
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
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pittiGood morning05:24
TheMusopitti: Hey there.05:41
* TheMuso -> EOD.05:41
pittihey TheMuso, have a nice evening!05:42
didrocksgood morning06:51
seb128good morning desktopers07:46
didrocksre seb12807:49
seb128re didrocks ;-)07:49
seb128hey willcooke07:52
didrockshey willcooke07:55
willcookeLaney, are you en route still?08:04
Laneywillcooke: HERE!08:07
willcookehi Laney08:07
willcookeLaney, let me know if you guys are missing anything08:07
didrocksmorning Laney!08:09
Laneyhey hey08:09
Laneyhow's it going?08:09
Laneygood journey back?08:09
didrocksyeah, uneventful :)08:09
pittibonjour didrocks et seb128 -- bien rentrè ?08:10
pittihey Laney, hello willcooke08:10
didrockspitti: très bien, merci ! comment était ton week-end ?08:10
pittihappy werewolf week!08:11
seb128pitti, salut, oui ! et toi, bon w.e ?08:11
seb128hey Laney, how is London this week?08:11
seb128Laney, how as your day out of the capital? ;-)08:11
pittididrocks: beaucoup de voyage, on était à Dresden pour le 60ème anniversaire de ma tante08:11
pittididrocks: donc un peu fatigué, mais je vais bien, merci !08:12
Laneyhey seb12808:15
Laneylooks the same as before :P08:15
Laneysomeone has drawn some art on the wall next to turing08:15
seb128sounds cool08:16
Laneyoutlines of some people or something08:16
seb128oh, I miss the office today!08:16
Laneyand it was great to be home for 23 hours :)08:16
Laneywent climbing08:16
seb128I went to play some tennis yesterday, was good as well ;-y)08:17
davmor2seb128: willcooke: what was the result of the conversation regarding mediascanner 2  do we need a bug for it if popey didn't beat me to it?08:26
willcookedavmor2, seb128 - did we ever get to the bottom of why it was installed?  Was it the sdk after all?08:27
davmor2willcooke: yeap sdk installs it08:27
seb128it seems to be, a bug wouldn't hurt but ideally it's something to ask the unity api team about08:27
willcookewhat he said.  A bug seems to be a reasonable place to track08:28
davmor2seb128: right that was it thanks08:28
willcookedavmor2, if you can open a bug, I will chase with the API tedg08:28
willcookeerm team08:28
willcookecan't tab-complete words I'm thinking of in my head it seems08:28
davmor2willcooke: I know right you need to make that happen08:29
willcookeThat would be so nice, just hold down tab all day and all my emails and spreadsheets write themselves08:29
darkxstseb128, no not yet, havent been able to reproduce gdm crash here08:38
seb128hey darkxst08:38
seb128unsure what you refer to, I probably pinged you days ago and lost context08:39
darkxstseb128, gdm crasher on e.u.c08:39
seb128oh, right08:39
seb128I guess it's going to be in the GNOME Remix release then :-/08:39
pittifor a few days now, locking the screen (through suspend or user switching) requires unlocking with password twice -- once through classic screensaver (new and undesired) and then through the lightdm-like unity saver08:39
pittiis that a known regression?08:39
pittitjaalton: ^ you had that too, right?08:39
willcookehumm, Trevinho had fixed that once ^^^^08:40
seb128pitti, does it do the same if you ctrl-alt-l?08:40
darkxstseb128, I don't think its fatal08:40
pittiseb128: no, that seems to work08:40
seb128darkxst, no but it's the top report so it's spamming users with apport prompts, but it's your call to claim that a non issue08:41
seb128willcooke, no, the other issue was a lightdm regression and it would lead to a double unlock but greeter and unity lock08:41
seb128not gnome-screensaver08:41
pittiseb128: oh, user switching seems to work too,  it's just on resume then08:41
willcookeseb128, ah, kk08:41
darkxstseb128, not claiming it a non-issue, but hard to debug if can't reproduce08:41
pittimeh, and now after user switching the unity panel froze08:41
seb128pitti, backtrace?08:42
pittiseb128: of unity-panel-service, or compiz?08:42
seb128u-p-s if it's only the panel08:43
pittiintegrated menu still shows, but it doesn't react to clicks08:43
seb128like you can click on indicators, menu popdown but you can't select items?08:43
pitti#1  0x00007fba84b7b1ec in g_main_context_iterate (priority=2147483647, n_fds=3, fds=0x1d1d8a0, timeout=<optimized out>, context=0x1b74770) at /build/glib2.0-ajuDY6/glib2.0-2.46.1/./glib/gmain.c:413508:43
pittiseb128: I mean that it reacts to changing window titles and showing the top-level menu items08:44
tjaaltonpitti: no, mine is that after unlocking I get a dialog like on this http://askubuntu.com/questions/230270/immediately-after-login-my-12-04-lts-desktop-asks-for-my-password-for-authenti08:44
pittibut it's completely inert to clicking on indicators08:44
seb128can you open it with the keyboard?08:44
tjaaltonthough my uid is same on passwd & net08:44
pittitjaalton: ah, I sometimes have that too08:44
pittiseb128: how does that work? pressing alt doesn't do anything (but I don't know if it does normally)08:45
seb128pitti, alt-f10 should08:45
pittiseb128: interesting, that works08:45
seb128k, can you click with the mouse in apps?08:45
seb128or is it just the panel?08:45
pittiand I can e. g. operate the sound indicator with the keyboard08:45
seb128seems like a mouse issue more than unity one08:46
pittiseb128: just the panel, mouse works in general (terminal, browser, etc.)08:46
seb128never saw that08:46
seb128no idea what it can be08:46
seb128also user switching here doesn't lead to a gnome-screensaver dialog for unlock08:46
pittiseb128: another user switchign back and forth and it works agin *shrug*08:46
seb128did you activate a11y?08:47
pittianyway, user switching indeed doesn't do the double lock thing08:47
pittiseb128: not knowingly08:47
seb128it would always use gnome-screensaver if that was the issue08:47
seb128so it's only on lid close suspend?08:47
pittithat's what I had over the weekend, yes08:47
pittijust tried suspend from the indicator, that also works08:48
pittiso apparently specific to the lid08:48
seb128does it still do it with the lid?08:49
seb128fun, I also have you 'can't click on unity elements' now :-/08:50
pittiseb128: can't take it out of the dock right now, but I'll try in a bit08:50
seb128pitti, you can change the settings to suspend on lid close on power if you want to test without undocking08:51
seb128or does it inhibit that when using external monitors?08:51
seb128shrug, my mouse clicks is also buggy on unity elements, I wonder if that's due to the user switching08:52
pitticontrol center already says to go to suspend when closing the lid, so apparently the dock just generally inhibits that08:52
seb128I think it's the external monitor08:52
pittiseb128: I didn't try the launcher, just the panel08:52
seb128pitti, locking/unlocking fixex my clicking08:52
larsugood morning!08:53
larsuerrm, "morning"08:53
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, ^ I hope it's not a regression from the recent grab/lockscreen fixes08:53
pittiseb128: ... so in conclusion, larsu will fix that08:53
seb128hey larsu, how are you?08:53
seb128pitti, indeed!08:53
* pitti ^5s seb128 and larsu08:53
* seb128 ^5 pitti and larsu08:53
* larsu is afraid of pitti08:53
seb128larsu, did you have a good flight back/w.e? feeling better?08:54
larsuseb128: slept a lot on the weekend and feel better now (but still not all the way healthy)08:54
* pitti howls, it's werewolf week08:54
larsupitti: are you in London?08:54
didrockshey larsu!08:54
pittilarsu: no, just went back from Dresden to Augsburg yesterday, I skipped the release sprint08:54
larsubonjour didrocks!08:54
larsupitti: ah ok. We put Laney there as you representative ;)08:55
Laneyhey larsu!08:59
seb128pitti, can you try if you do ctrl-alt-l if you can open the indicators in the lock by using the mouse? and if then it works again in the session after unlocking?08:59
Laneyapw is just saying that he has this bug08:59
seb128oh, cyphermox is up ... in London?09:00
Laneythe double unlock thing09:00
cyphermoxseb128: yeah.09:00
larsuhi Laney! How's the office this week?09:00
seb128Laney, double unlock or different unlock?09:00
Laneyg-s then unity09:00
seb128Laney, is that on lid close also?09:00
seb128k, I don't have lid close set to suspend09:00
seb128so never tried that09:00
Laneyso does he09:00
seb128Laney, does it do it for you as well?09:00
Laneynever seen that09:00
larsuseb128 is the only person in the world with that configuration09:00
seb128when did he start?09:00
seb128larsu, what? lid close not suspending?09:01
larsuya :)09:01
seb128I'm the online one wanting to walk from big table to meeting room with my laptop under my arm and my IRC connection to stay up?09:01
seb128weird... :p09:01
Laneyhe says it was since he got a new drive that sometimes takes longer to resume09:01
seb128so not a recent regression?09:02
seb128did he report a bug?09:02
Laneymaybe not09:02
willcookeI noticed an issue last week where if I had the the "restart or shutdown" U7 dialogue on the screen and then I closed the lid then when it woke up again I couldn't click on the close button.  Might that be related?  Trevinho was working on that09:04
Laneyoh, seems to be here09:06
Laneyapw that is09:07
seb128oh, ok09:07
seb128willcooke, that bug was fixed with friday's landing09:08
seb128bug 150523409:08
ubot5bug 1505234 in Unity "Shutdown dialog prevents unity to lock" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150523409:08
willcookeseb128, right, I was wondering if that might be related09:13
seb128I don't think it is, I looked at the diff for that change09:13
willcookekk, thx09:13
seb128it's basically "if (dialog_open) then close_dialog"09:13
davmor2willcooke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner/+bug/150750709:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1507507 in mediascanner "Mediascanner2.0 on desktop makes burning rw dvd impossible" [Undecided,New]09:16
willcookethanks davmor209:17
Laneyseb128: Trevinho: we gots a bug number now https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/150751409:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1507514 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity and gnome-screen saver both triggered on resume" [Undecided,New]09:38
seb128Laney, thanks09:42
seb128Laney, can you confirm if it's a recent regression or not?09:43
seb128like something that got screwed in friday's landing09:43
seb128or if that started before09:43
Laneyseb128: before09:43
seb128k, good09:43
Laneyit was probably just exposed for apw when he got the new drive which triggers whatever condition09:43
Laneydon't know if anything else changed for pitti to make it more likely now09:44
seb128so it just coincidence that pitti started getting it as well09:44
seb128need to go for some errands and lunch09:44
apwseb128, Laney, right, i assume this is a timing issue that "my disk is incredibly slow after resume for a bit" is exposing09:45
Laneydoes unity drop the screensaver name on suspend or something?09:45
Trevinhoseb128, Laney: looking at the lockscreen thing. Unity changes shouldn't have caused that, but.... maybe I missed something10:20
LaneyTrevinho: I don't think it's new10:24
Laneystill seems annoying though10:25
darkxstyou have potentially three apps sharing org.gnome.screensaver namespace10:29
Trevinhodamn thunderbird now starts fullscreen here and I don't know how to unfullscreen it (F11 doesn't work there) nor workaround in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/19605810:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 196058 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Thunderbird starts in a full-screen mode and cannot be restored" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:29
Laneydarkxst: I would think that unity holds it the whole time though, so g-s can't get involved10:37
Laneywe allow gnome-screensaver to be replaced but not the other way around (IIRC)10:37
darkxstLaney, not if you somehow release it on suspend or what not10:38
Laneythat's what I asked :)10:39
darkxstLaney, I didnt quite get that far through scrollback before replying10:42
* Laney nods10:43
darkxsthow did the sprint go?10:45
=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke
qenghogood morning.11:11
seb128hey qengho, had a good trip back?11:51
qenghoseb128: The transit was fine. The two hour delay before it was annoying. How about yours?11:54
seb128mine was uneventful, which is good11:55
qenghoI think coming back was my 50th transit over the Atlantic.11:58
Laneydarkxst: not bad, mainly fixed bugs instead of having meetings which was nice ;-)11:58
Laneyhey qengho11:58
* Laney has just been tossed11:58
qenghohiya, Laney!11:59
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qenghoGood morrow, attente.12:02
attentehey qengho12:03
* Sweet5hark had an extra night of being stranded at london heathrow. :/12:06
seb128hey attente12:07
seb128Sweet5hark, what happened there?12:07
attentehi seb12812:07
seb128had a good saturday/trip back?12:07
Sweet5harkseb128: tube was temporarily closed due to "congestions" at paddington, which caused me delays and confusion, missing the Heathrow Express. When I arrived in the terminal it still said "priority boarding at B26". when I was at the desk, the clerk said (after typing for 45 seconds on his terminal): "its 14:06, the flight was closed at 14:05, go to the ticket desk and buy a rebooking ..."12:11
Sweet5hark... so rebooked for the next day (no flights on same day) and stayed at a airport hotel for 55 pounds (better than going back to london for 35 pounds alone and then trying to find a hotel).12:13
seb128yeah, that's quite cheap hotel price for London12:15
didrocks(and even more for an airport…)12:18
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
* Trevinho got the uncle badge.13:22
didrockscongrats to the parents! I'm sure you played a key part into this :)13:23
GunnarHjcyphermox: A thought about bug #1465530: The installer does really not need to set LANGUAGE at all. It's sufficient that it sets LANG (with a valid value) and a bunch of LC_* variables if applicable.13:23
ubot5bug 1465530 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Content in /etc/default/locale not correct for zh and pt locales" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146553013:23
willcookeTrevinho, \o/13:23
=== balloons is now known as Guest77565
cyphermoxGunnarHj: done this way rather than LC_* on purpose.13:23
GunnarHjcyphermox: I don't understand "rather than LC_*".13:25
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cyphermoxwell, you don't necessary need to set LC_*, and LANGUAGE is used for fallback languages.13:25
cyphermoxI english bad, sorry :)13:25
GunnarHjcyphermox: Yes, LANGUAGE is used for fallback languages, and since the installer only sets one language, the use of that variable is redundant.13:26
cyphermoxsure, but it's there.13:27
GunnarHjcyphermox: LC_*, OTOH, need to be set since the installer 'guesses' the regional formats based on the selected time zone.13:27
GunnarHjcyphermox: That is, if the user selects a place which does not match the selected language, LC_* need  to be set. At least that's how it has worked for a few cycles now.13:30
cyphermoxI haven't changed anything in how things are supposed to work normally, I only fixed a bug in a specific code path for pt and zh13:31
cyphermoxsomething that was very broken13:31
GunnarHjcyphermox: Ok, understood. Yeah, it was very broken...13:32
GunnarHjseb128: Is there a need to change anything due to bug #1507500, considering that the causing localechooser bug is about to be fixed?13:35
ubot5bug 1507500 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gnome-language-selector:locale.Error:on_activate:__init__:wrapper:check_input_methods:getCurrentInputMethod:setlocale" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150750013:35
seb128GunnarHj, your call, it still feels like the code shouldn't assert like that just because the environment misses a variable13:36
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, it would be possible to make a failure not-fatal, I suppose.13:37
seb128GunnarHj, unsure how common those buggy configs can be though, so we can try to fix the localechooser bugs and see if other users still have problematic environments13:37
GunnarHjseb128: The line fails as soon as the locale is broken, i.e. when the locale command in a terminal causes error messages. That can happen for many reasons, of course.13:39
seb128GunnarHj, it would be nicer to catch that exception and display a proper error about it or fallback to C or whatever makes sense13:39
GunnarHjseb128: Yeah, I think it would be nicer to catch it too. That way it will be possible (again) to use language-selector as a tool to fix a broken locale.13:40
GunnarHjseb128: I'll fix it.13:41
seb128GunnarHj, thanks13:41
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seb128Laney, worth uploading https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?filename=gsl.debdiff;msg=5;att=1;bug=802326 or is that SRU material now?14:27
seb128it's not segfaulting for everyone, though it seems to lead to invalid dates as well14:27
seb128it's not an important application so unsure14:27
Laneyseb128: looking14:34
seb128Laney, thanks14:35
Laneyseb128: are you wanting me to sponsor this or you?14:44
seb128Laney, if you can do it that would be good, also I was unsure if we want this in wily in which case I should probably dput a 4~wily  rather than waiting on debian upload to be published so we can sync14:45
* Laney looks14:50
Sweet5harkseb128, didrocks: will one of you be at http://www.opensourcesummit.paris/ by chance? or do you know if someone else will?15:05
seb128Sweet5hark, I'm not15:05
seb128and dunno15:05
didrocksSweet5hark: neither will I, I can ask about ubuntu-fr community if you want15:06
didrocks(they have been in the past, when it was still "Paris Capital du Libre"15:06
Sweet5harkdidrocks: well, hinting them at it just in case cant hurt ;)15:07
didrockslike "don't beat this guy" :)15:07
* Sweet5hark just stumbled over this by accident ...15:08
didrocksSweet5hark: on the image slideshow, there are some people from the french ubuntu community15:09
* didrocks even spotted more friends15:10
didrocks(from other companies)15:10
seb128Laney, k, I'm uploading, feel free to reject if it's not good15:24
seb128oh, saw you commited to debian, thanks ;-)15:25
seb128Laney, you didn't reply though on whether that's something that we should get it or delay to SRU/next cycle15:25
Laneyseb128: I did it15:28
seb128Laney, to Ubuntu as well?15:29
seb128seems so15:29
Laney19/10 16:20:56 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-system-log (wily-proposed/main) [3.9.90-3 => 3.9.90-4] (ubuntu-desktop)15:29
seb128Laney, thanks15:29
Sweet5harkhmmm, this is weird: https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-staging/+build/8135956 says "failed to build" and "took 10 hours, 42 minutes 3.3 seconds" but there is no log ?!?15:37
* Sweet5hark retries the build. :/15:41
didrocksseb128: I've removed python3-requests 4 from the desktop team ppa, uploaded there by mistake instead of the ubuntu-make one, sorry15:43
seb128didrocks, oh ok, I didn't notice but thanks ;-)15:44
* didrocks needs one of the latest feature for test stability15:44
seb128happyaron, bug #1506502 ... you wrote "The status is that fcitx-mozc is not seeded in the images", does it mean you can't type japanese in a live session?16:28
ubot5bug 1506502 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "fcitx-mozc is not installed by default on Ubuntu 15.10" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150650216:28
happyaronseb128: no people can't16:31
happyaronseb128: neither Korean16:31
seb128happyaron, k, was that the case before the switch to fcitx? or was it working with ibus?16:32
happyaronseb128: that's the case of switching to mozc from anthy16:32
happyaronnot about framework16:32
seb128should fcitx-mozc be installed on new installs with internet working?16:32
happyaronseb128: yes it should16:32
seb128that doesn't work16:33
seb128I just did a test install and confirmed16:34
happyaronseb128: do we have universe enabled during installation?16:34
seb128Laney, ^?16:35
seb128happyaron, if we install things  by default they should probably be in main16:35
seb128we have a seed for that which include langpacks, libreoffice dicts, etc16:35
happyaronseb128: then we need to prompt it (MIR approved)16:35
GunnarHjseb128, happyaron: I suspect that that problem is true for several packages which have been added to pkg_depends lately.16:36
happyaronthough I believe gyp needs some more work to pass test cases16:37
happyaronGunnarHj: yep16:37
happyaronseb128: pkg_depends packages are not shown on the graph at people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive, nobody is prompting them...16:37
GunnarHjThey need to be moved to main manually somehow, since no package depends on them.16:38
seb128happyaron, hum, k16:38
seb128GunnarHj, see what I just said, I think there is a seed for those things16:38
seb128but #ubuntu-release should know better16:39
GunnarHjseb128: No seed and no depend - that's why it needs to be done manually.16:39
seb128GunnarHj, yeah, what happyaron was asking about and what I'm unsure about is if ubiquity downloads things from universe16:40
seb128need to go for half an hour16:40
GunnarHjseb128: Right, and for Unity it doesn't. That's why they need to be in main.16:41
Laneyyou don't have universe in the live session16:41
LaneyI don't think16:41
Laneyit gets enabled after that16:41
seb128Laney, that's not live session, that's things ubiquity downloads to install on the base system16:42
seb128<infinity> seb128: It should be seeded in live (and should be moved to main once it is).16:42
seb128GunnarHj, Laney, happyaron, ^ I guess somebody needs to do that16:42
seb128sorry have to go to pick up somebody, back later16:42
Laneyyes but it can't download packages it doesn't know about16:42
LaneyI presume that is the problem16:42
seb128right, need to go to live seed and be promoted I guess then?16:43
GunnarHjLaney: So the solution ought to be to move the packages to main. They are already MIRed.16:43
seb128GunnarHj, what other packages are in the same case?16:43
GunnarHjseb128: I'll check the latest pkg_depends changes.16:44
LaneyGunnarHj: can you make a merge proposal for me to upload maybe?16:44
Laneyor happyaron16:44
LaneyI don't want to miss things16:44
GunnarHjLaney: What kind of MP would that be? They are already MIRed.16:44
GunnarHjLaney: But I can make a list of the latest additions to pkg_depends which I think are affected.16:45
LaneyGunnarHj: to the seeds lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.wily live16:46
happyaronLaney: I guess they need to be prompted first?16:46
Laneynot really, we'll get a message after uploading the ubuntu-meta16:47
GunnarHjLaney: But... Are they supposed to be seeded for all users?16:47
Laneyif you do it into 'live' then they get installed on demand16:47
Laney(more accurately: removed on demand)16:48
Laney(from the installed system)16:48
happyaronGunnarHj: like all the fcitx stack, they are removed if pkg_dpends not requiring them16:48
cyphermoxis there a different package we need for Korean or is that also handled by mozc?16:48
GunnarHjhappyaron: Ok, I see.16:48
happyaroncyphermox: fcitx-hangul16:49
happyaronmozc is Japanese only16:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1356222 in libgooglepinyin (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fcitx and related packages" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:50
* didrocks waves good evening and good night!16:51
GunnarHjhappyaron, Laney, cyphermox: So, I suppose we are talking about:16:55
GunnarHj- fcitx-mozc16:55
GunnarHj- fcitx-hangul16:55
GunnarHj- fcitx-unikey16:55
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LaneyGunnarHj: 'kay17:07
GunnarHjhappyaron: Did you see that list? ^ What about the Chinese fcitx engines?17:16
happyaronGunnarHj: if space is not a problem, then the one recommends by pkg_depends is welcomed17:18
GunnarHjhappyaron: Do you mean that it's handled in UbuntuKylin, but not if you select Chinese when installing standard Ubuntu?17:19
cyphermoxGunnarHj: ubuntukylin and ubuntu are built slightly differently when it comes to which packages are included.17:20
GunnarHjcyphermox: Ack.17:21
cyphermoxso I'm not saying it necessarily all works on ubuntukylin, but some of the packages might be already included there.17:21
Laneyshall I include those three for now, and we tweak next cycle if necessary?17:22
GunnarHjLaney: If we want to be consistent, and make Chinese installs work smoothly, these should be added to the list:17:25
GunnarHj- fcitx-sunpinyin17:25
GunnarHj- fcitx-pinyin17:25
GunnarHj- fcitx-table-wubi17:26
GunnarHj- fcitx-chewing17:26
GunnarHj- fcitx-pinyin17:26
GunnarHj- fcitx-table-cangjie17:26
Laneythis sounds like a lot17:26
Laneyis there some overlap going on here?17:26
GunnarHjLaney: You'll have to ask happyaron about how important it would be.17:26
Laneycan we sort it out in X please :)17:27
happyaronunfortunately no obvious overlap (fcitx-table-wubi needs fcitx-pinyin)17:27
happyaronspace concerns are the reason I haven't proposed the MP to seed them all...17:28
happyaronbig fat parts are sunpinyin and mozc.17:29
LaneyI'm just doing the first three for now17:29
Laneyseb128: can you promote these please?17:39
Laneyfcitx-mozc fcitx-hangul fcitx-unikey17:39
seb128Laney, on it17:40
Laneyyou rock17:41
seb128thanks, you too ;-)17:41
seb128still at the office?17:41
Laneyputting in the hours for an early friday ;-)17:42
Laneyhappyaron: where is the fcitx-mozc MIR? ...17:50
Laneyah it comes from mozc itself17:50
willcookeoki, bugging out.  g'night.  thanks to everyone doing release work17:53
Laneyseb128: I think you need to promote the source packages and mozc-server mozc-data too17:55
Laneyunless it's just slow17:55
seb128Laney, I wish change-override would do the right thing when trying to promote one binary17:56
seb128oh, it's -B17:57
seb128Laney, fixing...17:57
Laneycomponent-mismatches should show us if there are any remainign problems17:58
seb128Laney, done, should be good this time17:59
Laneydidn't check build deps :P18:03
qenghoSweet5hark: http://www.flightdelays.co.uk/flight-delay-compensation18:05
qengho^ Twitter ad. I'm a spammer now! O noes!18:05
Laneylooks like gyp needs fixing18:20
Laneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozc/+bug/1486772 -> incomplete18:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1486772 in gyp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mozc" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:21
Laneybut it is on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg18:21
octoquadevening, can anybody tell me if a translation fix after the language pack translation deadline will make it before the final release for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu?19:47
octoquad^ Re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/150773619:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1507736 in Ubuntu GNOME "Ubiquity nb-no translation error" [Undecided,Triaged]19:48
TheMusoMorning all, been on for a while, but forgot to announce my presence. :p22:25

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