
=== Antix is now known as Guest23999
Antix_anyony who knows how can i add an update notifier on  my sytem tray?00:58
Antix_i have lxde desktop installed00:59
Antix_Any help?01:00
berpherpI need help concerning adding non-kubuntu repositories to kubuntu or any linux if the steps for kubuntu apply to other linux distros as well01:03
Stravhe. Anyone else not having kmail's icon displayed in systray on kubuntu 15.10? (already asked twice on #ubuntu+1, no answer)01:49
abrahamsStrav: did you turn the systray icon on within kmail preferences?02:15
Stravabrahams: sure02:23
Stravabrahams: actually, there is a space for the icon and if I hover that space, there is a label saying kmail2 but clicking on it does not yield the usual kmail systray menu. Also, I do have an icon for korganizer but clicking on it fails to open the korganizer window (as it did before)02:24
abrahamsStrav: Alright, that is a different problem than what I thought, which was only that it wasn't registering in the systray at all.02:26
Stravabrahams: so you do have the kmail systray icon displayed on kubuntu 15.10?02:27
abrahamsStrav: Yep, unread count and everything02:27
abrahamsRestart, resize / remove / replace panel?02:28
Stravabrahams: strange, yet it points to a config problem on my part. Actually, I tried to get the icon to show under a guest session but still no lick.02:28
Stravabrahams: also did some of that (resized and removed the systray applet)02:29
Stravabrahams: I'll try with another panel though...02:29
Stravgnia. same issue with another panel02:30
=== james_ is now known as Guest18975
toothehowdy all. I am reinstalling kubuntu but I noticed that my drive came back as encrypted04:11
tootheI specify did not set the encryption option, its still doing that.04:11
toothealso, ithink ubuntu or debian (or both) broken a driver.04:20
toothebecause it works on Mint.04:20
tootheBut not on Ubuntu or Debian.04:20
toothemight be a firmware thing?04:20
chemanevdoes someone knows the problems between ubuntu and kde04:20
chemanevwhats the future for kubuntu?04:20
chemanevi read about kubuntu its not going to be a official flavor04:22
Unit193It is, has been, and will continue to be an official flavor.04:23
chemanevwhat were going to be the new stuff on kubuntu 15.10?04:31
chemanevexcuse my english04:32
=== denza242 is now known as [dz]
OOPManZAHey guys, quick question. When using uvtool to download a cloud image, how do I tell it to use the ubuntu server release?07:06
OOPManZAOr does it do so automatically?07:06
soeehi OOPManZA, i do not know what uvtool is, but isn't this question more related to #ubuntu channel ? :)07:07
OOPManZAsoee: Yeah, possibly :-)07:08
lordievaderGood morning.07:17
=== michael is now known as Guest4030
MasNovelwelcome...welcome.... my friends...08:07
soeehiho MasNovel08:07
MasNovelhi too... :)08:07
MasNovelim from Indonesia.,..... n how about u?08:08
soeeoh i'm from Poland :)08:08
MasNovelo ic... how nice it is.....08:09
s_20they certainly seem to like periods in indonesia08:13
soeethis is like telegram :-)08:13
MasNovelwhat kind periods...? s-2008:14
s_20these: "......"08:14
MasNovelnice to meet you all08:16
MasNovelnice to meet you all08:16
s_20nice indeed08:17
MasNoveljust indeed????08:24
* lordievader points to #kubuntu-offtopic08:27
yossarianukt minus 2 days !08:34
=== john is now known as Guest21546
BluesKaj'Morning all11:04
amichair_is 3840x2160 resolution supposed to work on Kubuntu 15.04 (Intel HD Graphics 4600)?11:23
BluesKajamichair_, that's quite high check the 4600 screen res capabilities on intel's site11:25
amichair_BluesKaj: according to Intel it should work just fine (@60Hz via DP)11:26
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BluesKajamichair, which driver?  glxinfo | grep OpenGL11:30
amichairBluesKaj: which line am I looking for?11:32
BluesKajOpenGL core profile version string:11:33
amichairOpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.5.911:33
amichairBluesKaj: what does that tell us?11:35
BluesKajlook in driver manager for the recommended driver , you're using the default open source driver. not the intel11:38
amichairBluesKaj: driver manager isn't showing any options11:41
BluesKajamichair, , sorry I'm wrong , it seems my laptop uses the same driver for the 400011:41
amichairBluesKaj: what next?11:44
BluesKajami ok , run this to see if the driver shows up , lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'11:47
amichairBluesKaj: Kernel driver in use: i91511:47
BluesKajsame as mine and on my laptop the highest res  available is 1366x768 ...what kind of screen do you have?11:49
amichairBluesKaj: 4k. kscreen shows resolutions up to that, but if I select it the screen goes blank. The one before it (2560x1440) works ok.11:51
hateballperhaps you need a newer mesa than the one in 15.0411:51
amichairdoes that mean I need to upgrade the kernel?11:52
BluesKajamichair, which opengl settings are you using?11:52
amichairBluesKaj: how do I find out?11:53
BluesKajsytem settings>desktop effects11:53
BluesKajsystem rather11:54
amichairI don't see that11:54
hateballhmmm, seems 4k should be supported from mesa 10.511:55
hateballIf you're not afraid of breaking things you can always try https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:55
amichairI suppose knowing that it *should* work is a step forward :-)11:55
hateballTho it *should* work11:55
amichairBluesKaj: do you mean Display and Monitor -> Compositor?11:56
BluesKajamichair, sorry I'm still not used to the system settings changes in 15.04 ...yes you have it11:57
BluesKajrfendering backend11:57
amichairso it's Accurate/OpenGL 2.0/GLX/Full screen repaints/Only for Shown Windows (and two unchecked options)11:58
amichairshould I try openGL 3.1?11:58
BluesKajam use OpenFGL 3.111:58
BluesKajOpenGL 3.1 that is11:59
* BluesKaj opens the blinds for more light11:59
yossarianukwhy no opengl4 renderer ?12:00
amichairBluesKaj: selected 3.1, nothing seems to have changed12:00
yossarianuk(I guess mesa has only recently supported it..)12:00
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amichairI'll try rebooting12:15
BluesKajyossarianuk, from what I can find on the forums intel 4000 series  gpus aren't supported by OpenGL 4 yet in Linux,  MS and Mac yes, but not Linux12:22
hateballthat does not affect resolution however12:22
BluesKajdoes OpenGL 3.1 support the 4K resolutions ?12:23
BluesKajI don't have a 4K screen so I wouldn't see it available12:24
hateballit has nothing to do with resolutions, it's what fancy features can be used to draw windows12:25
amichairplasma crashes a lot when displays are connected/disconnected12:27
hateballwell, you can always upgrade to 15.10 a few days early, see if that helps12:28
hateballit has newer mesa etc12:28
BluesKajI'm on 15.10 already, but there's no new mesa available yet from looking in muon12:33
yossarianukthey could include it for nvidia/amd users....12:36
amichairany other ideas?12:38
BluesKajI'm using nvidia, but it;s a basic 8400GS PCIe card/gpu12:38
BluesKajamichair,  from what I can find on the forums intel 4000 series  gpus aren't supported by OpenGL 4 yet in Linux,  MS and Mac yes, but not Linux12:40
amichairBluesKaj: I think you got me mixed up with the other fella :-)12:40
amichairBluesKaj: I'm still trying to get 3840x2160 working. Don't care much about OpenGL.12:41
hateballamichair: what does xrandr say?12:42
BluesKajamichair, nope, your 4k screen is not supported yet afaik12:42
amichairBluesKaj: where is the bottleneck? when will it work?12:43
BluesKajwhen intel drivers are written for those screens in linux I guess12:43
amichairhateball: xrandr shows the proper supported resolutions. But when I pick the highest one (in system settings) the monitor goes blank. 2560x1440 works ok.12:44
hateballamichair: well what if you set them using xrandr?12:44
amichairhateball: dunno, never done that12:44
amichairhateball: how would I do that?12:45
amichairand revert if necessary?12:45
hateballamichair: xrandr --output $youroutput --mode 3840x216012:46
hateballxrandr should list the available outputs, maybe it is called DP-0 or something12:47
hateballand you can try --mode auto12:47
amichairhateball: what do plus/asterisk mean near a display resolution?12:50
hateballamichair: your currently chosen12:50
amichairoh right. and recommended/native, probably.12:51
amichairhateball: display went blank on higher res with xrandr too12:52
hateballamichair: you were on 15.10 already?12:54
amichairhateball: isn't it released this weekend?12:55
amichairon 15.0412:55
hateballit's coming in 2 days iirc12:55
hateballright, so it was12:55
hateballamichair: Well I would either upgrade to 15.10 (but BluesKaj said no newer mesa) or use this ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:56
amichairhateball: I suppose I'll wait a few days for the release12:59
amichairhateball: is it the kernel/driver update I'm waiting for?12:59
hateballamichair: yes, the i915 mesa driver13:01
amichairhateball: it's not the same version?13:01
hateballamichair: I should think not. you can check on packages.ubuntu.com13:02
hateballI am on 14.04 on my intel machine, using nvidia otherwise... so havent checked13:03
hateballat any rate, the ppa should have the latest stuff13:03
BluesKajunfortunately I don't see any GUI options for xrandr in 15.10, like there used to be in 14.04 and 14.1013:05
hateballwell it should all be handled via kscreen now, assuming it behaves properly :p13:07
amichairhateball, BluesKaj: thanks. I'll try on 15.10. Hope it's a smooth upgrade and stable desktop.13:07
BluesKajppa's just before the next release in 2 days is jumping the gun, think patience is in order here13:08
amichairBluesKaj: agreed.13:08
amichairI usually wait a few days more for critical upgrade bugs to be resolved, though not sure I'll be patient enough with my new monitor :-)13:09
BluesKajamichair, altho upgrading to 15.10 right now will bring you very close to the official release in terms of software etc, dunjno if you'll see much difference in graphics options13:11
=== irctc795 is now known as wonkots
amichairBluesKaj: of course... it's mostly upgrade/critical bugs I'm worried about, and those are most likely to be fixed right around release date13:12
amichair(right before or right after)13:13
BluesKajI'm restricted by my older hardware here so I may be wrong13:13
wonkotsSay, could someone help me figure out what broke in my installation? I had a hard crash yesteday, and after reboot it won't let me log in again, only gives a black screen and then drops back to the login screen.13:16
wonkotsI have moved .cache, .local, .kde, .config aside, to no avail, and also made a new user, which has the same issue. I tried removing the nvidia packages to use nouveau, and back to nvidia, still the same.13:17
hateballwonkots: what does "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" say?13:18
wonkotsbelongs to root, and is -rw-------13:19
BluesKajwonkots, did you run any updates/upgrades?13:20
wonkotsI have 15.10 backports (so I'm not complaining that things break... ;)13:20
wonkotsBut the machine had been running for a few weeks with those already.13:21
hateballwonkots: it should not belong to root, chown it to your user13:22
hateballPerhaps there has been liberal use of sudo/root in an unsupported manner13:23
wonkotsI changed the permissions. Now the black screen I get after trying to log in is much longer, but it still drops me back to the login screen.13:24
hateballwonkots: what does "cat ~/.xsession-errors" say?13:24
hateballhopefully something useful13:25
wonkotsSo, it says a couple things, but they haven't changed after trying to log in with the .Xauthority permission changes. It should append new items to it, right?13:26
hateballDid you restart sddm after chowning xauthority ?13:26
hateballNot sure it's required, but it cant hurt13:27
wonkotsI did not. Brb.13:27
wonkotsWhelp, a progess bar... and a desktop... and a start menu... and a cursor...13:28
wonkotsThank you so much!13:28
wonkotsI had so much trouble with plasma and other things breaking on our machines running kubuntu recently. I suspect its because they all run on nvidia?13:29
BluesKajwonkots, I have nvidia, but all is fine hewre on 15.10, gotta keep up with the updates/upgrades tho13:31
yossarianukwonkots: highly suggest you add the ubuntu nvidia ppa to have latest stable version (rather than the one in main repo)13:33
yossarianukwonkots: http://www.webupd8.org/2015/08/new-official-proprietary-gpu-drivers.html13:34
wonkotsThat I will do.13:34
wonkotsThank you guys for the help.13:35
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=== alvaro is now known as alvaro4141414141
jrghi. trying to install on a toshiba satellite and can't seem to get kubuntu to boot14:10
jrgit was a pretty straightforward install and there aren't many options for the bios... not sure what the problem is here14:10
jrgbios just can't seem to boot the drive after the install :/14:11
hateballjrg: what version, are you using efi, are you dualbooting?14:11
hateballdetails are helpful :)14:11
jrgoh i didn't know there was a non-efi version. is there a way to change it to BIOS during the install?14:12
jrgit did give me an EFI warning. the bios on this thing is so limited14:12
jrgah. the boot mode is UEFI Boot with no way to change it in the bios14:12
BluesKajjrg, UEFI is the new BIOS14:13
BluesKaj!UEFI | jrg14:13
ubottujrg: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:13
jrgBluesKaj: i know what it is... but i just chose to continue even tho it gave me a UEFI warning14:13
jrgfiguring it was fine and would boot14:13
hateballinstaller *should* handle it automatically, but you may have to manually set up efi partition for kubuntu etc14:13
jrgoh i see14:14
hateballgoogling $your_computer_model + linux + efi, is probably helpful14:14
BluesKajjrg, are you trying to setup a dual boot?14:14
jrgjust straight install kubuntu only14:14
BluesKajwell, then there is the option to run UEFI in legacy mode or with secure boot disabled14:15
jrgduring install?14:15
jrglet me start it up again and check14:16
hateballBluesKaj: Not all machines have those options, sadly14:16
BluesKajjrg, no you'll have toset that up in the UEFI , depending on your version it may not be available14:17
jrgthis one has the UEFI mode ONLY.. there doesn't seem to be a way to change it to legacy mode :/14:17
jrgoh :/14:17
BluesKajyeah, not during install14:17
jrgwell.. that sucks14:17
hateballwell even so, it should work14:18
jrghateball: that's what i was thinking14:18
hateballjrg: you've still not told us what version of kubuntu you're trying to install14:18
jrgi don't see why it wouldn't14:18
hateballthat should be new enough, hmmm14:18
jrgyah. odd. never really ran into a problem like this before with ubuntu/kubuntu14:19
hateballjrg: You don't have an option to disable secureboot either?14:20
jrgno. all i see is UEFI and it's grayed out so i can't even change it14:20
jrgotherwise swapping to legacy mode would have been my first option14:21
jrgit's a toshiba satellite c55d-b521214:22
hateballwell uefi and secureboot are not exclusive14:22
jrgmaybe i can find something about it14:22
hateballjrg: first google hit is a toshiba release note that even details how to disable it http://support.toshiba.com/support/viewContentDetail?contentId=400523314:23
BluesKajjrg, some users have said that legacy mode is not a good idea, I uise it and and haven't seen a downside yet , but a little research on your part would be good before you decide14:23
jrgah crap i'm sorry.14:24
hateballefi is nice, but secureboot is a pos14:24
jrgi'll check again14:24
jrgdo you have to disable it pre-install?14:24
BluesKajthere's also a quickboot on some machines left over from the windows OS, you may want to disable that as well14:25
BluesKajhey freeroute14:26
freerouteheh hi BluesKaj :)14:26
jrgok. i just disabled it. i'm going to try to install again and see how it goes14:26
BluesKajwhat's up, freeroute?14:26
jrgsorry about that. i didn't notice it was under security14:26
BluesKajdifferent machines have different UEFI setups14:27
freerouteBluesKaj: Learning as always, how bout you?14:29
BluesKajfreeroute, yup, try to learn something new everyday, not always successful tho ;-)14:30
freerouteQuestion for all of you Kubuntu people: Suppose I want to install only the Plasma desktop on 15.04 (so basically without the apps). My understanding is that during the 15.04 minimal (expert) install I have to specify that I have to install kde-plasma-desktop in the software selection (http://i.imgur.com/p4fkNBL.png). However, that package does not seem to be available there.14:31
freerouteBluesKaj: absence of success if the worst reason to quit learning IMO :)14:32
jrgwondering... like.. why doesn't ubuntu/kubuntu have a signature?14:33
BluesKajfreeroute, it's plasma-desktop, without the kde perfix14:33
freerouteinstead... I can choose between Kubuntu Active (which is basically for tablets from what I've understood), Kubuntu Desktop (which seems to include apps already) and Kubuntu Full (which is I assume everything including the kitchen sink :p)14:36
freerouteBluesKaj: ah cool, I'll try that. Thanks!14:36
BluesKajfreeroute, kubuntu-desktop too14:38
freeroutewhat's the difference though? :S14:40
freeroutedoes kubuntu-desktop include apps?14:40
freeroutebecause I'd rather install my own apps14:41
BluesKajyou need both , kubuntu-desktop helps integrate the plasma desktop in the transition betweem kde/plasma 4 and plasma 5 iirc14:42
BluesKajafiak, there's no real kubuntu minimal install14:43
freerouteoh, so I can't install only the KDE (or Plasma) desktop minus the apps?14:44
BluesKajfreeroute, there might be a method, but this is the first time I've come across such a request ...kde is loaded with features and options that other desktops lack, but at a price ..there are apps that ican't remove but can disable instead .. afaik those are the best options for a minimal KDE14:50
freerouteBluesKaj: well, like I don't really need LibreOffice for starters, nor that math program that got included, or even Kdenlive (for now). I'm fine however with stuff like Dolphin, Konsole and Krunner, but all other apps I don't even know if I'd use them or not.14:53
freerouteand so at this point I'm not even sure what to install, because there's kde-plasma-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and plasma-desktop.14:55
freeroutewhat would the most minimal approach be?14:55
BluesKajfreeroute, there's the PIM package consisting of email (kmail)with a data-base server (akonadi)  which can be disabled , but not deleted without taking the whole desktop with it ...so there arte some annoyances with workarounds14:56
BluesKajfreeroute, which 'buntu version ?14:57
freerouteshould I just wait for 15.10 ?14:57
jrgwell.. disabling the secure boot didn't seem to do it either. weird14:57
freerouteit's like 2 days away from now.14:58
BluesKajfreeroute, you can install 15.10 now and there will be a few upgrades on thurs when it's officially released ...I'm on 15.10 and it's quite solid atm.14:59
BluesKajjrg, legacy mode ?14:59
jrgah no. didn't notice that i can put it in legacy mode after disabling secure boot14:59
jrgblah heh14:59
BluesKajjrg, yes you can15:00
freerouteBluesKaj: if I install it, I'll have to do the mini install. Not sure if this is the right place to get it - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+package/ubuntu-minimal15:02
jrgok... i'm going to leave this thing in legacy mode and try installing one last time. this doesn't work i give up heh15:02
freeroutealso not sure what the difference is between "Proposed" and "Release"15:02
BluesKajfreeroute, why are you so attracted to minimal install, are you on an older pc or some such?15:03
svend-evIngen hjemme15:04
freerouteBluesKaj: I just like being able to have as less packages as possible, while maintaining full control over workflow that Plasma might provide me.15:04
BluesKajor did someone over at ##linux call KDE bloatware again? :-)15:04
jrgdoes "bloat" really matter nowadays?15:05
jrgi mean unless you're using something embedded?15:05
BluesKajsvend-ev, jag e' hemme15:05
freeroutejrg: it does if you're using Chromium :)15:05
jrgi guess? i mean SSDs are pretty cheap nowadays15:06
BluesKajchrome has it's own version of embedded flash15:06
jrgand i'm not even going to get into how cheap platters are15:06
jrgBluesKaj: does it? wasn't google on the big html5 push?15:07
jrgi was hoping by now flash would be obsolete.. wonder how much adobe pays people off to keep it around15:07
BluesKajjrg, yes, but in the meatime thgere are still a lot of sites using outdated adobe flash15:07
jrgwell the only way to get rid of that is to get rid of flash heh15:08
jrgsay what you want about steve.. but in that respect he had the right idea heh15:08
BluesKajrumour has it google has a backdoor to adobe's flash source code and compiles it's own version for chrome15:08
freerouteI always run Chromium in firejail. Fawk running Chromium on bare metal :p15:09
jrgi just use ff15:09
jrgi really liked opera but it went downhill pretty quick15:10
BluesKajI use chrome because it works where I need flash, I'm not picky ..it would be nice to see more webaster convert their sites with HTML5 tho15:10
freerouteI tried it too, but Chromium has a bit snappier workflow (at expense of RAM however)15:10
jrgall that matters is that youtube and plex support html515:11
jrgalthough plex html5 is a bit flakey15:11
BluesKajyeah, I'm looking at a new ssd soon , just waiting for the right "deal"15:12
jrgwell... i'm about to finish this install with legacy mode enabled and secure mode off.. hopefully it boots. if it doesnt them i'm out of reasons15:12
BluesKajjrg, it should be fine, if not there's always boot-repair or run grub -install to /dev/sda/ in the live kubuntu media15:14
jrgwell. i'll see what happens. it's about done15:16
jrgif this doesn't work then i have no idea heh15:16
BluesKajjrg, it worked here, if that's any consolation15:17
jrgseems like it worked15:19
BluesKajfreeroute, I don't worry about workflow much, I'm a home user ...when I was on the job it was strictly windows,but that's a while ago15:19
BluesKajjrg, cool :-)15:20
freerouteBluesKaj: I'm that poor sob that is the only guy who uses Linux at work :p15:26
BluesKajfreeroute, you're a brave soul IMO,  are you the IT guy ?15:27
freeroutewell, it's not on my title but... :p15:28
BluesKajyeah, there's different titles , IT is as IT does ;-)15:29
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jrgwhere is the option to disable that snapping to the sides of the screen?15:33
jrgwhy doesn't the ff menu open? lol15:35
BluesKajjrg, do you mean the upper left corner ?15:35
BluesKajjrg, check systemsettings>desktop behaviour15:36
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=== h81t is now known as Nan
jrgno. i disabled the screen edge stuff. i mean the window snapping. but right now i'm trying to find out why links in kde force a 2nd firefox window to open instead of just oepning a tab in the already oepened ff15:40
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lol_i hate commercial musix15:41
lol_i hate commercial music15:41
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jrgseems like a lot of widgets don't work too... like the yahoo weather widget15:42
jrgbeause it's missing qtquickxmml or osmething15:42
jrgi didn't look into it much tho15:42
lol_Hey do you guys know how to get that KDE4 ball back15:42
lol_or is it gone for good15:42
lol_it was so fun15:43
BluesKajjrg, don't forget to update and upgrade with apt15:48
jrgyeah doing that now15:49
jrgwhat does the install update when you install?15:49
jrgi'm actually doing it with muon but i'm sure that's just an apt frontend15:49
lol_Can I update my 15.04 already?15:50
BluesKajjrg, apt, muon any package manger in 'buntu use the dpkg system, it's the base package managemanr system15:51
jrg:) i know what apt is. i just figured muon called apt15:52
BluesKajjrg, update then upgrade , update doesn't install or upgrade it just sets up the available package changes to be run by upgrade15:54
svend-evBluesKaj: i am in www.osaa.dk15:54
BluesKajevery few days I also run a dist-upgrade, but that's because I'm usually running/testing a dev release for the developers15:56
svend-evBluesKaj: This evening is it open, look at the space-API !15:57
BluesKajsvend-ev, my dansk is a bit rusty as is my svenska , but thanks for the heads up anyway15:59
BluesKajmy eyes are playing tricks on me today, need my glasses again16:01
svend-evMore info:  http://osaa.dk/wiki/index.php/Spaceapi16:04
svend-evTo:  BluesKaj16:04
MoonUnit`lordievader, rotation is fixed in git \o/16:05
BluesKajsvend-ev, sorry I don't understand what that site is telling us.16:06
jrglooks like i'm in business :)16:07
BluesKajjrg, good :-)16:07
lordievaderMoonUnit`: Good to hear :D16:08
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MoonUnit`lordievader, Michel Dänzer adding 2 lines fixed it :)16:09
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jrgmodule "QtQuick.XmlListModel" is not installed16:26
jrgis that something i need to install? heh16:26
EvilerRoeyhey all16:27
EvilerRoeycould maybe one of ya help me with this backup drive issue... I don't understand why I cannot mount this16:27
EvilerRoeyI mean the mount command exits without hanging, but the volume does not appear mounted16:28
jrghm. is there a way to make widgets transparent that i'm not seeing?16:37
jrgi remember these  things being transparent16:37
BluesKajjrg, they're theme dependent16:38
jrgi see. i only have one look and feel theme .. breeze16:39
sheytanGuys, question. Is it possible to draw shadow under task manager icons?16:39
jrgor do you mean desktop theme?16:39
BluesKajjrg, desktop theme16:40
jrgah ok. yeah i found one. awesome thanks16:40
sochaam i right in thinking that neither konqueror, rekonq, or qupzilla support support html5 video fullsreen?16:50
sochawas hoping it was a useragent problem because i vaguely remember getting fullscreen in konqueror, but that could've been flash (which i prefer to keep uninstalled)16:51
sochathis is on youtube btw16:52
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jrgBluesKaj: thanks for all the help. now i can dump this thing off to my aunt and hope she thinks it's Windows :D16:58
BluesKajjrg, hmm, I hope you meant that windows statement as a joke :-)17:01
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jrgBluesKaj: lol. somewhat17:18
jrgright now tho... i tried figuring out why the windows won't resize.. figured it was because i made the window borders tiny.. but after changing the window decorations i can't seem to do anything at all17:18
jrgthe titles even disappeared :)17:18
jrgah well.. i'll wait for something to finishing transfering to it then fix it later17:18
jrglooks like i may need to restart in ordr to fix this.. ic an't even swap to different apps heh17:19
* jrg stares at this thing17:20
jrgwell.. logging out and logging back in seemed to do the trick. it still has that awkward amd issue17:22
jrgwith the blanking screen on boot.. but i don't feel like messing with grub17:23
BluesKajjrg, does grub appear /17:26
jrgnot that i see17:27
jrgit goes... post... blank... kde17:27
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jrgit's an A8 so i have had this problem before17:27
jrgit doesn't matter to me so long as kde comes up heh17:27
BluesKajok you have grub set to 0 secs and auto load17:28
jrgi figured grub was setting a mode that made the A8 embedded radeon screw up17:29
BluesKajjrg, usually holding the left shift key down at the post screeen and while it exits, grub should appear17:34
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BluesKajyou can change the hidden time out in /etc/default/grub17:35
freerouteI think I've got pretty far17:40
freerouteduring manual software selection I managed to install plasma-desktop17:40
freeroutebut there's this dependency that it can't meet (a software package that it can't install for some reason)17:41
BluesKajok freeroute was there a kubuntu-desktop option?17:41
freeroutenot sure if it's anything significant but it's called x11-common17:41
freerouteBluesKaj: lemme check17:41
freerouteyeah it does17:43
freeroutehas a lot of deps tho17:43
freerouteoh well let's install that and see where it goes17:43
BluesKajfreeroute, install lsb-base and debconf if available17:44
freerouteinstead of kubuntu-desktop or along with?17:45
BluesKajfreeroute, kubuntu-desktop should install all the dependencies for X17:46
freerouteBluesKaj: so should I do kubuntu-desktop + plasma-desktop or just kubuntu-desktop?17:47
BluesKajyou need both17:47
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BluesKajone is plasma 4 transitioning and the other is plasma 517:48
BluesKajand frameworks etc17:48
freeroutePackages automatically being installed to satisfy dependencies: 699. DL size: 374mb :O17:49
freerouteBluesKaj: you think 15.10 will only have Plasma 5?17:49
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BluesKajfreeroute, I'm not real sure yet. Gonna ask in the dev chat17:52
freeroutek, I'll wait here. I have a long download ahead anyways :p17:52
BluesKajthere will still be a couple plsama 4 transitional libs left in 15.1017:54
BluesKajplasma even17:54
BluesKajok some kde 4, not from plasma though, only for some applications17:55
BluesKajso looks like plasma itself will be pure 517:55
freerouteawesome :D17:56
freerouteis 15.10 a good platform to test KDE and report bugs from?17:56
BluesKaj15.10 will be officially released on thurs, so you'll be officially testing for only 2 days , but in reality anyone running 15.10 for the next 3 months or so is actually testing17:59
denza242there's always the kubuntu-ci ppas if you want to test18:00
bluezeohey guys18:04
BluesKajok , stuff to do for a while ...BBL18:05
freeroutety for everything :)18:05
freerouteopenjdk-7-jre-headless <<< why does Kubuntu need this :O18:09
marco-parilloSo my daughter can play Minecraft?18:30
denza242marco-parillo: there's always minetest :318:35
BluesKajare there any other game makers porting to linux besides steam ?18:46
drleviathanbummer: that link to Kubuntu FAQ in the topic redirects to a common ubuntu help page and I must then click on the Kubuntu specific link in the righ-hand panel to get to where I want to go18:55
drleviathanmeh, I thake that back.  That is just a sublink to lower in the same page.18:56
BluesKajdrleviathan, what are you looking for?18:56
drleviathanspecifically I'm looking for an ETA of Kubuntu-15.10, or maybe an early download page to test it.18:57
DRSERGHi guys. Have a problem. Installed kubuntu on sda2 (boot prim) and sda4,5,6 (swap, /, /home extended). sda1 and sda3 are ntfs with windows on sda1. After installation i got an error unknown filesystem, grub rescue. I tried a lot of methods to recovery grub (from rescue, from live cd, with boot-repair) but nothing helps. please tell me what to do18:57
drleviathanthought maybe the FAQ would be helpful18:57
MoonUnit`BluesKaj, there are others porting games, gog.com have a nice selection too if you want DRM free.18:59
BluesKajMoonUnit`, thanks just looking around , not much of a gamer, mainly curious for wife's sake ...trying wean her off windows :-)19:00
freerouteBluesKaj: still did not solve the x11-common dep :(19:00
freerouteomg... and it's 58.6 kB... why does it torture me so!19:01
BluesKajfreeroute, did you try sudo apt -f install, after sudo dpkg --configure -a ?19:01
freerouteBluesKaj: it's during expert install aptitude interface. How can I run commands there?19:09
BluesKajfreeroute, not familiar with "expert install aptitude interface"19:13
freerouteBluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/uxOydZT.png19:15
BluesKajfreeroute, never seen that before ...sorry , i have no clue..what kind of shell is that?19:21
freerouteBluesKaj: it's the TUI if you just type `aptitude`19:22
freeroutewait, I think I know how to get to the shell19:22
BluesKajI haven't used aptitude in ages19:24
MoonUnit`think the only time i see aptitude is when i run ppa-purge19:30
ejayHi all.20:23
murthyafter an update, google chrome keeps crashing, with a illegal instruction, core dumped20:39
murthyGoogle Chrome 46.0.2490.7120:40
drleviathaneven after a reboot?20:40
murthydrleviathan: ya20:40
murthyI tried even installing the beta version, that too crashes20:40
murthyis there a way I can downgrade google chrome to the previous version?20:41
* drleviathan does not know20:42
bpromptmurthy:    what version  do you have? what version would you want instead?20:42
murthybprompt: 46.0.2490.7120:43
bpromptmurthy:    and you want... 45?20:43
bpromptisn't 46 in beta? btw20:43
murthybprompt: right now I am searching the dpkg log to find the previous version20:43
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murthybprompt: let me confirm if the version is of the stable one20:44
murthygoogle-chrome-stable --version  ----->   Google Chrome 46.0.2490.7120:45
murthygoogle-chrome-beta --version -------> Google Chrome 47.0.2526.16 beta20:45
murthyso thats the stable one's version20:45
bprompthmm hold the mayo20:47
murthybprompt: I think I found the previous version, 45.0.2454.101-120:48
murthy"2015-10-20 01:29:43 upgrade google-chrome-stable:amd64 45.0.2454.101-1 46.0.2490.71-1"20:48
murthythats from the dpkg log20:48
bpromptmurthy:     so, you'd want the 45 64bit version?20:50
murthybprompt: ya, if possible 45.0.2454.10120:50
bpromptmurthy:    ok... hold the mayo, lemme upload it somewhere20:52
murthybprompt: no20:53
murthybprompt: give me an official link20:53
bpromptmurthy:    well, that's the issue, I was looking for an ftp server for it... didn't find one, and many links I checked, simply link to google's site, which will simply give you a google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb file, with latest version20:54
bpromptif I check some more, I may find it, but, tis only 45mbs, and I can upload it quick somewhere's20:55
murthybprompt: its not a matter of data size, its the matter of  downloading from a known source20:56
bpromptmurthy:    I understand that, the issue is, IMO google should have an ftp server, but they do not have an ftp server from where to get it20:57
murthybprompt: ya, firefox has right20:57
bpromptyeap, firefox and opera and microsoft have one, yeap20:57
bpromptwell, mozilla not firefox =)20:57
murthyI am searching, i will let you know if I find one20:58
bpromptok.....tis only 45.2mbs, and I can upload it somewhere quick enough :)20:58
murthybprompt: good news21:00
murthybprompt: the old one's deb is in the cache21:00
bpromptgood.... cp it from there to some other folder archive to keep it :)21:00
murthynow going to uninstall the beta and the stable 4621:02
murthybprompt: problem solved, google chrome version 45 is running without problem. thank you21:05
ejayI would like to know whos idea it was to make open windows exclusively on secondary screen. I would like to ask that person what kind of drugs he is taking becouse I need some of those.21:08
keithzgejay: You should be able to force Windows to open elsewise; the easiest would be to switch it so that windows always open under the mouse.21:42
keithzg(Window Behaviour -> Advanced -> Placement)21:44
ejaykeithzg: this "windows open always inder mouse pointer" does not work.21:45
keithzgejay: *shrug* did you hit apply? Might also require a session restart, though I wouldn't have thought so.21:46
keithzgI just checked and it works for me (I have two monitors running at the moment, on Kubuntu 14.04).21:47
ejaykeithzg: I'm on plasma5.21:48
keithzgYeah, I don't have that running on any actual dual-monitor machines here at work, so I can't double-check. It's *possible* that that's broken now, I guess.21:49
keithzgejay: You did hit apply, right? Just making sure.21:49
WildPikachuis there anything special I need to do to enable Maliit?21:51
WildPikachu(Kubuntu wily)21:51
* keithzg has no idea, although still uses Maliit every day! . . . on a Nokia N9, admittedly21:52
ejaykeithzg: Hit apply you say? Quality trolling. 2/1021:53
rodolfojcjhello everybody21:56
rodolfojcjtoday, I'm facing a problem with my Kubuntu 15.04 Desktop21:56
rodolfojcjsuddenly, the main Panel, the main Menu and KRunner got stopped21:57
ejayrodolfojcj: is background black?21:57
rodolfojcjI've restarted my computer several times and it happens again and again21:57
rodolfojcjno, the desktop background image and the desktop widgets I have keep in place21:58
ejayrodolfojcj: can you add new panels and/or widgets?21:59
rodolfojcjno I can't21:59
rodolfojcjeven the secondary mouse button doesn't work21:59
rodolfojcjby fortune, I use Yakuake and it allows me to run some commands21:59
ejayrodolfojcj: remove ksycoca5 from .cache dir, run kbuildsycoca5, restart, pray22:00
rodolfojcjfor example, I run the "konversation" command to connect to this IRC channel22:00
ejayrodolfojcj: can you check if plasmashell is running?22:00
rodolfojcjps auxf | grep plasma22:01
rodolfojcjgives me this:22:01
rodolfojcjrodolfo+  1468  2.3  9.3 4414968 312084 ?      Sl   17:16   0:21  \_ /usr/bin/plasmashell --shut-up22:01
ejayrodolfojcj: so it is running. You can try with ksycoca5 anyway.22:02
keithzgejay: You'd be surprised by what folks manage to forget to do :P If that's really not working anymore, though, you might want to inquire on #plasma if it's a known issue or not. Sadly can't justify going off the LTS at my work so I can't test that myself.22:03
rodolfojcjwhat tha file ~/.cache/ksycoca5 is supposed to be?22:03
ejayrodolfojcj: if there is no ksycoca5 file then just run kbuildksycoca522:04
ejayand restart22:04
rodolfojcjthere is one file, and seems to be a binary file22:05
rodolfojcjI'll remove it like you said22:05
ejayrodolfojcj: remove it. kbuildsycoca5 is replacing this file anyway but I'm always removing this file just to be sure.22:05
rodolfojcjI removed it and run kbuildsycoca522:07
rodolfojcjnow I'll restart22:08
rodolfojcjI'll tell you what happened in some minutes...22:08
rodolfojcjthe logout button doesn't work too22:08
rodolfojcjI'll run an "init 6" command22:09
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rodolfojcjhere I am again22:13
rodolfojcjI'll wait some minutes to see if the KDE main panel and main menu keep running22:14
rodolfojcjor if they die22:14
ejayrodolfojcj: if you are on kubuntu 15.04 without backporst plasmashell WILL die again.22:15
rodolfojcjit already died :(22:15
rodolfojcjI have had this computer running OK for months without backports22:16
ejayrodolfojcj: welcome to plasma5. future is now.22:16
rodolfojcjI don't remember to have made any changes recently22:16
rodolfojcjso I wonder what could be the cause/reason for this failures22:17
rodolfojcjdo you recommend to add the backports repository?22:17
ejayrodolfojcj: if you have time - yes, go for backports. If you need stable workspace then no.22:18
rodolfojcjthese weeks, I would like the stable option22:19
keithzgrodolfojcj: Have you tried adding another user and running as them, seeing if you run into the same problems? That should narrow down if it's a user config problem or not.22:19
ejayrodolfojcj: then do not touch anything and pray. They will ship new version in a week anyway and prolly bunch of new bugs and issues will take our time and productivity. Brace yourself!22:20
rodolfojcjmy brother has an account on this computer, so I could ask him the favor to open his session22:21
alex______hi there my kde 5 plasma panel crashed is there any way to delete the session cache?22:21
rodolfojcjwhile the new version arrives, what workaround could I use to keep the Plasma desktop elements running?22:22
ejayrodolfojcj: problem with plasma is that those crashes are so random.22:22
ejayalex______: remove ksycoca5 from .cache and run kbuildsycoca522:23
ejayalex______: just to be sure - you are on plasma5?22:24
rodolfojcjI thought it could be a ram memory problem, so I run Memtest for some hours and the results were OK, so it doesn't seem to be a hardware problem22:24
rodolfojcjI'm doing this:22:24
rodolfojcjin Yakuake run command "killall plasmashell" and then run command "kstart5 plasmashell"22:24
rodolfojcjI have desktop elements again22:25
keithzgrodolfojcj: At least in my experience, such crashes are *usually* either some weird config thing, or to do with graphics drivers.22:25
rodolfojcjok, but why so suddenly?22:26
rodolfojcjI don't remember to have changed a configuration in the recent weeks22:27
rodolfojcjis there a log file for plasmashell?22:27
ejayrodolfojcj: you are using unfinished software - bugs should not suprise you.22:27
ejayor a*22:28
rodolfojcjit died again22:31
rodolfojcjby fortune Alt+Tab, Yakuake and firefox are working22:32
rodolfojcjplease see https://paste.ee/p/1yaeD22:32
rodolfojcjit has all the standard output of running the plasmashell command manually22:32
rodolfojcjhere I am again22:36
rodolfojcjkilling plasmashell and running "kdestart5 plasmashell" for a second time doesn't work fine. The desktop graphics got a complete mess!22:37
keithzgrodolfojcj: ~/.xsession-errors *might* have details.22:39
rodolfojcj~/.xsession-errors doesn't seem to have a significant error message, at least not for plasmashell and for I can deduce22:45
rodolfojcjcould it be a lightdm problem?22:46
ejayrodolfojcj: plasma crashes are common. Someone told me it is something with gfx drivers. No one is 100% sure what's goin on. Maybe devs know but you need to wait for new version. That's it. I spend countless hours trying to fix this. I just got used to it.22:48
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th3s3_3y3sWhy is the PV contained in an EXT file system?23:13
rodolfojcjhere I am again23:13
th3s3_3y3sIt makes it a large tast to expand the PV to actually use an entire physical volume.23:14
rodolfojcjI could not read your last messages, if any, because my session completely faild23:14
th3s3_3y3sWhy is the PV contained in an EXT file system?23:14
rodolfojcjnow I'm using another user account in my computer and web irc client23:14
rodolfojcjand the system has about 10 minutes working fine23:15
rodolfojcjso it seems to me that the problem my user account has with plasmashell is related to "something" inside my session/configuration23:15
rodolfojcjsome suggestion about where to see to diagnose/cure the failure in my session?23:16
th3s3_3y3sdebug packages.23:16
rodolfojcjor do you know how to reset my KDE config? without losing KDE PIM information?23:17
th3s3_3y3skubuntu looks like an extended ubuntu so having ubuntu work well is required to run all of the extras23:18
th3s3_3y3sWhy is the PV contained in an EXT file system?23:20
th3s3_3y3sIs this for saftey?23:21
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