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pittiGood morning05:03
dholbachgood morning06:36
dpmseb128, wgrant, morning. Eventually, the manual .po file uploads for evolution got imported: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+source/evolution/+imports06:45
seb128dpm, hey, good to know06:46
dpmthere is a caveat, though06:46
dpmafter long waiting and seeing that the .po files did not get imported automatically after the template had, I had to explicitly choose the template they belonged to06:47
dpmthen they got imported06:47
dpmperhaps it was me being impatient and they would have been auto-imported, but after a few hours waiting, I wasn't sure06:47
TJ-Has anyone seen this package-hold for aptdaemon. I'm not making sense of it since there's nothing in /var/lib/dpkg/status that shows the version dependency mentioned: "python3-aptdaemon : Depends: gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0 (< 0.9) but 0.9.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed"08:26
TJ-Ahhh bug 149629208:40
ubottubug 1496292 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/aptd:AttributeError:/usr/sbin/aptd@39:main:__init__:__init__" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149629208:40
seb128TJ-, you used wily-proposed and got a buggy version that got deleted later, you might want to sudo apt-get install python3-aptdaemon/wily08:45
TJ-Yeah, I figured it out once I found the older changelog entry08:50
tjaaltonis there a way to narrow down the updates that hit wily around Sep 10th, because something triggers X crashes since then08:58
TJ-tjaalton: Other that /var/log/apt/history* ?09:01
seb128tjaalton, wily-changes list?09:01
tjaaltonTJ-: not mine, trying to figure out distro-wide what happened when09:01
seb128tjaalton, which ones? do you have a bt?09:01
tjaaltonseb128: well kinda, gives some sort of an idea09:02
tjaaltonat least I can rule out some X stuff..09:02
tjaaltondupes of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/123790409:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1237904 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Confirmed]09:02
tjaalton1495049 and up09:03
tjaaltonwhich was Sep 14th actually09:03
seb128tjaalton, the first issue on e.u.c?09:04
seb128that seems to be gdm trying to start a xserver when there is already one active09:04
seb128they all have gdm options in their command line09:04
tjaaltonah, that would be a good hint09:05
seb128I pinged darkxst several time about it09:05
seb128installing gdm on my test laptop also bricks it09:05
seb128e.g no dm is starting09:05
seb128so I think it's gdm screwed up09:06
seb128tjaalton, the xorg logs all have09:07
seb128[   451.402] _XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed09:07
seb128[   451.402] _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running09:07
seb128[   451.403]09:07
seb128btw the xorg hook seems grumpy09:07
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/problem_report.py", line 627, in __setitem__09:07
seb128    assert k.replace('.', '').replace('-', '').replace('_', '').isalnum()09:07
seb128tseliot, ^09:08
tseliotseb128: yay, something else failed. I'll look into that09:16
seb128tseliot, thanks09:16
tjaaltongdm didn't change since Aug 7th09:20
tjaaltonbut it's some other change that triggers the bug then09:20
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TJ-tjaalton: looking at the DpkgLog attached to 1495049 shows the dates/packages recently updated; nothing entirely obvious, but libc-bin, dbus, systemd might be suspect09:33
darkxstseb128, I still havent been able to reproduce on either of my systems09:37
seb128darkxst, seeing the number of report you must have some users who can?09:37
darkxstseb128, I will ask around09:43
darkxstseb128, do you have the e.u.c link handy?09:45
seb128darkxst, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/27941445d596fb71be692b9008c0847d2ce6c42809:47
darkxstemailed to QA team09:50
TJ-The common issue from the Xorg logs is the first session starts on VT7, fails, and the replacement starts on VT209:54
seb128darkxst, tjaalton, ^09:56
darkxstTJ-, gdm should start on vt709:56
darkxstthe user session should start on vt209:56
TJ-darkxst: but should the process on VT7 remain running?09:59
darkxstTJ-, yes10:01
darkxstand actually gdm should be running on wayland10:04
darkxstfor the FOSS drivers atleast10:04
darkxstmaybe it isnt since we don't seed xwayland yet10:04
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TJ-I'd suspect the first X server on VT7 owns/uses "/tmp/.X11-unix/" sockets and the 2nd server on VT2 tries to use the same socket10:46
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cjwatsonshould be a different name under /tmp/.X11-unix/ for each server - X0, X1, etc.10:54
TJ-cjwatson: that's what I'd expect; unfortunately that info isn't available in the bug report logs. "_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running" certainly suggests something has the socket the user session wants10:59
seb128TJ-, would the stacktrace help? if you tag the bug apport-request-retrace you can get a next one from the next duplicate (rather than having it cleaned by the retracer)11:14
TJ-seb128: I was just wondering how we could do that; I'm not convinced the stacktrace in the master report is the same. I've been picking dupes at random and those after 1495049 all look different, most obviously ProcCmdline11:15
seb128no, the master is not the same11:15
seb128e.u.c launchpad batch OsAbort() errors it seems11:15
seb128the master was a VT_ACTIVATE fail11:16
TJ-added the tag11:16
seb128but the recent ones are all gdm ones11:16
seb128so I expect a new retrace is going to give us a new bt11:16
seb128showing the gdm issue11:16
TJ-I use KDE so I'm not familiar with the way gdm is running 2 X servers for (presumably the greeter) and the user session, but the ProcCmdline entries of all the dupes I've looked at are referring to the gdm owned X on VT711:18
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ogra_grrr ... why do pipes not work in the initrd when i use libc tools but work when using the busybox commands13:16
* ogra_ wonders if there is a trick 13:18
infinityogra_: One tool printing to stderr and the other to stdout?13:28
infinity(Just a guess)13:28
ogra_infinity, hah, no ... but seems - means something else13:31
ogra_"/bin/wget -O - | /usr/bin/xzcat | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0" works fine13:32
ogra_"/bin/wget -O - | /usr/bin/xzcat - | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0" doesnt13:32
pittiah, busybox wget not accepting - ?13:32
pittiuh, odd13:32
ogra_no, xzacat not accepting -13:32
ogra_using the libc dd in that line gets even more weird :)13:33
ogra_but yay ... my initrd installer constriction works13:33
davmor2ogra_: lets just stick with because it hates you ;)13:33
* ogra_ wraps more duct tape around it 13:33
infinityAn initrd that grabs an unathenticated http URL and blats it to disk seems super secure.13:33
ogra_yeah, awesome, aint it ? :)13:34
infinityAlso, that should be armhf+rpi2 ...13:34
davmor2infinity: shhhhh you're not meant to notice that13:34
ogra_it is the same machine the serial cable is attached to ... for image tests13:34
ogra_infinity, it so should ...13:34
ogra_well, effectively armhf+raspi213:35
infinityOr that, yes.13:35
ogra_but that name was already used when i antered the snappy team :/13:35
ogra_like the BBB image is called armhf-beagle or some such weird thing13:36
* ogra_ is curious how long that dd will actually take ... 13:37
ogra_(really bad that busybox dd doesnt know the blocksize arg)13:38
seb128wgrant, why did you reject https://code.launchpad.net/~cjohnston/launchpad/1260760-unset-source/+merge/229462? (I guess it was wrong bug would have been nice to comment about what was the issue)13:43
seb128or asked differently, what launchpad dev to I need to pay a beer to to get https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1260760 fixed?13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1260760 in Launchpad itself "editing an Ubuntu (gtk+3.0) bug unsets the source" [Undecided,Triaged]13:43
ogra_wheee !13:59
ogra_it boots (and only took ~20min for dd)13:59
dholbachbarry, do the two python sessions need a blueprint in LP for tracking work items and stuff?14:57
dholbach(just noticed them in summit)14:57
barrydholbach: maybe couldn't hurt although we all know what needs to be done.  mostly i want to make sure everyone's aligned with the plan14:59
dholbachok, wfm15:00
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infinityrbasak: I have a weird juju testsuite regression in wily that's about to hold up the release, who do I talk to to debug this ASAP?16:17
rbasakinfinity: sinzui. I've asked him to join.16:17
rbasakinfinity: BTW, I'm quite bothered by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1490110. It breaks upgrades for anyone with lxc and juju-local installed.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Medium,Confirmed]16:19
rbasakWhich is Every Charm Developer I think.16:19
cjwatsonjuju bootstrap totally works here on current wily, notwithstanding what the test suite is saying, but then I don't understand why it's failing16:20
sinzuihi infinity can I help with a juju issue16:20
infinitysinzui: Hey.  What do you make of https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/amd64/j/juju-core/20151021_155639@/log.gz ?16:20
rbasakI can tell you what future-{local,manual}-provider do.16:20
rbasakThey fake a future release to make sure that the development release isn't broken as soon as it opens.16:21
rbasakpanic: osVersion reported an error: Could not determine series16:21
rbasakThat may be related.16:21
rbasakThe update to distro-info-data may be related.16:21
cjwatsonoh, I didn't notice that that was future-16:21
infinitySo, it's faking a future release incorrectly? :P16:21
rbasakHmm, maybe.16:22
rbasakDo you happen to have a shell at the point the test breaks? Otherwise I can do it.16:22
cjwatsonI suspect that it is faking something insufficiently far in the future16:22
cjwatsonor maybe is confused by the last line having LTS in it?16:22
rbasakIt seems likely to me that this is a bug in my faking-the-future code.16:23
sinzuiJuju has a very stupid policy to hard coding known releases and treating them as everything that will ever exist. The reading of ubuntu.csv by juju ti to get a more current list.16:24
* rbasak is busy reproducing16:24
sinzuicjwatson: infinity rbasak: this is the bug I think you are seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/146531716:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1465317 in juju-core "Wily osx win: panic: osVersion reported an error: Could not determine series" [High,In progress]16:25
infinityrbasak: Okay, so I think this bears investigation, as the test is clearly doing an oops of some sort, but now that I understand the scope, I'm also going to ignore the failure.  Thanks for pointing out the future bit.16:25
cjwatsonthe hacked up file seems to have one more field than it should16:26
cjwatsonbut I think it's always been that way, so WTF16:27
cjwatsonecho "${version},${codename},${series},${created},${release},${eol},${eol}" >> /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv16:27
cjwatsonlooks like that's one more ,${eol} than there should be16:27
rbasakI think that might have been intentional16:28
sinzuiinfinity: cjwatson  what has changed between this builds? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/j/juju-core/wily/amd64/ to get the failure? If nothing changed, then I think a race condition is in the code where the wrong table of versions was read16:28
rbasakcjwatson: so two eol fields16:28
cjwatsonsinzui: new distro-info-data16:28
cjwatsonrbasak: oh, also, it's emitting dates that aren't dates16:28
cjwatsonrbasak: (ah, I forgot eol-server.  right)16:28
sinzuiah. bugger. I really hate jujus design to fail with the unknonwn16:29
cjwatsonhaha, I see the date problem16:29
cjwatsoncreated=`date -d '-2 days' +%Y-%M-%d`16:29
cjwatsonrelease=`date -d '-1 days' +%Y-%M-%d`16:29
cjwatsoneol=`date -d '+1 days' +%Y-%M-%d`16:29
cjwatson%M should be %m16:29
cjwatsondon't know if that's the problem here16:29
cjwatsonit's probably not, but should be fixed!16:30
rbasakOops. Sorry. Thanks!16:31
rbasakI might as well try that fix first and see if the error goes away.16:32
cjwatsonwe think that's not the problem because the historical passes are at times that ought to have guaranteed an invalid month16:33
sinzuirbasak: should I plan to rebase 1.24.7 on 1.24.6-0ubuntu3 packaging :)16:36
rbasaksinzui: :)16:36
rbasaksinzui: yes in theory, but a fix to the test should be trivial to merge.16:36
sinzuirbasak: I have automated more of the certifification for Juju. It get less painful each time16:37
Odd_BlokeLaney: Do we have a bug where we're tracking getting the UI needed to handle bug 1463072?16:38
ubottubug 1463072 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "highlighting on left mouse double click ends at :" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146307216:38
rbasakIt's not /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv I don't think. Either /etc/lsb-release or /etc/os-release.16:42
rbasakI think it's os-release.16:44
LaneyOdd_Bloke: I don't know if there is a bug, but I have asking upstream on my to do list for the beginning ish of the cycle (no promises given the URL case which is the reason most people want this has a different way to achieve the same thing)16:49
* ogra_ wonders if thats related to always having the quotes of a quoted string selected too on double click 16:50
infinityogra_: That was fixed.16:50
ogra_(it used to only select the bits between quotes in earlier versions)16:50
ogra_infinity, oh, in wily ?16:50
infinityogra_: Yeah.16:50
ogra_i guess i found my first reason to upgarde then :)16:50
infinityogra_: It wasn't that the behaviour changed, it was that some tools (like wget) switched from using ' and " to using unicode pretty quotes.16:51
infinityogra_: And VTE/gnome-terminal didn't recognize those as boundaries.16:51
infinityogra_: But, yeah, that's fixed.16:51
ogra_dpkg-buildpackage too ... that is where it annoys me most16:52
Odd_BlokeLaney: I'm probably not going to chase you any more, as I've just switched to Terminator which does what I want. :p16:52
rbasaksinzui: I think the future faking is working correctly, apart from the date month/minute bug that cjwatson pointed out that doesn't seem to be the problem here.16:53
rbasaksinzui: it's something to do with how Juju is parsing /etc/os-release I think. If I revert os-release (but not the others, causing everything to be mismatched incidentally) then Juju works.16:54
rbasaksinzui: however the faking is just making it look like there's a "Y" release and the machine is on it. One difference is that it claims that Y is LTS.16:54
sinzuirbasak: understood. I think the issue is the bug I posted earlier. Juju specifies exact version instead of minimum versions. My bug is about stopping the hard coding so that all of us can upgrade.16:56
rbasaksinzui: I think it's over to upstream to look further now please. I would also note that release dates faked aren't coherent (Y released before X) so if that's the problem then please let me know and we can make the faking smarter.16:56
rbasaksinzui: I'm not convinced it's the same bug but I can see how it could be.16:56
rbasakThough it seems unlikely that Juju is parsing dates as it didn't barf on impossible dates :)16:57
Laneyrbasak: Is is that you put "LTS" in VERSION_ID?16:59
LaneyAt least deleting that seems to make juju version work here16:59
rbasakHmm. Good point.17:00
* rbasak tries17:00
rbasakYes, that's it. Thanks Laney. Sorry sinzui.17:00
infinityAhh, yes, VERSION_ID is always a number, LTS doesn't belong there.17:01
rbasakYeah I have two variables, $version which includes a potential LTS and $version_ that doesn't. VERSION_ID should be using the latter.17:02
* rbasak 's code pre-dates os-version, but never mind. He'll fix it.17:02
rbasakinfinity: do you want an upload if this fixes the issue?17:03
rbasakI can fix the date thing as well.17:03
infinityrbasak: It's not on any images, so sure.17:04
infinityrbasak: It's always nice to have tests passing.17:04
rbasakOK. Just testing my fix from scratch now.17:05
LaneyWhat if they test that you cry when slapped in the face?17:05
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rbasakJuju fix uploaded.17:11
* rbasak EODS17:11
infinityrbasak: Ta.17:12
hallyn_so bug 1490110 is looking weirder and weirder.  I guess actually do-release-upgrade is crashing, then apport crashes while trying to report on it bc do-release-upgrade's python version was upgraded (so /proc/self/exe is deleted)17:21
ubottubug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149011017:21
* hallyn_ retries the whole shebang again with hopes of gdb attaching17:22
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slangasekpitti: so there are some duplicates of LP: #1504897 coming in... e.g. LP: #150853318:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504897 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "package nfs-common 1:1.2.8-9ubuntu10 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 100" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150489718:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1508533 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "package nfs-common 1:1.2.8-9ubuntu10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150853318:33
hallyn_ok so when lxc is built for wily, the pkg builder adds a versioned dependency on dbus, a version which is > what's in vivid.   so do-release-upgrade from vivid fails bc dbus is too old.19:02
hallyn_should lxc add a pre-depends on dbus for this, or should this be being handled by whatever is adding the depends?19:02
hallyn_(this is still bug 1490110)19:02
ubottubug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149011019:02
cjwatsona pre-depends will only make any difference at all if you're expecting the new dbus to be unpacked and configured *when your preinst runs*19:06
hallyn_cjwatson: i dunno.  when i pre-install the newer version of dbus, it still fails with19:15
hallyn_invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/lxc not found.19:15
hallyn_which makes no sense since there is no /etc/init.d/lxc in the old pkg either19:15
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rbasakhallyn_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12887946/ line 131 maybe?19:38
hallyn_rbasak: that looks fine though19:40
hallyn_i mean it should be updated, but at the moment it's fine bc the upstart job is shipped19:41
hallyn_question is why is invoke-rc.d insisting on using the sysvinit job?19:41
hallyn_rbasak: also you're supposed to be eod :)19:41
rbasakSo it calls invoke-rc.d even though there is no init.d script because it finds the upstart script19:41
rbasakBut upstart isn't present, so invoke-rc.d will do whatever it does when upstart isn't present.19:42
rbasakThat logic makes no sense.19:42
rbasakI don't really understand how it is supposed to interact with systemd though.19:42
hallyn_rbasak: 'invoke-rc.d lxc start' talks to systemd just fine19:43
hallyn_at least, when i do it by hand19:43
hallyn_obviously not during this upgrade :)19:43
hallyn_but yeah, maybe this is just a kick in the pants to change this19:43
rbasakhallyn_: could it be related to dh_systemd_start handling happening a little bit later in the generated postinst?19:43
rbasakI can't see how though19:44
hallyn_btw i was thinking that mustve come from lxc.postinst but it does not, so that's just the autogenerated postinst code.... nothing lxc can do about it afaics19:44
rbasakMy hypothesis is that it's either a bug in dh_installinit/dh_systemd* or the way you're calling it in the package. Maybe if you drop the upstart job (rm_conffile etc) the problem will go away.19:45
hallyn_can't do that, there are still upstart users19:46
hallyn_like phone19:46
rbasakAh, good point.19:46
hallyn_mbiebl_: pitti: hey, one of you good fellows around?19:46
hallyn_we're looking at bug 1490110 .   the lxc package ships upstart and systemd jobs, not sysvinit.  upgrade from vivid to wily fails on invoke-rc.d lxc start insisting on there being a /etc/init.d/lxc, and we can't tell why.19:47
ubottubug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149011019:47
TJ-hallyn_: I saw something very similar with a user recently, using mongodb, and tracked it down to the postinst script incorrectly trying to use update-rc.d when there's an /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering19:49
TJ-hallyn_: Hazy recall now, but I *think* the control flow was going via invoke-rc.d or similar19:50
hallyn_TJ-: what should postinst be doing instea dof update-rc.d?19:53
TJ-hallyn_: just gone back through my logs - terrible memory! It was actually showing up via (manually reproduced doing) "dpkg --configure  libpam-systemd"20:01
TJ-hallyn_: "the root cause is a call to "update-rc.d systemd-logind defaults" "20:01
TJ-hallyn_: if you're seeing the same/similar issue, lines 15-19 of the 14.04 libpam-systemd.postinst were the crux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12739482/20:08
hallyn_TJ-: the 'defaults' line, or also line 19?20:09
TJ-hallyn_: I'm trying hard to recall! I *think* I originally though line 16, but then we did a "set -x" trace and it showed it was line 19 (invoke-rc.d)20:10
hallyn_lxc is using invoke-rc.d to start some other things (mainly apparmor and dnsmasq)20:12
hallyn_what did you replace that with?20:12
TJ-hallyn_: Just found the log (the user changed nicknames): "dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d" and "ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d"  and then undid it afterwards.20:13
rbasakThat seems a bit...extreme :)20:14
hallyn_TJ-: will try that, thanks much :)20:14
TJ-rbasak: I was trying to get the user out of a broken "apt-get -f install" situation20:14
hallyn_although, hm, i don't want invoke-rc.d t onot run20:14
sarnoldheh, I'd recommend asking one of the greybeards before going that far :)20:15
TJ-hallyn_: right, I think it depends on which services require it, but as I said that was the root cause for the user I was helping20:15
TJ-I seem to recall I found the work-around recommended on the -devel mailing list from some time back, or else in a launchpad bug comment20:15
TJ-Not sure how sane this was, but I found myself saying: "...the reason that invoke-rc.d is failing20:17
TJ-since it can't find the 'upstart' version of initctl, it tries to use sysv-init, and there is no sysv-init script for systemd-logind20:17
hallyn_should this count as a bug against sysv-rc?20:17
dokokees, is harderning-wrapper still maintained, or is it obsolete now?20:30
achiangmdeslaur: hey, have there been any 14.04 security updates that might break LXC? trying to start a container and getting: lxc-start: conf.c: setup_pts: 1772 Permission denied - mount failed '/dev/pts/ptmx'->'/dev/ptmx20:31
* achiang decides to try and boot an older kernel to see if that is related20:32
pittislangasek: right, and bug 1502536 is essentially the same; I haven't yet managed to reproduce it20:33
ubottubug 1502536 in ofono (Ubuntu Wily) "package ofono 1.17.bzr6904+15.10.20150928.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150253620:33
pittislangasek: but vila attached the apt-clone tarball yesterday; I guess this can somehow be used to reconstruct the original system20:34
rbasakpitti: that looks like the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1490110 that hallyn is working on20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Confirmed]20:34
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pittihallyn_: hello; this was meant to be fixed in vivid's invoke-rc.d and service already, hmm20:34
pittihallyn_: actually sounds like the same issue I was just telling slangasek20:35
pittirbasak: right, these are by and large all the same20:35
rbasakpitti: we currently have a reproducer20:35
pittirbasak: oh, you do? I tried umpteen scenarios for ofono and nfs-common20:35
rbasakpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1490110/comments/2020:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490110 in lxc (Ubuntu) "package lxc 1.1.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Critical,Confirmed]20:35
rbasakOn Vivid install juju-local + lxc then do-release-upgrade to Wily.20:36
pittirbasak: note that for fixing upgrades it's enough to have the fix in -updates, so we don't need to respin for that20:37
pittijust a 0-day SRU20:37
pittirbasak: odd; from a vivid cloud image I tried installing nfs-common, ofono, then dist-upgrade and what not; but I"ll try with this20:37
rbasakI used uvt-kvm20:37
sarnoldachiang: looks a bit like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/150478120:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504781 in lxc (Ubuntu Trusty) "lxc-test-ubuntu hangs forever in trusty-proposed with Linux 3.13.0-66: AppArmor denies /dev/ptmx mounting" [Undecided,Fix released]20:37
rbasakI have the cloud image I used. I haven't tried multiple times so I don't know if there's something non-deterministic involved.20:37
achiangmdeslaur: hm, yes. booting with 3.13.0-65-generic #106-Ubuntu allows my vagrant-lxc container to boot again20:38
achiangand with 3.13.0-66-generic it is broken20:38
sarnoldachiang: see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1507959 -- it may be worth unduping those two?20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504781 in lxc (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1507959 lxc-test-ubuntu hangs forever in trusty-proposed with Linux 3.13.0-66: AppArmor denies /dev/ptmx mounting" [Undecided,Fix released]20:38
achiangsarnold: reading through the first one 1504781 certainly describes my symptoms20:40
* rbasak goes to bed20:41
achiangrunning apt-get upgrade to get lxc 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.9 and will try with kernel -66 again20:43
achiangYeah, that fixed it. Thanks sarnold20:44
hallyn_pitti: hi, so you have a handle on that bug?21:00
pittihallyn_: I duplicated/summarized it, but I don't have a working reproducer yet21:00
pittiobviously it's some mis-handling in invoke-rc.d21:01
pittiin vivid we added some handling for packages which don't have init.d scripts, but apparently there's some case where this doesn't work21:01
hallyn_hm.  as rbasak said uvt-kvm makes it very easy, or you could do it with lxc-create -t21:01
hallyn_uh, lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud21:01
pittihallyn_: I'm running dist-upgrades in qemu21:01
pittiso far I installed lxc and  juju-local, and now dist-upgrading21:02
pittiwhich still works fine21:02
hallyn_so it's something about the clou dimages then21:02
pittibut so far indeed I didn't use do-release-upgrade, I'll try that next21:02
hallyn_(which is what uvt-kvm uses)21:02
pittihallyn_: no, I also got reports from desktops21:02
pittilike vila's21:02
pittiI can't imagine how apt full-upgrade vs. do-release-upgrade would make any difference, but who knows21:03
pittihallyn_: do you have a way to reproduce it?21:05
pittiso far every reporter couldn't reproduce it after the dist-upgrade, any further dpkg-reconfigure, apt-get install -f, apt-get install --reinstall, sh -x invoke-rc.d etc. went fine21:06
pittiah! do-release-upgrade indeed!21:09
hallyn_indeed :)21:21
hallyn_does it set some weird configuration?21:21
pittiour dist upgrade tarballs have their own version?21:22
pittiand lo and behold, diff -u /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d imported/invoke-rc.d21:22
pittiall the systemd support is missing21:23
Laneybecause it wants to apply this diff to it?21:24
pittiLaney: no, I ran diff between the version in wily.tar.gz (the release upgrader tarball) and the real invoke-rc.d from sysv-rc21:25
pittiI updated the bug21:25
pittinow, I don't have the slightest idea how this upgrade tarball is constructed21:25
pittibdmurray: ^ do you happen to know? or is that still all mvo's domain?21:26
Laneypitti: I mean it has this copy because it has DistUpgrader/imported/invoke-rc.diff applied or what?21:27
Laney(in the u-r-u source package)21:27
pittiLaney: perhaps, yes21:27
Laneydoes it just come right from here to the tarball?21:27
pittiLaney: yes, I just unpacked it and looked at imported/invoke-rc.d21:28
pittido-r-u leaves it behind in /tmp/21:28
bdmurraypitti: DistUpgrade/build-tarball.sh creates it21:29
cjwatsonand it's spat out as part of the ubuntu-release-upgrader package build and gets into LP via a raw-upgrader (or some such) dpkg-distaddfile21:30
cjwatsonraw-dist-upgrader, that's the one21:30
pitticjwatson: ah, so uploading u-r-u should do it?21:30
LaneySo yes, can fix the one in the package21:30
cjwatsonpitti: right21:30
cjwatson(disclaimer: have not been following the rest of the discussion at all)21:31
pitticjwatson: do you know, would that also work when SRUing this? i. e. upload to wily-updates?21:31
pittiI don't think we want to rebuild images for this21:31
pitti(or maybe it's necessary, but checking options here)21:31
cjwatsonI believe so but would have to check21:31
bdmurraypitti: yes, it would we just need to change the meta-release file url to point to -updates21:31
pitticjwatson: rest of the discussion is not that important; the essence is, the current wily.tar.gz upgrade tarball is buggy21:31
bdmurraypitti: I already have an SRU pending for bug 150853921:32
ubottubug 1508539 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Wily) "KernelRemoval information not updated for 15.10" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150853921:32
cjwatsonoh that's it21:32
cjwatsonit gets the URL from http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release*21:32
cjwatson(the various versions of that, there's an index at the top level)21:32
cjwatsonI think that's updated by hand but it can be made to point to -updates21:32
cjwatsonand indeed does for some series21:33
bdmurraycjwatson: that's what I was saying21:33
pittibdmurray: ah good; mind if I reject your upload and add the invoke-rc.d update and reupload?21:33
cjwatsonbdmurray: right, indeed, just wanted to fill in the details21:33
bdmurraypitti: no, that sounds find. What bug is this fixing?21:33
pittibdmurray: seems you didn't yet push the release tag to bzr anyway :)21:33
cjwatsonsince I think this is poorly understood by a lot of devs21:33
pittibdmurray: bug 150489721:33
ubottubug 1504897 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu X-series) "packages with only upstart+systemd without sysvinit fail to upgrade with do-release-upgrade: upgrade tarballs ship obsolete invoke-rc.d" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150489721:33
pittibdmurray: i. e. various packages failing to upgrade with "no such init.d script" and exit status 10021:34
bdmurraypitti: so bug 1508247 then?21:35
ubottubug 1508247 in lxc (Ubuntu) "Upgrade failed due to lxc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150824721:35
pittibdmurray: yep, duplicated; similar to bug 1490110 (also already duped)21:35
ubottubug 1504897 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu X-series) "duplicate for #1490110 packages with only upstart+systemd without sysvinit fail to upgrade with do-release-upgrade: upgrade tarballs ship obsolete invoke-rc.d" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150489721:35
bdmurraypitti: okay, I'll keep an eye out for those21:36
Laneycan we just take this diff into the normal invoke-rc.d in future?21:37
Laneyfeel like this trap might come up again21:37
pittiseems reasonably fine, yes21:38
pittifor X we should really do that21:38
* Laney writes a note for friday21:38
* pitti taps foot for this looong pre-build.sh to finsih21:42
pittiok, uploaded21:47
pittican we test this somehow while it's in -proposed?21:48
LaneyI guess re-target http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development ?21:48
pittilike temporarily pointing ^ to -proposed ?21:49
Laneybdmurray: ^?21:49
pittiI wonder if there's some secret option/env var to use a local file21:49
pittiarges: ^ as you currently seem to do SRUs, would you mind looking at ubuntu-release-upgrader in wily? (I uploaded it, so don't want to self-accept)21:50
bdmurrayusually meta-release-proposed is used to point at proposed21:50
pittiarges: this should probably become a 0-day SRU tomorrow21:50
pittiarges: (sorry for the shameless abuse!)21:51
cjwatsonI think you can pass it a local configuration file too21:51
LaneyIt's ok, I'm reviewing it21:51
TJ-pitti: I did something with it some years ago; edited "/etc/update-manager/meta-release"21:51
cjwatsonstash it in /etc/update-manager/meta-release IIRC21:51
LaneyI've released 0-day SRUs before21:52
pittiTJ-, cjwatson: awesome, thanks21:52
Laneyso don't feel too naughty accepting it with thise intention :)21:52
Laneycjwatson: ah, feel free21:52
pittiLaney: ack, thanks; you have more context now, too21:52
cjwatsonI'm not reviewing it21:52
cjwatsonmy snap was to TJ-21:52
pittiso once it's accepted/built, we can test the upgrade21:52
argespitti: will look21:53
pittiarges: seems Laney is on it, so nevermind; thanks anyway!21:53
argespitti: oh I don't usually look at dev releases21:53
argespitti: ok ok21:53
pittiarges: it's that gray area between dev and stable now :)21:53
lifelessdable? stev?21:53
pittilifeless: almost-solid?21:54
lifelesshmm, what do you call jellies that are nearly set ?21:55
pitticjwatson: while we can soak in your wisdom: how does http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release{,-development} get updated once this gets released? is that "vi" by someone with perms, or does that live in some bzr?21:55
TJ-lifeless: Ready to eat21:55
pitti(or "emacs" of course -- this ain't no flamebait)21:56
bdmurraypitti: it lives in bzr but someone needs to put on the server21:57
bdmurraypitti: ~ubuntu-core-dev/meta-release/ubuntu/21:57
pittibdmurray: ah, is that an RT?21:59
bdmurraypitti: no, I have access21:59
pittibdmurray: ah, ok21:59
pittihallyn_, rbasak, Laney, bdmurray, cjwatson: thanks for your help -- nice teamwork!22:00
cjwatsonas do I, Michael, and Adam22:00
Laneypitti: accepted, thanks22:01
Laneymodulo hotel wifi (done now)22:01
pittiLaney: ok,thanks; it's getting late, so unless someone beats me to it I'll test it first thing in the morning22:02
LaneyI'm guessing you might beat us to being awake/online :)22:03
bdmurraypitti: I can test it what should I have installed?22:03
Laney(but if not, will do)22:03
pittibdmurray: I added a test case to bug 1504897 description22:03
ubottubug 1504897 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu X-series) "packages with only upstart+systemd without sysvinit fail to upgrade with do-release-upgrade: upgrade tarballs ship obsolete invoke-rc.d" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150489722:03
bdmurraypitti: cool, thanks. Its also possible to just manually download the dist-upgrader tarball, extract it and run ./wily22:04
pittibdmurray: that'd be great, thanks; you also have sru-release and ~ubuntu-core-dev/meta-release/ubuntu/ powers, so we can land this by tomorrow22:05
pittibdmurray: ah, ./wily instead of do-release-upgrade -d?22:05
pittiI don't see the spethial tarball on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/1:15.10.14/+build/815670522:06
bdmurraypitti: do-release-upgrade -d does the checking of the metarelease file and stuff. I'm saying you can http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily-proposed/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ download wily.tar.gz and unpack it and then run it22:06
pittiso that doesn't work through dpkg-distaddfile, but some other side channel I suppose22:06
pittibdmurray: ah, cool; so that's essentially what do-r-u does22:07
bdmurraypitti: yes22:07
* pitti waves good night then, cu tomorrow22:08
Laneynight pitti22:08
pitti"today" already :)22:08
sarnoldnight pitti, see you in two or three hours? :)22:08
cjwatsonpitti: it really is dpkg-distaddfile, you just don't see it in the UI22:08
cjwatsonpitti: but follow the link to the build log and you'll see it being added there22:09
hallyn_pitti: thank  you!22:09
cjwatson(the modelling of custom uploads in LP's database is ... inadequate, which is why the web UI doesn't display them)22:10
* Laney showers, hopefully this is published shortly and I can check it22:11
bdmurrayLaney: I'm testing it already fwiw22:42
Laneybdmurray: me too, but your internets are probably more internet than my internet22:45
israeldahlHi all, can anyone point me to any documentation on building a custom PowerPC ISO.22:53
israeldahlI have already built for x8622:53
israeldahl32 bit and 64bit are not hard to do (for me) using deboostrap and chroot... but PowerPC is harder does anyone know the secret?22:54
Laneybdmurray: OK, finished(!) and I don't see those messages now23:02
bdmurrayLaney: neither do I23:04
israeldahlDoes anyone know where documentation to build a Power PC chroot is?23:05
israeldahlI have PPC and x86.  I would like to do it on x86 (if possible) but would be willing to use PPC if I have to23:06
israeldahlDoes debootstrap work with chroot on PPC?23:06
sarnoldisraeldahl: wouldn't debootstrap on the ppc work?23:06
cjwatsonNative debootstrap always works.  Our own build processes rely on it.23:07
israeldahlthanks cjwatson23:07
Laneybdmurray: unless you want to take care of it I'll sru-release in the morning23:07
* Laney sleeps now, night23:07
israeldahlcjwatson is it possible to use qemu or something to do it on x86?23:07
cjwatsonIf you were doing it on x86 then in practice you would need to grab an existing powerpc image and use qemu-system-powerpc.  It would be slow.23:07
cjwatsonqemu-system-ppc, sorry23:08
cjwatsonIn theory you can probably start the process with on-the-fly per-process emulation using qemu-user-static, but in practice you would run into trouble somewhere along the line with that approach.23:08
israeldahlcjwatson you mean I would need to loop mount the iso and chroot in?23:08
cjwatsonIf you have a powerpc system then the path of least resistance is definitely to use that.23:09
cjwatsonqemu-system-ppc != chroot.  Anyway, go native if you can.23:09
israeldahlcjwatson thanks I will try it.  I have scripts for building on x86, so everything should be pretty much the same (except kernel names) but the process functions the same, correct?23:10
cjwatsonThen you don't need qemu and everything's much simpler and quite probably faster as well, unless your powerpc system is exceptionally slow.23:10
cjwatsonWell, and the top-level ISO bits are a bit different.23:10
israeldahlcjwatson does isolinux (this is precise based) work the same for PPC?23:11
cjwatsonIt's not in a shape that you can run directly, but the stuff in "bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu debian-cd" (directory tools/boot/trusty/ etc.) at least shows you the options we use23:11
cjwatsonisolinux is x86-specific, and does not work in any way, shape, or form for powerpc23:11
israeldahlcool thank you I will totally check it out!23:11
israeldahlok so I need yaboot and all that23:11
cjwatsonright, or in theory grub but our current images are yaboot-based23:12
israeldahlGreat cjwatson you have been very helpful!  I may pop back in after a few days if I need more insight23:13
israeldahlyou rock :)23:13

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