
Unit193xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin, xfce4-verve-plugin, and xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin uploaded too.04:08
=== qwebirc826402 is now known as slickymasterWork
bluesabrewe'll probably need to fix this pre-release or with an SRU, https://bugs.launchpad.net/fedora/+source/catfish/+bug/150156511:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1501565 in Catfish "crash in en_US locale for non-sudoer user" [Undecided,New]11:28
bluesabreIf we can test this easily (create a test user, make sure they are not in sudoers), that'd be cool11:29
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, checked and confirmed on RC image12:00
slickymasterWorkdo you want to add anything to that report?12:00
slickymasterWork+ me12:00
bluesabreslickymasterWork: just that it also affects ubuntu12:05
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:05
flocculantslickymasterWork bluesabre - commented in that report12:41
flocculantsent the users and invite to testing :p12:47
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tracker9flashing green bar to tell you where to type then13:06
flocculantinstalling to ssd is so quick that the enter for the next comment from tracker9 became the restart after install :p13:09
flocculantjjfrv8: I tried to make that affect catfish(ubuntu) but it wouldn't find it :(13:10
slickymasterWorkflocculant, bluesabre, added my to the bug. It's now confirmed13:32
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flocculantknome: yep - I'll probably just do new ones - easier than fiddling with the old ones15:18
flocculantknome: also - if we want to take the contribute/qa page back to something more basic - I've transferred it to wiki and we could have wiki/Xubuntu/Testing/page there 15:42
flocculantdkessel: if you get time - can you check the iso you have and that failed install - cheers16:39
dkesselflocculant: currently running another installation with the same medium. checked the iso MD5, ran the image selftest...16:53
dkesselbtw: should there be a battery status icon (from xfpm or something) during the install?16:57
flocculantnot sure tbh - only thing I have with a battery *needs* to be connected to mains ... 17:02
ubottubluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19317:03
flocculantcan anyone confirm an issue with catfish - unlock database - hangs updating 17:04
flocculantdidn't ask password either 17:04
dkesselflocculant: nope, asks for password17:05
dkesseland updates17:05
dkesselnot a clean install though17:05
flocculantok cool :)17:05
flocculantjust checked with live too 17:06
slickymasterWorkgive me sec flocculant 17:06
dkesselyeah, live works here, too.17:06
dkesselmhhh i guess i will close that kernel bug if another install goes through without kernel panic17:07
flocculantdkessel: ack - I installed that to hardware a few hours ago - infinity was a tad perturbed I guess 17:08
slickymasterWorkflocculant: no seeing it either17:09
slickymasterWorkRC image 17:09
slickymasterWorkit did ask for the password and finished the database update17:09
flocculantk - thanks both :)17:13
flocculantobviously broken it here :p17:13
slickymasterWorkthat's because you're the QA lead :P17:20
flocculantochosi: mousepad view - I see where that's set y default settings - but where does the 'colour' for the highlight when you search come from? 17:32
flocculantslightly older people might welcome a change - hard to see what you've Ctrl+F'd as it it 17:33
drcAs one of those...+2 :)17:33
flocculantblame bluesabre for "Usability bug reports are fair game" ... ;)17:34
flocculanthi drc :)17:34
drcHey flocculant 17:34
drcYeah, He appears to have developed pronounced sado-machocistic tendencies :)17:35
drcochosi: re: mousepad highlight color...just a tad darker, just enough to see it more distinctly.17:39
dkesselhah! now after installing, i have that exact same catfish freeze, flocculant17:41
dkesselflocculant: if you run "catfish -v" in a terminal, you will likely see an "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'password' referenced before assignment17:43
dkesselalso, bluesabre ^17:43
slickymasterWorklet me check that dkessel 17:49
slickymasterWorknopes, dkessel 17:52
slickymasterWorkstill working as expected17:52
drcDoesn't the user have to be non-sudoer?17:52
drcIIRC from the log.17:53
dkesselslickymasterWork: well flocculant and me can reproduce it :p i couldn't reproduce it on this old installation here, either, or on the live image. but on the fresh installation, it happened two times now17:54
flocculantbluesabre: http://pastebin.com/YLwjtn5D17:55
flocculantfirst run with -v it asked for password and ran, second run without the -v it hangs unlocking17:56
flocculantdkessel: well that's odd - with verbose it worked 17:56
slickymasterWorkdrc, that one is bug 150156517:56
ubottubug 1501565 in catfish (Ubuntu) "crash in en_US locale for non-sudoer user" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150156517:56
slickymasterWorka different17:56
dkesseli understand that it might be timing related from the log17:57
dkesselwell, i have DE locale17:57
dkesselyeah, but that's a different one17:58
slickymasterWorkwhat I find odd is the fact that I'm not getting it17:58
slickymasterWorkdo you want any special info on my box setup, flocculant?18:00
slickymasterWorkit's a clean RC image though18:00
flocculantslickymaster: no - unless we ask 18:20
slickymasteroki doke18:40
flocculantby we *we* :p18:41
flocculantI mean 18:41
slickymaster... mean...18:42
flocculantby we I mean *we* :p18:42
* slickymaster is lost re who the hell we might be :P18:43
flocculantwell we doesn't include me :p18:43
flocculantbut bluesabre most likely or someone more codelike in the team 18:44
* slickymaster is at their service18:44
Unit193Ahh, got my coffee.  Nice warm beverage, though does taste a tad off.19:11
flocculanttry milk instead of youghurt19:13
Unit193Nooo, black.19:14
flocculantslickymaster: so in a vm installed from RC then updated - catfish crunches, running with -v in a vm - no different at all19:17
flocculantso that's odd 19:18
slickymasterI won't touch the installation I have in case bluesabre will want any info/data out of it19:19
flocculantwell it fails here too19:20
flocculantsigh - this is why I'm right to bring package testing back 19:27
slickymasterwell dinner time for me19:28
flocculantk 19:29
flocculantgonna do a clean hardware install 19:29
Unit193Open Catfish → Gear Icon → Update index  ?19:30
flocculantUnit193: failing for you? 19:30
Unit193Works fine™19:31
flocculantand all updated 19:31
Unit193Well, not technically, didn't run it today yet but yesterday was.19:31
Unit193Installed: 1.3.3-0ubuntu119:31
Unit193This is a system upgrade, amd64.19:32
flocculantyea - just wonder if this is caused by other recent updates19:32
Unit193Oh hah, nevermind.  It is broken, yes.19:33
flocculantok cool19:33
flocculantin a manner of speaking 19:33
Unit193unit193    2688  0.0  0.1  12464  2684 pts/10   S+   15:29   0:00          |   |   \_ bash /usr/bin/catfish19:33
Unit193unit193    2689  0.7  2.7 864992 53148 pts/10   Sl+  15:29   0:02          |   |       \_ python3 /usr/share/catfish/bin/catfish.py19:34
Unit193root      2718  0.0  0.1  58796  3636 pts/14   Ss+  15:29   0:00          |   |           \_ /usr/bin/sudo updatedb19:34
flocculantUnit193: but running catfish -v works?19:34
Unit193Still  UnboundLocalError: local variable 'password' referenced before assignment19:36
flocculantaah, now that's failing here19:37
flocculantwhich is now weirder 19:38
flocculanthow does something that was working 10 minutes ago - not work now19:38
dkesselwell that's typical for a timing related bug :)19:39
flocculantdkessel: awesome timing - waits till Unit193 starts talking and suddenly fails :p19:40
dkesselhe must be pushing the button right over there19:40
flocculantdkessel: did that install work btw?19:41
knomeflocculant, re: website, i think it's better to have the new stuff there until we have a sensible and sustainable place for the developer documentation...19:41
knomeflocculant, and now as you have poked docbook a little - let me remind you that one option is to create another set of documentation in docbook for contributors19:41
flocculantokey doke - just thought I would mention that19:41
knomeflocculant, with all kinds of silly pdf output formats19:41
dkesselflocculant: oh yeah it did. invalidated that bug. i guess the sd card broke somehow. i can't write anything anymore to it now. so maybe the sd card was the cause19:42
flocculantknome: ok - and put it where? 19:42
flocculantdkessel: ok - thanks :)19:42
knomeflocculant, can be on the website, on a subdomain, can be shipped with the system -19:42
knomeflocculant, no limits there, whatever we feel is the best place for it19:42
flocculantknome: so what we've got in docbook? 19:43
knomeflocculant, our documentation19:43
knomeflocculant, which you have just recently poked...19:43
flocculantsorry - lack of punctuation didn't help then at all :p19:43
flocculantI meant - what we've got on website - but in docbook :)19:44
knomeflocculant, well, yes and no - the website should still probably have the very basics19:44
knomeflocculant, but the docbook stuff could be a full guide to silly things19:44
flocculantright 19:44
knomeflocculant, and one good thing about it would be that we could write an appendix about using bzr and launchpad19:45
knomeflocculant, and then simply cross-reference to it whenever we need to19:45
flocculanthappy to start looking at that 19:45
knomeflocculant, not that we can't do that with the website or wiki, but you know how messy it gets19:45
knomeflocculant, so - that's just one option - and the argument that "docbook is hard BOOHOO" stays :P19:45
flocculantha ha 19:46
knome(it isn't, but it's of course more than editing a wiki)19:46
flocculantwell 19:46
flocculantthese things are generally pita to start - person coming along after has it easyish19:46
knomewe have the process ready in docs19:47
flocculantdo we? 19:47
knomeyeah, of course :D19:47
flocculantnever seen it 19:47
knomewe *are* exporting to html and pdf from docbook19:47
knomei mean the technical process :P19:48
knomeso there's not too much to do when starting19:48
knomeexcept a lot of writing...19:48
flocculantoic - thought you meant Processes :D19:48
knomennnoope :D19:48
knomeshould try to be less ambiguous19:48
flocculantjoin the club ... 19:49
flocculantwell I can start writing the QA stuff for sure19:49
flocculantif doing that makes sense for later - then *shrug* 19:50
knomewell, good documentation *always* makes sense19:51
knomemaybe no reason to convert it to docbook markup yet19:51
flocculantnot quite what I meant :)19:51
* knome reads ambiguously too19:51
flocculantha ha 19:51
flocculantI'll do this anyway, practice19:52
knomeyep, i won't mind19:52
Unit193flocculant: Yeah this doesn't make sense at all.20:02
flocculantwell I stand no chance at all if you say that :p20:03
Unit193passwordless_sudo is returning 1, which in theory should make it try to attempt a password dialog box, but alas it doesn't.20:04
Unit193Logic here doesn't seem to be quite right...20:12
Unit193Anywho, not my problem, right? :D20:12
knometotally your problem20:14
knomeat least you seem to be bothered by it much more than i am...20:14
flocculantI'll report this now that it's confirmed20:15
flocculantjust to make bluesabre's evening 20:15
Unit193knome: I was surprised to see catfish even installed. :P20:16
Unit193apport (2.19.1-0ubuntu3) wily; urgency=medium20:16
Unit193* Disable Launchpad crash upload for final Ubuntu 15.10.20:16
Unit193flocculant: But, did you run  catfish -v  soon after using `sudo`?20:17
flocculantUnit193: mmm20:17
Unit193The exit status of `sudo -n true` is always returning 1, but return p.exitstatus == 1 isn't right. :D20:17
flocculantgiven where we are - wonder if we'll get this in20:19
flocculantthere is at least a workround - either use sudo somewhere or sudo updatedb 20:19
flocculantoh - perhaps as drc said this is the same bug 20:21
knomeflocculant, this time is totally designed for getting bug fixes like this in :)20:21
flocculantUnit193: are you saying it crashes if sudo used recently or it works if sudo used recently? 20:22
flocculantknome: if it gets fixed in the next day20:22
flocculantI'd rather release with it than spend hours smoketesting isos on my own on Thursday again 20:23
flocculantcurrently both catfish and -v are wanting password20:24
flocculantUnit193: nvm - answered myself :)20:24
flocculantconfusing myself now 20:29
flocculantso it seems that if catfish is the first thing to want sudo it works20:30
flocculantbut if you've used it prior to catfish it fails20:30
flocculantUnit193: does that sum up what you've seen? 20:31
flocculantbug 150776520:37
ubottubug 1507765 in catfish (Ubuntu) "Catfish fails to update database" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150776520:37
flocculantUnit193: if you've data to add to the bug description from what you found above - that'd be good :)20:38
Unit193"Exit status of 'true' was '1'"  do you see a problem here? :P20:47
Unit193'true' returning '1', means the program that always exits without any errors exited "with an error"20:48
flocculantso add it to the bug then 20:48
flocculantnight all 20:54
Unit193Anywho, yeah I'm done playing around in the souce there.20:58
knomesouce? sauce?20:58
Unit193knome: Why aren't you off pinging the right people already!? :P21:05
bluesabrehey all23:57
knomehey sean23:57
* bluesabre needs to check the sudo/true/catfish output again it seems23:58

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