
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
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dholbachgood morning06:42
clobranobuongiorno all :)07:30
dholbachhey mvo, who do I ping about Snappy Personal?07:40
dholbachtedg, looks like snapcraft builds currently fail: https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+recipe/snapcraft-daily07:45
mvodholbach: seb128 probably, not sure who else is wokring on this07:48
seb128not me, I worked on the image back then but it was lower in priority and I basically moved back to other things07:49
dholbachseb128, do you know who I could ping? willcooke and kgunn maybe?07:50
seb128trying to make that fallback on me forced through managers? ;-)07:51
seb128that image is just unmaintained atm07:51
dholbachI would just like to know who is working on it and what the state of things is07:51
dholbacha quick answer is really enough07:51
seb128but talk to kgunn if you think it should have more resources assigned07:51
seb128nobody is07:51
dholbachI wasn't after "hey, somebody fix my X, Y and Z issue" :)07:51
dholbachI'll ping Kevin later on07:51
seb128that's basically what I said, it was lowered in priority and resources moved away afaik07:51
dholbachseb128, it's just a question I'd like to have answered for a presentation on the weekend07:52
seb128let me know what kevin says07:52
dholbachwill do07:52
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb07:53
clobranoHi Chipaca, I wouldn't be pedantic, but any news about Bug #1496319 and udev rules? :)08:01
ubottubug 1496319 in Snappy "Could not create symlink to hw device with udev rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149631908:01
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seb128you guys are aware that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-snappy/1.6ubuntu1 didn't migrate out of wily-proposed because it fails to build?08:34
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day! 😃09:01
mvoogra_: hi, I accidently triggered your initird partition resize in one of my image on wily, I get "parted: invalid option -- '1' in resize-writable.log. the image may be older, just wanted to let you know09:06
ogra_mvo, hmm09:07
ogra_do you know how you actually triggered that ?09:07
seb128mvo, ogra_, did you see that ubuntu-snappy is still on 1.5 in wily because 1.6 fails to build?09:09
seb128unsure if that's something you want to fix before release09:09
ogra_"release" heh09:10
ogra_but yeah ... for the devs that use wily desktops that probably makes sense :)09:10
mvoogra_: I removed system-a and system-b09:10
ogra_mvo, ah, so a typical usecase then :)09:10
mvoogra_: *cough*09:10
mvoogra_: this why I said "fyi"09:11
ogra_did you leave writable intact ?09:11
mvoogra_: it may become one, this is a system booting from a kernel snap09:11
mvoogra_: I did, I wanted to double check if my system keeps booting just from kernel/os snap and the resize was a bit of a unexpected thing (a nice one though)09:11
mvoogra_: but like I said, could be a much older image09:12
ogra_there might be a check missing09:12
ogra_(i think the findfs runs only after the free space check and there might be nothing checking if it actually returned something09:12
mvoogra_: oh, fun - so something returns "-1" for size and parted assumes its a parameter :) ?09:13
ogra_yeah, something like that .... i'll have to check the code, just a theory09:14
mvook, not important, like I said, not relevant now, but might be a nice feature for 15.04->16.04 upgrades that your script can reclaim the space09:14
ogra_ah, no. wait-for-root for "writable" and findfs run first09:15
ogra_so it isnt that09:17
Chipacaclobrano: that's not what "pedantic" means. And if it were my bug, I would've had less patience than you :)09:29
Chipacagood morning all09:29
Chipacamvo: are we on github yet?09:29
ChipacaJamesTait: I am starting to suspect you're making up these Days09:31
JamesTaitChipaca, it's also Evaluate Your Life Day....09:31
mvoChipaca: I asked to wait 1 week, i.e. do the release with LLP09:32
Chipacamvo: ahh, i missed that09:32
Chipacamvo: that is entirely sensible! thanks09:32
davmor2Chipaca: on a plus side it did trigger this as my tune for JamesTait day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUOtCLOXgm809:37
Chipacai'm going to need bigger speakers09:37
davmor2Chipaca: virtual cleaning, with virtual woman, in a virtual environment, it was as close to virtual desktop as I could get :)09:39
ogra_panic: can not set option description for "package name"09:54
ogra_mvo, Chipaca ^^^ thats the ubuntu-snapy FTBFS09:55
ogra_(in wily)09:55
Chipacaogra_: noice09:55
mvoogra_: thanks09:57
ogra_same failure on all arches but powerpc09:58
Chipacainterestingly, doing bzr-builddeb locally gives me a different ftbfs :)09:59
Chipacabah. There's the same one also.10:00
Chipacasrc/launchpad.net/snappy/daemon/daemon_test.go:87: d.router.Walk undefined (type *mux.Router has no field or method Walk)10:00
* Chipaca pokes10:00
mvoChipaca: the way we set the options is different between different version of flags10:00
ogra_this build is old ...10:00
mvoChipaca: for the other one you need a updated version of mux, its in the image ppa10:00
ogra_so could well be that another FTBFS joined the party over time10:00
mvoChipaca: I wonder why its failing now, can't rmember changing the goflags code or the goflags package10:01
Chipacaah, schroot builddeb has the ppa set up already, going with that one10:04
Chipacasergiusens: mo'in!10:05
Chipacamvo: got the same error in schroot. Also an error in one of the helper tests...10:09
mvoChipaca: could you pastebin the other error please?10:09
mvoChipaca: heh, ok. that looks a lot like sbuild being special10:13
Chipacamvo: oh yeah :)10:14
Chipacaprobably need a .Skip() there10:16
sergiusensChipaca, morning10:17
Chipacasergiusens: you already answered a bit in the branch, but: would it be ok for u-d-f to use snapd?10:17
Chipacadirectly, that is10:18
Chipacaor would you need a client library10:18
sergiusensChipaca, only if snapd has SetArch or  similar10:18
sergiusensChipaca, and ExtractSnap for the gadget as that has all the information on how to setup partitions, which snaps to bring in, etc10:19
sergiusensChipaca, this is where everything breaks btw. As this snapd on the host would need to support 15.04 and rolling builds10:21
dholbachhey sergiusens10:21
Chipacasergiusens: not necessarily10:21
sergiusensChipaca, right now we do 'snappy.Install' to a fake location10:21
Chipacasergiusens: need to think about it a bit, but, you can have multiple snapds and only one rest client, and things should work10:22
Chipacawe'd need to have tests to that effect though10:22
dholbachsergiusens, shall we talk through the clinic later on? or are we good to go? I think I'd just snappify something simple like ddate, do the introductions and relay questions if that's all right.10:22
Chipacathere isn't a set architecture, and there isn't a way to setrootdir to have an install work, but they should be easy to add as cmdline args10:24
sergiusensdholbach, for the last step?10:25
dholbachsergiusens, we can do more if you like10:26
sergiusensChipaca, right, I think we need to have more than an irc discussion to get this going. I need to order my brain on all the permutations that we need to cover10:26
sergiusensdholbach, I thought tedg was preparing something with cmake10:27
sergiusensdholbach, I do have a cmake/plugin override example in the works10:27
dholbachsergiusens, ok cool - I'll leave the example around, just in case10:27
Chipacasergiusens: sprint at mvo's, the last week of october \o/10:27
Chipacasergiusens: ie next week10:27
Chipaca2015/10/19 11:26:18.407658 common.go:45: PANIC can not set option description for "package name"10:28
Chipacamvo: ^ that is output in a *successful* test run10:28
Chipacamvo: so it's a red herring10:28
ogra_Chipaca, nah, at dholbach's, then yoiu guys cal also come to ubucon ;)10:29
Chipacai'll disable log in that panic-checking test10:29
Chipacaogra_: +110:29
Chipacaaren't they, like, neighbours?10:29
sergiusensChipaca, next week is too soon to get a good fare ;-)10:29
dholbachsergiusens, or do ddate in a bit more detail, then quickly explain how fatcat is done (although that's probably not the best example as we have to have it ship its own libstdc++6) - not sure... what do you think?10:29
Chipacasergiusens: no no; fares dip this soon before10:29
ogra_Chipaca, for american standards perhaps :)10:29
* Chipaca remembers travelling 1Mm for an asado10:30
sergiusensdholbach, well if you do it from vivid no need to ship it :-P10:30
mvoChipaca: yeah, the output is confusing its testing that its panicing if it can't find the option10:30
ogra_(but then under that standard berlin lies next to paris too :) )10:30
sergiusensdholbach, but I see your point10:30
dholbachsergiusens, I'm happy either way - it might generally illustrate how to do and when to consider it10:31
Chipacamvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/skip-homedir-no-schroot/+merge/27487010:40
Chipacamvo: 1. skip that test in schroot; 2. turn off logs in that panic test10:40
mvoChipaca: \o/10:42
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sergiusensChipaca, btw, did you see my messages from Friday about the megaMR and docopt?11:05
Chipacasergiusens: megaMR?11:05
Chipacasergiusens: wrt docopt, you linked me to docopt.go, is that the one you mean? otherwis eno11:05
sergiusensChipaca, mega MR https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/cleanup/+merge/27480111:32
sergiusensChipaca, and docopt, it looks really nice but there is no i18n support (dev allude that all cli's are in English) and implementing subcommands is rather ugly11:33
sergiusensChipaca, ugly as in the subcommand does a subprocess.call on a subcommand11:33
sergiusensChipaca, e.g.; https://github.com/docopt/docopt/blob/master/examples/git/git.py11:34
Chipacasergiusens: after pointing you at it i wondered about how/whether they'd support subcommands modularly11:34
sergiusensChipaca, after seeing the presentation I really wanted that one to be the one (would of been a prince charming Disney story if so) :-)11:35
ogra_mvo, hmm, looking at your initramfs-tools MP ... why the insmod ? mount should properly triger a modprobe event here11:38
mvoogra_: I don't know why, sorry, it did not figure it out automatically for me, but I can re-test and see if it was a one-time fluke11:39
ogra_thats surely a bug if it doesnt ...11:39
ogra_mvo,  if we cant get the kernel fixed we should add squashfs to the initramfs config instead of calling insmod though11:41
sergiusensChipaca, I like this one, name clash and all, it is calling you http://click.pocoo.org/5/11:41
mvoogra_: let me try again11:45
Chipacasergiusens: ugh. the "i just discovered decoraters they are the best!!1!one!" library11:46
sergiusensChipaca, then there's https://github.com/zyga/guacamole ;-) (the syntax is a bit more complicated but is the same without decorators)11:47
ogra_mvo, also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12859786/11:48
ogra_(not sure about loop, might be compiled int nowadays .... )11:48
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ogra_ah, yeah, loop is builtin11:50
mvoogra_: it looks like I don't need it anymore, I removed the insmod and it seems to be still happy. thanks for the diff, I addd it now11:50
ogra_mvo, yeah, drop the loop line though (got that from casper)11:51
ogra_mvo, also in line 80 (root="LABEL=writable") you might want to use $writable_label instead of hardcoding the name (you use $writable_mnt in that function too, so it would be good to have all in variables)11:53
mvoogra_: excellent suggesitons, thanks, will fix right after lunch11:53
Chipacamvo: any idea why golint is suddenly mad at my branch? what changed in tarmac?11:53
ogra_mvo, beyond that, the code looks fine to me, will approve then ;)11:54
ogra_(indeed assuming it actually works :) )11:54
mvoogra_: heh :) it does for me, but I will double check after lunch again11:55
ogra_i'll keep staring at it a bit, probably i find other nitpicks :)11:55
ogra_mount --move "$writable_mnt" "${rootmnt}/writable"11:56
Chipacamvo: wrt lint, seems an updated golint is what happened11:56
ogra_with the new way "$writable_mnt" is "${rootmnt}" already ... not sure this line is clever11:57
ogra_(movind ourselves one level down ... )11:58
ogra_ah, no ignore that ... but there is something wonky here11:59
* ogra_ will breed over it 11:59
ogra_hmm, we are essentially pullin out the carpet underneath ourselves with that line12:02
Chipacamvo: updated the branch to pass lint again, care to give it a once-over?12:02
Chipacasergiusens: wrt snapd and u-d-f, what i'm thinking is of making it easy for u-d-f to start snapd using systemd-activate and talking to it over a pipe or whatever is simplest in that scenario12:19
sergiusensChipaca, and snapd will run fine on ubuntu classic?12:20
Chipacasergiusens: today now, because there isn't a way to setrootdir12:20
Chipacasergiusens: but that's why i'm asking what's needed :)12:20
sergiusensChipaca, right, if it runs fine in ubuntu classic and you don't forget to push the debs to tools-proposed, it's all going to be good12:21
sergiusensChipaca, given all snaps, I don't know anymore12:21
Chipacasergiusens: sounds like setrootdir, set arch, and a way to make apps not be sideloaded12:22
sergiusensChipaca, but if we forget about all snaps, install to alternate locations, inhibit hooks, set the release to query the store12:22
sergiusensChipaca, apps coming from the store should not be marked as sideloaded though12:22
sergiusensChipaca, I think that is an introduced bug12:22
sergiusensrecent one12:23
sergiusensChipaca, but yay, origin12:23
Chipacaah, of course, you don't sideload them, you tell snappy to install them (or do actually sideload, in which case you *want* them to be sideloaded)12:23
sergiusensChipaca, they shouldn't be sideloaded, right,because of what you just said ;-)12:23
Chipacasergiusens: apps coming from the store aren't marked as sideloaded. If you've found a case when that happens, drop everything and let me know :)12:24
dholbachsergiusens, tedg: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/150757312:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507573 in Snapcraft "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'tests'" [Undecided,New]12:49
sergiusensdholbach, I was going to ask you what the heck that meant as bzr bd works just fine12:50
dholbachsergiusens, let me see if I can reproduce it12:52
sergiusensdholbach, this is probably related to the test_suite='snapcraft.tests' line I added to setup.py12:53
dholbachsergiusens, try with and without python3-autopilot13:05
dholbachthat might be the issue13:05
tedgsergiusens: dholbach: I finally got my ginac example working last night, but it required a fix, and ended up being autotools.13:11
dholbachtedg, cool - are you going to present it later on?13:12
tedgdholbach: At the clinic, right?13:14
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jdstrandmvo: hi! ping re snappy-debug13:28
Chipacajdstrand: hi! ping re killing click-apparmor with fire :-p13:30
mvojdstrand: uh, sorry, we plan a new snappy release for end of this week, I got a bit distracted because of this13:30
jdstrandChipaca: I think I mentioned I would very much appreciate help with that ;)13:31
jdstrandChipaca: but yes, it is definitely something we need to do13:31
jdstrandunfortunately, higher priority items keep getting added to our plate that trump that one13:32
Chipacajdstrand: ok, here's the thing: i wouldn't know where to start :-/13:32
jdstrandmvo: I'm not sure what you are communicating. do you want me to remove valgrind, fix up the packaging and upload?13:35
mvojdstrand: if you could do that, that would rock, sorry for being not clear, I just tried to say that I had not had time to work on this yet :/13:36
jdstrandmvo: I'm wondering if I should just upload it without gdb, etc since it would be nice if this was available on arm13:39
mvojdstrand: +113:43
mvojdstrand: and we add the other bits later13:43
sergiusensdholbach, why would I want python3-autopilot? Do we use anything from that at all?13:43
balloons_dholbach, perhaps we should broach the topic in here instead with the rest of the team.13:44
dholbachsergiusens, i don't know13:44
sergiusensdholbach, lol, it does not make sense :-)13:45
dholbachsergiusens, it makes it work :)13:45
sergiusensdholbach, right, I don't have anything autopilot locally here13:45
dholbachthen one of its deps?13:46
jdstrandmvo: ok, I'll just do that then13:46
sergiusensdholbach, oh, maybe testutils13:46
dholbachsergiusens, I'll investigate13:47
sergiusensdholbach, http://trac.10920.n7.nabble.com/Can-t-run-the-unit-tests-ImportError-No-module-named-tests-td31160.html13:49
sergiusensmaybe that13:49
jdstrandmvo: ok, I created https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-debug13:52
jdstrandmvo: that has what is in the store. I will now remove the non snappy-security bits, commit and upload to the store. that way, it'll be easy to revert and pick up later13:53
tedgsergiusens: Can you look at this before the clinic today? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/snapcraft/autoreconf/+merge/27489313:57
tedgsergiusens: Bugs found in making the demo :-)13:57
sergiusenstedg, you can add build packages to the yaml itself, but sure lets look at this14:01
mvojdstrand: \o/14:03
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
tedgsergiusens: Oh, I thought that was only for plugins.14:04
sergiusenstedg, I guess all or mostly all of the autotools based projects will use libtools, not sure about bison14:10
tedgsergiusens: Yeah, makes sense. Let me refactor.14:15
sergiusenstedg, in trunk I think build-packages can even go into the part (instead of top level snapcraft.yaml)14:16
tedgsergiusens: Yup, verifying by building now.14:17
tedgsergiusens: So this looks a little weird, I mean libfoo-dev seems like it shoudl be a "build-package" but yet, that doesn't seem like what we want.14:30
tedgsergiusens: Curious if it should be "host-packages" or something.14:30
tedgsergiusens: Or handle build packages by installing them onces, but stage-packages twice. So then you only get some into stage14:31
sergiusenstedg, I see your point and yes it is confusing if you come from debian/control14:34
sergiusenstedg, I think of it as build-package just drives the build14:34
sergiusenstedg, stage-packages is anything you want in the part/snap (a -dev will bring in the lib which you would want).14:34
tedgsergiusens: Yeah, I think it would be nice though, just to make the snap smaller.14:34
sergiusensbut certainly confusing14:35
sergiusensI worked around my line of thinking to get used to it14:35
tedgsergiusens: The current build-packages sucks because if you're using a different distro version from the host it won't work.14:35
sergiusenstedg, and no fileset usage I bet ;-)14:35
jdstrandoh noes14:40
jdstrandhow does one recover from this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12861487/14:41
jdstrandthis is on a bbb14:41
mvojdstrand: uh, sorry - this is a transient bug14:41
mvojdstrand: you need to manually rename the full named kernels in /boot/uboot/{a,b}/  to the short (vmlinuz) name14:44
mvojdstrand: same for initrd14:44
jdstrandmvo: this is then fixed after this upgrade?14:44
tedgsergiusens: bison dropped14:44
dholbachsergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/snapcraft/1507573/+merge/274889 updated14:46
mvojdstrand: yes, its a version of snappy that gets this wrong14:47
ogra_tedg, if you drop bisons you have to add wombats ... thats an old rule :)14:47
jdstrandI got past that, now:14:48
jdstranderror from system-image-cli: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/system-image/archive-master.tar.xz'14:48
* jdstrand copies from /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/14:49
tedgogra_: Are you using the Alix board as a router and then putting a WAP on the other side?15:00
doctorSnappyoh, 1h early15:06
* doctorSnappy i'm not a real doctor15:06
cmkany1 online?15:09
sergiusenstedg, added  comment to your MP15:09
vmayoralsergiusens: morning, we've tested what we discussed last week15:10
sergiusensvmayoral, sdcard?15:10
sergiusensvmayoral, how did it go?15:10
vmayoralsergiusens: pretty much the same, no big changes15:11
sergiusensvmayoral, have you tried disconnecting everything from the usb bus as well?15:11
vmayoralyes, boot time reduces a bit ~15 seconds but the "snappy info" command takes the same15:12
vmayoralthe issue that we saw with the autopilot (for the drones) remains active15:13
sergiusensvmayoral, so even disconnecting everything from the bus (wifi, vide camera, etc) has no impact?15:13
* sergiusens invokes ogra15:13
vmayoralsergiusens: yes, tests have been made with only Erle-Brain 2 (RPi2 + shield with power electronics for actuators)15:14
sergiusensvmayoral, what about just the rpi2 with no shield?15:14
sergiusensdholbach, I have bad news, my network connection seems to be degrading15:15
vmayoralsergiusens: haven't tried that but i doubt that's the issue since Debian FS works perfectly with the shield15:15
sergiusensdholbach, I'll keep you posted15:15
dholbachthanks sergiusens15:15
ogra_vmayoral, snappy info takes long for you ?15:15
tedgsergiusens: Done. bug 150764815:16
ubottubug 1507648 in Snapcraft "Autotools doesn't work without autogen.sh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150764815:16
vmayoralogra_: in the tests, the first time it took 16 seconds, following attempts about 4 seconds each15:16
elopioI'm going to upgrade my openwrt.15:16
elopioI might be away for a month. Wish me luck.15:16
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ time snappy info|grep real15:17
ogra_real    0m0.495s15:17
ogra_this is on an unmodified snappy RPi2 image15:17
Guest42341QUESTION: Can i have my private snappy app store?15:18
ogra_so it must be related to some changes you make15:18
sergiusensGuest42341, you are early15:18
Guest42341oh, thanks sergiusens15:18
Guest42341how much early?15:18
sergiusensGuest42341, 40'15:18
* sergiusens restarts router again15:18
ogra_vmayoral, can you prefix the snappy info with "time" like i did above, so we can see if it is slow in user or sys time (sys would actually point to IO)15:20
cmkhow to install apps on snappy personal desktop so that they appear in the UX/appbar?15:21
* ogra_ doubts you can yet 15:22
vmayoralogra_: can't put time into it now but will do. Ehat really concerns me is the issue with the autopilot binary in the Snappy FS15:22
ogra_personal is also not a project atm ... that image build was a one-off test thing15:22
ogra_vmayoral, well, the snappy fs isnt slow as you can see above ...15:22
ogra_so there must be something with your changes that snappy doesnt get along with15:23
vmayoralogra_: not saying it's Snappy, probably we're doing something wrong15:23
ogra_well, or snappy is15:23
ogra_the point is that a default snappy isntall flies (oh the pun) on RPi15:24
Chipacaok, i've got to go out for a bit, will bbl15:24
vmayoralogra_: what really confuses me is that the same config produces a kernel on De15:25
shuduoi am tring to install mir.mvp-demo on a snappy instance from virtual machine but it always fails with "something went wrong :(". can anyone confirm it's expected or not?15:25
vmayoral*produces a kernel that works perfectly in Debian and gets issues in Snappy15:25
ogra_vmayoral, well, you cant really compare the two15:25
shuduoactually i'm trying to reproduce running qt snap application on snappy personal.15:26
ogra_different userspace ... kernel options might be missing between them etc15:26
ogra_kgunn, can you help shuduo ?15:27
ogra_is the Mir snap supposed to work ?15:27
tedgshuduo: I don't think the mir snap will work on personal.15:31
tedgPersonal I believe has Mir bundled into the core.15:31
shuduotedg, ogra_, kgunn, i refer to a doc "Snappy GUI Anyone?" but it's out of date. but it says mir snap works with virtual machine.15:32
* Guest42341 live in 25 min15:35
kgunnshuduo: virtual machine of ubuntu core (not personal)15:35
kgunnshuduo: ubuntu personal image has not had the work/attention to support snap as a mir client download/installation15:36
jdstrandmvo: fyi, bbb is back in action15:37
kgunnshuduo: fwiw, i can confirm the mir.mvp-demo installs/runs fine on ubuntu core in vm or booted from thumb drive even15:39
jdstrandmvo: so, snappy-debug was set as a framework. is this so one doesn't have to type 'snappy-debug-snappy-security'?15:39
kgunnproblem is currently the running of the mir client snaps (on top of  that)15:39
shuduokgunn: hmm, i managed to run a recompiled mir snap on qemu now. but failed with virtualbox15:39
jdstrandmvo: wouldn't an alias in the store do the same thing?15:39
kgunnshuduo: i can only speak to the vm i used15:40
jdstrandmvo: or am I misremembering that point?15:40
* kgunn gets on the phone so responses will be slower15:40
mvojdstrand: yes, just for that, just for the short names to work15:41
jdstrandmvo: I really don't like this being a framework-- it isn't. there are no services, no framework-policy, no apps will consume it15:41
mvojdstrand: a alias will mean you need to type "snappy-debug.strace" which is probably a good thing15:41
mvojdstrand: yeah, I agree15:41
shuduokgunn: i'm curious what vm you are using. can you see graphics screen show up with a big mouse cursor?15:41
jdstrandmvo: ok, so I'll remove the framework bit. maybe some thought needs to be put around something that is an app but with binaries with short name? I'm not sure. it is easy to commit to thinking about it though :)15:42
kgunnshuduo: virtual machine manager which can download from the sw store15:43
kgunnand yes, i can see the big mouse cursor15:43
shuduokgunn: yes, i'm using vmm now and i can see graphic screen with a mouse cursor15:43
mvojdstrand: :)15:43
kgunnshuduo: right, and there is a problem with running of mir client on that demo do some install pathing changes i believe15:44
kgunnand tbh, i am thinking we need to move our effort over to snapcraft15:44
shuduokgunn: let me try install mir.mvp-demo again. i'm trying to reproduce what Darren Landoll did as he said he managed to make QT app snap working with snappy personal15:44
* ogra_ points out again that there is no actuallyy snappy personal image ... it was an experimental proof of concept thing to prove it can be built 15:46
ogra_*no actual15:47
dholbachwe are going to start the broadcast on ubuntuonair.com in about 10 mins15:50
geniidholbach: Do you have an URL for that?15:51
dholbachgenii, http://ubuntuonair.com :)15:51
geniiHeh, OK15:51
dholbachdoes the video work? everything working fine so far?16:03
jeffesquivelsdholbach: yes16:03
dholbachif you have questions, please prefix them with QUESTION:16:03
dholbachso we can more easily pick them up :)16:03
shuduokgunn: i installed a fresh new instance on vm. it still got failure on install mir from store as before. i wonder the command line 'snappy install mir' output 'package not found' even it can be search out.16:11
fgimeneznice evening everyone o/16:11
dholbachany questions so far?16:17
RlyehQUESTION:Do plugins shipped with snapcraft or we can make it ourselfs?16:19
ogra_Rlyeh, you can indeed create your own like sergiusens just demonstarated16:20
dockydoyou have an error16:20
RlyehThanks, i have some delay, sorry16:20
dholbachno worries :)16:21
dholbachwe'll answer it on the hangout in a sec as well, just to be sure16:21
ogra_QUESTION: why do you need -dev packages for runtime deps ?16:21
RlyehQUESTION:would you please describe how to define architecture? I defined "armhf", but the package built for amd64(my pc)16:24
shuduokgunn: sorry install mir.mvp-demo can be processed. pls ignore prev msg16:24
kgunnQUESTION: so with the stage packages, when you pull, you only need to call out the first level of dependencies? it'll grab all the sub-deps...16:26
kgunn(sorry i may be laggy)16:27
LarreaMikelQUESTION: If I undestand well, to build snaps for rp2, you have to develop them on the rp2?16:27
ogra_LarreaMikel, you have to develop them on armhf16:28
ogra_LarreaMikel, that can as well be a qemu-static-arm chroot (built via qemu-deboostrap) on your PC ... sadly that doesnt work for all languages (i.e. go and .net wouldnt work) which is why we cant make a wrapper as default thing for it16:29
LarreaMikelogra_ thanks ;)16:29
mattywLarreaMikel, if you use go you can cross compile out of the box16:29
mattywmore or less16:30
ogra_well, snapcraft doesnt support it16:30
ogra_as sergio just explains :)16:30
dockydowhat does EINFUGEN means?16:32
dockydothanks :D16:32
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-akf
=== shuduo-akf is now known as shuduo-afk
dholbachI hit the wrong button16:36
dockydois really over?16:37
LarreaMikelQUESTION: If you do "snap run" on the rp2, it tries also to run on an emulator?16:37
tedgdockydo: Just a sec, dholbach hit the wrong button.16:37
* ogra_ expects them to come back :)16:37
sergiusensdockydo, no, technical issues with hangouts16:37
dockydonp :))16:37
sergiusenswill come back in a minutes16:37
ogra_LarreaMikel, you mean snapcraft run ?16:37
dockydook them, time to check for ota716:37
sergiusensLarreaMikel, I'll answer that one in the hangout ;-)16:38
LarreaMikelogra_: yes, sorry16:38
ogra_(it might try to, havent checked :) )16:38
ogra_dockydo, the phone will notify you anyway ;)16:39
dockydoogra_: i know but it can't help myself :))16:40
dholbachsorry, we're back on https://ubuntuonair.com/ now16:40
ogra_popey, ^^^ we need to put some tetris into the check for updates dialog on the phone ;)16:40
dholbachyou might have toload the ubuntuonair.com page16:40
dockydothat would be nice :))16:41
* ogra_ reloads16:41
ogra_"Starting soon..."16:41
ogra_someone take away these buttons from dholbach !16:42
dockydo1snappy remove buttons16:42
dockydo1any plans for ubuntu home routers? (i'll buy 3)16:43
ogra_sergiusens, you can do it in a chroot easily (install snapcraft on rpi snappy)16:43
ogra_dockydo1, jdstrand has an experimental ufw snap already ... so you should eb able to easily build one16:44
elopiodockydo1: +1 or 2 here.16:44
dockydo1ogra_: first i have to figure it out how to install ubuntu snappy on my router :D16:45
ogra_dockydo1, http://pcengines.ch/ i like to use these for servers and routers etc16:45
ogra_i have one here running snappy realyl happily16:45
dockydo1thanks ogra_16:45
ogra_(the ALIX boards/systems)16:46
dholbachany more questions so far? :)16:46
LarreaMikelQUESTION: Maybe this is a silly question, but what will be the proper way to develop with snapcraft for the rp2? I mean, to develop and install the snap in the rp2?16:49
nullagent__QUESTION: which day was the ROS workshop?16:51
dholbachthanks a bunch everyone!16:51
RlyehQUESTION: Is it possible to write apps in c++?16:51
sergiusensLarreaMikel, hey, I'm just noticing your question, not sure it was answered, was it?16:51
dholbachnullagent__, we'll send out an email on the list about it and on the @ubuntudev social media accounts16:51
dholbachRlyeh, sure16:51
sergiusensRlyeh, what tedg demo'd was a c++ app16:51
elopiothank you.16:51
tedgnullagent__: Roughly two weeks16:51
sergiusensnullagent__, eagerly wait for the announcement from dholbach ;-)16:52
dholbachRlyeh, you can use whatever's in Ubuntu - no matter if it's python or c++, go or java or anything else16:52
nullagent__Awesome thanks, using an overly complicated approach for ROS today can't wait to see what you guys came up with16:52
RlyehI think i missed it, I have to review the video, Thank you all, very useful16:52
LarreaMikelsergiusens: if you have answered it, i didn't realize... sorry16:53
dholbachand sign up for the mailing list here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/snappy-app-devel16:53
dholbachit's low-traffic and you should be able to get answers for your questions there16:53
ogra_thanks guys !!!16:54
dholbachand sorry about me pressing the wrong button16:54
dholbach /o\16:55
ogra_boys and buttons ... :)16:55
popeyogra_: I certainly believe we need more easter eggs in the phone :)16:57
jdstrandmvo: fyi, ok, see email on snappy-debug (both in the thread and on snappy-app-devel). I also filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1507693 for adding the removed tools back. I did a preliminary triage; please reassign/adjust as necessary17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507693 in Snappy "please add gdb, strace, ltrace, etc to snappy-debug" [High,Triaged]17:06
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)17:15
mvothanks jdstrand17:30
sergiusenselopio, any chance in looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/cleanup/+merge/27480117:55
elopiosergiusens: sure.17:55
sergiusensChipaca, can you check if the two latest commits to https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/cleanup/+merge/274801 satisfy your comments please?18:40
sergiusenselopio, hey, when you say hard to ready18:51
sergiusenselopio, is it the one liner or the longer paragraph?18:51
sergiusenselopio, your text proposal does not fit one line btw ;-)18:52
elopioit's the one liner.19:06
elopioI mean, it's to replace the one liner + the paragraph for just one line.19:07
elopiosergiusens: yes, what you pushed seems nice to me.19:08
sergiusenselopio, I edited to make it fit thought ;-)19:11
sergiusenselopio, if it is ok, a +1 would be great ;-)19:31
elopiosergiusens: I +1'ed 25 minutes ago19:35
sergiusenselopio, I didn't get the email :-) sorry19:43
sergiusenselopio, I didn't ask you yet, but what do you think about http://click.pocoo.org/5/ ?20:00
sergiusenselopio, and https://github.com/zyga/guacamole20:00
sergiusenselopio, I discarded docopt as it has no translations nor easy support for subcommands20:00
kgunnsergiusens: tedg so the clinic was timely for me, i was going to use my afternoon to get my mir dependencies sorted...so is it correct that the cmake snapcraft plugin20:03
kgunnis actually only using the stuff in the stage area to check for dependencies ?20:04
kgunnlike, if i have all the dependencies for building mir on my machine...it won't think "ok"20:04
sergiusenskgunn, pkconfig and such? mostly yes20:04
sergiusenskgunn, if not it should be a bug20:04
kgunnsergiusens: nope, was just double checking my thinking20:04
sergiusenskgunn, it is rather hard to separate it, so there are corner cases where the system stuff is picked up but mostly a problem when doing python20:05
kgunnsergiusens: ok, i'll keep an eye out for it20:05
kgunnsergiusens: so i was using mir's debian/control file as a guide for dependencies....is that ok-ish or wrong ?20:06
kgunnas i end up adding a lot of -devs20:06
kgunnand i noticed someone say in ted's example that was naughty20:06
sergiusenskgunn, naughty? why?20:07
sergiusenskgunn, Ideally, all your libs will be parts in the future20:07
kgunnsergiusens: you mean instead of pulling with apt ?20:07
sergiusenskgunn, and those parts will live in the wiki and you would just get 'build-packages'20:07
sergiusenskgunn, right, so for libraries it is mostly fine to use stage-packages as they don't have complex debian hooks running20:08
sergiusensbut I do want to think that using debs is an intermediate solution to get there faster20:08
kgunnyeah i see what you mean20:08
kgunnit does feel like a crutch a little20:09
tedgsergiusens: I'm not sure that's the right message, I think that we should focus on debs being there for dependencies you want shared maintenance of.20:10
tedgsergiusens: And then you can use parts for dependencies you want to track yourself.20:10
sergiusenstedg, that's ok, but you buy into all the cruft debs bring in too20:20
sergiusensyou can't fine tune the build and have to use the lib with all the config flags turned on20:20
sergiusensreason I consider it a shortcut20:21
kgunnsergiusens: just to confirm, there's a list i notice when i run stage called "blacklisted from manifest packages:"20:21
kgunnwhat's that about ?20:22
tedgsergiusens: Sure, and I think that if you want all the config flags turned on, you have a dependency that you care enough about to track.20:22
tedgkgunn: It's about the core level packages that are mostly taken care of by core. Like you don't need your own init daemon.20:23
tedgkgunn: It does need some fine tuning though. If you find one you think you need, tell us.20:23
sergiusenskgunn, those are depending packages that if installed, will create havok; you can explicitly call them out if wanted20:23
sergiusenskgunn, most of what is in that list comes from deb2snap20:24
sergiusenskgunn, the only important one is libc, we can't bundle that one without breaking things20:24
kgunnsergiusens: tedg i noticed libstdc++6 is in the list...i thot c++ stuff wasn't in the core (as i learned last week) ?20:27
kgunnor will you say, it is, but you can't link to it20:27
tedgI think that you end up pulling the one from teh build system in that case. But that's probably a bug in snapcraft.20:29
tedgHmm, it didn't seem to get pulled into my ginac snap.20:31
sergiusenskgunn, tedg you indeed need libstdc++20:33
tedgUhg, it's grabbing the system one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12866379/20:34
sergiusenstedg, right, we saw that issue with dholbach last Friday20:36
sergiusenstedg, we indeed need to remove that from the list20:36
tedgjdstrand: Does the apparmor policy allow read access to /usr/lib/* or do we whitelist specific libraries?20:37
tedgSeems like we should match a white list in the apparmor profiles and the list in snapcraft.20:38
sergiusenstedg, we have a bug for that already20:40
sergiusenstedg, the review tools will whitelist libc dangling symlinks20:41
sergiusensall else is supposed to be in the snap20:41
sergiusensthe, 'copy from the system' thing is to ease development20:41
sergiusensbut that fails if working on wily and deploying to vivid20:41
tedgThat's for the review tools, but it seems also that the apparmor profiles shouldn't allow reading the other libs that are in core to support core stuff.20:42
sergiusenstedg, it is allowed today, not sure about plans to block it20:43
jdstrandtedg: apparmor policy in the default template use the base abstraction (/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/base). that allows, among other things, read access to /usr/lib/* and mmap for libraries under /usr/lib20:46
jdstrandwe have no plans to block it currently. we allow a whole bunch of (safe) stuff in /usr/bin for shell scripting20:47
jdstrandand that will use various libs20:48
jdstrand(for example)20:48
sergiusensjdstrand, we could start blocking python2/3 soon though (not without previous agreement but it is a posibility)20:49
jdstrandwe could list specific libraries, but that is going to be very hard to maintain and will create an antagonistic relationship with ddevelopers20:49
jdstrandwe could drop the python abstraction and the interpreter20:49
jdstrandsame for perl20:49
jdstrandI would caution you to not do it in 15.04 though20:50
jdstrandunless you want to break people20:50
jdstrandor don't mind it20:50
sergiusensjdstrand, I do not want to break people, no :-)20:53
sergiusenselopio, simple one, not sure if the right thing, but I prefer it https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/lifecycle/+merge/27494720:53
jdstrandsergiusens: other than my already expressed but reiterating now 'forcing bundling python adds 40M to the snap per arch', if the snappy folks feel like removing it from the policy is the way to go, file a bug and I'll do it20:55
jdstrandit would be a shame to have ufw be a 120MB package though20:55
jdstrandmaybe it is 30M, not 40. still20:55
sergiusensjdstrand, well python was on its way out of the image, at least a desire for a while now20:57
jdstrandyes, I understand20:57
jdstrandsergiusens: but note previous conversation between me and Chipaca from earlier today20:59
* sergiusens runs lastlog20:59
* sergiusens guesses its about timeframe for appamor click20:59
jdstrandsergiusens: well, the move can be tied to the go absorption of policy generate (ie, no more python) or not (just get click compat off the image)21:02
jdstrandsergiusens: considering resources, I'll (once again) try to get it off the image, then snappy devs can rewrite it whenever it makes sense21:03
kgunnsergiusens: tedg so back to the pulling stage-packages, is the thinking that you'd really only do that once for a project (at least until you wanted to get "new" packages)21:07
kgunnlike you wouldn't think people would regularly pull and rebuild their snap21:08
tedgkgunn: Generally yes, I'm not sure many people will build their snaps regularly themselves when we have support for builders.21:22
tedgkgunn: I think they'll only do that when testing various things, otherwise they'll align a builder to branch and have it do it.21:22
=== utlemming_sprint is now known as utlemming
elopiosergiusens: $ sudo snappy install licensed.canonical23:40
elopioInstalling licensed.canonical23:40
elopiolicensed failed to install: snappy package not found23:40
sergiusenselopio, it might have been blocked, let me check23:47
elopioI think you tricked me :p23:48
sergiusenselopio, try now23:50
elopiosergiusens: thanks!23:51
sergiusenselopio, mind looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/maven/+merge/27496423:51
sergiusenselopio, it is pretty simple ;-)23:51
elopiosergiusens: looks good, but no test.23:52
sergiusenselopio, that is a hard one; integration or unit?23:56
sergiusensboth are hard, first one implies a pom which I need to figure out, unit is, well, maybe unit ;-)23:57
elopiosergiusens: I'd say integration. But at this moment I'm only concerned about coverage, so make the one that gives you more confidence in preventing regressions.23:58

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