
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
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Iceyjamespage do you  know if I can get juju + aws to automatically attach ebs drives for ceph to use as a block device?13:42
jamespageIcey, probably13:42
jamespageIcey, andrew is the right person to ask13:42
marcoceppiIcey: you'll want to use the experimental storage stuff axw has been working on13:44
lathiatHi Folks.. can anyone help me with what's happening here? Hit this twice today in a setup that was previously working fine.. destroyed and re-created my environment (MAAS), deploying first service juju-gui to the same machine i bootstrapped onto (which is libvirt) .. stuck on "filter.go:137 tomb: dying -> leadership failure: leadership manager stopped" - there are some earlier errors about i/o errors/losing communication - full log; http://lathi.at/fil13:51
lathiatnot entirely sure which of the errors is more related to the actual issue and what that is13:52
marcoceppilathiat: didn't get teh full log link, could you supply it again?13:59
lathiatfull log; http://lathi.at/files/juju-leadership.txt13:59
lathiati am guessing the real issue is the EOF stuff much earlier but i'm a bit lost with it from there14:00
lathiatmaybe related https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/149312314:00
mupBug #1493123: Upgrade in progress reported, but panic happening behind scenes <landscape> <landscape-release-29> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently>14:00
mup<juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493123>14:00
marcoceppilathiat: that's odd, I've not seen that14:01
lathiatthing is i ran into this issue just before, but iw as also getting an error about machine 7 not existing, that i had previously force destroyed, assumed i had corrupted something.. decided to try and start over and hitting the same thing now.14:01
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bdxbeisner, lazyPower: deploying trusty-kilo-ha with next charms eliminated 99% percent of the problems I was experiencing :-)16:34
beisnerhi bdx good to hear - we're feverishly working on the release process this wk.16:35
bdxbeisner, lazyPower: Good to hear! There is one remaining issue I can't seem to get around that still exists out of the issues I was experiencing when deploying kilo-trusty-ha with trunk charms16:36
bdxthat is, I can't query the keystone vip api endpoint....16:36
beisnerbdx  grain of salt:  next charms not recommended for production as they are generally in active dev16:36
beisnerbdx well that would be problematic ;-)16:37
bdxbeisner: totally.16:37
beisnerbdx, enabling keystone ssl by chance?16:37
bdxbeisner: I'm totally down, what reasoning have you, if any?16:38
bdxbesides security16:38
beisnerbdx, just wondering as the client connections get trickier.  if not specifically needed, it's less hassle (and less secure of course) to use the default non-ssl.16:39
beisnerso nvm me16:39
bdxtotally, ok16:39
bdxyou have never experienced this?16:40
beisnerbdx, gotta run.  if you'd like input, i'd start with inspecting your sanitized novarc / openstackrc file or env vars + keystone --debug catalog  + keystone --debug token-get.16:40
beisnerthat info might give insight16:40
beisner+ juju stat --format tabular   :)16:41
beisneralso might do a sanity check that the services are all running, and that the ips are in place in each unit's nic.16:42
bdxbeisner: charmconf.yaml <- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12886818/16:42
bdxjuju status --format tabular <- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12886819/16:42
bdxim not worried about the dashboard relation, as I am currently troubleshooting it as it depends on the keystone api as well16:44
bdxwhich is why I think its giving me grief and status shows "Incomplete relations: identity "16:46
bdxbeisner: oooh just saw ^^16:47
bdxnice, thanks16:47
beisnerbdx yeah, that's the new workload status.  gives a lot better feedback as to what is going on throughout the deployment steps, and through managing the thing longer term.16:55
jogmgz, I made updates to https://code.launchpad.net/~jog/juju-ci-tools/centos_deploy_stack/+merge/27513517:28
mgzjog: landit17:31
jogmgz, thanks17:31
bdxjamespage, marcoceppi, gnuoy, beisner, lazyPower: After toying with failing openha deploys, most of the issues I was experiencing have been resolved. I have found the primary issue(s) that still exist in next charms concerning ha deploys....the issue is that service charms do not get keystone vip in their .conf files, also keystone endpoints get created for non vip service endpoints18:44
bdx^^ resolved in next branches*18:44
bdxAfter manually making the needed modifications to the endpoints in the keystone.endpoints table and correcting each of the charms configs to include the keystone vip endpoint, I have a working ha stack18:46
thedacbdx: none of the service charms get the keystone vip? Or is there a specific charm? Also do you have the bundle you are deploying from so I can see?18:48
bdxI'll file bugs on these issues, It would be nice to see these things fixed in the 15.10 release so as those of us looking for HA stacks have a somewhat stable answere, instead of heading into the 15.10 release with HA borked still18:48
thedacbdx: fantastic. Let me know when those bugs are filed18:48
bdxthedac: juju status --format tabular <- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12887639/18:48
bdxthedac: deployer.yaml <- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12887642/18:49
bdxthedac: thats correct, none of the service charms get the keystone vip18:50
bdxalso keystone.endpoints has all non vip entries18:50
thedacok, I'll take a look today18:51
bdxthedac: awesome! thanks!18:51
bdxthedac, openstack-charmers, core: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/keystone/+bug/150857519:05
mupBug #1508575: Keystone DB gets all non vip endpoints + openstack service conf files get keystone non vip <ha> <keystone> <openstack> <server> <keystone (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1508575>19:05
thedacbdx: thanks19:12
bdxthedac: NP, thanks for looking into this!19:13
jamespagehello bdx19:29
jamespagebdx, we're at bit late for 15.10 release for any more bugs today (as its tomorrow)19:29
jamespagebdx, I am keen to understand the problems you're having - as thedac and other have noted, we've run our own internal QA cloud for 1.5 years in a HA deployment through three openstack series upgrades19:30
jamespagebdx, I added a comment to that bug - really need to see the output of "sudo crm status" on any of the haclustered services19:45
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bdxjamespage: heres the output of "sudo crm status" on a keystone node -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12888152/20:10
jamespagebdx, ok - that looks fine20:11
* jamespage thinks20:11
jamespagebdx, could you do the following and pastebint the output20:12
bdxof course :-)20:12
jamespagebdx, juju run --unit keystone/0 "relation-ids ha"20:13
jamespageand then20:13
bdxjamespage, ha:8120:13
jamespagejuju run --unit keystone/0 "relation-get -r <id from previous command> - keystone-hacluster/0"20:13
jamespagebdx, for that next one you'll need to use ha:81 and the unit name for the paired hacluster unit20:14
bdxclustered: "yes"20:14
jamespagebdx, well again that looks ok - next link...20:15
jamespageclustered = yes is the good bit there20:15
bdxjamespage: let me note, a) this is a repeated issue across 15x deploys of trunk and next, and b) on every deploy, the service clusters form without error for each service20:16
jamespagebdx, yeah - just puzzled as to why thats not propagating out correctly20:17
jamespagebdx, the clustered=true triggers a re-run of relation hooks where things need to be changed, and the code that determines endpoint resolution should detect the same thing and start using the VIP's20:18
bdxjamespage: ok, good, how does this happen "the code that determines endpoint resolution should detect the same thing and start using the VIP" --> the vip isnt the same as private-address:
jamespagebdx, lets see what keystone is propagating20:19
jamespagebdx, there is an endpoint resolver in charmhelpers that figures that out consistently taking into account cluster status and configuration20:20
bdxI have modified all of my endpoints and .conf files to resolve the issue, and also as a proof of concept20:20
jamespagesuffice to say with split networks, its gets quite hairy, but your deployment is not doring that20:20
jamespagebdx, you should categorically not need todo that20:20
bdxjamespage: where is the "endpoint resolver in charmhelpers"? if you don't mind?20:21
jamespagebdx, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel/view/head:/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ip.py#L10620:22
jamespagebdx, can you also do: juju run --unit keystone/1 'relation-ids identity-service'20:23
jamespagebdx, the log data from /var/log/juju/unit-keystone-1.log would also be useful20:23
jamespagebdx, ok and now20:23
jamespage juju run --unit keystone/1 'relation-get -r identity-service:89 - keystone/1'20:24
bdxjamespage: /var/log/juju/unit-keystone-4.log <- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12888244/20:24
jamespagebdx, that's very light20:27
jamespagebdx, ok can I see this (need to know which unit is leader)20:27
bdxjamespage: I don't see how resolve_address could return the vip .....20:27
jamespagebdx, L132 should be in path20:27
jamespagebdx, juju run --service keystone 'is-leader'20:29
bdxjamespage: and also, keep in mind that I have destroyed two keystone units and re-add-units ....in case you are wonder why the log is light, and also the extra ids for past units...also I don't have debug, or verbose logging on....grrr ...my bad20:29
bdxjamespage: if not net_addr: will never execute ....20:29
jamespagebdx, oh the relation data was light, not the log20:29
jamespagebdx, it will - if config is unset, None gets returned20:30
jamespageso not net_addr will equal True in that case20:31
bdxjamespage: what config must be unsetH?20:31
jamespagebdx, os-XXX-network20:32
jamespageit has no default20:32
jamespagewhere XXX in public, internal, admin20:33
bdxthis is totally my bad... I should of read into that weeks ago20:34
bdxjamespage: MAJOR revision to any and all docs concerning HA deploy to include ^^20:36
bdxI should of gotten to the bottom of this earlier on my own, by investigating, but ...thank god20:37
bdxjamespage: thanks for your help getting to the bottom of this20:38
jamespagebdx, have we?20:39
jamespagebdx, got to the bottom of this?20:39
jamespagejust eating dinner as well biab20:39
bdxjamsepage: yes! You must leave the os-xxx-network unset for vip endpoints to get set anywhere!!!!20:39
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bdxjamespage, openstack-charmers: that is the missing piece! you all have been keeping secretssssss!20:40
bdxnot really though....I could of found it:-/20:41
bdxjamespage, beisner: thanks for your help concerning this20:50
beisneractually thedac is just uses aliases:  jamespage and beisner20:51
beisnerjusssst kidding.20:51
bdxthedac: ^^20:51
thedacbdx: fwiw, I just ran a test over lunch that proves this point. Services do get keystone's vip20:51
jamespagebdx, erm that's not quite true20:52
bdxjamespage: which?20:52
jamespagebdx, you can use vips with configurations that also use os-XXX-network20:53
jamespageconfiguration options20:53
jamespagebdx, vip can be a single VIP or a space delimited list, if you are splitting endpoints across networks20:53
bdxjamespage: concerning the resolve_address function, I don't see how that could happen....?20:53
jamespagebdx, L13420:53
jamespagefor vip in vips:20:54
jamespage    check if in network for endpoint type20:54
jamespage    if it is, use this one20:54
bdxoooh I see20:54
jamespagebdx, looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/12887642/20:54
jamespageI can't see that you are setting is os-XXX-network config options for the keystone charm20:55
bdxjamespage: shoot...your right....20:56
bdxjamespage: I must disclose ....initially 1 of the keystone endpoints was set to the vip in the database on my last deploy  .... the keystone admin endpoint of
bdxjamespage: every other endpoint was not set to the vip including the other keystone endpoints20:59
jamespagebdx, the charm would have blindley configured that anyway21:06
jamespagebdx, did you figure out which is the lead keystone unit? I really want to see the juju log file fromthat one21:09
bdxjamespage: here is the keystone log from the leader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12888588/21:15
bdxjamespage, beisner, thedac: I propose I redeploy, and this time I will give the services 30mins to settle and ensure clusters form before I add any relations.... this could rule out any possibility of timing issues with clusters not being fully formed when relations are made.21:39
bdxthedac: Did you use juju-deployer in a once through to deploy all services and relations sequentially in your test?21:40
thedacbdx: yes21:40
thedacand I am testing one of our ha oneshot bundles right now. I'll let you know21:41
bdxthedac: sweeet!21:41
bdxthedac: are you deploying ha services on containers?21:45
bdxto containers*21:47
thedaclet me confirm.21:47
thedacah, no actually, so that may not be a valid test21:48
thedacI'll test with your bundle.21:48
bdxthedac: nice21:50
bdxthedac, jamespage, beisner: So...I haven't set the param 'vip_iface', hence I am assuming the default of 'eth0'. Seeing as I am deploying these services to containers, the primary interface is not 'eth0', but 'juju-br0'. This is a redherring to me, and looks like the ha-relation-joined hook could be affected.22:12
thedac  vip_iface:22:15
thedac    type: string22:15
thedac    default: eth022:15
thedac    description: |22:15
thedac      Default network interface to use for HA vip when it cannot be22:15
thedac      automatically determined.22:15
thedacso you may be on to something there22:15
bdxthedac, jamespage, beisner: WAAALAAA22:19
bdxthedac, jamespage, beisner: >>> import netifaces22:19
bdx>>> netifaces.interfaces()22:19
bdx['lo', 'eth0', 'lxcbr0']YGT22:19
bdxno juju-br0!!!!!22:20
thedacbdx: so you might test with vip_iface set to juju-br022:23
bdxthedac: entirely....what I'm pointing out....is that netifaces.interfaces() does not recognize the juju-br0!22:26
bdxwhich would implicate the call to netifaces.interfaces() in network/ip.py as the culprit22:27
thedachttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next/view/head:/hooks/keystone_hooks.py#L515  get_iface_for_address *OR* vip_iface. I think setting vip_iface and vip_cider will fix this.22:31
bdxthedac: as example if "get_one()" returns "one" and "get_two()" returns "two"22:36
bdxthedac: and you have "one_or_two = (get_one() or get_two())"22:37
bdxthedac: one_or_two == "one"22:37
bdxthedac: so even if the 'vip_iface' is set it would still not return the correct iface22:38
thedacsorry, I am trying desperatly to get something up and running to actually validate this. But if get_iface_for_address does not retrun an address because juju-br0 is not in netifaces.interfaces() then the or would work. If it does return you are right.22:38
bdxthedac: entirely22:41
thedacLooking at lines 145-183 looks like it will return None http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel/view/head:/charmhelpers/contrib/network/ip.py#L15622:43
bdxthedac: totally23:08
bdxthedac: I'm redeploying with 'vip_iface' configured to juju-br023:08
thedacgreat, fyi, you may also need vip_cidr set23:08

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