
flocculantknome: could you tweet RC please, forgot all about social media 06:41
dkesselmorning. did anyone ping me? i think i saw a ping earlier, but now i can't find it06:56
flocculantdkessel: nothing that I can see since the catfish one 06:57
Unit193Want a free one?06:57
dkesseloh yes please06:58
Unit193dkessel: Ping!06:58
dkesselthanks, much better Unit19306:58
Unit193Glad to be of service.06:59
Unit193!info acheck07:27
ubottuacheck (source: acheck): Check common localisation mistakes. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1+nmu1 (wily), package size 33 kB, installed size 163 kB07:27
knomeflocculant, anything specific you want linked to?09:46
knome*want to be09:47
knomeflocculant, tweeted https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/65676972112839475209:51
knomeok, bbl10:01
flocculantknome: ty - once again :p12:17
flocculantyet another rebuild to come it seems 12:19
flocculantit seems about now in fact15:49
flocculantthis should be the last build - and all we really need to do is make sure they don't explode everywhere17:19
flocculantall in all I think we're in a pretty good position 17:19
flocculantknome: had itchy trigger finger ... draft 15.10 done based on 15.04 18:35
Ivanich_hi there19:16
flocculanthello 19:17
Ivanich_Where i can find bugzilla of xubuntu?19:19
flocculanthttps://bugzilla.xfce.org/ 19:20
flocculantis where we report to xfce19:20
flocculantbut generally - report to that and LP and then link bugzilla to the LP report19:20
Ivanich_idk where should i actually write about this19:21
flocculantIvanich_: how about you say what's up and I'll try and help you decide :)19:21
Ivanich_I used xubuntu 15.04 x86 before this day19:22
Ivanich_but tomorrow is the release day of 15.10 and i decided to install 15.10 amd64 beta19:22
Ivanich_but my modem is cannot identify himself.19:22
Ivanich_Huawei E3372 in Hilink mode19:23
flocculantIvanich_: right - well the beta is old - there have been a bunch of updates since then19:23
flocculantbut that as a bug wouldn't be xfce one - that would be an ubuntu LP one19:24
Ivanich_What if i downgrade back to 15.04. Will my modem work tomorrow when 15.10 is released?19:25
flocculantwell you can;t downgrade you would need to reinstall 19:25
Ivanich_That's the idea19:25
flocculantIvanich_: best thing you can do is grab the current image and see if it works - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/347/builds19:26
flocculantgo to the bottom - find Xubuntu, choose arch and then grab that 19:26
Ivanich_I try to update usb_modeswitch and check19:29
Ivanich_if it won't make an effect will try daily build19:29
flocculantochosi: do we expect apps with csd to lose rounded corners when compositor is off? 20:20
flocculantknome: got an updated for wily getxubuntu locally too - assuming mirrors stay the same21:01
ochosiflocculant: yeah, pretty much22:10
ochosirounded corners aren't possible without a compositor or using the X shape extension22:14
ochosi(xfwm4 uses the latter so it always works, gtk does not)22:14
ochosi(CSD == gtk)22:14
knomeflocculant, nice23:12
bluesabreflocculant, yes, in fact that is xfwm nicely handling those apps without a compositor23:32
bluesabrepreviously we saw large black boxes or duplicated window manager decorations23:32
flexiondotorgbluesabre, Yo23:38
bluesabreflexiondotorg: what's up?23:39
flexiondotorgOh y'know. Sleep deprivation ;-)23:39
flexiondotorgbluesabre, Quick thing.23:39
flexiondotorgDid you know I made Ubuntu MATE 15.04 for the Raspberry Pi 2?23:39
bluesabreSleep deprived is just normal23:39
bluesabreI did not23:40
flexiondotorgSo, I did.23:40
flexiondotorgI'm releasing Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for the Pi 2 tomorrow along side the other versions.23:40
flexiondotorgThe build system is a bit brittle right now.23:41
bluesabrePretty cool23:41
flexiondotorgBut I've agreed with the Lubuntu team to build images for Lubuntu 15.10, probably next week.23:41
flexiondotorgYou interested in me making Xubuntu images?23:41
flexiondotorgInitially so you and your team can test.23:42
flexiondotorgThen potentially to release?23:42
bluesabreflexiondotorg: We'd have to check with the rest of the team.  I lack the relevant hardware and I think several of the others do as well.  We'd probably like to avoid putting our name on something we can't properly test at this time.23:44
flexiondotorgWhich is why I'm asking.23:44
flexiondotorgwxl, the Lubuntu lead, is a Pi fan and has a Pi2. So he will do the acceptance testing.23:44
flexiondotorgBut I can make an image to share with you privately that you can ask your team to test.23:45
flexiondotorgI think our three flavours are best suited for the Pi 2.23:45
flexiondotorgAnd Ubuntu MATE is the heaviest of them all, so Lubuntu and Xubuntu will be fine.23:46
bluesabreflexiondotorg: yes, I'd agree with that.  Let's confirm with the others in advance so we don't have to waste your efforts :)23:46
bluesabre!team | see above re: raspberry pi and pi 2 images23:47
ubottusee above re: raspberry pi and pi 2 images: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19323:47
flexiondotorgOK, well I won't have time for this until next week.23:47
flexiondotorgJust Raspberry Pi 2.23:47
bluesabrecool, that will give us time to communicate about it23:47
flexiondotorgNo ARMv6 in Ubuntu ports.23:47
bluesabre!team | sorry about first ping, only pi 2 images23:48
ubottusorry about first ping, only pi 2 images: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19323:48
bluesabreflexiondotorg: but yeah, we'll discuss this and let you know :)23:48
flexiondotorgOK, cool.23:48
flexiondotorgI assume the xubuntu-desktop meta package will grab everything I need?23:48
bluesabreflexiondotorg: yes23:49
flexiondotorgWhat about xubuntu-core?23:50
flexiondotorgIs that a dep of -desktop?23:50
bluesabrexubuntu-desktop pulls xubuntu-core23:52
bluesabrexubuntu-core is our minimal, so you might have good luck with that23:52
bluesabredinner time, bbabl23:52
flexiondotorgxubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu-mate all work the same way in that regard.23:52

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