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pitticoreycb: nova 2:12.0.0-0ubuntu1 consistently fails on ppc64el (http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/nova/wily/ppc64el/) now -- is that just bad luck due to the flaky test, or did something in the startup scripts change?05:23
pitticoreycb: this holds back the new nova and cinder05:23
pittiGood morning05:23
pittijamesh: FYI, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#mediascanner2 has been stuck in -proposed for 24 days already05:28
pittiit apparently makes ubuntu-desktop-next, ubuntu-pocket-desktop, ubuntu-touch, unity-scope-mediascanner2 uninstallable05:28
pittiI suppose some cleanup is needed there -- mediascanner vs. mediascanner2?05:29
tjaaltonhrm, every time I change back to my user I get a dialog that prompts the password (org.fdo.accounts.change-own-user-data).. why's that?05:57
tjaaltonhitting cancel doesn't work05:57
tjaaltonseems to be polkit-agent-helper-105:58
pittime too, I now get two screenlocks -- first the classic gnome-screensaver one (new and unwanted), then the lightdm one06:00
tjaaltonalso, configuring software-center ran unattended-upgrades shutdown in the middle of dist-upgrade, that was a bit inconvenient :)06:02
Mirv@pilot in06:09
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: final freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Mirv
dholbachgood morning06:42
pittihey dholbach, wie gehts? happy wily week!06:42
dholbachgut geht's - und dir?06:42
dholbachand the same to you all :)06:42
pittiprima, danke06:44
pittilet's let the werewolf howl :)06:45
jameshpitti: sorry, was out getting lunch.  The hold up for mediascanner2 is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-media/+bug/150085906:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500859 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "hard coded dependency on non-existing version of runtime library" [Critical,Fix committed]06:46
pittiuh, the fix has been stalled for 14 days?06:47
pittiwell, if you don't need it for wily06:47
pittijamesh: thanks for pointing out06:47
jameshpitti: the short version is that qtubuntu-media has an explicit dependency on the libmediascanner-2.0-3 package despite not actually using that library anywhere.06:49
jameshwe realised that the the libmediascanner package hadn't been renamed as part of the gcc5 transition despite it having cxx11 symbols06:49
jameshI missed this depenedency when putting together the landing.06:50
jameshpitti: I made a followup comment on the bug.  The fix Jim mentions doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, which would be why mediascanner didn't get unblocked.07:13
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zzarrHello! I have the phablet-tools installed and still I get Unnamed08:53
zzarrupps, that's not the entire message08:53
zzarr"Are developer tools installed.. 0 ..developer tools are not installed." that's the message08:54
zzarrdon't mind the "Unnamed" it was in my clipboard for some reason08:55
seb128bdmurray, do you know what's the issue with those retracing https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/ca548de54520eed2ecd28da2c3d9413dd37f8f18 https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/2ebfd81699a9dba286619318826c3c894a0475a4 https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/450b4926ce084cb9a2f76872612446fb0ed62084?09:26
darkxstseb128, they are probably retracing the ppa10:35
darkxstpossibly picking up ppa's without ddebs enabled10:36
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zzarrdoes QBluetooth work in OTA-7?10:55
zzarror is the apparmor rule not implemented yet?10:55
Mirv@pilot out11:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: final freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-vivid | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
Mirvzzarr: is there a bug open about that?11:02
zzarrMirv, not that I know about, I don't think it would be considered a bug, it's just not implemented yet (if not in OTA-7)11:05
Mirvzzarr: apparmor policy changes would need a bug, a proposal and a check by security team. it won't happen by itself if there's not a bug about it, since there are a lot of apparmor denials happening and there's no process on checking all of those and doing something about those.11:10
Mirvzzarr: I believe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is the correct package to file against11:11
Mirvmentioning at least how the apparmor problem is triggered and what does it look like11:11
zzarrI'll file a rapport if it's not fixed in the OTA-7 release which will be released today11:12
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seb128darkxst, thanks for the suggestion, could be11:36
LocutusOfBorg1Unit193, can you please look at debian bug 802143?11:58
ubottuDebian bug 802143 in virtualbox-ext-pack "virtualbox-ext-pack: doesn't use invoke-rc.d - leaves processes running after purge" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/80214311:58
Laibschwgrant, cjwatson, infinity: I'd like to revisit discussion http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/03/18/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t05:33 http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/03/18/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t11:42 AKA "allow bug-control team to accept or reject release pocket nominations in LP"12:08
LaibschI'd hope it could be implemented soonish. Once the consensus is there (which I think it was half a year ago), it's more or less simply the flip of a bit in permissions.12:09
LaibschWhile we are at it, would some kind soul please accept nomination for trusty for bug 1287424 and if possible even move along the SRU?12:12
ubottubug 1287424 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "Cannot install mysql-workbench with mysql-server 5.6 or mariadb" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128742412:12
LaibschI already have other tickets for that software I'd like to get an SRU for eventually.12:12
cjwatsonI've accepted the nomination12:13
Laibschawesome. thank you, cjwatson12:13
cjwatsonI think the next step in that discussion was:12:13
cjwatson<wgrant> infinity: I don't think that there would be serious issues with letting bug supervisors add series tasks without going through nominations, now that task deletion exists.12:14
cjwatsonLaibsch: I think it's something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/12860146/, but um.  May take a while to sort out all the details there.12:31
LaibschWow, actually quite involved! I thought it was simply to set a permission bit in an authentication database table and not this much code change.  Well, I hope it can land soon.12:33
cjwatsonLaibsch: No, if you want to think of it this way it's more that several permission bits are currently conflated into one in an awkward way.12:34
cjwatsonSo you can see why it didn't happen straight away ...12:35
dokoseb128, do you know the background why packagekit 0.9.x was pulled from proposed? I read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/1470655 but this doesn't have much background, and I can't find any in closed bug reports12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1470655 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "Update to PackageKit 1.0" [Wishlist,Triaged]12:48
seb128doko, because it's abi/api incompatible with 0.8 and aptdaemon (and maybe others) needed to be ported and Riddell (who did the update) preferred to revert12:49
seb128doko, why?12:50
dokoseb128, because I was bitten by it, with -proposed enabled. is there a plan to do the 1.0 update for 16.04?13:14
seb128doko, we are looking at doing it yes13:16
seb128doko, I made aptdaemon depends on packagekit (<< 0.9) that should have forced apt to tell you there is a problem to resolve13:16
seb128e.g remove aptdaemon or downgrade packagekit13:16
seb128also that's the kind of issues than proposed users might hit13:17
jdstrandMirv: fyi, I wouldn't say there is no process. people need to file bugs. afaik, all the denials I'm aware of have bugs with comments on what needs to be done to fix them. some are policy adjustments, others are platform/sdk adjustments13:22
jdstrandand no one has mentioned anything about bluetooth yet13:22
jdstrand(to me at least-- in terms of policy)13:22
jdstrandso yes, please file a bug13:22
jdstrand(oh, and for bugs that need policy adjustments, I don't know of any that are open-- I definitely try to stay on top of those)13:23
smoserOdd_Bloke, did you get what you needed wrt uefi images ? just now looking at week-old backscrolls13:23
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smoserfwiw: ppc64el boots with qemu-system-ppc64: https://gist.github.com/smoser/7a07d9f8929dc11b4ed913:24
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Odd_Blokesmoser: Yeah, I think I did; thanks for the pointer to that gist!13:47
dokoseb128, Laney: I was looking into cross building openjdk-8/9, and seeing that the gnome stack isn't yet completely multi-arched. is this something we could look at for 16.04?13:49
seb128it would be good to have, unsure who would be interested to work on that though13:50
Laneyfeel free13:50
Laneyvia debian wherever possible13:50
seb128who broke launchpad bugs duplicates? ;-)13:52
* seb128 looks at wgrant and cjwatson13:52
seb128bug_id: got 'unicode', expected int: u'1507332'13:52
seb128when trying to mark a bug duplicate of another one13:53
cjwatsonseb128: bug with an oops id please, I'll track it down13:53
seb128cjwatson, I don't get an oops13:53
cjwatsonseb128: what exactly are you doing?13:54
seb128just that message in red13:54
seb128opening https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-log/+bug/150080613:54
ubottuError: malone bug 1500806 not found13:54
seb128click on "mark as duplicate" on the right13:54
seb128I get the popup dialog to enter a bug13:54
seb128I write 150080613:54
seb128and get the error I just copied in red13:54
cjwatsonit's a regression from the fix for bug 58174813:55
ubottubug 581748 in lazr.restful "10.10 milestone name corrupted in JS: 10.1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58174813:55
cjwatsonyou can work around it by middle-clicking the "mark as duplicate" link so that you get the HTML form rather than the AJAX one13:55
cjwatsonI'll see about an urgent fic13:55
seb128cjwatson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/150760413:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507604 in Launchpad itself "bug duplicate dialog error, "bug_id: got 'unicode', expected int:"" [Undecided,New]13:57
seb128cjwatson, thanks13:57
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seb128cyphermox, is bug #1507330 known?14:16
ubottubug 1507330 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer detail pane not opening" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150733014:16
cyphermoxseb128: now it is.14:17
seb128cyphermox, that's why I was pointing it ;-)14:17
seb128cyphermox, I fixed a similar bug in apturl on friday, had to move the height_request property from the textview to the srolledwindows14:18
seb128unsure what changed, I guess it's new GTK...14:18
seb128that one might be similar14:18
cyphermoxif so, yuck14:19
dokoLaney, mediascanner2 is still blocked on qtubuntu-media, LP: #150085914:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1500859 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "hard coded dependency on non-existing version of runtime library" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150085914:21
Laneysee #ubuntu-touch14:21
seb128cyphermox, totally non tested/random try, but maybe http://paste.ubuntu.com/12861228/14:22
seb128cyphermox, if you know how to easy spawn the ubiquity UI to test14:22
cyphermoxyeah, I know how14:23
cyphermoxworth a try I guess14:23
seb128is there an easy way?14:23
seb128out of download an iso, boot it in live mode and test from there14:23
cyphermoxyeah, I run an iso and change what I need14:23
cyphermoxI usually always have the isos ready, downloaded14:23
seb128I'm downloading one14:23
seb128I can test the patch if you are busy on other things14:24
seb128just needs some 20 minutes or so14:24
cyphermoxit's fine I already was preparing an upload, and already had a vm with ubiquity spun up on it14:25
cyphermoxbut not quite.14:27
cyphermoxoh wait, I did the change wrong14:31
cjwatsonseb128: I've asked for a rollback of the last LP deployment14:33
seb128cjwatson, thanks14:33
cjwatsonHaving trouble reproducing this in the test suite, but I can absolutely see it on qastaging :-/14:34
cjwatsonAnd setting a breakpoint on the relevant bit of JS hangs firefox14:35
seb128cjwatson, is rolling back cheap? because the bug is easy to workaround so I guess if it's fixing today having it around for a few hours is not the end of the world14:35
cjwatsonseb128: Cheap enough and I'm not sure how long it will take me to fix14:35
cjwatsonSince my first three attempts to reproduce in tests haven't gone anywhere yet14:36
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seb128dpm, pitti, wgrant, do you know why https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+source/evolution/+imports is empty (out of the manual upload I just did)?15:36
seb128the .po should be imported no?15:36
seb128https://launchpadlibrarian.net/221324437/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.evolution_3.16.5-1ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz has a translations tarball15:37
cjwatsonseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/fix-bug-picker-search/+merge/274910 and singing the I-hate-JavaScript song.  Hopefully we can roll this out again tomorrow15:52
seb128cjwatson, nice, thanks for fixing it ;-)15:53
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kirklandrbanffy: nice :-)16:13
rbanffykirkland, ?16:13
kirkland<rbanffy> In any case, byobu users who use mu font (all three of them, me included) will be happy to know I added a ⟫ in late May.16:14
rbanffykirkland, :-)16:15
apwrsalveti, yo, just looking at your rtl8812au upload, there are a number of files in here without clear copyright information though your copyright claims they are GPLv2, do you have some suplementary information to that effect ?16:15
hallyn_xnox: did you see any problems in https://mentors.debian.net/packages/my ?16:16
hallyn_uh, https://mentors.debian.net/package/netcf16:16
rsalvetiapw: I saw a few that were indeed missing, but minor headers and iirc (last time I check), those files were also in the upstream kernel (under another driver)16:16
xnoxhallyn_: i did not but have run out of time to upload it.16:17
xnoxhallyn_: i've set a reminder to do it tonight, when i am back home.16:18
xnoxsorry about the delay.16:18
rsalvetiapw: I can cross check again, but most of the ones that were missing are not even required by the build16:20
rsalvetiso they can be removed16:20
hallyn_xnox: gotcha, thanks16:20
rsalvetijust didn't remove because the tarball is directly from the vendor16:20
apwrsalveti, i'll see if i can confirm they are in the upstream kernel16:21
rsalvetithe hal ones under OUTSRC-BTCoexist are probably not, and not used during the build16:21
rsalvetiso I can upload without them16:21
rsalvetilet me check again which files are actually used16:22
apwrsalveti, that is the sketchiest directory for use16:24
rsalvetiapw: in this case (since it comes from the upstream tarball), should I upload a new orig tarball without them or just make a patch to remove them?16:25
apwrsalveti, we don't want them in the archive, so repacking +dfsg stylee seems appropriate16:25
bdmurrayseb128: I'll have a look at those crashs16:26
seb128bdmurray, thanks16:26
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gdfuegoI just filed a fun bug in Precise16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507681 in psmisc (Ubuntu) "killall with 65 arguments kills more than expected" [Undecided,New]16:47
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bdmurrayseb128: One of the retraces failed in the following way - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12863467/. So apport did not return a crash signature.17:07
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bdmurrayseb128: that's true for both the libunity crash and the trust-store crash. the missing debug symbol messages are incidental.17:30
seb128bdmurray, the one you pastebined has an useful stacktrace though17:32
seb128just missing the first symbol17:32
bdmurrayseb128: I think the any missing symbol is cause for apport to return None for a crash signature.17:39
seb128bdmurray, oh, ok, do you know if that's by design or a bug?17:40
kdubmy thinkpad (x201 tablet) is having a tough time booting with the daily live usb stick made with usb-creator-gtk... could this be a uefi problem maybe?17:40
bdmurrayseb128: I think its by design - https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/view/head:/apport/report.py#L1233 "If StacktraceTop has unknown functions or the report lacks any of those fields, return None.17:42
rsalvetiapw: should be all good now, let me know if you need any other info17:43
seb128bdmurray, I think the intend was to avoid having one function being a signature17:43
seb128but maybe pitti can confirm17:43
seb128it feels like in that case we could do better, because ?? followed by 4 detailed function is useful17:44
bdmurrayseb128: I reported bug 1507711 about this.18:09
ubottubug 1507711 in Apport "crash_signature should(?) be created for stacktraces missing the first symbol" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150771118:09
seb128bdmurray, thanks18:09
infinityseb128: Were you handling the component-mismatches promotions from your seeding, or shall I?  (I don't want to double-override).18:22
seb128infinity, I did it18:29
infinityseb128: Kay.  I'll wait for the publisher to catch up and look at the result.18:30
slangasekhrm.  I just got email from google saying that a recently used device logged in insecurely to my google account, and it points to my IP address. Is Online Accounts not up to speed with current login protocols?18:45
ogra_slangasek, you usually get that if you connect a device for the first time ...18:47
ogra_well, i do18:47
* xnox gets that every time i login from an annonymous window. or e.g. logging out with one google account, to relogin with a different one.18:56
slangasekogra_: it's not a new device, it's my existing laptop18:57
slangasekand I've never had his error before18:58
ogra_token expired ?18:58
slangasekpitti: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/python3.4/trusty/ results regressed between .1 and .3, with no relevant code changes.  Same tests pass in package build.  Could this be related to the recent lxc profile questions?20:42
Unit193Heh, /var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.postinst: 1: /var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.postinst: udpkg: not found21:08
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