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RAOF@vogons: Those people trying to build against recent mirclient will probably want https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/mircookie-dependency/+merge/27512504:13
* bschaefer missed that04:14
RAOFclion now has a “run this test fixture” feature that works on Mir!04:49
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RAOFMan, every time I look at ThreadSafeList I get the overwhelming urge to make it a lock-free vector instead.05:44
anpok_vogons: could someone look at the reg-ex inside the input platform abi bump.. believe I got it right now.. then I would be able to land the modifier fix and finally the android input stack removal..05:56
anpok_every time i see it I want to run away..05:57
dufluanpok_: Yes, sorry. I like regex things06:12
dufluGah. Jenkins says: before lunch A passes and B fails. Now A fails and B passes06:13
anpok:) .. i only like them in small digestable amounts wihtout multiple layers of escape characters06:14
anpoki.e. .. imagine using cmake to write a shell script that contains a regular expression..06:14
dufluanpok: Yeah I understand06:14
anpok.. boost::expressive is nice btw.. but I dont want to spoil your dinner..06:15
anpokduflu: new ci problem?06:16
dufluanpok: Ha. Boost is the reason I wrote:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/rexre/06:16
dufluanpok: Yeah there's an intermittent CI problem with vivid+overlay or something? Can't see all the errors because the first one uses non-public URLs. And it's been years since I had the VPN working06:33
anpokah ok .. but those connection problems only seem to occur with our krillins..06:33
dufluAsk for wily touch, that fails for everyone but those two failures don't prevent the final result being PASS06:43
duflu-Ask +As06:44
dufluMan we have too many binary packages arising from Mir now06:45
RAOFanpok: Enjoy https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/scratch-threadsafe-list-itch/+merge/275139 !07:14
dufluRAOF: Or just don't have multiple threads :)07:14
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alan_ganpok: looks like we're almost ready to delete 31KOC10:06
* anpok is just a bit frustrated that we now have similar different ci problem with the krilling trestrunners..10:11
zzarrHello! I have a MX4 and there is no mouse cursor on my phone when a bt keyboard and mouse is connected11:11
greybackzzarr: that feature hasn't landed yet, sorry11:26
zzarrokey, thanks greyback, when do you think it will land?11:27
ogra_on a wednesday11:28
greybackzzarr: it's being actively worked on, so by the next OTA with luck11:28
zzarrthanks greyback, then I hope that I have luck :)11:29
zzarrI have to go, bye greyback and ogra_ and thanks for your replies11:29
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kgunnSturmFlut ping13:39
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popeykgunn: lost track of things yesterday, was there something you wanted me to scan apps for?13:59
popeyoh, that was it, thinks linked against libmirclient?13:59
kgunnpopey: yep that and sdl actually14:00
kgunnpopey: much appreciated14:00
popeywhat is it specifically we're looking for?14:00
kgunnpopey: libmirclient8 and sdl (which is against libmirclient8)14:01
kgunnwhich is the one client before we corrected made abi promise14:01
kgunnwe found one app using, so we wanted to see if there were others14:02
popeykgunn: okay, will take a look14:04
popeykgunn: when do you need it by?14:04
kgunnpopey: not a rush thing, so day or so is fine14:07
popeywill do on friday, I have some time then14:07
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SturmFlutkgunn: pong16:21
kgunnSturmFlut hey there, unsure if someone made you aware of bug16:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1507982 in mir (Ubuntu) "[regression] OTA7 broke previously working app" [High,Triaged]16:22
kgunni believe that's your app mentioned there16:22
kgunnSturmFlut unfortunately, i think when you built you caught the last mirclient lib where we weren't promising to care for abi breaks16:23
kgunnjust wanted to raise to your attention, if you rebuild against the latest, it should work fine16:23
SturmFlutkgunn: thanks for telling me, didn't see that somebody already opened a bug for it. So I just update my 15.04 chroot and recompile?16:24
kgunnSturmFlut yes, assuming you have the stable-phone overlay applied (?)16:24
kgunnpure 15.04 vivid won't have the latest mir, but the overlay, which feeds the phone images we release does16:25
kgunnshould have libmirclient916:25
sturmflut_kgunn: I'm just using the chroot created by Qt Creator. So I basically add ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay inside of it, update and rebuild?16:28
kgunnsturmflut_: exactly16:29
kgunnsturmflut_ i'd kind of be surprised if you updated Qt creator, that it wouldn't already have that applied16:30
sturmflut_let's do a round of updates on all sides and see what happens16:31
kgunnsturmflut_: thanks, if you hit problems, ping here...and sorry for the noise!16:32
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