
Stravhe. Anyone else not having kmail's icon displayed in systray on kubuntu 15.10?01:48
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lordievaderGood morning.07:17
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[dz]this isn't the release party channel09:06
ikoniathere is a release party channel09:08
ikonia(not here)09:08
ikoniait seems to have lost the buzz it once had09:08
mcphailikonia: in some ways, that is reassuring :)09:13
ikoniaI have zero complaint09:22
sacardewhen RC come out?09:44
lordievadersacarde: It is already available, see http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com10:25
BluesKaj'Morning all11:04
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wileeeHi, running gnome-shell 3.16, 15.10 release of shell, not getting windows opening in previous size is really my only issue.20:51

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