
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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jibeldavmor2, hey latest isos are on the tracker09:24
davmor2jibel: I'd just run my update script too :)09:25
davmor2jibel: do you know if they managed to get the lo fix landed in it?09:38
jibeldavmor2, it idodn't land09:44
davmor2jibel: no worries09:45
jibeldavmor2, expect another respin in the afternoon11:20
davmor2jibel: what!!! why now, and will it effect netboot?11:21
jibeldavmor2, no, not netboot. it'll fix bug 1508075 and maybe bug 1436861 if it's uploaded on time11:26
ubot5bug 1508075 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "ubiquity and others time out on polkit (killed by udisks2-inhibit)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150807511:26
ubot5bug 1436861 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "unity-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in engine_update_composite_device()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143686111:26
davmor2jibel: does that mean there is a chance that the LO fix could land too?11:29
davmor2jibel: or is that definitely sru territory11:30
davmor2jibel: in that case I will once again concentrate on netboot and get that passed again11:32
jibeldavmor2, is the LO fix uploaded? what is the bu #?11:34
davmor2jibel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/150817711:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1508177 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Starting LibreOffice with an empty profile from the ISO creates a profile selecting galaxy, not human as theme" [Undecided,In progress]11:34
jibeldavmor2, okay, if there is no fix yet it'll be an SRU11:35
davmor2jibel: fix is at the bottom of the bug comments I think11:36
jibelyeah but it is not uploaded anywhere11:36
jibeland it takes ages to build LO11:36
jibelit is just available in bjorn's ppa AFAICS11:37
davmor2jibel, infinity: any idea when the next respin will happen?13:23
balloonsgood morning all13:52
davmor2balloons: pffff good.....it is morning on the t'interwebz though, so morning13:53
balloonsin the same vein as 5 o'clock somewhere, there's a perpetual morning happenig round the world :-)13:54
balloonsMy little one is currently on new zealand time I think13:55
davmor2balloons: when ever people arrive on the internet they always say morning, so the only logical outcome is it is always morning on the interwebz13:55
davmor2jibel, infinity: back to my earlier question any idea on when the final image will be done?13:57
flocculantdavmor2: Friday next at this rate :p15:30
davmor2flocculant: I blame you entirely ;)15:30
flocculantgood good15:31
flocculantI can take it :p15:32
flocculantI mean15:32
flocculanteveryone does that so why not you too :p15:32
davmor2jibel, infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr_YVQctXVg or at least a final image ;)15:42
flocculantwasn't sure of the meaning here ...  **** WARNING: REBUILDING THE WORLD ****15:47
jpdsflocculant: Every single package is being rebuilt from sauce?15:47
flocculantjpds: as long as it's HP and not tomato15:48
flocculantevery sauce is just a pail imitation of HP Sauce15:48
flocculantthough HP is a pale imitation now too said the old man15:49
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jibeldavmor2, ^16:23
jibeldavmor2, it is not in current yet16:23
jibelautomated tested are still running16:23
davmor2\o/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6JHaBVySTA16:24
jibeldavmor2, the 2 changes are https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/2.1.6-2ubuntu1 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/15.04.1+15.10.20151021-0ubuntu1 so a sanity check of desktop images and we are good17:28
jibeldavmor2, I had a looked at server too and they look fine17:29
davmor2jibel: is this the final final image no more respins?17:30
jibeldavmor2, it should be unless you discover something horrid17:34
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davmor2note to self find nothing horrid18:01
davmor2jibel: boot from first drive isn't working on kvm I will try it on hardware in a minute so ensure it is functioning18:07
* flocculant sometimes feels bad when he's noticed a bug a while back and forgotten and then sees people warbling about the same thing the day before release 20:26
davmor2flocculant: that'll be day before release ;)20:46
flocculantnot sure why I'd even tried to boot with the hard drive from there tbh now20:51
flocculantnot something that I would generally do20:51
flocculantevening balloons20:56
flocculantwell - I at least am quite relaxed about releasing :D20:58
* davmor2 pictures balloons in a stetson and chaps20:59
davmor2unfortunate not the butch cowboy more https://www.dees-fancydress.co.uk/catalog/images/63012.jpg21:00
balloonsohh boy21:01
flocculantwhy did I open that even though I saw the fancydress in the url ...21:01
balloonssterotypes are fun21:02
balloonslol, inline previews mean I had not choice. I saw it21:02
flocculantha ha ha21:02
davmor2balloons: what the hell irc client are you on?21:02
balloonsi use shout IRC21:03
balloonsit's been pretty ok21:03
davmor2with all you fancy smancy21:03
balloonsi still miss my bouncer sometimes, but this does some things better21:03
davmor2balloons: there you go http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs/deaconsbench/files/2013/12/bouncer.jpg21:04
flocculantis that why you keep going awol then?21:04
flocculantplanned if you ask me :p21:05
balloonsyea, it doesn't stay as connected 24/721:05
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