
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy Back To The Future Day! 🙌 The future is now!08:54
davmor2JamesTait: I had this ready just incase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XwNibBpDYU08:56
zmoylan-pii've wanted convergence since someone mentioned a docking station for the psion 5 to add full keyboard and screen09:02
bashrcI think it will happen. Only question is when09:05
zmoylan-pii've been waiting 15+ years now...09:16
zmoylan-piand mobile tech has yet to get back to the high water mark of the psion pdas09:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:23
brobostigonhi MooDoo09:28
TwistedLuciditybashrc: MS has done it. Or so their PR department claims... Apple will invent it in the next year or so.09:46
* zmoylan-pi fondly remembers the stowaway keyboard for palm devices... full sized keyboard the size of a palm device...09:48
* brobostigon picks up his old palm pilot and wave sit around proudly, still lieing on his desk.09:51
zmoylan-pii still have a palm here but it's battry no longer charges... :-(09:53
zmoylan-pii miss sim city, reptoids and irogue...09:54
SuperEngineerzmoylan-pi, you do realise that you have to plug the charger into a wall socket, I suppose?  ;-)09:54
zmoylan-pihmmm, i was wiring it up to lightning conductor and waiting for strikes.....09:55
SuperEngineerhmmm... that might work.  Guess there's just not enough lightning yet ;-)09:55
foobarryanyone with nvidia card occasionally get full screen flicker09:57
foobarryone flicker that flashes the whole screen for a split second09:57
popeyso steamlink is an android device... https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3p2zv8/steam_link_teardown_mainboard/ ?09:58
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:06
* popey is off to see Tim Vine tonight10:06
foobarryoff to the car garage :(10:12
foobarryMOT +service+ lots of £££10:12
bigcalmpopey: nice10:17
brobostigonwhen you try and install golang mobile with, "go get golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile" is there meant to be any output from it?10:40
davmor2popey: I hope you are having a shave then :P11:14
* popey adds more work for davmor2 11:15
davmor2popey: pfff not possible11:15
RidgewingIs wily out today or to tomorrow ?11:44
lubotu3Not yet!11:45
RidgewingOh yeah ..   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule11:46
Ridgewingthat's good.11:46
RidgewingWhen do you think the X-name question shall apear on reddit ?11:47
davmor2popey: do you think we should push for Zeebedee for the Z release?  We could change the login drums to boing boing :D11:54
popeyyou think we'll still be around for z? :)11:54
popeyI thought we were switching to rolling, so X will be the last one11:54
davmor2popey: well first we need to move the phone to snappy and then follow that with the desktop though right then everything is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYnFIRc0k6E11:56
RidgewingI like the 'backup, backup' bit.12:04
bigcalmpopey: you don't expect to have a job by 16.10?12:53
popeywho knows what the future holds12:53
bigcalmThat's how I read your line "you think we'll still be around for z? :)"12:54
bigcalmOr are you expecting the human race to be wiped out by then12:55
bigcalmMight happen12:55
davmor2The Lunch of Champions original curry pot noodle hmmmm12:55
popeyYou never know!12:58
diploPot noodles are god awful, don't know how people have them :/13:04
bigcalmThey can be bad if incorrectly prepared13:04
bigcalmThey can be lush (as far as a quick slack can be) if done correctly13:05
popeyi like home made not poodles13:05
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2diplo: next you'll be saying you like Marmite13:05
diploWhen I see it in the bin yes13:06
bigcalm1. Leave to sit longer than the total 4 mins. 2. Add other sauces besides the included packet. I add Tabasco, soy and Worcestershire sauces13:06
popeyI love marmite13:06
davmor2popey: yes but you are clinically insane ;)13:07
bigcalmLeaving a pot noodle for longer means that more water is absorbed and the sauce gets thicker13:07
bigcalmdavmor2: pot calling the kettle black13:07
davmor2bigcalm: how do you think I know he is we got the certificates at the same time :P13:07
davmor2diplo: Pot noodles are like tea, leave it to stew the right length of time and it is perfection :)13:08
diploI guess that's where we differ :D13:09
bigcalmdiplo: you don't like tea either?13:10
diploNah like tea, just don't leave it to stew13:11
diploWater on tea bag, swirl around, squeeze and done13:11
davmor2diplo: get out now ;)13:11
davmor2diplo: that's called Water :D13:12
bigcalmThat's about as strong as I have13:13
davmor2to be fair though it depends on tea13:13
bigcalmWon't be making tea for davmor2 any time soon13:13
davmor2bigcalm: I tend to drink coffee, but I make tea for the workmen and all of them have it the same, if the spoon doesn't stand up on it's own it's not strong enough13:14
davmor2bigcalm, diplo: My wife has green tea with lemon, you have to stew that for a good 30 seconds for the lemon to infuse otherwise it tastes awful, fresh tea is always stewed to and normally in a teapot too ;)13:16
diplodavmor2: Guy I work with leaves the bag in his for herbal/green teas13:17
diploLooks stronger than the squash I make my kids13:17
bigcalmTea tea when stewed I find undrinkable13:17
bigcalmInfusion teas I tend to leave the bag in the mug the entire time I'm drinking it13:18
diplopopey: Do you still use your Revo for Kodi/XBMC ?13:25
popeyI haven't used my revo for a long time13:29
popeyIt's attached to the back of the display I'm using but isn't powered on13:29
popeyI don't even know what's on it.13:29
davmor2popey: dust?13:30
diploOK, just was debating updating mine - wondering what others were using now13:30
Seeker`I used to have pot noodle sandwiches :P13:35
diploOh dear....!13:37
bigcalmMy parents still use the Revo I sold them. It's their house file & backup server13:39
Seeker`diplo: or supernoodle sandwiches. That was during the first year of uni13:40
bigcalmRunning 14.04.3 LTS13:40
popeyMy mum still uses a revo running ubuntu as her pc13:49
popeyshe's had it for over 3 years13:49
diploYeah I use mine for Kodi still, it's running an old ubuntu that is no longer supported and 12.0 xbmc13:50
diploWas going to reinstall, may try the new kodibuntu13:50
diddledanmorning, m0nkey_14:01
diddledanthose revos were good when they came out14:01
diddledanthere was a big push for nettops14:02
diddledanthe key thing about them was they had an nvidia chip14:02
popeyintel chip board sized of a pi14:20
popey50K seems low14:20
diddledanit's interesting that they feel the need to be exactly the same form-factor as the pi right down to the gpio pin layout14:29
diddledansmacks of microsoft's embrace extend extinguish philosophy from the late 90s only from a startup company instead14:30
diploI read that they wanted to make the GPIO's the same for all the current modders out there, maybe form factor for the same reason, people have enclosures that may fit them14:38
diploOr that it has sold so well in that form factor14:39
diddledancan anyone help a user on the hantslug mailing list with this query: http://www.hants.lug.org.uk/lurker/thread/20151021.144602.ae9d6e11.en.html?14:48
diddledanI failed netiquette in my reply - top-posted AND failed to trim!!!14:53
diploWe use people like Sagepay diddledan, just provide them with the 'Secret key' and the transaction takes place on there, I suppose I could read more into it but not sure I could help anyway :)14:58
diddledanthey appear to be using a third-party, too14:58
diploYeah as per your response, I don't quite get what they're doing14:58
m0nkey__DPAPI is a Microsoft mechanismn to process transactions securely?14:59
m0nkey__Like CC numbers?14:59
diddledanm0nkey__, no, it's an in-memory encrypted storage as far as I can tell14:59
diddledanlike the keychain in os x and linuxy systems14:59
m0nkey__GnuPG perhaps?15:00
m0nkey__Or EncFS?15:01
diddledanthat's just it, it's unclear what the third-party wants the guy to use DPAPI for15:01
Seeker`diddledan: at least you didn't PM someone without asking them15:01
* diddledan pms Seeker`15:02
Seeker`someone got upset at me for doing that the other day15:02
diddledanoops :-p15:02
m0nkey__Well, the 3rd party needs to provide some kind of information about it. APIs, etc. wtf are they trying to do? More context is needed.15:02
Seeker`nonono, wait diddledan, I need time to prepare for the arrival of a PM!15:02
diddledansometimes bad netiquette is more a lapse in concentration15:02
diddledanI think it's nice to be a good citizen but being a good citizen also involves allowing others to make mistakes :-)15:03
diddledanif the various national governments are to be held as an example we should have a citizenship test before we allow people onto the internet (that would be terrible!)15:06
SuperEngineerdiddledan, you're wrong... Everything is "your" fault [e.g today's lousy weather is also *your* fault] ;-)15:07
diddledan"are you britishy enough to be allowed into britain?"15:07
* diddledan makes moar bad weather!15:07
bashrcI blame Windows15:07
PeteOtaqui"are you britishy enough to be allowed into britain old bean, what what?"15:08
diddledanof course it's crazy having a britishness test when britain is supposed to be multicultural15:09
diddledanlike "we value all cultures, but you must change yours to be the same as ours"15:10
bashrcthe vikings would fail15:10
diddledandoctor who on saturday had vikings!15:10
diddledanI'm curious to see where they go with the lass that he saved15:11
PeteOtaquididdledan just passed the britishness test15:11
bashrcA britishness test would be something like: "how much tea do you drink?"15:11
bashrc"do you complain about the weather often?"15:12
diddledanyes to both15:12
PeteOtaqui"do you apologise when someone else bumps into you"15:12
diddledanI do!15:12
SuperEngineerIf only we Brits realised how multi-cultural the blood flowing us is...15:12
diddledanSuperEngineer, exactly - what have the romans ever done for us15:13
diddledanand the vikings15:13
SuperEngineerALERT - ALERT -Monty P. referencer15:13
diddledanand every one else who's invaded15:13
bashrcthe Romans would have failed the britishness test15:13
diddledanthe normals, and the angles and the curves and the saxons etc.15:14
SuperEngineeryou forgot the Saxon people15:14
PeteOtaquiStewart Lee does a great bit about that ... "Before Romanians, it was the Poles ... coming over here, fixing all the stuff we broke"15:14
bashrcall fails15:14
PeteOtaqui"... and before that, it was the Indians ... coming over here, inventing us a cuisine ..."15:14
diddledanwe'd have terrible food if we didn't have curry15:14
diddledan"curry, the epitome of british cuisine. not british."15:15
GaryAfternoon folks15:16
diddledanafter noodles!15:16
bashrcpizza? FAIL15:16
SuperEngineerBest of British.. if you tasted my cooking you wouldn't care which country your food culture originated from!15:17
SuperEngineerThat's a point... Pot Noodles!15:18
diddledannectar of heaven, those15:18
* PeteOtaqui leaves in disgust15:19
bashrcpheasants? FAIL Christmas trees? FAIL15:19
SuperEngineerAs this is #ubuntu-uk... why not get together and demand #ubuntu-uk pot noodles15:19
SuperEngineer"PeteOtaqui leaves in disgust"... just working out how many nationalities involved in that name....15:20
SuperEngineerhmmm... close enough15:21
PeteOtaquiEnglish then Arabic with a French spelling15:22
PeteOtaquiAlthough I guess you could say 4, because surnames were introduced to much of the Arab world by the Turks in the 1800s (to collect taxes)15:22
SuperEngineeryou should be proud of that name - it helped collect money!  ;-)15:23
PeteOtaquiWhat did the Ottomans ever do for us?15:23
SuperEngineer...or the turks15:24
zmoylan-pigave us somewhere to rest our feet...? :-P15:24
davmor2PeteOtaqui: nice boxes at the bottom of the bed to keep your bedding in?15:24
PeteOtaquirest our feet, while usefully storing stuff?15:24
PeteOtaquiok, ok, aside from interesting and functional boudoir furniture ... ;)15:25
zmoylan-piso bloody annoying we went of and found other ways to get to asia discovering america in the process?15:26
PeteOtaquicatch you later15:26
GaryCan't believe I've been registered on Freenode for almost ten years15:27
SuperEngineerreally? I thought penguins discovered America!15:27
popey\o/ (11y 28w 1d ago) here15:28
zmoylan-pinah, that was just penguins trying to avoid polar bears who got lost15:28
GaryHey popey xXx15:28
zmoylan-piworld running out of lego... panic!! \o/15:29
SuperEngineerhmmm - it appears popey has invented a new time period... A "Go"15:29
* popey tickles Gary 15:29
popeylong time no see15:29
GaryJust a while eh15:29
diddledanlooks like I "Registered : Feb 09 17:16:33 2007 (8y 36w 3d ago)"15:31
SuperEngineerdiddledan, what is this time period "go" [& why doesn't anybody put a space between "a" & "go"15:33
MartijnV1Scounting in hex again, SuperEngineer? :P15:33
SuperEngineergot it15:33
diddledanlol: http://www.buzzfeed.com/alanwhite/going-to-westfield-with-the-archbishop-of-banterbury15:35
Seeker`:O its a Gary15:41
Seeker`and 8y 48w here15:42
diddledanSeeker`, damn it you sunk my battleship15:43
Seeker`pfft, you're such a noob diddledan :P15:44
diddledanI think you'll find you spelt that wrong, I'm actually a right ol' knob.. :-p15:44
Seeker`well, that too :P15:44
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
SuperEngineerdiddledan, just seen your reply re spelling [been on phone]... love it!16:17
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Azelphurhttps://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/3pnlzu/my_battlestation_with_a_viewv2/ finally done with the new desk setup \o/17:22
zmoylan-piover compensating much? :-)17:25
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I thought he was just blocking out the view17:29
Azelphurzmoylan-pi: ;)17:29
zmoylan-pithat reality is just so hard to deal with...17:29
Azelphurexactly, I reject your reality and substitute it with my own :P17:30
* zmoylan-pi suspects Azelphur's reality has a lot of rainbows, unicorns and kittens... :-)17:39
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
davmor2zmoylan-pi: and that's on monitor 1, on 2 he has dancing leprechauns, 3 nyancat and 4 is fairies and gandalf18:18
daftykinsone client seems to have no end of trouble with their sky boxes naffing up18:21
zmoylan-pisome other problem at their location causing it?  wonky power? giant doomsday device plugged in next to it etc. ? :-)18:24
daftykinsah but the doomsday device has really nice lights...18:25
daftykinsi could just pass it onto the TV guy :D18:25
zmoylan-pigotta have blinky lights on doomsday devices, it's in the regs... oh and a red led countdown...18:25
daftykinsand have it signed off by a school teacher - oh no wait not that last bit18:27
zmoylan-pii dunno, some of my teachers were evil geniuses18:27
* davmor2 hands zmoylan-pi telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl18:56
=== Xack is now known as XACK
daftykinshmm playstation 4s have meant to have dropped by £50 in the UK o019:51
zmoylan-picrimbo coming up so wanting to capture a few more sales...20:09
daftykinsindeedy, funny when you look back and see when they were £60020:10
davmor2daftykins: all of them are stupid money to start with and steadily come down20:10
zmoylan-piinitally they sell them at a loss and make their money on games, probably making a profit on each unit now and passing some of that on20:12
daftykinsdavmor2: yeah it just put it into context for me looking at the amazon price history today :D20:13
daftykinsnever seen it be so clear before20:13
davmor2daftykins: it was the same for 360/ps3/xbox/ps2/ps120:14
daftykinsheh, i know - i wasn't born yesterday20:14
* davmor2 checks daftykins birth certificate, no apparently you weren't well done on knowing that :P21:19
m0nkey_Even our government is getting in on the fun: http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/tc/2015/55494r-eng.php21:23
lubotu3Not yet!22:05
diddledanthe X name has been announced btw22:08
daftykinsit looks like a squirrel22:08
m0nkey_Motorola wont replace my Moto360 here in Canada, because I purchased it in the US.22:29
daftykinscan't post it down?22:31
m0nkey_i'm starting to make a stink on social media22:36
diddledanI'm not saying a single word about you stinking22:37
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
m0nkey_I'm going to file a formal complaint23:11
m0nkey_They wont replace my watch, since it was purchased in the US.23:11
m0nkey_The border is only 30 mins away23:11
diddledanoh I thought you mean filing a formal complaint about my comment :-p23:16
daftykins"that too"23:16
diddledanhmm, nagios just freaked-out23:18
m0nkey_Also posting on their facebook23:18
m0nkey_"Helllo Motorola​, your customer service department has failed to provide me with a warranty replacement for a device purchased in the US, since I live in Canada and unable to provide a US address. My Moto360 has developed a crack on the back, which is a known manufacturing defect. I spent an hour on the phone with your customer service department (A 3rd party in El Salvador) who said they cannot do anything to help me. All I want i23:18
m0nkey_s for my watch to be fixed or replaced. I can only assume that the parts used to repair are the same in the US and Canada."23:18
daftykinsseems fair23:20
m0nkey_I started laughing when I got them to admit to being a 3rd party in El Salvador23:21
daftykinshow come o023:21
m0nkey_They told me to contact the US support, but they are going to say exactly the same thing.23:21
daftykinswhat's stopping you posting down to the US though?23:22
m0nkey_Don't you find it a little ironic, a device purchased in the US, being used in Canada is supported by a company in El Salvador?23:22
m0nkey_daftykins, because I don't have a US postal address, they supposedly can't help me.23:22
diddledanel salvador as in mexico?23:22
m0nkey_lol, don't tell any El Salvadorians that.23:23
m0nkey_They hate being called Mexican.23:23
diddledanI don't know what or where it is - is it a country or a city?23:23
daftykinsFly to El Salvador, I don't know why - and I don't know what for ~23:23
m0nkey_It's much further south than Mexico23:23
daftykinsi haven't listened to that band for a while23:23
diddledanI just tried apt instead of apt-get finally. nice progress bars ftw!23:45
daftykinsweirdly though i wonder if it fails to tie in to whatever updates the MOTD on SSH login, 'cause the package count doesn't seem to update23:46
m0nkey_Well, Motorola has lost my custom. Basically, I'm screwed.23:48
m0nkey_I called the US support dept, they had a bit more sympathy and actually tried to help.23:49
diddledanthe us guys probably get it a lot23:50
m0nkey_So, anyone want to buy a Moto360 with a slightly cracked back? lol23:50
daftykinsdon't know anyone across the border you can have be a proxy o023:51
diddledanwow, apple have just send a slew of vuln aanouncements to the full-disclosure list23:53
daftykinshuge updates from them today23:54
diddledan(or rather patches announcements)23:54
daftykinsEl Cap finally got 10.11.1 so that should fix Office 2016 ;)23:54

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