
=== Siva is now known as Guest45543
Guest45543while bootstraping juju i am getting following error ERROR: Network communication failed * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache05:58
Guest45543any help ?06:00
kikogood morning12:34
dimiternroaksoax, mpontillo, blake_r, juju/maas meeting?13:01
=== Siva is now known as Guest32343
Guest32343while running juju bootstrap , i am getting following error13:03
Guest32343 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 cannot initiate replica set: cannot get replica set configuration: cannot get replset config: not authorized for query on local.system.replset ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 113:03
Guest32343any help on this13:15
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
kikoGuest32343, can't say I have ever seen that13:25
=== zerick_ is now known as zerick
pmatuliscan i configure dns/named with impunity or must maas know about those changes? specifically i want to set up a forwarder13:51
mupBug #1508056 opened: MTU should be a setting on the Fabric not on the interface <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508056>14:00
mupBug #1508059 opened: Node interface configuration should only be allowed when the node is ready <api> <networking> <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508059>14:00
mupBug #1508056 changed: MTU should be a setting on the Fabric not on the interface <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508056>14:09
mupBug #1508059 changed: Node interface configuration should only be allowed when the node is ready <api> <networking> <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508059>14:09
mupBug #1508056 opened: MTU should be a setting on the Fabric not on the interface <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508056>14:12
mupBug #1508059 opened: Node interface configuration should only be allowed when the node is ready <api> <networking> <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508059>14:12
=== Siva is now known as Guest68476
Guest68476while running juju bootstrap i am getting following error14:19
Guest68476DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:122 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")14:19
Guest68476any idea ablout this ?14:19
mupBug #1508072 opened: Cannot find 'interface_set' on User object, 'staticipaddress_set__user__interface_set__node' is an invalid parameter to prefetch_related() <MAAS:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508072>14:42
mupBug #1508076 opened: The commission action for 1 node failed with error: PartitionTable matching query does not exist. <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508076>14:42
mupBug #1508087 opened: Unhandled UDP error during manual enlistment of xgene-2 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508087>15:12
=== Matthew is now known as Guest30931
Guest30931Need help setting up maas. I have sent a question but need to get things moving faster than waiting for a response15:25
pmatulisGuest30931: may try askubuntu15:28
pmatulisGuest30931: purchasing technical support from Canonical is always an option15:29
Guest30931I have searched and cannot find the answer to the problems I am facing.15:29
Guest30931how do I go about getting the Canonical tech support option?15:30
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr
pmatulisGuest30931: are you looking for a single machine type of support or an entire organization?15:44
pmatulisGuest10359: anyway, this is a good path:15:48
marka13Got a question if anyone is avail?18:17
stokachumarka13: just ask the question18:19
stokachusomeone will respond18:19
marka13OK Stokes - I was performing the auto-pilot installation of openstack on a maas and was able to deploy a node which was given a static IP.  When I rebooted the node I saw eth0 up= False and Route info Failed.  Maas manages DHCP and the static pool are both on 10.0.0.x/24  Why was the static not accessible the first boot and why does it fail to assign an ip if I reboot the deployed node?18:23
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== wolverin_ is now known as wolverinav
=== wolverinav is now known as wolverineav

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