
RubyDZHi guys, I was having trouble reinstalling Ubuntu earlier today and now I've successfully installed the latest version of Lubuntu, but I have an issue with the WiFi not working. I remember when I had Ubuntu a few years back I had the same problem, except I cannot find a solution for it in lubuntu? I remember there was a patch or something I used to use before ....00:01
RubyDZCan anyone help?00:01
roseyspophave a server setup for plex.  motherboard crashed.  instead of doing a fresh install, i moved the hdd to a different pc.  everything works fine except for networking.  can someone help me out a little bit?00:09
RubyDZSo I checked out some forums and apparently I need to download the firmware for my wireless driver, but I don't have an Ethernet connection. Is there any way I can do this by downloading the firmware onto a USB instead of connecting to an Ethernet cable?00:16
RubyDZCan anyone help please?00:16
CheckYourSixroseyspop: Does it recognize the adapater at all? And have you apt-get upgrade && apt-get update?00:18
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: If you have another computer, you can download it to a USB drive and them copy it over...00:18
RubyDZCheckYourSix: I'm not sure where to download it from?00:20
CheckYourSixWhat kind of wireless adapter?00:20
RubyDZBroadcom BCM431200:21
CheckYourSixAlways Broadcom with the issues.00:22
RubyDZI checked with a list I found through the Ubuntu forums and mine is supported00:22
RubyDZBut I'm not sure where to download the firmware from00:22
CheckYourSixDid the post have a list of commands to run?00:22
RubyDZAnd also I'm now running Lubuntu, would it be the same firmware package00:23
RubyDZI cross-checked with the list on this link00:23
CheckYourSixWhat version of Lubuntu?00:24
RubyDZThe latest ..00:24
RubyDZI just downloaded and installed it00:24
RubyDZ15.04 I think ..00:24
RubyDZI found this solution: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access00:25
RubyDZWould it work for Lubuntu as well?00:25
MannyLNJIs there a way to install Thunderbird and move it's mail folders to a USB stick?00:26
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: Yes it should. Try that link. If not, there might be another way00:27
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: Yes00:28
lxleuser_Does anybody knows how to add an update notifier on my lxpanel system tray??00:28
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, How?00:28
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/106002900:29
Trinityanyone know of a good tool for batch jpeg/png lossless optimization00:29
lxleuser_@Trinity try the "trimage" app00:30
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CheckYourSixlxleuser_: Update as in notify that new updates are available for the OS?00:31
RubyDZCheckYourSix: so in the link, in step 2, there are three choices, b43legacy, b43 (12.04 Precise Pangolin), and b43 (14.04 Trusty Tahr) ... my driver isn't legacy, so whih of the last two should I choose?00:31
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, Thanks. I'll read it over00:32
cafe`guyin ubuntu software & updates it gives me a list of possible ati drivers X.org, fglrx-updates, and flrx, which one should i use to get 3d acceration in my vmware player windows 7 guest?00:32
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: Go with the b43 14.0400:33
CheckYourSixcafe`guy: Did you install VMWare additions?00:33
cafe`guyadditions? tools?00:33
cafe`guynot sure lemme check00:34
cafe`guyyes it has an option to reinstall tools00:34
LINUXARTAny idea of how to add an icon on sytem tray that will show the notifications about any updates?00:34
CheckYourSixcafe`guy: I haven't needed to bother with 3d acceleration inside a VM, so I don't know which is best00:35
cafe`guything is i have a radean r9 27000:35
RubyDZCheckYourSix: OK, regarding step 1, I looked for the b43-fwcutter on my LiveUSB but couldn't find it. I followed the link to download the .deb file but there are 5 or 6 of them for the Vivid Vervet release, which should I pick? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter00:35
cafe`guyi don't think it's supported00:35
cafe`guyCheckYourSix, how much of an endevor would it be to swap out the amd card for a gtx?00:36
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: The Vivid Vervet (current stable release) I guess would be the best one00:36
CheckYourSixcafe`guy: I'm not sure honestly. My VMs are all servers. I had an ubuntu desktop in a VM just to test a couple things. I've never tried 3D acceleration with it.00:37
cafe`guyok thanks CheckYourSix00:38
RubyDZCheckYourSix: Yeah, but there are like 5 or 6 .deb files just for that one: b43-fwcutter_019-2_amd64.deb (22.8 KiB) b43-fwcutter_019-2_arm64.deb (22.4 KiB) b43-fwcutter_019-2_armhf.deb (21.5 KiB) b43-fwcutter_019-2_i386.deb (22.5 KiB) b43-fwcutter_019-2_powerpc.deb (22.2 KiB) b43-fwcutter_019-2_ppc64el.deb (24.7 KiB)00:38
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: What CPU do you have?00:38
CheckYourSixActually, I meant which OS - 32 bit or 64 bit?00:39
RubyDZUhhh, it's a Compaq Mini 110, I tried installing a 64-bit version of Ubuntu but it wouldn't boot, so I downloaded the 32-bit version of Lubuntu instead ...00:39
RubyDZI think it said something about being a i686 CPU?00:40
CheckYourSixOk, each of those releases is for a different CPU type00:40
RubyDZThe OS is 32-bit00:40
CheckYourSixIf you're running the 32 bit OS, it's the i386 version00:40
RubyDZK, thanks!00:40
CheckYourSixAMD64 for a 64 bit OS, the rest are for ARM processors, PowerPC, etc.00:40
RubyDZCool, thanks for the info :)00:41
RubyDZOne last question before I try this out ... I can use the same USB I used as the Live USB right?00:41
CheckYourSixRemember that piece of information. Everything, whether linux or windows, goes by amd64, i386, etc.00:41
RubyDZJust put the files in  a separate folder would be enough00:42
CheckYourSixDid you boot off of the live usb to try it out?00:42
CheckYourSixOr did you install it00:42
RubyDZI have already installed the OS on my HDD00:42
CheckYourSixThen yes you can00:42
RubyDZAwesome :)00:42
RubyDZI'm kinda sensing my way through this but I'm scared to mess things up so I keep asking all the silly questions lol00:43
CheckYourSixWhat's your experience level with computers in general?00:43
RubyDZI'm pretty good with them, have always had one around since I was about 3 :)00:45
RubyDZI don't code, though, so I am not very confident when messing about with Terminal and similar stuff00:45
RubyDZI've had experience with Ubuntu but that was way back in 2011/12 and I think I messed up the OS trying to retrieve my password a few times00:46
RubyDZSo I abandoned it and now I'm back with a fresh install, Lubuntu this time around00:46
RexterRubyDZ, you don't generally code in the terminal. I think most use an IDE, in the GUI.00:48
RubyDZRexter Yeah I know, what I mean is that these commands and stuff mostly make no sense to me so I'm extra-careful when using them :)00:49
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, I read that thread and I decided I shouldn't move the mail folder. I was hoping to be able to use one flash drive for The Portable Thunderbird under Windows and Thunderbird on Ubuntu with the same mail store00:50
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: I skimmed it real fast and it looked like a bad idea overall. I understand what you're trying to do. Why not just leave the mail on the server using IMAP or whatever? That way it'll be the same on both machines00:50
Twirlhello, ubuntu takes ages to boot and to open programs00:51
Twirlit used to be fast00:51
RexterI think most can fumble through normal day to day tasks with only the GUI, but the terminal really is a part of linux. If you want to do configuration or trouble shooting it's almost unavoidable.00:51
Twirlthis installation has been going on for a couple of years and i've installed hundreds of packages00:51
Twirlit's not even using 10% of CPU when opening programs00:51
Twirlis there anything i can do besides re-installing everything and switching to SSD?00:52
RexterTwirl, have you tried anything yet?00:54
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, I'm almost out of space on my Gmail. I don't want to delete the mail but move everything from the past 4 years to the USB drive00:55
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: So, 4 years of data trusted to a small USB drive that can be lost or die at any point?00:56
TwirlRexter: i asked a question that is answered with a yes, a no or a suggestion00:56
penthI don't suppose anyone else has tried the official arduino package under vivid recently? It appears to need gtk2-engines-murrine, but doesn't have requirements for anything but arduino-core ad java.00:56
CheckYourSixTwirl: With that attitude, good luck getting any help00:56
quanticTwirl: not the way to go about getting answers.00:57
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, Yes I know it's a bad idea but until I get my VPN working right I can't move it to my home system00:57
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: Is there anything within the emails that you can delete? Unnecessary or duplicate stuff?00:57
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: And why is your VPN not working?00:57
Twirlquantic: thats funny, i thought that's not the way about answering00:58
RexterTwirl, meh, I'm going to go with "no suggestion."00:59
TwirlRexter: yea, thats better, if you don't have any suggestion just dont suggest anything :)00:59
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, My VPN isn't working becuase I messed up something in the config and can't figure it out yet. And I don't know if I have anything unnecessary in email00:59
quanticTwirl: I'm fairly sure he had plenty of suggestions. You just don't get to hear any of them now because of your attitude.01:00
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: What setup are you using for VPN and what's wrong?01:00
Twirlquantic: what suggestions?01:00
RubyDZCheckYourSix: Thanks for your help! I just got my WiFi connected on my Lubuntu01:02
CheckYourSixRubyDZ: No problem. My old laptop has a Broadcom chip in it for Wifi, so I went through something similar. I had an ethernet connection luckily, so it was a bit easier.01:03
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, I'm doing a VPN into an other ubuntu  system and it just fails to connet. it says it failed01:06
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: OpenVPN, IPSec, what? And has something changed since you had it working last?01:07
quanticon that note, I'm hoping the wlan chipset in my new laptop is something at least somewhat Linux-friendly.01:07
quanticBut I'm FAIRLY sure it's a Broadcom. :P01:08
CheckYourSixI have an old laptop. Only time I ever use it is when I'm away from home and need internet for something. 95% of the year it collects dust01:08
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, Sorry I'm, doing a PPTP server so I can connect from a Windows Laptop, iphone or Ubuntu. I had it working then I was trying to make it a mail server as well so I was working on firewall rules but i was tired and I don't recall what i did.m01:09
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, Sorry I'm, doing a PPTP server so I can connect from a Windows Laptop, iphone or Ubuntu. I had it working then I was trying to make it a mail server as well so I was working on firewall rules but i was tired and I don't recall what i did.01:09
CheckYourSixUsing IP Tables?01:09
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, I think I am using ip tables but not sure.01:10
quanticMannyLNJ: You're probably already aware of this, but I do feel it important to make you aware of the security problems in PPTP. (I work in the security space professionally, it's a habit.)01:10
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: sudo iptables -L01:10
MannyLNJquantic, I am aware but I feel as a home user I am safe.01:11
quanticMannyLNJ: Hey, as long as you're aware. :)01:11
CheckYourSixYou're better off setting up OpenVPN or something else, but it's your choice01:11
Rexterquantic, isn't PPTP still okay as long as you use a strong password?01:11
quanticRexter: No. PPTP is thoroughly broken.01:12
CheckYourSixPPTP is just like WEP... Worthless01:12
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, every guide I found for openVPN made my eyes blurry.01:12
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: Setting up a real VPN is a little bit more work. PPTP is a waste though. You might as well just DMZ your home pc. It's not far off01:13
quanticThat is accurate.01:13
CheckYourSixDon't actually do that... I'm just making a point01:13
CheckYourSixWhat are you using for a router?01:13
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12872354/01:14
CheckYourSixWhat error do you get? Timeout? Connection refused?01:14
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, Router is one provided by my ISP which does not allow me to manage it other than open ports.01:14
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, I get a refused message01:14
MannyLNJit says The VPN connection "home" failed01:15
CheckYourSixI wish you remembered what you did that broke it. Doesn't look like you did much of anything in iptables01:15
MannyLNJI do have SSH access to the system. It's a laptop with a broken LCD screen.01:16
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, if I were to switch to openvpn would you assist me?01:17
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: It's more in depth than an IRC chat. You're better off following a guide that already exists with photo instructions. I'm also getting off of here in a few minutes.01:18
CheckYourSixI can try to help if you get stuck, but I can't walk you through it step by step. The guide is better for that01:18
CheckYourSixJust not tonight01:18
waterCreaturehi, i was looking for normal pdfreader with highlighting options and came across this mark down editor called utext. I want to know if every markdown can handle math Latex01:18
RexterSo is PPTP broken from the standpoint of encryption, authentication, or both. In other words. If I have a PPTP endpoint in my network, can anyone get in?01:19
CheckYourSixRexter: quantic can probably answer that one best. I don't know all of the technical issues with it. I just know it's worthless now.01:20
Rexterlol, sure CheckYourSix, worthless is a retaliative term. My CoCo3 is worthless, but I still use it from time to time. hey, it runs OS9!01:21
CheckYourSixI know lol. I just never bothered to learn all of the technical security issues with it. I never used it.01:22
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, do you have a specifc guide you suggest? Rexter I agree about worthless, my Vectex is worthless but i play it01:22
quanticRexter: Only when using EAP-TLS is PPTP considered even marginally secure, and that requires a full PKI deployment.01:22
quanticRexter: Otherwise, it's using MSCHAPv2, and in PPTP'01:22
quanticRexter: Otherwise, it's using MSCHAPv2, and in PPTP's implementation of it, it's thoroughly broken. As in someone could snag a handshake and decrypt your actual password.01:23
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: I don't have one bookmarked off hand. I'll see if I can find one tomorrow01:23
RubyDZCheckYourSix, sorry for the silly questions ... one last one for tonight. When I run sudo lshw, is the size of the memory listed under *-memory my RAM or my HDD memory?01:23
MannyLNJCheckYourSix, thank you01:23
Rexterquantic, so it would require a man-in-the middle attack?01:23
quanticRexter: PPTP also has no facility to guarantee authenticity or integrity. It is possible to manipulate or corrupt data from outside the connection, and it's undetectable inside the connection.01:23
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: RAM01:24
quanticRexter: Even the encryption algorithm is known-weak. Specifically, RC4.01:24
MannyLNJI mainly wane to VPN for saftey when I am using a public access point01:24
MannyLNJRubyDZ, i think CheckYourSix meant RAM to your question01:24
RubyDZMannyLNJ yeah figured that one lol01:24
CheckYourSixMannyLNJ: Sorry, tagged the wrong person.01:25
RubyDZThanks CheckYourSix!01:25
quanticRexter: PPTP also has no guarantee of forward secrecy. The encryption key is derived solely off of client credentials, and is the same for every session involving that client.01:25
quanticRexter: I could keep going.01:25
RexterMannyLNJ, if that is what you are using it for, you need something stronger. But what I was wondering, If I just use a VPN provider for the purpose of hiding my IP address from the sites I visit, or to bypass geographical restrictions, I'm wondering what risk PPTP poses to me?01:26
quanticRexter: If you're only using it to change the apparent location of your public endpoint, then that's fine. Just understand that of the three components of information security (confidentiality, integrity, availability), PPTP protects none.01:27
quanticRexter: You must treat anything that travels over that connection as in-the-clear.01:27
Rexterquantic, Great info, thanks. I have a few clients who use PPTP to remote into their office for the purpose of accessing a file server. I have been unable to convince them the justification for the cost of changing it to something stronger.01:29
RexterIt's the typical atitude that things are working fine, so why mess with it.01:30
quanticRexter: If you like, I can write a short whitepaper for you to present. I can also recommend low-cost, low-complexity alternatives.01:30
quantic(To #ubuntu: Sorry, this got WAY off-topic.)01:30
KimmoNO_I can no longer boot into graphical mode on my Ubuntu 15.04 install. I think this started when I added a HDD to check it for errors and something went wrong. I am a newbie at this.01:31
KimmoNO_I have tried booting in using different kernels.01:31
RexterOne in particular, I think the endpoint is a router running dd-wrt. I think that thing does L2TP.01:32
MannyLNJthanks for the info. Thanks everyone. i'm off for now01:32
RexterNo one is complaining, and I think it is great food for thought when it comes to future trouble shooting.01:32
KimmoNO_I would really appreciate some help :)01:32
alimsahhi guys01:33
RexterKimmoNo, do you end up at the command prompt after boot?01:34
KimmoNO_there are two errors: Boot Error - ACPI PCC Probe Failed and ignoring BGRT invalid status 0 (expected 1). Both seems not problematic based on what I have read.01:35
KimmoNO_I have removed the naughty HDD, but that did not help.01:36
cafe`guyHi anyone use pia with ubuntu?01:37
KimmoNO_Rexter: Yes01:38
Rextertry the startx command01:39
RexterCafe`guy, I use PIA with Ubuntu.01:40
RexterKimmoNo, your command prompt, is it # or $01:41
KimmoNO_I have Dependency failed for: device dev_mapper_something, /boot/efi, Local File Ssystems, /boot01:41
cafe`guyRexter, is this the best way to set it up   UBUNTU 12.04 OPENVPN SETUP01:41
in_deep_thoughtI am trying to install libzint (the barcode generator) on ubuntu 14.04. Are these good steps to follow? http://www.benbernier.com/installing-zint-barcode-generator-in-ubuntu-10-04/ even though its 10.04?01:43
in_deep_thoughtis there no apt-get repository for zint?01:43
RexterCafe`guy, yes I have personally used that script on 12.04, 14.04, and 15.04. Works like a charm. One misunderstanding the first time. It will ask for your PIA login. it's asking for the PIA Username, the password has to be entered into each VPN server profile individually.01:44
KimmoNO_Rexter, startx - Xauth: file:root//.Xauthority does not exist01:44
cafe`guyoh great thanks Rexter that's a good deal01:44
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KimmoNO_Rexter, want me to add more information?01:47
RexterKimmoNo, wow you broke something...01:48
KimmoNO_Yes :(01:48
RexterKimmoNo, what version on Ubuntu?01:49
KimmoNO_3.18, 3.19 and 4.0 kernels available01:49
KimmoNO_Could it be that Grub is fgone or something like that?01:50
in_deep_thoughtok wait I think im figuring it out. ok so cmake generates files in /build right. When I want to run make, do I do it from the newly created buid directory?01:50
KimmoNO_I can switch kernels and I have done that a few times.01:52
RexterKimmoNo, it's dropping to single user mode. There are a lot of things that could cause that. One of many could be that grub is mis-configured, and is doing that per it's configuration.01:53
RexterI have no reason to believe that's the issue above any other cause though. I  just pointed that out because you asked about Grub.01:54
KimmoNO_Do you have any tips for the next step I can try here?01:55
RexterKimmoNo, any reason a full reinstall is impractical?01:55
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KimmoNO_I am happy to do that as long as I can copy out my /home01:55
RexterYou can do that from the Ubuntu CD. Just boot into Live mode, and copy to an external.01:56
KimmoNO_okey, I will try that. Thanks!01:56
Stravhe. Anyone else not having kmail's icon displayed in systray on kubuntu 15.10? (no answer from kubuntu nor ubuntu+1)01:57
KimmoNO_Rexter, I did one more change actually. I removed the SATA cable to the DVD and used it on the HDD that I wanted to test.01:57
Rexterjust verify that data carefully before you do a replace install.01:58
RexterIt's a bit more complicated if you encrypted your home folder. If so I hope you saved your key!01:58
KimmoNO_Yes. The data is encrypted, how will that work when I boot with a Live CD?01:58
RexterKimmoNo, you won't be able to read it.01:59
KimmoNO_So are there other options for me then?02:00
in_deep_thoughtcan someone help explain to me how to use this file: http://sourceforge.net/u/oehhar/zint/ci/0c1dc1bb5fcc82716d6c3b5fe945bf3f0421859d/tree/debian/libzint.install   Do I just add that into usr/lib and then I can install it somehow?02:00
RexterI was really hoping someone would jump in as we talked. I have little experience with this.02:00
xubuntuhow do I copy files from a cd to my desktop??02:01
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Guest79249how do I copy files from a cd to my desktop??02:01
KimmoNO_Rexter, you have been a great help for a desperate person :)02:01
Guest79249can anyone hel me02:01
Guest79249can anyone help me02:01
Guest79249how do I copy files from a cd to my desktop??02:01
RexterKimmoNo, looks like you've got your work cut out for you. No backup, I presume?02:02
RexterGuest79, just copy and past like any other computer.02:02
KimmoNO_Rexter, No, not yet. It is pretty new.02:02
Bashing-omGuest79249: Why not in the file manager two instances of a window and drag/drop between them ?02:03
Guest79249it wont let me02:03
RexterKimmoNo, take a look at this page. Did you save your encryption key somewhere?02:03
Guest79249im running a live boot02:03
Guest79249from usb02:04
KimmoNO_Rexter, when I boot up, I decrypt the storage, so I have access to the files now. I just dont know how to get it over to a usb stick or to another computer.02:04
KimmoNO_Rexter, no, I dont think so.02:04
RexterOh... first you'll have to mount the USB drive, and then toy can use the cp command to copy the folders.02:05
KimmoNO_Rexter: So I just need to look for instructions on how to mount a USB stick then?02:06
Guest79249nvm its working02:06
RexterGuest79, a live session is entirely in Ram, the desktop everything. I don't understand what you are trying to do.02:06
Guest79249119.0 MB02:06
Guest79249ok i have a c plus plus dvd with data on it02:07
Guest79249and i want to copy those files to my phone02:07
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Guest79249its working now02:07
RexterKimmoNo, yea it's the mount command. I'm not great at it myself. i use it so rarly, I have to look it up every time.02:07
KimmoNO_Rexter, I need to reboot once for the system to find the USB stick, I guess?02:07
KimmoNO_Manual mount here then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB02:08
gzcwnkdmesg should sahow the usb key02:08
Rexteryea, then mount <device> /mnt/usb02:09
Rexterin my example, you had to have created that usb folder first.02:10
x0011BFI can't seem to find the guide to installing Windows after installing Ubuntu. I remember there being one, though.02:10
x0011BF(With UEFI)02:10
RexterKimmoNo, so to clarify:02:13
Rexterfirst create a folde in /mnt02:13
Rextermkdir /mnt/usb02:13
Rexteruse dmesg to find the device02:13
Rextermount <device> /mnt/usb02:13
RexterUse cp command to copy files02:13
Rextercp -r /home/user /mnt/usb02:13
KimmoNO_Rexter and gzcwnk: Thanks! I have mounted the USB here and I have tested writing to it :)02:16
KimmoNO_Rexter, Sorry to keep asking. Could I mount a SSD this way?02:19
in_deep_thoughthow do I know the ppa name that I can specify when I just have a launchpad link like this: https://launchpad.net/~baltix-members/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/654322102:22
Rexterlol, I'm back. I got muted for that last post.02:22
RexterI PMed you02:22
KimmoNO_oh, sure02:23
RexterKimmoNo_, yes you can use the mount command for an SSD the same way.02:23
RexterKimmoNO_: maybe, can't you find the SSD using dmesg also?02:27
jtdesigns01when I try to install 15.04 split between my ssd and my hdd, it hangs once it gets to the slideshow installation screen.02:27
jtdesigns01can anyone help me?02:27
RexterKimmoNO_: maybe try blkid02:28
Rexterjtdesigns01: are you just placing the /home on the HDD?02:29
jtdesigns01yeah, that and /var02:29
Rexterjtdesigns01: KimmoNO_: It really depends on your BIOS. Some will the the SATA device immediately, some will require a reboot.02:29
KimmoNO_Rexter, no, I dont see it there. dmesg outputted a lot of information.02:29
Rexterhow about blkid02:30
KimmoNO_No, I dont see it using blkid.02:30
Rexterjtdesigns01: sorry that last one was not for you... tell me your partition layout.02:30
RexterKimmoNO_: yea reboot, you should see a SATA drive in bklid.02:31
RexterKimmoNO_: is the ssd formatted?02:32
Rexterhey anyone here know how to narrow down the output for dmesg?02:32
jtdesigns01ssd: hacked osx partition, windows 10 partition, ext4 for ubuntu (hacked bootloader on osx partition)02:32
KimmoNO_Rexter, I have a hard drive attached to this computer as sdb. How do I find it so that I can copy to it?02:33
Rexterjtdesigns01: You're running a multi-boot hackintosh?02:34
jtdesigns01hdd: win_10_users, old_win10_install, /home, /var, swap02:34
Rexterjtdesigns01: that's awesome, but it creates a whole lot of complication.02:34
RexterKimmoNO_: what drive is that?02:35
jtdesigns01afk, will be back02:35
KimmoNO_A 3TB HDD02:35
RexterKimmoNO_: I mean, is that the one that has your data?02:36
RexterKimmoNO_: okay, that's the destination. Mount it just like the USB drive.02:37
KimmoNO_wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb02:42
KimmoNO_Could it be already mounted? I set it up as a file share for my local network.02:42
Rexteris the drive formatted?02:42
KimmoNO_Yes, it was in use.02:43
gzcwnkdf -h would show it mounted02:43
KimmoNO_gzcwnk, It is not listed when I do df -h02:43
gzcwnkuse by windows?02:43
gzcwnkfdisk /dev/sdb shwos what filesystem type?02:44
KimmoNO_Not specially for Windows. Lets see if I have some notes on what I did.02:44
RexterKimmoNO_: you may have tried to mount the drive rather than the partition. /dev/sdb rather than /dev/sdbx02:45
KimmoNO_Right. That seems plausible :)02:46
Rextermake sure you mount the correct partition.02:46
mohitIs it legit to charge for writing custom bash scripts?02:47
gzcwnkyes, why not?02:47
KimmoNO_fdisk /dev/sdb brings me into a menu. l lists a lot of OSes02:47
mohitok thanks02:47
Rextermohit: of course! In the US it's even copyrighted....02:48
RexterKimmoNO_: that's your list of partitions on that drive. use the mount command to mount the one where you want to put the data.02:48
gzcwnkif its a gpl thing you cant cahrge for bash itself02:48
in_deep_thoughtI have a question: I just added this ppa to my system: https://launchpad.net/~baltix-members/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/6543221 and clearly they have some zint package. Yet when I run apt-cache search zint, it comes back empty02:49
in_deep_thoughtam I using apt-cache wrong?02:49
gzcwnkdid u do an apt-get update?02:49
mohitgzcwnk, custom scripts using tools which are under gpl?02:49
Rextermohit: for 85 years after your death. That means your grandkids can sue if they find that someone has ever shared that script! Isn't copyright great?02:49
mohitRexter, where i can learn more about copyright and licenses?02:50
gzcwnkmohit yes you charge for your time02:50
Rextermohit: Google02:50
in_deep_thoughtgzcwnk, wow nope. thats a good idea. unfortunately the search still has no output :/02:50
mohitRexter, Thanks will look there first02:51
KimmoNO_When I do blkid it lists sda1,2 and 3. But nothing like that on sdb02:51
gzcwnkin_deep_thought when u do taht does it access the repo?02:52
KimmoNO_PTUUID="something" PTTYPE="gpt"02:52
in_deep_thoughtgzcwnk, idk. is there a way to find out?02:53
gzcwnkwhen you do a apt-get update you should see it accessing the repo02:53
RexterKimmoNO_: are you sure you don't have those mixed up. sda may be the drive you are looking for.02:54
gzcwnklike,  warlock:/home# apt-get update and you should see, Get:1 ftp://ftp.au.debian.org wheezy Release.gpg [2,373 B]02:54
gzcwnkone should be the repo u want02:54
RexterKimmoNO_: lshw -C disk02:55
RexterLook at those drives a little closer.02:55
KimmoNO_sda1-3 is the SSD02:55
mate|34813hello everyone, I a,m using Ubuntu Mate and trying to modify the PATH variable. I set PATH in both /etc/profile and /etc/environment, but no effects. Any suggestions?02:56
RexterHow many drives are connected, and which is your active system?02:56
RexterKimmoNO_: what drive are you booting into single user from?02:57
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KimmoNO_3 drives connected, including the USD drive. sdc = USB, sda = Sandisk SSD and sdb = HGST 3TB HDD02:57
KimmoNO_All the OS stuff is on the Sandisk SSD02:57
KimmoNO_The 3TB drive was a samba share02:58
Rexteroh! your partition is NTFS?02:59
KimmoNO_I am not sure to be honest.02:59
in_deep_thoughtgzcwnk, yeah thats a good point. so this: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* lists /etc/apt/sources.list.d/baltix-members-ppa-trusty.list:deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/baltix-members/ppa/ubuntu trusty main so thats good. but I don't see anything about it when I run apt-get update02:59
in_deep_thoughtwhat does that mean02:59
RexterKimmoNO_: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/folder03:01
RexterKimmoNO_: whas it a window file share?03:01
gzcwnkin_deep thought I see no "deb"  ?03:02
KimmoNO_I followed instructions for something that was good for sharing files between mac, windows and linux. I planned on doing backup to that drive. :)03:03
KimmoNO_I set it up and then forgot a bit about it.03:03
RexterKimmoNO_: But what was the host OS?03:03
gzcwnkso, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/baltix-members/ppa/ubuntu trusty main03:03
KimmoNO_It was setup from Ubuntu03:03
gzcwnki need to boot a ubuntu box03:04
Rexterokay, not NTFS then.03:04
KimmoNO_Failed to access volume /dev/sdb1 : No such file or directory03:04
RexterIs the SSD not large enough to hold your data03:04
KimmoNO_It is. Just need to reboot I guess.03:05
RexterI don't understand what you are seeing with the 3TB drive. It doesn't matter what kind of share it was, that's software. It matters what partition type, and format was used.03:07
RexterIt sounds like it was GPT partition type which I think is incompatible with fdisk.03:08
RexterBut I would expect blkid so still see the partitions.03:08
RexterKimmoNO_: So are we 100% that the 3TB drive is sdb?03:11
KimmoNO_Rexter, Yes03:11
RexterKimmoNO_: lsblk -t /dev/sdb03:12
azizLIGHTis there any program that can shade/darken the screen03:12
azizLIGHTand easily switch between shades of darkness03:12
KimmoNO_I have zipped up everything but pictures and video now to the USB drive, so I am a bit safer now.03:12
RexterKimmoNO_: cool03:12
RexterKimmoNO_: can you pastbin the output?03:13
KimmoNO_Rexter, That command just seems to output sector size and such?03:13
RexterKimmoNO_: can you pastbin the output?03:13
KimmoNO_Copy text output via USB then and move to another machine?03:14
RexterKimmoNO_: I'll tell you what. let me pastebin mine, and you can tell me what's different.03:15
KimmoNO_sdb 0 4096 0 4096 512 1 dealine 128 128 0B03:16
azizLIGHTcan i change what shows up when i hold down the super key03:17
azizLIGHTin 14.0403:17
KimmoNO_I just have that single result line03:17
RexterKimmoNO_: see how mine has sdb, and then sdb1, and sdb2?03:18
Rextersda, whatever03:18
Rexterso you have sdb0?03:18
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KimmoNO_Rexter, no03:19
KimmoNO_Ther eis just a single line: sdb     0     4096...03:20
KimmoNO_There are descriptive fields above that line ofc.03:20
KimmoNO_Rexter, I am happy to format that drive. Or remove it, if it causes problems.03:22
RexterKimmoNO_: wow, looks like an empty drive with no partitions to me.03:22
RexterI'd remove it for now, mount a partition on the SSD, and move your data.03:22
KimmoNO_Okey. Will reboot then.03:23
RexterI thought you were seeing partitions on sdc?03:23
KimmoNO_Rexter, Yes, sdc103:24
Rexteris that the only partition on that drive? I mean, should there be more?03:24
KimmoNO_sda has three03:25
KimmoNO_That is the SSD03:25
RexterSorry, too much to keep track of. all text chat, no visuals03:25
KimmoNO_The original SSD with the Ubuntu OS. I also added a additional Intel SSD now.03:25
KimmoNO_ofc :)03:25
Rexterokay, so the destination drive, how many partitions should it have already?03:26
KimmoNO_I dont know. Ther eis probably a previous Linux install on it.03:27
Rexterafter you connect the destination drive:03:27
Rexterlshw -C disk03:27
Rextercan you see that drive?03:27
KimmoNO_That drive has sdb and sdb1 2 and 5 under it.03:28
KimmoNO_I probably need to format it?03:29
Rexterbut format what, you have to see it first. reboot03:29
KimmoNO_I have rebooted. This is a new sdb03:30
KimmoNO_This is the new Intel SSD I want to copy to and it is listed as sdb++03:30
Rexterokay, use fdisk to create a new partition.03:32
KimmoNO_I delete all three existing partiions first?03:35
Rexteroh, you could have just mounted one of them with enough space.03:36
lkthomasif I want my local repo to be highest priority, setting pin priority as 990 is the best, correct ?03:41
KimmoNO_Rexter: I tried: mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/backup2 and got unknown filsystem type "crypto_LUKS"03:42
KimmoNO_So I delete that first then?03:43
Rexteroh, they were encrypted partitions.03:44
KimmoNO_So I delete 5, then write to disk? Then go back and create new?03:45
Rexteryes, then mount it, and copy data to it.03:46
Rexteractually, I'm a little confused about your question.03:46
Rexter"then write to disk?"03:47
speakingcodeis ubuntu still shipping with ifconfig or is it using ip?03:47
KimmoNO_w = write table to disk and exit03:47
Rexterspeakingcode: my 14.04 is ifconfig03:48
RexterKimmoNO_oh, okay, yea, I think you have to use MBR, not GPT if you are using fdisk.03:49
KimmoNO_okey, because I got a error mounting the new partition now.03:51
Rexterwhat error03:51
KimmoNO_So go back and try to make it not GPT?03:51
Rextersure try03:51
_syntroPi_i thought parted is gpt, fdisk mbr. i.e. using uefi would mean parted03:53
NvrBstQuestion about overlayfs in 14.04.3 LTS. The kernel docs says I can use an overlayfs as a lowerdir, but, i get "No such device or address" when I try to read the files. Example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12874062/  Is there something special i need to do when creating the first overlayfs?03:54
KimmoNO_Rexter, Now I have a good partition after formattin it too. Thanks! :)03:56
Rextergreat! are you transferring the data now?03:59
KimmoNO_Rexter, I can now just do a zip -r /mnt/backup2/somefilename.zip /home/username ?04:00
jasondockersDrone`, did you just punish someone for helping?04:09
lotuspsychjejasondockers: what do you mean?04:11
jasondockerslotuspsychje, , Drone removed Rexter's voice for cluttering a vacant channel with answers. I thought it just happened. My client was scrolled up in the chatlog04:12
RexterI'm here04:13
RexterI got muted earlier, because of a multi-line instruction I posted.04:14
RexterKimmoNO_: I've never use the zip command. I suggested to do a cp -r /home/username /mnt/backup204:15
RexterBut either way, you should just look up the specific syntax, and options. Like I said, i have to look it up every time. Don't do it very often.04:16
Rexterwell it's past my bedtime. have a great night everyone.04:19
MrWhiskersAnyone in here a bash ninja?04:23
lotuspsychjeMrWhiskers: better ask your specifi issue in the channel mate04:29
MrWhiskersAlright, so Im doing an HTTP curl in a shell script and setting the results as a variable.04:32
MrWhiskersAfter that Im calling the variable via echo and processing it using grep and sed.04:32
MrWhiskersecho "$devicedetails" | grep 'firmwareVersion' | sed 's/<\/\?[^>]\+>//g'04:33
MrWhiskerswhen i run that alone it looks good, just outputs the plain text.04:33
MrWhiskersBut what I can figure out is how to set the results of ^^ to a new variable?04:33
MrWhiskershey unrobot04:34
frendaI want to install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras', but I don't want to install flashplayer-plugin and other non-free package, also ms-ttf-core-fonts; Is there any replacement? Can I see what are included within ubuntu-restricted-extras and install them manually?04:35
unrobotwhat do you aanr04:36
quanticMrWhiskers: figure out your conundrum yet?04:39
MrWhiskersquantic: I have not04:39
quanticMrWhiskers: My first thought is to wrap the whole thing in backticks.04:39
quanticMrWhiskers: newvar=`allofthatabove`04:40
MrWhiskersquantic: Yea, I tried that too...  it does some weird crap and outputs stuff from the middle of the string.  Not sure why.04:40
quanticMrWhiskers: Can you pastebin what you're doing from start to finish?04:40
MrWhiskersIts strange that it behaves differently when calling it like that04:40
MrWhiskersquantic: sure, mind if I pm it to you?04:41
quanticMrWhiskers: I can take a look, see if I can make it work.04:41
quanticNah, go for it. :)04:41
frendaI want to install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras', but I don't want to install flashplayer-plugin, any solution?04:44
quanticfrenda: You can use the TUI of aptitude to see what ubuntu-restricted-extras contains, and install them piece-meal.04:46
Flannelfrenda: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage.  (And actually, it's a metapackage that's full of recommends, not dependencies).04:47
Flannelfrenda: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-restricted-extras  and then the flashplayer is in the restricted-addons: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-restricted-addons04:47
frenda    Legal Notice Patent and copyright laws operate differently depending on which country you are in. Please obtain legal advice if you are unsure whether a particular patent or restriction applies to a media format you wish to use in your country.04:48
frendaIs it legal to install Ubuntu-restricted-extras in the USA?04:49
unrobotusa legality is illegal in world view04:49
Flannelfrenda: It's probably the most future-proof to hold the flash package (and it's variants) (mark them as not installable), and then just install u-r-e.04:50
Twirlhi, subdownloader is broken http://i.imgur.com/B24vuQy.png04:50
Twirlstays there indefinitely, is there anything i can try without submitting a bug report?04:51
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frendaThere's two GStreamer packages in Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras: gstreamer0.10-plugins* AND   gstreamer1.0-plugins* --> Is it needed to install both 1.0 and 0.1 versions?05:19
ycon_Hi all, my first time deploying to a server. Its for a django backend for my mobile App. I'm used to ubuntu. Can I just use Ubuntu 14.04? Or Must I use Ubuntu Server?05:24
TheRingerNot recognizing my Rosewill interal Memory card reader, well the usb port works on it but nothing else.. using wily05:25
hateballycon_: It doesnt really matter, but having a GUI creates overhead05:25
hateballycon_: You can however opt to disable GUI starting on boot, and only launching it if needed05:26
ycon_hateball, so Linux Server won't have a Desktop/GUI? I'm totally new to this05:26
ycon_*I mean ubunutu server05:26
hateballycon_: Server is CLI only, yes. But you can install GUI afterwards if you like. It's just a different set of default packages05:26
hateballycon_: They use different kernels as well, but you can change that whenever you like as well05:27
ycon_hateball, no desktop? I think i'm out of my depth here05:42
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hateballycon_: If you are unsure, you can just install ubuntu desktop and run your applications05:43
hateballycon_: the point of server is to have less overhead so you can run it with less resource footprint and fewer attack vectors05:43
ycon_hateball, that makes sense. I mean- I spend most of my time in the terminal anyway- but I dont get how I'd edit files (like models.py)?05:45
linuxmintHello, my Ubuntu 14.04 has a GRUB boot error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. entering rescue mode...   How can I fix this?05:46
hateballycon_: with a text-editor like vim, nano, emacs, etc05:47
reisios/nano, //05:48
ycon_Is installing a GUI on my Ubuntu server version just as risky/resource heavy as using straight Ubuntu?05:48
reisioycon_: pretty much05:48
ycon_Tho come to think of it- on my server- I'd mainly just be using git pull yes? I'd create/do any modifications at my desktop/local machine?05:49
reisioif you don't know, I dare say no one else will05:50
ycon_reisio, well I'm totally new to programming/this area- so i'm open to hearing people's good habits05:50
reisioycon_: what's the server for?05:51
hateballycon_: typically you have a dedicated server running your app, and you can do your editing from your desktop with a GUI if you so please05:52
ycon_django backend for an iOS/android app.05:52
linuxmintAnyone know about GRUB. My error takes me to grub rescue> ls (hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) )hd1,msdos1)05:52
reisioycon_: you don't need a gui for a server, if that's what you're asking :)05:54
reisioor want one05:55
ycon_reisio, so how do I make changed when I want to change a model in django etc?05:58
reisioycon_: use sshfs to mount your server FS, pretend it's local05:59
ycon_reisio, I've never heard of that. So that mounts my entire server, so I can use it as if it was a desktop in front ot me? Can I do pip-install etc?06:03
reisioit mounts whatever part/s of your FS you like, yes06:03
reisiofile system06:04
reisiofrom / to /home/ to anyplace06:04
reisioit can be your entire server, or just part of it06:04
reisiopip-install I don't use, if it just puts files where you tell it to, it could work06:04
ycon_Ahh ok. But for apt-get installs (like to install Ngnix etc) I would have to be in the CLI of the server?06:04
reisiootherwise you'd want to ssh in normally and run commands06:05
reisioyou would want to be doing that, yeah06:05
reisiofor apt-get06:05
ycon_Right so SSHFS is ONLY for accessing files. SSH is needed to use the 'terminal'/command line in the server?06:05
reisioI won't say needed, because fundamentally if you can alter all the files, you can do whatever you want, /but/06:06
reisioyes, you'll want plain ssh/commands to do maintenance06:06
ycon_reisio, wow- this is a new world to me06:07
ycon_Will I go for 15.04 or 14.04 is likely to be more stable/less buggy?06:08
baizonycon_: 14.04.03 is less buggy, more stable.06:08
reisio14? Is merely older06:08
reisiocan't think of a reason to choose something older, CETERIS PARIBVS06:09
ycon_reisio, what kind of hardware would you suggest (cores/ram)? It is serving mainly json via an API (including an image). Of course I'll run load tests- but I'd say the load is light (my app is another form of Tinder, but not for dating)06:12
linuxmintThanks for all the help, I fixed it.06:13
reisioycon_: lot of services will let you easily scale from something for a handful of people to thousands06:14
reisioamazon's, for example06:14
reisiolinuxmint: gj06:14
ycon_I'm stuck to Azure (they've given me 3 yrs credit)06:14
ycon_reisio, when you say scal from somthing- do you mean I can increase my server's power/core's/capacity by cloning it basicalyl?06:16
reisioI mean a lot of services will let you scale what kind of capacities you pay for, yeah06:17
freeroutesup, what is like a pastebin but for small webm files?06:17
freeroutebtw virtualbox can record webm video capture now. Pretty cool.06:17
freeroutethe webm I want to show is related to Ubuntu, so not entirely offtopic :)06:18
baizonfreeroute: https://vid.me/06:19
haxxpopI can properly go to "https://www.pineapplevisionsystems.com/" but when I use "wget https://www.pineapplevisionsystems.com/" it said that the cert is invalid06:22
haxxpopanyone can tell me what happens with Comodo ??06:22
reisioyou probably need wget's stupid trust param06:23
reisioit should say what it wants06:23
reisiowhich makes it stupider still06:23
freerouteso I think the video is self explanatory - https://vid.me/b3nK - I wanted to choose from a world wide list, but it doesn't present me with that. It's Ubuntu mini 15.04 x64.06:23
freerouteI can paste the justbeamit link for people who don't like the compression quality of vidme :)06:24
haxxpopreisio: It said it want an option --no-check-certificate, but this is horrible, I need to regularly call wget, so valid ssl connection is my concern06:25
reisiowhy's that your concern?06:27
baizonfreeroute: you should report this bug @launchpad06:27
freeroutebaizon: are you sure it's a bug?06:27
freeroutemaybe I messed something up?06:28
reisioanything behaving nonintuitively is a bug06:28
reisiowow, vid.me blows :p06:29
aboveis there anyoen in here kind enough to lend me $1.50 through paypal of which i can repay $3 tomorrow afternoon? its for my anxiety meds (paypal mastercard) and tmr someone is buying something from me for $90. could repay $4.06:29
freeroutereisio: well I agree, but before filing a bug, could someone try to spin up a VM and try to recreate it? I don't want to burden devs with a bugreport which might turn out to be my stupid mistake.06:29
freeroutealso I agree on your point about vid.me :p06:29
freeroutebut I figured people simply wanted to see the video instead of downloading it.06:30
abovei somehow dont think the users of this channel live below means like a novice such as me.06:30
freerouteabove: what kind of meds?06:31
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reisioabove: couldn't you just drink a beer for a day?06:32
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com06:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:32
ycon_PS I love lubuntu- works much more nicely with my hardware06:33
reisioit would06:33
esphIf there are a bunch of things clearly messed up about your system after a routine update through Software Updater, but apt-get update and dist-upgrade report everything to be fine, what can you do?06:44
baizonesph: well the software udpater error msg would be good06:45
esphbaizon: I'm not sure there was one; it's my sister's computer, and I'm only trying to deal with the aftermath. Where would I find that if it existed?06:46
baizonesph: well the error msg should pop up if something went wrong. Maybe the repository couldn't be reached at that moment06:47
esphbaizon: Well, something is wrong, and apt-get doesn't report any errors. Unless Software Updater reported errors at that time, and a log of that is kept somewhere on the system, there's no way for me to know.06:49
_jamI ran do-release-upgrade after converting my 14.04 laptop from lts to normal06:51
_jamI ran into some errors in the process, but thought I resolved all of them (except some things related to cups and the printing systems)06:51
_jamhowever, when I clicked reboot...nothing happened06:52
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_jamtried to run the command manually...and the command is not found06:52
hateball_jam: does "sudo shutdown -r now" work?06:53
_jamhateball: no, the shutdown command is also not found06:53
hateball_jam: what about "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?06:53
_jamhmm...it wants to do LOTS06:54
_jam2340 to upgrade, 620 to newly install . . .06:54
_jami guess do-release-upgrade didn't complete it's job. . . should I try running it again?06:55
_jami assume that might try to get me to upgrade to 15.04 before i'm ready though06:55
tawanhmm, just disconnected which is exactly why I'm trying the above :)06:58
tawanif anyone replied, I missed it06:58
Trinitycan someone explain to me the format of ls -l or point me to somewhere that does?06:58
Trinityi've tried reading the man but there doesn't seem to be anything that pertains to it or a flag for verbosity06:58
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hateball_jam: dist-upgrade will only upgrade packages in the current release, it wont go to 15.0407:01
baizon!man | Trinity07:01
ubottuTrinity: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/07:01
Trinitybaizon, please read my second post07:01
baizonTrinity: -l: show ctime and sort by name; otherwise: sort by ctime, newest first07:02
baizonTrinity: thats what man showed me07:02
Trinityall man says for me is -l use a long listing format07:03
Trinityis there anything more specific?07:03
_jamhateball: yea, thats what i'm doing. meant do-release-upgrade might ry that07:03
freeroutebaizon & reisio - did you guys have time to spin up a (vbox) VM and test out whether it was my local problem or a real bug?07:04
baizonTrinity: well you can combine -l with others so you get more info07:04
hateball_jam: yeah, and you should, since you're on 14.10 now which is eol07:04
reisiofreeroute: no idea what you're talking about :)07:04
Trinitybaizon, specifically i'm getting for example drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Oct 19 23:51 html. And I want to know what `2` stands for07:04
Trinityif you could help me07:04
TrinityI know what the rest mean07:05
baizonTrinity: the number is "Number of links: Second field specifies the number of links for that file. In this example, 1 indicates only one link to this file."07:08
OOPManZAHey guys, quick question. When using uvtool to download a cloud image, how do I tell it to use the ubuntu server release?07:08
Trinitybaizon, would you mind clarifying by number of links? like symbolic links?07:08
baizonTrinity: yes07:08
Trinityalright, thanks07:08
baizonTrinity: np07:08
aoteaRecently installed kubuntu, tried installing pip and pip3 but seems their version was stuck at 1.5.6. Downloaded the get-pip.py from python pips installation page but seems it got installed in ~/.local/ is this a desired location for python and pip to be installed?07:11
Trinityokay one more thing, how do you grep man pages?07:12
baizonTrinity: why should you grep man?07:12
Trinityi.e i'm doing man ls | grep "-l" but i'm missing the pattern07:12
somsipTrinity: / will search in man07:12
baizonaotea: pip -V should print the location07:12
baizonOOPMan: yes07:13
Trinitysomsip, thanks07:13
baizonOOPMan: uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync release=precise arch=amd6407:13
baizonOOPMan: more here https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/cloud-images-and-uvtool.html07:13
OOPManbaizon: Will that use the sever image by default?07:13
aoteabaizon: yes but I now must invoke pip running "python -m pip" if I just run pip I get "pip is not recognized please install using apt-get install python-pip" or something07:13
OOPManaotea: Download the pip installer and run that? Or install the python-pip package?07:14
baizonOOPMan: read the page i linked07:14
aoteaBut the one from apt is version 1.5.6 and I couldn't run "Show" or "List" in pip :c07:15
LopeWhere is the script that automounts removable drives in Ubuntu? I want to modify it to always mount my removable drives with noatime?07:15
OOPManbaizon: Sorry :-)07:16
OOPManbaizon: My brain failed to parse that URL ;-)07:16
aoteaOOPMan: if the 'installer' is the get-pip.py from pips site then I guess I ran the installer, but as I said I ended up with python and pip in ~./local/07:16
baizonLope: gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.media-handling07:17
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OOPManaotea: Did you do 'sudo python get-pip.py' or did you run without sudo?07:18
OOPManaotea: If you ran with sudo it should have install it systemwide07:18
aoteaRan it first with sudo, but got an error I don't remember so ran it without after07:18
ikoniasudo does not mean system wide install07:18
ikoniait just means the root user07:18
baizonOOPMan: +1 what ikonia wrote07:19
OOPManikonia: Indeed, but if your python is install in /usr/bin and you you sudo python get-pip.py it should install into the system-wide python07:20
OOPManikonia: Without sudo it will fail due to permissions :-)07:20
ikoniaOOPMan: no, sorry, that is not correct07:20
ikoniaand permissions have nothign to do with it being "system wide"07:20
OOPManaotea: Personally, when it comes to Python and Ubuntu I just do "sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv" and just do everything inside venvs07:21
OOPManikonia: Yes, correct, for sure07:22
OOPManikonia: But most stuff in /usr is not writeable by non priviledged users?07:22
ikoniaagain - that has nothing to do with "system wide" that is just a path that happens to be in peoples default $PATH07:22
OOPManikonia: And by default apt installs python into a system-wide confiration with site-packages under /usr/lib/pythonX.Y07:23
OOPManikonia: You're being pedantic.07:23
ikoniano, I'm not07:23
aoteaIsn't pip something one want in the 'universal' python install? or will I run inte issues later on?07:23
OOPManaotea: pip is included in newer versions of Python actually07:24
OOPManaotea: Python 3.4+ I believe...07:24
OOPManaotea: For doing python dev work it's best to keep your system-level Python environment as clean as possible07:24
OOPManaotea: When you create a virtual environment using virtualenv it gets its own copy of pip07:25
Lopebaizon: I want to make Ubuntu's auto-mount use noatime, but looking at these options, I don't see a place to add noatime to the mount options? http://www.pastebin.ca/320787907:25
aoteaOOPMan: Why then does my machine not recognize pip being called :P got both 2.7.9 and 3.4 something07:25
OOPManaotea: So you can install whatever you want in there07:25
OOPManaotea: I don't think python 2.7.9 comes with pip? For python 3 on ubuntu it's called pip307:25
aoteaOOPMan: yes but pip3 also wasn't recognized and wanted me to apt-get it.07:26
kev1904He guys, it is possible to launch synproxy on routed traffic with 2 different in and outbond devices ?07:27
OOPManaotea: So why not just apt-get it?07:28
aoteaOOPMan: because as I said, then I get pip version 1.5.6 and there I can't run either "show" or "list" - only throws me error like this one: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=78644007:30
ubottuDebian bug 786440 in python-pip "python-pip: pip is out-of-date, 'pip list' fails sometimes" [Important,Open]07:31
OOPManaotea: Something is very weird. pip 1.5.6 is about a year old now...07:31
OOPManaotea: If you get that version of pip and then do07:31
OOPManaotea: pip install pip -U07:31
helpopenportis there a way to get ssh working on a machine where i only have http port open using a proxy?07:31
OOPManaotea: What happens? It should cause pip to upgrade itself to the latest version?07:31
aoteaOOPMan: and with the one I got from apt I was only met with how up to date my version was which I knew wasn't true :P07:32
OOPManaotea: What version of #ubuntu are you on?07:34
ikoniahelpopenport: no07:34
aoteaOOPMan: 15.0407:34
ikoniahelpopenport: you do not want to run ssh on port 8007:35
aoteaHere is after I've done apt-get install of pip3 http://pastie.org/1049458507:35
ikoniaand you do not want to try to proxy ssh over http07:35
kev1904He guys, it is possible to launch synproxy on routed traffic with 2 different in and outbond devices ?07:35
helpopenportikonia: perhaps there is a way to create a tunnel- I do have another ubuntu box outside the firewall/proxy07:35
ikoniahelpopenport: not using a http proxy07:36
ikoniahelpopenport: basically - stop trying to bypass firewall rules07:36
OOPManaotea: Weird....07:36
ikoniahelpopenport: if you need access talk to the network admin07:36
helpopenportikonia: I've locaation A and B. On A, I only have http access thru a proxy. On location B, I'm root and have any port i need open07:36
ikoniahelpopenport: you would still need to use the http proxy - which is a non starter07:36
ikoniahelpopenport: talk to the network admin07:36
OOPManaotea: Have you tried uninstall python3-pip completely using apt-get purge python-pip307:37
OOPManaotea: And then install it manually using the get-pip.py file?07:37
helpopenportikonia: I did. And was asked to ssh to a machine in the middle, from which i can ssh to the machine at B. Any chance I can make this seamless, and route all my traffic/ports thru07:37
helpopenportikonia: For example, I cant use pip right now07:37
aoteaOOPMan: yes was what I did but got it into my ~/.local/ which I wondered if it was the desired result :P07:38
ikoniahelpopenport: because that is a http request07:38
ikoniaand you're using a http proxy07:39
aoteaOOPMan: guess I don't need it to be installed 'systemwide' as I only got one user, but was just bit bothered calling pip running "python3 -m pip" instead of just "pip3"07:41
len__I am getting odd error messages.  I believe my system has been compromised.07:46
Rumblesgood morning, I've got a bit of a head scratcher... I installed 4 new HDDs in a machine that already has a large number of disks in RAID arrays yesterday07:47
Rumbleswhen I do parted -l or fdisk -l, it only lists some disk, not all of them07:47
Rumblesbut if I run smartctl -i on the disks they return information, in /dev/disk/by-id/ I can see them07:47
kev1904He guys, it is possible to launch synproxy on routed traffic with 2 different in and outbond devices ?07:47
TwirlHi, anyone having this issue with subdownloader? http://imgur.com/B24vuQy07:48
Rumblesbut if I run parted on these disks I get unrecognised disk label07:48
Rumblescan anyone advise why some tools can work with these disks but others can't?07:48
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mrclamNew to the whole IRC thing08:00
freeroutemrclam: welcome :)08:01
freerouteyou might want to look here to know more about the Freenode network - http://freenode.net/08:02
hateball!irc | mrclam08:02
ubottumrclam: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:02
Twirlmrclam: u never been on IRC before?08:02
Twirlmrclam: oh boi08:03
freeroutea wonderful world awaits you :)08:03
mrclamlike once in 98'08:03
Twirlmrclam: dont trust anyone08:03
Twirlmrclam: not even yourself08:03
freerouteand especially Twirl08:03
mrclamtoo funny08:03
CuriousXmrclam, welcome to IRC i'll be your guide -.-08:03
Twirlmrclam: for real, most ppl here are undercover cyberpolice officers08:04
mrclamI do not want the snickers bar. Put that on someone elses bunk08:04
freeroutethey can instantly track your IP by making a GUI in Visual Basic.08:04
mrclamthat makes no ... visual basic?08:05
Twirlmrclam: yea, make sure you login behind at least 3 or 4 nodes08:05
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fabiobikHello everyone. Im facing random freezes on my 14.04 Lts . how can i try to discover the root cause? I mean after feezes theres nothing i can do. I need really to unplug the power cable08:06
mrclamI'm not looking for any problems, so I'm not really that concerned08:06
aoteafabiobik: tried ctrl+alt+f2?08:06
Twirlmrclam: right now, just for being here, i'm under attack from half of china and 20 machines in the US, hitting me in port 22/ssh08:06
fabiobikaotea what that should do?08:07
mrclamIll have to take a look at my router log08:07
Twirlmrclam: and that is only 10% of the attacks08:07
cristina_Hi, can someone help me?08:07
Twirlthere is also ucraine, russia etc08:07
Twirljust try nethogs08:07
mrclamTwirl, how do you add my name to ur msg?08:07
cristina_How I create my private xchat room with my server?08:07
fabiobik!help Cristina08:07
cristina_!help Cristina08:07
hateball!irc | cristina_08:07
ubottucristina_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:07
freeroutefabiobik: try this when it freezes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key08:07
aoteafabiobik: Don't fully know the lingo, but it gets you into the machine without gui basically08:07
Twirlmrclam: for that u need special IRC training, it took me 10 years08:08
mrclamWell damn08:08
mrclamthat sux donky balls08:08
Twirlmrclam: what client are u using?08:09
hateball!tab | mrclam08:09
ubottumrclam: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:09
fabiobikfreeroute i dont belive that should work because its freezed08:09
mrclamoh like in bash08:10
Twirlmrclam: yea but dont tell anyone, we dont want this place filled with noobs08:10
fabiobikIts stuck even my capslock doesn't turn off08:10
freeroutefabiobik: I believe in many things as well, though rarely do they touch upon reality.08:10
mrclamhateball, Nice!08:10
mrclamI like that08:10
cristina_ejabberd and xchat it's the same? sorry for my ignorance08:10
hateballcristina_: ejabberd is an xmpp server, xchat is an IRC client08:11
hateballThey are... not very alike08:11
Twirlim on pidgin, its the best, the only problem is that it doesnt keep the ignore list08:11
cristina_ok thx! :)08:11
freerouteTwirl: lol that should work wonders on #chan08:11
cristina_i'm starting now08:11
cristina_so i'm a little noob08:12
Twirlfreeroute: i have ppl ignored in many channels but it goes away every time i close the program08:12
fabiobikfreeroute: even my capslock dont turn off after the freeze08:12
mrclamba haa08:13
freeroutefabiobik: ok but like... have you tried it?08:14
mrclamwhy are IP address showing up?08:14
freeroutefabiobik: saying that it won't work without trying it can become pretty depressing after a while bro.08:14
mrclamlike demonlove08:14
freeroutefabiobik: if that doesn't work, then try another kernel. If it's not the kernel then it might be a hardware issue.08:15
mrclamCan you filter the chat?08:15
freeroutemrclam: what do you mean with filtering the chat?08:15
fabiobikfreeroute i will try it latter. Right now im at the metro (no computer here)08:16
freeroutek, good luck.08:16
fabiobikfreeroute: but how that command could help?  Get the error dump?08:17
mrclamwell, can you filter who you see post?08:17
freeroutefabiobik: depends, there are many commands. Find the one that suits you.08:17
freeroutemrclam: not sure what you mean. For example when you put someone on the ignore list, you no longer see that user's posts.08:18
fabiobikfreeroute: okay but you use it regularly? How you solve a smilar problem like me? You use that tool and then what?08:19
freeroutewell I did a memory dump once when Chromium was hugging my computer.08:20
mrclamlike a firewall filter. To temporary filter the stream of output in the chat room08:21
mrclamfreeroute,  like a firewall filter. To temporary filter the stream of output in the chat room08:21
freeroutenot sure you can do that with xchat, but I think you can do that with more advanced clients like weechat or even hexchat if you like GUIs.08:21
mrclamfreeroute, thanks08:28
fabiobikfreeroute for how long do you use ubuntu?08:30
freeroutefabiobik: probably like from 201008:32
fabiobikfreeroute: :-) youre a cool guy then08:34
freeroutewell if the amount of time is a standard for being cool then I'm sure there are much more cooler people around here :p08:35
fabiobikAnd less cooler too :)08:35
RepThis1Hey guys is there a way to show installed software like on fedoras package manager with dnf history?08:37
fabiobikI think synaptics package manager do that08:37
fabiobikWith the history of whats being installed etc08:38
RepThis1fabiobik: im on a terminal, does it have easy terminal commands to do it?08:38
fabiobikAs far as i know no. But im sure it exists08:38
fabiobikDid you asked to your best friend?08:39
fabiobikRepThis1: ?08:40
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somsipRepThis1: dpkg --get-selections | grep install (IIRC)08:44
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RepThis1somsip: unfortunately its in alphabetical order and without dates.08:45
somsipRepThis1: say what you want08:45
sumitwhere i am?08:46
somsip!topic | sumit08:46
ubottusumit: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:46
hateballRepThis1: you can read /var/log/apt/history*, there's no apt/dpkg command to show it otherwise that I am aware of08:46
fabiobikWell he could start by man dpkg08:47
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RepThis1hateball: god damn thats alot of info and package information, will sudo apt-get --remove --purge get rid of all the stuff including unnecessary dependencies and child objects?08:49
ftrhwkRepThis1   cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "08:50
hateballRepThis1: you can run apt-get autoremove, to remove unneeded dependencies08:50
RepThis1hateball: wonder why thats not a default run option built into apt-get remove08:52
RepThis1hateball: thx though this is more helpful08:53
somsipRepThis1: it's always worth describing your end goal as often there is an easier way than the one you're used to (eg: fedora package manager)08:55
RepThis1somsip: idk, fedoras dnf history is pretty slick, its already installed and requires only 1 switch. Even with these above commands it looks like it shows me dependencies instead of just the installed packages. I think it would be better to show just the installed software package first and then show the dependencies as an additonal option or in some tree structure pointing to an origin point.08:59
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somsipRepThis1: there will be many people here who have no idea what Fedora's dnf history is. Hence the need to explain what you want.09:01
vilahi there, hitting a wall while attempting to upgrade my laptop from 15.04 to 15.10, after several bugs: update-manager -d is hanging with a python traceback and after telling me my system is unstable and it will try dpkg-reconfigure -a : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1287554109:04
swenzel8 out of 10 times my pc doesn't start... any idea what this means? https://www.dropbox.com/s/8a357rjg9i52yfy/IMG_20151007_131516.jpg?dl=009:09
somsipswenzel: what kernel are you running?09:12
somsipswenzel: uname -r (will show it)09:13
swenzelsomsip: 3.13.0-66-generic09:13
swenzelubuntu 14.04 x6409:13
somsipswenzel: Looks current - I'd suggest you raise a bug for it. Searches for similar bugs seem to show genuine issues, but no idea myself. Eg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145044209:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1450442 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "Kernel Oops - unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null); Call Trace: [<ffffffff810fb39b>] ? audit_compare_dname_path+0x2b/0xa0" [Critical,Fix released]09:14
hateballswenzel: /dev/dm-1 looks like a dmraid device, no?09:14
hateballwhich is throwing i/o-errors09:14
swenzelI have no raid set up09:15
hateballswenzel: are you did not pick LVM during install?09:16
hateballI dunno if picking that in the gui automatically sets up dmraid as well09:16
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oboywhere can I get support for the Ubuntu Vagrant images? I cannot connet to the 15.10 image using vagrant ssh (no problem with other Ubuntu boxes)09:18
swenzelhateball: how do I find out what /dev/dm-1 is?09:20
swenzelNo idea what the LVM thing means by the way09:21
roflc0pt3rHey all, I've got ubuntu setup with networkManager, and I've got this weird Puppet in my resolv.conf, cant find anywhere how to remove it, can anyone shed some light09:22
roflc0pt3rthanks in advance09:22
gtgohi, I am using ubuntu 14.04, on my desktop in the middle of lower half i can see a RED PIN, when i press on it it becomes round shape, I am not sure whats the usages of that, can any one please let me know, thank you...09:28
oboycould you post a sceenshot @gtgo?09:29
gtgooboy, sure i can, but i dont know how to post the screenshot here..:(09:30
oboypost a link to the uploaded image09:30
oboye.g. on bayimg09:31
gtgooboy, ok, i just need few minutes09:32
oboyno need to hurry :)09:32
swenzelwell, I'll try out ubuntu 15.10 next week... maybe that along with a competely new installation helps09:36
cellofanhello à tous09:36
cellofanil y a des francophones ici??09:36
cellofanhello I try now ubuntu studio09:38
cellofannew last version09:38
cellofanenjoy with your ubuntu09:38
hateball!fr | cellofan09:38
ubottucellofan: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:38
cellofanno problem i can  speak english ^^   thx hateball09:39
cellofanAre there was a person who knows a good stopmotion software with compatibility with Canon cameras? :)09:42
cellofanType 600D, 550D etc ...09:43
AnthaasIs there a way to make sure whenever a program is run it runs as root?09:44
mcphailAnthaas: run it as root09:44
mcphailAnthaas: other methods are unreliable09:44
mcphail(at best)09:44
AnthaasWhat about moving the program outside of my path, creating a script inside the path sharing the same name as the program which only has "sudo program" in it?09:45
mcphailAnthaas: that won't run as root. It will still run as your user09:46
mcphailAnthaas: you'll still need a way to elveate your privileges to run the "real" program. Setuid is the traditional hack, but it is a major security risk and often ignored by the operating system09:48
mcphailAnthaas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid09:48
artagit's a bit unfair to say it's a major security risk. it's no worse than sudo (which is, of course, setuid itself). it just needs to be used carefully.09:49
mcphailartag: it is worse than sudo, as it is available to _any_ user.09:50
artagso is sudo, if suitably configured09:50
mcphailartag: misconfigured09:50
hateballcellofan: I am not entirely sure what you are looking to do, but perhaps digiKam can do it09:50
artagthe point of setuid programs is that they have to police themselves. if they don't do that correctly, they can be security holes.09:50
artagthat doesn't mean the feature is itself a security hole09:51
mcphailAnthaas: a traditional workaround is to pass a "message" from a user-level program to a root-level service which will then run the "real" program09:51
hateballcellofan: There is also darktable09:52
gtgooboy, r u there?09:52
oboyyes but i got disconnected multiple times09:52
mcphailAnthaas: for example, you can set up an incrontab job for root which watches a user directory for a certain file. When the user creates that file in the directory, the incrontab job triggers the real program09:52
oboyhave you already posted the screenshot?09:53
gtgooboy, http://postimg.org/image/4c7jkwwfp/09:53
gtgooboy, yes..here it is....http://postimg.org/image/4c7jkwwfp/09:54
oboythat's all you see on your desktop?09:55
oboywhich applications are currently running?09:55
gtgooboy, xchat and firefox09:55
cellofanhateball: thank you very much I will try ^^09:56
AnthaasThanks guys!09:56
gtgooboy, i just tried to post photo with only this part to, sorry if its not giving you complete idea, but that all i can see09:57
fabioHello guys09:57
oboyhave you cropped the screenshot or something? I cannot see anything besides the two red symbols and therfore do not know to which program they belong09:57
fabiohow do i reinstall gnome-session-fallback? i'de reinstalled but its not complete (missing icons etc etc)09:57
fabiofirst of all i've apt-get purge gnome-*09:58
gtgooboy, yes i have cropped and send you before after photos09:58
fabioafter that ive apt-get install gnome-session-fallback09:58
oboywhat did you do prior to the appereance of those arefacts on your desktop?09:58
fabiobut is it not the same way as before09:58
gtgooboy,  it was always there but in a blurry way, once i moved my pointer on it i discovered it09:59
oboysorry I really don't know what to make of that :/09:59
gtgooboy, dont worry, thank you for ur suport, i will try to ask some body else10:00
=== moijk_ is now known as moijk
paupaupauHi. I have been trying to setup dual bot in my laptop (ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1) and right now the computer doesn't boot. I get the error: "Insert system disk in drive. Press any key when ready." Last thing I did before this was using boot-repair, here is the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12875802/10:12
samssammerzdoes anyone know what the bioset process is?10:13
samssammerzI can't find any documentation for it, and can't find any files called bioset when I run 'locate bioset'10:14
nchauvethello, is there a newer howto to build a kernel deb for precise based on the git repo ?10:15
nchauvetusing git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-precise.git10:16
noc__any one is there10:16
nchauvetit currently fails at:10:16
nchauvetfakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic10:16
nchauvetdh_testdir: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory10:16
noc__i want to study ubuntu10:17
hateballsamssammerz: related to disk encryption afaik10:18
noc__hii greyback10:18
noc__how r u10:18
cfhowlett!manual | noc__ RTM10:18
ubottunoc__ RTM: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:18
samssammerzhateball, Thanks10:19
noc__how i wiil transfer file in root file10:19
noc__explain me10:19
cfhowlettwww.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads is also educational10:19
noc__hii pascal10:20
noc__i want to know how to make a script in ubuntu10:21
samssammerzhateball, Ah, yes -- more generally, it seems to be related to block I/O  (hence the "bio" in bioset)10:21
cfhowlettnoc__, read.  fullcirclemagazine has many articles for scripting and command line10:21
noc__ok bro10:22
paupaupauHi. I have been trying to setup dual bot in my laptop (ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1) and right now the computer doesn't boot. I get the error: "Insert system disk in drive. Press any key when ready." Last thing I did before this was using boot-repair, here is the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12875802/10:23
noc__what is the first OS in your laptop10:24
paupaupauwindows was installed first10:24
paupaupauright now none boots10:24
noc__which device u r using DVD/USB for your installation10:26
noc__i know .i face same problem10:28
noc__your windows was installed in ubuntu bro10:28
noc__your booting file was missing from your laptop i think10:28
fabioguys how can i install network manager without internet?10:28
fabioi've got a pen with ubunu installation10:29
fabiocan i get the packages from there?10:29
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fabioif yes how?10:29
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noc__bro you have to configur network first10:30
cfhowlettfabio, network manager is included in all repos except .mini and .server IIRC10:30
fabiosure cfhowlett but is there a thing called purge10:30
fabioand i've use it to remove gnome desktop10:31
fabioand now i dont have net...10:31
cfhowlettfabio, ah.  see little details like that are helpful to have ... up front!10:31
fabiocfhowlett, i think you might be right :=10:31
noc__which type of network u r using10:31
cfhowlettfabio, OK, you still have a boot CD/USB, right?10:32
fabiocfhowlett, yes and right now im on live usb10:32
cfhowlettfabio, ah!  evern better!10:32
fabiocfhowlett, yey i thought its getting worse :)10:32
cfhowlettfabio, someone else will the details, but you can chroot and install the package to your HDD ubuntu.10:33
noc__u have to use PowerISO for USB10:33
cfhowlettnoc__, false.10:33
noc__no bro10:33
=== freeroute is now known as Guest36993
noc__u have to use it10:34
fabiocfhowlett, thank you lord! but how do i use chroot ?10:34
noc__its work10:34
fabiocfhowlett, ok i know what will be your awnswer.... check man...10:34
noc__sudo su10:34
cfhowlettfabio, no.  sorry, that's why I stated someone else will know the details.10:34
fabiocfhowlett, know what? let me ask to my best friend10:35
fabioGoogle :)10:35
hateball!chroot | fabio10:36
ubottufabio: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:36
noc__i always use USB powerISO for installation10:36
fabiohateball, now im confused10:37
fabioi need to recover my network manager and im on live usb10:37
hateballfabio: chroots are confusing10:37
noc__fabio .   how i will make a script in ubuntu10:38
hateballI am looking if there's some simple step-by-step guide to do what you need to do...10:38
cfhowlettfabio, I think you mount your ubuntu hdd, chroot to it from your USB then install your packages from ubuntu USB to HDD USB.  I *think* ...10:38
fabiohateball, thanks mate10:38
paupaupauHi. I have been trying to setup dual bot in my laptop (ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1) and right now the computer doesn't boot. I get the error: "Insert system disk in drive. Press any key when ready." Last thing I did before this was using boot-repair, here is the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12875802/10:38
inteusfabio: check out http://askubuntu.com/questions/422928/how-to-reinstall-network-manager-without-internet-access10:39
inteussee if that helps10:39
hateballfabio: well, you could do "sudo apt-get -d network-manager", that would download the debs to /var/cache/apt/archives10:43
hateballfabio: and from there you should be able to copy them to your installed OS, and install them using dpkg -i10:43
hateballhmmm, perhaps it does not pull in caches of already installed packages10:44
fabiohateball, -d is a invalid option on apt-get10:47
hateballfabio: sorry, it's apt-get install -d10:47
hateballfabio: any reason you cant just plug in a network cable instead? that'd be way less headache :p10:49
mohamedcan anyone help me to add wide invisible border for marco desktop manager on Ubuntu Mate 15.04 ?10:49
fabiohateball, i dont have that option10:49
fabiothis is a intel compute stick10:49
fabioit only has wifi...10:49
hateballfabio: Ah :)10:50
mohamedcan anyone help me to add wide invisible border for marco desktop manager on Ubuntu Mate 15.04 ? please :)10:52
esphAnybody know the actual executable name of the "UbuntuInstaller" mentioned on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuReinstallation ?10:52
tsp1Can I make grub add the default kernel two times, but one with extra arguments?10:53
SubMindhello everyone I cannot manage to use a Ricoh Aficio GX3000 printer on a Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS10:53
SubMindany idea please ?10:53
tsp1SubMind: are you able to manage the printer in any other linux dist?10:54
SubMinddid not try10:55
tsp1SubMind: http://forums.openprinting.org/read.php?30,299610:55
hateballSubMind: how have you installed the printer? just plug and play? did you use drivers from ricoh or from the distro?10:56
SubMindthere is no drivers for linux maybe thru vine ?10:56
hateballAll you need is a PPD10:56
hateballAnd it can usually be extracted from Windows/Mac drivers10:57
SubMindhateball tsp1 thx10:58
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
SubMindhateball tsp1 http://support.ricoh.com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/re/model/gx300/gx300en.htm which one should I use11:00
stobixHi. do-release-upgrade just tried to update my system from 14.04 to 15.04, leaving me with a system with severely broken dependencies. How do I go around fixing this?11:01
cfhowlettstobix, nope.  release-upgrade would be 14.04 > 14.10 > 15.0411:01
jake9050stobix: revert to backup (i hope you made one..)11:02
stobixcfhowlett: nope, that's not what it did.11:02
cfhowlettof COURSE he backed up!11:02
stobixhaha, yeah, of COURSE i did. ;)11:02
cfhowlettstobix, then you didn't do-release-upgrade11:03
jake9050stobix: Was worth a try :-)11:03
jake9050stobix: What is broken?11:03
stobixcfhowlett: I was kinda surprised that it chose vivid, but it did.11:03
stobixjake9050: I can't upgrade anything. Want to see the output from apt-get install apt?11:04
BluesKaj'Morning all11:04
jake9050stobix: sure11:04
stobix(hold on, generating pastebin entry)11:07
paupaupauHi. I have been trying to setup dual bot in my laptop (ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1) and right now the computer doesn't boot. I get the error: "Insert system disk in drive. Press any key when ready." Last thing I did before this was using boot-repair, here is the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12875802/11:08
stobixhttp://pastebin.com/ftUHvU5p <-- here's the start of it11:09
BluesKaj!UEFI | paupaupau11:10
ubottupaupaupau: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:10
stobixThe upgrade process halted after a while - seemlingly kinda soon.11:10
stobixI guess my problem here is that I'm used to having the gentoo level of control, and that I don't know how to go beyond "pedagogic" tools in debian systems yet.11:11
hateballSubMind: If you're still around, I'll upload the ppd to pastebin. It was a bit tricky fetching it from OS X package :)11:11
BluesKajpaupaupau, also get the new version of boot-repair11:12
mcphailstobix: whatever has happened, if your system has attempted to upgrade directly from 14.04 to 15.04 it is broken and unsupportable11:12
cfhowlettstobix, reinstall11:12
stobixheh. "unsupportable". Is that to say that no one has the competence to get this to a working state?11:13
mcphailstobix: no11:13
mcphailstobix: it means it will not be supported here11:13
cfhowlettstobix, it's saying you did some unorthodox operation to force 14.04 >>> 15.04 and we don't support that.11:13
othysatchi every body, i'm new in the world ubuntu11:14
cfhowlettothysatc, greetings.  ask your ubuntu question.11:14
stobixCould you at least point me to where to start fixing the system? What do I need to learn?11:15
mcphailstobix: you need to reinstall11:16
stobixmcphail: no, I don't. This is not windows.11:16
cfhowlettstobix, reinstall.  or attempt to reverse whatever you did to bypass normal operations.11:16
stobixHuh. That's what I get from choosing a "pedagogic" distro, I guess.11:18
mcphailstobix: I admire your confidence, but fear it is misplaced here. Apt does not support rolling back. You should restore from a backup or snapshot or reinstall.11:18
stobixIf I hadn't chosen to use an encrypted home partition, I wouldn't even be here.11:18
stobixHm. Will "reinstalling" overwrite my home folder?11:20
SubMindhateball yep still here afk but still here11:20
othysatcmy wifi does not work on ubuntu11:20
othysatcwhat to do?11:20
mcphailstobix: I'm not sure how it handles an encrypted $HOME. It doesn't overwrite an unencrypted home folder11:20
mcphailpopey: ^^ do you know? You mentioned this yesterday...11:21
cfhowlettstobix,  if you have a dedicated and separate home, no.  if not, assume it will.  either way, you were going to back up first anyway, right?11:21
BluesKajstobix, encyption is noy your problem . upgrading an existing OS by skipping a release doesn't work, it breaks your system, period11:21
bazhang!wifi | othysatc have a read here first11:21
ubottuothysatc have a read here first: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:21
popeymcphail: re-installing (if you un-tick format partition) won't format your home part11:22
hateballSubMind: http://pastebin.com/Z8R0L2AJ11:22
mcphailpopey: what about an encrypted $HOME? Is that dealt with gracefully?11:22
stobixI'd imagine it forgets my encryption key.11:23
hateballSubMind: you can save that as a whatever.ppd, edit it and comment out (%) the lines with Library, as they point to binaries used on OS X. You should be able to manually add the printer and point to that PPD11:23
popeyso did stobix do release upgrade and specified the "-d"?11:23
stobixhm. I first tried update-manager -d, but it stopped, complaining about not finding the sources it needed.11:24
stobix(when I selected "upgrade" in the gui, that is)11:24
popeystobix: are you able to boot the machine and do the usual "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ?11:24
popeyor does it no longer boot?11:25
stobixpopey: If I try to reboot this machine, I probably won't be able to talk to you anymore. :)11:25
popeystobix: you're talking to us from the half-upgraded machine?11:25
popeythats good :)11:26
popeyso have you tried "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and/or "sudo apt-get -f install" and maybe "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^" (the hat is important)?11:26
SubMindhateball thankyou very much i'll try to do it right11:26
stobixpopey: that I will11:26
popeywhile upgrades skipping releases aren't recommended, and may break, they're usually fixable with a bit of tlc11:27
stobixhuh. dpkg --configure -a complains about dependencies not yet being configured, and ultimately shuts down in flames. Interesting.11:28
stobixsame for the apt-get one11:29
stobixMaybe dpkg has some recursion limit to how many unconfigured dependencies it can handle?11:29
popeycan you pastebin the full output from both?11:30
stobixwill do11:30
stobixapt-get -f install : http://pastebin.com/xmEHFXJh11:33
stobix(that is, minus ~60 stderr messages of the form "No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already")11:34
howardggood day. does anyone remember the name of the package that prints system info and num.security upgrades as motd?11:38
stobixpopey: here's dpkg --configure -a : http://pastebin.com/6G48MFY711:38
popeystobix: so a lot of it is pending on udev... "sudo dpkg --configure udev" - what happens?11:39
stobixthe least helpful message ever: (4 lines)11:40
stobixdpkg: error processing package udev (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 111:40
stobixErrors were encountered while processing: udev11:41
ImofftopicI'm looking to replace my current netbook11:41
stobix(ok, 2 lines)11:41
Imofftopicthat is busted11:41
cfhowlettImofftopic, check your channel.  this is ubuntu support.11:41
Imofftopicwell i tried hardware first11:41
Imofftopicthen linux11:41
cfhowlettImofftopic, again: ubuntu support only here.  not hardware.11:42
popeystobix: this is gonna take quite some time I don't have right now. I'm sorry.11:42
zzarrhappy 11'th birthday Ubuntu! :D11:43
popeystobix: it's fixable, but time consuming to do, and requires a bit of brute force11:43
stobixpopey: could you kick me in the right direction? What man pages to read and whatnot?11:44
* stobix likes brute force11:44
popeystobix: so essentially you have a big confusing list of broken packages, but there's probably one or two at the 'bottom' (architecturally speaking) which break all the others11:45
popeystobix: probably, fix those (probably udev/systemd) and the rest will slot in fine.11:45
popeystobix: the current problem is udev, postfix script dying - look at the postfix script in somewhere under /var/lib/dpkg - see what it's doing11:47
popeystobix: it may be you can manually run whatever the broken script is trying to do, and maybe that produces an error message which you can deal with11:47
stobixpopey: ah.11:47
* stobix goes off to do some rtfs11:47
popeystobix: once you get udev in, move to "dpkg --configure -a" and see which one fails next11:47
popeystobix: and so on :)11:47
stobixnice, thanks11:47
popeysorry I don't have more time to help11:48
zhangnishi shei11:48
* popey thinks we should have a step by step guide for fixing these kinds of things11:48
stobixpopey: np, you've already helped a lot. :)11:48
bazhang!cn | zhang11:48
ubottuzhang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:48
zhangwhere are you11:48
* stobix thinks so too. No real benefit in keeping users in the dark.11:48
zhangwoshi zhangjicheng11:48
bazhangzhang this is ubuntu support do you have a support question11:48
zhangnimen kuai kuai bao shang ming lai11:49
lxzhangjiacheng sb11:49
cfhowlett!cn | zhang11:49
ubottuzhang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:49
lxzhangjiacheng sb11:49
zhangliu jia zheng sha11:49
bazhanglx zhang please ubuntu support only here in english11:49
stobixwo bu shi dao zhong wen [I don'ta knowa the chinese]11:50
bazhangstobix, lets stay on topic please, its over11:50
A1F4zig zan go !11:51
stobixheh. sorry.11:51
jake9050stobix: sorry for the delay - working duties come first :-) - you can try "fixing" apt like this https://gist.github.com/jake9050/a3512f3b81237e1511f011:52
cfhowlett!cn | lxzhangjiacheng,11:55
ubottulxzhangjiacheng,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:55
zhangzanghongyun sb11:56
knobGood morning!11:56
zhangsb zanghongyun11:56
freeroutegreat, thanks!11:56
zhangni hao11:56
lx123join #ubuntu-cn11:56
freerouteProtip time: Have your virtualbox snapshotted at this stage of the minimal expert install - http://i.imgur.com/p4fkNBL.png - from here on you can basically make any Ubuntu flavor you want :)11:57
lx123dashabi zanghongyun11:57
freerouteeven if you don't want the full Xubuntu experience, you can choose to install a Xubuntu desktop without the apps.11:57
jake9050stobix: from what i see in the paste you provided is starts with udev being unconfigured and that starts breaking  a handful of other installs, and so on11:58
lx123dashabi zanghongyun11:58
stobixjake9050: nice, thanks.11:59
stobixjake9050: would a system with udev uninstalled still function long enough for it to be reinstalled?12:00
* stobix does some backup'ing before continuing12:02
jake9050stobix: I would'nt rely on it. Make backups of your data first now that you stoill have access to it without having to mess with live distro's12:02
jake9050stobix: haha telepathy :)à12:02
mcphailstobix: you can usually remove udev (briefly) without bad consequences12:04
mcphailstobix: although, I would point out a full reinstall would have been completed by now ;)12:07
stobixmcphail: I would also have gained zero insight into the apt system and would probably have lost my home partition.12:09
freeroutevbox cloning feature = awesome!12:15
freerouteexperiment with ALL the software packages :D12:15
uupzgood morning!12:17
uupzi have a quetion, if i want to run another windows manager, for instance, fluxbox, would i have to download and install something else like X?12:17
uupzit seems like a windows manager cannot run without something else like right now im running unity but its on top of compiz.  what is unity and what is compiz12:18
uupzunity is a windows manager and compiz is a desktop manager?12:18
stobixuupz: just install fluxbox and go with it.12:19
stobixuupz: most window managers have no need for "graphics accelerators" like compiz.12:20
stobix(or, rather, they're independent-ish)12:20
uupzthanks a lot :)12:20
uupzwhat do you use?12:21
mcphailuupz: I tend to install openbox, and can pick between openbox and Unity at the login screen by clicking on the icon to the right of my name12:22
uupzyeah i like unity, it's just that its not as fast as i'd like on my laptop12:22
* stobix mainly uses xmonad, but has ~7 WM's/DM's installed12:23
uupzi've heard that ubuntu has a fluxbuntu or something12:23
stobixuupz: if you like the desktop manager approach, maybe xfce, "xubuntu" would be something that would suit you12:23
=== Dro__ is now known as Dro
uupzso the difference between ubuntu and xbuntu is the use of XFCe instead of unity?12:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:25
stobixyeah, basically.12:25
=== fwef is now known as vlakno
uupzdo i have to basically reinstall xubuntu to replace ubuntu?12:25
TheOnlyJoeyGood day, i want to install a package that seem to be marked as "extra package" so it will not install unless i install another package (which is weird)12:26
stobixjust install xubuntu-desktop IIRC12:26
mcphailuupz: no. Just "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"12:26
TheOnlyJoeyany option to force the intstalation of that package?12:26
uupzthanks guys, have a great morning12:26
Ben64TheOnlyJoey: what package12:26
cfhowlettuupz, sudo apt install xfce4 will grab the desktop environent12:26
TheOnlyJoeyBen64, in this case a package from a repository (obs-studio) but i had this problem with multiple ones over the last months12:26
Ben64TheOnlyJoey: not from ubuntu?12:27
TheOnlyJoeyyes from ubuntu12:27
cfhowlettobs-studio?  that is not an ubuntu repo12:27
TheOnlyJoeyah the obs-studio one i am installing now is from a ppa12:27
TheOnlyJoeybut i had this problem a couple of times with packages from ubuntu repo as well12:27
TheOnlyJoeythough i can not remember what those packages were12:28
stobixcfhowlett: is that still true, though? IIRC, xfce4 stopped being a package in favour of "xubuntu-desktop" a while ago.12:28
TheOnlyJoeyhence me wanting to find out how i can force instalation anyway12:28
Ben64TheOnlyJoey: would need to see the error12:28
mcphailstobix: "xubuntu-desktop" also pulls in all the xubuntu customisations, but you can install the plain package if you prefer12:28
TheOnlyJoeyBen64, well there is no error12:28
cfhowlettstobix, xubuntu-desktop is the DE and distro packages.  xfce4 = DE only12:29
Ben64TheOnlyJoey: so there isn't a problem12:29
TheOnlyJoeyThe following extra packages will be installed:12:29
TheOnlyJoey  obs-studio12:29
TheOnlyJoey0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:29
TheOnlyJoeyand then nothing12:29
Ben64we can't help with non-ubuntu packages/repositories12:29
stobixmcphail: nice. I thought that option was gone.12:29
TheOnlyJoeyBen64, as i mentioned before, i had this problem with multiple packages over the last months, some from the ubuntu repo12:29
Ben64but you can't provide any details12:30
TheOnlyJoeyi could trigger installation by installing a other package with it12:30
TheOnlyJoeyfsck it im going back to debian, ubuntu is losing it anyway12:31
MadLambCan someone tell me a way to set up something in path without using bash profile file?12:35
freeroutehttp://i.imgur.com/2pB6dbD.png - KDE... not even full desktop :D12:36
Ben64MadLamb: PATH="/path/to/path:$PATH"12:36
stobixheh, has anyone else played around with having multiple pointers with xinput? :) I'm kinda thinking of forking my WM to support it.12:36
MadLambBen64, without export?12:38
Ben64MadLamb: sure12:38
MadLambBen64, I was trying export PATH=$PATH:...12:38
DiplomatHey guys.. I have a little issue. The disk drive for /username/dev is not ready yet or not present. So when I click on S to skip it.. I'll be able to log in, but it just gets stuck after that and doesn't load any menus or anything12:39
MadLambBen64, but then since i'm using docker the next layer doesnt have the path anymore12:39
Ben64depends what you're actually trying to do though12:39
MadLambBen64, I want it to be available globally in sh and bash12:39
InfoTesthow to set password directly in shell command? (avoiding prompt)12:39
MadLambInfoTest, it depends on the command, usually -pPASSWORD12:40
InfoTestMadLamb: thanks12:40
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=== coy is now known as Guest68735
MadLambhow can I append something to /etc/environment?12:46
JaglorWhat common XMPP servers are people successfully deploying on ubuntu?  Bonus points for stupid simple.  :D12:52
freerouteMadLamb: echo "something" >> /etc/environment ?12:55
freerouteJaglor: does Mumble count?12:55
stobixJaglor: ejabberd?12:56
TeachmehowHi all =)12:57
uupzahh yes12:57
uupzxubuntu, much faster12:57
Jaglorfreeroute: I'll have to check. I haven't looked at mumble.. stobix yes, that's the type of server.. just not sure if a particular implementation has gained traction12:58
TeachmehowWhen i boot ubuntu, i t gets stuck at 'grub>' console.. what do i do?12:59
TeachmehowWhen i boot ubuntu, i t gets stuck at 'grub>' console.. what do i do?13:00
TeachmehowWhen i boot ubuntu, i t gets stuck at 'grub>' console.. what do i do?13:00
cfhowlett!patience | Teachmehow13:00
ubottuTeachmehow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:00
Teachmehowcfhowlett: sorry.13:00
saleemi cant install any of non-free nvidia drivers on trusty due to missing dependencies why is that ?13:00
Teachmehowubottu: oh. didnt knew that13:00
ubottuTeachmehow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:00
Teachmehowubottu: seriously? O.o13:01
stobixuupz: welcome to the "dark" side. ;)13:02
saleemcan someone help me fix this issue?13:02
stobix(or, light side, as it were)13:02
uupzTeachmehow, i was stuck on a grub screen, i ended up reinstalling my OS but i had a corrupted file system as well..13:06
Teachmehowuupz: Then what did you do next>13:06
uupzhold on let me find the guide i read13:07
Teachmehowuupz: okay13:07
uupzso what were you doin that made it pop into that mode?13:07
Teachmehowuupz: let me tell you the whole story :D13:07
uupzlol ok13:07
Teachmehowuupz: My pc = Acer Aspire E 15. It had windows 10 installed then i dual booted Ubuntu. Till now, all good. Then i again installed Kali (triple boot :P) and during the setup i overwrote the Master Boot Record to the third partition of my hard drive.13:08
Teachmehowuupz: Now, when i boot windows i get blank screen, when i boot ubuntu i get grub console and only kali works13:09
uupzsorta what happened to me too13:09
uupzok give me a second13:09
uupzi'm not an ubuntu master like sme of these guys, but ive had a similiar problem and maybe i can guide you into the right direction13:09
Teachmehowuupz: And Kali only runs on Legacy mode and Windows and Ubuntu only runs on UEFI mode on the BIOS setting13:09
Teachmehowuupz: been two days. I've been looking for someone like you :D13:10
stobixHmm.... "Kali Linux | Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux" <-- Linux to help you get laid?13:11
Teachmehowstobix:  :v13:11
freeroutestobix: or to know where to use the axe responsibly.13:13
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest20866
Teachmehowuupz: you triple booted too? :P13:15
uupzTeachmehow, yup i dont know why lol13:17
uupznow i just use ubuntu13:17
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
uupzto be honest i've used windows all my life, i used linux very very few times just to see what it was all about13:17
Teachmehowuupz: damn. i need to get windows any way lol13:17
uupzbut i didn't like it because in order to install one program you had to have a guide and 10 different commands13:17
Teachmehowuupz: so how many os do you run currently?13:18
uupzit's like for me to install something on linux took 30min and digging around the net to solve problems, whereas on windows it takes 5min13:18
OnceMecan someone help me with the problem I have for a year now13:18
uupzright now, 113:18
OnceMethis one /efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi not found13:18
OnceMeI have weird partitioned, gpt uefi mfi mbr13:18
OnceMeeverything is messed up13:18
uupzTeachmehow, i had the same problem i started messing with my partitions and not knowing what i was doing so it corrupted my file system13:18
OnceMehow to fix this?13:18
OnceMeI simply want to be able to login in windows from grub13:19
OnceMeubuntu works fine13:19
uupznot saying you don't know what you are doing, lol but i certainly had no clue13:19
Teachmehowuupz: i am afraid to fix it lol because i am a begginer and i am afraid that i might mess things up13:19
Teachmehowuupz: let me explain my problem in brief in PM :P13:19
uupzwell try this, get the live cd or put it on a usb howeber you did it and see if you can repair it13:19
Teachmehowuupz: i do have ubuntus live cd :D13:20
OnceMealso ls -al /boot/efi13:20
OnceMetotal 813:20
OnceMedrwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr  5  2014 .13:20
OnceMedrwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Oct 20 11:13 ..13:20
OnceMemy /boot/efi is fully empt13:20
cfhowlettvirtualbox for the win.  no need to partition your primary system or reconfigure your bootloader13:20
OnceMepls someone help me13:20
Teachmehowuupz: check msg :)13:21
przemytrielany monitoring tool for nagios? like nagstamon?13:22
* dcarrie waves, tests13:23
cfhowlettprzemytriel, perhaps ask #ubuntu-server or #linux13:23
przemytrielcfhowlett: thank you13:24
dbuggerHello everyone. I just reinstalled ca-certificates-java and now Android Studio wont open. Do I need to restart my system? Or is there another way to get it open?13:24
stobixfreeroute: hehe, yep. :)13:24
jpdsprzemytriel: https://twitter.com/sadserver/status/63630012743549337613:24
OnceMecan someone help me pls13:25
OnceMeI am sad13:25
cfhowlett!patience | OnceMe,13:26
ubottuOnceMe,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:26
OnceMeI am ignored13:26
cfhowlettOnceMe, not yet.  if you abuse the channel, you will be13:26
OnceMehow to abuse13:26
cfhowlettOnceMe, ask every 15 minutes.  no ore13:26
cfhowlettNo more13:26
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
uupzOnceMe, what windows do you have13:30
dcarrieAnybody have a good link for using dejagnu?13:30
freerouteok... suppose I pause my vbox VM during this - http://i.imgur.com/2pB6dbD.png - would it continue downloading if I unpause it?13:31
cfhowlettfreeroute, you might need to reinitialize the download13:32
freerouteoh god no13:32
dbuggerfreeroute, Go forth, and test it :)13:32
cfhowlettfreeroute, what are you dl'ing?13:33
freeroutedbugger: I will if you help me find a time machine function of this VM :p13:33
freeroutecfhowlett: KDE minimal desktop :D13:33
dbuggerfreeroute, if you can wait until tomorrow, you can ask Martin McFly13:33
freeroutereally? Do you think I have enough Jiggawatts to be able to do that? :O13:34
cfhowlettfreeroute, you might find it more sensible to torrent kubuntu13:35
dbuggerSure, he is coming with the model that has "Mr. Fusion"13:35
freeroutecfhowlett: yeah I guess. I just wanted to have basically the Plasma desktop without all the apps.13:36
freeroutethat's what I'm installing atm13:36
GaulouisHello, I'am Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty user, and i would like to compile the laste version of mysql-wokbench 6.3 - I take the error libgdal-dev depend on libgdal1h and will not be installed13:37
cfhowlett!info kde-plasma-desktop13:37
ubottuPackage kde-plasma-desktop does not exist in vivid13:37
cfhowlett!info kde-plasma-desktop trusty13:37
ubottukde-plasma-desktop (source: meta-kde): KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:78ubuntu13 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 38 kB13:37
freeroutecfhowlett: oh hmm interesting. I am installing it on 15.04 mini install.13:38
cfhowlettfreeroute, still seems like 1000+ packages is excessive13:38
freerouteyou're essentially starting out with zero packages though (because of the netinstall)13:39
cfhowlettthat must be it.  don't know your use case, but torrent has saved my sanity more than once.13:40
BluesKajand the fact that kde/plsama's flexibility requires more software13:40
uupzOnceMe, try running the command sudo update-grub   hopefully it lists windows in the output.  if it does, it automatically will add to the grub menu13:40
BluesKajplasma even13:40
OnceMeuupz:I have windows 8 in boot menu entry in grub13:41
OnceMebut its not starting13:41
OnceMealso I tried update-grub months ago and it didnt fixed13:41
OnceMebut wait I can switch to my laptop13:41
OnceMeso I can restart PC from here so I tell u whats happening13:41
freeroutecfhowlett: but it's not possible to install KDE without the applications using torrent right?13:43
TeachmehowShould i be able to boot into Ubuntu to use the repair disk?13:43
Teachmehow*boot-repair disk13:43
freerouteTeachmehow: depends what you want to do13:43
cfhowlettfreeroute, nope.  sorry.  torrent would be an all-in-one solution to what I assume you're after: kubuntu13:43
OnceMeok sudo update-grub runned uupz13:43
OnceMeAdding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration13:44
Teachmehowfreeroute: like?13:44
Teachmehowfreeroute: i only get the grub console while i boot into ubuntu. I want to fix it13:44
Teachmehowfreeroute: will it work in that scenario?13:44
OnceMeI have in grub "Ubuntu" "Advanced options for Ubuntu" "System Setup" Windows 8"13:44
OnceMeclicking on Windows 8 give sme: error: unknown filesystem13:45
OnceMepress anytype to continue13:45
OnceMewhen I hit "c" and type exit13:45
OnceMeI get grub in smaller resolution and when I choose windows 8 again I get /efi/boot/microsoft/boot.... not found13:45
freerouteTeachmehow: in that case from the top of my head you have to repair grub - https://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows13:45
OnceMeso two different errors for the same win 8, what to do uupz? any ideas?13:45
freeroutecfhowlett: right, but as I said I wanted the KDE without all the applications it comes with :p13:46
Teachmehowfreeroute: thnx :)13:46
OnceMeTeachmehow:repair-boot will not help in this case13:46
cfhowlettfreeroute, ah, then that is NOT kubuntu.  let me look again13:46
OnceMeif you were refrering to me13:46
TeachmehowOnceMe: Thanks for letting me know :D13:46
GaulouisHello, can i ask a question about apt-get install libgdal-dev ?13:46
OnceMewhat to do13:47
GaulouisI'am Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty user, and i would like to compile the laste version of mysql-wokbench 6.3 - I take the error libgdal-dev depend on libgdal1h and will not be installed13:47
GaulouisHow can i fix this error please ?13:47
=== topdownj1 is now known as topdownjimmy
fireburnahi there, is there anyone who is deep into indicators?13:48
uupzOnceMe, you are booting with UEFI?13:48
OnceMetbh I dont know13:49
OnceMeits gnu grub 2.00-19ubuntu2.113:49
OnceMeI have 64bit ubuntu 1413:49
OnceMeYou can tell me what t owrite and I can paste you output :)13:49
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OnceMeno problem uupz13:50
uupzgive me one second13:50
OnceMeIm in ubuntu again ;)13:51
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freeroutecfhowlett: it finally downloaded yay :D13:58
cfhowlettfreeroute, :)13:58
dcarrieanybody here familiar with dejagnu?13:59
OnceMehelp me yall13:59
c0m0why I cannot set the soft limit for core in limits.conf14:02
OnceMecfhowlett:got anything for me14:02
iffraff3Hi, I have ubuntu running on a macbook pro on it's own partition with 32 gig swap file.  When I close the screen it hangs and I can't get back in without a hard reboot.  I have set all the switches I know about.  this has happened on 14.04 14.10 15.04 and now 15.1014:03
=== Fisheh is now known as MonkehParade
darknotehello everyone14:08
darknotehow can I get dns record on ubuntu from terminal?14:10
demonlovesala chutia14:10
Picidarknote: dig something.com14:10
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vcoinminerhi. what is the possible reason that showing [UFW BLOCK] in syslog while I've set "allow from" everything from that ip.14:19
freerouteAnother protip: When doing a link-only clone of a Vbox snapshot... DON'T REMOVE THE SNAPSHOT IF YOU WANT TO USE THE CLONE!!!14:19
=== OnceMe is now known as oncemeold
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saleemhi, can someone guide me how to fix nvidia non-free drivers installation issue on trusty tahr? http://pastie.org/1049537114:27
saleemi cant install any of non-free drivers due to missing dependencies14:27
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laskoI've got a system and I'm having some issues trying to track down whats using up so much space. df -h says there is 12GB on the disk, and that 11GB have been used, but I can't find anything thats using more than 100MB of space. Thoughts?14:29
bekkslasko: Just use df -sh14:31
laskobekks, do you mean df -h?14:33
bekkslasko: No. I wrote df -sh14:33
Picilasko: ncdu is very helpful too (you'll need to install it from the repositories  though)14:33
laskodf has no -s flag14:33
bekkslasko: du -sh :D14:34
bekksSorry :)14:34
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laskobekks, So when I do df -sh /   it only find 2.7G of things compares to the 12G it supposedly has14:34
laskodf shows -- /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root   12G   11G  268M  98% /14:35
laskobut du -sh shows 2.7G in /14:35
bekkslasko: cd /; du -sh *14:35
fireburnawell maybe your installed applications need that 11GB14:35
DammitJimwhat do I need to do to disable automatic critical updates?14:36
laskobekks, yeah even then the largest thing is /usr which has 1.2G used.14:36
DammitJimI have been creating Ubuntu servers with the automatic critical updates configuration and I am having problems with the boot partition getting full14:36
DammitJimby the time I come back to check on the server, the machine won't boot if I reboot it14:36
DammitJimor we loose power, etc14:37
apoorvps aux|grep apt  help with the command14:37
freerouteok, so during minimal expert install of 15.04, when during software selection I go to "Manual selection" aptitude says that it could not resolve dependencies. How can I check which dependencies it means?14:37
fireburna@DammitJim maybe delet some of the old kernel images in /boot14:39
DammitJimfireburna, that's what I've done in the past, but if I don't delete them before the server reboots, the server won't boot up next time14:40
DammitJimthen you have to go through the mess of booting from cd, etc14:40
DammitJimhow does one disable automatic critical updates?14:41
fireburnamaybe write a script to regularily delete the old kernbel images14:41
freerouteDammitJim: you can hold a certain package - https://askubuntu.com/questions/18654/how-to-prevent-updating-of-a-specific-package14:41
DammitJimthanks for the suggestions guys. I really appreciate it, but that doesn't answer my question14:42
DammitJimI guess I'll keep googling it14:43
fireburna@ does synaptic give any optrion for disabling?14:43
DammitJimno GUI here14:43
fireburnaokay, sorry, then I can'tr help you further14:44
laskobekks, So I just rebooted the box and suddenly 8GB of space was free'd up.14:44
unniis 2 gb ram helpful for ubuntu 1514:44
laskobekks but where that 8GB was at.. I haven't a clue14:45
laskoI've got another machine here with the same symptoms14:45
freerouteDammitJim: how about http://ask.xmodulo.com/disable-automatic-updates-ubuntu.html ?14:45
fireburna@unni, I would rather install Lubuntu then14:45
freerouteDammitJim: do you have the "unattended-upgrades" package ?14:46
DammitJimthanks freeroute !14:46
DammitJimI had just come across that site14:46
DammitJimI guess all I need to do is comment out the security line14:46
laskoI'm so lost fml...14:47
unninow i am using xubuntu...but lubuntu or xubuntu is better for mr?14:47
DammitJimI wonder how I can do this programmatically for all my servers.. that's a different question :D thanks14:47
fireburnaunni  Lubuntu is little better for slow hardware, but xubvuntu should be fine to14:49
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unnitnx fireburna.....14:49
Guest88463Hi all, anyone for helping me fixing xp-615 printer (epson) on ubuntu 14.04  http://pastebin.com/wsXKbwcV14:50
manyhandsUbuntu Comunity Q&A live in 5 min on http://ubuntuonair.com/14:54
unniplease help...while i was installing xubuntu i forgot to mark my 2 ntfs partition.so i am missing those drive after instalation.how i regain those  drive14:56
laskoAnyone have any more ideas on my issue? I've got a 12G disk, and something is using up 11G of space... Largest thing I can find is the /usr directory which is using 1.2G of space. Everything else is small14:57
freeroutemanyhands: awesome!14:57
laskoI've got 2 servers with this issue, and I rebooted the first one, and suddenly 8GB were free'd up.... Is there some kind of hidden cache I'm not aware of?14:57
bekkslasko: cd /; du -sh *14:57
manyhandsfreeroute: yep, nice! :)14:58
laskobekks, I did that14:58
bekkslasko: Can you pastebin the output?14:58
manyhandsUbuntu Comunity Q&A live in 2 minutes on http://ubuntuonair.com/ #ubuntu-on-air14:58
laskobekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12877278/14:58
bekkslasko: And whats the output of df -i ?14:59
Guest88463Hi, anyone to help for a printer ? Thanks http://pastebin.com/k2FeY4qp15:00
laskobekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12877289/15:03
bekkslasko: and ls -lha / shows no obvious space hogs?15:03
laskobekks, nope :(15:03
laskobekks, But if I reboot... I'll suddenly gain 8GB back.15:04
laskobekks, Which says to me its something temporary15:04
bekkslasko: Then an still open file was deleted, and the space is regained when the file lock is gone.15:04
laskobekks, hmm... so maybe something like a log file?15:05
bekkslasko: Yes, maybe.15:06
laskobekks, I've got a cronjob that basically tars up all my log files and rsyncs them to another server.15:06
laskobekks, and that tar command uses --remove-files15:07
laskobekks, Is there a way to verify if its open? And if there a way for me to clear the lock cleanly?15:07
bekkslasko: Which obviously imposes that behaviour. Tar doesnt care about these logs being in use.15:07
bekkslasko: Use logrotate, and tar up / transfer the rotated logs only, not the ones being in use.15:08
jmitchellHello, is there anyone around who can help me with a 14.04 bare metal install that started freezing last night?15:12
Wugjmitchell: what do the logs say15:13
Wugand can you make it freeze whenever you want, or was it just the once/is it random15:13
Wug(in my experience ubuntu does not handle being low on memory very well)15:14
Wugperhaps check if you're resource starved15:14
jmitchellWug, I am booting it up now, not sure which logs will contain information. I have not had much succcess finding any crash info in a log. It seems to happen when I am trying to transfer files to it over Samba.15:14
GaulouisThanks. Have a good day15:15
roxluHi I'm trying to update my packages but I'm getting a "no space left" error in my boot partition. Like https://gist.github.com/roxlu/2f4c9088fe02af8a541b#file-gistfile1-txt-L40  I googled and some tell me that I need to execute "apt-get -y purge old-package", but even when I try to execute that I get this error:  https://gist.github.com/roxlu/4793b91edddc7a24c348  Does someone knows what I can do to fix this?15:15
jmitchellThat is a good point, I have a screenshot I took with my phone that seems to indicate a possible memory problem. It has 8GB RAM and I am running a VM with 6GB allocated to it.15:15
Wugjmitchell: yeah, VMs take more memory than you actually allocate them, there is a fair bit of overhead (20-30% is normal)15:16
Wugif you can stand running it at 4GB, try doing that, that should leave you enough15:17
dexter__Hey guys, installed Ubuntu 14.04; going back from 15.04 and having trouble installing. Although the system is installed right now, the bootloader is on the wrong drive. Any ideas?15:20
Wugroxlu: your /boot partition is full. You should look through it with a file browser and ensure that there isn't anything there that shouldn't be (/boot is for bootloader config, EFI stuff, linux kernel images, and basically nothing else). If you can't find anything to remove, consider expanding the partition15:20
jmitchellWug, that makes sense. The VM is running 3 Minecraft servers which were all idle at the time. I can certainly shut one down and reduce memory usage. Something to keep in mind is that I have been running this configuration for about 6 months - I had the VM at 4GB prior to that, adding the third minecraft server about then. Currently it is using 4 out of 7.7 available according to htop. The only other thing different between last nigh15:20
jmitchellt and this morning was that I was watching a video over samba that was stored on that machine.15:20
jmitchellWug, which log(s) would tell me what was happening when it locked up?15:21
Wugjmitchell: there may be something in syslog about it (try searching for 'memory' or 'oom')15:21
Wugbut given the poor handling I've observed, it wouldn't surprise me if there was no log message about it15:22
roxluWug thanks, I see there are some outdated kernel headers and images. I'm trying to remote them using apg-get autoremove (and -f), but that gives me the same error again15:22
Wugroxlu: what happens if you try apt-get upgrade -f like it says, does it give you the same error about /boot being full?15:22
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roxluWug this is what I get when I do: apt-get -f autoremove: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/roxlu/33953a58d1dd774fa1d2/raw/ba1e117749763f2f3905ce81d759cac17d85bdc9/gistfile1.txt15:23
Wugyeah so it's wedged into a state where it won't try to change anything because it thinks its in the middle of an install, but it can't finish the install because the disk is full15:23
roxluI see it's trying to install new packages as well. Is it maybe possible to just only remove packages first?15:23
jmitchellWug, I just saw it in syslog, thanks. May I post up the last portion of that for you to have a look at? It doesn't make much sense to me but it definitely has what I saw on screen last night.15:23
Wugjmitchell: sure, stick it on gist.github.com or something15:24
jmitchellAbsolutely, it is full of kernel messages, so possibly a kernel panic...15:24
Wugroxlu: ive never gotten into that situation before so I'm not sure off the top of my head how best to proceed15:24
roxluOk, I read one post which said to just move some files from /boot over to somewhere in /home/15:25
roxluthen autormove again15:25
Wugroxlu: perhaps you could do this15:25
jmitchellWug, it just did it again, had htop running and it is showing memory at only half usage. I will reboot and copy the log then post it...15:26
Wugcopy everything in /boot into /boot215:26
Wugthen unmount /boot and symlink /boot to /boot215:26
Wugthen do apt-get -f install to finish the interrupted install, then apt-get autoremove to clean it up15:27
Wugjmitchell: did anything else look strange? high cpu usage or high disk access?15:27
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jmitchellWug, cpu usage was high, but I couldn't see if anything was going on with the disk access.15:28
Wugjmitchell: htop doesn't do a good job of showing it, use top instead for that (it breaks down cpu usage into % time iowait, which if high would indicate everything is waiting on the disk)15:29
Wugalso does it lock up hard or does it just become very unresponsive but not totally dead15:30
roxluWug I did this: https://gist.github.com/roxlu/9093645544485afb581a  and now I can execute "apt-get -f autoremove"15:30
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jmitchellWug, thanks, It just came up so I have copied the log. Will run top until it crashes. And post that data15:30
Wugroxlu: ok15:30
Wugmake sure you replace them when you finish15:30
Wug(if the install would not have removed them)15:30
Wugalso consider growing your /boot partition anyway, since it seems like it's probably too small15:31
Wugthat will prevent this from happening again15:31
roxluOnce apt-get autoremove is ready I'll put them back and execute the command again15:31
iffraff2Hi, I have ubuntu running on a macbook pro on it's own partition with 32 gig swap file.  When I close the screen it hangs and I can't get back in without a hard reboot.  I have set all the switches I know about.  this has happened on 14.04 14.10 15.04 and now 15.1015:31
ikoniaiffraff2: 32gig swap file !!! what the devil ?15:32
Wug32 gigs is a lot15:32
oijuehello there, a crazy thing happened. I cannot explain it. I sent an email via client program yesterday evening. I just noticed that it was sent with a file attached. I didnt  attach this file there. and even crazier is that the file is not even on my computer at the moment. it is a file from a much earlier time. has my system been screwed by some hacker?15:32
iffraff2I have 16 gig of ram and I was advised to double that for the swap partition15:33
jmitchellWug, it locks up hard, requires hard reset to get anything done.15:33
ikoniaiffraff2: you where ill advised15:33
Wugiffraff2: new advice: 4gb-8gb is probably good15:33
iffraff2well, regardless it's not helped15:33
ikoniaiffraff2: if you want to hibernate, you need the size of your ram - no more15:33
ikoniaiffraff2: if you don't want that, you need a much smaller ammount,15:34
Wugoijue: some email clients attach rich text content such as inline images15:34
iffraff2hmm, well, ok Ill blow up that bridge when I get current problem resolved.15:34
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Wugso it's possible that this is that15:34
iffraff2it's not small feet, at least for me, to mess with the partitions15:34
Wugto be sure though you'd have to dig around in the attachment and make sure there's nothing there that shouldn't be15:34
ikoniaiffraff2: is this a new install ?15:35
oijueWug, sorry, this is a pdf file from 2014 which is no more on my computer. and I certainly attached nothing to the email. how could this be seen as rich text content by the client?15:35
=== NeilG is now known as soulman404
Wugoijue: did you forward an old email or something that had it attached?15:35
iffraff2well, it was.  I mean it's been doing it since i installed it15:36
ikoniaiffraff2: so it's pretty much a clean install ?15:36
iffraff2oh yes.  nice and clean15:36
iffraff2actually the update from 15.04 to 10 was an upgrade15:36
ikoniaiffraff2: ok - so I suggest doing it right from day 115:36
ikoniaiffraff2: do a clean install and lets sort your partitioning out15:36
iffraff2:) that'll be the day15:36
ikoniaiffraff2: you're planning to do hibernation right ?15:36
Wugiffraff2: having a swap that's too big probably isn't the end of the world15:37
Wugmight make some things slower than they need to be15:37
iffraff2yes. but I'm telling you I've re installed a whole bunch of times. and I keep having to set all my stuff up again it's killing me.15:37
ikoniaiffraff2: ok - so lets re-install 1 more time15:37
iffraff2there doesn't seem to be a good way to automate that.,15:37
ikoniaiffraff2: you're doing hibernation yes/no ?15:37
Wugiffraff2: in future, you should make your /home partition seperate15:37
roxluWug I've got this in my /boot now: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/roxlu/8081e01fcbb997e5d967/raw/09997fa1a0120dceb23dd60612243caf3c6be1a3/gistfile1.txt15:37
Wugthat way when you reinstall, you can just attach the old /home to the new install and you won't have to recopy all of your files and stuff15:38
iffraff2I well, I'm not doing anything, I would be satified with suspention but I think hibernate would be better15:38
roxluIThe initrd.*-server files were the ones I moved to ~/boot_backup.  I'm wondering if this messed up something :#15:38
iffraff2oh wow.15:38
ikoniaiffraff2: ok - so you need to re-install, use a swap partition of your memory, no more, no less15:38
ikoniaiffraff2: lets get your machine laid out ok15:38
oijueWug, no, because I can see that I correctly sent it as a reply to a former email, which is shown below my email text.15:38
oijueWug, the subject line is correct, too, it starts with the right "Re:.." text15:39
Wugoijue: reply to the email again and tell them not to open it, and consider reinstalling I guess15:39
iffraff2ikonia, ok.  should we make a check list or something?15:40
Wugroxlu: if I were you I would make sure none of them were part of the packages that you removed with autoremove15:40
ikoniaiffraff2: nope15:40
iffraff2I"m kind of new to linux but i've learned a whole ton messing with stuff :)15:40
roxluyea :# do you know how I can do that?15:40
iffraff2ikonia, so what's the plan?15:40
ikoniaiffraff2: exactly what I've just said15:41
iffraff2oh.  well, I'll lose you right? if i reinstall.15:41
Wugif you look at your grub settings it should reference all of the ones your system is actually configured to use15:41
iffraff2then I"ll come back and may never find you again15:41
ikoniayou will,15:41
Wugyour list of installed packages may also be able to clue you into that ifno15:41
jmitchellWug, this is the last one from last night, I don't see any crash dumps for the one today... http://pastebin.ca/320844015:41
iffraff2further more, I"m at work and will have to carve out the time to do it.  I would LOVE it if you could give me a game plan to follow.  I'll do the whole thing and then try and find you again.  Unless you have another suggestion15:42
ikoniaiffraff2: I've given you my suggestion15:43
Wugjmitchell: are you using the samba share to trigger it? that log indicates it might be an issue with samba15:43
oijueWug, but I just noticed one thing. this file is still in my client as attachment to earlier emails.15:43
iffraff2ikonia, and i appreciate that. I'm not a dev ops so I'm a bit green.  I have two partitions one for swap one for ubuntu. would I delete both of these, recreate them, or over write them?15:43
Wugoijue: is it exactly the same file15:44
Wugor has it been changed15:44
ikoniaiffraff2: I'd suggest both, and re-create with the right sizes15:44
Wugif it's exactly the same you probably attached it by accident without realizing it somehow15:44
iffraff2so kill them both, recreate with proper size, reinstall ubuntu 15.10, you mentioned a seperate partition for home?  what size would that be?15:45
roxluWug, my grub.cfg is (partly) like this: https://gist.github.com/roxlu/63b42bf1bba02a7e21a5   I see that it's using "/initrd.img-" I assume that I need to have this file in my /boot dir then right?15:45
jmitchellWug, it seems to be related to when I am doing a samba transfer - but I can transfer stuff for a short time, then just trying to access a share would cause it to lock up. I am posting another dump from just before that that was initiated by a samba operation and at the end shows something having been 'fixed' and the system needing a reboot.15:45
oijueWug, strangely, the content is exactly the same, but the file name is different. the suspicious file has a very irrelevant title, and I'm not sure if this was an earlier name of it.15:45
ikoniaiffraff2: I didn't mention a seperate partition for home15:45
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ikoniaiffraff2: I'd suggest keeping it simple and just do ubuntu and swap15:46
Wugjmitchell: the stack trace looks like a samba issue15:46
Wugor at least, it looks like a potential kernel bug triggered by samba15:46
Wugmaybe see if there's an update for your kernel15:46
iffraff2frankly I feel like I should make a vagrant vm.  that way I can avoid all the set up.15:47
Wugikonia: iffraff2: I mentioned having a seperate /home because it makes reinstalling things easier15:47
SoulMan600  /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER SoulMan600 kahfqcsaqdad15:47
ikoniaiffraff2: why would that be easier ?15:47
WugSoulMan600: no spaces15:47
jmitchellWug, would reinstall Samba maybe fix it? I haven't changed the config in a while.15:47
iffraff2but I suspect that will not be well recieved15:47
iffraff2well, cuz I can do a clean install, set up my base requirements. and save off image.15:47
Wugjmitchell: chances are, no it wouldn't15:47
SoulMan600Thanks @Wug Copy Paste addict15:48
iffraff2then when I destroy something instead of starting from ground zero each time I can use that image15:48
iffraff2Wug, ikonia sorry about miss attributing home partition15:48
Wugiffraff2: how big is your disk15:48
WugSoulMan600: /join15:49
goddarddoes thunderbird have spam filter?15:49
Wugprobably as a plugin, but I don't use it15:49
iffraff2well, as I mentioned it's a macbook pro, and I need to leave osx on it.  it's a 500 gig hd, but osx seems to be taking up about 250, soooo 250?15:49
SoulMan600Wug: sorry again, coming back to IRC after a while, even forgot my last nick and email used15:50
SoulMan600goddard: I have seen Thunderbird promting for mark as spam in work email when I got emails from outside gmail etc ...15:50
oijueI might have renamed the file. but still, taking an attached file from another email, and attaching with another name to the current email. how could that happen with a client?15:50
Wugiffraff2: ok, I recommend you lay out your disk like this: [/boot: 4GB][swap: 4GB][/: 40GB][/home: 200GB][OSX: remainder]15:51
Wuggive or take15:51
ikoniaoijue: it works of temporary files15:51
Wugmoving the OSX partition might be more trouble than it's worth, so if it's not at the position in my diagram, just work around it15:51
oijueikonia, how do you mean? the client is attaching a file to my email with a new name, all by itself. and this file is attached to an email from almost 2 years ago.15:52
iffraff2would it not be prudent to do 16gig swap as I have 16gig ram?  I mean I may or may not do hibernation, but is it a problem to have more swap?15:52
ikoniaoijue: when you open a file it uses a tempoarary file as a 'swap' file to open it, if you then type a mail that has a reference to the same temporary file (reusing an old name or inode reference) it could attatch to it15:53
Wugiffraff2: tbh, I never hibernate my machines, they run all the time15:54
WugI'm looking at this table though https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq15:54
WugI guess you'll need 20GB if you want to hibernate, though I'm not entirely sure why.15:55
iffraff2yes  16      4               20                  3215:55
iffraff2I mean it says 32 is the max, so I'm not sure why 32 is cause for re installing15:55
daftykinsiffraff2: a nice round 20GB might be wise if you want to hibernate *and* you tend to have a lot open15:56
Wughibernating is probably more trouble than it's worth15:56
daftykinsWug: +1 of course it is :)15:56
Wugat least, it is the way ubuntu does it15:57
WugI don't know why it can't just go the windows route and save memory into a file in /15:57
oijueikonia, I might or might not have clicked on "attach" button before sending the email. because I did consider attaching a file from my desktop. but I dont remember if I went that far to open the file manager window to select a file. supposing I did, could this have happened during this interval?15:57
iffraff2wug that is good to know I don't necessarilly need it.  but the reason I started this thread is that when I close my laptop it hard crashes my system.15:57
goddarddoes thunderbird have spam filter?15:57
opsmanhibernating has always been a pain...Linux or Windows from my expereince.15:57
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Wugiffraff2: check /var/log/syslog and see if there's any strange messages around the time you close the lid15:58
Wugaside from that, it's out of my area of expertise, I don't have a macbook and closing the lid works as intended on my ancient dell laptop15:59
ikoniaoijue: depends on a many things, and if you can't even remember pressing attach or not, it's pretty hard to take stock of the situation with any real reliable info15:59
Wugthe rest of my linux machines are always-on15:59
daftykinsiffraff2: oh this is also ubuntu on a mac? ugh.15:59
iffraff2yea, well, I kind of like the hardware.  but it's a work machine, and they don't support ubuntu but I don't want osx so I'm on my own16:00
iffraff2and I will check those logs. that's helpful16:00
jmitchellWug, I saw a message in the log about winbindd Tainted, it is running as a winbind server - could that cause the problem?16:00
Wugman I would hate to work for some hipstery place that only supported macs16:00
oijueikonia, that's why I am asking if (or how) I could cause the attachment of a file in an old email even if I did. this is so abnormal.16:00
daftykinsmy point is that it doesn't often work well on the newer macs16:00
Wugjmitchell: it could, but regardless, chances are it will need a software update to fix16:00
iffraff2ug, well, I'll tell you this I fit in at the coffee shop now :)16:01
roxluHmm now upgrade wants to remove mysql: https://gist.github.com/roxlu/1536c6e56900dbdac263 (?) That doesn't seem right16:01
oijueikonia, you wrote "type a mail that has a reference to the same temporary file" but I dont know what it means. I just did what anyone does every time sending an email16:01
iffraff2I live in austin, they wont even let you into a coffee shop with out a mac16:01
jmitchellWug, so try and update the packages and see if there is a fix there, then?16:01
Wugjmitchell: if you updated it recently, you could try rolling back to the previous kernel and samba to see if that fixes it16:01
ikoniaoijue: with respect, you don't know what you did16:01
Wugor you could check for newer versions, yes16:01
Jeatoni installed xbuntu-desktop, and it changed my regular ubuntu login splashscreen, how do i change it back?16:01
Jeatonin ubuntu16:01
ikoniaoijue: I'd just write it off as an acident and move on, while keeping an eye to see if it does it again16:01
oijueikonia, I dont know what the computer did16:01
daftykinsiffraff2: better go to Amy's ice cream instead :P (i visited)16:02
ikoniaoijue: you don't know what you did, by your own admission16:02
Wugoijue: you can go on a witch hunt for hackers, or you can not, it's your choice16:02
iffraff2:)  yea, that's not going to help my waist line16:02
Wugbut you should probably pick one or the other and do it16:02
Wugwe can't really make the decision for you, because you have more information than us16:02
oijueI am telling you about a most abnormal case, and you stick with my expression not sure whether clicking on "attach" or not..what if I did? does it point to any logical explanation?16:02
Wugnothing you have told us is flashing any blinking red lights that says "this guy is definitely hacked"16:02
Wugi suggest you do what ikonia said, and watch to see if it keeps doing it16:03
ikoniaoijue: I suggest you move on, and keep an eye on it, see if it does it again16:03
Wugif it doesn't, who knows, maybe your computer was momentarily infected with a ghost or a gremlin16:03
Wugif it keeps doing it, maybe consider blowing it away and reinstalling16:03
oijueikonia..as I wrote, let's say I clicked on attach and changed my mind and didnt attach anything. could this bizarre thing have a chance to happen anyway? this is my question16:04
ikoniaoijue: as I wrote - you don't know what you did, it's impossible to debug with no solid info16:05
oijueoh no16:05
ikoniaoijue: I suggest forget it, keep an eye on it, and move on16:05
oijueit is not a slight deviation from the normal case to overlook easily16:06
ikoniaoijue: then don't overlook it and search for a solution16:06
oijuethat's what I'm doing here16:06
Wugoijue: the superior wisdom and understanding of the people in this channel who you have asked for advice say that it is16:06
Wugso watch and make sure it doesn't keep happening by itself16:06
ikoniano, you're coming up with missing information and guess work and asking for people to say how it's happened - when in reality, it may not have happened at all16:07
Wugand worry if it does16:07
OerHeksoijue, so if you replied, instead of creating a new email, that older email as attachment is normal.16:07
ikoniathe quicker you move on and keep an eye out for it happening again and how it happened the second time16:07
oijueikonia, this is not my first encounter with you. you're acting always in this 'idee fix" mode16:07
oijuesorry but true16:07
oijuepositive criticism16:07
ikoniawhat ?16:08
ikoniaidee fix ?16:08
oijueasking you tenth time16:08
ikoniaI don't know what idee fix means16:08
daftykinsoijue: lets drop the personal commentary, stop going around in a circle for the tenth time and move on please.16:08
oijueand you stick to that I dont know what I've done16:08
oijuethen help please16:08
oijueall that he says is you dont know what happened16:08
ikoniaoijue: we can't help - your information is not solid16:08
daftykinsas the others have pointed out, you don't know what you did - so don't expect us to know.16:08
oijueit is16:08
ikoniayou don't know what you did / didn't do16:08
oijueoh my god16:08
ikoniait's untrusted information to make a debug on - you told us this yourself16:08
daftykinsshockingly bugs or problems need steps to reproduce in order to be confirmed.16:09
ikoniagetting soid info if it happens a second time, is REALLY the vaulable data16:09
user__HI, when a video site asks me to active and install libav from gstreamer can it be unsafe?16:10
oijuehave to leave anyway16:10
Piciuser__: thats fairly normal.16:11
oijueit seems more about intent, whether to help or not16:11
aarobcSomietimes when I connect to an openvpn connection, it seems like everything keeps using the normal connection, not the vpn. any ideas?16:13
user__Pici: thankyou verymuch. I had already installed the gstreamer plugins from software center but still had to install the ones directly in the browser, so i thought it could be an strategy to get my user key.16:13
aarobcchrome thinks I have the same public ip, is not using the vpn ip16:14
daftykinsaarobc: gotta inherit the default gateway of the VPN, depends how you're managing this connection - an IP change should be shown by visiting whatismyip.com or similar yes.16:14
aarobcdaftykins: I set it up so I can connect through network manager. It usually works, but sometimes it doesn't and is really annoying. it says it's connected to the vpn, but idk16:15
aarobcsometimes running dhclient would fix it, but that's not working now16:16
daftykinsread your logs.16:16
jmitchellWug, I have Webmin on that server, and just clicking the login button is enough to send that machine down! That is with no connections to the Samba server having been made other than Windows possibly trying to reconnect mapped shares.16:16
aarobcsigh. yes, logs. The one thing I really have never been able to make much sense of16:16
ikoniawebmin = say no more16:17
OerHeksjmitchell, uh oh, webmin is surely the issue16:17
Wugjmitchell: if it's a kernel bug, it may be more than just samba that can trigger it16:17
Wugjmitchell: is this with the vm running?16:18
aarobcugh, will try rebooting16:19
jmitchellOerHeks, Webmin? Really? I have been running it on several machines without problems in the past. Wug, yes the vm comes up automatically. I will reboot and disable it's autostart.16:19
jmitchellFortunately, SSH still seems to work ok.16:19
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uupznow, i installed XFCE and i am currently using it, however, whenever i reboot ubuntu i notice that there is not an icon or a way to change desktop managers.  what is the alternative?16:19
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Wugjmitchell: does it crash without the vm running16:31
Wug(if you login to webmin)16:31
chakruhey, I want to create wifi hotspot from Ubuntu, how can I do that?16:31
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jmitchellWug, just tried it and yes it does. I also disabled a script that checks to see if the libvirt-bin is running at startup and starts it if not.16:32
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jmitchellRebooting again.16:32
Wugno idea16:32
Wugtry updating software16:33
PanVDoes anybody remember what I have been asking for 2 days from now or I should explain again?16:37
daftykinsPanV: shortest way: have you reinstalled yet?16:37
PanVdaftykins: No.16:37
daftykinswhy not?16:37
jmitchellWug, thanks for your help. Puzzles me as well since everything was working fine up until last night and I had made no changes at all to the system for a couple of days. I will try the updates.16:37
PanVBecause dunno how to backup my files16:37
PanVWhere are the user's files located?16:37
daftykinsPanV: /home/username/16:38
PanVShould I open the volume thing?16:38
PanVAlso /home/ is encrypted, will this affect me?16:38
daftykins"the volume thing" doesn't really mean much to me.16:38
daftykinsdepends, does your installation boot yet?16:38
PanVIt can boot, it goes to the login screen!16:39
PanVBut I can't access my user due to some glitches16:39
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daftykinsthis is not twitter, keep the silly references to a minimum16:39
PanVOk :P16:39
daftykinsboot the live USB, unlock your encrypted /home and backup to an external hard disk - if you don't have one, now is the time to get one16:40
PanVHow can I unlock it?16:40
OnceMehey is: type mkfs.fat16:40
OnceMewill it wipe out or reformat my disk?16:40
PanValso I got one, let me get my 500 gb disk16:40
daftykinsno idea, i don't have any experience with encryption.16:40
daftykinsOnceMe: be more clear, what are you intending to run? what are you doing?16:40
OnceMeI want to reformat my /dev/sda116:41
OnceMewhich is set as bootable flag16:41
daftykinsfor what reason?16:41
PanVOnceMe, GParted? (Wrong advise, probably)16:41
OnceMebut its ntfs and windows boot is on it, while I intend to use grubloader16:41
PanVYou want to wipe out the windows partition?16:42
daftykinsOnceMe: why aren't you just letting the installer take care of this? did you have a dualboot and now want to have just ubuntu?16:42
daftykinsPanV: please stop trying to offer advice when you can't even fix your own :)16:42
OnceMenah I want to fix windows entry16:42
OnceMewhich was in incompatible way with uefi16:42
OnceMebut  <I dont care about /dev/sda116:42
OnceMejust making sure type mkfs.fat \is not going to remove anyttrhing16:42
PanVdaftykins: You are right.16:42
daftykinsso you have an EFI dualboot setup?16:42
OnceMeanything*, correct?16:42
OnceMedaftykins: nope16:43
OnceMeone is in uefi and second in efi mode16:43
OnceMewrong partitions16:43
daftykinsi'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve with "type mkfs.fat", that's not a command i'm familiar with16:43
daftykinsthere's no difference between UEFI and EFI16:43
daftykinsdo you mean one is installed as legacy boot? which one?16:44
OnceMeyap as a legacy16:44
OnceMeon efi, I want to both be on uefi16:44
OnceMeanyway I have formatted /dev/sda1 right now16:44
PanVdaftykins: /home/ folder doesn't seem to appear when I open the Ubuntu volume.16:45
daftykinsPanV: because it's encrypted...16:45
daftykinsOnceMe: i don't think that was a clever move, so which one is installed legacy?16:45
PanVdaftykins: So you are telling me I might not be able to take my files back?16:45
auronandaceOnceMe: formatting a partition means you lose everything on it, you know that right?16:45
PanVI now hate encryption16:45
k1l_PanV: that is what you want when you encrypt16:45
daftykinsPanV: no i'm telling you for the second time that i don't have any experience with encryption so i can't help you unlock it.16:45
WhoAreYouwhich ubuntu at all is the best? KaliLinux or Zorin OS?16:46
k1l_you dont want easy access to the encrypted files.16:46
daftykinsWhoAreYou: we don't assist nor advise any of those16:46
auronandaceWhoAreYou: neither of those are ubunt16:46
PanVk1l_: Should I chroot or something?16:46
PanV 16:46
daftykinsPanV: it's nice that you've learnt a couple of commands, but you can't use just those to solve every single situation.16:46
PanVI believe I can copy paste it with console16:47
opsmanTher is no Generical BEST...depends on what you need..resuorces available..tools/apps required..etc16:47
PanVAm I correct?16:47
WhoAreYouDo u know Anonymous OS?16:47
daftykinsPanV: not until you unlock it, are you even paying attention?16:47
k1l_PanV: you need to mount that home folder and decrypt it. see like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/238047/how-do-i-mount-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-another-ubuntu-machine16:47
daftykinsWhoAreYou: only ubuntu and its' official variants are supported here. *no* support or discussion of anything else.16:48
daftykinsWhoAreYou: go to #linux if you want to talk about distros in general16:48
k1l_WhoAreYou: this is #ubuntu. so ubuntu is best :)   for other linux better ask in ##linux16:48
loawhere i can read guide about moving ubuntu on another hardware? i upgrade cpu and motherboard. harddisk will be them same.16:48
daftykinsloa: you don't need to do anything.16:49
daftykinsloa: unless the graphics hardware changed...16:49
PanVOk then! I now really got a reason to fix ubuntu. Since I have no idea what k1l_ 's link is saying and I got no other way to get my files back16:49
loadaftykins, videocard will be same.16:49
auronandacePanV: perhaps if you read the link you would learn what it is about16:50
daftykinsloa: yep no reason to do anything then, just boot as normal after the upgrade/rebuild16:50
k1l_PanV: you need to make a procedure to decrypt while mounting. that is the caveat when encrypting stuff.16:50
auronandacePanV: you have encrypted files you want to access, someone has shared a link showing you how and you don't want to read it16:50
loadaftykins, ok, i will try. On windows such upgrade always lead to disaster...16:50
daftykinsPanV: no, follow the guide after booting a live session or wait for someone with encryption experience, nobody here is going to help you fix your broken install :)16:50
daftykinsloa: yes, Linux != Windows :)16:51
PanVdaftykins: I will be waiting then.16:51
daftykinsPanV: it's quite horrifying how you refuse to use information to help yourself.16:51
PanVdaftykins: I cannot follow any guide when I am tired.16:52
PanVdaftykins: I can't even read the instructions at a Toy box16:52
daftykinsthen do this when you aren't tired.16:52
daftykinsyour situation is hardly an emergency given you've taken 2 days already :)16:52
auronandacePanV: yet you have no problem reading step by step directions from irc?16:52
PanVauronandace: Who told you I ain't got a problem.16:53
auronandacePanV: you are here asking16:53
PanVGeez, I didn't come here so I can argue. I will read the article daftykins. Perhaps I am simply making a mistake while reading guides.16:54
roxluWug I upgraded successfully now. Thanks for your info!16:58
opsmandaftykins: auronandace : Congrats guys. Well said.16:58
opsmanIt's amazing how apparant it is that people come asking questions that 5 min with google can fix.16:59
daftykinsc'est la vie :)17:00
SCHAAP137opsman: true, in some cases you could just copy over the sentence and throw it into a lmgtfy.com link17:00
jtdesigns01Rexter: ping17:00
ActionParsnipdaftykins: sadly, this has always been the case17:00
daftykinser, i don't need to be told that, ActionParsnip :P17:00
circleso to have true audio goodness do you need three seperate devices, a DAC, then an amplifier, then a receiver?17:00
opsmanBack on irc after long absence(98,99) and some things haven't changed17:01
circleopsman: tell us about it m817:01
daftykinscircle: that'd not be on topic for this channel really.17:02
circledaftykins: we actually had a really productive discussion about it a little way up17:03
daftykinsthat's nice, if it's not ubuntu support though - it's not for this channel17:03
circlesorry i thought i was on #hardware17:03
ShibeUbuntu gnome seems.... slow17:03
Shibenot even in gnome but even in cinnamon17:03
Shibeterminal has this delay opening and the prompt takes some time to show up17:03
ActionParsnipShibe: could switch to LXDE or XFCE17:03
Shibeprint scr also takes some time to work17:03
opsmanok. I'll digress further. While trying to help someone they ignored instructions. Made the problem worse. Refused to follow guide.17:03
ShibeActionParsnip: on mint cinnamon ran just fine17:04
opsmanand finally stated. Maybe I should try another distro.17:04
ActionParsnipShibe: ubuntu isnt mint17:04
ShibeActionParsnip: yes but why is it so slow :I17:04
opsmanI'm thinking yep your definition of insanity is much different than mine17:04
ActionParsnipShibe: different distributions are configured differently17:04
ActionParsnipShibe: do you use an Nvidia GPU?17:04
ShibeActionParsnip: yes17:04
Shibei have nvidia 355 drivers17:05
ActionParsnipShibe: did you install the Nvidia driver? Or nvidia-prime if you have that Optimus (switching GPU) nonsense17:05
ShibeActionParsnip: I have both nvidia-prime and nvidia driver17:05
goddardDoes anyone know if Thunderbird can block spam better?17:05
daftykinsgoddard: better than what?17:06
ActionParsnipShibe: then ive no idea. I steer clear of that switching stuff. Ive seen a tonne of hadaches with it, not worth it IMHO17:06
goddarddaftykins: better then a 2 year old maybe like a 13 year old17:06
Shibethen am I wasting my time with ubuntu 15.04?17:06
ActionParsnipShibe: its EOL in December, I'd say so.17:06
daftykinsgoddard: your query makes no sense. it also belongs in a thunderbird channel17:06
ActionParsnipShibe: could upgrade to Wily when its released, may help17:07
goddardShibe: i have an optimus laptop and 14.04 works the best but is still not 100% reliable i have to manually enter update-alternatives commands all the time17:07
ActionParsnipShibe: or use it in pre-release now if you like17:07
ShibeI think I should just go back to mint17:07
ActionParsnipShibe: if it works, why not eh :)17:07
Shibejust that I have outdated software :I17:07
Shibepython is broken with ssl and I cant find any ppa for newer python version (2.7.9)17:07
goddardShibe: if you need something more up to date just use a PPA17:07
ActionParsnipShibe: as long as its secure and does what you need.... why do you need the latest exactly?17:08
bekksgoddard: Why do you have to run update-alternatives all the time?17:08
goddardShibe: you can install python 3 from the repos17:08
Shibegoddard: not python 317:08
Shibenewer version of python 217:08
goddardbekks: if i want to switch from intel to nvidia it craps out17:08
ActionParsnipShibe: does the current python version cause you issues?17:08
ActionParsnipShibe: then I suggets you report a bug17:09
Shibeubuntu 15.04 uses 2.7.9 so thats ok but mint uses 2.7.617:09
bekksShibe: How do you confirm that?17:09
Shibebekks: confirm what?17:09
ActionParsnipShibe: you could always go for Wily as I said, its released real soon17:09
daftykinsShibe: we do not have any desire to care for what Mint gets up to :)17:09
bekksShibe: That Python 2.7.6 is causing your issues.17:09
ShibeActionParsnip: what new stuff does willy bring?17:09
Shibebekks: because it's confirmed17:09
goddardbekks: i have to enter this every time i want to switch or it gets stuck on "unknown" and sometimes it can't find the screen17:09
bekksShibe: BY whom or what?17:09
goddardsudo update-alternatives --set x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf /usr/lib/nvidia-352-prime/ld.so.conf17:09
goddardsudo update-alternatives --set i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf /usr/lib/nvidia-352-prime/alt_ld.so.conf17:09
Shibebekks: issues on github and other users17:10
k1l_Shibe: for mint issues please talk to the mint support.17:10
bekksShibe: So no bug report until now?17:10
goddardShibe: Mint for me at least with Cinnamon had tons of memory leaks17:10
Shibegoddard: the only issue I had with cinnamon was long startup times17:10
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:10
Shibecinnamon itself would take about 15 seconds to start17:10
ActionParsnipShibe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases   2 days in fact. Could upgrade now :)17:11
goddardShibe: yeah it looks good but not worth it any more especially since most the stuff is in mainline Gnome Shell17:11
goddardShibe: i do like how easy it is to customize though17:11
goddardShibe: only thing that beats it is probably KDE:Plasma17:11
Shibecinnamon is nice and overall fast17:12
ActionParsnipgoddard: so, not fluxbox :)17:12
mikekilo111Can i keep my current windows D drive and install ubuntu after removing windows ?17:12
goddardActionParsnip: if you like that sort of thing17:12
ActionParsnipgoddard: hotkeys in fluxbox kick ass. Way more customisable than KDE dude :)17:12
bekksmikekilo111: Depends on your exact partitioning setup.17:12
scuba323ActionParsnip: try i3wm ;)17:12
goddardActionParsnip: i prefer GUIs for my DE and hotkeys for my applications17:13
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mbach__what's the best way to test my own debian file? like a "Vanilla" Ubuntu without everything development files I've installed?17:13
ActionParsnipscuba323: ive been meaning to but Ive passed the tweaking stages now. I get home from computers and its all done. New installs are done with scripts now17:14
goddardmbach__: look at the Ubuntu Packaging Guide17:14
goddardmbach__: i updated it when 13.04 came out and i am sure others have kept up with it17:14
dbuggerHey guys. I am having trouble accessing to Maven through certain script due to SSL certifications. Is there anything I might be missing? MAybe a package to allow me to do that?17:14
scuba323ActionParsnip: I might be biased after using it for some time but no ubuntu logon gui either. it makes you feel 1337 haha17:15
mikekilo111I have C drive which has windows. Also it has D drive . i want to keep files in D drive and install ubuntu after removing C drive . both are currently ntfs17:15
scuba323but i love it!17:15
goddardmikekilo111: should be easy just install ubuntu along side windows and then move the files over delete the partition and expand .. should be easy to do with Gnome Disks17:16
ActionParsnipmikekilo111: the installer has a "something else" option. You can delete the Windows system partition then make a root file system and a swap as normal. If yyou are concerned then run a final full backup17:16
goddardmikekilo111: just backup with clone zilla before hand17:17
jtdesigns01when I try to install 15.04 split between my ssd and my hdd, it hangs once it gets to the slideshow installation screen.17:17
goddardthen if you mess up you can restore17:17
mikekilo111@ActionParsnip so i click something else . then creat root , swap and home with ext4 ?17:17
ActionParsnipmikekilo111: you dont really need a separate /home but if you like, why not17:17
jtdesigns01can anyone help?17:18
mikekilo111@ActionParsnip so root and swap is enough with swap twice the size of ram ??17:18
jmitchellWug, I ran upgrades and also upgraded the kernel because then it would be more difficult to actually track what was causing my problem <hangs head in shame for not doing things one step at a time with tests...> and it all seems to be working fine, even with libvirt-bin / vm running. I will be keeping an eye on it though!17:18
ActionParsnipmikekilo111: that will also give you the maximum of 4 primary partitions17:18
jmitchellThanks again for your help!17:18
daftykinsjtdesigns01: md5 your downloaded ISO, check your install media... usual steps17:19
jtdesigns01done all those.17:19
daftykinsjtdesigns01: what were you attempting to do, put /home on the HDD?17:19
jtdesigns01that and /var17:19
iffraff3Hi, I know this is not the correct room, but can anyone tell me how to show the nics associated with my email address for nicserv?  It says I'm full17:20
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: did you set to install updates during installation?17:20
daftykinsjtdesigns01: i'd recommend not doing that, just symlink media folders in ~ post-install - so for now, try reinstalling zeroing the first 10MB of each disk with dd, then clean install solely to the SSD.17:20
jtdesigns01i did do updates17:21
jtdesigns01this is what i`m going for:17:21
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: dont set that, it may be trying to pull down updates. Just get the OS installed. May help17:21
jtdesigns01ssd: hacked osx partition, windows 10 partition, ext4 for ubuntu (hacked bootloader on osx partition)17:21
jtdesigns01hdd: win_10_users, old_win10_install, /home, /var, swap17:21
jtdesigns01i`m currently dual booting osx and win10, but i need to get ubuntu running too as a dev os17:22
daftykinsjtdesigns01: heh, so you already have the hackintosh + win10 installs on the SSD i take it?17:22
daftykinsyeah good luck with that :P17:22
jtdesigns0114.04 works17:23
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: go with 14.04 then. It's LTS and supported til April 201917:23
jtdesigns01but i do like a lot (ot at least one) of the updates provided in 1517:23
jtdesigns01but if its too much work, i wont even bother17:24
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: you can upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 in April next year, directly from Trusty17:24
daftykinswell consider 15.04 will be dead by end of Jan17:24
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: 15.10 is out in 2 days too, why not try that...17:24
jtdesigns01will it be stable enough for a dev box?17:25
ActionParsnipjtdesigns01: will be very shortly17:25
iLogichey guys, i have a vanilla ubuntu 14.04 and want to install xfce 4.12 from scratch.. should I use xubuntu or webupd8 repositories? and should I install the package xubuntu or xfce4?17:27
daftykinsiLogic: avoid webupd8, i guess you mean xubuntu-desktop not xubuntu17:27
ActionParsnipiLogic: xfce4 will give a minimal XFCE desktop. You already have gedit etc. Installing the metapackage will duplicate functionality17:27
ActionParsnipiLogic: you dont need additional sources. The packages are in the official Ubuntu repositories.17:28
spm_dragetIf I did not change any sources (thus no repositories for a new major release), is 'apt-get upgrade' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' the same?17:28
iLogicawesome.. thanks guys!17:29
guest-sz8kYXbonjour, j'ai des prolème quant l'ouverture de ma session. une touche necessaire à l'ouverture de celle-ci a sauté et le clavier virtuel ne marche pas. Pouvez-vous m'aider ?17:29
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:29
Pici!dist-upgrade | spm_draget no17:29
ubottuspm_draget no: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.17:29
ActionParsnipspm_draget: http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get   explains the difference17:29
puredynamoHello, I'm having trouble installing and was wondering if anyone could help?17:32
jtdesigns01ok thanks guys, lokks like i`m gonna be waiting 2 days for 15.10 (oh the agony :D)17:32
daftykinspuredynamo: explain away with details please17:32
puredynamoI got a new laptop it is an ASUS X555UB. I've tried installing numerous times but the installation will always crash. I verified the md5 of the ISO and used unetbootin to create a USB drive. Using the utility provided I verified that the USB was correct. The strange thing is I am receiving an error message spam when I'm attempting to install. the m17:34
puredynamoessage is similar to the one described here: https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/9/2/57317:34
puredynamoI also created an askubuntu question here which may have more details, but some of the issues were resolved. http://askubuntu.com/questions/687553/installation-issues-on-asus-x555ub17:35
pammihi bindi17:36
daftykinspuredynamo: which ISO are you using?17:36
bindipammi: ???17:36
daftykinspuredynamo: mmm ok, it's likely that your system is too new to run well with that one. 15.10 is out in a couple of days, or you could try installing the beta of it17:37
suryahi everyone17:37
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puredynamoWhere could I find the beta of 15.10? I just checked on ubuntu.com and didn't see it17:38
Guest33795settings-> appearance is not open17:38
k1l_puredynamo: see topic in #ubuntu+117:39
Guest33795i'm trying to change icons theme, but appearance is not open17:39
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Guest33795can anybody tell sol for my issue17:40
puredynamoThank you, I'll try that and will come back if it doesn't work.17:41
opsmanwindow show 317:41
Guest33795thanks guys, no help here17:42
* Guest9493 is away: I'm busy17:42
swenginHi I've ec2 ubuntu instance I've /dev/xvda1  and /dev/xvdb17:48
swenginI want to merge both without losing data17:48
bekksswengin: So backup both before? :)17:49
daftykinsswengin: is it installed as LVM?17:49
daftykinsyou would've been better off starting another instance configured properly, migrating data, then destroying the first.17:49
NekoMaid420What does it mean when it says I'm not in the sudoers file?17:50
NekoMaid420can I put myself in there without sudo?17:50
swenginthere isn't much to worry about there but I've to start over17:50
k1l_NekoMaid420: is it your system? did you create a new user?17:50
swenginI'm not sure if it's LVM or not17:50
bekksNekoMaid420: You are nor allowed to use sudo, and you need an user having administrative privileges to put you in there.17:51
NekoMaid420bekks:  k1l_ what if I only have one user?17:51
NekoMaid420Someone said I could delete xorg.conf17:51
k1l_NekoMaid420: how come that system is in that state?17:51
NekoMaid420Not sure. I was trying to do some setuid thing and I think I broke it17:51
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: you will need a user with sudo access to ad you to the admin group17:51
k1l_NekoMaid420: the user you made while installing can use sudo. so what did you change there?17:52
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: your first user is added to sudo by default.17:52
bekksNekoMaid420: What dod you do that your only user isnt in the sudoers file anymore?17:52
NekoMaid420How could I have removed myself?17:52
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:52
smeadJust looking at the new dell XPS 15 (9550) anybody familiar with the sputnik project think this one will get added ?17:52
bekksNekoMaid420: Tell us how you did :)17:52
ariaoktaviandasalam saya pemain baru17:52
k1l_NekoMaid420: so please tell us what you did there exactly so we know what to do. is it a regular install?17:52
NekoMaid420I'm not at the system now, I'll have to have a more in depth conversation later17:52
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: you can remove yourself from groups you are a member of, that's totally possible as a user (as far as I know)17:52
NekoMaid420It is a regular install, I think I was trying to mess with group permissions and ending up either deleting the admin group or removing myself from it17:53
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k1l_NekoMaid420: yes, that can happen if you use the wrong commands17:53
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k1l_!id | ariaoktavianda17:54
ubottuariaoktavianda: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:54
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: if you run:  groups      you will see the groups you are in.17:55
NekoMaid420Okay. I'll have to check on my lunchbreak. Wow! You guys are so helpful <317:55
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: if you are not in the admin or sudo group, you can drop to root recovery console and add yourself back in as root17:55
NekoMaid420How would I boot into that? ActionParsnip17:56
OnceMehey to generate fstabs is this script safe https://clbin.com/4b9Ad ?17:56
daftykinsOnceMe: ask the author.17:57
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword   same method as here but instead of setting the password, run:  usermod -a -G admin username17:57
OnceMedaftykins: I dont know who he/she is17:57
OnceMebut this is not something like keylogger/stealer/backdoor?17:57
daftykinsOnceMe: i'm certainly not verifying that for you :)17:58
daftykinswrite the file yourself.17:58
ActionParsnipits not hard17:58
NekoMaid420awesome! thanks ActionParsnip17:58
ActionParsnipNekoMaid420: np :)17:58
creycpointing 'lsof' to an sshfs mounted share seems to take quite a bit of time to run, is there some flag i should use for sshfs mounts?18:01
bekkscreyc: There is no flag that could prevent the immense amount data which needs to be transferred using ssh. :)18:02
creychm, yes i suppose18:05
Attoxhey I have a trouble with samba sharing, I get a permission denied error trying to access files on a ntfs drive, sharingo on other partitions works though18:06
bekkshome_: Wrong channel.18:06
k1l_!warez | home_18:07
ubottuhome_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:07
daftykinsAttox: sharing from NTFS tends to be a huge mistake with samba, permissions hell it will be.18:11
loahow i can set default image of ubuntu first appeareance of it is at logon page and after that on my work space?18:16
loai disabled nautilus of controlling my workspace18:17
dbuggerDoes anyone has an idea why certain framework I am using (Meteor) gives me a message such as "peer not authenticated" when it tries to download Maven metadata through HTTPS?18:26
reisioprobably because it isn't authenticated18:27
CampSoup1988Hello all, I have been unable to update or install new apps on my Ubuntu 14.04.  It seems to possibly be related to Bug #993407.  You could see what I have already attempted either at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298047 or http://askubuntu.com/questions/680564/unable-to-update-or-install-new-apps-bug-99340718:27
ubottubug 993407 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "install-info can fail to install due to syntax errors in /etc/environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99340718:27
dbuggerYeah, but I was wondering if maybe I could be missing some package, as certificates, maybe18:27
dbuggerOr any other possible reason, that anyone could maybe suspect?18:27
CampSoup1988I would greatly appriciate any advice that can help me resolve this issue.18:27
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mbach__is it possible to install a ppa when installing a deb file?18:30
mbach__because my debian file relies on an external ppa not present in a vanilla ubuntu18:30
Heebie1Hi.  Does anyone know if there's a way with dpkg or apt-get to install a package, but skip a particular file in the package because it conflicts with another package? (It's a man page that's conflicting... a flipping man page. Sheesh!)18:31
opsmanPlease allow me my 2cents...18:31
k1l_mbach__: yes. the google chrome or dropbox packages do that18:31
mbach__any pointers on how I can achieve this, k1l_ ?18:31
k1l_mbach__: basically create the *.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder and put the repo url into that18:34
oncemeoldI have an issue installing boot-repair18:34
oncemeoldon ubuntu 14.04 trusty18:34
oncemeoldits says unable to locate18:35
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mbach__k1l_, to be clear, I can do this only in DEBIAN/control file?18:37
forwardzoneHey, I was wondering if anyone here has had to connect to a vpn using the ubuntu server commandline on 14.04lts? The provider gives me several .ovpn and a ca.pem/crl.pem  file but using the standard sudo openvpn --config /path/to/ovpn will fail or seem to freeze the system after entering username and password18:39
k1l_mbach__: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-packaging for the specifics18:40
OerHeksmbach__, maybe this page is any help http://askubuntu.com/questions/194437/how-can-i-create-a-deb-file-that-adds-a-repository-to-sources-list-d18:40
oncemeoldI have an issue installing boot-repair18:40
oncemeoldon ubuntu 14.04 trusty18:40
CampSoup1988Hello all, I have been unable to update or install new apps on my Ubuntu 14.04.  It seems to possibly be related to Bug #993407.  You could see what I have already attempted either at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298047 or http://askubuntu.com/questions/680564/unable-to-update-or-install-new-apps-bug-993407 I would greatly appriciate any advice that can help me resolve this issue.18:40
ubottubug 993407 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "install-info can fail to install due to syntax errors in /etc/environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99340718:40
EriC^^oncemeold: what's the problem?18:40
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mbach__OerHeks, that seems promising!18:41
syntroPinvidia-current is 304 on my system, i tried upgrading to nvidia-346 which generates a flickering screen loop. trying to load "modprobe nvidia_346" yields in "no such device". which is the newest stable nvidia for vivid?18:44
mguyIs there a way to install php 5.2/5.3 on 14.04 server or is it better just go back to 12.0418:45
pbxmguy, i don't know any particular reason to use 12.04 for that18:47
zero_shanehello - I have a question related to install via preseed - at install, I pass "http_proxy=..." - my goal is to *not* have to specify the PROXY in the preseed cfg - but it doesn't quite seem to work - I still have to pass a "d-i mirror/http/proxy ... "18:48
zero_shaneis there some way to specify on the kernel/install time - the proxy to push down in to the installer, so I don't have to specify it in the preseed?  then I can simply do my builds by setting that install flag - and not have to modify my preseeds for different proxies18:48
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mguypbx: reason being I'm moving a wordpress site that was running on 12.04 on 5.218:48
CampSoup1988I am unable to update or install new apps on my Ubuntu 14.04.  It seems like it could be related to bug #993407.  You could see what I have done so far either at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298047 or http://askubuntu.com/questions/680564/unable-to-update-or-install-new-apps-bug-993407  I would greatly appriciate any addvice to help me resolve this issue.18:58
ubottubug 993407 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "install-info can fail to install due to syntax errors in /etc/environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99340718:58
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: what is the output of: sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a; uname -a18:59
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: use a pastebin to host the output please18:59
junixbrhi there18:59
junixbrsomebody knows why the polkitd is consuming a lot of memory ?19:00
ActionParsnipHi junixbr19:00
junixbrmy Ubuntu is 15.0419:00
junixbrhi ActionParsnip19:01
ActionParsnipjunixbr: let me search19:01
=== jan is now known as Guest95361
Laposhello, my hardware platform is x86_64 (this returns the uname-p command) , so i have to download AMD64(x86_64) right? not Intel x8619:01
Bashing-omoncemeold: Have you seen/followed : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair ?19:02
Guest95361i kanapka19:02
oncemeoldnow I repaird and I have grub window19:02
oncemeoldhowever when I pick ubuntu19:02
oncemeoldI get blank screen ;(19:02
PiciLapos: yes, the AMD64 specification is the same as x86_6419:02
CampSoup1988ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12878920/19:02
Laposokey, thanks Pici19:02
Bashing-omoncemeold: K; is this a UEFI system ? How many hard drives are installed in this box ?19:03
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mudlet-makers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/   doesn't support your release and should be removed19:04
oncemeoldBashing-om:its uefi19:05
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: the plex ppa should be removed too, it's still looking for the lucid folder. Lucid is EOL and not supported in any way19:06
Bashing-omoncemeold: K; and have you tried booting in the recovery console ? What resaults .. a black screen is often times a graphics driver issue .19:06
ActionParsnipjunixbr: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue     please19:07
junixbrActionParsnip: look this: 1.6 GiB + 168.5 KiB =   1.6 GiBpolkitd19:07
junixbrActionParsnip: Ubuntu 15.0419:08
ActionParsnipjunixbr: thanks. I'm seeing the issue about but for older releases19:08
junixbrActionParsnip: =/19:09
junixbrso sad19:09
oncemeoldBashing-om:ok I can login with no graphics19:09
oncemeoldbtw how can i switch from black screen to shell19:09
oncemeoldctrl + alt +t19:09
oncemeoldused to work, but not anymore.19:09
ActionParsnipjunixbr: could try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154769319:09
junixbrI've been from Linux Mint, there was the same problem19:09
junixbrthank you ActionParsnip19:10
ActionParsnipjunixbr: if it's the Ubuntu one, the new you will.19:10
Bashing-omoncemeold: IF you can get to the desktop, then yes in unity (ubuntu) key combo ctl+alt+t will yield a terminal interface .19:10
oncemeoldi cant19:10
junixbrActionParsnip: I don't think so19:11
ActionParsnipjunixbr: Wily is out in 2 days. Could upgrade and it may help19:11
oncemeoldthats the issue19:11
junixbrlets wait =)19:11
oncemeoldI get black screen and monitor gets in red modew19:11
oncemeoldwhich means turned off19:11
CampSoup1988ActionParsnip: I remove them by going to software & updates --> other software --> uncheck http://ppa.launchpad.net/mudlet-makers/ppa/ubuntu and http://plex.r.worldssl.net/PlexMediaServer/ubuntu-repo correct?19:11
oncemeoldreally weird19:11
ActionParsniponcemeold: CTRL + ALT + F1 maybe19:11
oncemeoldah that19:11
oncemeoldlet me try19:11
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: sure, or remove the appropriate file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d etc19:12
oncemeoldnot working19:12
Bashing-omoncemeold: What about ctl+alt+F2 ?19:12
oncemeoldafter selecting ubuntu from grub my monitor goes from blue to red19:12
oncemeoldlike its nor recognizing anything :(19:12
CampSoup1988ActionParsnip: Is either method better?19:12
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: the delete removes fluff files but achieves the same end19:13
oncemeoldok now I know whats the issue19:13
junixbrActionParsnip: killing the process, I can release memory =)19:13
oncemeoldfrom some reason it goes auto on my19:13
junixbrActionParsnip: killing /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd --no-debug19:13
daftykinsoncemeold: please do not use the enter key in place of punctuation.19:13
oncemeoldI get an error occured mounting /boot/efi19:14
ActionParsnipCampSoup1988: it's just different. After, run: sudo apt-get update    to refresh the package list19:14
ActionParsnipjunixbr: sweetness. Will it come back though...19:14
CampSoup1988ActionParsnip: I am going to do it through the software & updates as I am not sure how to do the other method19:15
Bashing-omoncemeold: If this is a EFI issue .. I am not experienced .. and my assistance will be limited. Let's see if others here pick up EFI booting issue .19:16
daftykinsCampSoup1988: you need to remove any installed packages from these repos, as well as disable the repos19:16
daftykins!ppapurge | CampSoup198819:16
ubottuCampSoup1988: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:16
oncemeoldBashing-om:I debugged it, now only to solved it :)19:17
oncemeoldsolve it*19:18
oncemeoldthe issue is I need linux-generic and I cannot install it because I need to fix dpkg dependecy problems prevent configuration of linux-signed-image-generic19:18
NathanielHillOkay, I'm having lots of trouble with a suspend/resume bug that is crashing my laptop constantly. Now, after the latest crash I cannot even open gnome-terminal19:18
CampSoup1988daftykins: So I also need to uninstall the program that I am using that is associated with those ppas?19:18
NathanielHillIf I try to run it from xterm it shows no errors, just hangs19:19
bekksCampSoup1988: Yes.19:19
daftykinsCampSoup1988: ideally yes19:19
CampSoup1988bekks: I was hoping that I didn't have to since I am still using the program.19:19
NathanielHillI tried removing gnome-terminal with --purge and reinstalling and still nothing19:19
daftykinsCampSoup1988: if you leave it on, your package state will not be tracked and you'll have major issues down the line19:20
oncemeoldErrors while encountered while processing: linux-signed-image-
oncemeoldlinux-signed-image-generic and linux-signed-generic19:20
oncemeoldany ideas ppl? Im messing with this for 8 hours19:20
daftykinsCampSoup1988: maybe not today... maybe not tomorrow... but soon, and for the rest of your install's life.19:20
Bashing-omoncemeold: From recovery console, ' mount -o remount,rw / '(Note there is no space after the comma.) to get read/write, now you can install as required .19:21
oncemeoldbtw when I try to install linux image geenric I get this cp cannot stat /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-66-generic19:22
oncemeoldis this normal?19:22
Bashing-omoncemeold: Make sure there are no space constraints causing the latest kernels to install .. what results ' df -h ; df -i ' ?19:22
freeroutehi, I have a question about expert install19:23
Ridley5hi all19:23
freerouteright now I'm at the aptitude interface during software selection19:23
oncemeoldok after I did your command it says linux-generic is already the latest version19:23
daftykinsfreeroute: tasksel?19:23
trumplercan Debian doubts be asked here or Ubuntu only ?19:24
oncemeoldbut I get those 3 errors still19:24
Bashing-om!tab | oncemeold Else I can and do miss your responses .19:24
ubottuoncemeold Else I can and do miss your responses .: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:24
freeroutedaftykins: http://i.imgur.com/uxOydZT.png - but x11-common is the only package it can't install :p19:24
Ridley5can i user flash player in firefox ? it is patched since july ?19:24
freeroutedaftykins: so... can I simply get into the shell and do something like sudo apt -f install, after sudo dpkg --configure -a19:24
oncemeoldBashing-om:ok in that mode I run sudo apt-get install linux-generic and I get errors processing further dependecies: linux-signed-image=3.13.0-66-geeneric linux-signed-generic and linux-signed-image-generic19:24
oncemeoldwhat can cause it Bashing-om?19:25
mcphailRidley5: has been patched several times since then19:25
Ridley5ah cool mcphail19:25
daftykinsfreeroute: certainly wouldn't hurt to try, but you didn't really state what's going on - you just said where you were19:25
Ridley5waht can i do to install it19:25
mcphailRidley5: install the flash installer, or (recommended) install "ubuntu-restricted-extras"19:26
daftykinsRidley5: truth is flash is dead for Firefox, it's hellishly out of date in terms of major version - if you're really married to it you should grab chromium and pepperflash19:26
Bashing-omoncemeold: Out of disk space for one . what returns ' df -h ; df -i ' in our pastebin site .19:26
BluesKajor chrome19:26
Ridley5ok thank you mcphail19:26
Ridley5thanks daftykins :)19:26
pfakI have a system with mdraid on the drives, then LVM on top and then root is on the LVM. for some reason when I reboot the system, initramfs isnt activating the LVs. if I type 'vgchange -a y' and then exit initramfs the system boots. thoughts?19:27
oncemeoldalso log from my amd driver is: "fglrx installation requires that the system have kernel headers for 3.7 release /lib/modules/3.13.0-37-generic/bui;d/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h cannot be found" Bashing-om19:27
freeroutedaftykins: I know. I'm sorry. I'll brb and give you a detailed yet clear run-down.19:27
oncemeoldBashing-om:im not out of space19:28
oncemeoldevery partitions have Use% lower than 50%19:28
Bashing-omoncemeold: Then we remove/install as the package manager dictates . What returns - and I do need to see this to assist you further - ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' ?19:30
bekksoncemeold: Just pastebin: df -h; df -i19:31
daftykinsthe volunteers here prefer to see information first-hand, oncemeold :)19:31
daftykinsthe task is difficult enough without19:31
CampSoup1988ActionParsnip: I refreshed my package list and redid the sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a; uname -a  Here is the results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12879158/19:32
SCHAAP137anyone know how to make caffeine work for xscreensaver?19:33
oncemeoldBashing-om: https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t34.0-12/12179359_1126420354052631_1958998773_n.jpg?oh=0dfe36becb67fc5e35327800c0a678d4&oe=56282A8219:33
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bekksoncemeold: That picture is unreadable. Please use pastebin.19:35
oncemeoldis issue in grub.cfg fstab or something else?19:35
bekks!pastebin | oncemeold19:35
ubottuoncemeold: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:35
oncemeoldbekks:how to use astebin from external pc19:35
oncemeoldI cant even c/p it19:36
nalumhello all, I'm having an issue with my wifi. When the wifi is turned on ubuntu is very slugish and it is off ubuntu is fine. It is running on a Macbook Pro, 8GB Ram, Core i7 2.9GHz. Has anyone had issues like this, can anyone help out sorting the issue?19:36
bekksoncemeold: So do it on the computer you are on. Or copy the text using ssh, or an usb device.19:36
oncemeoldits not possible19:36
oncemeoldim on laptop19:36
oncemeoldthis is external PC and I have no option to c/p19:36
bekksoncemeold: I bet you do.19:37
sudhakerhow to install watsup19:38
bekks!info watsup | sudhaker19:39
oncemeoldI dont and pic is not that unreadable bekks19:39
ubottusudhaker: Package watsup does not exist in vivid19:39
Bashing-omoncemeold: With the use of pastebinit, there is no need to copy/paste . Install the tool ' sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; df -h | pastebinit ' . And pass the resulting URL back here .19:40
bekksBashing-om: HE cannot install anything right know, THATS the actual issue to be solved :)19:41
oncemeoldactually yes19:41
sudhakerhow i can open pdf files through terminal19:41
oncemeoldwtf I cannot even install pastebinit19:41
oncemeoldthis is some big error :(19:41
Bashing-ombekks: :) .. then yeah, we have a problem with no communications .19:41
bekksoncemeold: Then use this site. http://www.termbin.com/19:41
oncemeoldIm starting to panic right now19:41
bekksoncemeold: Calm down.19:42
oncemeoldI have super important stuff on my linux19:42
bekksoncemeold: And since your stuff is superimportant, you already have working backups. Dont you?19:42
professorsciencesudhaker: Have you tried "evince filename.pdf"?19:42
professorscienceHey e'body. A recent update to the kernel stopped my WiFi card from being recognised by the PC, and if I go into the grub advanced startup menu and boot with the old kernel, it works. But what do I do now? How can I start diagnosing/fixing this?19:43
oncemeoldthis http://termbin.com/fagf19:43
oncemeoldbekks:partial ones19:43
oncemeoldit was not updated in a month19:43
oncemeoldso I will have a month of lost hard work ;(19:43
bekksoncemeold: Then your stuff cant be that super important.19:43
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oncemeolduhm I cannot get error to be on termbin19:44
bekksoncemeold: However, that paste just contains a part of the messages. Did you do what has been suggested already?19:44
oncemeoldhow to that19:44
oncemeoldYes I did sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit19:44
Nathanie1HillAnyone have any ideas why gnome-terminal wont open after suspend crash?19:45
oncemeoldYes I did sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit | nc termbin.com 999919:45
bekksoncemeold: I mean: reomve all programs from your ppa, remove the ppa?19:45
Nathanie1HillI've purged the config files and reinstalled19:45
oncemeoldno I didnt do that19:45
bekksoncemeold: Why not?19:45
oncemeoldwill I destroy all repos19:45
oncemeoldand how to do that19:45
bekksoncemeold: No. It will remove ONE repo, which is causing your issues, essentially.19:45
oncemeoldok nice, and how to do that?19:46
bekksoncemeold: you have been told ;)19:46
oncemeoldI dont recalll19:46
oncemeoldI tried auto-remove19:46
oncemeoldbut that didnt worked either19:46
bekksautoremove will not help you at all.19:46
oncemeoldI cannot see cmd in logs19:47
oncemeoldcan you please re-post it?19:47
bekksUninstall all programs which you've installed from that repo, and then remove the repo from your sources.19:47
oncemeoldyes, but how? :(19:47
CampSoup1988Is there any other advice after removing those two ppas?19:48
bekksCampSoup1988: Nope.19:48
oncemeoldbekks:can you tell me? Im clueless19:48
oncemeoldI just want to use my ubuntu again19:48
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oncemeoldbekks Bashing-om?19:50
bekksoncemeold: Provide a full pastebin first. youraptgetcommand 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999919:51
Bashing-omoncemeold: Still with no idea what the issue really is . Booting ? kernel ? daft repo ? Inconsistent package manager ??19:52
oncemeoldbekks: termbin.com/1iu819:52
bekksoncemeold: Look at you paste please.19:53
oncemeoldbekks:I did what you told me19:54
oncemeoldand now I get could not get the lock19:54
streulmahello, I got message at boot and shutdown, Ubuntu 15.04, drm i915 the master control interrupt lied (SDE) Intel 550019:54
oncemeoldBashing-om:the issue might be with this: An error occured while mounting /boot/efi19:55
bekksoncemeold: When did that error occured? And why didnt you tell us before? :)19:55
oncemeoldit occured when Im loggin in ubuntu19:56
oncemeoldwhen ubuntu is starting19:56
freeroutedaftykins: ok. So the main thing I'm trying to achieve is to get the KDE (or also called Plasma these days) without the pre-installed apps like LibreOffice and Kdenlive. For this, I'm doing a minimal expert install of 15.04 x64. As suggested by BluesKaj in #kubuntu, I had to install kubuntu-desktop and plasma-desktop during software selection (that screenshot I sent you). Problem is, it requires x11-common19:56
freeroutewhich does not want to install.19:56
streulmamy computer does not lie :(19:56
oncemeoldbekks:I can get through with pressin S "skip" so I get in terminal so I can fix it19:56
oncemeoldbut does that mean my fstab is wrong?19:57
daftykinsfreeroute: pretty sure the metapackage kubuntu-desktop will pull in all the gunk you don't want19:57
bekksoncemeold: It means /boot/efi wasnt mounted properly. You have to investigate why.19:57
daftykinsfreeroute: gonna need to see some output of what's wrong with x11-common19:57
oncemeoldbekks:ok can you help me?19:58
bekksoncemeold: With what? Currently you are working on another issue.19:58
freeroutedaftykins: I can make a .webm vid, but I'm not sure how I can deliver it to you in text (it's in a virtualbox VM)19:58
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walterHi.. i'm using Ubuntu 11 while starting a service getting an error stating as : ~# Using an array as a reference is deprecated at /usr/bin/ptagent/ptagent_patcher.pl line 315.19:59
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walterCan any body help me19:59
daftykinsfreeroute: screenshot -> imgur.com19:59
oncemeoldbekks:well its all related, no?19:59
bekkswalter: Ubuntu 11.x is EOL for years now.19:59
daftykinswalter: are you sure you mean 11?19:59
bekksoncemeold: We dont know19:59
Seveaswalter: there's no Ubuntu 11. Only 11.04 and 11.10. Both are way obsolete.19:59
freeroutedaftykins: output of the error log is much more than a screenshot though.19:59
bekksoncemeold: We havent seen a full paste yet.19:59
oncemeoldok, can you tell me what to do, to get out of this horror19:59
daftykinsfreeroute: what about multiple? :>19:59
oncemeoldbekks:I cant paste it obviously, I followed your commands and failed, twice.19:59
bekksoncemeold: We told you several times. Provide a full pastebin.19:59
bekksoncemeold: You can.20:00
Seveaswalter: it's a warning, not an error. But that application *will* stop working with newer versions of perl, so tell the authors to fix it.20:00
oncemeoldbekks:ok I can, with what command?20:00
bekksoncemeold: And there are numerous ways besides my commands to provide a full pastebin.20:00
oncemeoldbekks:ok I can, with what command?20:00
waltermine is ubuntu 11.10 , but the service is not starting20:01
bekksoncemeold: I told you two, if they dont work for you, pipe the output into a text file, etc.20:01
daftykinswalter: sorry but no assistance can be provided for EOL releases.20:01
bekks!11.10 | walter20:01
ubottuwalter: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 9, 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.20:01
daftykinswalter: you should not be using that20:01
geniiIt's more than 2 years EOL now20:01
bierbrI've noticed that I cannot install ruby 1.8 (using RVM) in trusty http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libruby20:02
bierbrlike I did in Precise20:02
bierbranybody knows how this is solved?20:02
oncemeoldhere bekks termbin.com/1hyw20:03
bekksoncemeold: cp: cannot stat ‘/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-66-generic’: No such file or directory -- that file doesnt exist.20:04
bekksoncemeold: Pastebin "ls -lha /boot/" please.20:04
a830nhi first time here20:04
oncemeoldtermbin.com/bu4z bekks20:05
walterok thanks guys for your valuable info..20:05
bekksoncemeold: As you can see, that file doesnt exist.20:05
bekksoncemeold: So purge that package.20:05
oncemeoldok and how to fix it?20:05
oncemeoldto purge that thing in /boot/20:05
oncemeoldor what?20:05
bekksoncemeold: And provide df -h and df -i in a pastebin.20:05
freeroutedaftykins: https://www.justbeamit.com/gzav7 - see for yourself :)20:07
oncemeoldxv8e is df -h bekks20:07
daftykinsfreeroute: that link says "no longer exists"20:07
freeroute(basically I'm pressing g to install all selected packages, in this case the only one, which is x11-common)20:08
bekksoncemeold: So purge that package throwin the error message.20:08
freeroutedaftykins: sorry, apparently it gave me a link before it was finished uploading :S20:08
oncemeoldok and how to purge it?20:08
bekksapt-get purge packagename20:08
oncemeoldsudo apt-purge pack?20:08
daftykinsfreeroute: probably better to use the default tools instead of the fancy aptitude CLI you have there20:08
oncemeoldah ok20:08
oncemeoldso sudo apt-get purge linux-signed-image-3.13.0-66-generic?20:09
oncemeoldis that correct bekks?20:09
freeroutedaftykins: but the aptitude thing was the default tool when I chose "Manual software selection" here - http://i.imgur.com/p4fkNBL.png20:09
oncemeoldbekks I need confirmation, just not to mess something up..20:09
freeroutedaftykins: https://www.justbeamit.com/a2gkf ?20:10
bekksoncemeold: you system is messed up currently, and I assume you have current backups.20:10
daftykinsfreeroute: yes that was tasksel, as i say though - things like libreoffice you were trying to avoid, will be brought in by the meta package 'kubuntu-desktop' anyway20:10
freeroutedaftykins: so which (meta)package should I be choosing so that I can only have the Plasma desktop?20:10
CampSoup1988I am unable to update or install new apps on my Ubuntu 14.04.  It seems like it could be related to bug #993407.  You could see what I have done so far either at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298047 or http://askubuntu.com/questions/680564/unable-to-update-or-install-new-apps-bug-993407  I would greatly appriciate any addvice to help me resolve this issue.20:11
ubottubug 993407 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "install-info can fail to install due to syntax errors in /etc/environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99340720:11
daftykinsfreeroute: you'd have to ask a KDE user really.20:12
oncemeoldok that is fixed bekks however I cannot still istall linux-geenric kernel 3.720:12
daftykinsfreeroute: are you really constrained on space? because i honestly think this whole approach is a big waste of time20:12
oncemeoldhere is pastebin sec20:12
oncemeoldI need fglrx amd driver for my graphics20:12
oncemeoldbekks termbin.com/u9wt20:13
bekksoncemeold: Whats that now?20:13
oncemeoldbekks: thats a log when I try to install fglrx20:13
freeroutedaftykins: I suppose you're right. I figured I could have more granularity in choosing what kind of DE I could install.20:13
oncemeoldwhich means my linux-generic is wrong20:14
oncemeoldI had this problem before, but cannot remember how I solved it20:14
oncemeoldit has to do something with my kernel headers I think20:14
oncemeoldwell error says that too :D20:14
bekksoncemeold: Why dont you solve your other issues first?20:14
bekksoncemeold: Pastebin a complete output (including commands) of sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;20:15
daftykinsfreeroute: this would be fine via manual package installation though, but the errors referring to /var/cache/debconf/config.dat don't sound too good, perhaps you just need to restart and try again20:15
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oncemeoldbekks:its just sudo ./amd-driver-installer-13.35.1005-x86.x86_64.run20:16
TJ-CampSoup1988: have you put /etc/environment into a pastebin yet?20:17
bekksoncemeold: Forget that. Provide the output of the command I told you.20:17
oncemeoldha ok20:18
freeroutedaftykins: what do you mean with manual package installation? Using apt-get to get the metapackages during the expert netinstall?20:18
daftykinsfreeroute: yeah, standard commands - you might even be able to get somewhere with that now, have you tried rebooting then trying the commands you mentioned you were going to try earlier?20:18
freeroutedaftykins: ah, you mean actually boot into the TTY login shell after installation is finished and I have rebooted, and then doing apt-get install x11-common ?20:19
oncemeoldyyqr is for dist-upgrade bekks20:20
daftykinsfreeroute: yep, worth a try20:20
bekksoncemeold: Whats "yyqr"?20:20
freeroutedaftykins: that might just work, thanks :)20:20
daftykinsoncemeold: making them clickable is always nice20:20
bekksoncemeold: LOOK at you own pastebins and provide FULL pastebins please.20:21
oncemeoldthats a full one20:22
oncemeoldbtw I think I need to lower my kernel headers to 3.5 to work with fglrx driver20:22
oncemeoldis this possible?20:22
oncemeoldIm just saying an idea20:22
bekksoncemeold: Pastebin "cat /etc/issue" too.20:22
daftykinsno that's utter rubbish20:22
oncemeoldbecause http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213884720:22
oncemeoldsecond post says that20:23
bekksoncemeold: Forget your fglrx for a moment.20:23
oncemeoldok bekks dist-upgrade started20:23
bekksoncemeold: Pastebin /etc/issue as asked above.20:23
oncemeoldlets see if this is going to fix my graphics, I see some amd drivers are going to get installed.20:23
oncemeoldUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \120:24
bekksoncemeold: Then why on earth are you using old raring PPA?20:24
bekksThat WILL cause issues.20:24
oncemeoldI dont know20:24
oncemeoldcan you tell me how to make it clean?20:24
daftykinswhat a mess :(20:24
bekksoncemeold: you configured it that way, why?20:24
daftykinsclean install time :)20:25
oncemeoldbekks:I didndt knew..20:25
bekksoncemeold: Take a last backup, reinstall 14.04.3 cleanly.20:25
oncemeoldI need to fix fglrx driver first20:25
bekksoncemeold: No. You need to take a backup NOW.20:25
daftykinsoncemeold: _NO_20:25
oncemeoldI solved this before20:26
oncemeoldbut I forgot how20:26
bekksoncemeold: Then solve it if you can. You know what we are suggesting.20:26
daftykinssince you're after some ancient kernel i suspect your card is an old legacy status one20:26
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alberto_como pudo inst java sdk en ubuntu 5.1?20:28
Pici!es | alberto_20:29
ubottualberto_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:29
daftykinsoncemeold: what is the graphics card model? from 'lspci'20:30
rscarlettHi- newbie question. Sorry if this is the wrong place. My tech guy wants me to buy a wildcard ssl certificate. I'm wondering what is the difference (other than price) between getting it from Networks Solutions, Namecheap or Comodo?  Thanks for you help in advance.20:32
oncemeoldGPU is AMD RADEON R7 250 GIGABYTE 2GB GDDR5, VGA/DVI/HDMI/128BIT/GV-R725O5-2GI20:32
daftykinsnice caps20:33
oncemeoldits not old20:33
bekksoncemeold: So backup now and reinstall.20:33
wileeerscarlett, We can't answer you.20:33
daftykinsoncemeold: alright, still agree on the reinstall though - you've totally ruined that install20:34
wileeein any depth or in relation to ubuntu is al20:34
goddardrscarlett: no difference20:34
oncemeoldthats not an option20:34
oncemeoldits the easy way but I need to solve this20:34
daftykinsoncemeold: yes it is.20:34
oncemeoldbecause I know its solveable20:34
daftykinsoncemeold: but you're not solving it, you're here asking for help and your system is A MESS.20:35
bekksoncemeold: Then solve it.20:35
goddardrscarlett: technically speaking any way... they might have difference insurance rates20:35
yayaouiwhy my pc is lagging ? i use xebunto and this shit make fell i'm using a computer of 200220:35
goddardyayaoui: impossible to say as no one knows your setup just because you posted to IRC20:36
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daftykinsyayaoui: that's also not welcome language here.20:36
yayaouivostro v13020:36
yayaouiok i remeber that for future ;)20:37
rscarlettgoddard: Thank you very much and I'm sorry for the newbie questions. Is insurance something people typically need or use?20:38
daftykinsrscarlett + goddard take this conversation elsewhere if you don't mind, it's not on topic.20:39
qlvwHas anyone tried the ubuntu phones?20:40
oncemeoldnow after all thise upgraded Im unable to even get to a shell prompt20:40
daftykins!touch | qlvw not here20:40
ubottuqlvw not here: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:40
oncemeoldfor safe mode I get into initrframs20:40
popeyqlvw: sure20:40
qlvwpopey thoughts?20:40
bekksoncemeold: your installation is totally broken, as has been said multiple times before.20:40
oncemeoldI have no backup20:40
oncemeoldI need to get into this20:40
oncemeoldbut now I cant even get into shell promp20:41
oncemeoldafter all those fixes20:41
daftykinsoncemeold: then make a backup, you've ruined your machine20:41
bekksoncemeold: We told you _multiple_ times to create backups - you ignored it.20:41
oncemeolddaftykins:how to make a backup?20:41
bekksYour data cant be that important.20:41
daftykinsbuy an external disk = step 120:41
bekksoncemeold: The same way as you took your backups a month ago. Your super important ones, as you called it.20:41
oncemeoldwhen I cant logni to neither shell prompt nor gui20:43
daftykinsyou boot a live session from a flash drive20:43
yayaouiWhat i can chose for my vostro v130 ? i have xebunto but when i use firefox its more slow then waterfox in windows 820:43
daftykinsyayaoui: there's no such thing, xubuntu perhaps you mean.20:43
popeyqlvw: I love it, but I have bias, I work on it.20:44
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yayaouiyeah i mean xubuntu20:44
oncemeolddaftykins:I have a flash20:44
oncemeold30GB big20:44
yayaouii tought it will be more perfoment in my pc but its seem more "Slow"20:44
daftykinsoncemeold: so prepare it with an ubuntu ISO to boot 14.04.3 and backup your system from it20:44
oncemeoldok can you tel lme how to mount the disk20:45
oncemeoldonce I'm in with live session?20:45
daftykinsoncemeold: once you get there, sure.20:46
daftykinsoncemeold: but you need another disk to copy your data to...20:46
daftykinsyayaoui: core i3 1.33GHz, 4GB RAM, that sound about right?20:46
oncemeolddaftykins:yes no problem, I can c/p on USB and then c/p on my laptop20:48
oncemeoldonce I backpu everything, I can burn the latest ubuntu install it config partitions and then re-sync data back20:48
vixinghey, how can I bind it, so whenever I do git push it also runs other command? how can I bind two or more commands to one20:49
daftykinsoncemeold: you must not have that much personal data.20:49
daftykinsoncemeold: no you'd already have ubuntu booted from that flash drive, you wouldn't need another disc with it on.20:49
daftykinsvixing: write a script20:49
vixingand ln it to usr/bin ?20:50
bekksvixing: Put it in /home/user/bin/20:50
daftykinswhat are you unclear on?20:50
oncemeoldno Im planning next: to burn tmp ubuntu for a live session, boot it on my broken machine, transfer data to a flash20:50
oncemeoldthen sync data from flash to laptop, then burn latest ubuntu on a flash reinstall it20:51
oncemeoldand then just sync data back20:51
daftykinsoncemeold: if you want it on a blank DVD fine, it'll be a lot slower though.20:51
oncemeoldno Ill have it onusb20:51
bekksoncemeold: you have 14.04.3 on your flash - you dont need anything else.20:51
vixingI don't know bash scripting tho, I only do little of python bekks20:51
daftykinsoncemeold: no see you keep saying you're going to make boot media twice, this is not necessary.20:51
daftykinsvixing: time to learn --> #bash20:51
oncemeolddaftykins:Im not lazy20:51
vixingyeh I shall20:51
oncemeoldI spend 9 hours trying to fix this20:51
oncemeoldI can do couple of more :)20:51
bekksoncemeold: No one said you are lazy - it is just not necessary to create another live media.20:52
daftykinsoncemeold: nobody said anything about lazy, i'm saying... ^20:52
oncemeoldyeah got it20:52
oncemeoldI'm sorry to bother but this was really frustrating for me20:52
daftykins9hrs and you got this far? ouch.20:52
oncemeoldI had broken mbr gpt uefi efi20:52
oncemeoldeverything was broken.. ;(20:52
daftykinsoncemeold: yes alright, now focus on the task at hand.20:52
oncemeoldbtw Im in live session, now what? ;)20:53
bekksdaftykins: 9 hours is plenty for ruining a system like that. Others need more time :)20:53
daftykinsoncemeold: i don't believe you.20:53
daftykinsbekks: :D20:53
oncemeoldwhy not?20:53
oncemeoldIM in terminal live session20:53
bekksoncemeold: Too fast. :P20:53
daftykinsyou are presently lying to us.20:53
oncemeoldI have i7 fast disks and 8gb of ram20:53
yayaouidafty is an i3 2gbram20:53
bekksoncemeold: And thats stil too fast for booting.20:53
oncemeoldi7 is CPU20:53
daftykinsyes we know what i7s are20:53
oncemeolddude Im IN!20:54
Freddie_MercuryI think people here are aware of what i7's are.20:54
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bekksoncemeold: CPU is irrelevant, RAM is irrelevant.20:54
ruien888interesting reading ;)20:54
oncemeoldnow how to backup my stuff20:54
rscarlettDaftykins: Sorry. Goddard: Thanks for your help.20:54
bekksoncemeold: The same way as you did a month ago.20:54
daftykinsyou are not in an ubuntu desktop live session, until you do that we can't help you20:54
Freddie_Mercuryoncemeold: Erm. Weren't you in ##linux some hours ago with this exact same problem? Someone was walking you through it.20:54
oncemeoldI idnt do it from live system20:54
oncemeoldbut wait huh20:54
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daftykinsFreddie_Mercury: sounds about right, these types of users usually cross-post on IRC :)20:54
daftykinstoo many cooks comes to mind20:55
oncemeoldYOu do not have necessery permission to view this folder20:55
Freddie_Mercurydaftykins: They were handheld in that other channel and infrequently mouthed off to the people there.20:55
yayaouidafty this vostro v130 i have , has an i3+2gbram20:55
bekksoncemeold: Then use sudo.20:55
oncemeoldI need to access that media though20:55
daftykinsyayaoui: mmm that kind of spec should be fine, but what are you trying to do with firefox? youtube?20:55
bekksoncemeold: And?20:55
oncemeoldI want gui look and I tried sudo nautilus20:55
oncemeoldbut that doesnt gives me all available media20:56
bekkssudo nautilus is a safe way to break even more.20:56
yayaouifacebook youtube, and streaming20:56
oncemeoldok so how to open file manager but with full access?20:56
bekksoncemeold: gksu nautilus20:56
yayaouiwhen i try open a new tab its lag hard and use 100% of the cpu20:57
oncemeoldfrom the command line run: ecryptfs-mount-private20:58
oncemeoldmy home dir is encrypted20:58
daftykinsit had to be, really didn't it20:58
oncemeoldso should I run in terminal sudo ecryptfs-mount-private20:58
bekksWe know that since your df -h pastebin :)20:58
oncemeoldor I need to specify mount ?20:58
bekksoncemeold: What does "from the command line run: ecryptfs-mount-private" tell you?20:58
daftykinsyayaoui: are you typing from this right now?20:59
bekksDoes it tell you to use sudo? Does it tell you to use any parameters?20:59
oncemeoldno but then I get ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly20:59
yayaouiyes :) i use the screen of my bigcomptuter cause i break the screen of the Vostro20:59
daftykinsyayaoui: can you open the terminal program (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run this: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" - select all the defaults, local delivery, no configuration etc if asked20:59
bekksoncemeold: Then you need to create a chroot and recover.20:59
bekksoncemeold: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory21:00
daftykinsyayaoui: after that, run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" then paste the link here21:00
TJ-bekks: oncemeold does the encrypted home 'belong' to the booted environment, or another?21:00
gchristensenHi, is there a room specific for Snappy?21:00
bekksTJ-: I guess its part of the installation on his PC, currently he might be using a live media.21:01
TJ-bekks: oncemeold if it belongs to a different environment, do "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /home/.ecryptfs/<USER>/.Private" (replace <USER> with the correct user name)21:01
oncemeoldits in live session21:01
oncemeoldso I had to chroot I guess?21:01
=== youth is now known as Guest28393
TJ-oncemeold: OK, use the command I just showed then21:02
TJ-oncemeold: It'll mount the unencrypted home directory under /tmp/21:02
oncemeoldTJ-:well I think its going to make me on current live session21:03
oncemeoldsince my system is under /mnt21:03
oncemeoldI dont need chroot or something TJ-?21:03
daftykinsyayaoui: ok i was checking the health of your hard disk there, but it appears ok - i can only suggest you test the guest session and see if that misbehaves too, or perhaps consider giving the chromium browser a try.21:04
TJ-oncemeold: No you don't "ecryptfs-recover-private" will work from live environment and mount the home under a temporary directory which will be under /tmp/21:04
oncemeoldok good21:04
oncemeoldits searching atm21:04
oncemeoldIt says it can take a while21:04
yayaouihow we can enable the guest session ?21:04
=== CPUID is now known as Guest67649
daftykinsyayaoui: no idea on xubuntu21:05
TJ-oncemeold: if you know the path to the encrypted home, e.g. if it is under "/mnt/home/" then "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /mnt/home/.ecryptfs/<USER>/.Private" will do it without a search21:05
=== Guest67649 is now known as MOVAH09
yayaouii did this to install chromium apt-get install chromium.bsu21:06
auronandaceyayaoui: i think you want chromium-browser21:06
andybrineEvening Everyone21:06
yayaouibsu is not browser ?21:07
andybrineJust out of interest, has anyone been able to integrate Google Calendar with Ubuntu?21:07
andybrineIt keeps asking for the password21:07
* bipul7 slaps bipul around a bit with a large fishbot21:07
yayaouiyou think is the hardware fault or the os ?21:08
daftykinsyayaoui: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser pepperflashplugin-nonfree21:09
oncemeoldoh sheesh21:09
oncemeoldnow I need passphrase21:09
oncemeoldwhat if I forgot it? :(21:09
daftykinsthen you'd be hosed.21:09
bekksoncemeold: Then you dont have super important data, since you havent booted and logged in into your computer for about a month.21:09
daftykinson the plus side, you'd learnt a very good lesson about backup21:09
TJ-oncemeold: you only need the user account's password. If you've forgotten that, you'll need the original master passphrase you were told to record and store safely when the encrypted home was first used21:12
oncemeoldTJ-:I know password for account's pass21:12
oncemeoldbut I forgot passphrase for encryptioned thing21:12
andybrineDoes anyone know how to add Google Calendar to Evolution?21:13
andybrineI keep getting an error21:13
andybrineshould be really simple as well21:13
oncemeoldTJ-:how to get in with my username under live session?21:14
oncemeoldwithout passphrase21:14
yayaouiwhy my cpu is all time 100% ?21:15
bekksyayaoui: Investiagte it by using "top".21:16
TJ-oncemeold: it should ask for the user's password21:17
TJ-oncemeold: If I recall correctly, it first asks if you have the user password, and if so asks for it, else it asks for the encryption passphrase. I use "ecryptfs-recover-private" daily without issues21:17
oncemeoldI was like shaking21:17
yayaouii think is the fault of xebunto21:18
zprochello, how do i tell if i used an encrypted /home/ directory on my installation?21:18
yayaouibut i'm not sure21:18
daftykinsyayaoui: doubt it, works fine for me on a way older system21:18
bekksyayaoui: It is call "xubuntu", and just use "top".21:18
TJ-oncemeold: if it tells you it mounted the unencrypted FS under /tmp/XXXXX then you might want to bind-mount it to the original user home, as in "sudo mount --bind /tmp/XXXXX /mnt/home/<USER>" (replace <USER> with the username)21:19
oncemeoldno I did next21:19
yayaouitop ? you mean the ctrl+shift+ech of windows ?21:19
daftykinsyayaoui: no, top is a terminal program21:19
bekksyayaoui: I mean "top", a command to be entered in a terminal.21:19
oncemeoldsudo ecryptfs-recover-private /media/4a......../stefan21:19
oncemeoldthen typed in password and I was in, it says its mounted read-only at /tmp/ecryptfs.hM....21:19
oncemeoldhowever I dont see it nautilus21:20
TJ-oncemeold: try "ls -al /tmp/ecryptfs.hM "21:20
andybrineDoes anyone know why its not possible to add a google calendar in ubuntu?21:20
oncemeoldTJ-:yes but its not visible in nautilus21:20
oncemeoldI need it in nautilus so I can faster backup stuff21:20
yayaouixfce4-taskmanag    use all the time more then 22%21:21
TJ-oncemeold: it is probably owned by 'root' and possibly invisible to the Live 'ubuntu' user21:21
wileee!who | yayaoui21:21
ubottuyayaoui: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:21
oncemeoldbut uhm under /tmp I still dont see my files TJ-21:22
andybrineany assistance would be appreciated :P21:22
oncemeoldI did ls -al and I still see .PRIVATE README.txt etc21:22
oncemeoldwhere are my files?21:22
daftykinsyayaoui: we're asking you to use 'top', not what you're using :)21:22
yayaoui!daftykins i used top and its say xfce4-taskmanag    use more then 20%21:23
ubottuyayaoui: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
oncemeoldim going to do this again21:24
wileeeandybrine, release matters here as it is probably a 3rd party issue, I see a ppa on one link.21:24
daftykinsyayaoui: because you have xfce's task manager open? a GUI one?21:24
wileeeandybrine, I see this with 14.04 however, https://askubuntu.com/questions/613589/google-calendar-in-unity21:25
yayaoui!dafytkins yeah. (i'm stupid hahaha)21:25
ubottuyayaoui: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:25
yayaouiwhy ubotty repeat the same msg for me ?21:25
andybrinethanks wileee. Its a real pain. Just got it working and it was a work around21:26
andybrinethere is a bug there that has not been resolved for many past releases of ubuntu21:26
wileeeandybrine, with a quick look it looked that way to me, good job figuring it out.21:26
daftykinsyayaoui: because you keep typing an ! before nicknames, which is not the way to do it :)21:26
vfwoncemeold: Did you try using "find"?21:26
yayaouidaftykins: oky didnt undestund the answer ;(21:27
andybrinei have had to add it as an CalDAV and could not do it with Online Accounts as that just does not work21:27
daftykinsyayaoui: anyway is 'top' showing anything else using resources?21:27
oncemeoldvfw:for what?21:27
andybrineNot sure why online accounts exist as they dont really work21:27
andybrineThank anyway wileee21:28
oncemeoldI got this: Info: SUCCESS! Private data mounted read-only at [/tmp/ecrypfs.q733..]21:28
vfwoncemeold: I'm late to the conversation, but I understand you are looking for lost files?21:28
oncemeoldand as a root I still dont see my data..?21:28
daftykinsoncemeold: use the terminal to confirm you can get into that path, you can worry about trying to use nautilus to do it later.21:28
oncemeolddaftykins:I am saying I cant21:29
yayaouidaftykins: chromium-browser sometime but nothing else21:29
oncemeoldeven though I get Success21:29
daftykinsoncemeold: so you tried: cd /tmp/ec *tab* ?21:29
daftykins(i.e. only type that much then hit tab)21:29
oncemeolddaftykins:no I tried ls -al /tmp/ecryptfs.someID21:30
daftykinsoncemeold: i don't care what you tried, i'm saying do what i told you to do.21:31
oncemeoldok im there21:31
oncemeoldand have two files only Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README21:31
oncemeoldshould I run ecryptfs-mount-private inside that again?21:32
bekksSo read the README ...21:32
daftykinscheck there weren't multiple folders called ecryptfs.blah21:32
daftykins(by repeatedly hitting tab when i said to press it)21:32
oncemeoldthere were21:32
oncemeoldonly one21:32
TJ-oncemeold: It sounds like you used the *wrong* input path to ecryptfs-recover-private21:32
oncemeoldwhy did it said Sucess then?21:33
oncemeoldI just entered my users password21:33
TJ-oncemeold: do "sudo umount /tmp/XXXX" (replace XXXX with the correct name)21:33
oncemeoldnot a passphrase21:33
daftykinsoncemeold: please stop using the enter key as punctuation21:33
TJ-oncemeold: because it mounted the original home successfuly ... but not the *encrypted* file-system21:33
oncemeoldunmount command not found21:33
daftykinsnot unmount21:34
oncemeoldk done21:34
oncemeoldnow to do what?21:34
TJ-oncemeold: if you have the file-system mounted at /mnt/, then there will be a /mnt/home/.ecryptfs/21:34
oncemeoldI used to have it TJ-21:34
oncemeoldbut now its empty21:35
oncemeoldhow to mount it on /mnt as I used to?21:35
TJ-oncemeold: Under that directory is one directory per user, and under the user directory 2 other directories. For me, I'd use "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /mnt/home/.ecryptfs/tj/.Private" (replace 'tj' with your username)21:35
TJ-oncemeold: If you've unmounted the original root file-system from /mnt, you'll need to re-mount it first21:36
oncemeoldTJ-:yeah but /mnt is empty21:36
oncemeoldyes how to re-mount it?21:36
TJ-oncemeold: "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt" (where XY is the correct device/partition)21:36
oncemeoldhow to find out which sda do I need?21:37
oncemeoldmy whole disk is /dev/sda21:37
oncemeoldI guess I need /dev/sdaX where x is number21:37
TJ-oncemeold: Or, if the system uses LVM, it'll be something like "sudo mount /dev/mapper/<VG>-<KV> /mnt" (where VG and LV are the volume-group and logical-volume)21:37
TJ-oncemeold: It sounds like it. Use "sudo blkid" to identify the file-systems21:37
oncemeoldok got, sda 1 2 3 5 6 7 and sdb121:38
TJ-oncemeold: you managed to mount it correctly earlier; how did you do it then?21:39
oncemeolduhm to umount now21:40
oncemeoldit says /mnt is busy21:41
oncemeoldI cannot umout21:41
TJ-oncemeold: probably some other process has a lock on it or something in it. maybe the current working dirctory is 'under' it?21:41
TJ-oncemeold: "cd /" will solve that21:41
oncemeoldso im looking for my /home correct?21:42
=== magick777 is now known as kmd
oncemeoldok /home is sda721:43
oncemeoldnow what TJ-?21:43
oncemeoldbut we have an issue though, I have /home/ as a separate partition21:44
oncemeoldwhat to do now?21:45
oncemeoldok did that and still got the encrypted dir TJ-21:46
TJ-oncemeold: Are you trying to recover just user data, in which case you can work with that, or do you need to also mount the original root file-system?21:46
oncemeoldno just data21:47
daftykinsTJ-: task's just to backup /home, so should be fine21:47
oncemeoldbut now under /tmp/ecryptfs...I see bunch of ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED files...21:47
TJ-oncemeold: based on what you've told me, I'd do "sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt" then "ls -la /mnt/" to ensure there *IS* a "/mnt/.ecryptfs/" directory. If so, I'd then do "sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /mnt/.ecryptfs/<USER>/.Private" and answer the prompts21:48
oncemeoldyes I did all o fthat21:48
oncemeoldexcept I did for /mnt/stefan/.ecryptfs21:49
daftykinslol :)21:49
TJ-oncemeold: if you are seeing the encrypted filenames under /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXX then you did it wrong.21:49
TJ-oncemeold: I've been VERY specific about what command to type. If you do something different I'm not surprise it doesn't work21:49
oncemeoldIll do this again and Ill paste here what I did ok?21:50
TJ-With that, I'm leaving. Good luck... I'll be back after breakfast time to see if you've got it mounted yet21:50
oncemeoldjust a sec21:50
oncemeoldTry to recover this directory: Y21:51
oncemeoldDo you know your LOGIN passphrase: n21:51
oncemeoldEnter your mount passphrase:21:51
oncemeoldSuccess! Private data mounted read-only at /tmp/ecryptfs.QyW21:52
oncemeoldwheer did I go wrong?21:52
bekksoncemeold: I suspect you know the login password, and not the mount password.21:52
zprocis it safe to resize a EXT4 partition with an encrypted HOME on it?21:52
oncemeoldbekks:Yes I know the login apssword21:53
oncemeoldbut it accept it as a mount pw either21:53
bekksThen why do you answer "I know the login password" with "no"?21:53
daftykinszproc: everything is safe when you've got great backups21:53
zprocdaftykins: well... i can backup...21:53
daftykinsthen do :)21:54
zprocthere isn't a lot to backup, but i'd rather not re install if it's not safe21:54
daftykinsoncemeold: try again, you're making silly mistakes and have been given good advice. calm down maybe, go have a break for 5 minutes then come back.21:55
zproci guess i'm gonna resize that Windows partition instead, there is 500gb+ available21:55
oncemeolddaftykins:ok now I selected for Do you know your LOGIN passphrase: Y21:55
daftykinsdon't tell me, just do it right.21:56
oncemeoldand Error: Unwrapping passphrase and inserting into the user session keyring failed [-5]21:56
oncemeoldwhich is weird, I entered the correct password for my user21:56
oncemeoldmaybe it fails because only /home/ is mounted and not the /?21:56
daftykinsyou don't need /21:56
oncemeoldok, so why does this fails?21:58
oncemeoldwith this password I used to login as stefan21:58
daftykinsyou were given a step by step, so go back and try it - reboot and start afresh if need be21:59
daftykinsperhaps you've been lying to us all along and this isn't an ubuntu desktop live session, which would be a cause :)21:59
oncemeoldits ubuntu session live21:59
oncemeoldbut whatever I enter for MOUNT passphrase it says Success!21:59
oncemeoldand for LOGIN passphrase always says failed22:00
oncemeoldwhats happening with this22:00
daftykinsi suspect the user sat in front of it is impatient and making mistakes22:01
ikoniabased on the 6 hours it had been going on in ##linux - I agree22:01
ikoniaand the attitude given to people guiding22:01
oncemeoldyes it all started from ##linux22:01
oncemeoldmy pain started from ##Linux chan where one user basically destroyed my distro22:02
daftykinsperhaps you should take a break like i said, you keep making school boy/girl errors.22:02
oncemeoldbut nevermind, I just want ability to backup my files22:02
daftykinsoncemeold: no let's get one thing straight, YOU are the reason your system is hosed.22:02
bekksoncemeold: The only user who destroyed your installation was you.22:02
oncemeolddaftykins:I am right22:03
bekksoncemeold: No, you are not.22:03
oncemeoldhow am I going to decrypt home dir without / lol22:03
oncemeoldboth / and /home has to be mounted because there is no passwd to lookup for22:03
oncemeoldnow the question is22:03
ikoniait uses a key pair22:04
oncemeoldcan I mount two partitions into one?22:04
tripelbI have Ubuntu with three desktops but the whatchamacallit screen where I sign in Has No Chooser and I only get Kubuntu (which is new to me hence tricky fore). The other 2 are gnome-classic and X. (14.04) - surprisingly the boot up splash-screen is the Debian spiral. And this is a new clean install. -- I want to be able to sign in to the guinofy choice. How do I do that. ((Thanks))22:04
oncemeoldI keep getting Unwrapping passphrase and inserting into the user session keyring failed22:04
ikoniaoncemeold: do you have the keypair ?22:05
ikoniato decrypt ?22:05
oncemeoldI have only password for stefan22:05
oncemeoldas a user, and I read that is enough22:05
ikoniathen it's game over22:05
ikoniayou need the keypair22:05
daftykinsoncemeold: you're getting very close to becoming ignored by the rest of us here.22:05
oncemeoldits not game over22:05
ikoniait is22:05
bekksIT is.22:05
oncemeoldas I have password for stefan which I used to login22:05
daftykinsbye bye data22:05
ikoniaif you don't have the keypair - you can' complete the auth22:05
bekksEntirely. Boss enemy killed you.22:05
ikoniathe password is great, but the password is for the keypair22:06
ikoniaif you don't have both halves of the pair, the pasword is worthless22:06
tripelbHi how do I log into a different gui if I don't see it in the GUI signing place?22:10
tripelbAll the signouts from the EDT22:11
k1l_tripelb: you mean using another desktop?22:11
nooboontooHello. I'm trying to install some packages on my Ubuntu Utopic server release and keep getting the following errors: W: Failed to fetch http://mirror.pnl.gov/ubuntu/dists/utopic-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found22:12
tripelb k1l_ yes I do. - new install and I think I chose a different "thing" ( don't know what it is called but lightdm was one of 3 choices)22:12
nooboontooI've tried http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu* etc and seems like the Utopic packages disappeared. What should I do?22:13
daftykinsnooboontoo: that's because utopic has gone EOL, you should not be using it.22:13
bekksnooboontoo: USe another mirror.22:13
bekksnooboontoo: Oh, and yes, Utopic is EOL :)22:13
k1l_tripelb: what ubuntu exactly? what desktop?22:13
ikoniathe mirror will have been taken down22:13
daftykins!eol | nooboontoo22:13
ubottunooboontoo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:13
tripelbI have Ubuntu with three desktops but the whatchamacallit screen where I sign in Has No Chooser and I only get Kubuntu (which is new to me hence tricky fore). The other 2 are gnome-classic and X. (14.04) - surprisingly the boot up splash-screen is the Debian spiral. And this is a new clean install. -- I want to be able to sign in to the guinofy choice. How do I do that. ((Thanks))22:13
oncemeoldthen im not going to reinstall ubuntu but to fix it22:14
daftykinsoncemeold: yeah good luck with that, you'll get no help here.22:14
ikoniait would be worthless to fix it if you're locked out of /home22:14
tripelbk1l_: oops guinofy >> GUI of my22:14
nooboontooAh okay, thanks a lot!22:15
oncemeoldikonia:Im not locked out lol22:15
oncemeoldI know password for user which has access to /home/22:15
ikoniaoncemeold: it's not the password - it's the key pair22:15
bekksoncemeold: you ARE locked out, since you dont have the keypair you need.22:15
k1l_tripelb: http://i.stack.imgur.com/tlRhA.png  look at this, click on the gearring next to the user name22:15
mbach__"No. You can only control the name of the package and the version."22:16
mbach__can anyone can confirm this isn't possible?22:16
ikoniambach__: ?22:16
tripelbThere is no gear ring. I will take a photo of what I see k1l_  ++. Hi how do I log into a different gui if I don't see it in the GUI sign-in place?22:16
ikoniambach__: what are you asking ?22:16
OerHeksmbach__, i gave you that example to make a deb with a ppa-install22:17
mbach__and if it's not possible, how can add (=embed) the ppa or the binary into my deb file?22:17
k1l_tripelb: or the small ubuntu icon next to the user name22:17
bekksmbach__: create another package which modifies your sources.list22:17
ikoniambach__: embed the ppa ?22:17
ikoniambach__: the ppa is a repo22:17
mbach__my ultimate goal is to add a shared lib not built by me22:17
mbach__but needed by my soft22:18
nieehi folks. Any one to help me please. I search browser editor for google chrome to copy paste images and url links. Any ideas?22:18
k1l_mbach__: did you ask in #ubuntu-packaging ?22:18
ikoniambach__: so either refernece a different package, or include the library in your package22:18
mbach__there is much activity here22:18
tripelbk1l_: oh I found my error. It's not where you say since this is the KDE sign in area. But is in a panel on the upper right where there is a letter K with dots Around it in a circle22:18
mbach__I was the only one talking in #ubuntu-package22:19
bekksmbach__: #ubuntu-package isnt #ubuntu-packaging :)22:19
tripelbk1l_: thank you so much for helping me. I needed something to make me look harder. I appreciate it and I appreciate the channel. That's all for now22:19
k1l_tripelb: have fun22:20
Bashing-omniee: A right click and choose " copy link addess " ??22:20
mbach__OerHeks, I cannot succeed to add a 3rd party ppa before dependencies are analyzed22:22
mbach__even with preinst script22:22
linelevelHi... so I accidentally deleted a bunch of stuff from my server user's home directory... but not ~/.ssh (that's still intact). However, now when I try to SSH into the server, I get "Permission denied (pubkey)." -- How should I go about troubleshooting this to figure out why I can't connect?22:22
ikoniambach__: you don't add a ppa22:22
ikoniambach__: link to the package and make the instaler find the right repo22:22
mbach__this isn't the same thing ikonia?22:23
cyphaselinelevel, shot in the dark; maybe the pubkey in ~/.ssh is a symlink to something that was deleted22:23
Jakeis there a way to make ubuntu server autodetect network interfaces anreconfigure itself?22:23
ikoniambach__: no, very different22:23
ikoniaJake: what do you mean ?22:23
mbach__i see22:23
mbach__(that I don't get it)22:24
Jakeactually nevermind I might have gotten it22:24
mbach__((that's a good start))22:24
Ben64mbach__: maybe explain exactly what you want to do22:24
mbach__well that's pretty simple: my soft is built on top of QtAV (libqtav and / or qtav-sdk)22:24
mbach__it's a bunch of shared libraries22:25
mbach__so I cannot distribute my software on a fresh ubuntu if these shared lib aren't there22:25
linelevelcyphase: No, it's the server that had the home dir deleted, not the client. And ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is still intact.22:26
bekksmbach__: So create a package which adds thte PPA needed.22:26
linelevelcyphase: s/had the home dir deleted/had some contents of the home dir deleted/22:26
ikoniambach__: either a.) include the libraries in your package b.) include additional packages in your repo c.) put a depend on the package externally, and let the user add the repo they want to provide it22:26
ikoniambach__: if you're hosting a repo to distribute your package - put the depending packages in that repo, that way you control the dependency versions/packages22:27
mbach__I see but I'm not very familiar with distributing, linking all of it22:28
mbach__I'm more a C++ / Qt programmer :)22:29
ikoniamaybe thats what you need to research22:29
* mbach__ has still a lot of things to learn22:29
ikoniambach__: no shame in that22:29
mbach__it's so simple to make it work on Windows /troll22:30
nooboontooHow do I dist-upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 ? `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` does nothing. I'm using the server version.22:30
ikonia!upgrade | nooboontoo22:30
ubottunooboontoo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:30
nooboontooOH oops I forgot a step thanks.22:31
Bashing-om!eol | nooboontoo Also see:22:31
ubottunooboontoo Also see:: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:31
nooboontooWell, I don't really understand this: From version 6.06 and up you will need to install the update-manager and update-manager-core packages. Note: You don't want to install the update-manager package on CLI-only servers.  sudo aptitude install update-manager-core update-manager22:31
nooboontooSo since i have a cli-only server, what do I do? still install update-manager-core ?22:32
mbach__ikonia, for a) I could include them, but I will have to maintain it, and I prefer to be always up-to-date with latest release of QtAV22:32
daftykinsnooboontoo: try "sudo do-release-upgrade"22:33
tripelbI'm learning and I'd like an explanation. I don't have a problem. In the past I've installed the standard Ubuntu system, now gives me unity. And the little useful programs that are in the kernel are what they are. Then I've installed an extra desktop GUI on top of that. - this time I installed KDE. Then extra desktops. So I notice -the little programs that are useful that aren't the kernel- are different programs. I don't have good terminolo22:33
daftykinstripelb: that's a desktop environment or DE, not a 'GUI'22:33
daftykinstripelb: your message got cut off at "I don't have good terminolo..."22:33
mbach__I'm not sure I understand b). I don't have a repo (well, it's an empty ppa, maybe I have to explore this way?)22:34
nooboontoodaftykins: That worked after installed the core, thanks!22:34
daftykinsnooboontoo: note that using LTS for servers is always far more sensible22:34
nooboontooIndeed, I can see that now.22:34
tripelbdaftykins: ok that is a good thing. I have been trying environments and have /homebin a different partition this time.22:34
bekksmbach__: Why dont you just create a package which adds your repo needed to the sources.list? :)22:34
mbach__c) it won't be a simple double-click on a deb file then?22:35
ikoniayou should never be clicking on a deb file22:35
daftykinstripelb: so what do you need explained exactly?22:35
bekksThat thing should explode upon clicking :)22:35
tripelbdaftykins: what do you call the - set of little programs like system tools that are all different in KDE from what they are in unity (which was like gnome before that)22:36
mbach__so I just quit the idea of creating a well packaged debian file?22:36
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bekksmbach__: Can you read what I write?22:36
Guest73389So I made the mistake of trying to upgrade to a newer nvidia driver or whatever..now everything is black when I reboot. I had to connect via irssi because I could only access the terminal. :P22:36
mbach__bekks, I have read it! sorry22:37
mbach__I need to process this information right after22:37
NathanielHillheadphones stopped working after waking laptop from suspend. Only plays from built-in speakers now even if I remove and plugin headphones back in. Ubuntu 15.0422:37
bekksmbach__: I asked you three times, and didnt get an answer yet.22:37
mbach__I was answering to ikonia first22:37
tripelbdaftykins: why does my kubuntu (4 not plasma) installation start with a Debian spiral splash screen?22:37
daftykinstripelb: just default apps to my mind.22:37
tripelbGuest73389: I have sympathy. No solutions. I have ann old desktop with similar nvidia blackout.22:39
mgsloanHey, none of these download links work: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/amd64/lib32ncurses5/download22:39
mgsloan(also causing problems for plain apt-get)22:39
bekks!utopic | mgsloan22:40
ubottumgsloan: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic22:40
NathanielHillGood thing is, I think I fixed the suspend crashes by appling a patch to my broadcom wireless driver, but now this audio problem. Any ideas?22:40
mgsloanbekks: Ah, I see, fair 'nough22:40
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daftykinsGuest73389: sudo apt-get purge nvidia* then reboot22:43
oncemeoldI have a question or an idea. If I reinstall ubuntu and save /home dir, will I be able to login after that just fine, without passphrase, like I used to?22:44
ikoniaoncemeold: you are missing the key22:46
daftykinsikonia: was the approach TJ had outlined no good? i've zero experience with encryption22:46
ikoniaI've missed it,22:46
daftykinscan i paste it to you in a PM?22:46
OerHekswith encryption, after install, one would save the keys on usb or mail it to himself22:47
OerHeksAll you need is an usb-device and a time-machine :-)22:52
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:53
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BlackHornDoes anyone know how I could remap my caps lock to a keyboard shortcut? i.e. remapping it to ctrl+alt+/23:29
yvesyatHello guys, sorry to be a noob on ubuntu but i'm trying to backup my girlfriend mac, and i'm using a ubuntu livecd (right start :)). I have understood that to gain root access I have to use the "sudo nautilus" command which is working fine. My only issue is that I want to do backup using my network, and when i use a "sudo nautilus window" I cannot access my network, and I cannot use ftp server23:30
yvesyateither. Any idea on how I could achieve that? Thank you by advance guys23:30
Dauthiwarlordhihi :)23:31
daftykinsyvesyat: what's on your network to backup to? windows file share?23:31
daftykinsyvesyat: is it ubuntu on the mac, or OS X you're backing up?23:31
yvesyatwindows file share or ftp server, both would be great23:31
yvesyatos X23:31
daftykinshmm that's a lot less than ideal, you should really follow a guide on how to create a .sparsebundle image file and make the mac think it's a valid time machine backup target23:32
yvesyatthe thing is i'm a pc guy (sorry sorry sorry) so i'm not good on os x and on ubuntu23:32
daftykinsthen you can mount the windows file share via the finder on the mac and back it up with time machine - i'm sure the apple channel know how to do this23:32
yvesyatjust wanted to backup the images/videos by using ftp or windows share23:32
daftykinswhy are you boot ubuntu to do it, then?23:32
daftykinsis the OS X install broken?23:33
yvesyatbecause it's a livecd23:33
yvesyatyes os x is completely broken23:33
SchrodingersScatbecause livecd's are magic23:33
yvesyatwon't boot23:33
yvesyatexactly livecd's are just great23:33
daftykinsuse recovery boot.23:33
yvesyatdoesn't work either :(23:33
daftykinsyou're going to be in a whole host of hassle trying to mount the HFS+ disk in ubuntu23:33
yvesyati can access the files23:33
yvesyatthe only issue is to copy them23:33
daftykinswell it's not officially supported :) so you're risking it right now23:34
yvesyatif i go to the mac HD >> copy to desktop >> copy to network using a regular window it works23:34
yvesyatbut the desktop is limited to like 6 gb, and i need to backup 200gb23:34
Zer000Guys I can't install a vnc client I keep getting 404 from the sources: http://dpaste.com/17M5WS523:34
SchrodingersScatyvesyat: so you can't mount an ftp in the root nautilus?23:34
daftykinsyvesyat: what was wrong with mounting the windows file share from nautilus again?23:35
daftykinsi.e. smb://IP address/share/23:35
DauthiwarlordI have a solution .. I can help ...23:35
yvesyatyes, when i do root nautilus i cannot access network drives, or ftp drives, i get an error message23:35
Zer000Here's my sources.list http://dpaste.com/1SVW1F223:35
wileeeZer000, you are eol23:35
daftykinshow are you running nautilus? don't say 'sudo...'23:35
yvesyatwhen i just go to a regular window (without the nautilus) i can use ftp and i can browse network23:35
Dauthiwarlordyou can use EaseUs Backup ... i used on a mac 2 months ago .. and work ...23:35
yvesyati went to terminal and did "sudo nautilus"23:36
Dauthiwarlordbackit up all ... just unmount harddrive and use it trough usb ...23:36
k1l_!eolupgrades | Zer00023:36
ubottuZer000: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:36
SchrodingersScat!gksudo | yvesyat23:36
ubottuyvesyat: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:36
yvesyatsorry again for my noobness23:36
yvesyatgksudo says it needs something to work23:36
yvesyatgksudo nautilus is the right command?23:36
k1l_Zer000: 14.10 is dead already. update to 15.04 to get a working package system again23:36
SchrodingersScatalthough since I've not had a file browser lose connectivity via being root, not sure if that helps23:36
wileeeyvesyat, If it says install gksu do that so gksudo will run23:37
yvesyatok just intalled gksudo23:39
yvesyatbut still get an error message when i do gksudo nautilus and then try to access the network or an ftp using the browser graphical window23:39
Zer000wileee, kil_, dang23:39
wileeeZer000, looks like a fresh install?23:40
k1l_Zer000: see the bots message. and keep in mind that ubuntu non-lts releases only have 9 months support.23:40
Zer000wileee, yep23:42
k1l_Zer000: you can upgrade to 15.04. see the bots message23:42
Zer000ah kk23:43
daftykinsyvesyat: sharing the error could be handy, as much as i enjoy guessing23:43
yvesyatwhen trying to get on the network "browse network" i get "The location could not be displayed. Sorry, could not display all the contents of "network:///" operatin not supported"23:44
yvesyatthank you again for you help daftykins23:45
daftykinsyvesyat: hmm i'd probably just mount a path by command line personally, i couldn't guide through a GUI samba mount23:46
yvesyatftp is easier than samba?23:46
yvesyatcoz ftp is great too23:46
daftykinsnot in my book :P23:46
yvesyatso the idea is to type a command to mount the samba drive, and then just copy/paste throught the GUI?23:47
daftykinssudo mount -t cifs \\IP address\sharename /mnt -o username=blah,password=blah,iocharset=utf823:48
daftykinshmm wonder if i got that right23:48
daftykinsi bet you're gonna tell me it's a guest share though23:48
yvesyatbut i guess i can add a password23:48
daftykinsor just skip those parameters and it might work23:49
yvesyatsudo mount -t cifs \\IP address\sharename /mnt -o iocharset=utf823:49
yvesyatthat's the right one ?23:49
daftykinsmight be yeah23:49
yvesyatok let me try, brb23:49
yvesyatthanks again for all the preivous help23:50
daftykinsobviously it's gonna be \\192.168.x.x\stuff23:50
daftykinsyvesyat: for Christmas you'll be buying the girlfriend a little USB hard disk and setting up time machine23:50
daftykinsonce the thing is fixed that is23:51
bpeakSooo, I just pressed some combination of keys (ubuntu+xfce4) and X made a zoom-in. How can I make a zoom-out?23:52
yvesyathaha that's for sure... I've wasted so much time just because if the droppy head at the idea of loosing here pictures ;)23:52
bpeakit's alt+mouse scroll23:53
bpeakwhich program is reponsible for doing this? this behavior is awesome23:53
Bashing-ombpeak: Settings Manager >> Window Manager Tweaks >> Accessibility tab . A good place to start .23:57
yvesyatdaftykins : i get a bad UNC response23:57
yvesyati get that my path is not good?23:58
daftykinsyeah, sounds like it was a bad format23:58
daftykinswhat did you put in?23:58
yvesyat(fanny is the name of the folder shared, and the network name of the samba folder shared)23:58
daftykinshrmm, "dmesg | tail" might explain what went wrong23:59

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