
=== EphraimMB is now known as cutie
=== cutie is now known as cute
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
pittiGood morning05:03
hikikogood morning pitti05:09
pittihey hikiko05:10
* TheMuso -> EOD, later folks.05:33
didrocksgood morning05:54
pittibonjour didrocks06:01
didrocksça va pitti ?06:05
pittididrocks: ça va bien, merci ! j'ai dormi à 6h30, c'est bon !06:06
pitti"bien" (no?)06:07
pittiet toi ?06:07
didrocks"bient", oui :)06:08
sarnoldmuch better than yesterday :)06:08
didrocksmoi, ça va ;)06:08
happyaronLaney: previously we only have Chinese simplified IME preseeded in the iso, other languages are supported via m17n stuff, ibus-m17n (or we can do the same with fcitx-m17n), but people generally think the m17n IMEs does not work.06:34
happyaronah seb is not around06:35
seb128good morning desktopers06:46
pittibonjour seb12806:47
seb128salut pitti, wie gehts?06:48
pittiseb128: prima, danke! und Dir?06:48
seb128pitti, auch gut, danke ;-)06:49
pittibrb, trying to debug bug 150807506:50
ubot5bug 1508075 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "crash during network setup in ubiquity wily" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150807506:51
didrockshey larsu !07:08
larsuhi didrocks, how goes?07:08
didrockslarsu: fine! doing some image testing, already spotted 2 bugs :p07:09
didrocksone being… decoration icons being on the right, ZOMG!07:10
larsuuh oh07:10
larsuhow can that happen?07:10
didrockslarsu: ubiquity only mode07:11
didrockswhere it handles window decoration07:12
didrocksthe other one is really weird07:12
didrocksfresh install, first login07:12
didrocksopen apps -> menus are exported07:12
didrocksincluded gtk3 apps07:12
didrocksbut for the terminal!07:12
didrocksstarting it with ctrl + alt + t or the dash07:12
larsudidrocks: it has a "show menubar" key which might be off by default07:13
larsumoin Sweet5hark07:13
didrockslarsu: under "general"?07:13
didrocks(sorry, I was testing the system in French, obviously :p07:13
larsudidrocks: right click menu I think07:13
larsulast menu item07:14
didrockslarsu: it's on here07:14
* larsu thinks didrocks understands french though07:14
larsuthan that's a different bug :)07:14
didrockslarsu: and so, I can see the menu bar07:14
didrocksand it's not exported07:14
larsuunity gtk module loaded?07:14
didrocksin its env07:15
didrocksI have the "Terminal" entry exported07:15
larsuI do as well, until I click "Show Menubar" in the context menu07:16
larsubut you say this is already on?!07:16
larsutoggle it!07:16
didrocksdid turn it off07:16
didrocksthen, I only have the "Terminal" entry07:16
didrocks(and it's exported ofc)07:16
didrocksbut on my main laptop, the option is on07:16
didrocksand I have Terminal + other menus all exported07:17
didrocksas I would expect07:17
larsuso you have nothing until you turn that setting off, then you only have "Terminal"07:18
Sweet5harkseb128, willcooke: so, we found bug 1508177 yesterday from testing the ISO. Opinions? 0-day SRU worthy or wait for upstream 5.0.3 (expected to be tagged upstream this week, released next week)?07:18
ubot5bug 1508177 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Starting LibreOffice with an empty profile from the ISO creates a profile selecting galaxy, not human as theme" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150817707:18
larsudidrocks: what happens when you turn it back on?07:19
didrockslarsu: let me wrap that up on a bug report07:19
larsuyeah thanks07:19
larsuI'll be back in 1507:19
seb128hey larsu07:21
desrtgood morning desktop07:22
seb128hey desrt07:22
willcookeSweet5hark, so it's being fixed in our packages not upstream?  If so, can the fix go in today?07:23
willcookemorning all07:23
seb128Sweet5hark, how different do they look?07:23
Sweet5harkwillcooke: morning.07:23
* willcooke -> school. brb07:24
didrockslarsu: bug #150833807:25
ubot5bug 1508338 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "terminal doesn't export its own menu on a new install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150833807:25
didrockshey desrt, willcooke, Sweet5hark07:25
desrtforced air > radiators07:26
desrtseb128, willcooke, didrocks, Sweet5hark, Trevinho, larsu, others: hihi =)07:26
didrockshey Trevinho07:27
* desrt enjoys the n*m thing07:27
Sweet5harkwillcooke: I have a fix pushed to my PPA, Its still building. No need to wait for upstream for that -- just that LibreOffice needs to build for ~one  day anyway and the new upstream version is around the corner.07:28
seb128didrocks, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity.png07:30
seb128didrocks, lol, ignore that07:30
didrocksseb128: see :p07:30
didrocksseb128: I think I found something07:30
seb128I had the decoration on the left at first, they moved on the right while I was opening the screenshoter07:30
didrocksseb128: :p07:30
seb128was it like that in vivid?07:30
didrocksI don't think it was07:31
seb128anyone having a vivid iso around to try?07:31
didrocksseb128: confirmed btw07:31
didrocksit's when you open another window that they are shifted07:31
* didrocks updates the bug07:31
Sweet5harkseb128: they look different -- galaxy looks more dated than human, then again human isnt looking like a master piece of modern design anymore these days either, so I dont know how noticable it really is in the end.07:31
seb128Sweet5hark, screenshots? ;-)07:32
didrocksiso tracker is buggy :/07:32
* Sweet5hark creates screenies07:33
didrocksseb128: description updated, feel free to rephrase07:34
seb128didrocks, unity-settings-daemon is "<defunct>" in the ps list07:34
didrocks"nice" :/07:34
didrocksseb128: confirmed07:35
seb128journalctl has a u-s-d segfault in libpower.so07:36
seb128indeed /var/crash has it07:36
* seb128 gets bt07:36
didrocksok, retargetting the bug meanwhile07:36
Sweet5harkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/galaxy.png vs. http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/human.png07:37
seb128Sweet5hark, urg!07:38
seb128yeah, SRU-0 seems like worth it07:38
seb128willcooke, ^ opinion?07:38
seb128I would almost argue it's worth a respin :p07:39
seb128Sweet5hark, note for next cycle, test libreoffice on the iso at beta time07:39
didrocksseb128: I would argue that, basically, if you select a network from the indicator, you have this07:39
didrocksor are you on the libreoffice thingy?07:39
seb128didrocks, my comment to Sweet5hark was about libreoffice, sorry07:39
didrocksok ;)07:39
didrocksthat was the next bug I was about to open :p07:39
didrocksgrrrr at that laptop07:40
seb128we should have done some iso testing in London :-/07:40
didrockstouch screen keeping giving bad inputs…07:40
didrocksso hard to test…07:40
didrocksok, timezone is whenever is it…07:40
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah :/07:41
seb128didrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12884084/07:41
didrockshard to say if it's in glib or power plugin without debug symbols07:41
Sweet5harkseb128: on the upside, I didnt work to get the fix in until 2am yesterday in vain then ...07:41
didrocksbut yeah, it's a signal it doesn't like it seems07:42
seb128didrocks, it seems similar to bug #1436861 that davmor2 reported previous cycle07:43
ubot5bug 1436861 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "unity-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in engine_update_composite_device()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143686107:43
seb128so maybe it was already in vivid07:43
seb128Sweet5hark, yeah, good work!07:44
* didrocks fights with his screen07:45
* desrt finds the best phone on earth07:45
* desrt discovers that it is not available in canada, nor on the frequencies used by her carrier07:45
didrocksseb128: so, yeah, confirmed that it always crash after a while07:45
seb128desrt, what phone is it?07:46
seb128        array = 0x007:46
desrtmoto g 3rd gen dual sim 16gb (xt1550)07:46
seb128        for (i=0;i<array->len;i++) {07:46
desrtie: no more swapping sim cards when i need a data plan in europe07:46
didrocksseb128: ah, I can see how this can go wrong :p07:46
seb128of course that doesn't work out well :p07:46
Sweet5harkseb128: I dont think we would have found this on the beta: FWIW I did see screenshots of LibreOffice on the beta IIRC. But because of tdf#93145, the human theme was _incomplete_ on beta. That was a known issue.07:47
seb128Sweet5hark, oh, ok :-/07:48
Sweet5harkseb128: The fix for that was also shipping galaxy, thus adding the missing icons and everything look good -- _except_ on a LibreOffice you only started the first time ever on a virgin image _after_ that fix was in.07:49
Sweet5harkseb128: so: only really discoverable with testing the final ISO from scratch from what I see. :/07:50
seb128didrocks, if I run u-s-d from vt1 it works, no segfault and decorations back on left :-/07:51
seb128with DISPLAY=:007:51
didrockswill be nice for debugging…07:51
seb128yeah, and I had a look at that segfault before07:52
seb128it's not as easy as putting a null check07:52
seb128the devices array is supposed to never be null07:52
willcookeseb128, Sweet5hark - If a re-spin is going to happen anyway, let's get it in there.  Otherwise SRU0 will be fine.  Thanks davmor2 for spotting it07:52
larsumorning seb128 desrt willcooke07:53
larsuthanks didrocks07:53
seb128hey larsu07:53
Sweet5harkwillcooke: k.07:54
larsudesrt: which one is the best one?07:54
desrtmoto g 3rd gen dual sim 16gb (xt1550)07:54
larsubiggest battery life for ingress?07:54
desrtie: no more swapping sim cards when i need a data plan in europe07:54
Sweet5harkwillcooke: keep in mind that the fix is touching the LibreOffice source package, thus 24 hours build time for armhf ...07:54
larsusounds appealing07:55
desrtnah.. it's just a cheap phone with a solid build, 2GB of ram, sdcard slot, quadcore, good camera, etc.07:55
desrtbut the dualsim version is only made for use in india, it seems :(07:55
Sweet5harkand indeed: kudos to davmor2 for bringing this on the radar ...07:55
willcookeSweet5hark, ahhh, arm builds.  Yeah, fair point.  SRU it is08:00
Sweet5harkdesrt: you need to run ingress in the cloud and have the phone only as a client. Everything is going back to 1960ies style big iron mainframes, so why shouldnt you?08:01
Sweet5harkwillcooke: kk, will make a SRU version then and ping seb128 once the ppa build is finished and the fix verified.08:03
willcookethx Sweet5hark08:03
larsuhi Laney08:05
pittihey Laney, good morning08:05
larsuoh hi pitti :)08:06
Laneyhey larsu & pitti08:06
Laneyhow goes?08:06
pittihey larsu!08:06
pittiLaney: quite fine, thanks; usual release test install/look at bugs mode08:07
pittiLaney: how is the sprint?08:07
larsuLaney: good good. Much better than last week ;) how are you?08:07
davmor2Sweet5hark: nice you got to the bottom of it then \o/08:08
seb128hey Laney08:14
Laneypitti: good thanks! heard last night that Ubuntu GNOME doesn't boot though :)08:17
Laneyand there's some polkit thingy which cyphermox is looking at08:17
Laneylarsu: great!08:17
Laneythere's rain today!08:17
seb128Laney, what's the Ubuntu GNOME issue?08:17
Laneydunno yet08:17
larsufinally London looks like London?!08:17
seb128is that gdm not coming up?08:17
pittiLaney: I followed up to bug 1508075, I can't reproduce it08:18
ubot5bug 1508075 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "crash during network setup in ubiquity wily" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150807508:18
Laneycyphermox made it happen08:18
Laneymaybe he can post steps to the bug08:18
seb128didrocks, k, I commented some more on the bug08:18
seb128it looks similar to what mterry debugged back then https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=673007#c1708:19
ubot5Gnome bug 673007 in general "[power]: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in engine_update_composite_device()" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:19
seb128but added back since the change for new upower, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/191328719/unity-settings-daemon_15.04.0%2B15.10.20141030-0ubuntu1_15.04.1%2B15.04.20141127-0ubuntu1.diff.gz08:19
didrocksseb128: yeah, I saw that08:19
seb128I can't see what is wrong though, the g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data() is still there08:19
seb128needs debugging from somebody who understands signals&co better than me08:19
* seb128 looks at larsu ;-)08:20
* larsu looks somewhere else08:20
Laneyapparently it is randomly fixed08:20
larsuhm? no need to look at it or are you talking about a different thing?08:21
Laneyoh no, the gnome bug08:21
seb128larsu, speaking about bug #150832708:22
ubot5bug 1508327 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "ubiquity only mode: close/minimize/restore are on the right edge" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150832708:22
seb128larsu, would welcome help08:22
seb128larsu, the source is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-settings-daemon-team/unity-settings-daemon/trunk/view/head:/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c08:23
seb128backtrace https://launchpadlibrarian.net/201298582/Stacktrace.txt08:23
seb128it's similar to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=673007#c17 which mterry fixed and seemed to have come back in 15.04 with the new upower08:24
ubot5Gnome bug 673007 in general "[power]: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in engine_update_composite_device()" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:24
seb128http://launchpadlibrarian.net/191328719/unity-settings-daemon_15.04.0%2B15.10.20141030-0ubuntu1_15.04.1%2B15.04.20141127-0ubuntu1.diff.gz was that new upower changeset08:24
larsuseb128: missing NULL check/08:24
seb128larsu, ^ summary of the situation08:24
larsuarray = NULL08:24
seb128larsu, well, it's not that simple, the devices array should never be null08:25
larsuI bet this function is called after cleanup or something08:25
larsuwhich is why the disconnect() thing was needed back then08:25
seb128back then it was happening because signals were not disconnected when the object was freed08:25
seb128I just don't see what changed that make the disconnect() not be enoguh08:26
seb128or what can trigger the callback after the cleanup08:26
larsuseb128: the disconnect is from the client...08:28
larsuthe connect() to a device08:28
larsuya this is wrong08:31
larsuand again a stupid plugin takes down all of u-s-d08:31
seb128yeah :-/08:31
larsuI'll try to reprocude this locally08:33
larsubut I think I know the patch already08:33
didrocksI think I have another transparency missing for larsu: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/contextmenu.png (I wonder how we missed it)08:33
larsudidrocks: → Trevinho08:33
didrocksTrevinho: ^08:34
* larsu hopes this works08:34
didrocksI guess there is a bug opened for that? :)08:34
didrockslarsu: it's only gtk ones, but I guess that's due to the API change, right?08:34
Laney♥ iso testers08:34
seb128larsu, right,         g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (manager->priv->up_client, manager) ... the up_client is wrong there, right?08:34
larsudidrocks: api change? this is just a theme issue, no?08:34
larsuseb128: no we need that one as well, because we connect to some of up_client's signals, too08:35
didrockslarsu: yeah, well, behavior change as the previous version did have transparency08:35
larsuwe need an additional one when removing devices08:35
seb128didrocks, what's the issue on that screenshot?08:35
didrocksso something broke backward compatibility (as for what happened in the greeter)08:35
didrocksseb128: look at the corners, they are black08:35
didrocksnot transparent08:35
larsudidrocks: ah right ... lots of css stuff changes all the time :/08:36
larsunot considered api sadly08:36
seb128what corners?08:36
didrocksshould, but you know my opinion on that08:36
seb128the tooltip you mean?08:36
larsudidrocks: could be a compiz issue as well08:36
didrocksseb128: yep08:36
larsuin which case Trevinho is the *even* better match08:36
seb128didrocks, that was rounded before?08:36
didrocksseb128: it's rounded on the corners08:37
Trevinholarsu: well, it's all related08:37
didrocksbut then, you have black space between the rounded corners and the screen08:37
Trevinhoso... I've the fix for unity, I need the change in GTK in order to be able to get this working08:37
didrockslook at the gradient dude :p08:37
didrocksTrevinho: do you have a bug for tracking this?08:37
Trevinhonot sure, larsu?08:37
larsuTrevinho: ya, somewhere on unity08:38
larsuTrevinho: are you sure this is the same issue? This has always worked for tooltip-windows, no?08:38
seb128didrocks, my view is not good enough to see that, to me it just looks like the tooltip is rectangular ;-)08:38
didrocksseb128: you have an internal rounded corner08:39
didrockswith gradients08:39
seb128I believe you, I just can't see it08:39
seb128as said my view is not good enough for those details08:39
larsuzoom in!08:39
seb128doing so!08:39
didrocksyeah, zooming may help :)08:39
larsuthey should be rounded corners08:40
seb128now I see it ;-)08:40
Trevinholarsu: it used to work, but maybe they've moved the shadow away from the server too08:40
didrocksok, opening a bug anyway, Trevinho, don't lose that one (affecting unity and gtk thus)08:40
seb128does that has something to do with unity?08:41
TrevinhoI mean even for overrideRedirect windows08:41
TrevinhoI bet that if we advertise to support _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS, we'd get that right08:41
desrtLaney: hey... do you know anything about this empty.mp3 business?08:42
seb128"told you so"08:42
desrti got a comment from someone who provides nothing more than a theoretical reframing of the problem without telling me anything that actually broke08:43
desrta canonical employee, no less08:43
* desrt is not too impressed by that (yet)08:44
didrocksTrevinho: bug #1508357 just for your pleasure :)08:44
ubot5bug 1508357 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Tooltips have a black squares outside of its rounded corners" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150835708:44
larsudesrt: is this about 0 byte files again?08:45
Laneydesrt: hahahaha08:45
larsustop caring08:45
Laneyno I don't know anything about that08:45
LaneyI didn't send him honest08:45
desrtMichi Henning is complaining that empty.mp3 is no longer an mp3 file08:45
desrt...which it wasn't before, either08:45
larsuice man!08:45
Laneyice him?08:45
desrtwaiting to hear back on the bug08:46
larsuno violence, please :P08:46
desrti'm getting annoyed....08:46
larsudesrt: ignore. This is stupid.08:46
Laneyprobably some testsuite08:46
larsutestsuite is stupid, then08:46
Laneynot saying if it is or isn't08:46
Laneybe calm08:46
larsuI AM CALM08:46
Laneycoffee machine is fixed08:47
larsuseb128: any idea if this bug can be reproduced in another way?08:47
seb128at least something works08:47
larsuLaney: for now...08:47
seb128larsu, no, I would go for the theorical fix and get that landed and see if it works08:48
didrocksseb128: +108:48
didrocksquite easy to reproduce anyway on the live08:48
seb128unsure why the plugin is stopped though?08:49
seb128but that's not new08:49
larsuI also wonder why we connect to these signals when colplugging08:50
larsubut not when hot08:50
seb128buggy maybe?08:51
seb128what is upstream doing?08:51
larsuthe right thing08:52
seb128good, let's do that then!08:53
larsucalls the same function08:53
seb128we should probably backport some of the work done there next cycle08:53
seb128though there was quite some refactoring so not to do for this cycle08:54
larsuit also doesn't disconnect from the signal that I think is causing the issue :/08:54
larsuseb128: ok let me try fixing this one issue first08:55
larsuall of this is blind anyway :L/08:55
seb128larsu, thanks08:56
willcookedidrocks, that terminal bug...  seems fine here08:56
didrockswillcooke: yeah, I couldn't reproduce after another install08:57
willcookeahh, kk08:57
didrocksbut the bug is still there, I didn't fake that screenshot :p08:57
didrockslarsu: well, "session race" even08:58
didrockslarsu: because I killed all terminal08:58
willcookedesktoppers:  for what it's worth, this should be a list of things to care about today:  http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg08:58
didrocksand retry to start, and in that session at least, this was always the case08:58
willcookeIf it's helpful, please keep it updated, if not, please ignore08:58
* didrocks finishes the non english use cases first08:59
larsudidrocks: mind trying this patch? https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity-settings-daemon/lp143686109:08
seb128larsu, can you mp it so we can put it in a silo?09:10
seb128would make easier to test and put us closer from a landing09:10
didrocksyeah, that would be easier (I'm in a middle of an install with Internet connexion, so won't be able to test before some times)09:10
larsulike I said, not sure if this even works09:11
didrockslarsu: you can easily test as well :)09:11
larsujust the first guess09:11
larsutheres a couple of other problems in this code09:11
didrocksjust download the iso, start ubiquity09:11
larsubut I'd need to reproduce myself09:11
didrocks(ubiquity only mode)09:11
larsuah, ok09:11
larsuin a vm?09:11
didrocksshould be the same, check first09:11
didrocksyou can play like opening text entry from the indicator09:11
didrocksseb128 confirmed it easily09:12
larsuok will do once I'm home (can't download the iso in the cafe I'm at)09:12
larsuactually let me go there right now :)09:12
larsubut please test in between if you're doing that anyway right now09:12
didrockslarsu: I'm afraid I won't be able before leaving for lunch though, but afterwards, should be possible09:13
* didrocks waits on current install to download and finish09:13
seb128didrocks, is there a way to modify the iso to install the deb before starting ubiquity?09:14
seb128I couldn't get the issue by restart u-s-d by hand09:14
seb128so it needs to be the one in place on boot09:14
jibeldidrocks, I couldn't reproduce. ARe you using 32 or 64bit?09:15
didrocksjibel: u-s-d crash? 64 bits09:15
didrocksjibel: ubiquity install mode (not live session)09:15
seb128didrocks, jibel, larsu, the issue was already there in vivid, like a race or depending of memory state so not a surprise it's not happening for everyone/consistently09:16
didrocksseb128: hum, I guess then stopping at casper bottom, mounting an usb09:16
didrocksseb128: I don't see better way :/09:16
seb128didrocks, let me try usb-creator/key with persistant storage09:17
didrocksmaybe cyphermox would have a better clue though, as I guess he's testing also  the ubiquity only mode when making modification09:17
seb128cyphermox, Laney, ^09:17
didrocksseb128: yeah, if that works, would be the easiest, obivously09:17
seb128cyphermox, what's the best way to install a test deb on ubiquity install-only mode before it starts?09:18
cyphermoxseb128: add break=casper-bottom to the command-line, chroot in and install the deb09:18
didrocksI was right \o/09:19
cyphermoxeither that or roll your own iso by modifying the squashfs, extracting files over it and re-squashing it, re-doing the iso09:19
cyphermoxwhy does it need to be in ubiquity-only?09:19
didrockscyphermox: it's the only way we found to crash u-s-d09:20
* didrocks goes for an early run, just updated the iso tracker with use cases I tested09:20
cyphermoxif it crashes in ubiquity-only it should crash as much in the live session -- ubiquity-only just has less crap around it, because it doesn't start the session completely.09:20
didrockscyphermox: well, maybe this "less crap" is what results in u-s-d crashing09:21
pitticyphermox: you are still talking about the polkit issue?09:21
pitticyphermox: can you reproduce it?09:21
cyphermoxin other words, my worry is just that if you're trying to fix a bug that was found in the session, yet you test your bug/fix in the ubiquity-only session, you might not hit quite the same thing, but you'd know better, depedning on the bug.09:21
cyphermoxdidrocks: exactly09:21
didrockscyphermox: but happy if you can reproduce it in a live session, we couldn't, please check the bug report :)09:22
cyphermoxpitti: no, I think it's a different thing they were talking about09:22
cyphermoxpitti: I added some attachments, I still don't know why it fails/freezes/times out09:22
seb128cyphermox, the crash happens when unloading u-s-d plugins, so maybe ubiquity has less plugins active that live session09:22
cyphermoxcertainly doesn't look to be in ubiquity anyway09:22
cyphermoxseb128: yeah09:22
didrocksyeah, bug #150832709:22
ubot5bug 1508327 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "ubiquity only mode: close/minimize/restore are on the right edge" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150832709:22
didrockspitti: if you are curious about what we are talking about ^09:23
didrocksok, really going now, bbl!09:23
seb128didrocks, later!09:23
pitticyphermox: right, the ubiquity exception is just a followup and uninteresting09:23
pittididrocks: bien courier !09:23
cyphermoxpitti: yes09:23
cyphermoxpitti: but from the strace and dbus monitor logs there should be something to find in there09:23
didrockspitti: seb128: merci !09:23
cyphermoxpitti: fwiw it was about 4 unsuccessful runs of ubiquity, one after the other. and I had booted in EFI (since it won't make a difference which firmware anyway)09:24
pitticyphermox: wow, ok; I tried on three different platforms (bios laptop, efi laptop, qemu)09:25
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cyphermoxpitti: is udisks2-inhibit likely to break stuff?09:26
cyphermoxor to be breaking things in systemd land or whatnot?09:26
pitticyphermox: ah, good call; possibly, as that pkills polkit09:27
pitticyphermox: so if it kills it while a request is pending, that might lead to trouble indeed; but so would restarting09:28
pitticyphermox: that script is ancient already, though; curious that it only pops up now09:28
pitticyphermox: if you can reproduce it, can you check whether commenting out all the magic and just doing the "$@" helps?09:29
cyphermoxwhich is why I don't see why it would be ubiquity that is at fault, or even that udisks2 script09:29
pittiSIGHUP indeed restarts it, it's not just a "reload your rules, will you"09:30
cyphermoxwell, we do need udisks2 to be inhibited, otherwise bad things might happen09:30
pitticyphermox: changed timing somehwere -- it's a race09:30
pitticyphermox: yes, I know; just seeing if that fixes the polkit issue09:30
* pitti thinks how else to inhibit it09:31
pittiwhen I do that for other cases, I SIGSTOP gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor in the user session09:31
pittibut that would e. g. not work for KDE09:31
pitticyphermox: let me think about this for a bit; in the meantime, if you could confirm that this is it, that'd be great09:32
cyphermoxwhy is it that polkit doesn't simply handle HUP?09:34
pitticyphermox: there's normally no need to, it inotifys its policy dirs09:37
pitticyphermox: but that won't work for udisks2-inhibit as that does a tmpfs bind mount over the real policy dir09:38
pittito avoid changing anything on disk09:38
=== willcooke changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently while updating the bug list for release http://pad.ubuntu.com/6aWG0SagNg
seb128larsu, didrocks ok, I can reproduce easily enough on my desktop env now09:44
seb128going to make easier to test09:44
seb128larsu, didrocks, basically that do it for me09:45
seb128- start u-s-d under valgrind09:45
seb128- unplug power cord from laptop09:45
seb128- gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power active false09:45
seb128valgrind is not needed but it slows down things enough that it's more easy to hit09:45
seb128I can hit it without it as well09:45
seb128basically mix power plug/unplug events with power plugin loading/unloading09:46
seb128I tick it in dconf-editor09:46
seb128sorry, better steps09:48
seb128$ /usr/lib/unity-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon09:48
seb128- unplug power cord09:48
seb128- disable active key09:49
seb128- then plug power cord back09:49
seb128-> segfault09:49
seb128every time ;-)09:49
seb128larsu, getting your branch now09:49
cyphermoxpitti: could we not just kill udisks (or you know, stop it via systemd) and then things would work?09:50
pitticyphermox: no, it'd just come back via dbus activation, and is likely to cause simlar trouble -- i. e. timeout in things which connected to it09:54
cyphermoxpitti: it's not needed in the install AFAIK09:54
pitticyphermox: the life session surely talks to it09:54
cyphermoxwell, aside from mounting other things09:54
pittithe thing that really causes the automounting is nautilus these days, via gvfs09:55
cyphermoxthe right answer is for polkit to HUP the right way09:55
cyphermoxor USR1 the right way09:55
pittiand some desktop-ish counterparts09:55
pitticyphermox: there's one thing to try -- instead of pkill -HUP you could try "systemctl try-restart polkitd.service"09:56
pittito restart it right away and  not wait on dbus activation09:56
* pitti writes that to the bug as well09:57
larsuseb128: cool thanks09:57
seb128larsu, let me know if you can reproduce using those steps?09:58
larsuseb128: fighting with virtmanager right now, but yes :)09:58
seb128larsu, you should be able to reproduce on your normal system with the steps I described09:59
cyphermoxpitti: restarting it in any will just trigger the same race elsewhere09:59
seb128so no need of vm09:59
cyphermoxpitti: but I'll reboot to an iso once more to try09:59
pitticyphermox: I had something simlilar in policykit-1.postinst, where restarting worked much better than just killing09:59
pitticyphermox: so try the restart thing first, and then the "essentially disable inhibition"10:00
seb128larsu, you worked on an outdated checkout though, I had to disable 2 plugins to test your fix because u-s-d was failing to start on missing gsettings key10:00
pitticyphermox: the fact that you got these traces actually shows that it was *not* restarted -- otherwise the initial strace (with SIGHUP) would have been overwritten with the new one from the restart10:01
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larsuseb128: argh how did this happen?!10:15
seb128larsu, the fix seems to work, can you commit on top of trunk and mp it so I can put it in a silo? we want to land it for iso respin10:16
cyphermoxpitti: it doesn't look like systemd is always successful at starting polkit10:21
cyphermoxsometimes it works, but sometimes you get the logs from systemd saying it's starting, yet no polkit binary running10:21
pitticyphermox: does it attempt to? when I pkill it on my normal system, it always comes back immediately (check journalctl -f)10:21
pitticyphermox: right, starting is the beginning, "started" is success10:22
pittithe restart in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/221777296/UbiquitySyslog.txt comes way after the timeouts10:23
LaneyOct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu dbus[1414]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkitd.service'10:28
LaneyOct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Authenticate and Authorize Users to Run Privileged Tasks.10:29
LaneyOct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu gnome-session[1855]: PolicyKit daemon disconnected from the bus.10:29
LaneyOct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu gnome-session[1855]: We are no longer a registered authentication agent.10:29
Laneyis it this?10:29
Laneypitti: I just did "sudo /usr/lib/udisks2/udisks2-inhibit ls"10:32
Laneyand now NM is broken10:32
Laneysorry for poking fingers in the pie if this is unhelpful10:32
pittiLaney: NM is broken how?10:33
pittiah, "nmcli con"10:34
Sweet5harkphew, my fix into the blind yesterday at 2:00am worked.10:34
pittiLaney: right, if one kills polkitd often enough, you hit the "respawning too fast" thing10:34
Laneyit seems to have come up again now10:34
pittiand pidof polkitd is empty10:34
pittiLaney: anyway, with killing it we always have the chance of interrupting a pending call, so I'm looking for ways to avoid it10:35
pittiI have about three ideas which I need to test10:36
seb128larsu, ?:10:37
seb128larsu, is we want to respin isos we need to get going, can you do a mp or should I do it?10:38
larsuseb128: sorry!10:43
larsuseb128: doing it now (had irc in bg)10:43
seb128larsu, thanks10:44
Trevinholarsu: even creating rgba visuals in gtk, the tooltip bg is still dark, that's weird10:45
larsuTrevinho: ya... I had feared this would be the case10:46
Trevinhocompiz/unity doesn't add anything different...10:46
larsuTrevinho: theme?10:46
Trevinhomaybe something with the theme?10:46
Trevinhoeh, in fact..10:46
seb128the theme works fine under gnome-shell10:46
seb128the tooltips are round10:46
TrevinhoI've been playing a little with it, but I don't see the10:47
Trevinhook... then it's something else10:47
Trevinholet me check inner gtk better10:47
larsuseb128: pushed it10:49
seb128larsu, danke, did you mp it as well?10:49
larsuseb128: same mp10:49
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
seb128there was no mp before10:49
larsuseb128: I pushed over the same branch in fact10:49
larsuseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity-settings-daemon/lp1436861/+merge/27514910:49
larsudidn't I link this before?10:50
seb128larsu, thanks!10:50
larsuyou asked me to make one, so I did :)10:50
seb128I might have overlooked it10:50
seb128channel was busy10:50
larsuI might have forgot too10:50
larsuTrevinho: tooltips do use gtkwindow, but they (obviously) sidestep all of the csd magic10:50
larsuTrevinho: is compiz seeing this as an argb window?10:51
Trevinholarsu: I don't think so, let me check10:51
Trevinhoouch, I've to recompile the whole unity -_-, cmon ccache, work!10:54
larsudon't change CFLAGS ;)10:55
Trevinhono, I didn't... it's just that sometimes cmake decides that it's the case to rebuild the world10:55
Trevinholarsu: not ARGB for compiz, in fact it isn't.10:57
Trevinholarsu: I'm wondering which part of gtk doing thsi I missed, I think it was set just once10:57
larsuTrevinho: let me check10:58
larsuTrevinho: wow it really ties all of this to the shadow11:00
Trevinholarsu: yeah, but for some reason if I force to set the rgba visual in gtk_window_set_screen, nothing changes anyway11:01
larsuTrevinho: are you sure this is called for new windowx?11:05
Trevinhoweird, even forcing this inside gtktooltip... same story11:06
Trevinholarsu: ok got it11:12
larsuTrevinho: what is it?11:13
Trevinholarsu: we need to change this inside gtktooltip...11:14
larsuwhat exactly?11:15
Trevinholarsu: I need to set the rgba visual inside gtk_tooltip_show_tooltip... not only at first call unfortunately11:17
larsuhm good to know that this works, but it sounds wrong...11:18
Trevinholarsu: yes, I agree11:18
Trevinholarsu: doing it when assigning tooltip->current_window works, but I agree this should be probably at higher level11:20
Trevinhoerr, at lower level.11:21
Trevinhodo you have anything in mind?11:21
larsuI wonder (a) how this worked before11:22
larsuand (b) why it works in shell11:23
larsudon't have anything specific in mind yet, no11:23
Trevinhoah, wait maybe I've found something else11:23
Trevinhotooltip calls _gtk_window_request_csd, but this shouldn't be an issue11:25
didrockslarsu: seb128: I wonder if that worth a respin (the u-s-d crash), it's quite noticeable if you get it crash and not really good for a "quality" sense11:28
larsuTrevinho: gtktooltip can use the parent window to draw...11:29
larsuTrevinho: which doesn't have a rgba visual set on unity because ... well you know :P11:30
larsuTrevinho: works on shell because that has rgba windows11:30
Trevinhono, I'm using the branch where the parent window has the rgba set11:30
Trevinhoheaderbar is fine, tooltip no11:30
larsuTrevinho: are you forcing a new window?11:30
Trevinhonope, I'm testing the standard case for now11:31
* larsu liked that theory11:31
larsutoo bad :)11:31
TrevinhoWell, the parent window has rgba set... But it shouldn't matter actually as the visual is set per window, independently from the parent11:31
larsuhm, indeeed11:32
seb128didrocks, yeah, debs are in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-018/+packages11:33
seb128I'm trying those but I get some issues in my test user session11:33
seb128like u-s-d a bit slow to start11:33
seb128but seems like it's the case after downgrading as well11:34
seb128so was probably be there11:34
seb128other testers would be welcome11:34
larsuTrevinho: dude, this totally works for me11:36
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, there is an issue with unity grabs, when logging back from the greeter after an user switch, every 3 or 4 times mouse left click doesn't work anymore on unity elements (launcher, indicators)11:36
* larsu should compile before reading code11:36
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, doing a screen lock/unlock fixes it11:37
Trevinholarsu: so... everything is due to create_decoration in gtkwindow11:37
Trevinholarsu: by ensuring that gtk_window_enable_csd is called in unity, but that priv->use_client_shadow is sitll false, it works11:37
Trevinhoand it covers both the case of the headerbar and of the tooltiops11:37
andyrockgood morning all11:38
seb128hey andyrock11:38
larsuhi andyrock11:38
andyrockseb128: just on wili?11:38
TrevinhoAt this point this covers any issue we have, but..... We'd need unity fix and to introduce _UNITY_GTK_BORDER_RADIUS, which I don't know how to fill11:38
seb128andyrock, yes, it started doing that quite recently11:38
andyrocklet me check, just need 4 minutes to wash the dishes :D11:39
larsuTrevinho: right - this was clear though, wasn't it?11:39
seb128didrocks, larsu, k, I'm landing the u-s-d fix, let's see if it makes into a respin11:39
larsuTrevinho: I quickly tested by enabling rgba for everything and it works like a charm11:39
seb128then going for lunch11:39
larsuseb128: thanks!11:40
larsuseb128: enjoy ;)11:40
didrocksseb128: enjoy! I'm doing a test here as well, just in case11:40
seb128didrocks, thanks11:41
didrocksLaney: would like to have your opinion if a respin for the u-s-d crash is possible ^11:41
didrocks(bad to see at first install time decoration controls jumping randomly from left to right)11:41
andyrockseb128 do you lock the screen before switching account?11:43
Laneydidrocks: definitely not for it especially11:43
Trevinholarsu: yeah, it was, but for some reason I thought I had enabled this for every window, while it wasn't the case11:43
Laneydidrocks: but if we do one already11:43
Laneythen yes11:43
seb128andyrock, no, just use indicator-session and pick another user11:43
larsuTrevinho: ah goit it11:43
didrocksLaney: ok, got it, still think it's a bad first noticeable user experience, but I did what I could… :p11:44
Trevinholarsu: so what's the plan? Do we fix this alltogheter?11:46
TrevinhoOr just for tooltips in wily11:46
larsuTrevinho: for wily, just for tooltips. Too late for bigger chances11:47
Laneydidrocks: maybe but it doesn't happen for everyone all the time, so not worth the effort of a respin just for this11:49
Laneyanyway we get one anyway for udisks so taking this11:49
pittilarsu: for the future and https://launchpadlibrarian.net/221863227/unity-settings-daemon_15.04.1%2B15.10.20151012-0ubuntu1_15.04.1%2B15.10.20151021-0ubuntu1.diff.gz11:50
pittilarsu: the wily fix LGTM, but wouldn't it be more robust to use g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func() for these things, and use a custom free func which disconnects signals and free()s?11:51
larsupitti: very nice catch ;) it's what I had before, but you cannot pass user_data into the free func11:51
larsupitti: and we need user data becasue that's what we disconnect by11:52
pittilarsu: ewww? I thought these existed for pretty much everything :/11:52
pittilarsu: so, nevermind then, I was just wondering as remembering to do the disconnect everytime you unref sounds brittle11:52
larsupitti: free funcs are g_free() etc ... they don't carry user data11:52
larsupitti: yeah it does indeed.11:52
larsunot happy about this either11:52
pittilarsu: yes, the free func certainly doesn't, but I thought you'd just need the actual object for disconnecting11:53
pitti+                g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data (g_ptr_array_index (devices, i), manager);11:53
larsuright, the "manager" is the culprit11:53
pittilarsu: i. e. the user data you need is the "manager", and there is no ->my_manager field in the device object?11:53
larsupitti: no, the manager is from g-s-d and the device object comes from upower11:54
pittioften (seen in udisks a lot) the objects have a back ref to their manager object11:54
pittilarsu: ack, thanks; so, "eww"..11:54
larsuoh wait... maybe I misread that11:54
pittithis just sounds unsatisfactory11:54
* larsu checks and finds out he was correct :/11:55
larsu+1 on pitti's ewwwwwww11:55
pittilarsu: worst thing, poke it in with g_object_set_data("manager", manager)?11:55
larsuyeah this is what I pondered11:56
larsubut didn't in the end because I thought it wasn't worth it11:56
larsuref cycles and all11:56
larsuand when not reffing we have the same problem again:11:56
larsuwe need to clean the manager off the device on exit11:56
attentegood morning12:16
desrthi attente12:16
attentehi desrt12:17
desrthow's the weather in toronto?12:17
desrtstopped snowing, i hope :)12:17
larsuhi attente12:18
attenteit snowed while we were in london apparently12:18
attentehi larsu12:18
Laneyhow's living under the new regime?12:18
* desrt ponders lunch12:18
desrtLaney: meet the new boss.... same as the old boss...12:19
attentesomething like that. we'll have to see...12:19
andyrockseb128: can you open a bug about that regression?12:29
andyrocki'm not yet able to reproduce it12:29
andyrockbut I'm on it12:29
andyrockI need to move to university12:30
andyrockbut i'll keep working from there12:30
Trevinhoseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-rgba-tooltips/+merge/27518713:36
seb128Trevinho, can you add some patch headers on why that's needed/bug reference?13:37
Trevinhoseb128: yeah I wanted to... Then i forgot :)13:37
seb128Trevinho, also why do we need that? is that temporary until a proper fix is made?13:38
* Laney screams13:39
* didrocks doesn't hear anything13:39
didrocksshould be silent screaming…13:39
seb128who had the left click not working bug while we were in London?13:40
seb128or was it pitti?13:40
Trevinhoseb128: is there13:40
pittiseb128: on the unity panel after user switching? me, yes13:40
didrocksLaney: I hate that painting btw :p13:40
seb128pitti, right, I had it several times, it's all unity elements and ctrl-alt-l->unlock fixes it ... did you open a bug?13:41
Trevinhoseb128: yes, it's temporary till we add better unity gtk integration.... The unity part is done (I've done it during last day of the sprint), but the gtk one is missing, and I'd love to get larsu involved as I can't get proper radius from windows :P13:41
pittiseb128: no, I didn't; shall I?13:43
seb128pitti, I'm looking if there is one, if there are none I can file one13:44
seb128I hit it regularly when doing user switching13:44
seb128Trevinho, can you link the branch to the bug?13:44
Trevinhowasn't linked? bzr commit fail!13:45
pittiseb128: I tried to switch back and forth a few times, doesn't reproduce that easily13:45
seb128Trevinho, did you --fixes lp:<...>?13:45
seb128pitti, I just got it 3 times since yesterday using indicator session to switch users13:45
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, trhough qcommit...13:45
Trevinhobut since I uncommited once maybe it didn't keep that13:46
Trevinho(it generally does it=13:46
Trevinhodone btw13:46
seb128Trevinho, can you write a bit more details in the bug? I'm unsure what that has to do with csd13:46
seb128or maybe larsu can review since he understands what's going on better13:46
Trevinhoseb128: added the comment13:56
seb128Trevinho, thanks13:56
seb128Laney, seems like we could remove webbrowser-app from the iso, but I guess a bit late to do that for wily14:36
* willcooke is back. 14:37
willcookeAnything on fire?14:37
seb128but seems like we ship webbrowser-app and some other packages from that stack on the iso for no good reason14:39
seb128seems a bit late for wily though14:39
willcookedon't the web apps use it?  Or perhaps they were *going* to, but dont14:39
seb128that was needed for webapps but was not killed when the firefox extension was removed14:39
seb128they do14:39
seb128but we install none14:39
seb128and installing one would pull that in through depends14:39
seb128so no point having the support and nothing usin git14:40
seb128using it14:40
Laneyo hwell14:40
Laneycommit it for x14:40
seb128leads to that not-so-icon https://launchpadlibrarian.net/221179905/dash.png14:40
seb128and some mb of iso space wasted14:40
seb128also can confuse users to see another webbrowser listed, which is not really ready for desktop usage14:41
* seb128 is a bit annoyed to not have raised that during the sprint14:41
seb128oh well14:41
seb128room for improvement for the LTS ;-)14:41
ogra_well, just drop firefox :P14:43
* willcooke can see the news article now....14:44
willcookeUbuntu developer ogra_ clearly states that Firefox will be dropped from the next LTS14:44
willcookesorry, Mr Ogra14:44
ogra_we shoudl rename the app to webbrowser-NIH ;)14:44
jcastrowillcooke: mind if I add the controller support to the desktop section of the release notes?14:56
willcookejcastro, oh cool, thanks.  I was going to do it once I got the email that the fix had been released, so I wonder if my filters have eaten it14:56
seb128Laney, do you know when we get respinned isos?15:30
seb128just rsynced but seems like I got the one from yesterday15:30
Laneycoming soon15:32
Laneylike this cycle15:33
seb128larsu, if you have any opinion on the tooltip hack can you comment on the mr?15:33
seb128larsu, also unsure what's your todolist but we might want to start looking at gtk 3.18 so it's ready for the start of next cycle ;-)15:33
* Trevinho leaves for a bit, back later15:53
Sweet5harkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice-l10n_5.0.2-0ubuntu2_source.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/libreoffice_5.0.2-0ubuntu2_source.changes for bug 1508177 SRU.16:06
ubot5bug 1508177 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Starting LibreOffice with an empty profile from the ISO creates a profile selecting galaxy, not human as theme" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150817716:06
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks16:06
Sweet5harkseb128: the debdiff is at http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/wily/5.0.2/ubuntu2.diff for your convenience.16:06
larsuseb128: hm did I miss that fly by?16:07
seb128larsu, https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/gtk/unity-rgba-tooltips/+merge/27518716:07
seb128larsu, I don't understand enough about the issue to say if that's a workaround we want16:08
larsuseb128: ya, this is a good workaround16:08
* larsu approves16:09
seb128k, thanks16:09
larsucan't top approve16:09
seb128I can, doing that16:09
andyrockpitti seb128 I tried to reproduce the regression16:23
andyrockbut it does not happen here16:23
andyrockcan you reproduce all the time16:24
andyrockI'm on 15.04 but with unity/compiz/nux from wily16:24
seb128but I got it 3 times in a week16:24
seb128and when it happens only the unity elements (launcher, panel) don't react to click16:24
seb128when I logged back it  I saw an indicator like pressed for a second16:25
seb128doing a screen lock/unlock fixes it16:25
andyrocklet me think16:25
seb128so I guess there is a grab something in unity16:25
seb128I usually see it when I use indicator-session, pick guest/another user, log out and log back in to my user16:25
andyrockwell if there was a grab you could not use any element in the screen16:25
seb128sorry was about to go for sport but I can provide more details tomorrow16:26
seb128I said a grab in unity16:26
seb128not a x grab16:26
seb128dunno what can block click events for unity though16:26
andyrockyeah it can be a regression in nux16:27
didrocksgood evening everyone!16:55
andyrockg' evening didrocks16:55
didrocksthanks andyrock ;)16:55
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Sweet5harkand me is eod.17:14
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willcookeg'night all18:12
willcookeLaney, before I go you need guys need anything?18:12
* davmor2 tries to not find a LO issue again so Sweet5hark can sleep and everything :)18:13
willcookeright ho, off now.18:23
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