snizzo | I checked the "don't uninstall app after deployment" while developing. | 03:01 |
snizzo | app starts and all is fine but when I close it and tap on the icon it won't launch again, is this the normal behaviour or should it launch? | 03:01 |
snizzo | oh sorted out, sorry :) | 03:08 |
bzoltan_ | mhall119: the 5.5 was just released and Mirv has already startd the packaging work. It will come. Is there a particular feature or fix you are waiting for? | 03:53 |
Mirv | mhall119: - to be precise, 5.5.1 was just released, 5.5.0 was released already in July but we have still bugs open | 04:54 |
Mirv | 5.5.1 seems to be helping with some of them, but there are also some unresolved issues still | 04:54 |
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dholbach | good morning | 06:36 |
zzarr | hello! "Open SSH connection to the device" in Ubuntu SDK starts, logs in and crashes in a hurry | 06:51 |
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dpm | popey, I'm going to try my convergence demo for UbuCon this evening - any hints on which branches or click packages to use to test the latest convergent music and dekko work? | 09:21 |
dpm | brb | 09:22 |
popey | dpm: lp:~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-adaptive-page-layout/ | 09:33 |
dpm | cool, thanks popey - does the branch need any particular channel to run? | 09:38 |
popey | dpm: I have only used that on my desktop, not device | 09:41 |
popey | should work on any modern image | 09:41 |
dpm | yeah, I was just wondering if it had dependencies that are either on a silo or on a particular image | 09:43 |
popey | don't think so | 09:49 |
popey | I dont have any special PPA on my desktop | 09:49 |
popey | but I am on wily, so... | 09:49 |
popey | dpm: DanChapman is cranking out a new build of dekko for you | 09:51 |
dpm | wow, awesome, thanks DanChapman! | 09:52 |
mhall119 | bzoltan_: thanks, I was going to try building the new plex-media-player to try and snappy-package it, but it needs 5.5 | 10:55 |
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Saviq | popey, hey, so re: bug #1508363, do we have people that could be made responsible for the remaining (bug status: New) apps, or do we need to draw straws? | 12:04 |
ubot5 | bug 1508363 in Canonical System Image "Coordinated migration to UITK 1.3" [High,In progress] | 12:04 |
popey | Saviq: is it literally just a case of bumping the import? | 12:05 |
Saviq | zsombi, are there caveats when migrating to 1.3 ↑? | 12:05 |
Saviq | popey, doesn't look like it, not if you use Themes (Theme vs. theme) | 12:07 |
zsombi | Saviq: I don't think there are... it's just the import must be done uniformly, as PageStack will crash when using Pages from different version | 12:07 |
popey | Be nice if there was a link in the bug to docs or steps to do | 12:08 |
zsombi | and yes, Theme->theme | 12:08 |
popey | make it easy for those doing it | 12:08 |
zsombi | popey: import Ubuntu.Components * 1.* -> 1.3 | 12:08 |
Saviq | zsombi, what if they import 0.* ;) | 12:09 |
zsombi | popey: so all sub-modules (i.e. ListItems, Popups, Pickers, Theme) shoudl go for 1.3 | 12:09 |
zsombi | Saviq: :P | 12:09 |
popey | This should probably go in the bug description :) | 12:09 |
Saviq | popey, done | 12:11 |
popey | thank you! | 12:12 |
Saviq | zsombi, I can see "config" became a proper property of the header? | 12:13 |
popey | What's the timeline on this? | 12:13 |
Saviq | popey, 1.5w ;) | 12:13 |
Saviq | popey, we want it for ota8 | 12:13 |
popey | ok. that will be fun. hello QA! | 12:13 |
zsombi | :D | 12:13 |
* ogra_ hopes QA installs all 2000 apps from the store to make sure they didnt regress :P | 12:14 | |
Saviq | ogra_, they'd have regressed already | 12:15 |
ogra_ | ah | 12:15 |
Saviq | ogra_, UITK doesn't change, we just need to migrate u8 and apps to 1.3 | 12:15 |
ogra_ | so it carries the legacy forever ? i.e. when do we drop 14.04 compaibility ? | 12:16 |
Saviq | yup | 12:16 |
Saviq | ;) | 12:16 |
Saviq | when do we indeed | 12:16 |
ogra_ | we need to clean up at some point :) diskspace isnt endless | 12:16 |
Saviq | popey, not sure if that's your area, but we should also likely make an announcement that app devs should get moving to the new framework and 1.3 UITK if they want to look the part | 12:17 |
Saviq | maybe mhall119 ↑? | 12:17 |
popey | If someone types it up I'll happily share it. | 12:17 |
Saviq | zsombi, can you guys please write up a small migration wiki somewhere? | 12:18 |
dpm | or a post on d.u.c could be helpful too | 12:18 |
popey | +100 | 12:18 |
Saviq | indeed | 12:18 |
Saviq | zsombi, description from bug #1508363 can be a starting point | 12:18 |
ubot5 | bug 1508363 in Canonical System Image "Coordinated migration to UITK 1.3" [High,In progress] | 12:18 |
popey | maybe excessive, perhaps +75 | 12:18 |
ogra_ | it would be really helpful to have a page on d.u.c that lists all import versions for a specific framework | 12:18 |
* ogra_ got bitten badly recently by importing Oxide 1.8 | 12:19 | |
didrocks | ogra_: you deserved it! ;) | 12:19 |
ogra_ | took me ages to find the right version for the stable phones out there | 12:19 |
dpm | popey, is bug 1508438 perhaps something that could be discussed at the next calendar meeting? | 12:19 |
ubot5 | bug 1508438 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Do not notify for events marked as not attending" [Undecided,New] | 12:19 |
ogra_ | (the app ran fine on rc-proposed ) | 12:19 |
zsombi | Saviq: we will do a d.u.c post for it | 12:20 |
dpm | nice, thanks zsombi | 12:20 |
Saviq | zsombi, great, thanks, please mention that OTA8 is our target to migrate the shell and all apps we have control over | 12:20 |
zsombi | we already have one which tells what will be there, but it is the time to make an other one to tell how to move there | 12:20 |
zsombi | Saviq: ack | 12:20 |
popey | dpm: sure | 12:21 |
dpm | great, thanks | 12:21 |
mhall119 | Saviq: popey: indeed, a post on developer.u.c would be ideal for announcing UITK 1.3, the API docs are already there and marked as current | 12:53 |
Saviq | mhall119, yup, zsombi's on it | 12:53 |
mhall119 | as for maintaining previous versions of UITK, I believe that the SDK team has committed to not breaking backwards compatibility for apps, so everythign back to 1.0 should be supported still | 12:55 |
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Saviq | mhall119, yeah, today it is, I think ogra_'s just asking when do we go for 2.0 | 13:07 |
snizzo | is there a way to have an app active (receiving qml signals) while the screen is off? | 15:11 |
ogra_ | not an app ... only system services (specificall the notification service) | 15:17 |
snizzo | ogra_: ah ok. I'm using an Audio item and onStopped signal isn't received until the user power on the screen again | 15:19 |
snizzo | is there a possible workaround for this? | 15:19 |
ogra_ | oh, audio is different, it uses the media-hub to play when the screen is off | 15:20 |
snizzo | Yes, Audio works. But I have some qml code like Audio{ onStopped:{ code... } } | 15:21 |
snizzo | and onStopped isn't handled until the screen is on again.. is there a way to make it work? | 15:21 |
ogra_ | i think there is a way to get the focus change | 15:27 |
greyback | snizzo: sorry not at the moment, when the screen is off, your app is suspended shortly after | 15:27 |
ogra_ | which you could tie the audio playback to | 15:27 |
ogra_ | right, there will be some delay | 15:27 |
snizzo | ahn | 15:28 |
snizzo | greyback: is it in your plans to have a workaround for this someday? | 15:29 |
snizzo | all I have to do is play 2 mp3s, one after an other | 15:31 |
greyback | snizzo: there are plans for dealing with these scenarios, I'm not really aware of them though. Ideas of background services apps can use, maybe waking up app briefly if needed. | 15:32 |
seb128 | do we have a recommendation of what color should be used for neutral action buttons? | 15:48 |
seb128 | doesn't say if it's Ubuntu.warmGrey or Ubuntu.lightGrey or something else | 15:48 |
snizzo | greyback: so there's no way of playing two audio files if the screen is off... | 15:56 |
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snizzo | not even support for playlists on media hub? | 16:05 |
Elleo | snizzo: I believe jhodapp was working on playlist support at one point, not sure how close it is to being finished though | 16:07 |
ogra_ | snizzo, i thought that landed recently, jhodapp should know | 16:07 |
pmcgowan | ahayzen, is this fix releasing anytime soon | 16:45 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1469422 in Ubuntu UX "[Doc Viewer] Opening a file from content-hub should open the file or the notfication timeout should be increased" [Medium,Fix committed] | 16:45 |
popey | for the public record... | 16:58 |
popey | pmcgowan: I'll take a look tomorrow - but yes, we can do a bump to the store - I had held off while we were working on the libreoffice stuff, but thats in a separate branch and not ready yet | 16:58 |
snizzo | ogra_: i have a bq e5 with ota7, it should be there? | 18:25 |
snizzo | jhodapp: ping | 18:27 |
jhodapp | snizzo, I'll get back to you in a few mins | 18:46 |
snizzo | thank you :D | 18:51 |
litu | hi | 20:05 |
davmor2 | snizzo: music player should continue to play while the phone is off, you can also have some webapps do the same like dholbach's mixcloud iirc | 20:09 |
ahayzen | snizzo, you can set a track playing and then the screen go off, to support a set of tracks we are working on that at the moment :-) | 20:12 |
snizzo | ahayzen: can I contribute? | 20:30 |
snizzo | that's a terribly killer feature for my app | 20:30 |
snizzo | davmor2: yeah, I need to change Audio source while the screen is off | 20:33 |
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ahayzen | snizzo, Jim is writing it as we speak, and we (me and another developer) are linking the music-app to it | 20:36 |
ahayzen | snizzo, so its best to contact him if your looking to contribute to it directly | 20:39 |
ahayzen | snizzo, Jim being jhodapp ;-) | 20:39 |
jhodapp | snizzo, hey sorry, forgot to reply | 20:39 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, o/ :-) | 20:42 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: o/ :-) | 20:42 |
ahayzen | davmor2, o/ :-) | 20:44 |
ahayzen | lol | 20:45 |
davmor2 | lol indeed sad but lol | 20:45 |
ahayzen | :-) | 20:45 |
snizzo | ? | 20:47 |
davmor2 | snizzo: long story, it start way back and ahayzen was about 10 minutes ago :D | 20:48 |
ahayzen | haha | 20:48 |
snizzo | ah | 20:52 |
snizzo | jhodapp: so for real, how can I fix that quickly (multiple audio file played one after another while the screen is off)? | 21:01 |
jhodapp | snizzo, you are welcome to give the new QML Playlist type a try | 21:02 |
jhodapp | snizzo, it's buggy, but that's what I'm currently working to fix | 21:03 |
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snizzo | jhodapp: where can I find it? | 21:12 |
snizzo | should i flash particular version of os? | 21:12 |
jhodapp | snizzo, it's shipping in all latest images | 21:12 |
jhodapp | snizzo, take a look at what the music-app guys are doing: | 21:13 |
jhodapp | you're interested in newPlayer | 21:13 |
ahayzen | :-) | 21:14 |
ahayzen | app/components/NewPlayer.qml | 21:14 |
jhodapp | snizzo, the more people helping to test background playlists the better | 21:14 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, its only in rc-proposed at the moment right ? | 21:14 |
jhodapp | ahayzen, no it's shipping | 21:14 |
jhodapp | stable | 21:14 |
ahayzen | oh its in OTA7 ? | 21:14 |
jhodapp | definitely | 21:15 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 21:15 |
jhodapp | just not really used :) | 21:15 |
snizzo | yay | 21:15 |
ahayzen | just fix those bugs! | 21:15 |
jhodapp | workin on it! ;p | 21:15 |
ahayzen | hehe :-) | 21:15 |
snizzo | ahayzen: so it's on Ubuntu.Components right? | 21:18 |
ahayzen | err...QtMultimedia ? | 21:18 |
* ahayzen checks | 21:18 | |
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ahayzen | snizzo, | 21:19 |
snizzo | ahhhhhhhhhhh | 21:19 |
ahayzen | snizzo, note things are broken (spot the FIXMEs!) and things are still changing :-) | 21:20 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: you should call it odo well he was a changeling to right | 21:21 |
snizzo | well, that's surely a starting point, definitely better than it's impossible :) | 21:25 |
ahayzen | snizzo, it 'works' | 21:26 |
davmor2 | ahayzen: no the quote is "It just works"™ | 21:27 |
snizzo | ahayzen: if it plays 2 audio files with screen off, it's perfect | 21:27 |
ahayzen | it does that :-) just in its own buggy way, we have a list of issues here which i believe are being converted into bugs | 21:27 |
snizzo | well... better than nothing | 21:35 |
snizzo | however I hope this app lifecycle policy will be changed... it seems more like of a "don't want to do design and solve this problem, so let's remove features" :( | 21:36 |
ahayzen | snizzo, let me know if you hit any issues :-) | 21:37 |
snizzo | ah ok :) | 21:37 |
snizzo | I'll try to use that now :D | 21:55 |
snizzo | is there an event triggered when screen goes off, so some code I can execute just before the process goes inactive? | 22:00 |
balloons | ahayzen, you about? | 22:00 |
ahayzen | balloons, yup, whats up ? | 22:04 |
ahayzen | balloons, i spotted the new jenkins :-) | 22:04 |
balloons | ahayzen, I'm afraid I lied to you. Yes indeed, I used clock first | 22:04 |
balloons | | 22:04 |
balloons | I'm so sorry :-( | 22:04 |
ahayzen | haha | 22:04 |
ahayzen | snizzo, you get 1-2 seconds after the app loses focus IIRC | 22:04 |
ahayzen | balloons, hah no worries :-) we've been busy trying to get weather ready for release anyway | 22:05 |
ahayzen | balloons, but both the new jenkins and the pilot testing results pages look awesome :-) | 22:05 |
balloons | glad you enjoy :-) | 22:07 |
snizzo | ahayzen: but there's a variable, an event triggered when it goes inactive? | 22:15 |
ahayzen | snizzo, i think in the mainview there is a event | 22:15 |
snizzo | ok | 22:15 |
snizzo | nothing's mentioned in the api | 22:18 |
ahayzen | no :-/ try listening to the active property | 22:18 |
snizzo | ahh ok | 22:19 |
snizzo | sorry | 22:19 |
ahayzen | the telegram definitely knows when its focussed somehow | 22:19 |
snizzo | ahayzen: last question (sorry for bothering), telegram app has special lifecycle settings? | 22:32 |
ahayzen | snizzo, i don't believe it does, just if you watch it when it loses focus it switches to saying "connecting" | 22:33 |
snizzo | oh i see, but how can it shows notification? I mean, there's some code running even when the screen is off | 22:34 |
ahayzen | thats through the ubuntu-push service | 22:35 |
ahayzen | snizzo, | 22:36 |
snizzo | ok sorry, thank you :) | 22:37 |
ahayzen | no problem :-) | 22:37 |
balloons | ahayzen, does this need to land? | 22:55 |
ahayzen | balloons, what? | 22:55 |
balloons | if so, I'll use it to test the autolanding triggers | 22:55 |
balloons | | 22:55 |
ahayzen | oh | 22:55 |
ahayzen | balloons, well we have passed the new app to QA, so i don't think we need to update the old app now? popey ^^ ? | 22:56 |
balloons | ahayzen, well, is it going to hurt anything if it merges? | 22:56 |
ahayzen | balloons, probably not :-) | 22:56 |
balloons | ok, brillant, that's what I'm after | 22:56 |
balloons | I'll use it to test | 22:56 |
ahayzen | thanks :-) | 22:56 |
balloons | ahayzen, it worked :-) mwahaha | 23:29 |
ahayzen | balloons, i just saw, awesome man :-) | 23:29 |
ahayzen | are you gonna do the same for music ? ;-) | 23:29 |
balloons | so, tomorrow, I'll clone everything to all the apps. And yep, we'll be in business | 23:30 |
ahayzen | sweet, balloons does this have vivid/wily autopilot tests running again now ? | 23:30 |
balloons | yes. On a real krillin device | 23:30 |
ahayzen | OMG :-D | 23:31 |
ahayzen | balloons, is the plan to expand that to other devices as well or not | 23:31 |
ahayzen | ? | 23:31 |
balloons | ahayzen, yes, we'll try and add some more devices | 23:32 |
ahayzen | :-) | 23:32 |
balloons | but it will pull one likely at random in the future | 23:32 |
ahayzen | ooo nice | 23:33 |
balloons | perhaps not. We want things to work on all devices | 23:33 |
ahayzen | haha :-) | 23:33 |
balloons | ahayzen, it's not all sunshine and lollipops though. I'm guessing the tests fail on the device | 23:34 |
ahayzen | balloons, for which? oh weather? .. it'll need the API keys | 23:34 |
ahayzen | even OWM (OpenWeatherMap) needs an API key now :'( | 23:35 |
balloons | yea, we'll have to do the API key thing for weather | 23:35 |
balloons | but also for music. I should kick off a run and see | 23:35 |
ahayzen | balloons, pass any links to any failures and i'll take a look :-) | 23:35 |
balloons | ahayzen, ack, it's running here: | 23:36 |
ahayzen | thanks | 23:37 |
balloons | I just reflashed the thing, heh, hopefully I didn't messa anything up | 23:38 |
ahayzen | haha | 23:38 |
* balloons tries one more time.. the apt indexes didn't update | 23:40 | |
balloons | yea, looks like I can't hit the ppa. I'll debug tomorrow | 23:43 |
ahayzen | thanks anyway balloons it'll be good to have jenkins back at full strength :-) | 23:58 |
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