=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [03:56] what time will Xubuntu 15.10 be released? I live in New York (about 12 PM now) [05:22] For anyone experiencing problems with AMD drivers in 15.10 (like me) [05:22] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-15.10-4.2-Cat-Not-Ready [05:43] where ordinary user in xubuntu could change a password? [05:44] Ah I see, user settings and there is chage button [06:06] my firefox just stopped responding... [06:13] I think I made it with set-defaulr but I don't see it in df -h ? [06:14] and I still have /share and /@share [06:26] solution for AMD drivers problem with 15.10: [06:26] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/1493888 [06:26] Launchpad bug 1493888 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "FGLRX incompatible with kernel 4.2" [High,Confirmed] [07:49] hello === crond is now known as Guest21057 [11:18] hi #xubuntu :) [11:19] will Xubuntu Core available with 15.10 , officially? [11:20] can I share my calendar events I set on orage somehow? [13:18] yes [13:42] If I set Thunar to Detailed List and navigate to my /home folder (w/ Desktop, Documents, Downloads etc.) all folders have a special icon. A downward pointing arrow for Downloads and a piece of film for Videos. Oddly enough, Documents hasn't got such an icon in Detailed List (nor Compact List), but it does in Icons. Is anyone else having this problem? Xubuntu 15.10 by the way. [13:44] TopGear: it has got a special icon here. Is this a fresh install? [13:44] TopGear: the icon looks like aq document to me [13:45] ducasse, Yes, completely fresh. I don't really like upgrades /\ flocculant, A white piece of paper with a folded corner? [13:45] TopGear: yea [13:46] flocculant, Oh, maybe that's supposed to be like that then. I just realized that, when I zoom in, all folder icons change, not just grow. Might've overseen that. [13:47] TopGear: maybe the icon theme you are using hasn't got a special icon for that. [13:47] ducasse, It's just the default icons I am using. Elementary Xfce darker. === robin__ is now known as rinse_and_repeat [13:49] TopGear: weird. that doesn't happen here. [13:51] ducasse, Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/bD0VisZ.png [13:51] TopGear, also happens to me. [13:51] also fresh install [13:52] 15.04 [13:52] not sure what you think is the issue here? [13:52] I tought the white paper icon next to Documents was a missing icon. Turns out it's the Documents-icon. [13:52] yeah it's a bit odd [13:57] TopGear: aah ok - I'll wander off again then :) [13:58] Yeah, there's nothing actually wrong apparentely. It was just confusing. Thanks! [14:01] welcome :) [14:10] How do I "Switch" user in Xubuntu now?? [14:11] I locked it to switch.. === crond is now known as Guest25358 === AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [15:20] join [15:20] join [15:20] ? === g4mby is now known as PaulW2U [16:37] hi guys i'm experiencing a bug after install the version 15.10 [16:38] it boots fine, but when LightDM shows my keyboard won't respond, and i can see the caret of the mouse blinking, but all freezes in about 10 seconds [16:38] this problem doesn't happen if i boot in secure mode [16:39] how should I start to debug this? [16:40] Zeioth: Is this a fresh/new install, an upgrade or...? [16:41] it is an upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10 made using do-release-upgrade [16:42] Zeioth: I have no knowledge of LightDM (don't actively use it). Was just asking a question so the information might help someone who does. [16:43] Just hang around, someone with more knowledge should be around soon(ish) :) [16:46] Since it works in recovery mode the reason must be a service or program loading on the start [16:48] someone running 15.10 without issues could please run "service --status-all" and paste the result in http://pastebin.com/ ? [16:49] Zeioth: http://pastebin.com/zETJ4AKt [16:50] Zeioth: That what you wanted? [16:51] yes thank you! I'm going to compare with my results [17:01] i disabled all our diferent services except ati drivers, lets see [17:21] Is it ok to use today's daily xubuntu from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ instead of final 15.10 release? They seem to have different hash.. [17:22] jarnos: Most probably, I used yesterday's daily and had no problems with anything today after the update. [17:23] However, I like to DL the -release and burn it for any further installs. [17:23] And they should have different hashes, they different. [17:27] jarnos: Oh, sorry, misread the original question. But the answer is still the same :) [17:28] Most probably.... [17:29] But There is no daily for the 22nd...so I misread the misread. [17:30] So the original answer stands...sorry for the confusion. [17:39] hmmm no luck so far [17:40] Zeioth: I'm assuming you used the daily from the 21st? 32 or 64bit? [17:41] if i run "do-release-upgrade -c" it says is the last avaliable version [17:41] 64 bits [17:42] OK, I know it works (I'm typing on a machine installed with that ISO) . [17:43] Exactly what problems are you having? [17:44] Wait, so the problem you are having is an , not an install? [17:46] trying to install xubuntu 15.10 on a machine with UEFI. i have no need for the windows that came along, so i booted the liveUSB, fine, Now chosing erase the disk and install ubuntu gives me a strange error, it can't mount the boot partition.... [17:47] manual partition lead me to freeze when applying partition table. [17:47] what am i missing? [17:47] OK. 1) I have absolutely no knowledge of QEFI. 2) Have you used the "check the media" option in the original boot menu to make sure the burn was good? [17:48] s/QEFI/UEFI/ [17:48] yes, no errors found [17:48] So that's not the problem :) [17:49] seems not... but thanks for suggestion :) [17:49] sakrecoer_: there aren't many people about currently, given that would be a generic issue rather than an Xubuntu one - you'll probably get help in #ubuntu just as easily [17:49] sakrecoer_: You are going to have to wsait for someone with UEFI experience, sorry. [17:50] no problem :) thanks anyways guys! and congrat on the new release! [17:50] Yeah...Works For Me (tm) :) [17:50] sorry we're thin on the ground - many that hanh about here do #ubuntu as well :) [17:50] well.. maybe those congratulation sounded strange given my situation, but i mean it! thanks for being guys! [17:51] * sakrecoer_ slaps his fingers.. [17:51] thanks for being xubuntu, guys [17:51] hehe [17:51] :) [17:52] sakrecoer_: flocculant was right, sounds like a non-exclusively xubuntu problem...more eyes in #ubuntu. [17:52] thanks! [18:24] Hi! Can someone help me? I have a problem: i've just installed Xubuntu 14.04.3 but it seems that it can't update. I tried to restart but no changes. I checked into the report and the problem is in aptdaemon 1.1.1-1ubuntu 5.2, type: crash, says that it can't decode a byte in a string. Sorry i can't paste this [18:27] And the unreportable reason is that some packages are old libexpat1 and tzdata [18:28] If you need to paste long text, you can use http://paste.ubuntu.com [18:38] so fomrating /dev/sda1 to fat from NTSF made it! [18:38] sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 [18:38] there seem to be no loading bar?... [18:39] the slide show is there, but no progess bar... well it seems to work.. [18:40] sakrecoer_: weird...hope it works. [18:42] hehe... yea.. feels weird... like waiting for godot :D [18:43] OK, any references to anything even smacking of culture belongs in -OT :) [18:43] sorry.. [18:43] It's lower your geekness score. [18:43] :D [18:44] * drc wonders i "godot" has even been mentioned here before? [18:44] drc! ;O your geek score!!!! ;) [18:45] Hey. I had a minus score, so that's an improvement [18:46] haha! [18:46] and this really is getting close to the line :) [18:46] maybe we get lucky and no one notices? [18:46] ha!!!!!!! [18:47] ubottu, can you keep a seceret? [18:47] sakrecoer_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:47] good [18:51] sakrecoer_: xD [18:52] godot arrived! thanks ver much for a humor filled assistance! [18:53] np, enjoy. [18:53] cya! :) === Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Xubuntu support | Xubuntu 15.10 is out! http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-15-10-release/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? See the complete support methods list at http://xubuntu.org/help | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic [20:34] Hi guy! At my house I have an annoying problem with my 2 laptops. The palm of my hand messes with my typing. [20:35] evandrojr, remove the hand [20:35] I found out that if I run this 2 commands on the prompt the problem is fixed [20:35] evandrojr: Are using a mouse instead of the trackpad? [20:36] very funny knome :) [20:36] drc I am using a touchpad [20:36] you can turn the trackpad off or control the time for how long it is turned off after you stop typing [20:37] synclient PalmDetect=1 and synclient PalmMinWidth=3 [20:37] fixes the problem for me, but I would like the prevent this problem for all the other users [20:38] Why that settings do not come as default for the distribution? [20:40] What is the setting to turn off the touchpad while I am typing. I remember I had that before but it if very annoying for games. [20:43] evandrojr: Settings-> Devices-> Enable this device. [20:44] or Settings-> Device->Touchpad->Disable touchpad while typing. [20:44] That was too easy! Sorry for my stupidity! [20:46] I was thinking I was going to send you a revolutionary patch or something like that. Make a better world for the Xubuntu user. NO WAY lol [20:47] knome, thank you very much for you help! [20:47] evandrojr: You do know there is a way (that works for me at least) to disable the trackpad once you connect a USB mouse? [20:49] (keeps me from mistakes when I tap the trtackpad absentmindedly, as I have a habit of doing). [20:49] I don't know. How do you do that? [20:51] Don't you guys think it would be nice to have this "turn of trackpad while typing" as the default option? Would make everyone's life easier [20:51] Settings-> Removable Media->Input devices->Mice type "synclient TouchPadOff=1" into the command area and click Auto... The cexact ommand may vary depending on your trackpad [20:52] It resets to use trackpad on reboot (or synclient TouchPadOff=0) [20:55] Works For Me (tm) :) [20:58] drc the time to re-enable the touchpad after typing is ridiculous ! Too long! How can I fix that? [21:00] The only thing I can think of is "Duration" But I really have no idea, I don't use the trackpad. [21:00] Hello. Any idea when the new release will be pushed into the source channels ? it seems my Xubuntu doesn't detect the new release [21:02] My xubuntu detected 15.10 and asked if I wanted to update [21:02] did you ran apt-get dist-upgrade ? [21:03] ah, I'm waiting a mirror from my country, maybe they didn't sync yet [21:04] I haven't updated because I was concerned with the Intel video driver. They usually are late to release the driver. [21:05] sorinello: I take it you do have it prompt you for normal releases? (See /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades) [21:06] Unit193, I have normal [21:06] Prompt=normal [21:07] I have a xubuntu and a xubuntu core OS'es [21:07] I haven't run dist-upgrade, just apt-get upgrade [21:10] "Duration" worked perfectly I how come I did not see this option again. Feeling stupid again.... [21:18] Does anyone know if the Intel video driver is working well for movies on the 15.10? If there is no tearing at all? [21:27] Unit193, so do you have any idea what I am missing ? [21:28] evandrojr: That would depend on what kernel you're using (probably the default), the version of the driver you are using (I use Nvidia and it shows 3 different drivers, I assume that intel also has multiple drivers), and your particular video card/chip. So, no. [21:29] No one probably does know for your specific situation. [21:47] intel only has one driver [21:48] and if you are affected by tearing you may try to enable the TearFree option for the dirver [21:48] OK, now I know :) [21:52] One driver? So, they just lump everything, old cards, new cars and legacy cards all in one driver? It must be either huge or not much changes in the intel world. [21:54] works pretty well [21:55] you have to change the acceleration method for older cards, but that's it [21:55] actually not for "older" cards, but rather for "old" ones [21:55] Thank you, did not know that. [22:05] Thanks drc and mrkramps for the video info! === a1fa is now known as alfalfa === alfalfa is now known as a1fa [22:20] Unit193, as a side note, xubuntu core doesn't seem to come with update-manager by default, so it must be installed if you want to upgrade to a newer version [22:21] sorinello: IIRC, they expect if you're using -core, you'll know how to use the CLI :) [22:22] drc, well core comes with xfce also :)) [22:22] but yes, you are right [22:24] * drc wonders waht any version of Xubuntu w/o xfce would be...Xubuntu-server? :) [22:25] And with that...chow time! [22:29] hey guys, anyone else experience the flickering when firing up google chrome? xubuntu 15.10 here === puff` is now known as puff [23:49] i had to do a clean reinstall but finally i got 15.10 working :D [23:49] and for some reason that fixed my opensource drivers, so it was for the best xD