
denza242northarrow: can you provide a screenshot perjaps00:03
=== Guest16046 is now known as ikonia
northarrowdenza24: I am going to try that00:12
northarrowdenza24: Ok, this is like pastebin but for photos: http://ibin.co/2JWW5WfZuHey00:15
=== rudydog is now known as monkeyjuice
StravAnyone else having issues with kmail's systray icon on kubuntu 15.10? (namely: there is no icon, hovering the mouse over the space reserved for it shows kmail2 but clicking yields no menu)01:42
StravBtw, I have the same issue on a guest account so it does not seems to be related to a user config peculiarity.01:43
=== denza242 is now known as DSA510
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w03jI accidentally set my monitor to off with xrandr and lightdm, how do I restart it?02:58
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svend-evGood morning07:43
valoriehi svend-ev07:45
lordievaderGood morning.08:01
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VimarI cant work on KDE because of plasma crash, the dekstop is completely black, Anybody had this problem...?11:27
soeeVimar: wha Kubuntu version  ?11:35
xela2244hi i'm using kubuntu 15.04 and i missing .local/share/icons. help11:40
xela2244i'm missing11:41
alvinVimar: Can you still do <Ctrl>+<F2> to get krunner?11:41
soeehiho rikimaru811:46
rikimaru8somebody know where i can find movies cd-s to download??11:48
rikimaru8please i'm rookies on this!11:48
rikimaru8hi to all!11:49
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yossarianukrikimaru8: are you asking where to pirate music/films?12:34
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soeehiho Mr_Hat12:45
Mr_Hatso I'm not sure whether this is the right place to turn to, still since I haven't found any forum threads anywhere I'll just give it a shot.So when i boot on my kubuntu (15) partition i manage to get to the log in dialog but after that one i end up stuck at the loading screen (with that blue bar rigth in the middle) booting in recovery mode it then turns into a black screnn with a moveable mouse after a while the screen locks and i g12:48
Mr_Hati am however able to enter my file system by ctrl alt f312:48
Mr_Hathi soee12:49
=== neon is now known as Guest74081
soeeMr_Hat: are you on 15.04 ?12:54
Mr_Hati guess12:54
soeedo you have backports ppa enabled ?12:54
Mr_Hati ran that repair packages option12:55
Mr_Hatin recovery mode12:56
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soeeMr_Hat: add packports ppa, upgrade system and check than13:23
=== balloons is now known as Guest77565
Mr_Hatlike this: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name?13:24
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Guest74081help enable root13:25
Guest74081no user13:25
radoenhi all guys13:26
Mr_Hatk brb13:28
radoenI've a trouble on my pc, after something (maybe after some package update) I can login to my desktop and Dolphin correctly restore last session's stuff, but I'm unable to lunch anything else (e.g. a terminal)  and plasma bar dont appears ... ideas?13:28
hateball!root | Guest7408113:29
ubottuGuest74081: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:29
Mr_Hatok i ran sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports13:38
Mr_Hatthen it returned an error reading: softwareproperties.ppa.PPAException: 'Error reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~kubuntu-ppa:[Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution'13:40
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Mr_Hatsoee: u here?13:43
lordievaderMr_Hat: Do you have an active internet connection?13:44
Mr_Hati think so13:45
Mr_Hati can access it on my win partition13:45
lordievaderMr_Hat: Can you resolve 'google.com'?13:49
Mr_Hatfrom the shell?13:49
lordievaderMr_Hat: From where you ran the add-apt-repository command.13:49
Mr_Hati'll try13:50
lordievaderUgh... this doesn't work.13:51
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radoenAny ideas about my question?14:23
lordievaderradoen: Are you in the rescue environment now?14:26
radoenno, I'm from my another PC14:26
radoenI cant open the terminal avaible on F1....F1214:26
radoenand I dont know how to enter in rescue mode14:27
lordievaderradoen: Where did you run the add-apt command last time?14:27
radoenumh in a konsole window14:27
lordievaderradoen: Okay, can you resolve 'google.com'?14:28
lordievaderIn that konsole.14:28
radoenno no wait14:28
radoennow I cant open a konsole14:29
radoenwhen I turn on pc and log in KDE dolphin restore last window14:29
radoenbut I cant open nothing else14:29
lordievaderradoen: Krunner doesn't work?14:30
radoenit run but anthing I try to run dont start14:30
radoenand krunner dont "resolve" the application14:30
radoenbut from dolphin, opened automatically at login, i can open files, logs... etc14:31
radoenIt's strange14:31
lordievaderradoen: Resolve ain't a command.. Any how can you still go to tty2? (ctrl + alt + f2)14:32
radoenno i cant14:32
radoenif I try only black screen14:33
lordievaderradoen: Hmm, can you boot it into the rescue mode? (Hold shift after the bios)14:35
radoenumh I'll try that14:35
=== neon is now known as Guest2918
Mr_Hatlordievader: i fixed my internet conn and ran sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports. then i ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade15:24
Mr_Hatsame issue as before ecept there's a new background in the log-in screen now15:25
Mr_Hatthen i ran repair broken packages in the recovery mode again15:26
Mr_Hatsame issue15:26
ejayDouble screen setup is so broken.15:52
lordievaderejay: It works fine here. (But I use Gentoo though)15:53
ejayIt's like trying to make printer work couple years ago.15:53
ejayOr wireless connetion drivers.15:54
ejaylordievader: I'm pretty sure that "work fine" is still not what I would excpect.15:54
lordievaderejay: The issue you have described is not present here. I only see one issue, switching from 1 to 2 screens, or vice versa, gives garbage on the screen for a couple of seconds.15:55
lordievaderAnd I tried to help you yesterday, but you ignored it.15:56
ejayI'm trying to fix this double screen mess and what? Plasma crashed.15:57
ejayAnd in a gods name why those apps are goin to secondary screen even when secondary is not present?!  That's just retarded.16:03
lordievaderDid you take a look at the window placement algorithm settings?16:04
ejayRegarding my double screen problems - how can I revert kdes screens settings. I'm asking becouse now secondary is just black and I cant even change a wallpaper. Windows still goes to secondary becouse ef logic.16:15
abrahamsejay: you may try emptying out ~/.local/share/kscreen/*16:19
ejayabrahams: do I have to restart plasma after that?16:22
abrahamsejay: I would go ahead and restart sddm16:22
ejayabrahams: yup, now I've got wallpaper back on my secondary. And all windows on secondary. But with a background image at least. Plasma5 is great. Yay.16:26
ejayOk, let's forget about broken as all hell double screen handling in plasma5. I would like to know if it's possible to make kwin rules for non-qt non-gtk applications? I'm testing Vivaldi browser and I'm not sure on what framework it is built but kwin rules just do not apply. Any ideas?16:29
kurkinenhello everyone16:30
kurkinencould someone help me with groups16:30
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Bram___hey all, I got a question about the icons-only task manager16:47
Bram___it currently groups applications, but I would prefer that it only group windows that are in the same process, like in window 8./1016:49
Simoniousso.. I'm working on my .screenrc and I want a process to start in a screen after the previous process terminates w/o existing screen.  Sometimes I can make this work, but usually I can't and I'm not sure how/why.  so.. in simplest terms say I've got in screenrc: screen -t delay sh -c "sleep2"; <new process here>       <-something like this..  how do I make this work reliably?17:15
lordievaderejay: Did you take a look at the window placement algorithm settings?17:30
ejaylordievader: Do you mean "show windows under mouse" thing?17:33
ejaymouse pointer*17:34
silicatehey there, i have a problem: i clicked the logout button on my KDE5 and the taskbar has dissapeared17:55
silicatehas this happened to anyone else? is there a way to reset the desktop session to default?17:56
ejaysilicate: did wallpaper dissapeared as well?17:56
silicateyeah its a black screen17:57
ejaysilicate: plasma crashed17:57
silicateso it seems, i was able to get to a sessions menu but the keyboard shortcut has ceased working17:58
ejaysilicate: if everything is black after reboot you need to remove ksycoca5 files from .cache and then run ksycoca5build. Or just try to run plasmashell if you still have terminal open.17:58
lordievaderejay: For example yes. And disable the window snapping thing.18:01
silicatei renamed ksycoca5 but ksycoca5build was command not found18:02
ejaysilicate: kbuildsycoca5, sorry18:02
silicateahh nice thx18:03
silicatelemme give it a try18:03
ejaylordievader: this "windows under mouse pointer" is not working. Hell, even kwin rules are not helping. I guess that this dual screen sytuation is something I need to get used to. This and many, many other unwanted extras that plasma gave me. Thanks for tip anyway.18:05
silicate_well that helped18:06
silicate_but it seems i'll have to rebuild the whole menu again18:06
ejaysilicate_: are you new to plasma5?18:06
silicate_not really this has happened the last 5-6 times ive used it18:07
silicate_i usually just make a new account18:07
silicate_or reinstall18:07
ejaysilicate_: I'm asking becouse those plasmacrashes are super common.18:07
silicate_yeah its happened before a few times18:07
lordievaderejay: What version of Kubuntu and plasma are you running?18:08
ejaylordievader: 15.10 up-to-date18:09
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Guest40543хочу в команду разработчиков ... дайте нужный софт18:09
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lordievaderejay: With backports?18:10
neon__) yes18:10
ejaylordievader: no18:10
silicate_i think so I decided to go to unstable route since im a rennegade18:11
silicate_i just added the default panel again and its back to normal18:11
neon__dowload pack18:11
lordievaderejay: Hmm, you should enable those: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports18:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, valorie, shadeslayer, or txwikinger18:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:13
ejaylordievader: ok, but question is - will I end up with even more broken plasma?18:15
ejaylordievader: I mean - I'm already used to those crashes and strange behaviours, don't want new problems.18:15
geniineon__: Please don't use !ops unless there is some emergency in the channel18:16
genii!ru | neon__18:18
ubottuneon__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:18
silicate_thank you for the help18:22
ejaylordievader: I've updated kubuntu with this backports. Nothing fancy to be honest. ;)18:26
lordievaderNewer version of plasma.18:26
lordievader5.3 instead of 5.218:27
ejaylordievader: I can see amarok and couple of not-so-important apps.18:27
ejaylordievader: I'm on 5.4.2 already18:27
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makkelmockanyone ever accidentally turned a monitor off with xrandr? I can't turn it back on from the ttf terminal18:30
lordievaderejay: How?18:35
lordievaderDoes the backports carry 5.4 nowadays?18:35
denza242CI does18:36
ejaylordievader: I don't know how. I'm just on 15.10 and upgrading everyday. Info center shows KDE 5.4.2, QT 5.4.2, kernel 4.2.0-16.18:41
ejayCouple last days they shiped some heavy updates with a lot of kframework stuff.18:42
lordievaderGuess 5.4 got packaged for Vivid.18:47
TheClausI have an odd problem.  I like to reverse my scroll and enabled it under Settings but it doesn't work when I am running Chromium.  Any ideas.  15.04 is what I am running19:37
=== Steffstoff is now known as Guest59886
_zsc_hi, i'm having trouble with Nvidia drivers on dual monitor.  anyone can help?20:53
soeehi _zsc_, what trouble ?20:54
_zsc_hi soee, I have ppas from ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates and xorg-edgers. Then I installed driver 346.96 from Driver Manager.  All was working well, steam, etc... until my monitors went into standby.20:56
_zsc_Now, only one monitor will turn on even after reboot.  I have tried setting displays again using KDE Display settings and nvidia-settings.20:57
_zsc_I also manually set these settings in xorg.conf:20:58
_zsc_Option "RegistryDwords" "PerfLevelSrc=0x2222"20:58
_zsc_Option "TripleBuffer" "True"20:58
_zsc_I am using 780ti20:58
_zsc_kubuntu 14.04.3 LTS20:58
Mamarok_zsc_: the monitors are connected how? I have trouble sometimes with two external monitors connected through Display port on a laptop port and docking station port, that is a hardware issue, happens sporadically on reboot or when powermanagement switches off the monitors21:31
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_zsc_@Mamarok: 1080p over HDMI and 900p over VGA/D-SUB21:43
_zsc_1080p is the one that has shut off21:43
_zsc_actually, 900p is GPU>DVI->VGA>Screen ;)21:47
Mamarok_zsc_: and you did check the cable I presume, especially if it doesn't turn on at all21:47
_zsc_Yeah.  I am dual-booting windows 10 and this on  separate SSDs.  Dual-display works fine in Win1021:48
_zsc_As I said, it just stopped working after going into/coming out of desktop standby :/21:49
Mamarokok, so not a hardware issue, at least thatis settled. Sadly I can't help much more, you will have to wait for somebody else to chime in21:49
_zsc_If I add another X-screen in nvidia-config, I can get it to display a new desktop, but not much good to me21:49
_zsc_cheers, it's just frustrating because it was working perfectly :(21:50
Mamarokunderstandably so, my bad display port connections are driving me crazy as well21:53
_zsc_such a beautiful OS let down by my GPU manufacturer ;(21:57
_zsc_just found #nvidia, will try there21:59

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