
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
arrrghhhhello all.  just installed mythtv again, and I'm having an issue with the service - the program says start/running when I start it from the service, but it immediately stops.  What logs can I look at?  /var/log/messages doesn't have anything, and /var/log/mythtv doesn't have any logs for the backend04:16
arrrghhhoh there's a /var/log/upstart folder... hm04:18
arrrghhhthat was the ticket04:19
=== cip is now known as cipi
lordievaderGood morning.07:17
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
rbasakkirkland: do you think bug 1505473 needs an SRU to Trusty?10:33
ubottubug 1505473 in pollen (Ubuntu Trusty) "pollen does not start on boot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150547310:33
kirklandrbasak: I don't think so13:03
kirklandrbasak: as far as I'm aware, there's only one pollen server in production in the world, and they use the ppa:trusty/ppa :-)13:03
kirklandrbasak: so I'd say don't worry about it unless canonical IS asks you to13:04
rbasakkirkland: ah OK, thanks. I got confused between pollen and pollinate.13:17
przemytrielHello guys any monitoring tool for nagios? like nagstamon?13:24
=== zerick_ is now known as zerick
bekksprzemytriel: NAgios IS the monitoring tool :P13:58
rbasakWho watches the watchers? :-)14:08
bekksThe congress ;)14:09
lordievaderYour users?14:26
przemytrielbekks:  :)14:28
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
arrrghhhHello all.  Seem to be having a logging issue, my auth.log is 0b, my syslog is 0b, kern.log 0b... found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/1059854 and tried changing the rsyslog line from reload to restart, didn't seem to help17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 940030 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1059854 rsyslog stops working after logrotate until restarted" [Critical,Confirmed]17:32
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest5920
lordievaderAre you using 15.04?18:05
arrrghhhlordievader, 14.04.318:07
lordievaderHmm, rsyslog is configured to output logs to there?18:09
lordievaderComment #9 on the bug report doesn't work for you?18:10
arrrghhhand tried changing the rsyslog line from reload to restart, didn't seem to help18:10
arrrghhhand yes looking at 50-default.conf in /etc/rsyslog.d/ seems to be correct18:11
arrrghhhlordievader, evidently I don't look at my logs frequently haha.  Seems this issue started around August 10 2014, which I believe is around when I upgraded to 14.04 (it was running 12.04)18:15
lordievaderarrrghhh: bug 940030 reports a different workaround.18:15
ubottubug 940030 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "rsyslog stops working after logrotate until restarted" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94003018:15
arrrghhhlordievader, all of these bugs seem to indicate a reboot of the system would resolve it18:17
arrrghhhI just rebooted to resolve an issue with mythtv logs, and I'm still not getting the auth.log/kern.log/syslog/etc18:17
arrrghhhjust changed that tho, restarted rsyslog and still nothing18:18
arrrghhhfiles have not been touched18:18
lordievaderarrrghhh: No, they suggest a restart of the rsyslog service.18:18
arrrghhhthat does not work either... I've restarted rsyslog a few times now.  Everytime I adjust that config file18:19
arrrghhhhm.  looking at permissions this might be the issue... root/root is the owner18:19
arrrghhhdmesg is root/adm18:20
lordievaderarrrghhh: Run rsyslog manually instead of as a daemon.18:20
arrrghhhlordievader, sudo rsyslogd?18:21
lordievaderLook in the upstart file, I have no idea.18:22
arrrghhhlordievader, it still runs as a daemon...18:25
lordievaderarrrghhh: How did you start it?18:26
arrrghhhsudo rsyslogd18:27
arrrghhhstart-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- $RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS18:28
arrrghhh$DAEMON = /usr/sbin/rsyslogd18:28
lordievaderarrrghhh: Check the manpage of rsyslogd.18:30
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
=== Karunamon|2 is now known as Karunamon
arrrghhhso I ran rsyslogd -d which spat a ton of info into the console... but I'm not seeing any errors21:27
arrrghhhit doesn't seem to run continuously tho... I'm not sure if that's normal or not21:27
=== Darkman802_ is now known as Darkman802
arrrghhhso I'm still not getting anything in auth.log, syslog etc...21:53

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