
alkisgHello, ppa:ts.sch.gr was given the ability to build armhf, thanks for that.05:00
alkisgI'm getting build-time segmentation faults in that architecture though, while the others work fine, and while the ports.ubuntu.com builds (of ltsp) are fine05:00
alkisgExample: https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ubuntu/proposed/+sourcepub/5526518/+listing-archive-extra05:00
alkisgmsgmerge -U se.po ltsp.pot qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped make[2]: *** [se.po] Segmentation fault (core dumped)05:01
alkisgI've tried it in a qemu chroot and it works fine... how could I troubleshoot that further? Is it possible that somehow it's an issue with launchpad?05:01
alkisgIt's not possible to get ssh access to troubleshoot it there, is it?05:03
alkisgAh. Oh. Test case in qemu:05:17
alkisgwhile true; do msgmerge -U da.po ltsp.pot; done05:17
alkisg20 times it says: ................................... done.05:17
alkisgOne time it says: qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped05:17
* alkisg tries to put msgmerge in a "try-it-5-times-in-case-it-segfaults" loop...05:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 668799 in Linaro QEMU "qemu-arm segfaults executing msgmerge (gettext)" [Undecided,Fix released]05:22
alkisgwhile true; do taskset -c 0 msgmerge -U da.po ltsp.pot; done05:29
alkisgThis works fine05:29
alkisgGuys, since it's a known problem with qemu/multithreaded apps, and it's not related to the builds that we sent to armhf builds in launchpad,05:30
alkisgwould it be possible to specify that all armhf builds are executed on a single core?05:30
wgrantalkisg: It's not that simple, unfortunately.05:56
wgrantqemu-user doesn't like multithreaded code much, even if it's running on a single core.05:56
wgrantThere's no workaround other than doing less threading.05:57
wgrantLast week we started testing real virtualised armhf and arm64 builds, but there are some kernel bugs we need to work through before that's rolled out onto production.05:57
alkisgI've sent a test build where I changed Makefile to call `taskset -c 0 msgfmt` etc. But I would like to find a better place for it then in the upstream code, as it's temporary and specific to launchpad builds05:58
alkisg(local qemu builds work for me with that small change)05:59
wgrantOh, does that actually work around it? I'm surprised it's reliable.06:01
wgrantBut we can't easily limit builds to a single core, so it's best that you do that in your packaging.06:01
alkisgwgrant: do you think that this issue will be solved with the new virtualized infrastructure, in e.g. a few months? If so, I could just fork the packaging for those months, instead of trying to get it to debian...06:03
wgrantalkisg: Yes, it will definitely be solved when we stop using qemu-user.06:05
alkisgThanks a lot wgrant :)06:05
alkisgOuch, it's only a little better now with taskset, it succeeds in half of the builds...06:12
* alkisg will just remove msgfmt/msgunfmt from the armhf builds...06:13
wgrantYeah, I didn't think that'd be a reliable fix :(06:21
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malenkianyone knows if I can add a comment to a certain string at https://translations.launchpad.net/?17:03
dobeymalenki: you mean as a developer of a project?17:04
malenkino. as translator to a string of the translation17:05
dobeyno, i don't think there is any way to comment on the translations themselves17:07
malenkia pity17:08
malenkithough thanks for the reply17:09
dobeyyou can contact whomever made the suggested translation, if you really need to17:18
malenkidobey, sure17:25
malenkiit would be just useful to comment "this string is refers to xy doing 123" to avoid further mis-translations17:25
malenki.po (the format launchpad exports translations to) itself supports comments17:26
pipedreamhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/272609 need more space in PPA17:27
pipedreamthat was quick17:27
dobeymalenki: then the upstream code needs a comment in the source, for that translation17:27
dobeymalenki: so suggest filing a bug with a patch to add it17:27
malenkidobey, not every translator will look into the source code17:28
malenki(i'd assume only a small percentage)17:28
dobeymalenki: the comments in the .po files come from the source code17:28
dobeymalenki: they get displayed on launchpad if they exist17:28
dobeythat's how gettext works.17:28
malenkidobey, i found https://blueprints.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/suggestion-approve-rejection-explanation17:40
malenkibut i cannot find if this got implemented and if, how to use it17:40
cjwatsonIt wasn't; you can see the open bugs linked to that.17:41
cjwatsonSome of Launchpad's oldest open bugs, in fact.17:41
malenki10 years celebtraion, anyone? :17:41
cjwatsonIt's absolutely a bug, but there are only three of us working on LP at the moment and only one with much experience of the Translations component, so I'm afraid it's unlikely to be done soon.17:43
mgzrandom love: needed misc git branch hosting on sunday, remembered I could use launchpad, and it was all super-easy17:44
cjwatsonGlad something's working to people's satisfaction :-)17:45
malenkicjwatson, thats sad. i commented on #21117:45

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