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dholbachgood morning06:42
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t1mpahayzen: yes you can use Styles.PageHeaderStyle. Like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12859453/10:57
t1mpahayzen: or you inherit from that component in your own PageHeaderStyle.qml if you create your own theme10:58
ahayzent1mp, awesome thanks :-)11:01
t1mpahayzen: let me know how it works :)11:01
t1mpahayzen: the new PageHeader does not automatically show back buttons yet (for PageStack or AdaptivePageLayout). I'm still working on that11:02
ahayzent1mp, i assume one of the properties allows you to change the border colour on the tab popover ?11:02
t1mpI think the other features are there.11:02
t1mpahayzen: brb, meeting now11:02
t1mpahayzen: you cannot configure the delegate for the popover yet, but those colors come from the palette11:05
ahayzent1mp, its just the colour we want to change as with our dark theme there is a white line inbetween each one11:05
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ahayzenHi, when using WebView in QML what is the recommended way to set a custom user agent ? There seems to be multiple ways, of which none I have been able to get working :-/18:03
ogra_you need a webcontext18:03
ahayzenogra_, yeah I've tied that :-/ is there an example app somewhere ?18:04
ogra_ahayzen, install aliensattack (i uploaded that on the weekend) ... then take a look at /opt/click.ubuntu.com/aliensattack.ogra/current/qml/Main.qml18:06
ogra_i think thats the most minimal webview app i have18:07
ahayzenok thanks ogra_ :-)18:07
ahayzenogra_, weee its working thanks :-)18:14
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ahoneybunahayzen: are they really working on Spotify support for the music app?22:31
ahayzenahoneybun, who is they ;-)22:31
ahoneybunCanonical or the community?22:31
popeyCanonical is part of the community, for the record :)22:31
ahayzen...and the community is part of canonical ? ;-)22:32
ahoneybunmy mindset is different22:32
ahoneybunbut not an issue at this moment22:32
popeyahoneybun: in answer to your question, yes, we plan to add streaming support22:32
ahayzenahoneybun, we have discussed streaming many times would be my response, but we are awaiting design more upstream work22:32
popeywhich might mean spotify22:32
popeyyeah, needs some design input for sure22:33
ahoneybunI wonder if everything is still covered by #MusicFreedom from T-Mobile22:33
ahoneybunI think hotspot should be gone from the panel :)22:34
ahoneybunif it is not in the settings by normal means22:34
ahayzeni think mobile data should be a toggle in the network indicator really22:35
ahoneybunfor sure22:35
ahoneybunmhall119: https://twitter.com/ATHoneycutt/status/656235575821889536\22:35
ahoneybunmhall119: https://twitter.com/ATHoneycutt/status/65623557582188953622:35
ahoneybunI'm so happy the music app can play in the background(?)22:36
ahayzenahoneybun, it can at the moment, due to a lifecycle exception, but we are working on background-playlists support with the media-hub guys as we speak22:37
ahoneybunthe lifecycle thing is REALLY annoying22:37
ahoneybunbut there as been/is a thread about it22:37
ahoneybun*has been22:37
ahayzeni think it is a important part of the platform, and makes us unique, if we can get it right then we will have the best battery life possible22:38
ahayzenwe just need some more platform services for some things22:38
ahoneybunemail? lol22:39
ahayzenwhat about it?22:39
ahoneybunit don't notifications22:39
ahayzengmail has push notification support now, and the rest can use account-polld22:39
ahayzen(they are working on account-polld support for dekko IIRC?)22:40
ahoneybunI don't like that webapps get that but Dekko a native app doesn't22:40
JanCahoneybun: even the calendar doesn't do notifications22:40
JanCor did that change recently?22:40
ahayzen..i thought calendar did ?22:40
ahoneybunbit sad22:41
JanCit did some sort of non-persistent homebrew notifications that you would miss 99.99% of the time in the past22:41
popeyahoneybun: dekko doesn't _yet_22:42
popeyit will22:42
ahayzenit was/is using the same service as the alarms with clock from my understanding but i'm sure other devs can explain better ;-)22:42
JanChaven't tested it since the last system & app update22:42
popeyCalendar notifications will move to where the other notifications are, so they'll persist22:42
ahayzenpopey, ooo nice, and will you be able to make them optionally ring like an alarm ?22:43
popeyMaaaaybe :)22:43
ahayzenas long as i can make it be quite in silent mode this time i'll be happy :-)22:43
JanCthey "ring" now, once, then disappear  ;-)22:44
ahayzenall the coreapps are getting really exciting recently :-)22:45
popeyyeah, we're gonna fix that22:45
JanCalso reminds me: I need to check if the other bugs in the Calendar/Agenda app are fixed by now...22:50
JanClooks like the one bug that makes it unusable is still there...  :-(22:53
JanCbasically, editing calendar events is broken if you don't live in UTC22:58
JanCwhich means it's broken for almost everbody22:58
JanCexcept developers maybe22:59
ahoneybunJanC: UTC?23:04
ahayzenahoneybun, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time23:06
ahoneybunso I'm UTC-4 or so23:06
ahoneybunNew York time23:06
ahayzenBST, GMT+1, UTC+1, London for me :-)23:07
JanCright, so try setting a calendar event, then edit it, then wonder why it suddenly is 4 hours off   ;)23:08
popeyJanC: which bug?23:08
JanCpopey: there are several bugs about it, as well as tens of duplicates23:09
JanCat least last time I checked23:09
popeybug 144557723:09
ubot5bug 1445577 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Edit of reminder vaults event time back x hours" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144557723:09
JanCthat looks like one of them23:09
ahoneybunJanC: yea does not happen in UTC-423:10
JanCahoneybun: that would be interesting23:11
ahoneybundo I have to make a new event? or edit an existing one?23:11
JanCahoneybun: maybe both, dunno23:12
* ahoneybun tests23:12
JanCahoneybun: also, I'm not sure if it affects the google calendar backend23:13
JanCin case you use that23:13
JanCtry creating a new one, then edit it23:13
ahoneybunmade an event at 5:30pm23:14
ahoneybunleft it alone, then edited something and it moved to 9:30pm23:14
ahoneybunand I do use google calendar23:15
JanCwell, google calendar has its own bugs like that too  :P23:15
JanCbut I think in this case it's a bug in the app23:16
ahoneybunthe event does not seem to be moving to GC yet23:17
JanC(does anybody know if Google Calendar can handle summer/winter time switches nowadays?)23:17
JanCpopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1478271 also23:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1478271 in Ubuntu Calendar App "editing an entry shifts scheduled time -2 hours" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:23
JanCand the bugs about all-day events moving to prev/next day are probably related too23:24
* popey marks dupe23:25
popeyit's in progress23:25
JanCe.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/143894623:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1438946 in Ubuntu Calendar App "All day events are stored to previous day" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:26
JanC(not tested that one myself right now, but it seems obvious that it's related)23:26
JanCor might be related23:26
JanCtesting always needed :)23:27

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