
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK
sitterreview please http://paste.ubuntu.com/12874652/05:49
sitterRiddell: ^05:49
ovidiu-florinRiddell: current package for KDevelop does not depend on frameworks05:51
sitterRiddell: pingpingping :(06:54
sitterRiddell: I do wonder if we should make the upgrader remove kmix btw. or mark it obsolete06:55
soeesitter: with kmix installed users will have 2 audio icons in systray ?07:00
lordievaderGood morning.07:17
soeehiho lordievader07:19
lordievaderHey soee 07:19
sitterRiddell: uploaded upgrader to wily with uri fix I mentioned yesterday. also prepd sru for the two bugs in vivid and uploaded proposed for those07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507886 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Vivid) "DistUpgradeFetcherKDE crashes on method _warning" [Critical,Triaged]07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1507887 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Vivid) "DistUpgradeFetcherKDE always errors on 403 releasenotes" [Critical,Triaged]07:32
Riddellhi sitter08:24
Riddellsitter: upgrade worked fine for me yesterday going from 15.04->15.10, the release notes showed fine08:25
Riddellwhat's the problem with it?08:25
sitterRiddell: with archive.ubuntu.com?08:25
sitteror your intermediate thingy08:26
Riddellsitter: with ubuntu-release-upgrader08:26
sitteryes but which server08:26
RiddellI've no idea08:26
Riddellnot looked at that code in years :)08:27
sitterlet's see with a vm08:27
Riddellwhat error did you get? it returned 403 and that caused what to happen?08:27
sitterthe thing is... I did twiddle with the code and hardcoded an upgrade to vivid for simulation purposes and that still threw 403  errors08:27
RiddellI only used kubuntu-devel-releaes-upgrade rather than using it from muon but that wouldn't make a difference for release notes08:28
sitterit might08:28
sitterthe problem possibly is that since the KDE fetcher craps out on the self._warning it might use CLI fetcher instead08:29
sitteralthough then you wouldn't get release notes at all08:29
sitterRiddell: do you have a vivid install?08:30
Riddellsitter: nope, I did it by hand on bare metal, experience has taught me that's the most reliable way08:31
RiddellI can do another one08:31
sitterRiddell: might as well, so we have two testing results08:32
sitterdpkg -S releasechecker08:32
sitterfind the line that goes MetaReleaseCore(False, False)08:32
sitterchange the Falses to Trues, that enables it to report on dev version08:32
sitterthen in do-release-upgrade find the devel release option08:33
sitter                     dest="devel_release", default=False,08:33
sitterchange that to True as well08:33
sitterthen the entire tool chain should include devel, so you should get a notification 3 minutes after login that a new kubuntu is available08:33
sittermuon-updater should have the button to launch the upgrader, and the upgrader should show release notes08:33
Riddellbetter to change /etc/hosts and point to a changelogs.ubuntu.com with an updated meta-release no? more close to the real thing08:34
sitterno, because I am getting 403. changing hosts would entirely bypass that issue08:35
sitterRiddell: just do a vivid reinstall for now08:36
sitterI'll define a better test case once I have a vivid vm to poke around in08:36
Riddellonto it08:36
sitterRiddell: edit both files as mentioned, then open muon-updater, use upgrade, enter password, stdout of updater will now show both the 403 and the exception from the _warning that doesnt exist08:52
RiddellMade both changes, no notification yet09:01
sitterRiddell: takes 3 minutes after login09:04
sitterRiddell: or you can just startk muon-updater manually, it will do the check all the same09:04
RiddellOk got it now09:07
RiddellClick upgrade?09:07
sitterRiddell: should be good, see backlog in ubuntu-devel09:28
sitterI forgot that I actually got to the bottom of the 403 when I investigated a month ago and it turned out to be me being daft :S09:28
sitterstupid upgrader doesn't use framworks themeing >.<09:29
RiddellIt could do with breezification09:30
RiddellBut I've always Bern scared to integrate it too much with anything, the more integration the more things can breakdown upgrade09:31
sitterRiddell: thing is we can get cheap integration with qt509:31
sitterneeds to stop hardcoding icon paths and so forth09:31
RiddellI'll test i386 then with full install for giggles09:32
sitterbrrr i38609:32
sitteroh and for style and colors we probably just need to make Qt load the frameworkintegration plugin09:32
sitterthat way all should default to breeze09:32
sitterone env var worlds of difference http://imgur.com/H3GHyYR09:37
sitterwhy the icons are oxygen still is odd tho09:37
mparilloNew Wily Release Candidate Images? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/347/builds10:18
RiddellTesting needed :)10:19
mparillo!testers 10:20
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information10:20
BluesKaj'Morning all11:04
sick_rimmitGood Morning BluesKaj11:07
BluesKajHi sick_rimmit , guess the freeze is on til thurs11:08
soeesick_rimmit: do you plan any hangout after 15.10 release ? :)11:09
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ahoneybunshadeslayer: happy b-day11:44
shadeslayerahoneybun: thanks :D12:13
yofelshadeslayer: happy birthday! Don't get too drunk :P12:18
shadeslayeryofel: thanks :D12:18
shadeslayernah, not going out tonight12:18
shadeslayerwork day tomorrow :P12:18
shadeslayerI have to be responsible12:18
shadeslayerit sucks12:18
shadeslayerI know12:18
RiddellHmm it really is astonishingly slow to upgrade on a magnetic hard disk12:19
yofelyou probably want to use eatmydata if you're only testing stuff12:20
yofelotherwise, yeah, it's slow12:20
* BluesKaj is looking for an ssd "deal"12:26
BluesKajgonna speed up my old desktop12:28
sick_rimmitHi Soee BluesKaj13:25
sick_rimmitSorry I was away there for a bit13:25
sick_rimmitYes, we're doing a Kubuntu Podcast at UOS :-)13:25
RiddellMeh today's image ubiquity crashes if I connect to network from live system14:07
Riddellmparillo: you seen that?14:07
marco-parilloRiddell: No. I connected to the network from a live system, updated iso.qa.ubuntu.com, then successfully ran the installer from the live image (the one in the home folder).14:09
marco-parilloWhat I can never do is start the live image, select the install (instead of try) and then pick my WEP network. I recall it was a wont fix.14:10
RiddellMost weird14:17
marco-parilloWhich approach were you taking? Try, attach to the network, then ubiquity or Install and pick the network as one of the Ubiquity steps (which is skipped if you do the try, attach network, then ubiquity)14:20
sgclarkHappy birthday shadeslayer!14:24
RiddellSame issue on ubuntu unity14:24
RiddellAnd who's idea was it to have a wall of text on first boot if ubuntu?14:25
soee!package plasma-pa14:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package plasma-pa14:26
soee! plasma-pa14:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasma-pa14:26
soeeRiddell: what chnaged in plasma-pa (there was an update) ?14:30
Riddellsoee: not enough14:31
RiddellIt's to remove kmix autostart14:31
RiddellBug 1050807514:31
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 10508075 could not be found14:31
shadeslayersgclark: thanks alot :)14:31
soeeah ok14:31
soeeoh interesting: http://news.softpedia.com/news/uk-government-is-kicking-out-microsoft-office-and-adopts-libreoffice-494919.shtml14:31
RiddellBug 150807514:31
ubottubug 1508075 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "crash during network setup in ubiquity wily" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150807514:31
shadeslayerRiddell: look what I got https://instagram.com/p/9EArhdj24R/ :D14:32
shadeslayersitter: ^^14:32
yofelyou be crazy14:32
yofel*wannahave* :D14:32
shadeslayerIt's a clock14:32
shadeslayerand has a projector for a clock14:32
shadeslayerapparently the TARDIS operates on 4 AAA batteries14:33
shadeslayerwho knew14:33
shadeslayeror well14:37
shadeslayerthe eye of harmony apparently generates the same amount of energy as 4 AAA batteries14:37
shadeslayersitter: Does DCI have access to all of Mobile KCI's slaves?14:40
shadeslayerbecause I don't think it does14:40
marco-parilloLogging off to see if today's iso gives me the black screen on VMware.14:52
shadeslayersitter: nvm15:08
Riddellshadeslayer: careful what you do with it, you can make ripples with that.  you might give ariya stark sunglasses and immortality15:17
yofelokaaaay.. kmail just decided to vanish for the second time today. No crash notification, no error in dmesg, but it has to have crashed in some way as the configuration changes weren't written15:29
yofelanyone an idea how to debug that?15:29
sitteryofel: automatic crash handling is defunct right now15:30
sitterunless an app explicitly access kcrash it won't install its crash handler because of ld being smartsies15:31
yofelright, and now even sitter crashed XD15:33
clivejoRiddell: you about?15:35
Riddellhi clivejo15:36
clivejoI need help15:36
Riddellis this about the continued existance of the IRA?15:36
Riddellcos that might be beyond me15:37
clivejocalligra and packaging, how to move to from LP to alioth15:38
clivejoLOL everyone know they still exist15:38
Riddellclivejo: I guess you just clone this http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-std/calligra.git/15:39
Riddellcreate a kubuntu_unstable branch15:39
Riddelland copy the launchpad stuff in15:40
clivejoI created kubuntu_wily_archive15:40
clivejobut how do I get your packaging into it?15:40
RiddellI wouldn't put it in kubuntu_wily_archive, we're not uploading to wily any more it's frozen15:41
Riddellif it's for 2.9.8 make a kubuntu_stable15:42
Riddellif it's for master then make a kubuntu_unstable15:42
Riddelland just rm -r debian/; cp -r ~/mylaunchpadcheckout/calligra/debian .15:42
Riddellit won't preserve the history15:42
Riddellbut to do that would be very faffy15:42
Riddelljust put a comment in the commit where it came from15:42
marco-parilloYay! I did not get the black screen on installing today's ISO to a VMware VM.15:50
Riddellthat's good :)15:51
Riddellbut doesn't test my wifi setup bug :(15:52
clivejoIm confused15:52
clivejoshould kubuntu_wily_archive be removed then?15:53
clivejoit was never used15:53
Riddellclivejo: yes probably15:58
clivejohow does that happen?15:58
Riddellremoving git branches is one of those weird git commands that makes no sense15:58
Riddellgit push origin --delete <branchName>15:59
Riddellactually that does make some sense15:59
clivejoI really dont trust myself to do that!15:59
Riddellgit push origin :<branchName> is the other way to do it, which only makes sense if you are a git hacker15:59
clivejoRiddell: have you packaged 2.9.8 ?16:03
Riddellclivejo: nope16:03
marco-parilloRiddell: In a VM, the hardware WiFi on the host appears as wired on the guest. But as I said, early this morning I tested a live image on my WiFi, and then picked the install option from the live desktop, and it worked just fine. WiFi never worked for me on the ubiquity wifi step because I have WEP (but for some reason I cannot find the bug I raised)16:04
Riddellmarco-parillo: so maybe it's just me, other testers seem fine too16:04
Riddellho hum16:05
* Riddell out16:05
clivejoRiddell: so clone the wily_ archive branch locally?16:05
marco-parilloIf we get another Release Candidate, I should be able to test again.16:05
Riddellclivejo: clone calligra, checkout master, git checkout -b kubuntu_stable  ready for the 2.9.8 work16:06
clivejobut that clones the debian branch?16:06
clivejosame as what is in kubuntu_wily_archive16:07
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clivejoRiddell yofel : anyone still about?16:26
yofelclivejo: now yes17:16
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-106-gc2e7734 * Aleix Pol: discover (5 files in 2 dirs)17:28
pursuivantRefactor CategoryDisplay17:28
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-107-g58d25b7 * Aleix Pol: discover/qml (2 files)17:28
pursuivantMake it possible to show the CategoryDisplay for compact form factors17:28
pursuivantmuon (redesign) v5.4.1-108-gc92c09a * Aleix Pol: libmuon/Category (2 files)17:28
pursuivantNotify that the displayed category changed in the CategoryModel17:28
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BluesKajyofel, will the final 15.10 have only plsama5 or will there still be some plasma 4 transitional libs etc?17:53
yofelthere should still be a couple left17:53
BluesKajok thanks17:53
yofelnot from plasma though, only for some applications17:53
marco-parilloAnd those apps need kwallet4, which triggers the empty migration bug? 17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1434052 in One Hundred Papercuts "kwallet wants to migrate empty kwallet4" [Low,Confirmed]17:58
sgclarkumm kontact vanished. I reinstalled it and now when I try to run it plasma crashes... 18:26
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clivejoyofel: so I created a new branch on debian.org/cgit for calligra called kubuntu_stable and copied it from LP over to the branch, do I need to create a new branch kubuntu_unstable as well?20:09
yofelI don't think you need it now20:10
clivejoso just use this branch to fix the packaging for 2.9.8?20:11
soeelets make sddm login screen simple laike here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmL6TAd54LU20:33
yofelthat's a) not very plasma like b) we don't yet force people to use an SSO service for their desktop login20:42
yofeland I think sddm is already rather simple...20:42
yofel(which *is* good)20:42
geniiGrrr sddm20:42
Riddellclivejo: get sorted?21:14
clivejoRiddell: not sure21:14
clivejoRiddell: what is wrong with this? https://paste.kde.org/pdti4qqfs21:19
clivejowhy is it suddenly looking for calligra_2.9.7.orig.tar.gz21:20
Riddellgoodness knows, gbp is weirdness21:20
Riddelltry a rm -r ../build-area21:20
clivejoFFS downloading the tarball again21:21
clivejomy ISP has capped me and it slow as treacle21:21
clivejoarrr I give up21:25
mparilloThe big SDDM regression from LightDM is the loss of the easy guest account.21:31
mparilloAnd it looks as if Wily Release Candidate images are re-building: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/347/builds21:31
Riddellclivejo: you can work from the weegie machine if you need more bandwidth21:34
Riddellmparillo: all part of the fun of testing I'm afraid21:35
mparilloWell, today's was a big upgrade over yesterday for me (no black screen in a VM with 3D acceleration). And it gives me a chance to double-check WiFi in a live USB session.21:36
tsimonq2 /win 521:36
Riddell /win 3.1121:41
Riddell(ho ho ho)21:41
Riddellmparillo: you win today, I lose I guess :)21:41
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