
dholbachgood morning05:59
davidcalleMorning o/06:44
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dholbachbelkinsa, cjohnston, czajkowski, hggdh, Tm_T: could one of you maybe imagine to be co-track lead of either dpm in the Community track or davidcalle in the "Show & Tell" track - it'd mostly be about being a backup if anything should fail. (It's not like in the past where track leads had to run sessions any more, session leaders can do that on their own.)09:44
czajkowskidholbach: when is this for again?10:06
czajkowskisorry for asking I'm sur eI should know but juggling atm :)10:06
dholbach3-5 Nov10:06
czajkowskitwo ticks let me check where I am that week10:07
czajkowskiI can do the 3rd only as 4/5 have team 2 day planning in London with new manager10:08
czajkowskiif that's of use10:08
dholbachand José would be able to help on Thu10:09
dholbach(in the Community track)10:09
hggdhdholbach: yes, I can imagine being a co-track10:23
hggdhdholbach: dates,  times?10:23
dholbacherr, co-tracklead :)10:23
dholbach3-5 Nov - 14-20 UTC10:24
hggdhI can do Nov 3 very slowly, to the point of boredom, 4 & 5 are OK10:25
hggdhso with czajkowski taking the 3rd, we should be OK10:26
hggdhdholbach: ^10:27
dholbachyou two are absolute heroes!10:27
* dholbach hugs czajkowski and hggdh10:27
* hggdh hugs dholbach10:27
hggdhdholbach: but being backups-if-anything-should-fail have a tendency to finding themselves point... so can you give us abit more of details?10:32
dholbachyes, I'll send out an email in a bit10:34
hggdhdholbach: ack, no hurry, now I know you will do it, I can wait10:35
czajkowskidholbach: just let me know where I need to be and doing what10:35
czajkowskithanks :)10:35
czajkowskihappy to help10:35
czajkowskiI'd help more just new manager is in UK so working with him to plan out Q1 next year10:35
dholbachsure, that's absolutely understandable :)10:37
dholbachballoons, davidcalle, dpm, mhall119, popey: who's running the q&a today?11:29
dpmdholbach, was running the clinic yesterday, and the rest of the team and I were on the Q&A last week - popey and balloons, would you be up for it today?11:31
dholbachlet me know if you need hands on deck later on - I think I should be free this time as well - as a backup :)11:31
dholbachlunch time :)11:32
dholbachsee you in a bit11:32
dpmthanks dholbach, enjoy!11:32
mhall119popey: I'm available today too, for the Q&A, if you need me just ping12:53
hggdhI really need somebody to go and update http://ubuntu-br.org. It is still offering 14.10, and people are agetting stuk with an obsolete release13:04
hggdhalternatively, I can do it, if someone give me access13:05
dpmhey hggdh13:05
hggdhthe BR council is dormant/dead13:05
dpmis this a site hosted by Canonical IS?13:05
hggdhdpm: hey13:05
hggdhI do not know13:05
hggdhI *think* it is an official point, but I am not sure13:06
Picilooks like it.13:06
Piciubuntu-br.org is is cerium.canonical.com13:06
dpmit might be worth asking on the IS channel, then, if it's Canonical hosted, they might be able to give you access. I'm guessing they will ask you to file an RT for them to keep track of13:07
hggdhack, thanks13:07
hggdhthat's #canonical-is, correct? (memory fails)13:08
popey#canonical-sysadmin i think13:09
hggdhthanks, will try13:09
popeydpm: know someone who can help us with chinese translations? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app13:16
dpmpopey, happyaron perhaps?13:18
* popey goes hunting13:19
* dholbach hugs mhall11914:00
popeyanyone got the creds for @ubuntuonair? can you tweet about the Q&A?14:51
josepopey: those are automatic tweets, didn't they go off?15:59
popeylooks like not15:59
popeydholbach: that was fun! thanks for joining!16:04
josepopey: eh. let me check...16:06
joseok, I see the error, I'll fix it when I get home16:07
popeythanks jose !16:07
josenp :)16:09
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dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)16:28
PiciIs there any IRC channel stuff needed for UOS, or is everything happening via hangouts now?16:35
mhall119Pici: we still use IRC16:37
mhall119#ubuntu-uos-{room} usually16:37
mhall119Pici: using the same rooms as last time, so I believe the channels are already there16:38
PiciI'm running the bots now, I'll take a look at the uosbot configuration later today to make sure that things are setup properly16:38
mhall119Pici: we have JSON and iCal feeds from summit, let me know if you need any help using them16:39
Picimhall119: okay :)16:39
jcastrohey mhall11919:39
jcastroplex has an entirely new app and they redid the whole thing on Qt19:39
jcastrothey have a rpi2 image, sounds like a good snappy thing to me!19:55
mhall119jcastro: it does sound like a good snappy thing20:07
mhall119but...when did plex get a desktop GUI?20:07
mhall119I thought it was all cli and web-ui20:07
jcastroit's had plex home theater for a long time20:07
jcastroit was the client based of of XBMC20:08
mhall119oh, didn't know that20:08
jcastrobut it was like their unity720:08
mhall119then again, I run it on a headless box20:08
mhall119jcastro: linky linky?20:08
mhall119jcastro: requires Qt 5.6...might be too early for me to try snappifying it20:15
mhall119also, I don't have Plex Pass20:17
jcastroyeah it's pretty bleeding20:17
mhall119looks pretty similar to their Roku app20:17
jcastrothey've been slowly revamping all their apps to this new design20:18
jcastrothe PC app was like the last one20:19
balloonsohh what is this media player thing? I use plex20:44
balloonsThey re-did the whole interface eh? I'll have to update my install20:44
balloonsif it will run on rpi2, I'm in so long as there's a snap. I run it on my NAS atm20:44
balloonsthe photos view looks SO much better. The current UI for photos is horrible20:45
jcastroballoons: they have an entire image for rpi220:53
mhall119jcastro: cmake fails, it wants QtCore 5.5, and Wily only has 5.420:56
balloonsis mhall119 making us a package?20:58
jcastrohe was until he failed20:58
mhall119Jimmy Wales say to fail fast, I take his advice :)20:59
mhall119maybe the Kubuntu guys have a PPA with QtCore 5.521:00
jcastrothey'll probably flip out when they see plex has a CLA though, heh21:01
balloonsjcastro, the only downside is no prime video on plex :-(21:30
balloonsor do you even use prime video?21:30
mhall119that's not really the point of Plex21:35
jcastrowell, prime now works in the browser21:46
jcastroso technically you could fullscreen and use a steam controller21:46
jcastrobut that's not as nice as a dedicated appliance like a roku21:46
balloonsI mainly use plex for local stuff, since I can't stream much anyway. But I've never used prime video despite having it for all this time21:50
balloonsso on a whime, I occasionally wonder if there was a saner way to consume it21:50

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