers?07:05
maldridgepretty much07:06
zodsballsOK thanks for your help!07:06
maldridgeno problem07:06
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
rebuongiorno vorrei sapere quale sia la verzione piu aggiornata di ubuntu grazie07:13
auronandace!it | re07:14
ubotture: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:14
todSchmidt1986Hello! Go in counter strike 1.607:16
AbeIs there an xbox360 controller emulator for linux?07:46
SamYaple_Abe: yea the wired controller works, i havent checked if the wireless works in about a year or so08:09
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Lopehowcome on ubuntu when I type iptables-save I get nothing?08:18
Lopethe binary is located at /sbin/iptables-save08:18
Ben64what do you expect to happen08:19
SamYapleLope: you probably arent running it with privleges08:20
SamYaplesudo iptables-save08:20
LopeI'm running it as root.08:20
LopeWell on a debian box when I run iptables-save it dumps all the current iptables rules into stdout?08:20
Ben64yep that happens on ubuntu too, pastebin the full command and output08:21
Lopethere is absolutely no output at all?08:22
LopeI've just noticed on another ubuntu 14.04 machine that I use (where iptables definitely works), I have the same problem. iptables-save shows nothing.08:23
Lopeok my bad, sorry the 2nd ubuntu 14.04 machine DOES return output when running iptables-save.08:24
Lopehowever on this new 14.04 VM I've setup. I am root, and iptables-save shows nothing.08:25
SamYapleLope: do you have iptables loaded as a module?08:25
SamYaplelsmod |grep ip_tables08:25
SamYapleits going to return empty if its not loaded or you dont have privleges08:25
Lopeip_tables module is running08:27
SamYaplesounds like its just empty.08:28
SamYapleif you run `iptables -F`08:28
Lopehowever if I run `iptables -L -n -v` I can see the input, output and forward chains (empty)08:28
SamYaplethen iptables-save again do you have content08:28
LopeSamYaple: you're right, thanks!08:29
SamYapleso you should run a few more commands to initialize it correctly08:29
SamYaplejust google something along the lines of iptables reset08:29
SamYaplerun those commands08:29
AbeNo 360 controller "emulator"08:32
Abeand I want it to run with wine08:33
AbeI mean compatible with a game on wine08:33
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LTS14N00bHi All, I'm using 14.04LTS and since installing the 64 bit version I am no longer able to have more than one desktop, I have done a search on the net and can only find how to create or add to the desktop.08:51
Ben64LTS14N00b: what do you mean by desktop08:52
LTS14N00bThe screen that you see after you log into Ubuntu, with your icons, menu, etc on it. I was able to switch to a new desktop by the desktop switcher or by [Crtl][ALT] and an arrow key depending on which desktop i wanted to switch to08:54
LTS14N00bBen64: Workspace is another term that I have seen used, although when I hover my cursor over the switcher, it show "Desktop"09:08
LTS14N00bBen64: and I do have the "Enable Workspaces" checkbox ticked in System Settings > Appearance > Behaviour09:12
Pr0ph3tHi all, when I boot with systemd the pc freezes after login with lightdm. If I boot with upstart it all goes fine. I tried to switch to console but it doesn't work. Do you guys have any suggestions? I'm running with a nvidia card, 355 drivers09:14
Ben64LTS14N00b: does ctrl+alt+<left, right, up, down> do anything09:18
LTS14N00bBen64: No09:18
Ben64LTS14N00b: i'm guessing you're using unity?09:18
ablest1980i am too09:19
LTS14N00bBen64: The help files all show that I am, but I do have the Cairo dock installed, the only thing I haven't tried is to not login using the cairo dock.09:21
inteus!hi | davidjni09:26
inteusdavidjni: have a support question?09:27
davidjniany one wanna chat09:33
bindiwhatcha wearing?09:33
MonkeyDustdavidjni  this is the technical support channel, type /j #ubuntu-offtopic for nice social chat09:34
NazralHow do I upgrade a version of ubuntu which reached its end of life support ?09:37
Nazral(namely 13.04)09:37
MonkeyDust!eol | Nazral09:38
ubottuNazral: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:38
Nazralthanks :)09:38
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NazralMonkeyDust: well, it doesn't work :(09:56
Galatasarayhow to hide wifi hotspot09:56
Nazralimpossible to get the saucy repo09:56
MonkeyDustNazral  true, saucy is eol too... fastest, easiest and cleanest would be to backup and fresh install09:59
Nazraldon't have a way to do that :(09:59
NazralI don't have externals hdd09:59
MonkeyDustNazral  there's this ... http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/10:00
NazralI add manually the repo of saucy to my source.dist and I upgrade that way ?10:00
MonkeyDustNazral  do you have a separate /home partition?10:01
Nazrallet me check I don't remember (as you can guess, old computer that I don't access much)10:01
NazralI got one encrypted /10:01
Nazralthat's all10:01
MonkeyDustNazral  do you have free space left, enough to backup your personal files, letters, pictures, music...10:02
NazralI'm supposed to have 2 hd on this computer, but ubuntu only detects one10:03
MonkeyDustNazral  ok, that's something... pastebin the outcome of   lsblk10:04
MonkeyDust(means list block device or so)10:05
NazralI might have some raid set up10:06
NazralI'll check10:06
MonkeyDustlooks like encrypted LVM to me10:06
Nazralin the bios I mean10:07
MonkeyDustNazral  that's above my head, I don't want to give bad advice... stay in the channel, until someone enters who can help10:08
Nazralwell, I checked, my bios only detects one hard drive :D10:08
NazralMonkeyDust: ok there is hope, it was just not properly plugged !10:12
NazralMonkeyDust: so do you recommand to backup & freshinstall ?10:13
MonkeyDustNazral  yes10:13
MonkeyDustNazral  and create a separate /home partition during next install10:14
NazralI will10:15
Nazraltanks :)10:15
rkhunterWhat's the shortcut for editing last file? Like $! or !$10:20
b3h3m0th_what's the package I need for cgid library ?10:20
b3h3m0th_./nanana: error while loading shared libraries: libcgid.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:21
sennnfedora can use dpkg install .deb apps and can ubuntu install .rpm files?10:21
Mionsennn: you can, but they might not work at all, also it is a *really* bad idea and makes about no sense at all10:22
Mionsennn: also it might screw up your whole system10:22
sennnwhy not use dnf in ubuntu?10:23
Mionb3h3m0th_: dpkg can search for which package own a file10:23
OerHeks!info ccid10:23
ubottuPackage ccid does not exist in vivid10:23
b3h3m0th_!info cgid10:23
ubottuPackage cgid does not exist in vivid10:24
Mionb3h3m0th_: or apt-file10:24
sennni just install opera.deb on fedora use dpkg and works great!!!10:24
sennnbut .rpm on ubuntu not work at all10:24
rkhunterit's !$10:24
Mionapt-file find libcgid.so10:24
OerHeksb3h3m0th_, what are you building?10:26
b3h3m0th_I'm reversing a cgi binary10:27
sennnMion, why this is an bad idea?10:28
OerHekssennn, you would not put toyota parts in a mercedes ?10:28
Mionsennn: file conflicts, dep handeling etc etc10:28
OerHeksdon't mix architectures10:28
Mionsennn: different versions of libs10:28
sennnbut, when i use dpkg in fedora  to install opera .deb it works good!10:29
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b3h3m0th_we give up hours of sleep to get an app built for fedora to work in ubuntu, and they build a malware to take down the shield of a spaceship10:29
OerHekssennn, ask why? in #fedore, this has nothing to do with ubuntu support.10:29
b3h3m0th_and get it working in the first run10:30
b3h3m0th_and I wait for like forever to apt-file update to complete10:30
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OerHeksb3h3m0th_, no such libcgid found on any linux10:33
b3h3m0th_you sure ?10:33
b3h3m0th_It's something to do with CGI10:34
b3h3m0th_This is the binary which depends on libcgid.so https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/6gGP7YxO/nanana10:35
b3h3m0th_From what I analyzed, libcgid.so is the object supposed to contains symbols like CGI_INIT10:38
OerHeksb3h3m0th_, howis this related to ubuntu support ?10:38
b3h3m0th_I'm using ubuntu, and cgi lib is definitely distro specific10:39
b3h3m0th_Could this be a custom made library ?10:43
b3h3m0th_call   0x400790 <CGI_GET_PASS@plt>10:43
b3h3m0th_I never saw CGI_GET_PASS anywhere else ? familiar ?10:44
OerHeksb3h3m0th_, looks so, it has nothing to do with ubuntu AFAIK10:45
atralheaven_Hello, I need someone to test an openvpn account (with .ovpn file) for me, I want to know why it doesn't work, if someone outside of my country can connect to it,  my problem is probably  because of government firewalling, otherwise the problem can be something else. Thank you.10:48
ShiroNekoHallo, kurze frage zu den locales. gibt es eine möglichkeit, trotz locale DE programme wie z.b. transmission-remote auf englisch umzustellen?11:01
inteus!de | ShiroNeko11:12
frontserveri need help with my xubuntu dual boot11:13
inteusfrontserver: ask your question, if somebody can help, they'll reply.11:14
frontserverokay @ inteus11:17
frontserveri need help guys11:17
OerHeks!ask | frontserver11:18
OerHeksjust ask your real question, wait and see11:18
Drunkwizardfrontserver: Follow OerHeks advice.11:18
frontservercan someone help me ??? i need help a dualboot11:20
OerHeksfrontserver, no, as you give no info what your issue is.11:20
inteusfrontserver: what is the issue you're having with dualboot?11:21
frontserverhow to manually configure grub dual installation for windows 10 and xbuntu11:23
cfhowlett!grub2 | frontserver11:24
cfhowletthuh.  well it seems the irc factoids are ... sleeping11:25
MonkeyDustGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.…estoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.…nity/Grub211:26
frontserver@ inteus window i turn the computer i don't get the option to choose as to which OS i want to boot into11:27
frontserverit just keep on booting into windows with the option\11:28
OerHeksfrontserver, hold shift @ boot, to enter grum menu11:28
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akishi all . windows 10 probably swipe ubuntu option from grub menu. i read a lot of documentation and i tried for hours using a live usb to fix it but still i didn't manage to restore my dual boot option. any help plz?12:02
MonkeyDustakis  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub12:03
akisi tried already boot-repair graphical mode but a got an error message about GTP if i remeber right12:05
vitaliy_Всем Привет12:05
cfhowlett!RU | vitaliy_12:05
cfhowlettvitaliy_, greetings.   sorry, but English only here.  for Russian language: #ubuntu-ru12:06
DalekSecvitaliy_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:07
pksadiqubottu: ping12:07
DalekSecpksadiq: Nappin'12:07
MonkeyDustakis  i guess you mean GPT ... old post: http://linuxbsdos.com/2014/02/05/gpt-disk-partitioning-guide-for-ubuntu-13-10-on-a-pc-with-uefi-firmware/12:12
akisMonkeyDust: thank you for links provided. i tried many advises like here http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd but still ubuntu's option is not present in boot12:16
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vitaliy_Русские есть?12:21
Guest31vitaliy_ на #lor зайди12:21
CABShola a todos desde Argentina :)12:21
Guest31так /join #lor12:21
bazhang#ubuntu-ru vitaliy_12:21
MonkeyDustvitaliy_  type /j #ubuntu-ru12:21
Caplainbefore i reboot my aws shell which i don't have console access to i figured i would ask if http://paste.ubuntu.com/12841955/12:26
Caplain is valid12:26
KORraNhello guys,  I have problem with laggy mouse cursor. It reminds me situation when CPU is 100% in Windows but it's not the case. I thought that it may be a problem with gfx driver so I installed v 355 of the nvidia driver (GTX 770 here) from graphics-drivers PPA, it didn't help. Interestingly, 720p videos on YT work perfect. Mouse is a Logitech corded mouse, so it's not a problem with their wireless peripherals. Any help?12:31
scorpioshello this is a test12:32
auronandace!test | scorpios12:32
cfhowlettirc bots seem to be sleeping scorpios12:32
Caplain!test | Caplain12:33
MonkeyDustubottu  is asleep12:33
doktorszikeHi All, only one thing keeps me away from making Ubuntu my primary OS. I have a scanner, a HP Scanjet 300 and I just can't find a way to make it work under Ubuntu. I figured it out that it's not officially supported by HP, but is there anything I can do? Does anyone has some information regarding this matter?12:33
Caplainscorpios, next time the bots are sleeping just curse a lot or declare your favourite text editor to be the best... :P12:34
=== cowbacon____ is now known as cowbacon
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
bazhangHP Scanjet 300  put that in th e linuxprinting.org database search doktorszike12:35
bazhangdoktorszike, if it says 'paperweight' thats not so good, alternately it may suggest drivers12:36
doktorszikeI'll try that in a moment.12:36
msev-kater je že tist ukaz da v terminalu vidš kašne ukaze poganja gui program12:37
msev-k prtiskaš gumbe12:37
msev-ps ajf al neki tazga12:37
msev-ps axf12:38
MonkeyDustmsev-  is that Polish?12:38
msev-ooops sorry wrong channel12:38
msev-Slovenian :D12:38
msev-lol i wanted to write into the ubuntu-si channel hehe12:38
doktorszikebazhang There are no scanners in that database, only printers. So I couldn't find mine. Is there anything else I could do?12:42
geirhadoktorszike: If it's a paperweight, there's still a complicated route you can go; install Windows in a virtualbox, give the VM full access to the usb device, install supported windows drivers, set up a shared folder in virtualbox for the scanned documents.12:43
bazhang doktorszike for the scanner the xsane/sane packages from the package manager12:43
doktorszikegeirha: I thought of this, but I found it a little complicated to use every time I want to scan. Now I just need to push a button.12:45
silverwolfcan anyone tell me how to configure "laptop-mode-tools" so that usb connected doesn't stop working12:45
doktorszikebazhang: I tried that. No success unfortunately. It's not working.12:45
=== Lucas_ is now known as Guest96757
falconhey buddy12:48
silverwolfplease help me out12:48
falconhow could i possibly help you?12:49
falconstop comming to chat? lol12:49
silverwolfI just asked a question12:49
cfhowlettsilverwolf, Ms. Cleo has retired.  if you want help, you have to actually ... STATE THE PROBLEM.12:49
cfhowlettah! you did.12:49
cfhowlettsorry, missed it.  please be patient.12:49
doktorszikegeirha, bazhang: But I guess, that's all I can do to make it work under Ubuntu. Can I do something to improve this situation? Or that's it. HP didn't release a linux driver, so I got stuck with a Windows only scanner.12:49
falconso when do you think tha angels win the pennent12:50
cfhowlettfalcon, stay on topic please; ubuntu spport12:50
bazhangfalcon, not topical here12:50
falconi need help securing my network12:50
falconit is full of bugs12:50
silverwolfHow to configure "laptop-mode-tools" so that my usb devices doesn't stop working whenever I start using my battery12:50
bazhangwhat os is it running falcon12:51
silverwolfI am running on 15.0412:51
bazhangfalcon, what exact version is it running12:51
falconleme look12:51
bazhangwhat bugs is it so full of falcon give us the exact bug numbers for the bugs you have filed12:52
falconeh i dont know where to look for that12:52
falconit think its 1412:52
falconsince al12:52
bazhanglsb_release -a12:52
falcondid you pay for that wolf lol12:53
cfhowlettfalcon, we did ask you to stay on topic.  since you refuse to >>> /ignore12:54
falconya its is about the program12:54
falconcalm down12:54
bazhangfalcon, I have yet to see the info I asked for12:54
falconi dont know how to get it12:54
falconcan you tell me12:54
bazhanglsb_release -a12:54
bazhangthats twice now falcon12:54
silverwolfguys please help me out12:55
falconi am using 14 i think12:55
bazhangpatience please silverwolf12:55
silverwolfHow to configure "laptop-mode-tools" so that my usb devices doesn't stop working whenever I start using my battery12:55
cfhowlettsilverwolf, patience = asking at 15 minute intervals ... not 5 minutes12:55
bazhangwe need the exact output falcon12:55
bazhangtype what I gave you in the terminal falcon12:56
bazhang---> lsb_release -a  <----- falcon13:00
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falconcant do it this os is perfect if you are trying to waste  my time :D13:04
bazhangfalcon, we need some basic info to help, thats the most very basic imaginable13:04
falconi couldnt find the program terminal13:05
bazhangctrl alt T13:05
falconohh ya13:05
bazhang--->  lsb_release -a  <---- falcon13:06
falconit says it cant find a version13:07
falconleme try again13:07
falconya 14.0413:08
bazhangand what are the exact bug numbers for the bugs you filed falcon13:08
bazhangfalcon, you stated that ubuntu server is so full of bugs13:08
bazhangfalcon '14' is not a filed bug number13:09
falconno thats how many bugs i have13:09
bazhangfalcon, give us the exact bug number of the bugs you filed13:09
bazhangso give us the exact bug numbers13:09
silverwolfHow to configure "laptop-mode-tools" so that my usb devices doesn't stop working whenever I start using my battery13:15
thron77When I use VPN (Ubuntu 15.04, openvpn/tun) all my listening services/ports seems to be blocked. With VPN (l2tp/ppp) on Windows10 I can still received incoming traffic on local ethernet device, and "bypass" VPN outgoing by adding a route to local gateway. This doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu, as if some traffic still goes through the tun0 device. What exactly is the difference in the setups used?13:15
mikulHey, i have a problem.. I have been trying to open ports in my router but it doesn't seam to be working.. the only ports that work is 80, 8080 and 22... first i thought it was the router, but now i believe that it might be on my computer.. but i cant figure out what is blocking the ports.. i'v tried to turn off ufw, and allowing the ports in ufw, but it doesent help.. i still get connection refused.. i also tried adding accept rule in13:19
mikuliptables... but i still cant get it to work..,. if i do this for example nc -zv 22 80 8080 1337 55555 21 1024 5900 27960 1055  i get connection refused on all ports except 80, 8080 and 22... witch lead me to believe its not the router but rather my computer somehow.. but as i said, i cant figure out why... does anyone have any idea?13:19
vitimitiI am using Ubuntu 14.04 with an LVM encrypted installation, and the swap partition isn't mounting, which I highly need in this notebook. Can somebody help me fix this issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12842499/13:21
bekillinmikul have you already examined the existing iptables rules?13:21
Muhari91I assume that lubuntu is safe from spying? Correct me ,If im wrong.13:22
baizonMuhari91: yes, that is true13:22
cfhowlettMuhari91, not OS is 100% safe.  open source means such activity is quite likely to be detected sooner.13:23
baizon... much sooner13:23
MonkeyDustsilverwolf  i found this ... gksu lmt-config-gui ... http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/install-laptop-mode-tools-164-with.html13:23
silverwolf@MonkeyDust , Let's see what I can find.13:25
mikulbekillin, I am not that experienced in using iptables so im not really sure how it should be looking, but i can give you a list... just give me a min13:26
silverwolf@MonkeyDust , Which settings am I supposed to change?13:26
thron77Is VPN on Ubuntu(15.04) supposed to block ports on local ethernet device IP when active? (tun0) If so, what do I change to avoid that.13:27
mikulbekillin, http://pastebin.com/tJZ3ahAK13:27
mikulbekillin, from what i can see it doesn't look like anything should be wrong, but i don't have any experience in using iptables, so could be wrong13:30
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silverwolfhow to configure "laptop-mode-tools" so that my connected devices doesn't disconnect when I turn on my battery13:40
PromilleAny quick way to find dead url's in pdf's?13:40
mikulbekillin, can you see anything strange? http://pastebin.com/tJZ3ahAK13:40
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silverwolf HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.19.0-30-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "vivid" 15.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 964MHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.7GiB, 88.0% free ** Disk: Total: 140.0GiB, 89.0% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe13:43
silverwolfGigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 1h 3m 24s **13:43
MonkeyDustsilverwolf  next time, use a pastebin and explain what you want to show13:44
mikulis there anyone else that know any reasons for why all ports i try to connect to seams to be closed even if i allow them in iptables and in ufw or turn off ufw... i get connection refused on all ports except 22 80 and 8080...13:44
silverwolfsorry I just print that mistakenly13:44
k_jwill ubuntu 16.10 be released soon?13:45
rfc5340anyone from san jose? need info about the VTA bus line13:45
k1lk_j: on 22nd13:45
mikulhttp://pastebin.com/tJZ3ahAK list of ip tables rules13:45
k_jk1l, will it lts?13:45
k_jk1l, will it be lts?13:45
MonkeyDustrfc5340  wrong channel, this is ubuntu support13:45
k1lrfc5340: better ask in the offtopic channel13:45
rfc5340ok ill go offtopic13:45
k1lk_j: no. lts is every second year: 12.04, 14.04, 16.0413:45
mohsen_hi all13:50
RosieyHow do i throw away the icons on my xfce desktop ?14:03
k_jRosiey, you want a desktop with no icons?14:05
RosieyFound it do not bother thanks kj14:05
NekHello !14:10
AlexPortableHow do I unpause my printer?14:13
SellinIt05Does anyone actually talk ?14:13
NekI got a problem. Impossible to install mysql-server. Any idea about the problem ? :/14:13
MonkeyDustSellinIt05  not until someone asks a question14:13
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EriC^^Nek: what's the error?14:13
NekE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:14
EriC^^Nek: that's all?14:15
EriC^^try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.6_5.6.25-0ubuntu0.15.04.1_amd64.deb14:15
k1l!paste  | Nek put all of it there14:15
NekEriC^^, and that's all :/14:15
EriC^^Nek: try sudo apt-get -f install14:15
EriC^^before the dpkg14:15
NekEriC^^, -f is same result14:16
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EriC^^Nek: what result? please paste14:16
EriC^^in paste.ubuntu.com14:16
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k1lNek: see Aborting downgrade from (at least) 10.0 to 5.6.   and following lines14:17
k1ldid you mix ubuntu versions and 3rd party versions?14:17
Nekk1l, i installed mariadb first. (It didn't work after successful installed)14:18
NekAnd... mariadb is probably 10.0.14:18
NekBut it's removed, completely removed.14:18
EriC^^Nek: type apt-cache policy mysql-server14:19
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NekBtw I have ubuntu 15.04 (if you wonder)14:19
NekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12843221/14:20
EriC^^Nek: try dpkg -l | grep "mysql\|mariadb"14:22
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NekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12843282/14:24
EriC^^Nek: type sudo apt-get purge mariadb*14:25
NekEriC^^, the * doesn't work :-°14:26
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EriC^^Nek:  what does it say?14:26
NekThat I'm on zsh, and sometimes zsh suck :p14:27
NekIt worked great on bash.14:27
EriC^^ok, it worked on bash?14:27
EriC^^right now i mean?14:27
MonkeyDustNek  also try   sudo aptitude purge ~c    <-- that's a tilde14:27
NekEriC^^, you're a genious :p14:28
NekIt worked !14:28
NekI installed mysql-server with success !!!14:28
EriC^^ok, great14:28
NekThank you so much :)14:28
EriC^^no problem :)14:29
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Guest51781could you help me14:31
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erebus^is intellij idea available through the apt-get repo?14:35
MonkeyDust!find intelli14:36
ubottuFile intelli found in linux-headers-3.19.0-16-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-16-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-20-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-20-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-21-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-21-lowlatency, linux-headers-3.19.0-22-generic, linux-headers-3.19.0-22-lowlatency14:36
Nekerebus^, olol14:36
erebus^huh, that's a no then14:37
MonkeyDusterebus^  what's intellij?14:38
addyXanybody from germany here?14:39
MonkeyDustaddyX  #ubuntu-de14:39
addyXthx MonkeyDust14:39
erebus^MonkeyDust: java ide14:40
MonkeyDusterebus^  ubottu is out of order right now, but she can tell you what IDE's are available14:41
BluesKajshe ?14:42
pyro_serpentHello I am having a trouble, when I search on unity my laptop crashes and hangs, using 14.04 LTS14:43
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  ubottu is always right and provides food (cookies), therefore ubottu most be a she14:46
BluesKajMonkeyDust, ok  :-)14:47
EriC^^there's actually a factoid where ubottu says she's a girl, can't recall it though14:47
pyro_serpentHello I am having a trouble, when I search on unity my laptop crashes and hangs, using 14.04 LTS14:47
yaxxinoHi there14:48
BluesKajodd tho , when an unavailble factoid is called ubottu replys that it's not intelligent14:48
yaxxinoamp joining from irssi ! first time trying it14:48
EriC^^maybe it's that time of the month14:48
BluesKajpyro_serpent, have you updated and upgraded lately14:50
a_hey chanserv, can u respond, where r u14:50
* Waxx test14:50
a_hey pyro serpent, can u talk to me14:50
BluesKaja_, speak English not textspeak14:50
yaxxinoEriC^^: can you see my message ? am testing irssi14:51
a_okay i am speaking english,14:51
EriC^^yaxxino: yeah :)14:51
a_ can you see my message ? am testing irssi, YES I CAN SEE UR MESSAGE14:51
Waxxcan you see my message ? i'm testing too14:52
a_HOW TO...????14:52
MonkeyDusta_  caps14:52
Waxxi don't think u can14:52
demonlovea_ tell ur doubt14:52
EriC^^Waxx: yes14:53
mjayka_ just ask your question someone will answer it if they can14:53
demonloveanybody who find wil solve it14:53
MonkeyDusta_  no caps14:53
demonlovea_ speak ur doubt, person who find it easier will solve14:54
pyro_serpentHello I am having a trouble, when I search on unity my laptop crashes and hangs, using 14.04 LTS14:54
demonlovepyro_serpent: have u googled14:54
MonkeyDustdemonlove  don't tell people to google, when they ask for help14:54
pyro_serpentdemonlove, yes, reinstalled resetted unity didnt work14:55
demonloveits the way of learning14:55
Waxxmaybe a problem with your laptop14:55
demonlovepyro_serpent: get a fresh unity14:55
demonlovemeans download14:55
pyro_serpentany idea whats wrong?14:55
a_demonlove who are u??14:57
BluesKaja_, u is not English, please stop14:58
a_oh u r from india, me too14:58
MonkeyDusta_  this is the support channel, do you have a question?14:58
MonkeyDusta_  speak proper english, not u r, but 'you are'14:59
a_monkeydust i do, in chat how do i send u a message without mentioning your name14:59
demonlove_a do u have problem  ,, koi problem ho tabhi bol warna te block kr denge tujko14:59
MonkeyDusta_  you don't, ask your question i the channel, so everyone can see and answer15:00
BluesKajwish someone would fix the bot15:00
a_demonlove from which city r u, i am from hyderabad15:01
MonkeyDusta_  this is the support channel, type /j #ubuntu-offtopic for nice social chat15:01
demonlovea_ seems to be new guy..15:03
a_hey dude HERE IS MY PROBLEM, i don't have backlight files, how do i generate it, i have leagacy bios running, so BACKLIGHT NO FILES EXIST???15:03
a_ya i am knew... just today15:04
mjayka_ please avoid the caps lock it makes me think you are shouting ;p15:04
a_hey demonlove how do i mention ur name that's clickable like u typed a_ , and this symbol i see i can click so how r u typing my name like that, and also can u answer my backlight question that i asked15:07
MonkeyDusta_  confine yourself to ubuntu support questions, or go to another channel15:08
a_hey mokey dust are u there , can u answer my backlight problem, atleast tell me if u had the problem when u installed it15:10
demonlovea_ m using hexchat client service where one have to click only on name and it  got copied which later can be pasted on msg dialogue box15:10
demonloveyou dont need to write anbody's name15:11
a_then how do i paste your name15:11
demonlovectrl v15:11
demonlovetu student hai ya professional?15:12
a_student man15:12
a_what year, i am 24 years old15:13
MonkeyDustdemonlove  that goes for you too, social chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:14
a_24 yrs old15:14
a_hey i know how to paste, but how do i paste ur name so that one can click like u did15:15
a_hey demonlove can solve my backlight problem, no backlight files r there15:16
a_tell me the command15:16
demonlovea_ i  have not faced backlight problem till now,  m  waiting it to be answered so  that i  can learn something for today15:17
a_do u have backlight files can u send them to me..15:18
demonlovea_ just click  on name when it got selected(it will be done by just single click) then press ctrl +v on msg box15:18
a_<demonlove> this is what i got by copying using shortcut and pasting15:19
demonlovefine this was what u  wanted15:20
a_<demonlove> i got this not demonlove_ why15:20
demonlovewhich client u r using?15:20
a_xchat ubuntu servers,15:21
=== Waxx is now known as Waxxx
a_freenode also, is the answer right15:21
demonloveget hexchat15:21
demonlovea_ google it u  will  find it easily15:22
a_hey i also created vpn and put adress as but it alsways doesnt work i also tried with
a_can u solve my vpn problem15:23
demonlovethere are many client for irc many of us uses hexchat15:23
demonlovevpn for what?15:23
a_due do u know what is vpn15:23
daftykinsa_: calm down and stop spamming the channel.15:24
demonlovevirtual private network15:24
a_have u been using it15:24
a_great so i works for u right??15:24
demonloveonly if i  put right address15:25
daftykinsyou have to have a provider to connect to, to operate a VPN - it's not simply something you choose to use .15:25
a_can u show me, i mean i put everything and created a connection but it doesnt work for me it  says VPN CONNECTION FAILED15:25
daftykinsa_: who provides your VPN service?15:26
a_the default ubuntu pptp from microsoft15:26
demonlovea_ r u  using it for getting  for running blocked url runnig on ur clg serever15:26
daftykinsa_: you don't get a free VPN from Microsoft.15:27
a_what. i didnt get u. i said i want to USE IT TO SERF ANONYMOUSLY, can u show me how?15:27
daftykinsyou still have not answered who is providing your VPN, so i'm afraid it's becoming apparent that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.15:28
demonlovedaftykins: actually in clg many social networking sites are blocked and he want to surf it thats why he needed15:29
a_<daftykins> have u used a vpn, can u show me how to use it on installed ubuntu15:29
daftykinsdemonlove: "clg" is not something i recognise, also... i did not ask why, i asked what provider is to be used.15:30
demonlovea_ its in setting option15:30
daftykinsa_: you need to pay for a service from a provider before you have a VPN service to connect to.15:30
demonlovenetwork setting15:30
salt_I am thinking about switching to linux, but I don't know because I want to be able to play games15:30
demonlovethere u got create vpn option15:31
a_dude i did man!!! it fails everytime!! and for others as well!! they ask this question on askubuntu sites look there or i will give u the link15:31
daftykinsa_: i am going to ignore you now, as you are quite clearly a troll. until you state WHAT PROVIDER you have, this conversation is over.15:31
auronandacea_: would you like to answer daftykins question then? who is your VPN service provider15:32
Andassaransalt_: steam is available on linux, just up to the game studio if they want to do a linux port. a lot of Triple-A titles are getting ports now though15:32
MonkeyDusti'm already ignoring a_15:32
daftykinssalt_: stay on Windows if you want to play all PC games without issue.15:32
demonloveha ha15:33
a_<demonlove> tumhe samaj me aa raha hai kya, vpn se anonymous mail bhej sakte hai aur anonymous mail bana sakte hai15:33
salt_Andassaran: can you say examples?15:34
daftykinsa_ + demonlove i suggest you take your comments on society elsewhere, this is not the place for discussion15:34
demonlovea_ annonymouse.com is a website which can also solve your problem15:34
Andassaransalt_: http://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=&sort_by=_ASC&os=linux&page=115:35
a_see links http://askubuntu.com/questions/294120/how-to-debug-and-fix-pptp-vpn-client-connection , http://askubuntu.com/questions/16105/how-can-i-troubleshoot-vpn-connection-failed15:35
ipoxfrednot all changes done to "menu editor" are resembled on the menu itself, whats wrong?15:36
a_also see my terminal output a@a-HP-Pro-3330-MT:~$  tail -f /var/log/syslog15:36
a_Oct 18 20:58:24 a-HP-Pro-3330-MT pppd[2588]: Connection terminated.15:36
a_Oct 18 20:58:24 a-HP-Pro-3330-MT NetworkManager[976]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices removed (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp0, iface: ppp0)15:36
a_Oct 18 20:58:24 a-HP-Pro-3330-MT NetworkManager[976]: <warn> VPN plugin failed: 115:36
a_Oct 18 20:58:24 a-HP-Pro-3330-MT pppd[2588]: Exit.15:36
a_Oct 18 20:58:24 a-HP-Pro-3330-MT NetworkManager[976]: message repeated 2 times: [ <warn> VPN plugin failed: 1]15:36
salt_Andreas33: ok that looks pretty neat15:36
salt_maybe I am going to get gnome ubuntu then15:36
daftykinsa_: do not paste here, you still have no idea what you are talking about - nobody can help you. i am ignoring you now.15:36
salt_do i have to be a lot into computers?15:36
ipoxfredi have several extra icons I got rid of (the program itself), but the icon, unusable with no path is still there15:36
daftykinssalt_: yes you will have a lot to learn and understand to use Linux with games15:37
a_<daftykins> please tell me which OS do u use?15:37
Andassaranubuntu is one of the easier linuxes to get into, but you'll have to learn a few things.15:37
MonkeyDustsalt_  learn ubuntu linux like you learned windows: by using it15:39
a_can u login gamil through the proxy server u mentioned15:40
salt_daftykins: ok and just normal using? like installing openoffice and web browsing15:40
SchrodingersScat!info libreoffice | salt_15:40
ubottusalt_: libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.4.2-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 26 kB, installed size 168 kB15:40
auronandace!manual | salt_15:40
daftykinssalt_: installation beside windows will be your biggest hurdle :) though you can play with it without installing, by booting from a flash drive if you have one15:40
MonkeyDustsalt_  http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:41
auronandaceMonkeyDust: thanks, ubottu appears to be flakey today15:41
a_<daftykins> do u use linux? please answer my question, i am being polite.15:41
BIG_Tsalt_, Yeah, do you use linux?15:42
auronandacea_: daftykins has set you to ignore, so any messages from you are filtered out of his irc client, he can't see you15:42
salt_but browsing web I can do like everything I need to?15:42
demonlovea_ he uses thats why he is here15:42
salt_BIG_T: not yet! I will be soon I hope15:42
salt_just not sure if I can watch videos on linux yet, a lot of people say you have to do like a lot of configuration for everything15:42
demonlovesalt_ just download it and run and then enjoy15:43
auronandacesalt_: web browsing is no different, if you depend heavily on flash or java then you may need a little help15:43
mjayksalt_: that was like 10 years ago linux is no more difficult than windows to do basic things on now you should be fine15:43
demonlovegradually u  will learn everything15:43
BluesKajsalt_, not true15:43
demonloveeven more easier then window15:44
mjaykthats not true15:44
BIG_TI am not cool with that15:44
mjaykits different some things easier some thing harder but thats personal15:44
BIG_TIt's pretty complicated15:44
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BIG_Tyou have to know all the commands15:45
salt_BIG_T: it is?15:45
salt_yeah exactly that is what I am afraid of15:45
BIG_TNo, i mean, you should learn how to deal with the terminal15:45
auronandacesalt_: try it in a vm first to get used to it safely15:45
salt_BIG_T: before or after I install it?15:45
salt_auronandace: but they cost a lot15:45
MonkeyDustpicked this up in this channel : "you won't get a system that behaves the same way as a windows system.."15:45
MonkeyDustlinux has its own advantages and disadvantages..15:45
MonkeyDustyou just learn to live with a different set of annoying things =)15:45
auronandacesalt_: no, virtualbox is free15:45
daftykinsMonkeyDust: +1 - all OSs have issues, you just settle on the one you mind cleaning up after the least.15:46
jonshnowhi. anyome here who migrated from HDD to ssd. I wanna know what tools to you used15:47
salt_auronandace: like for free to download or for free to use?15:47
auronandacesalt_: both15:47
BIG_Tjonshnow,  JohnSnow was already taken? ;)15:47
a_ok but he was talking about buying a vpn connection? did he? i mean it s free on ubuntu.. right?15:47
salt_and always a big question about open source software: free like in freedom or free like in free chips15:47
demonlovesalt_ if u  got any problem with particular cmd then just go on terminal and type man cmd(man  has always solution to every problem on linux)15:48
demonlovea_ its not by open source communinty15:48
demonlovebut u  can have on vpnbook.com15:49
amontalentidoes anyone know the best way to have a script run upon swsusp resume in Ubuntu 14.04?15:49
BluesKajdemonlove, manpages are written by users who think that leaving out example commands helps users learn linux, my contention is the opposite is true15:49
LeverquinI need help. i changed additionsal driver from xorg x to fglrx updates to install catalyist and now i want to back to regular open souce but when i click on it just won't REinstall it15:49
Leverquinhow to do that?15:49
a_<demonlove> i am shocked. but everybody r not paying for it. right? it's free to install and use??15:49
a_<demonlove> i have pptp vpn on ubuntu15:50
a_which os do u use15:50
Leverquinubuntu 14.0415:50
demonlovea_ its not about installation its about configuring15:50
Leverquinhow to configuring i just clicked that radio buton on using x.org x server but my resolution is not right.15:51
a_so its free to configure?15:51
zemenhello people15:51
demonlovea_ ya15:51
texnicerHi there.15:51
a_so its free to use?15:51
zemeni have a lenovo g50-70 and my wifi always disconnects automatically15:51
demonlovea_ yes15:51
zemeni have searched on the net and tried a solution but didnt work15:52
demonlovea_ i  use it in my clg too15:52
Leverquinso how to fix it?15:52
a_which do u use?15:52
SazpaimonCan someone suggest a remote desktop application that supports multiple users and works well with video playing on the remote system? I've found that something like VNC slows down the entire desktop to a crawl when there's video playing15:52
texnicerI want to mount a win10 harddrive/uefi?!  ... but dmesg says "partition unknown" ... any dice? scsi drive /dev/sdc15:52
daftykinsvideo is not what remote desktop software is designed for15:52
texnicerSazpaimon: screen?15:52
daftykinstexnicer: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" ?15:53
zemenany ideas? please15:53
daftykinstexnicer: note that to mount windows 10 you'd need to have shut it down with "shutdown -s -t 1"15:53
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
daftykinszemen: what is the wireless card chipset?15:53
zemeni found that and did it but didnt work https://askubuntu.com/questions/530262/computer-automatically-disconnects-from-wifi-i-have-to-restart-to-get-back-onli15:54
zemendaftykins: realtek15:54
Sazpaimontexnicer, how is screen a remote desktop application?15:54
zemendaftykins: but i dont know exactly the model15:54
daftykinszemen: so look it up? and ubuntu version?15:54
zemendaftykins: 14.0415:54
a_demonlove 1.what is clg 2.which vpn do u use 3.do u have legacy bios on pc or uefi or actual bios15:55
a_3.i mean 'pure' bios15:55
texnicerdaftykins: on it. stand by15:55
zemendaftykins: dmesg didnt work15:56
daftykinszemen: "lspci" in the terminal to check.15:56
a_<demonlove> are u there15:56
daftykinszemen: well you'd need some experience to identify a card from dmesg output.15:56
texnicerdaftykins: it's an internal harddrive unplugged and connected to running ubuntu via usb bridge15:56
a_has <demonlove> blocked me15:56
a_is <demonlove> avoiding me???15:56
texnicerhdd is found by dmesg but not partition table ... I look for outputs15:56
daftykinstexnicer: so like a driver enclosure?15:57
zemendaftykins: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter15:57
daftykinszemen: alright so look that model up for issues with 14.0415:57
demonlovea_ its college. i uses vpnbook.vom15:57
demonlovea_ its college. i uses vpnbook.com actual bios15:58
a_which os15:58
auronandacedemonlove: gnome is a dsktop environment15:59
demonloveya i know its flavour type15:59
a_in college which year are u in? i15:59
demonlovem trying to give  next question answer too16:00
ShibeHas anybody here have any experience switching from linux mint to ubuntu?16:02
a_<demonlove> do u know how to install vpnbook on my linux desktop16:02
daftykinsShibe: i don't see how it can be that big of a deal...16:03
auronandaceShibe: what do you mean by switching? if you want to install ubuntu then what is stopping you?16:03
BluesKajShibe, depends on your circumstances , your partitioning16:03
Shibedaftykins: can there be any incompatibillities?16:03
Shibewith config files and stuf16:03
ShibeBluesKaj: /home is on a different partition16:03
demonlovea_: again u dont need to install u  need to configure by going it in setting16:03
daftykinsShibe: sure, but your backups will take care of that16:03
Shibeokay I guess16:04
badbodhShibe, mint uses newer versions in some packages compared to stock ubuntu 14.04. better to start fresh.16:04
auronandaceShibe: if you are thinking of converting a mint install into ubuntu then please save yourself the hassle, backup what you need and just fresh install ubuntu16:04
a_<demonlove> gnome is not an OS ubuntu is. gnome is a desktop environment.16:04
Shibebadbodh: I want to switch to 15.0416:04
Shibeauronandace: I have /home on a seperate partition16:04
a_<demonlove>whats ur age16:04
Shibenot trying to convert it16:04
auronandaceShibe: sorry, just needed to make sure16:05
zemendaftykins: i found its a known bug and i have to install the kernel 3.13.0-25.47 from ppa. does that means an ubuntu re install?16:05
demonlovea_ i know gnome is just flavour like unity,kbuntu,xbuntu16:05
BluesKajShibe, then install ubuntu to  / and just set the mountpoint for /home in the ubiquity/partitioner phase and you're ready to go16:05
ShibeBluesKaj: okay/16:05
a_ok then which OS16:05
zemendaftykins: or just the kernel and i wont lose any data16:05
daftykinszemen: are you saying you've found suggestions to use -25 and nothing newer? 3.13 is already at -6516:05
BluesKajShibe, make sure you choose manual partitioning16:05
Shibemint and ubuntu have the same installer right?16:06
daftykinstexnicer: still waiting to see "sudo parted -l"16:06
badbodhyes. ubiquity16:06
a_<demonlove>u didnt answer how old r u and which year in college16:06
texnicerdaftykins: enclosure? I do not get that part.16:06
Shibebadbodh: actually I'm ditching mint because of outdated software16:06
bazhangthats off topic here a_16:06
Shibepython 2.7.6 is broken with https, gnome-shell has issues, etc16:06
demonlovea_ final16:06
zemendaftykins: yes i didnt found a newer post sience '14 and no updates on that one too16:06
ioriazemen Realtek RTL8723BE ?16:07
a_ok and which OS again?16:07
badbodhShibe, you can;t use gnome-shell on mint, just like you can;t handle cinnamon in ubuntu trusty. only the DE configs won;t go well, other application configs should work fine16:07
demonloveubuntu 14.0416:07
zemenioria: yes.16:07
daftykinstexnicer: doesn't matter just run the command and share its' output via paste.ubuntu.com16:07
ioriazemen seems a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145484316:07
badbodhyour media players, text editors, photo managers etc will pick up old configs16:08
texnicerdaftykins: it's German. Basically:  error: /dev/sdc: unknown partition table16:08
Shibebadbodh: wait does cinnamon work with 15.04 or no?16:08
mjaykbadbodh: you can use gnomeshell on mint :s and you can use cinnamon in ubuntu16:08
ioriazemen as last resort try https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new16:08
daftykinstexnicer: so either it's not being read properly how you've connected it, or it's from a damaged disk16:08
daftykinstexnicer: how about "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc | pastebinit" ?16:08
badbodhmjayk, yes but needs lot of nasty work. average user will find it inconvenient. breaks a few things.16:09
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a_<demonlove> HEY!!!16:09
EriC^^a_: cause you switch to another window and it so you know where you left off before coming back, you impatient dude :P16:09
BluesKajShibe, I meant choose manual partitioning within ubiquity when the partitioning options appear16:09
zemenioria: i am kind of new on ubuntu and i dont know how to install all that.. i dont know the commands needed on terminal16:09
mjaykbadbodh: really :s never encounted any difficulties16:09
zemenioria: should i go to a more newbie chanel?16:09
zemenioria: or am i right here16:10
texnicerdaftykins: thats all about that disc, other lines are about other discs16:10
badbodhmjayk, maybe you are lucky or a lier :P but let's focus on getting Shibe set up his fresh install now16:10
texnicerdaftykins: Ill add the dmesg16:10
Shibebadbodh: i just have one last question16:10
mjaykbadbodh: indeed and not giving out incorrect information16:10
Shibedoes cinnamon work fine with 15.04?16:10
badbodh!ops ^16:11
mjaykcan someone ban a_16:11
daftykinstexnicer: run the commands as i say them so they get pastebin'd, then link me so i can see for _myself_16:11
ioriazemen you make a new dir , cd into it, then git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new, cd into that dir, make, make install, make unistall to remove it .... in the README file you'll find the info16:11
zemenioria: okay i will try that but where to make the new dir on the first place16:12
VillageHello Guys, i faced with problem, when i try open stream video at VLC i got error at ubuntu vlc.. it's: [0x7fcbf000e548] [Media: d6bdc8edc8fcc563b1770195e6113626d004f277] ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found16:12
Villagemaybe who knows whats can be wrong?16:12
badbodhShibe, it should. i haven't tried it. cinnamon follows mint's dependencies so may break. just be careful what you are installing/removing during cinnamon install./16:13
popeyVillage: what stream?16:13
Villagepopey, i try run acestrem via aceproxy..16:13
badbodhubuntu has netinstall iso, can install a clean cinnamon setup from scratch and prevent breakages. but too much work.16:13
texnicerdaftykins: he wants me to intall heirloom-mailx?16:13
daftykinstexnicer: smartmontools has some odd dependencies, but it's fine16:14
badbodhbetter to start with ubuntu-gnome and keep an eye out for changes.16:14
Villagepopey, it's works fine, but now after ~2 months i try it run again and error:/16:14
ioriazemen in your home directory, mkdir newdir (but i  said ... "as last resort", so try other solutions first.)16:14
demonlovei am runnig my ubuntu on dual boot , can i incresed the amonut of disk partion fr linux anyway?16:14
demonlovecutting from window side16:14
auronandacedemonlove: use a livecd/usb and resize the partitions16:15
ioriazemen in Comment#1, you have all the commands ..... https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83641#c116:15
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 83641 in network-wireless "RTL8723BE realtek wifi chipset Frequent Disconnection" [High,New]16:15
badbodhlivecd has gparted. always keep one handy for resizing partitions.16:16
EriC^^demonlove: yeah16:16
demonloveauronandace: can u pls explain it16:16
auronandacedemonlove: ever made a livecd/usb before?16:16
demonlovei guess livecd is hardware16:16
EriC^^demonlove: shrink the windows partition from windows, and then use it as a separate /home or if you want use gparted to resize your current linux partition16:16
demonlovehow to make it?16:17
zemenioria: thats the latest solution so i will give it a try16:17
auronandacedemonlove: do you want to use a cd or a usb?16:17
demonloveEriC^^: its already partioned i  just want to increase linux side volume by cutting widow side16:18
ioriazemen ok , good luck16:18
demonloveauronandace: usb16:18
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auronandacedemonlove: will you be doing this from ubuntu or windows (making the live usb)?16:18
ioriazemen you need build-essential and the headers16:19
demonloveauronandace: i  want to increase volume for ubuntu16:19
texnicerdaftykins: sorry it takes me so long16:19
EriC^^demonlove: yeah use windows to shrink it, it's better at shrinking ntfs16:19
demonlovesince i  got addicted to it16:19
daftykinstexnicer: slow connection?16:19
EriC^^demonlove: then boot into windows a couple times after shrinking, then use the live usb to fix linux as you want16:19
auronandacedemonlove: i understand that, i was asking if you want to make the usb from ubuntu or windows so you can boot into it and change the partitions16:19
badbodhdemonlove, be careful when cutting C drive with livecd. i've had bad mojos with it before. other windows/ntfs partitions can be cut safely.16:20
demonloveEriC^^: i guess shrinking leads to formation of another partition16:20
zemenioria: how do i do that?16:20
EriC^^demonlove: shrinking just makes some unallocated space available, so you can use it with linux16:20
zemenioria: is that advanced session? i have no idea what build essential and headers are16:20
texnicerdaftykins: multiple problems but slow connection is one ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/12845518/16:21
ioriazemen sudo apt-get install build-essential  (it's the C compiler with some utilities)16:21
Shibeis cinnamon in the ubuntu 15.04 repos?16:21
auronandaceShibe: yes16:21
Shibeauronandace: what package name?16:21
texnicerdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12845537/ << dmesg | tail16:22
frendahey there16:22
texnicerfrenda: yeh (that's hey back)16:23
auronandaceShibe: it appears to just be called cinnamon16:23
zemenioria: should i do that before doing anything else?16:23
daftykinstexnicer: yep and any luck with "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc | pastebinit" ?16:23
badbodhShibe, http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/allpackages?format=txt.gz16:23
texnicerShibe: #apt-cache search cinnamon?16:23
ioriazemen yes and check /usr/src if the headers are present16:24
badbodhpress ctrl-F in your browser, search 'cinnamon' and take a look16:24
zemenioria: i mean skip comment#1,#2,#3 and do sudo apt-get instal16:24
Shibetexnicer: im not on 15.04 right now so apt-cache wont tell me the package name16:24
zemenioria: i mean skip comment#1,#2,#3 and do sudo apt-get instal essensials16:24
zemenioria: okay thnks16:24
zemenioria: okay thnks alot man!!!16:24
badbodhShibe, check the link i paste16:24
Shibeok ty badbodh16:24
ioria!info build-essential16:24
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 37 kB16:24
Shibeso basically I'd install cinnamon-desktop-environment for full cinnamon16:25
ioriazemen yes, you see the bot msg ?16:25
Shibewill be installing ubuntu 15.04 soon then I guess16:25
auronandaceShibe: that appears to be correct, yes16:25
badbodhShibe, yes. that's the metapackage. then you can run texnicer's command in terminal to check if you missed any cinnamon package(s)16:26
badbodhafter install16:26
frendatexnicer: :)16:26
frendaI've bought a Dell laptop (5458GL) that have a pre-installed Ubuntu! This is its partitioning structure on the HDD: http://uploadkon.ir/fl/dd/7781216:26
zemenioria: headers are presented16:26
zemenioria: whats the bot msg?16:26
ioria!info build-essential | zemen    ... this16:27
frenda http://uploadkon.ir/fl/dd/77812 --> What are those FAT partitions?!16:27
ubottuzemen ... this: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 37 kB16:27
texnicerdaftykins: I am on it16:27
texnicer3.000 B/s16:27
frendaI've bought a Dell laptop (5458GL) that have a pre-installed Ubuntu! This is its partitioning structure on the HDD: http://uploadkon.ir/fl/dd/77812 -->  What are those FAT partitions?!16:28
zemenioria: should i press on terminal !info build-essential | zemen ? sorry for asking so many questions but i dont want to mess anything i have to be exact16:29
msev-when I setup a bluetooth dongle in blueman..and i choose "serial" connection, what does blueman write in the terminal to achieve such a connection (bt gps)16:29
msev-so blueman-setup-and i choose serial...And I'm interested how would i do the same in terminal16:29
ioriazemen on your terminal          sudo apt-get install build-essential16:29
EriC^^frenda: first is the efi partition, the second might be a diagnostics thing, the third i have no idea16:30
frendaWhat combined keys are equivalent for Home and End keys on keyboard? My 14" laptop does not have Home and End keys!16:30
texnicerdaftykins: Read SMART Thresholds failed: scsi error medium or hardware error (serious)16:30
zemenioria: i did that already16:30
ioriazemen ok... so now you can compile .... uname -r ?16:31
texnicerdaftykins: I try another USB-port16:31
noclac73question is there a system monitor in xterm ?16:32
Leverquinevo stavio sam catalyist sljaka fino16:32
Leverquinwrong chat16:32
frendahttp://uploadkon.ir/fl/dd/77813 --> Do you recommend to keep the pre-installed Ubuntu? I don't like to have /home under root partition.16:32
frendaIt's installed by Dell16:32
zemenioria: yes. what comes up is--> 3.16.0-50-generic16:32
ioriazemen ok ... if not working , this is the command to remove it     make uninstall16:33
frendaEriC^^: If I try for new installation, should I create efi and diagnostics partitions? I have not any experience with a EFI device!16:33
ioriazemen life easier  with a usb adapter :þ16:34
EriC^^frenda: if you just want to create a separate /home, you can just shrink the root partition and copy the files there and modify /etc/fstab16:34
EriC^^frenda: no need to fresh install16:34
zemenioria: you meanif the wifi still wont work i have to press make uninstall no matter on witch dir i am and try some other solution16:34
ioriazemen no, on that directory16:35
zemenioria: yes but realtek is a very known cipcard im amazed there is such a big problem16:35
zemenioria: oh ok16:35
ioriazemen i use a usb adapter, is so i can plug in other pcs16:36
daftykinstexnicer: ok i'll be back shortly.16:36
frendaEriC^^: huh, shrinking?16:37
zemenioria: so we are done? should i try the connection now and see if works?16:37
zemenioria: no matter what thanks a lot dude!!16:38
ioriazemen you're welcome16:38
EriC^^frenda: yeah16:38
QuatrokingHi, me again16:38
EriC^^frenda: resizing it16:39
frendaEriC^^: good idea, I found some tutorials, thanks16:39
texnicerdaftykins: PM ok?16:40
EriC^^frenda: np16:40
QuatrokingAnyone got suggestions for torrent clients with a webui that supports labels? I tried deluge for the past two days but its performance is horrible to the point where it sometimes connects to 100+ seeds yet doesn't download anything16:40
DJonesciccio: This channel doesn't have a listbot, you should check out amazon/netflix etc16:40
QuatrokingI'd use qbittorrent but their webui doesn't support labels16:40
texnicerdaftykins: is pm ok?16:41
daftykinstexnicer: once you have the correct paste, sure16:41
texnicerI got output after several attempts16:41
MonkeyDustQuatroking  you don't like any of the clients we suggested... i guess you better install wine and use the windows client you're used to16:41
Quatrokingwhich other clients did you guys suggest again?16:42
MonkeyDustQuatroking  rtoreent, rutorrent16:42
Quatrokingright, haven't tried out rutorrent yet16:42
QuatrokingI'll go ahead and install that one right now16:42
PanVHi, I put at my pc a cd for my sis, got into her account, I saw a white screen for a while then it got me in, without background and other stuff.. I restarted PC, it got me into a black Screen saying my steam/skype notifications bottom right, as usual. Got in CTRL alt f1, but it asked me for a user and. apass that I didnt know. so I restarted, and I am on grub rescue for error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. For me, reinstalling is NOT an option.16:43
Voyage how to run "modifyvm" command on Linux ubuntu? I know its easy to do that on windows where you type:  VBoxManage.exe modifyvm  <comand>  in side the vbox installation directory16:43
PanV*cd for my sister16:43
PanVit was an audio cd16:43
akikVoyage: linux has VBoxManage too16:43
EriC^^PanV: to recap, you put a cd in your pc, now it wont boot grub anymore?16:44
PanVI put a cd, sister couldnt find her file, so I switched users16:44
PanVblack background appeared, after some secs a white on16:44
EriC^^PanV: ok16:45
PanVAnd.. it was weird, so I restarted16:45
MonkeyDustVoyage  ubuntu has the VBoxManage command too, check its man pages16:45
EriC^^PanV: ok, type search --file /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod16:45
EriC^^in grub16:45
PanVunknown command 'search'16:46
EriC^^ok, type ls -l16:46
PanVinvalid file name -}16:46
EriC^^type ls16:46
EriC^^what's it say?16:47
EriC^^PanV: how did you reboot?16:47
PanV(hd0) (hd0,msdos6) (hd0,msdos5) then it says the same 2 times with msdos2 and 116:47
PanVI pressed the button at my PC, since I didnt have. a choice16:48
EriC^^PanV: ok, type ls (hd0,msdos1)/16:48
PanVunknown file system. Is / supposed to be here, eric?16:48
EriC^^PanV: you can use ctrl+alt+del sometimes to get it to boot from ctrl+alt+f1, there's also16:48
EriC^^!reisub | PanV16:48
PanVI dont know how to use ctrl alt f116:48
EriC^^PanV: pressing alt+printscreen and pressing r e i s u b after each other giving each some seconds to run16:49
EriC^^PanV: yeah, try ls (hd0,msdos5)/16:49
PanVHuge output16:49
PanVShould I say it?16:49
EriC^^does it say /boot /etc /root etc?16:49
PanVI see bin/ boot/ dev/ home/ ...16:50
EriC^^PanV: type ls (hd0,msdos5)/boot/16:51
PanVunknown filesystem?16:52
PanVIt says unknown filesystem 0.016:53
EriC^^do you have a separate /boot?16:53
PanVBy that you mean?16:53
EriC^^try ls (hd0,msdos6)/16:53
PanVi got a broken windows here16:53
PanVat a partition16:53
Villagei faced with problem, when i try open stream video at VLC i got error at ubuntu vlc.. it's: [0x7fcbf000e548] [Media: d6bdc8edc8fcc563b1770195e6113626d004f277] ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found . Maybe someone have ideas?16:54
PanVI retried ls, it still says msdos6/5/2/116:54
EriC^^PanV: try set prefix='(hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub'16:55
PanVdone, no output16:56
EriC^^type insmod normal16:56
PanVstill cant find normal.mod16:57
EriC^^try configfile $prefix/grub.cfg16:57
PanVerm.. configfile command not founf16:58
EriC^^boot a live usb16:58
PanVthis is gonna be a long way16:58
NathanielHillOkay, having trouble getting scripts in /etc/pm/sleep.d to run16:59
NathanielHillI've added a line echo "Something... "" >> /home/nhill/suspend.log16:59
NathanielHillon suspend and it's not writing to the file16:59
NathanielHillyes, it's owned by root and executable16:59
PanVeric, cant find a usb to be used17:02
QuatrokingEvery 30 minutes I get a mail giving me the following: "DISK CRITICAL - /media/esquire/Files is not accessible: Permission Denied"17:02
Quatrokingthe harddrive is in fine condition though and I can access it just fine by myself17:02
PanVand grub rescue does not seem to respond to any ubuntu command, like reboot or help17:02
EriC^^PanV: any ubuntu cd or something?17:03
PanVquatroking, perhaps its an ntfs? I may help if it has an ntfs file system17:03
QuatrokingI formatted it as ext417:03
EriC^^i think you need to boot a live session and fsck the root partition or something17:03
PanVEriC, nope. .-/17:03
daftykinsPanV: buy one, flash drives are cheap17:04
PanVdafty, I cant right now -.-17:04
daftykinssure you can17:04
Quatrokingthe drive is shared using samba, would that make much of a difference?17:04
PanVits 8 o clock at night and I dont have a car, it is not that easy17:04
PanVexcept if I rob some places.17:05
daftykinsQuatroking: how have you confirmed its' condition?17:05
Villagepopey, no ideas?17:05
Villageabout it17:05
EriC^^there you go17:05
EriC^^positive can do attitude17:05
PanV*puts on bulgar mask*17:05
daftykinsPanV: tomorrow the shops shall open, i'm sure your issue is not time sensitive17:05
PanVx) Seriously now, isn't there any way to fix this?17:05
Quatrokingdaftykins, SMART and I ran a check with gparted17:05
PanVdafty, it's a bit way too complicated17:05
QuatrokingI don't really suspect the hardware though, especially since the mail comes in every 30 minutes17:06
daftykinsPanV: dunno haven't been paying attention to your query17:06
EriC^^PanV:  i think you need to run fsck, cause ls / gives stuff, ls /boot says unknown filesystem, doesn't sound too good. the hard reboot might have damaged the filesystem or something17:06
gsbQuatroking: check cron for any activity set to run every 30 mins17:06
EriC^^daftykins: he hard reset his pc, then got grub rescue, and in grub rescue ls / gives boot etc root .. ls /boot says unknown filesystem17:06
Quatrokinggsb, how do I do that?17:07
PanVEriC, can I grab all my files and fly away with my magical unicorn, aka. Dropbox?17:07
daftykinsEriC^^: ah sounds like a separate disk or partition that got creamed17:07
gsbQuatroking: crontab -l and sudo crontab -l17:07
PanVthanks for encouraging me x(17:08
EriC^^PanV: either way you need a live usb to boot, unless /boot was msdos2 which we didn't check17:08
gsbQuatroking: i am on raspbian, should work on ubuntu too17:08
Quatrokinggsb, no crontab for esquire and no crontab for root17:08
Quatrokingyeah I'm actually on debian lol17:08
EriC^^PanV: try grub rescue again if you want and type ls (hd0,msdos2)/ and see if it says grub vmlinuz ..17:08
Quatrokingwouldn't be surprised if this was deluge being crappy17:08
gsbQuatroking: does the mail give no other info. e.g. name of owner process17:09
daftykinsQuatroking: sigh. you cannot ask for help in here then.17:09
PanVUnknown filesystem17:09
EriC^^PanV: maybe try ls (hd0,msdos5)/boot again17:10
PanVIf my files are gone, I will do a massacre tomorrow (just joking, FBI)17:10
Quatrokingdaftykins, it's okay, I'm good at pretending17:10
PanVit found something at msdos517:10
daftykinsQuatroking: no, you will get ignored now due to lying.17:10
PanVlet me check /booy17:10
Quatrokinggsb, ugghhhh I just noticed it says icinga at the top17:11
PanVwhat should .../boot say?17:11
Quatrokingnevermind me17:11
QuatrokingI thought I removed that package17:11
Villageguys, when ubuntu vlc says: ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found *** whats can be?17:11
EriC^^PanV: grub vmlinuz initrd ...17:11
gsbQuatroking: icinga??17:11
Villageshlinux, hi17:11
n3ckhi :D17:11
Quatrokingyeah some monitoring program I didn't get installed right17:11
gsbQuatroking: here you go17:11
PanVEric, did not get ya.17:11
EriC^^PanV: /boot should have grub vmlinuz initrd and other fiels17:12
PanVI saw ../grub/17:12
EriC^^just grub?17:12
PanVand many other files17:12
EriC^^ok, cool17:13
PanVI didnt see vmlinuz folder though17:13
PanVOH WAIT17:13
EriC^^PanV: ok, type set prefix='(hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub'17:13
shlinuxthis is my first time to come here17:13
shlinuxwhere are you from17:14
EriC^^shlinux: welcome17:14
bazhangshlinux, did you have an ubuntu support issue17:14
PanVdone, no output17:14
Villagebazhang, i have17:14
EriC^^PanV: ok, try insmod normal17:14
bazhangshlinux, this channel is for that, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat17:14
PanVstill normal mod not found17:15
Villagebazhang, when ubuntu vlc says: ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found *** whats can be?17:15
shlinuxsorry i don't understand17:15
EriC^^PanV: try ls $prefix/i386-pc17:15
PanVShould I do ls at i386 folder to see if its actually there?17:15
EriC^^do you see a bunch of files that end in .mod ?17:15
BuzzardBuzzshlinux: or better yet offer help to poeple needing ubuntu support with their issues17:15
bazhangshlinux, ubuntu support HERE, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT this channel17:16
PanVEric, dunno?17:16
EriC^^PanV: what did it give?17:16
PanVWait, lets recap, what should I do?17:16
EriC^^PanV: ls $prefix/i386-pc17:16
PanVloads of mods17:17
EriC^^PanV: ok, type every one here17:18
EriC^^( j/k )17:18
n123some applications don't like my international keyboard layout. If I type the double quote key and then space in many other applications I get: ". If I type it twice I get ¨. Some applications (such as Sublime or the console in Chrome Developer Tools) give me ¨ when I only type it once.17:18
EriC^^type insmod $prefix/i386-pc/normal.mod17:18
PanVEric, see ya in ten mins- oh wait17:18
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PanVit didnt find normal mod17:19
Guest46046anyone have recommendations for a USB 5.1 surround sound device?17:19
Guest46046non-motherboard audio17:19
daftykinsi would not get anything audio over USB17:19
EriC^^PanV: you have grub rescue> right now right?17:20
bazhang!hcl | Guest4604617:20
Guest46046because of spotty driver support?17:20
Guest46046prefer USB because often less noisy than on-board sound17:20
PanVI know that I am in grub rescue since it says I am in grub rescue17:20
EriC^^PanV: try insmod $prefix/i386-pc/linux.mod17:20
daftykinsa card would be fine17:20
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PanVdid not find it17:21
EriC^^can somebody with grub2 legacy type locate normal.mod ?17:21
EriC^^i think it's also somewhere in /usr/something..17:21
EriC^^PanV: ok, try insmod /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod17:21
EriC^^i think that's it17:21
EriC^^PanV: sorry17:22
EriC^^PanV: ok, try insmod (hd0,msdos5)/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod17:22
PanVit says ../boot.mod' not found17:22
AlexPortableHow can I unpause my printer?17:23
daftykinsAlexPortable: checked the CUPS page? or is that where you're reading?17:23
PanVdidnt find it17:23
in_deep_thoughtis there any kind of document recovery for ubuntu? Like I had a file open and my computer ran out of battery and shut down17:24
daftykinsAlexPortable: restart the cups service perhaps17:24
AlexPortabledaftykins: won't that restart at pc restart?17:24
in_deep_thoughtis there any way for me to recover it? like time machine for os x17:24
daftykinsin_deep_thought: and it was never saved?17:24
daftykinsin_deep_thought: not even TM helps files you never saved, you're out of luck17:24
SchrodingersScatwrite a little, save a lot17:24
LtLEriC^^: i don't know which grub i have but this is output of locate normal.mod - http://paste.ubuntu.com/12846951/17:24
daftykinsin_deep_thought: let this be a lesson, when you commence work - create a save point immediately.17:24
PanVopenoffice has recovery stuff17:24
EriC^^in_deep_thought: if you're very lucky you might have a bla.nano.save or bla~ in the same dir it was in17:25
EriC^^LtL: thanks :)17:25
SchrodingersScatPanV: yeah, possible if it was making a temp file17:25
EriC^^in_deep_thought: try ls -la in the dir you were in17:25
in_deep_thoughtwell I guess on os x time machine wouldn't have helped. but at least running out of battery doesn't close files17:25
PanVSo EriC, can I boot a LiveUSB, take ALL my files then you help me reinstall tomorroe?17:25
EriC^^PanV: yeah, sure17:25
PanVThanks Eric, bye oerherks17:26
AlexPortabledaftykins: won't cups restart at pc restart?17:26
EriC^^PanV: np17:26
daftykinsAlexPortable: sure17:26
AlexPortablethe issue spans across a week already17:26
daftykinsAlexPortable: so delete and re-add the printer if you're desperate.17:26
AlexPortableon multiple systems?17:26
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n123some applications don't like my international keyboard layout. If I type the double quote key and then space in many other applications I get: ". If I type it twice I get ¨. Some applications (such as Sublime or the console in Chrome Developer Tools) give me ¨ when I only type it once.17:28
daftykinsAlexPortable: so now you're saying this printer is in a paused state across all hosts which use it, not just one?17:28
gsbin_deep_thought: if you were using openoffice it might have saved the document17:34
gsbin_deep_thought: it should ask you if you wanna recover the document when next time you start it17:35
netametahow do i list hidden files ?17:37
AlinaMhello guys, i need a live usb distro of ubuntu that will backup and archive the whole windows partition and copy it to external hard drive, what would you recommend?17:37
LtLnetameta: ls -la17:37
n123some applications don't like my international keyboard layout. If I type the double quote key and then space in many other applications I get: ". If I type it twice I get ¨. Some applications (such as Sublime or the console in Chrome Developer Tools) give me ¨ when I only type it once.17:37
gsbAlinaM: use dd from any live cd17:39
AlinaMgsb, will it copy even if the windows machine is all encrypted etc?17:39
Guest79003i think its a typical keyboard dude17:39
gsbAlinaM: it will simply copy it bit by bit17:40
AlinaMgsb, anything that i can do same for iphone?17:40
SchrodingersScatdd cares not for what the data is17:40
Guest79294the walking dead17:41
gsbAlinaM: you can copy any drive with dd. if you are able to see drives of a mounted iphone then you can copy that too but can't say anything about writing it back or if iphone will work after that17:42
AlinaMalright thanks, so dd is my only option? I thought it is not copying everything, but looks like it does17:42
Guest79294 .xchat2/budus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3217:42
* Anastasius snuggles up against IdleOne- 17:42
daftykinsAlinaM: use clonezilla, not dd.17:42
AlexPortabledaftykins: yes, solved it on one system by readding it though17:42
daftykinsAlexPortable: i don't see what you're asking me?17:43
AnastasiusMongoDB is an open-source, scalable, high performance, schema-free, document-oriented and Mongo-approved database written in the C++ programming language.   MongoDB is web scale.17:43
AnastasiusMongo approves. https://i.imgur.com/5Trl8.jpg17:44
ToLollhi to all17:47
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creepwhere's the ubuntu manual, please...17:58
creepbegginner here17:58
MonkeyDustcreep   http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:58
creepthank you!17:58
Coded1hello all,  I have a parallel port and serial port PCI card, lspci -vv is here :  http://pastebin.com/190cJ12h  .   I can use setserial to make a serial port but unsure how to get the parallel port going ... any suggestions?17:58
AlinaMdaftykins, is this clonezilla free for license payment?17:58
OerHeksAlinaM, yes, it is a free mozilla product18:00
MonkeyDustdevmax  hello, this is the ubuntu support channel18:01
AlinaMeven if i use it in US corporation?18:01
daftykinsAlinaM: it can be freely downloaded, in bootable ISO format... or installed within an ubuntu live session.18:01
OerHeksWhy does a Corp have less rights on use of opensource?18:01
daftykinsAlinaM: it is up to you to check the legality of your usage of software, if indeed you do work in a corporation.18:02
AlinaMdaftykins, no its a small company :D but ok thanks for help, i think clonezilla is what i was looking for thanks18:03
daftykinsAlinaM: yeah, best to grab their own bootable image, it's great.18:04
ole_hey, im my /etc/ftpusers, how do i get out of there when ctr + w doesnt work?18:04
AnastasiusWell then.18:05
ole_like how do I insert a command?18:05
MonkeyDustole_  in what editor? vi/vim?18:06
OerHeksAlinaM, in fact: clonezilla is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2, ... but ...  You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. :-D >> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html18:06
MonkeyDustole_  hit i to insert text18:07
Bashing-ommbach: Hello, You have a support question ?18:07
MonkeyDustole_  and :wq to write and quit18:07
frank__does anybody know how to use xchat in  terminal18:07
daftykinsyou don't, it's a GUI app18:08
OerHeksfrank__, nobody, most likely, it is a gui programm18:08
daftykinsuse irssi18:08
ole_if Im hitting "i" then i just write in  front of the words18:08
MonkeyDustit's a gui program, irssi and weechat are terminal clients18:08
AnastasiusI think we should have a brief conversation about the operator actions in this channel, specifically regarding k1l's recent kick of me, and my inability to protest such in #ubuntu-ops. :)18:09
MonkeyDustole_  http://www.unix-manuals.com/refs/vi-ref/vi-ref.htm18:09
ioriaole_ press ESC then :wq to save :q to exit18:09
ole_Thank you so much, monkey! Im trying to set up an ftp server. First time I ever touch ubuntu18:11
daftykinsole_: FTP is a pretty bad choice depending upon the task, by the way.18:11
arleslieole_, I'd recommend nano for a starting linux user, it's a very simple terminal text editor.18:12
mbachBashing-om, actually, I am looking for MPRIS integration on Ubuntu18:12
ole_We're trying to upload css to our website. so we figured out to use ftp in order to upload it18:12
Huck777ole_: http://mrozekma.com/editor-learning-curve.png18:13
daftykinsole_: you just install an FTP client for that, you don't need to edit any configs18:13
arleslieHuck777, heh at emacs18:13
ole_But like, our server is running ubuntu.18:14
daftykinsole_: oh so you're setting up an FTP server on the web server with ubuntu? no that's a bad idea, you should use SCP with SSH18:14
SchrodingersScatole_: ssh access comes with sftp, which many ftp clients should be able to handle, or ^18:15
* daftykins nudges ubottu 18:15
ole_oh great18:15
daftykinsbut you will need appropriate permissions configured within your web server's document root18:15
ole_hold on18:16
Bashing-ommbach: Maybe ? : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man5/rygel.conf.5.html .18:17
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AlinaMdaftykins, ok so if i clone a disk to another with bootloader, can i run it later on qemu or vbox?18:19
daftykinsAlinaM: i wouldn't try that with Windows disk images personally.18:19
ole_so I should just download SFTP client and then I can acces our ftp server with the shh file?18:20
AlinaMwhy not?18:20
ioriaole_ do you have an account on the server ?18:20
daftykinsAlinaM: because. now you originally asked about backup - and that's what it functions as, so if you want to do other things you need to be more clear what you're trying to achieve.18:20
SchrodingersScatole_: could even try with your current ftp software and see if it supports sftp.  But yes, you can try sftp, scp, I know filezilla has sftp support. etc.18:21
AlinaMdaftykins, i want to clone win operating system, so later i could run it from qemu or other virtual environment, not on the same machine18:22
ole_I have like no idea. I only have SSH and google cloud acces.18:22
daftykinsAlinaM: good luck with that18:22
ioriaole_ the server should run openssh-server ... so you can access it with sftp user@server-ip18:23
WrostekAnyone know what port 60545 is used for?18:23
OerHeksAlinaM, likely windows gives a warning that it is illegal due to different hardware, join ##windows for help18:23
ole_Thanks, Ioria!18:24
AlinaMonly that? OerHeks18:24
ioriaole_ np18:24
AlinaMok what about linux?18:24
OerHeksAlinaM, maybe more, try it out yourself.18:25
AlinaMwill the same work for ubuntu? if i clone it with clonezilla and run inside qemu or virtualbox?18:25
AlinaMhmmm ok thanks18:25
Exagone313Hi, I'd like to create my own web panel to launch/stop daemons. But I don't know what language should I use to create an interface to my web panel that will execute the system commands or launch scripts _as root_ (example service y start/stop). What do you think about it? Thanks for your help.18:26
daftykinsAlinaM: just try.18:26
AlinaMHm alright18:28
kavaguyhi newly installed ubuntu 14.04 played video fine, then i went and installed ubuntu-restricted and can't play video of any type( chrome, vlc, Videos)18:31
* ole_ slaps ioria around a bit with a large fishbot18:32
ole_hey, permission is denied when I enter ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine18:32
capWrostek2: http://www.adminsub.net/tcp-udp-port-finder/6054518:32
capole_: What does "ls -l ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine" say?18:34
BluesKajkavaguy,, did you agree to the terms in the dialog when installing the restricted-extras?18:34
capole_: What do you mean when you "enter  ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine"18:35
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kavaguydidn't get a dialog that i can remember18:35
kavaguyit locked up and i had to reboot18:35
kavaguyand then reinstall ubuntu restricted18:35
BluesKajkavaguy, open a terminal and install ubuntu-restricted-extras again18:36
kavaguysudo apt-get?18:36
kavaguyok ty will try that18:36
ole_i give up bro. Windows it is then ;(18:36
BluesKajthis time keep an eye out for the agreemant dialog18:37
BluesKajagreement even18:37
capole_: Give up on what?18:37
kavaguyok ty18:37
ole_the whole ubuntu server18:38
Villagei faced with problem, when i try open stream video at VLC i got error at ubuntu vlc.. it's: [0x7fcbf000e548] [Media: d6bdc8edc8fcc563b1770195e6113626d004f277] ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found . Maybe someone have ideas?18:39
capole_: What is wrong with it?  (What are you trying to do?)18:39
ole_trying to create a website, haha18:40
capole_: Did you do "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" ?18:40
capole_: "trying to create a website" could cover a lot of ground.  Specifically, what are you trying to do?18:41
OerHeksVillage, does it work on an other machine? if not, the file is corrupt. ( vlc plays anything AFAIK)18:41
kavaguyi tried to reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras still not getting the dialog to accept, i used apt-get to reinstall18:41
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ole_tried with ftp server, but I might just make a windows server insteads18:41
daftykinskavaguy: what do you get from "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" ?18:41
capole_: Which ftp server did you install?18:42
capole_: May I suggest ProFTPD18:43
capole_: (vi is a text editor, not an ftp server)18:43
kavaguythe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libtar0 vlc-plugin-pulse18:43
VillageOerHeks, i try run acestream to http proxy, and i run vlc at ubuntu vps and this happenings, so how i can fix corrupted file?18:43
capole_: And if you are having problems with vi; May I suggest vimtutor18:44
kavaguyuse apt-get autoremove to remove them18:44
kavaguybut no dialog18:44
Nathanie1HillJust installed 15.10 and this encrypted swap is annoying as hell18:44
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Nathanie1HillHave had to enter my passphrase about 30 times on apt-get upgrade and not even finished yet18:44
capole_: Am I correct in assuming you are trying to build a webserver?18:44
daftykinsNathanie1Hill: sorry it's not out yet, #ubuntu+1 for chat on wily.18:44
Nathanie1HillHow do I turn it off?18:44
ole_Yhea! We have the css code ready, but we need to upload it ;)18:45
Nathanie1Hilldaftykins: srry, I meant 15.0418:45
kavaguythere was on thing that i remember when i first installed ubuntu-restricted, that a lib needed to be removed libav something18:45
capole_: See my pm18:45
OerHeksVillage, stream trough proxy to a VPS? i have no clue ..18:46
BluesKaj kavaguy remove ubuntu-restricted-extras , reboot , then reinstall18:46
VillageOerHeks, let me try explaine i run aceenginie at vps (ubuntu) then vlc with telnet and then aceproxy, and i try open http channel at vlc (windows) per ubuntu and i got this error..18:46
OerHeksVillage, shouldn't you mention that in the 1st place?18:47
kavaguyok in apt-get or software managner?18:47
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usdse e br?18:47
BluesKajuse sudo apt-get remove18:47
kavaguyok ty Blueking :)18:47
kavaguyok done, reinstall?18:49
baldri'm really having a hard time getting my FCA610 to appear as a playback device.  I am using qJackCtl and selecting hw:FCA610 which used to work in 14 but is no longer working, what are some things I can try to get my USB Audio Interface device to correctly show?18:50
BluesKajkavaguy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, yes18:50
BluesKajbaldr, what is a  FCA610?18:51
kavaguytried opening video in Videos 'error occured' 'could not determine type of stream"18:52
baldrBluesKaj, FCA610 is an audio interface made by Behringer18:52
VillageOerHeks, maybe need some packages?18:52
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Villagethat works vlc..18:52
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kavaguythe video was .mp418:54
daftykins.mp4 is a container, not an indication of codecs18:54
kavaguyoh erm 256h?18:55
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Villagekavaguy, what you try run?18:57
kavaguyVides" player18:58
BluesKajbaldr, look in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as root and find the line : options snd-usb-audio index= , and place a 0 there instead of -218:58
kavaguyi guess i could try vlc player18:58
Villagekavaguy, per vps or at ubuntu?18:58
Villagei try aceproxy and it's not happenings18:58
BluesKajkavaguy, do you have ffmpeg installed?18:59
kavaguyhow do i check?18:59
BluesKajype it in the terminal and hit enter18:59
kavaguyit's installed18:59
baldrBluesKaj, will check it out, do a quick logout then come back and see if it works18:59
kavaguyhmm command not found for ffmpeg but it shows up installed in softwaremanager19:01
kavaguyi gotta reboot19:02
capkavaguy: "Ubuntu started shipping the libav fork instead of FFmpeg in recent releases. If you installed the ffmpeg package, then you actually installed the libav-tools package and a program that told you to use avconv instead of ffmpeg in the future, giving the impression that ffmpeg is deprecated, which it is not."19:02
quidnuncwhy does 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive' download the tarball and then exit?19:03
wafflejockcap they left the room19:03
capwafflejock: Ok19:03
badbodhquidnunc, what's the -d for ?19:04
quidnunci.e. wiley19:04
capbadbodh: download19:05
BluesKajcap , ffmpeg has made a comeback since 14.1019:05
baldrBlueking, I adjusted it, but still no dice  link is my alsa-config file: http://justpaste.it/oea619:05
badbodhcap, nope. development version.19:05
capBluesKaj: That's good.  (Just finding that out on the website I just quoted.)19:05
capbadbodh:  -d, --download-only19:06
baldrBluesKaj,  after the change the card just disappeared.   a look at cat /proc/asound/cards no longer has the card listing where it was there before19:06
capbadbodh: Read the man file.19:06
badbodhcap, you read :/ http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/do-release-upgrade.8.html19:06
BluesKajbaldr, ok which audio chip does the interface use?19:07
baldrBluesKaj,  how would I find that out19:08
badbodhquidnunc, manual says -d = Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible. maybe in your case not possible :D19:08
quidnuncbadbodh: It's possible, I can do it without the frontend argument19:09
capbadbodh: Oh, you are correct  do-release-upgrade  is the normal way  do-release-upgrade -d   is to go to development version.  -d for apt-get is --download-only19:09
opsmanquidnunc: -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive; this is the frontend to run ...19:10
baldrBluesKaj, i also noticed after changing it back it shows up again under cat /proc/asound/cards and doing an lsusb check, but is not showing up when i do a aplay -l look19:10
BluesKajbaldr,  sudo gstreamer-properties , (not sure if this still works)19:10
badbodhquidnunc, then your specified frontend is borking. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2265877 old but hint-ish19:11
badbodhcheck log19:11
Bluekingdamn i flashed me :/ baldr :(19:11
Bluekingi u19:11
opsmanquidnucn; is that frontend available? Did you check the man page for do-release-upgrade ?19:11
baldrBlueking, yea the gstreamer command didn't seem to work19:11
frendasda1, sda2, sda3, sda4 --> If delete sda3, will sda4 be recognized as sda3?19:11
quidnuncopsman: Isn't that what I wrote?19:11
pchanglI can't know what you say.19:12
capfrenda: No19:12
pchanglwhere are you come from?19:12
capfrenda: You will have an empty space where sda3 was and sda4 will still be where it was before.19:13
Bluekingjust wonder if one can change size of /boot without reinstall shit ?19:13
capbadbodh: Yes19:13
capBluesKaj: Yes.  As long as you use non-destrictive partitioning tool.19:14
frendacap: If I move sad4 to left by gparted?19:14
frendacurrently I have 4 primary partitions19:14
Bluekingwas that to Blueking ?19:14
frendaI want to delete sda3 to make it possible to make more partitions as logical19:14
Bluekingcap what tools can I use ?19:14
jpastoreI'm having a bit of an issue with ubuntu-vm-builder and kvm, is this the appropriate place to ask questions?19:15
EriC^^frenda: can you pastebin sudo fdisk -l ?19:15
baldri meant to do to BlueKaj19:15
baldrBluesKaj, yea the gstreamer command didn't seem to work19:15
Bluekingneed more space on /boot because of update stuff empties free space on /boot :/19:16
capfreakcom: If you say so.  "I have 4 primary partitions"19:16
daftykinscap: please be careful with your tab key, you keep speaking to the wrong users.19:17
BluesKajbaldr, did you say aplay-l lists the usb audio?19:17
Bashing-omBlueking: "sudo apt-get autoremove" to remove the old kernels in the /boot partition . Easier to do thn take the risk of re-oartitioning .. imho .19:17
BluekingBashing-om  done that many times :P19:18
cap frenda: What you decide to do is up to you, but first consider what you have on sda3 and sda419:18
baldrBluesKaj, no, both before and after the change it was not listed19:18
BluesKajbaldr, try lspci -nn | grep -i audio19:19
baldrBluesKaj, here are the listings after i removed the changes from the alsa config file http://justpaste.it/oeaq19:19
wonderworld i want to read the contents of a shell variable character by character in a loop. what would be a smart way to do that?19:19
BluekingBashing-om  if I want to take the risk of changing partitions... what tools are recommended ?19:19
badbodhBlueking, gparted19:19
baldrBluesKaj, don't see it listed under that command either19:19
badbodhuse live cd. disclaimers mandatory.19:19
Bluekinggparted = linux tool or ?19:20
baldrBluesKaj, sorry showed you the wrong output for proc asound cards19:20
baldrBluesKaj, let me tidy it up and re-dump19:20
badbodhBlueking, boot to live. search in dash 'gparted'19:20
capBlueking: You might consider BParted Live http://gparted.org/livecd.php19:20
Villagesudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras - E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras what's can be wrong?19:20
Bluekinghigh risk to take ?19:21
cap*GParted*  (not BParted)19:21
badbodhcap, i love bparted. also martin scorses' dparted.19:21
badbodhBlueking, you are messing with /boot and / partitions. high risk comes with territory. make backups.19:22
capbadbodh: BParted was a typo.  Sorry for the mistake.19:22
VillageGuys, how i can install ubuntu-restricted-extras?19:22
cap(Not an accurate typer)19:22
Bluekingok, since it's my router pc I might skip it.. not so much hassle using autoremove19:22
badbodhVillage, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"19:22
capVillage: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras (providing you have Ubuntu installed)19:23
baldrBluesKaj, http://justpaste.it/oeaq here are the listings cleaned19:23
badbodhelse kubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu/boombuntu-restricted-extras wherever applicable19:23
Villagebadbodh, cap, i got error E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras19:23
Villagewhat's can be?19:24
badbodhVillage, run in terminal "sudo apt-get update|pastebinit"19:24
opsmanvillage; "apt search restricted | grep extra" in terminal..19:25
badbodhif you don;t have pastebinit installed, do install it19:25
capVillage: lsb_release -i  (What does that say?)19:25
badbodhresponse is rather overwhelming :)19:25
opsmanvillage: returned a list with ubuntu-restricted on my machine19:25
Villagecap, Distributor ID: Ubuntu19:26
AlinaMhow to clone bios settings and specs of machine on boot with ubuntu? is it possible?19:26
ioriawonderworld, var=var1    echo ${#var}19:26
capVillage: Then is should work.  Tell us the exact error.  (As badbodh suggests, use pastebinit)19:27
baldrBluesKaj, Here is a screenshot of the qJackCtl settings I had set: http://justpaste.it/oeaq   the FCA610 is listed under interface but when it's selected and I hit start, it does not appear in the pulse audio listings as it used to19:27
Villageopsman, texlive-latex-extra/trusty 2013.20140215-2 all19:27
Villageonly found19:27
badbodhopsman, cap i bet his repo needs to be refreshed. maybe change mirror and apt-get update19:27
Villagei was try update19:28
BluekingI see problem with rezise of /boot partition are it must be free space in same area of hdd for /boot partition and usually there aren't19:28
capVillage: You might first try:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:28
opsmanvillage: ahh..yes i am on vivid...not trusty.19:28
badbodh...and ? finish your sentence Village , don;t leave us hanging19:28
Blueking"You can re-size boot if you had contiguous space but i'm guess you don't since root file system was probably directly after boot."19:28
Villagecap, http://pastebin.com/Dmhkvxzn19:28
Bluekingguess it doesn't matter if it's hdd or ssd19:29
capVillage: lsb_release -r   (Tell us what that says.)19:30
x00ehello guys. did an upgrade yesterday from 14.10 to 15.04 and having some issues. more exactly, my keyboard shortcuts do not work anymore. that includes normal shortcuts, like Super+some_key and the ones assigned to media keys. any hints from here i could start ?19:30
Villagecap, i try sudo apt-get upgrade then i will try normaly19:30
badbodhVillage, update, not upgrade. that's for maybe later. we need to know  if your mirror is running.19:31
Villagei try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:31
badbodhupgrade is optional. fix your problem first.19:31
Villageneed wait, maybe this is and is problem19:32
Villageerror same:/19:32
badbodhrun "sudo apt-get update" and share output on pastebin19:32
VillageRelease:        14.0419:32
Villagebadbodh, it;s to much info19:33
Villagecap, version is 14.0419:33
capbadbodh: You should tell him to share output only if it errors out.19:33
Bashing-omVillage: "Filename: pool/multiverse/u/ubuntu-restricted-extras/ubuntu-restricted-extras_60_amd64.deb " After update is run, make sure the 'multiverse' repo is enabled in software sources .19:33
capVillage: Ok.  So how does this work for you?:  sudo apt-get update19:33
badbodhcap, how will he know if it errors out. he sees "too much info"19:34
capVillage: (Any errors?)19:34
Villagecap no i think so it's updating much information19:34
badbodhgive it some time19:34
badbodhcap, piping the whole thing into pastebinit or gist-paste helps to pinpoint which repo is failing.19:35
capbadbodh: You are correct.19:35
Villagehttp://pastebin.com/k9W3rxPS it's update19:35
capVillage: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:36
Villagei paste update19:36
BluesKajbaldr, do you really need pulseaudio with this mixer ?19:36
badbodhcap, whoa. NO19:36
capVillage: Yes, and there appears to be no errors.,19:36
badbodhhe wants codecs not a new version19:37
badbodhVillage, nope. don't dist-upgrade19:37
Villagecap, i done with dist-upgrade19:38
BluesKajbadbodh, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade to new OS19:38
badbodhBluesKaj, it don;t? ok then19:38
capsudo apt-get dist-upgrade will not upgrade to a new Ubuntu release. It will just install available updates for the Ubuntu release you already have installed.19:38
baldrBluesKaj, I dont need pulse specifically if I can replace it with another.  My biggest requirement is simply being able to use it as my primary audio interface since it's what connects my speakers (TRS connections, cant plug them into my computer 3.5 jacks directly)19:38
BluesKajbadbodh, sudo do-release-upgrade will tho19:39
capVillage: Ok, then try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras again.19:39
capbadbodh: (Things have changed....:)19:40
Villagecap, same error19:40
VillageE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras19:40
capVillage: Pastebin the exact error19:40
Villagei was19:40
capVillage: apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras |pastebinit19:42
BluesKajbaldr, actaully IMO alsa should be your primary audio interface , pulse is just a sound server for users who want simultaneous multiple audio sources playing, and some flash audio websites that some audio chips need because their drivers rely on pulse for webaudio support, intel audio is the exception19:42
baldrBluesKaj, so how would I swap, not familiar19:42
Bashing-omcap: Village Check 'etc/apt/sources.list' that the multiverse repo is enabled .19:42
baldrBluesKaj, actually let me look it up first i'll get back to you if i have issues19:43
BluesKajno swap baldr , pulse rides on top of alsa, it's not a replacement for it19:43
badbodhBashing-om, it isn't, only security multiverse is enabled19:43
baldrBluesKaj, so probably removing pulse altogether would be close to enough19:44
VillageBashing-om, let's try, thank you19:44
BluesKajyup, purging is best19:44
baldrsaw it, thanks19:44
capBashing-om: Yea, that must be it.19:44
* badbodh and cap feel stupid :(19:45
BluesKajbaldr, purge both pulseaudio and pulseaudio-utils19:45
Bashing-omcap: Only 1 possibility of many . but easiest to check .19:45
Villagecap, how i need know or repo enabled?19:45
baldrBluesKaj, then i'd assume an alsa force-reload command19:46
capVillage: sudo apt-add-repository multiverse && apt-get update19:46
capVillage: sudo apt-add-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update19:46
Villagesudo: apt-add-repository: command not found19:46
BluesKajbaldr, I always reboot19:46
baldralright brgb19:47
badbodhVillage, in control center> software sources/properties/some-other-name > first tab. tick the boxes.19:47
Villagebadbodh, it's vps19:47
badbodhwhat's vps? no gui? server stuff ?19:48
Villagecap, how i know or multiverse repo is enabled?19:48
capVillage: The graphical way to enable/disable repositories is to Open Software center, navigate to the "Ubuntu software" tab at the top, select (check off) multiverse.19:48
Villagebadbodh, yes no gui19:48
badbodhgo to /etc/apt folder, check sources.list file and sources.list.d folder, multiverse entry will be #-ed19:48
badbodhremove #19:48
x00eguys, does anyone know how i can reset the keyboards shortcuts in gnome 3.14.4? or what`s the config file for them ?19:49
Bashing-omVillage: cap badbodh Let's remove the guessing ( new user) and see what is ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list  | pastebinit ' .19:50
capVillage: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list19:51
Villagebadbodh, there no multiverse entry i think so19:51
capVillage: Show us resulting link19:51
badbodhVillage, run the above ^19:51
capVillage: Did you try the command?: "sudo apt-add-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update"19:52
VillageOne not original entry, i entered my self, maybe it's error?19:52
badbodhBashing-om, that's where you come in. i don;t ubuntu, so can't pinpoint exact files :)19:52
Villagecap, yes: sudo: apt-add-repository: command not found19:53
skyjumpershould i be getting 404s from the ubuntu repos? http://pastie.org/pastes/10491418/text?key=ynghgyitlselel12a1uhw19:53
badbodhVillage, in each line add "multiverse" at the end. and remove that $ sign, it's irksome19:53
baldrBluesKaj, don't see a change.  using the alsa mixer to look,  not seeing it in the list19:53
badbodhVillage, your first line will become "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted universe multiverse" follow the same trend in trusty-updates and trusty-security19:54
MikeRLWell, I'm back with another question. Once again, thanks to anyone whome helps ahead of time.19:55
badbodhVillage, no need to add multiverse in pasrtner and acestream entries19:55
MikeRLI noticed that there is a proposed update for flash player, but I don't see it yet, even though I have proposed updates checked off under Software Sources.19:55
BluesKajbaldr, does it show with F6 in alsamixer19:56
badbodhVillage, share that on pastebin after you save it19:56
MikeRLI thought ticking off proposed updates meant that I'd get them.19:56
capVillage: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ thirsty universe multiverse"19:56
badbodhcap, not needed. he better edit text file directly. needs to remove that pesky $ sign too19:57
baldrBluesKaj, negative19:57
badbodhlol, add-apt and apt-add. minute differences are annoying19:58
capHas add-apt-repository been deprecated?19:58
BluesKajbaldr, well I guess you need to reinstall pulseaudio and pulseaudio-utils ..I'm out of ideas19:58
Bashing-ombadbodh: Getting a nadle on it Village's problem.19:58
baldrBluesKaj, yea i'll keep lookin.  thanks for the help19:58
Villagenow badbodh, http://pastebin.com/SHxiCJUk good?19:59
BluesKajyw , i guess, good luck with your search, baldr19:59
Villagecap, i try add that line19:59
badbodhVillage, all clear. now apt-get update and upgrade again19:59
BluesKajthink I'll call it a day20:00
badbodhthen install restricted thingy20:00
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Villagebadbodh, wait i tell what's happenings20:00
MikeRLI downloaded and installed the update manually, but why doesn't ticking off proposed updates under software sources enable me to get that proposed update?20:00
oylTht was fun!20:00
oylI ended up installing Ubuntu 15 from USB finally!20:00
oylI downloaded the ISO to my phone using a program called Drive Droid, installed from that20:01
max11help, please ... somehow my /music/artists folder (with all my music) just got deleted. I didn't rm and was just using the caja window manager. The folder is still being played by the mocp mp3 player but the folder is missing and Trash is empty20:01
badbodhBashing-om, "nadle" ? needle? handle?20:01
capVillage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12851017/20:01
badbodhoyl, yay! enjoy!20:01
skyjumperanyone know why apt-get update would get a 404 on the ubuntu repos? http://pastie.org/pastes/10491432/text?key=qwhdoqssw1nlcdgndhwgoa20:01
badbodhcap, you kidding ?20:02
Bashing-ombadbodh: Yeah, handle * cat in lap .. wants to larn to type . I am a fine one to give lessons :)20:02
oylok quetion, how do i find out what windows manager i am using? its default on ubuntu.  I want themes20:02
oyland widgets and stuff20:03
k1lskyjumper: try to change servers, maybe that is a routing issue with your ISP20:03
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Villagecap, it's happening with badbodh idea20:03
badbodhoyl, main edition has unity DE, compiz wm.20:03
k1loyl: if its ubuntu it would be unity20:03
oylcan i get some cool themes?20:03
guest_85383sudo apt-get hello!20:03
k1loyl: well, search for unity themes and pick some you like :)20:04
badbodhoyl, yes. search for gtk3 themes, window manager doesn;t use a separate theme in unity.20:04
capVillage: Good.20:04
Bashing-omoyl: To know the Destop run terminal command ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' .20:04
badbodhkinda linked.20:04
oylso just to be straight i am using UNITY?20:04
skyjumpercould apt-get be trying to get "Packages" when only "Packages.gz" is available?20:04
Villagecap, badbodh, thanks it's works install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:04
MikeRLI wonder if whatever server it's using from the US is somehow messed up or something.20:05
skyjumperhmm works fine on an identical machine20:05
badbodh!cookie| Village20:05
capskyjumper: Try and access http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ from your browser.20:05
skyjumpercap: yeah it's fine from there20:05
badbodh!cookie | Village20:05
badbodhcookie don;t work ?20:05
Villagewhat's means this command?20:05
badbodh!help | badbodh20:06
skyjumperchanged mirrors and it works20:06
badbodhVillage, nothing. it's a bot thingy20:06
badbodhdoes fun stuff20:06
Villagenow i can install somehow? vlc-plugins-pulse20:06
k1lguest_85383: please keep this channel for support only. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chat20:06
skyjumperguest_85383: that's definitely how you get the ladies20:06
badbodhVillage, vlc should have pulse output inbuilt, no separate plugin20:07
badbodhopen preferences > audio > output > choose pulse audio server20:07
Villagebadbodh, it's no gui20:07
Villagelet me try run what i try20:07
badbodhVillage, arghhh. i forget.20:07
capskyjumper: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list20:07
OerHeksVillage, so you want to stream a movie to a VPN, that has no gui .. how would you want to watch that?20:08
capskyjumper: Let's have a look.20:08
skyjumpercap: it was just a plain us.archive.ubuntu.com20:08
k1lskyjumper: again: it could be a routing issue. just change the mirror or wait some time20:08
VillageOerHeks, it's different, i want run aceproxy and watch at windows per vps..20:09
skyjumperyeah, changing mirrors did it20:09
badbodhVillage, ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc add this line "aout=pulse"20:09
capskyjumper: should have /ubuntu on the end of it.20:10
skyjumpercap: yep20:10
Villagebadbodh, i can't find ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc20:10
Villagewhere it's should be?20:11
capdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/20:11
skyjumperyes, again, it's fine20:11
skyjumperwas a bone stock sources.list20:11
badbodhVillage, look in your home directory '.config'20:11
badbodhif file isn't there just create one with nano/vim and write aout=pulse , save and exit20:12
Villagebadbodh, not are20:12
capVillage: apt-cache policy vlc20:12
Villagewait little bit i still try20:13
oylhey guys i added a repository for themes and downloaded one and sudo apt-get installed it succefully,  where do i go about loading it? in the section where it has themes it just has 3 of the default themes, doesnt show the one i just downloaded20:13
oylhow do i load it?20:13
k1loyl: ask the one who runs that repo?20:13
badbodhoyl, for third party themes, install unity-tweak-tool. it's a handy app, but use it with caution. don;t enable/disable something you don;t understand.20:13
MikeRLWell, I see proposed updates under synaptic, but this is under partner, not main or multiverse, etc.20:14
MikeRLMaybe thay20:14
MikeRL*that is the issue.20:14
oylbadbodh, lol i don't understand anything on linux really lol20:14
badbodhextract themes in either ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes folder. tweak tool will pick it up20:14
MonkeyDustoyl  learn linux like you learned windows or mac: by using it20:14
badbodhoyl, follow instructions and read documentations. you don;t have to understand the meaning of life and string theory for using ubuntu.20:15
capoyl: It's worth it....20:15
Kozuchhello, what are the chances that a Lenovo IdeaPad G50-80 laptop (Intel Core i3-4005U and AMD Radeon R5 M330) will just work fine with Ubuntu? It has an exchangeable mini-PCI wifi but what chances are that Ethernet and touchpad will work ok?20:16
Kozuchit is this laptop: http://www.czc.cz/lenovo-ideapad-g50-80-cervena_4/175475/produkt20:16
MonkeyDustKozuch  create a live dvd or usb, so you can try it first20:17
Bashing-om!hcl | Kozuch20:17
badbodhVillage, vlc specific issues can be better supported in #videolan channel20:17
Villagebadbodh, thanks, i got error  ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found20:17
badbodhjoin ^ that channel an ask if you get vlc errors. for ubuntu errors you can ask here.20:18
Villageok, thanks again guys20:18
badbodhBashing-om, i think ubottu dies20:18
KozuchMonkeyDust, I want to order it online (no physicall access before buying)20:19
KozuchBashing-om, ?20:20
MonkeyDustKozuch  is this useful http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/20:20
KozuchMonkeyDust, I know this site but it does not list this Lenovo. Well, my main concern is Ethernet - I guess there is like 99.999% chance it will work because most chipsets are supported?20:22
MonkeyDustKozuch  yes, ethernet is "normal" and needs no configuration, as opposed to wifi20:22
Bashing-omKozuch: See'n as how our bot is not responding .. see: if 'http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/' answers your question .20:23
MikeRLAnd it seems proposed doesn't include partner updates. Can anyone confirm this?20:23
MikeRLBut I can see them on the Launchpad website.20:24
badbodhBashing-om, who handles the bot ?20:27
Bashing-omMikeRL: "proposed" and "partner" repos are separate entities, they may or may not be related, depending on what is being fetched or updated .20:27
capVillage: Most of us do not use vlc.  It is usually not needed.20:28
capVillage: There are other players20:28
Bashing-ombadbodh: The bots are the responsibility of the channel ops . I bet they are aware and working on it . In the past they have been quick to take action .20:28
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Villagecap, i need vlc only for that i can watch multiple channels via aceproxy..20:29
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MikeRLBashing-om, I figured it out using my head.20:30
MikeRLI manually added this URL: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid-proposed/partner/20:30
badbodhVillage, folks on #videolan may be able to answer that better. but since you are trying something really geeky, you may have to figure it out yourself.20:30
MikeRLAnd now at least Flash will get updated quicker.20:31
badbodhask your question and wait for a few hours. usually someone or the other comes by20:31
MikeRLWell, I had proposed updates and partner repos ticked off, but for some reason, that didn't enable proposed partner repos.20:31
MikeRLIs that intended, or is it a bug?20:31
coffeeguyhi what's the chown syntax for making a second harddrive the users?20:32
coffeeguyread write*20:32
coffeeguychown -R /drive?20:33
badbodhcoffeeguy, search "chown" in wikipedia, or just run "man chown"20:33
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capcoffeeguy: You don't chown hard drives, you chown files20:33
capcoffeeguy: And read write permissions are a different process, see man chmod20:35
MikeRLBashing-om, Do you think I stumbled across a bug?20:35
capcoffeeguy: ownership vs permissions20:35
badbodhcoffeeguy, ^ check out both chown and chmod. and ask here before you run them. wrong/typo is bad here.20:35
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MikeRLI mean, you'd think if the user ticked off both proposed updates and partner updates, proposed partner updates would apply as well.20:37
MikeRLI've been transferring a PPA backup I made across Ubuntu installs, and maybe something got messed up, even though I edit it when switching versions.20:38
MikeRLI should use a Live CD and try enabling the proposed and partner repos and see if that repo is added.20:38
MikeRLIf it isn't I should ask someone if it's intentional behavior.20:39
k1lMikeRL: partner repo doesnt have proposed20:39
MikeRLDoes too.20:39
Bashing-omMikeRL: Like you I had assumed separate proposed and partner to have worked . Look'n at proposed/partner I see no reason to fault . Maybe I too am in a learning mode here .20:39
MikeRLAt least I found a way to add it.20:39
k1lMikeRL: that is not the standard then20:39
MikeRLIs it supposed to be in there when both proposed and partner are enabled?20:40
k1lMikeRL: proposed might be just for the automated tests then. like it is on the development releases main repos20:40
MikeRLWell, I got my flash updated by adding it.20:40
MikeRLI just wonder if when the user has both proposed and partner enabled, why proposed doesn't apply to partner repos.20:41
MikeRLShould I talk to someone who would know this?20:41
MikeRLIt may logically make sense.20:41
k1lMikeRL: where did you get that you need to enable parter proposed?20:41
* nuno_nunes boa noite a todos20:42
popeyPretty sure partner proposed is not intended to be used by end users at all20:42
MikeRLI felt the need to because I use the adobe-flash-properties-gtk package and another package that had not yet been updated for that flash hole that was recently found.20:42
MikeRLI searched Launchpad, and came across the update, but it was a proposed update in the partner repository.20:43
k1lpopey: that is why i recall, yes20:43
popeyBeing in partner proposed typically means it's under test and not ready for release20:43
MikeRLSo, I downloaded and installed it, and then went forth to include the repo under Software Sources because I wanted the flash update.20:43
popeybut putting it there makes it easy for QA people to obtain20:43
MKCoinQuestion: if the harddrive were to become completely full from root use, would linux utilize an external HD to continue operation?20:44
MikeRLAnd flash player was patched in the main repos. But just the installer. Not the GTK applet and full package.20:44
MikeRLSo, using this repo ensures it is updated quicker.20:44
popeyMKCoin: not by default20:44
popeyMKCoin: things in partner proposed will move to partner once QA approved20:44
MikeRLAnd, logically speaking, enabling both proposed and partner should enable proposed partner updates.20:44
MikeRLAnd they do exist.20:45
k1lMikeRL: do you know what proposed is used for?20:45
MikeRLI don't mind it - haven't had any issues over the years.20:45
MikeRLI wanted that security update, so I went ahead.20:45
k1lMikeRL: so what is the issue now?20:45
MikeRLThe issue now is that I don't know why enabling both proposed updates and partner repos does not enable these sources I found.20:46
k1lyou wanted a package before its aproved and put into the main/partner repos. you got it by fiddeling with proposed.20:46
MikeRLYou'd think enabling both would include proposed partner updates, wouldn't you?20:46
k1lMikeRL: because that is not meant to be done20:47
popeywhat do you mean "partner updates"?20:47
MikeRLCanonical has a partner repo.20:47
MikeRLAnd proposed repos.20:47
popeyI know, I work for them :)20:47
MikeRLSo, I went to enable both of them. I don't mind an extra bug or two.20:47
popeyNo, they're sections of a repo20:47
popeynot separate repos20:47
popeyYes, you've told us you've enabled them and why20:47
MikeRLBut I particularly wanted the Flash Player security update.20:48
popeyWhat's your technical support question?20:48
MikeRLAnd is there some reason why when a user enables both proposed and partner, that proposed partner updates aren't inlcuded?20:48
MikeRLOnly when both are checked off.20:48
popeyBecause that's not how the partner repo is structured20:48
popeythere is no updates section to the partner repo20:48
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popeyIt's not architected in the same way as the main ubuntu archive20:49
MikeRLSo, only the latest version?20:49
popeythe main archive is frozen at release, updates go into the -updates pocket20:49
MikeRLBut this isn't exactly related to that.20:49
popeybut the Canonical partner repo has no such freeze, so no need for the updates pocket20:49
popeyyes, it is20:49
MikeRLMaybe I used the word updates incorrectly.20:50
popeyNo, you didn't20:50
MikeRLI meant proposed updates not as in a repo. Bad word choice on my part.20:50
MikeRLTyping too fast.20:50
MikeRLLet me clarify.20:50
popeyYou don't need to!20:50
popeyI understand your question fully.20:50
popeyI have explained the answer - there _is_ not updates pocket on the partner archive, because it doesn't freeze like the standard archive.20:51
MikeRLBut is there some reason why enabling both the partner repo AND the proposed repo only enabled proposed updates for most other sections (main, universe, etc.) but not proposed partner?20:52
k1lMikeRL: yes because partner proposed is not meant to be used20:52
popeyBecause there is _no_ updates section for the proposed archive.20:52
popeyAs I have explained twice.20:52
MikeRLWell, they're not updates technically.20:52
MikeRLSo, give me a minute.20:52
popeyUpdates for partner packages go to proposed (or directly to partner) as soon as they're ready / tested20:53
MikeRLSo, you're saying it's hidden, even for users that want prerelease updates?20:53
popeyI didn't say that.20:53
MikeRLBut checking off proposed enables all other proposed repos but partner.20:54
popeyIt could be a bug somewhere that adds incorrect lines to a sources.list - I don't know how you're doing that or what's in yours.20:54
k1lMikeRL: there is just no "one time click" solution. since its not intended for general usage20:54
Bashing-omMikeRL: As reference see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed .20:54
popeyWe don't recommend using proposed generally.20:54
MikeRLI will check a live cd and see if the issue is there.20:54
MikeRLBut then why can we enable proposed for everything but that one section? I read that page.20:55
popeyBecause we don't recommend you do that.20:55
MikeRLIs it that you don't want the general public testing that stuff, even testers?20:55
popeyIn short, yes.20:55
popeyBecause if it's broken they come here or other support channels complaining20:56
popey(about stuff which hasn't been released)20:56
MikeRLWell, thanks.20:56
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MikeRLAnd that stuff is likely harder to communicate on since it's likely closed.20:56
MikeRLAnd it wastes even more time.20:56
MikeRLBut I guess I'll use it. Just for that flash update.20:56
MikeRLWhich reminds me, I wish someone would push that from proposed to something stable.20:57
OneM_IndustriesHey, anyone know if it is possible to read Kindle book on Ubuntu? And if so, how?20:58
MikeRLHere's a better URL.20:58
MikeRLOne of the flash packages was updated.20:58
k1lMikeRL: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:49:16 +0100  it was a weekend. urgency is medium.20:58
MikeRLBut another two have updates, but they're still only proposed.20:58
MikeRLWell, I guess that's fine.20:58
MikeRLI just tend to freak out over flash holes.20:59
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MikeRLI have a tinfoil hat.20:59
k1lwell, dont use flash if you dont like security issues. flash is unsafe by setup20:59
MikeRLI set it to click to play and think before I enable the thing.20:59
MikeRLMaybe it's good that Adobe abandoned Linux development for a lot of their stuff.21:00
MikeRLThat means less gaping security holes.21:00
k1lthat doesnt change the hillarious issues with their back compatibility back to the first flash versions. so even if you do everything right its still a unsafe flash.21:01
* popey thinks this discussion might be better elsewhere :)21:01
cluelesspersonhey guys, I'm trying out ubuntu desktop, however, I'm running into several issues.  I'm not sure my graphics chpi (5500 in the intel 5th 5600 cpu) is being used.   And my battery life is showing MUCH lower than what i'd expect for it.21:03
popeycluelessperson: is it a dual-gpu machine?21:04
cluelesspersonpopey, no.21:04
cluelesspersonan twok while installing steam (although likely not ubuntu's fault) the OS crashed.21:04
popeycluelessperson: if you see something on the screen then your GPU is in use.21:05
popeycluelessperson: sadly I'm not surprised at poorer battery life21:05
cluelesspersonpopey, not really.  there's a difference between the default generic standard, and advanced features a gpu driver might support21:05
cluelesspersonI can't use this if it's going to reduce my 10 hour battery life to 2 hours.21:06
popeycluelessperson: not really on intel GPUs21:06
k1lcluelessperson: make sure you have the intel-microcode checked on the prop.driver tab in the system settings > software and updates21:09
cluelesspersonk1l, no prop drivers are showing21:11
hydehi all21:13
=== coffeeguy is now known as kavaguy
cluelesspersonthis is always my experience with linux desktop.  it doesn't work21:15
skyjumperif you need it to 'just work' there is another OS for that21:17
popeycluelessperson: What specifically doesn't work today?21:17
OerHeksI am sure there is intel microcode available ..21:18
cluelesspersonpopey, Battery life down to 2 from 10 hours.  Steam install through ubuntu package gui crashed the OS, flickering screen and all.21:18
cluelesspersonOerHeks, fantastic, and how much work is it going to take to get it?21:18
k1lcluelessperson: so what cpu is that exactly? is it a i5? what ubuntu is it exactly?21:18
popeycluelessperson: the battery life isn't an easy one to fix unfortunately21:18
OerHekscluelessperson, it is in the same driver menu21:18
daftykinsalready stated 5th gen, so it's a broadwell.21:18
cluelesspersonk1l, Yes.  Intel 5600 i7 3.2ghz with 5500 hd broadwell graphics.21:19
k1lwell, my thinkpad x230 works like a charm :/21:19
daftykinsand which ubuntu version?21:19
cluelesspersonmaybe the linux community is being sabotaged21:19
cluelesspersonk1l, Thinkpad Carbon X1 3rd gen here.21:19
daftykinsah i've worked with one of those.21:20
cluelesspersonmy work pc is 45021:20
popeyWe have a few people who have X1 Carbons at Canonical.21:20
daftykinsi don't see what relevance another system has21:20
cluelesspersondaftykins, 15 I believe.21:21
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daftykinscluelessperson: confirm with "cat /etc/issue"21:21
daftykinsand '15' is not a version21:21
daguito81hello all!  Just installed Ubuntu.. new to this linux world21:22
daftykinsdaguito81: ok, support questions only in here - #ubuntu-offtopic for chat21:22
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cluelesspersondaftykins, 14.04.321:26
daftykinscluelessperson: "uname -r" ?21:26
cluelesspersondag, sup21:27
cluelesspersondaftykins, 3.19.0-25-generic21:27
daftykinsok, so you already have the vivid HWE stack21:27
daftykinscluelessperson: that's an older kernel though, so i'd dist-upgrade if i were you21:28
daftykinscluelessperson: i figure you have two choices, you could try installing the wily mainline kernel (which is v4.2 i believe) or you can wait for 15.10 to release and upgrade to that.21:28
daftykinshmm nice work ubottu - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:29
maguahello can you help me with ubuntu mate 15.04 and netflix21:33
daftykinsmagua: install chrome/chromium and pepperflash, then you should be able to give it a try.21:35
maguaI tried chrome but it seems to buffer always21:36
daftykinsperhaps your connection is rubbish?21:36
wonderworldmagua: i think netflix uses drm functions in adobe flash. you need firefox and a special version of flash for ff.21:36
OerHeksmagua, the only browser that works OOTB with netflix is chrome, AFAIK21:37
magua????what causes the slow buffering21:37
wonderworldmagua: sorry, OerHeks is right.... i was talking about Amazon Instant Video21:37
BitNovacan someone tell me why in xfce4 whenever i try to mount an internal drive via nautilus it asks for the root password, yet when i log on to unity the default desktop, it doesnt ask for a password. bearing in mind i log in with the same user account.21:38
daftykinsBitNova: what about with xfce's default file manager?21:39
daftykinskinda defeats the purpose using xfce then running nautilus21:39
TJ-BitNova: probably, because the Gnome/Unity GUI uses udisks to mount devices under /media/$USER/ whereas the XFCE nautilus tries to do it directly, which requires UID 0 privileges21:39
BitNovasorry, i meant xfce4's file manager..21:39
daftykinswhy wouldn't you just have an internal disk mounted via fstab, BitNova ?21:40
BitNovaTJ-, so how can i include udisks to use xfce4 ?21:40
maguahow can i increase buffering21:41
daftykinsmagua: possibly a poor connection, is this a laptop?21:41
BitNovaeven if i click on mount options in the disks2 utility in xfce4, and i manually put in the parameters.. it still wont let me mount without a password21:41
daftykinsBitNova: but why mount manually at all, why not set it in /etc/fstab for every boot, as is standard?21:42
TJ-BitNova: I'm not sure; A long time since I used XFCE in anger21:42
wonderworldBitNova: do you want the disk to be available every time you but or just sometimes on demand?21:42
daftykinsthis is how it's commonly done.21:42
maguano its a dell 2400 demension with 1.5 mem and P4 2.40 cpu21:42
daftykinsmagua: and your connection to the internet is over a cable to a router, or?21:42
BitNovaeverytime wonderworld,21:42
daftykinsmagua: probably just too old and rubbish to play netflix then.21:42
daftykinsBitNova: yes then you should have this disk mounted via /etc/fstab and not done manually every boot.21:43
wonderworldBitNova: as daftykins say, add it to /etc/fstab and it will be mounted automatically while booting.21:43
OerHeksmagua, youtube needs a duo core, no wonder..21:43
BitNovathe other issue is that when it automounts, it mounts as root and group root, and when i put my uid=username, it makes OTHERS  also access everything.21:43
daftykinsBitNova: yes this would also be solved by mounting properly via the fstab file.21:44
BitNovadaftykins, by mounting via the fstab file, can i just put in the paramters in mount options under the disks2 utility?21:44
BitNovaisnt it the same thing21:44
daftykinsno, fstab is the proper way.21:45
daftykinsBitNova: so install pastebinit, then share a "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and a "pastebinit /etc/fstab"21:45
BitNovabut daftykins howcome i dont have this issue when i log into unity with my username?21:45
daftykinsbecause it has some automagic user friendly disk mounting options21:46
BitNovathis is only happening with xfce421:46
daftykinsxfce is a lot less automagic as default21:46
BitNovai see21:46
daftykinsso you have two choices, do as i am suggesting - or carry on as you are.21:46
BitNovaso using the fstab file will sort out both xfce4 and unity mounting as the same?21:47
TJ-BitNova: you can also use the 'udisksctl' tool in a terminal to do what the Gnome/Unity GUI apps do in the background :)21:47
BitNovahey daftykins ?21:47
daftykinsif it were me i'd go the fstab route since the disk would always be there, no further manual intervention21:47
daftykinsBitNova: i wouldn't be suggesting it if it didn't...21:48
TJ-BitNova: e.g. "udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/sdc1" (see "man udisksctl")21:48
BitNovathanks TJ- il have a look at that too..21:48
BitNovadaftykins, if i put the entries in fstab, will the udisks utility be ignored even if it is set on automatic on mount options?21:56
daftykinsyou won't need it, the disk will just be *there* at the chosen mount point21:57
daftykinsthere will no longer be all this drama to get to it, it'll just be there :)21:57
BitNovaokay thanx21:57
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owen1i noticed apache is running on boot (ubuntu 15.04). how to not start it on boot?22:18
daftykinssystemctl disable apache2 ?22:19
daftykinswith sudo most likely22:19
owen1daftykins: thanks! is this the same idea for mongodb?22:19
daftykinsif i'm honest i don't have a clue with systemd yet, so i just got that from - http://www.dynacont.net/documentation/linux/Useful_SystemD_commands/22:19
owen1ahhah. thanks122:19
daftykinsbut yeah just substitute service name :)22:19
TJ-owen1: "systemctl disable <service>" is similar to the Upstart " echo manual > /etc/init/<service>.override" and sysv-init "update-rc.d disable <service>"22:20
owen1i don't see apache or mongo in this list - systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled        maybe that's not the correct command?22:28
reisiowhat makes you think a mongodb service is running?22:28
TJ-owen1: some services may not have systemd unit files, and be started via its Upstart/Sysv-init compatibility layer. Check for the service files under "/etc/init/" (Upstart) and "/etc/init.d/" (SysV-init)22:29
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owen1reisio: but i see them in 'service --status-all' !  does it mean they are controlled by system init v?22:29
owen1TJ-: i think you are correct and they are part of system init v.22:30
owen1so ubuntu 15.04 uses both systemd and system init v....22:31
reisioTJ- said it was a compatibility layer22:31
Mionowen1: not at once22:31
reisioalthough one could obviously argue that's just as silly22:31
owen1so in order to stop them i should use this command, right? update-rc.d <service> disable22:32
reisioI'd guess not22:32
reisiobut I don't know systemd, and don't plan on knowing it :D22:32
Mionowen1: systemctl stop whatever22:32
Mionowen1: if you have systemd as pid122:32
Mionupdate-rc.d disable is not the same as stop eithe22:33
owen1Mion: ps aux will tell me that? (if i have systemd as pid1)22:33
TJ-owen1: systemd uses 'generators' to create compatible units at run-time. See them in "/lib/systemd/system-generators/"22:33
daftykinsowen1 wants to stop at boot, not just stop once22:33
owen1i want to stop but also never start them at boot22:33
Mionowen1: systemctl disable whatever then22:34
owen1cat /proc/1/comm => systemd22:34
Mionor mask, depending on need22:34
Mionno cat needed22:34
Mion< takes the fd and spits the content out on stdout22:34
owen1</proc/1/comm shows nothing22:35
owen1ok. i disabled it. where does it say that it will not start on boot? (looking at the output of 'status')22:39
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owen1also, why do i still see a + sign next to mongod when i run 'service --status-all' ?22:44
owen1basicaly i would like to know what services are going to start at boot, to make sure the 'systemctl disable mongod' actualy worked.22:45
reisioI think someone mentioned that stopping a service and setting it to not start at boot are two separate things22:46
owen1i run both commands: stop and disable22:46
reisioowen1: + just means it successfully checked status22:47
creepanyone knows a good site with linux commands?22:47
reisioowen1: or maybe it means started, I've now read conflicting information :p22:48
Ben64creep: command for...?22:48
reisioBen64: for linux :p22:48
Ben64reisio: :|22:48
daftykinscreep: you want to learn CLI i take it?22:48
Mioncreep: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-222:49
Mioncreep: also it is not "linux commands", linux is just a kernel, it doesn't have a userland22:49
daftykinsyep that's the course i'd have linked to :)22:49
OerHeksowen1, from the url you have been handed earlier: systemctl disable foobar.serviceTurn the service off for the next reboot, or any other trigger.  ( so you are fine)22:49
Mioncreep: http://www.funtoo.org/Linux_Fundamentals,_Part_122:50
Mioncreep: http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html22:50
owen1OerHeks: ok. what does foobar means? i just run 'systemctl disable mongod'22:51
Ben64Mion: don't do the linux gnu thing here, its never productive22:51
OerHeksfoo/foobar > fill in what service you like22:51
MionBen64: avoids ambiguity and misconceptions22:52
OerHeksto be accurate: 'systemctl disable mongod.service'22:52
Mionbut who cares about that anyway22:52
reisioMion: :)22:52
owen1OerHeks: oh! i didn't know i have to add .service !22:52
TJ-owen1: to list all enabled (load-at-boot-time) services:  "sudo systemctl --state=enabled  list-unit-files"22:52
Mionowen1: you don't have to22:53
Mionowen1: .service is the default22:53
OerHeksit is good to learn it the right way, i guess22:53
creeptim a begginer22:53
creepI wntoi am22:54
creepĨ am a begginer22:54
owen1TJ-: but list-unit-files|grep mongo   shows me nothing22:54
creepneed to know commands22:54
owen1so i don't 'trust' that command22:54
creepi installed linux and now i am like... now what?22:55
Mioncreep: install steam and play "long live the queen"?22:55
Ben64creep: depends what you want to do22:55
OerHekscreep, good start http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty and choose your subject you like to know more about22:56
TJ-owen1: as I said earlier, some packages don't provide systemd unit files, so you'll need to look elsewere. for "apt-file list mongodb-server" it shows a SysV-init "/etc/init.d/mongodb", Upstart "/etc/init/mongodb.conf" and SystemD "/lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service" (in Ubuntu 15.10)22:57
creepI dont know what I want to do yet... first I would like to know what tools exist!22:57
Mioncreep: see the links I gave you22:57
reisioall the tools22:57
owen1TJ-: never heard of 'apt-file' !22:58
creepmany thanks22:58
creepgot them on my favoutites22:59
creepalso Steam is an app or a OS?22:59
creep*an OS23:00
ShinyLinooneSteam is both23:00
ShinyLinooneMost people just use the program23:00
creepOH... for windows right=??23:00
ShinyLinooneBut it has an OS built off of a Linux kernel23:00
creepvut theres a linux version23:00
ShinyLinooneThe program is available for Windows, Linux and Mac23:01
creepthe linux version is an app or an OX?23:01
imthenachomanhi guys. would this be the right way to find all files modified in the last 24 hours excluding specific directories? http://pastebin.com/umd7QH2W23:01
OerHekscreep, so you know the answer already :-D23:01
ShinyLinooneHowever, thif your main concern with your PC is gaming, I highly recommend you get Windows23:02
JesseHHi, I just installed some new ram, and for some strange reason, games keep "freezing". Then I do ctrl-alt-f1 or something, then change back, and the graphics show the cursor change for example, but are stuck at that point.23:02
ShinyLinooneAlthough you can get the Steam program for all OSes, specific games have different levels of compatibility.23:02
JesseHNo idea how to fix this.23:02
ShinyLinooneWhen you say "installed RAM", you mean you broke open your computer and put a new RAM card in, right?23:03
JesseHI bought 8gb of vengeance ram, and put it in.23:04
JesseHReplacing the old ram. I haven't tried putting the old back in and seeing if that fixes it.23:04
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ShinyLinooneI would suggest putting the old in and trying again before taking any further steps.23:04
ShinyLinooneThe problem could be unrelated to the old RAM for all we know.23:05
ShinyLinoone*new RAM23:05
JesseHI'm trying to figure out how to debug this.23:05
JesseHHaven't had an issue like this before.23:05
daftykinsJesseH: memtest.23:05
daftykinsthe above suggestion of trying the old stuff is a big fat waste of time23:05
JesseHOkay daftykins.23:06
daftykinsminimum 2 passes i'd say23:06
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OerHeksJesseH, what does 'mem' say in terminal? does it show 8 gb ?23:06
cknoxI'm trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 server onto my computer, but it keeps locking up at the load debconf preconfiguration files. When I tail the syslog file I see it querying for floppy drive fd0. This computer doesn't have a floppy drive, but it is available as a boot option from the bios and I can't find a way to disable it. Is it possible to disable floppy disk check during install?23:06
TJ-JesseH: is the motherboard overclocked? if so, timings/voltages for the RAM modules may cause issues23:06
JesseHI don't have mem. 'free' tells me i have 8 gigs23:06
daftykinscknox: you sure you want non-LTS for a server? usually unwise23:07
JesseHTJ-, I'm not sure. One moment.23:07
OerHekscknox, you should be able to disable floppyinterface in your bios. loof for that interface23:07
cknoxdaftykins: it's going to be a file server at my house23:07
reisioJesseH: mayb ethe ram is bad23:07
daftykinscknox: yeah, not having to upgrade in January is still preferable...23:08
daftykinsall the cool kids run servers on LTS :)23:08
skyjumperthe really cool kids run debian unstable, of couerse23:08
daftykinsskyjumper: are those the ones that grow up to be arch/gentoo ricers?23:09
cknoxdaftykins: I'm kind of at a point where I can't switch. Apparently I can't burn the iso to CD-RW (which I have a dozen of), and the system won't boot from USB for some unknown reason. I might have another blank dvd, but that would require me to boot my other desktop23:09
skyjumperdunno but they probably spend a lot of time fixing things23:09
daftykinscknox: but you haven't even gotten it installed =|23:09
daftykinstrust me, go LTS now or you'll be regretting it come January 31st23:09
cknoxbut I don't know that I have any other blank disks23:09
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daftykinsi'm sure someone here can help you with any of your mentioned issues if you just give us a chance23:10
cknoxI mean, I could install ubuntu 7.04 desktop cause I have a CD of that and it's booting23:10
daftykinsfor example, burning the plop ISO onto a CD-RW could chainload a flash drive i'm sure23:10
daftykinsno that's a horrible idea23:10
daftykinsyou'll have to upgrade many, many times to get to current.23:10
OerHekscknox, i have to set booting from usb in 2 PLACES .. 1st boot priority, and 2nd hdd priority23:10
cknoxI've used that in virtualbox before, never thought of it here23:11
cknoxI can get it to try booting from USB, but it's a miracle when it actually boots. Usually it just goes to a flashing cursor23:11
cknoxalthough it looks like the ones that boot are when I use dd to make the usb from iso23:11
OerHeksoh, that is an other issue than not been able to boot from ..23:12
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:12
* OerHeks still uses the same USB from the 1st install 9.04 and reused it al these years23:12
daftykinsOerHeks: :D23:13
OerHeksif it fails, i put it in plexi and put it in my cabinet23:13
wileeename? gotta name it23:14
OerHeksimation, 2 gb23:14
cknoxif all it took was deleting /dev/fd0...23:15
daftykinsdeleting o023:15
cknoxand to think the only reason I want this server is cause it can house my 2x1TB drives23:15
daftykinsthose aren't even large or numerous ;)23:16
cknoxit's not the size...23:16
cknoxit's how you use it ;)23:16
daftykinsthat's a really daft comment.23:17
cknoxit's mostly going to act as a file server, and perhaps a DNS server, although that might go on it's own VM on the ESXi server23:17
KurobyteI need help with a derived ubuntu... distribution?23:26
KurobyteI think that's the word at least23:26
daftykinsas in you want to make your own spin?23:26
KurobyteNo, more like23:26
KurobyteI'm having problems with one23:27
daftykinsso it's not ubuntu but one based on ubuntu?23:27
KurobyteWell, it's mostly Ubuntu 14.04 with preinstalled programs23:27
KurobyteUbuntu Studio23:27
daftykinsoh that's covered here fine.23:27
daftykinsjust ask away then23:27
KurobyteWell, for some reason, youtube playback stopped working23:28
KurobyteIt's rather odd, to me at least23:28
Kurobyteit still loads fine, but it doesn't want to play properly23:28
KurobyteSo yeah, I'm trying to find what might be the cause of this23:29
KurobyteMain reason why I decided to ask here was because at the same time, firefox had trouble loading pages23:31
KurobyteBut I restarted it, and now it can load them no problem23:31
KurobyteStill having trouble with youtube though23:31
cluelesspersoncknox, why have a dns server?23:32
cknoxcluelessperson: so I can remember where I'm putting all these servers...23:33
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northarrowHello, I am running the latest version of Kubuntu and every time I log in I can only see a bar and the mouse. any help? ;(23:44
reisiowhat more do you want to see23:45
northarrowreisio: ha ha. Well the bar is not the kde one with the k button, the desktop is black. In essence, KDE seems not to work.23:46
northarrowor plasma23:46
reisiowhat do you get if you right click?23:46
northarrowreisio: nothing23:46
northarrowreisio: mmm i just discovered something. If I press ctrl alt del, go back to the log in screen, select failsafe and try to log in, it bounces me back to the log in23:49
SukaiI have an issue too23:50
Loshkinortharrow: is there a guest login. if so, does it work?23:51
northarrowGo ahead Sukai, you don't need to ask to ask :)23:51
northarrowLoshki: Hi, unfortunately not. Just my user23:52
SukaiI actually asked it 20 minutes earlier and got no answer23:53
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SukaiBut yeah, for some reason, Youtube playback stopped working23:53
northarrowSukai: Well, try again, maybe somebody who just logged in knows23:53
northarrowSukai: Playback as in generally playing any video23:54
Loshkinortharrow: might wanna ask in #kubuntu also23:54
SukaiWell, playback as in the video loads properly, but doesn't play23:54
ahi2anyone know how to get rid of NO_PUBKEY ...23:54
SukaiI haven't tried with other internet video sharing platforms yet23:55
Sukaishould do that actually23:55
northarrowLoshki: Ha ha, did not know they had a channel. Gonna asj at the same time.23:55
BuzzardBuzzhave you tried going to the local pub and getting a key?23:55
northarrowSukai: Try vimeo and see what happens23:55
SukaiSeems like Dailymotion and vimeo videos have a similar problem23:56
SukaiIt doesn't seem to be limited to one browser either23:57
northarrowSukai: Try typing vimeo on google, and play any video. I don't think I am allowed to post links in here23:57
SukaiThat's exactly what I did23:57
SukaiEverything loads fine, even the visionning applet, or whatever it's actually called. Not the video23:57
northarrowOh sorry. Ok. In the box of where the video should be, what do you see? Gray, missing plug in, any other error?23:58
SukaiI see the ordinary ui23:58
Sukaiin vimeo, the bar below has that "loading" animation23:58
Sukaiat least I think it is23:58
northarrowSukai: Wait, so you can see play, pause, etc?23:59
SukaiI can interact with the buttons23:59
northarrowSukai: What ubuntu version and flavour do you have?23:59

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