Anho | ayyyy | 01:31 |
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dupingping | Hello, all | 12:02 |
marcoceppi | o/ We'll be getting started in just a min | 12:03 |
FrozenZia | Hello hello. | 12:03 |
dupingping | When does the meeting start? | 12:03 |
popey | hello | 12:04 |
marcoceppi | #startmeeting 1200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board | 12:04 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Oct 21 12:04:24 2015 UTC. The chair is marcoceppi. Information about MeetBot at | 12:04 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 12:04 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | 1200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: | ||
Kilos | hi dupingping FrozenZia | 12:04 |
dupingping | hi, Kilos | 12:04 |
dupingping | I am here. | 12:04 |
marcoceppi | Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 1200 UTC meeting for October 21, 2015. | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers amounts to at least +1, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!) | 12:05 |
marcoceppi | #votesrequired 4 | 12:06 |
meetingology | votes now need 4 to be passed | 12:06 |
marcoceppi | #voters popey marcoceppi Kilos IdleOne hggdh belkinsa | 12:07 |
meetingology | Warning: Nick not in channel: IdleOne | 12:07 |
meetingology | Warning: Nick not in channel: belkinsa | 12:07 |
meetingology | Current voters: IdleOne Kilos belkinsa hggdh marcoceppi popey | 12:07 |
marcoceppi | Now, without any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant... | 12:07 |
marcoceppi | #subtopic FrozenZia | 12:07 |
popey | I'm glad you know how to operate this bot marcoceppi :) | 12:07 |
FrozenZia | Right, so Paul Brown, native of New Mexico originally, moved to Finland after a year as an exchange student. | 12:08 |
Kilos | yeah me too | 12:08 |
marcoceppi | well, except for subtopic didn't seem to work :\ | 12:08 |
marcoceppi | Welcome FrozenZia! | 12:08 |
FrozenZia | Zia is an indian symbol from the NM state flag, and being here in Finland nowadays, well, that's where FrozenZia came from. | 12:08 |
FrozenZia | Here's the Wiki link: | 12:09 |
FrozenZia | I've basically been spending the last 4ish years trying to refurbish old computers, install Ubuntu on them, and sell them / donate them forward. | 12:09 |
FrozenZia | That's the very shortest version of the story, really. | 12:10 |
FrozenZia | Had an email from Walter Lapchynski pointing out that my contributions to the actual Ubuntu *project* in terms of bug reports, translating, code, etc... | 12:11 |
FrozenZia | has actually been very close to zero, but that for all that's lacking there I have done plenty of ADVOCACY. | 12:11 |
dupingping | Hi, everybody. | 12:11 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: I see you've done translation for Code Club World, which is awesome! Have you looked at doing translations for the Ubuntu projects? | 12:12 |
FrozenZia | I'm very much interested in doing more, but time time time... | 12:12 |
FrozenZia | marcoceppi: yes and no. | 12:12 |
FrozenZia | The few times I've looked at it, I've maybe gotten to the "first steps" page, and then got distracted with some other project, etc... | 12:13 |
FrozenZia | Don't really know at this point how really *easy* or *diffictult* it is to get started translating, but suggested that at OggCamp in Liverpool at the end of the month I'd be willing to try and organize a sort of "translating for newbies" workshop or something. | 12:14 |
FrozenZia | Problem being it'd be a blind leading the blind sort of situation at this point. | 12:15 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: I've found often teaching is the best way to learn something ;) | 12:15 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: have you been in contact with the Finland loco at all? | 12:15 |
FrozenZia | marcoceppi: so true. so very true. | 12:15 |
popey | I would prefer to see the testimonials on the page if possible, rather than emails to us, but that's just a personal preference. | 12:16 |
FrozenZia | marcoceppi: well, other than a few posts in the Finnish forums, not really -- have been disheartened there didn't seem to be much *local* activity (I'm *not* in Helsinki), and the | 12:16 |
FrozenZia | Tampere crowd has been meeting Wednesday nites which haven't worked for my schedule. | 12:17 |
Kilos | FrozenZia what was the problem of getting your testimonials that went to our mailing list on your wiki page | 12:17 |
FrozenZia | popey: Yeah, I just had people to ask for testimonials that would have found registering to be able to update the wiki "beyond them". | 12:17 |
Kilos | ah | 12:18 |
popey | Yeah, the wiki is obtuse for beginners | 12:18 |
FrozenZia | Even Vagrant, who is very capable, commented that he didn't know if he'd ever edited the Ubuntu Wiki and so I sent him the e-mail-address option. | 12:18 |
popey | ok. | 12:19 |
popey | My main concern is the lack of direct measurable contribution to Ubuntu. | 12:19 |
FrozenZia | Did definitely *not* mean to create extra e-mail for everyone. | 12:19 |
popey | It's fine, we don't get much email on that list :D | 12:20 |
FrozenZia | popey: understandable about the measurable contribution. | 12:21 |
popey | Typically we go through the wiki page and look at the contributions. | 12:21 |
popey | Like translations in launchpad, forum posts, blog entries and so on. | 12:21 |
FrozenZia | I could dig up some numbers of computers that are now "out in the wild" with Ubuntu installed due to my efforts, but it'd just be me "saying" that's how many are out there. | 12:22 |
popey | Right, you understand our problem then :) | 12:22 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: do you have any plans outside of a potential oggcamp talk and your current efforts with computers for the next 6 months in the Ubuntu universe? | 12:22 |
FrozenZia | ...and as Walter said, due to this, you would be largely looking at testimonials, which I suspect I haven't actually managed to get very many of. | 12:23 |
FrozenZia | marcoceppi: Definitely very interested in participating in translations. | 12:24 |
marcoceppi | Any other questions for FrozenZia, FrozenZia any comments before going to a vote? | 12:25 |
FrozenZia | A comment I sent to Walter earlier, and so I *think* you have all seen... | 12:25 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: I would like to hear more about your plans | 12:25 |
FrozenZia | hggdh: First the comment -- that I really am spending *so* much of my time in getting this business off the ground, and providing tech support for the machines we already have sold, that there's not a lot of time to do much else. | 12:27 |
FrozenZia | hggdh: Hmmm -- not sure what to tell you -- | 12:28 |
FrozenZia | We've just moved our company out of a cellar and into a "real" premesis, so we've got LOTS more visibility, | 12:28 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: that's OK. The thing that worries me is a mix of shown sustainable work on Ubuntu | 12:28 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: We measure contributions to Ubuntu here... | 12:29 |
FrozenZia | what with the current refugee stuff going on we're contacting refugee -facilities and trying to provide them with machines for refugees to use while there,... | 12:31 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: I am personally inclined to suggest you wait a bit more while you collect data on your Ubuntu contributions | 12:31 |
FrozenZia | At this point, it's the advocacy. | 12:31 |
Kilos | FrozenZia imo you have the potential to be a great ubuntu member, you just need some more to add in contributions to ubuntu itself | 12:32 |
Kilos | like translations are needed all the time | 12:33 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: which we need to be able to check; if we cannot check, we cannot validate it to the point we accept your work in Ubuntu as *both* sustained and significant | 12:33 |
FrozenZia | I have a few bug reports, comments on some, some forum input, but they're really nothing compared to the other work I've done. | 12:33 |
FrozenZia | hggdh: Kilos: yep, disappointing, but understandable. | 12:34 |
marcoceppi | #vote FrozenZia | 12:34 |
meetingology | Please vote on: FrozenZia | 12:34 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) | 12:34 |
popey | -1 | 12:35 |
meetingology | -1 received from popey | 12:35 |
Kilos | 0 | 12:35 |
meetingology | 0 received from Kilos | 12:35 |
hggdh | +0 I cannot really validate the two keywords for membership: sustained and significant | 12:35 |
meetingology | +0 I cannot really validate the two keywords for membership: sustained and significant received from hggdh | 12:35 |
marcoceppi | -1 I think you've got a great start. Keep up the advocacy and help share your knowledge/translations skill with the project and reapply again in the comming months! | 12:36 |
meetingology | -1 I think you've got a great start. Keep up the advocacy and help share your knowledge/translations skill with the project and reapply again in the comming months! received from marcoceppi | 12:36 |
Kilos | FrozenZia do a bit more thats visible to us please and try again | 12:36 |
marcoceppi | #endvote | 12:36 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: FrozenZia | 12:36 |
meetingology | Votes for:0 Votes against:2 Abstentions:2 | 12:36 |
meetingology | Motion denied | 12:36 |
Kilos | FrozenZia dont give up | 12:36 |
FrozenZia | When trying again "later", what sort of time-frame would you suggest? | 12:37 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: you *ARE* on the right track. But we need to confirm you work. Please do come back in a few months | 12:37 |
marcoceppi | Thank you FrozenZia for taking time to apply, we appreciate all you've done so far but feel a little more sustained contributions would be good to show | 12:37 |
popey | we usually recommend coming back in ~3 months or more | 12:37 |
FrozenZia | See you all in January, then. =o) | 12:37 |
Kilos | thanks so far fo | 12:37 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: we look forward to it! | 12:37 |
Kilos | yes we do | 12:38 |
marcoceppi | Okay, without further ado! | 12:38 |
Kilos | hit them translations | 12:38 |
marcoceppi | #subtopic dupingping | 12:38 |
* FrozenZia thanks all for their time. | 12:38 | |
popey | Thanks FrozenZia | 12:38 |
Kilos | yw | 12:38 |
marcoceppi | dupingping: welcome, please take a few lines to introduce yourself | 12:38 |
hggdh | FrozenZia: I expect you back here :-) | 12:38 |
dupingping | Hi, all. i'm here. | 12:38 |
dupingping | yes, I'm from china. | 12:39 |
dupingping | I have no jobs now in any company. | 12:39 |
marcoceppi | | 12:40 |
dupingping | And i am just contributing for Ubuntu. | 12:41 |
dupingping | I worked on Ubuntu precise and trusty. | 12:41 |
dupingping | I created two Ubuntu softwares. | 12:41 |
dupingping | Ubuntu Dock and Sticky Notes. | 12:41 |
dupingping | They are all only for Ubuntu. | 12:41 |
dupingping | And I worked on gtk3 and some others. | 12:41 |
dupingping | I know about compiz how to work, So i made some patches for metacity, that runs as compiz | 12:41 |
dupingping | I have my own site, | 12:41 |
dupingping | I have a critical bug fix patch for precise. | 12:41 |
dupingping | yes, it's my Ubuntu wiki written by me. | 12:42 |
dupingping | I worked on askubuntu, too. | 12:42 |
dupingping | So i made good answers and questions many peoples like them. | 12:42 |
dupingping | I wish Ubuntu become a first Desktop OS in the world. I think it's possible completely. | 12:43 |
dupingping | I wrote about it on the my own site. | 12:44 |
popey | Nice to see the AskUbuntu answers! | 12:44 |
dupingping | thank you, popey | 12:44 |
dupingping | And i also worked on askubuntu as a reviewer for first question and answers. | 12:45 |
dupingping | So i got many budgets includes gold budget. | 12:45 |
marcoceppi | dupingping: Nice job on getting the Steward badge for review | 12:46 |
popey | Yeah, collecting badges on AskUbuntu is addictive :) | 12:46 |
dupingping | I can show you metacity patch to make metacity runs as compiz with wave effect and scale effect when window is resized. | 12:46 |
dupingping | marcoceppi, thank you. | 12:46 |
marcoceppi | dupingping: I see you've created apps for Ubuntu desktop, have you considered doing the same for the Ubuntu Phone? | 12:47 |
dupingping | Not yet on Ubuntu phone. but i plan to make some apps on Ubuntu Phone. | 12:47 |
dupingping | I'm really professor for C and gtk3 programming. | 12:48 |
popey | Is Ubuntu Dock based on some other software, or did you write it all yourself? | 12:48 |
dupingping | of course, by myself. from scratch. | 12:48 |
dupingping | I can show you the source fully to you. | 12:48 |
dupingping | If i created it based on another softwares, i'll not created anyone. | 12:49 |
dupingping | I always think not same as another persons. | 12:50 |
dupingping | I'll explain you why i created them on Ubuntu? | 12:50 |
popey | No, I don't need to see the source, I believe you :) | 12:51 |
dupingping | I want to make Ubuntu to the most beautiful and most useful OS in the world. | 12:51 |
dupingping | :) thank you. | 12:51 |
marcoceppi | #vote dupingping | 12:52 |
meetingology | Please vote on: dupingping | 12:52 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) | 12:52 |
Kilos | dupingping ty for all your hard work so far | 12:52 |
Kilos | +1 | 12:52 |
meetingology | +1 received from Kilos | 12:52 |
popey | +1 | 12:52 |
meetingology | +1 received from popey | 12:52 |
popey | Would love to see some translations - especially on the phone apps :D | 12:52 |
dupingping | Thank you Kilos and popey. | 12:52 |
hggdh | +1 please also try to join a Local community if at all possible | 12:52 |
meetingology | +1 please also try to join a Local community if at all possible received from hggdh | 12:52 |
marcoceppi | +1 | 12:52 |
meetingology | +1 received from marcoceppi | 12:52 |
dupingping | Thank you for all. | 12:52 |
marcoceppi | #endvote | 12:52 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: dupingping | 12:52 |
meetingology | Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 | 12:52 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 12:52 |
hggdh | dupingping: welcome in! | 12:53 |
marcoceppi | Keep up the great work! | 12:53 |
dupingping | Thank you very much. | 12:53 |
dupingping | I like Ubuntu and work on Ubuntu. | 12:53 |
Kilos | congratulations dupingping and welcome to the members | 12:53 |
FrozenZia | Congrats dupingping! | 12:53 |
dupingping | that's greatest news in my life. | 12:53 |
hggdh | dupingping: we are happy with you :-) | 12:54 |
popey | \o/ | 12:54 |
Kilos | we are happy to have you with us | 12:54 |
dupingping | Now i'm a Ubuntu Member? | 12:54 |
hggdh | dupingping: yes you are | 12:54 |
popey | once someone adds you to the group on launchpad, yes | 12:54 |
dupingping | Now what do i do since now? | 12:54 |
popey | Keep doing awesome things! | 12:54 |
dupingping | that's great. | 12:54 |
Kilos | yes dont stop | 12:54 |
dupingping | yes i'll continue | 12:55 |
marcoceppi | No one else is on the list and we're nearing the top of the hour, thank you FrozenZia and dupingping for applying and to popey Kilos and hggdh for being present | 12:55 |
marcoceppi | #endmeeting | 12:55 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Oct 21 12:55:14 2015 UTC. | 12:55 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 12:55 |
Kilos | join a loco if you can and keep active | 12:55 |
dupingping | just a question to you. possible? | 12:55 |
FrozenZia | Hey 1 question. | 12:55 |
Kilos | ty marcoceppi for chairing for us | 12:55 |
Kilos | yes dupingping | 12:55 |
marcoceppi | Sorry, didn't mean to close so soon. dupingping FrozenZia we're still here, go for it | 12:56 |
dupingping | shows me certification card image. | 12:56 |
dupingping | How can i get certification card? | 12:56 |
marcoceppi | dupingping: fill out this form: | 12:56 |
FrozenZia | I noticed in a map of ubuntu members that there's someone close to me -- any way to find out who that is? Or send them *my* contact info and a request to get in touch? | 12:57 |
dupingping | yes, i'll do it. | 12:57 |
marcoceppi | FrozenZia: that's a good question. I don't think there is a way - popey? | 12:57 |
Kilos | is there a loco in finland? | 12:58 |
popey | no | 12:58 |
popey | You should contact the loco | 12:58 |
FrozenZia | 'Course now I started thinking of alternatives -- ad in the local paper, "Do you Ubuntu?" | 12:58 |
FrozenZia | popey: alright, will do that. | 12:58 |
Kilos | FrozenZia you can also look for lugs there | 12:59 |
Kilos | all lugs have ubuntu users in them | 12:59 |
FrozenZia | Thanks again, and I guess see at least popey in OggCamp! | 12:59 |
dupingping | Please help me, just one question. | 13:01 |
dupingping | I went to | 13:01 |
dupingping | And it request me enter verification code. | 13:01 |
dupingping | what is it? | 13:01 |
popey | uh, really? | 13:01 |
dupingping | yes, popey. | 13:02 |
popey | That's odd. | 13:02 |
dupingping | How can i recover the verification code? | 13:02 |
popey | Only Canonical employees should have to do that. | 13:02 |
popey | if you go to do you see any devices listed? | 13:02 |
popey | like a 2-factor auth device | 13:03 |
Kilos | i think she must first have membership activated guys? | 13:03 |
popey | there is that too :) | 13:03 |
popey | dupingping is in ~ubuntumembers | 13:03 |
Kilos | elacheche normally does it quick | 13:04 |
popey | | 13:04 |
Kilos | cool | 13:04 |
dupingping | yes, let me try. | 13:04 |
popey | try going to the form again dupingping | 13:04 |
dupingping | to modify the device, it request me enter the verification code. | 13:06 |
popey | ok, try the form again? | 13:07 |
popey | | 13:07 |
dupingping | let me try again. | 13:07 |
dupingping | it shows me "Type your verification code" again, | 13:07 |
dupingping | perhaps, i forgot my verification code. | 13:08 |
popey | is it asking for a code that you get sent via email? | 13:08 |
popey | is there an option to re-send it? | 13:08 |
dupingping | yes, let me try again. | 13:08 |
dupingping | where i can ask my code? so i can get the code via my email? | 13:10 |
popey | dupingping: does it look like this? | 13:11 |
dupingping | right | 13:11 |
popey | the same? | 13:11 |
dupingping | yes | 13:11 |
popey | okay | 13:12 |
dupingping | I need have any device? | 13:12 |
popey | Have you ever worked for Canonical? | 13:12 |
dupingping | yes. i am contributing for ubunut. | 13:13 |
Kilos | dupingping dont forget you are always welcome on the africa channel | 13:13 |
Kilos | cheers everyone | 13:13 |
dupingping | Kilos, yes, right. | 13:13 |
dupingping | popey, at the page, what code i need to enter? | 13:13 |
popey | dupingping: you should not be getting that page | 13:14 |
popey | dupingping: I am talking to our technical people, it might take some time to fix. | 13:14 |
popey | dupingping: can you drop me an email - and I will follow up a little later. | 13:15 |
dupingping | yes, i'll do it, popey. | 13:15 |
popey | thanks | 13:16 |
popey | I'll follow up with our technical people | 13:16 |
dupingping | see you later. thank you today. | 13:16 |
popey | o/ | 13:16 |
dupingping | lol | 13:16 |
dupingping | Hi, popey. | 15:37 |
popey | dupingping: hey | 15:38 |
dupingping | oh, my account was suspended. | 15:38 |
dupingping | :( | 15:38 |
dupingping | I tried to enter my verification code many and many times. | 15:38 |
popey | oh dear. | 15:39 |
dupingping | and it shows me your account is suspended. | 15:39 |
popey | can you join #canonical-sysadmin ? | 15:39 |
dupingping | let me try. | 15:39 |
dupingping | good, logged in. | 15:39 |
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