
phillwhi flexiondotorg how's it going?22:16
flexiondotorgphillw, Marked Ubuntu MATe ready.23:24
phillwflexiondotorg: I was just about to dive in after checking lubuntu's release notes and you'd powered through them all!23:25
phillwI've dived onto xubuntu instead :)23:25
flexiondotorgI'm finishing the Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 image.23:29
flexiondotorgI can make one for Lubuntu if you like, my rates are very reasonable ;-)23:29
phillwi reckon wxl would be interested in that. I just follow it as it is UK based team for development and I know wxl likes and has them.23:31
wxldo tell flexiondotorg23:31
flexiondotorgphillw, You coming to OggCamp?23:31
flexiondotorgwxl, Yo.23:32
phillwflexiondotorg: negative23:32
flexiondotorgI've create a build system to make traditional Ubuntu images for the Raspberry Pi 2.23:32
flexiondotorgIt is getting to the point where it would be trivial for other flavours to make images.23:33
flexiondotorgI've done all the heavy lifting now.23:33
phillwoh, and early.. SABDFL has announced the name of 16.04... Hope you like friendly ground squirrels :D23:33
wxlwow do share flexiondotorg23:33
flexiondotorgphillw, I think Xenial Xerus is progress.23:33
flexiondotorgXenial, good adjective.23:33
flexiondotorgXerus, real animal.23:33
wxlphillw: do you think you might be willing to run a build server for such images?23:33
phillwand from his home land, do not forget23:33
flexiondotorgwxl, Did you know I put out a 15.04 Ubuntu MATE for the Pi2?23:34
wxlno i didn't. that's excellent!23:34
flexiondotorgThe Raspberry Pi Foundation have it listed in the main download page.23:34
flexiondotorgHave done for months now.23:34
phillwwxl: I can certainly look at it, there is a build server for the non-pae kernel that gets used once each LTS :D23:35
flexiondotorgTell you what, I'll make a Lubuntu 15.10 image.23:35
flexiondotorgNot until next week now, too busy and exhausted.23:35
flexiondotorgI'll share it with you and you can test it and let me know if anything needs tweaking.23:35
wxlexcellent, thanks!23:35
flexiondotorgI'll stick an appropriate license in the scripts.23:36
flexiondotorgBut for now, they are a bit brittle.23:36
flexiondotorgSo best I drive them for the time being.23:36
wxlwhen you're ready to pass it on, let me know23:37
flexiondotorgwxl, Sure thing.23:37
flexiondotorgI'll make a Lubuntu image for you to test.23:37
wxli've got a pi2 so i can XD23:37
flexiondotorgIf that is broadly OK, I'll point you at the scripts.23:37
flexiondotorgI've ported Minecraft Pi Edition to Ubuntu and nuscractch and Sonic Pi.23:38
flexiondotorgPlus some GPIO stuff.23:38
tsimonq2hey, wxl, the 1990's is calling, they want that phrase back23:40
tsimonq2OH SNAP SON23:40
wxlahem that was the 80s, DUDE.23:41
tsimonq2gosh darnit23:41
tsimonq2use your fancy sed command on that one23:41
wxli remember at one point, i thought everything was "massive." despite being stuck in the cleveland snow, i'm pretty sure i was destined to be a surfer.23:41
wxltoday's new book sucks, btw. https://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning23:42
flexiondotorgwxl, What is the meta package for lubuntu?23:48
wxlyes sir, flexiondotorg23:48
wxlthere's also lubuntu-core, etc.23:48
flexiondotorgwxl, great. Just like Ubuntu MATE.23:49
flexiondotorgIn fact.23:49
flexiondotorgOur flavours are most similar.23:49
wxli know, it's kind of uncanny23:49
flexiondotorgI do the --no-follow-recommends stuff in the seeds too.23:49
phillwflexiondotorg:  wxl: this is the non-pae build machine.. you okay with the 32 bit non-pae kernel?23:52
flexiondotorgwxl, Xubuntu are up for this too.23:53
wxlflexiondotorg: i wonder if gnome might be, too.23:54
wxlall the little guys :)23:54
flexiondotorgwxl, Not n option :-(23:54
flexiondotorgNo DDX for the Pi 2. So 2D only.23:55
flexiondotorgGNOME3 won't run.23:55
flexiondotorgSame for Unity/23:55
wxland plasma, i'm assuming, too.23:55
flexiondotorgI've got a somewhat accelerated X11 driver, but for 2D only.23:55
flexiondotorgwxl I know know about plasma.23:55
flexiondotorgI'm guess a GPU is required though?23:56
flexiondotorgAnd a load of RAM.23:56
wxlyeah undoubtably.23:56
ianorlinhmm I wonder how well i3 would run on a pi23:57
tsimonq2Plasma is SO laggy23:57
flexiondotorgianorlin, Very well.23:57
flexiondotorgI did have a MATE Desktop running on he 512MB Pi 1.23:57
wxlwow i have a pi 1 too.23:58
wxli didn't think ubuntu core supported that ho?23:58
phillwI'd guess it was on a debian core23:58
wxlyeah debian does23:58
tsimonq2omg I just realised something23:59
tsimonq2you are flexiondotorg23:59
tsimonq2THE flexiondotorg23:59

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