
Double0negativeHas anyone else found 15.10 to be extremtly unstable00:14
loki_Hi all.00:18
loki_Can someone here reccomend some good easy reading about sym-links?  I'm trying to make a sym link for apt-get so that it uses apt-fast instead :)00:18
loki_thanks in advance :)00:18
TJ-loki_: "man ln"00:21
loki_ohhh thank you so much :)00:21
loki_TJ-: would this work ?  http://pastebin.com/Vq6t1SjD00:25
TJ-loki_: that points a symbolic link /usr/sbin/apt-fast to the executable /usr/bin/apt-get00:26
loki_I think I believe that's what I am trying to accomplish.00:27
TJ-loki_: I think you wanted it the opposite way about. Remember to back-up the current apt-get executable so it isn't wiped out, best to use dpkg-divert for that00:27
loki_than k you for taking the time to explain this.. I am reading.. but this is very new territory for me :)  what exactly does dpkg-divert  do exactly in Layman's terms :)00:31
loki_TJ-: so this would then be proper?   ln -s /usr/sbin/apt-fast /usr/bin/apt-get00:31
loki_and I can just copy apt-get and save it in another directory?00:31
TJ-loki_: Yes, or use the system's own manager for that with "dpkg-divert --local --divert /usr/bin/apt-get.real --rename /usr/bin/apt-get"00:35
loki_Thank you again for your time.. and help :)00:36
mparilloSince the use case is for commands, would an alias be closer than a symbolic link? http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/aliases.html00:43
Double0negativeAnyone else having stability problems with 15.10?00:45
mparilloNot for me. It has been much better than 15.04 for me ever since the first alpha01:19
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disciplineI can't find in Google a way to disable suspend when the laptop is plugged in the AC power for Kubuntu 15.04, does anyone know? :S02:02
gordiehey guys02:32
denza242discipline: left click the battery icon02:34
denza242'configure power saving"02:34
gordienew to kubuntu02:34
denza242gordie: bottom right corner02:39
denza242there should be an icon02:39
denza242which looks somewhat like a battery02:39
disciplinedenza242: I have already changed that, disabled the "Suspend Session", yet still it suspended when unattended03:38
disciplinebut thanks for the input...03:38
disciplinedenza242: to be clear, I disabled the suspend session in the "On AC power" tab03:38
denza242discipline: oh uh03:40
denza242discipline: like03:41
denza242i can't think of anything03:41
disciplineit's ok, it's cool, I just wanted to leave something compiling while I slept03:41
disciplinebut... no go :|03:41
excalibrdiscipline, which laptop model03:53
disciplineexcalibr: toshiba, c55e, AMD Video Card with Catalyst drivers, AMD CPU, kernel "3.19.0-30-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 22:08:41 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"03:59
denza242skanlite isn't working05:41
denza242I skan a thing but when the save dialogue pops up05:41
denza242"no file found" or something05:41
denza242hang on05:44
denza242ah figured it out05:45
denza242it can't do 6400 DPi05:46
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Avihay_worksigh, upgraded two computers to 15.04 lately, no internet connectivity, one has a realtek adapter and one has an intel athros thingy, both are, or rather were very common08:08
hateballThere is no such thing as "Intel athros"08:09
Avihay_workI'm wondering if someone had the same expiriance, and how is it in 15.1008:09
hateballit's either Intel, or it's Atheros08:09
lordievaderGood morning.08:16
hateballRealtek is always awful so that's not really news. Intel usually works just fine.08:17
hateballAtheros is also awful, but tends to work better than Realtek at least08:17
hateballAll in my experience, obviously08:17
hateballAvihay_work: If you have the chipsets handy we could perhaps solve the issues08:18
svend-evGood morning08:19
Avihay_workpressure, work, can't, thanks for the offer though, came mostly to whine cause 15.04 took my cheese, and see if i'm the only one, and if 15.10 will help08:22
Avihay_workhateball: ^08:22
gorilychhello! Can somebody tell me where to file a bug for custom hotkeys stop working?08:30
Avihay_workand my usb drive is stuck at home, so I can't even try to upgrade08:31
hateball!bug | gorilych08:32
ubottugorilych: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.08:32
gorilychgreat, thanks!08:35
gorilychbtw, how to debug this issue with hotkeys stop working? I set CapsLock to change keyboard layout and it works for a while, but after this pressing CapsLock starts toggling big letters08:43
afsdfvHI i said09:14
=== descilla is now known as Guest68579
howlymowlyhi everyone...  short question: i am trying to install kubuntu on an Acer Aspire R3-471T  laptop with win10 problem is: I get to the install screen where I can put in the name of the system as well as choose the language but when I click continue it shows the mouse pointer turns into a waiting symbol and thats it ...  nothing else happens. I can still minimize the window though...  any idea whats going on here?09:45
howlymowly(I use a kubuntu 15.10 installed on an USB stick. I already used the same stick to install the same kubuntu version on other computers ...)09:45
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yossarianukcongrats on 15.10 !10:02
yossarianukwill these fixes for 5.4.3 be in the normal repos for 15.10 (without PPA?) -> http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2015/10/looking-at-some-crashers-fixed-this-week/10:02
yossarianukkubuntu definitely had the more exciting release this time... (as opposed to Ubuntu)10:03
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nora99Hi! I just installed Kubuntu (Ubuntu version 15.10, Plasma version 5.4.2, OS-Type 64-bit, Kernel Version 4.2.0-16-generic) and am having problems when I first login after booting.10:08
nora99basically it takes about 2-3 minutes until I can click anything at all10:08
nora99Any ideas what i can do ?10:08
nora99I've done update and dist-upgrade10:08
hateballnora99: I recall there is some bug... somewhere. You can disable the splash screen and it should work10:09
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howlymowlynora99:   i think I have the same bug ;)  it takes hours until I can do anything ...10:10
nora99haha, then i should be happy with the 2-3 minutes O_o10:10
nora99I'll try it with disabling the splash screen10:10
nora99or should i remove it fully?10:11
hateballYou can just disable it in the options10:11
hateballiirc there is some service that waits/hangs, which causes the splash to remain10:11
hateballI'll see if I can find the proper bug10:11
mparilloI wonder if it is a side-effect of fixing: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35180510:11
ubottuKDE bug 351805 in general "Configuration file "//.config/kwalletd5rc" not writable. Please contact your system administrator." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:11
mparilloI have noticed my boot taking a bit longer (not 2-3 minutes), but it is worth it to me as it appears (more testing required) to have also fixed this won't fix bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34460010:12
ubottuKDE bug 344600 in applet "Network Manager Widget does not 'remember' to connect to previous WEP network" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]10:12
nora99alright, disables the splash screen, rebooting now10:12
nora99thx guys10:12
nora99_hm, no that didn't solve it.10:15
nora99_I have the following behaviour: I login after booting or a reboot, then I can't klick anything. But if i do alt + space and open e.g. firefox or a console, everything works10:16
nora99_if i don't do that it takes a few minutes10:16
nora99_any ideas?10:16
nora99so, yeah10:28
nora99so no ideas?10:29
nora99no suggestions?10:29
nora99as to what else i could try?10:29
hateballnora99: check what you've got autostarting, if there's anything there that might stall10:30
hateballSadly there is no standard user-space logging facility, that would be nice for situations like these10:30
jubo2what should I try to get Kubuntu15.10 working with sounds10:37
yossarianukjubo2: try checking the mixer device/volume10:38
jubo2I'm still suspecting the audio devices not being detected and correctly shown in System Settings is something to do with the old settings found in the old /home partition that I mounted upon install10:38
lordievaderjubo2: Didn't you exclude that yesterday?10:39
jubo2lordievader: I am suspecting that the audio is not working because the installer mounted /home partition too early and got the broken settings from there10:41
jubo2I dunno what I should do10:42
lordievaderjubo2: You could pull up a live-usb and see if it works in there.10:42
jubo2lordievader: already tried that10:44
jubo2lordievader: the audio was correctly detected by the Live-CD10:44
lordievaderInteresting, was this an upgrade?10:45
jubo2but if I install without the /home and get the sounds to work that way they will likely break as soon as I mount the old /home10:45
jubo2lordievader: no, clean install10:45
lordievaderjubo2: Try your theory, I'd say.10:45
jubo2The I just need to copy all the .dotfiles and .dotdirs over the old /home and only then remount10:46
hateballso remove the sound settings in your ~/ then?10:46
lordievaderOr that.10:46
jubo2hateball: yeah. what files / dirs I need to remove?10:46
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hateballjubo2: I am not on plasma 5 now, dont know if they have moved elsewhere10:46
hateballon 4.x it's ~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc among others10:47
hateballbut kmix is not needed in 5 so I guess there is some plasma-pa or other config10:47
lordievaderYou also want to remove alsa and pulseaudio's config. But I have no idea where those are kept.10:50
jubo2I see also phonondevicerc10:50
jubo2that's something to do with the audio10:51
jubo2I gonna reinstall without mounting the old /home partition and see what happens10:53
jubo2wasting only 20 minutes if it doesn't work out10:53
jubo2off to reinstall10:54
gpehi, I wonder someone knows a way to setup kget to download without asking for location every time11:06
hateballgpe: I dont use it, but the manual suggests you can setup default directories11:07
gpeyes, the manual seems a bit "light". It is asking for regular expression to setup the groups11:11
juboxiHello again. Reinstalling the Kubuntu15.10 without mounting the old /home partition and the audio is automatically correctly detected and shown in System Settings11:11
juboxiSo it seems I just need to nuke all the sound settings from the old /home before install and that way I could have a working system with my old /home in place11:12
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jubo2hold on.. how about I copy the current sound settings to the old /home partition over the broken ones, reinstall and hope for best11:14
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jubo2there are no kmixrc or kmixctlrc in my ~/.kde/share/config (!)11:17
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hateballas I said, I am on 4.x on this machine11:18
jubo2yeah. kmix is not installedso no settings there11:18
hateballthings are likely in some other place in 511:18
jubo2Anyone know where the sound configs are in Plasma5 ?11:18
TJ-jubo2: on 15.10 I find "~/.config/kmixrc"11:19
jubo2TJ-: thanks.. just noticed the same thing11:21
hateballthat should only matter if you're actually using kmix tho, I'd think11:21
hateballand that is not needed in 15.1011:22
lordievaderI'd really look for any ALSA or PA config files.11:22
lordievaderThought it was .asound.conf and .pulseaudio (they aren't there by default)11:22
TJ-It was created by something; not sure what. I use ALSA/Pulseaudio with 2 sound devices without problems, but I've seen that jubo2 has been having extended issues with that11:23
lordievaderSame here, one internal card, one networked. No problems.11:23
lordievaderRelatively little custom config (none in the home dir for as far as I am aware)11:24
TJ-jubo2: did you try creating a new user and comparing the config for that user with the broken user profile? Or does a new user suffer the same fate (which points to a system-wide issue) ?11:24
sebastianguten tag11:27
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Guest76677kann mir jemand bei conky helfen11:27
jubo2I removed the kmixer files from the ~/.kde/share/config11:30
jubo2Anyone have any ideas what sound config files I should also move away to get the installer to detect the HW right and not reading the old broken settings11:31
lordievaderjubo2: 23-13:22 < lordievader> Thought it was .asound.conf and .pulseaudio (they aren't there by default)11:32
jubo2my old /home partition seems to have both ~/.kde/share/config and ~/.config11:34
BluesKajHiyas all11:34
jubo2oh yeah..11:35
jubo2Now I figure out11:35
jubo2I booted to Kubuntu14 for a week and that has Plasma4 so it created settings for that11:35
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BluesKajseems sasl connection on freenode fails on Konverstion11:36
jubo2Hiya BluesKaj11:36
jubo2I installed clean Kubuntu15.10 and the audio works11:36
jubo2so my theory that it reads some broken settings during setup if the old /home partition is mounted upon install time11:36
jubo2... seems to be correct11:37
BluesKajdid you wipe your old /home ?11:37
jubo2Now I'm trying to move all the old and broken audio settings away so the installer would detect the cards right11:37
jubo2BluesKaj: no, just didn't tell the installer to mount it11:37
jubo2this way the audio works like a charm11:38
jubo2but I would like to keep my old /home partition11:38
jubo2so I try to remove any audio settings from the /oldhome I have temporarily mounted now11:38
BluesKajdon't think the old home partition has anytgig to do with alsa and pulseaudio, jubo2, now you'll notice that pulseaudio is reinstalled on 15.10 by default11:40
jubo2BluesKaj: The only thing I did different in this install was not to mount the /home11:41
jubo2and audio works like a charm11:41
jubo2So I want the installer to create sound settings from clean scratch but keep all the other apps settings and naturally my files11:41
BluesKajlike I said you now have pulseaudio again, that's probly why it works11:42
BluesKajpulseaudio usually works , but I don't need it so i don't use it ...however, a lot of audio drivers rely on pulse now11:44
BluesKajanyway I'm glad your audio works for you, but I maintain it has nothing to do with your /home11:45
jubo2BluesKaj: the difference between a clean install and an install dirtied by some lingering old verbed up configs is that in clean I see the devices correctly in System Settings instead of just "default"11:46
jubo2BluesKaj: It has11:46
jubo2I have tested this now once11:46
jubo2if I mount the /home partition during installation I get broken system, if I don't I get functioning system11:46
BluesKajwell I don't , I always mount it and I end up with a new alsa and pulseaudio plus config files, and the audio always works, the I proceed to purge pulse11:48
jubo2I installed JACK on the old system11:50
jubo2that prlly messed up the settings11:50
jubo2 how about I move all the config dirs away and manually copy the few configs I need to retain.. like konversationrc ?11:52
jubo2whatcha figure BluesKaj?11:52
jubo2I mean move the configs away. Install with mounting /home and hoping it will write clean settings11:53
jubo2I try. Back in 25 mins11:54
BluesKajjubo2, I don't fool with old configs on new OSs that's why I mount the /home dir11:54
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juboxiNope. No audio devices in System Settings12:11
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jubo2I moved the ~/.settings and ~/.kde out of the way but the installer still found some old muck that stopped it from correctly detecting the cards12:12
TJ-jubo2: have you looked for clues in ~/.xsession-errors, /var/log/syslog, and others?12:13
TJ-jubo2: when you say "the installer found ..." do you really mean, "after installation and rebooting a log-in using the old /home/$USER/ directory fails to show audio devices" ?12:14
jubo2TJ-: I mean that the cards aren't shown right in the System Settings12:15
jubo2and no audio is available12:15
jubo2I think I want to install 100% clean. Mount the old /home partition and physically copy my files and the configs that are fine12:16
jubo2but I don't have enough spare space to do that12:17
TJ-jubo2: OK, so it isn't an *installer* issue, it's an issue with the working user environment post-install.12:18
BluesKajjubo2, you probly have 2 /home dirs. one in /, now that you didn't set a mountpoint for your original /home, there's one on that old home partition as well12:18
hateballassuming you have *some* spare space you could shrink current /home, create new partition and install to that, then move over stuff, resizing partitions as you go12:18
jubo2BluesKaj: currently the old /home partition was mounted in the installer12:18
hateballTerribly tedious work tho12:18
jubo2I have 555GB network attached storage at this one place so I can use that12:19
lordievaderjubo2: Do you have alsa or pa configs in your home dir?12:19
TJ-jubo2: why not manually stop the pulseaudio sound-server once logged in, then start it in the foreground with full debug/verbosity and see if it reveals what it is doing? You could also run it under 'strace' to check which files it accesses12:20
BluesKajnothing tedious about it just use the manual partyitioning and install to / and setting the /home mountpoint ...qiuite simple really12:20
jubo2BluesKaj: but setting the /home mount point leads to broken audio12:21
jubo2I gonna install 100% clean and somehow move my user files over12:21
BluesKajit doesn't here12:21
TJ-jubo2: sounds like an ALSA/JACK inherited config issue12:21
BluesKajis your /homne ona different dribe or some such?12:22
jubo2TJ-: you are likely right in that12:22
TJ-jubo2: you did say you had the old system using Jack didn't you?12:22
jubo2BluesKaj: nope.. just a partition on the only disk12:22
jubo2TJ-: I had it12:22
jubo2then I broke all audio on it12:22
TJ-jubo2: OK, I'd investigate the user-specific Jack config files, and ALSA too12:22
jubo2then I mounted the /home dir onto Kubuntu14 and now I got really weird configs I fugre12:22
BluesKajjack is for semi-pros , it's abitch to setup and it's really only for recording etc12:23
BluesKajremove/purge jack12:23
TJ-jubo2: first thing I'd do to try to reduce the footprint of the possibilities, is "mv ~/.config ~/.config.old && ~/.local ~/.local.old"12:23
jubo2TJ-: I moved the .config and the .kde but still I get broken audio12:24
TJ-jubo2: typo... s/&&/&& mv/12:24
jubo2I'm looking at the JACK files12:24
BluesKajthere's your problem12:24
lordievaderjubo2: That is what I was asking several times, do you have alsa/pa config in your home dir? (.asoundrc/.pulseaudio/*)12:26
* BluesKaj backs off for now .... too many cooks in the audio kitchen ...have at it gents, I've had enough of this mess anyway12:29
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nfk|laptopafter upgrading to 15.10 i noticed that for example gfortran is no longer in the repos, am i missing something?12:31
jubo2lordievader: there is .asoundrc12:32
nfk|laptopjubo2, delete that12:32
jubo2and what.. reboot?12:32
lordievaderjubo2: Ah, what is it's contents?12:32
jubo2I moved it to .asoundrc-old12:32
nfk|laptopif you have .pulse or .config/pulse/ those go too12:32
nfk|laptopjubo2, you do not need it, delete it12:33
jubo2I already moved .pulse to .pulse old12:33
nfk|laptopfinally get rid of jack config as well12:33
nfk|laptopthen reboot, if that does not help, you either missed something or your system config is broken12:33
nfk|laptopthat is config files under /etc12:33
nfk|laptopjubo2, basically it should just work, any config is only a risk that may make stuff break12:34
nfk|laptopcurrent versions of jack and pulse should be aware of each other enough to work together fine12:34
nfk|laptopand alsa is just there in below the surface12:34
nfk|laptopjubo2, btw, you MUST do pulse stuff when pulseaudio is not running12:34
nfk|laptopyou can do that with pulseaudio -k12:35
jubo2cant see any relevant configs in /etc12:35
nfk|laptopand then ps aux| grep pulse to make sure it's not automaticlally restarted12:35
jubo2I'ma reboot now and see what happens12:35
nfk|laptopjubo2, they are there, don't touch them12:35
nfk|laptopjubo2, you did read what i said, right?12:35
jubo2no pulse running12:35
nfk|laptopif pulseauido is running it will upon exit write config anew12:35
jubo2I reboot12:35
nfk|laptopand it's autostarted by smart enough applications12:35
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
jubo2it was the .asoundrc in mah home dir I think12:40
jubo2that was missing the thing up12:40
nfk|laptopso it works? good to hear that12:41
nfk|laptopnow, would someone know what's wrong with fortran?12:41
jubo2I see if I can return konversation settings12:42
lordievadernfk|laptop: According to [1] it should have been built and in the repos. [1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-defaults12:43
lordievader!info gfortran wily12:43
ubottugfortran (source: gcc-defaults (1.144ubuntu1)): GNU Fortran 95 compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:5.2.1-3ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 15 kB12:43
nfk|laptoplordievader, yeah, but i get12:44
jubo2Yeah.. looking food now12:44
nfk|laptopE: Package 'gfortran' has no installation candidate12:44
lordievadernfk|laptop: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy gfortran'?12:46
nfk|laptoplordievader, it was the server, i was using the local server12:47
jubo2Big thanks to you nfk|laptop12:47
nfk|laptopbut apparently the shit is acting up12:47
Simoniousso grep --exclude='*.min* XMLHttpRequest * -r | grep voltage > voltage2 is taking WAY longer than grep -r XMLHttpRequest * | grep voltage > voltage  the first one finished at 90k, the 2nd one is at 33G and growing, wth?  I'm supposed to be excluding files on the second one..  (yes I'm in the same path).12:48
Simoniousoh.. forgot the 2nd ' when retyping here on the exclude..  but I used it in the command.12:48
nfk|laptopphew, i'm saved from overtime12:49
nfk|laptopjubo2, others were already giving you the correct advice12:49
nfk|laptopit would have worked out anyway12:49
jubo2nfk|laptop: true12:49
jubo2Thanks BluesKaj and lordievader for your help in my conundrum12:50
jubo2Next year will be 20 yrs using GNU/Linukka.. maybe I learn this stuff one day12:50
BluesKajjubo2, yw, but next time tell helpers everything you've done with your audio setup including apps like jack or any other situation you have12:51
jubo2BluesKaj: yeah..12:52
jubo2BluesKaj: I had PulseAudio -> ALSA -> JACK bridging activated.. for a little while13:08
nfk|laptopwhich is completely wrong13:09
nfk|laptopwherever you learned about that was terribly wrong13:09
nfk|laptoppulseaudio for years now will automatically release the audio device if it detects jack running and then connect to jack as a client13:10
nfk|laptopand JACK in fact is also sitting on top of ALSA13:10
nfk|laptopso you had PA -> ALSA - > Jack -> alsalib -> kernel ALSA there13:10
nfk|laptopand you can make it worse13:11
nfk|laptopi remember seeing audio stack diagrams running in circles before PA even existed13:11
nfk|laptopjubo2, btw, for alsa applications to work you probably would have also had to have ALSA emulation -> PA -> some ALSA wizardry -> Jack -> libalsa -> kernel ALSA13:13
jubo2nfk|laptop: you can really verb up your ears and your stereo if you mess around with a potential loop on high-power PA and a microphone13:13
nfk|laptopthe alternative would have been PA to connect to dmix but not only is that terrible i'm not sure if anything passing for current PA would even accept such config13:13
jubo2Totally Anti-Disney on 'em13:13
nfk|laptopit shouldn't, IMO13:13
jubo2nfk|laptop: I think I can get what I want in ALSA now that it's up13:13
nfk|laptopjubo2, you shouldn't be wanting anything from it, other than to stay out of your life13:14
jubo2I think I want HW mixer but too poor due to capitalist no gib job13:15
nfk|laptopthere is no such thing as HW mixer unless you splurge a lot13:15
nfk|laptopfor the past 25 years most audio hardware has had no hardware mixing13:15
nfk|laptop*PC audio hardware13:15
lordievaderConfiguring ALSA yourself is hell, just let PA do it for you.13:15
jubo2Rackfuls of shiny metal boxed things with lots of nice leds blinking. Can has?13:16
nfk|laptopno idea13:16
nfk|laptopif you're talking about receivers, perhaps13:16
nfk|laptopbut you'd basically need to have per application wiring then13:16
nfk|laptopsince receivers are meant to receive input from various devices13:17
jubo2I think I want radio/tv/studio vocational training13:17
nfk|laptopi don't have any, fyi13:17
nfk|laptopand you're against some serious competition anyway13:18
jubo2kids: turning the monitor feed onto the loudspeaker system can hurt your ears and your stereo set13:18
jubo2so think where you place your mic on your computer table and where not in relation to the loudspeakers, mmkay?13:18
jubo2No need to wonder why getting the really hurt your ears settings in consumer electronics is made difficult or impossible13:20
lordievaderjubo2: You created a feedback loop?13:20
jubo2lordievader: not yet13:21
jubo2but I can do it from Ardour4.213:21
jubo2once I get to installing that13:21
TJ-yossarianuk: Yes, and its likely Harald will quit too13:26
BluesKajso I wonder who's going to take charge of Kubuntu 16.0413:27
t-reversewhat are the system requirements for 15.10 anyone? recommended hard disk space etc.13:28
BluesKajPici, no I'm serious, anyone in mind?13:29
TJ-Depends if someone wants to step up for it; it is a lot of work13:32
yossarianukt-reverse: this is for ubuntu (and probably fairly old) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements13:36
yossarianukTJ-: its sad really as Kubuntu is a really good distro...13:36
yossarianukIts not like you can just switch to debian stable and get plasma5...13:37
yossarianuklast time I looked there was no plasma5 even in SID...13:37
TJ-yossarianuk: Yes; I've been considering getting involved the past 4 months but didn't/don't want to waste the effort if the flavour peters out. I'm also of the same view as J.R. regarding Canonical13:37
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BluesKajI  prefer kde4 and plasma 4 over this so called advance...to me it's a regression since so many of my fav features are gone13:41
yossarianukBluesKaj: I cannot imagine going back to kde4 now....13:41
yossarianukhave you tried latest version /13:41
BluesKajto each his own, but I'm keeping 14.04 around13:42
A|F|SThe new version is awesome13:42
BluesKajyossarianuk, I've testing 15.10 since december13:43
yossarianukSeptember ?13:43
yossarianukBluesKaj: By 16.04 i'm sure kde/plasma/whereveritscalled will be refined enough .... (if kubuntu still exists...)13:44
BluesKajoops since may, I'm always testing the dev release13:44
yossarianukive been running it for over a month - really liking it.13:45
yossarianukthe desktop generally seems snappier than previous plasma/kde releases..13:45
BluesKajlike I said , to each his own, but there are still some problems13:46
TJ-I've found lots of critical regression, overall, between 14.04 and 15.10 though, which makes 15.10 hard to use for my standard configuration13:46
yossarianuknot trying to make you leave kubuntu but the best KDE4 distro I have used is NeptuneOS.13:47
BluesKajthe breeze theme doesn't do much for me for example13:47
yossarianukbased on Debian stable, but more tuned for desktop use.13:47
yossarianukit has later kernel + later drivers (nvidia, etc) which makes it more useful13:47
yossarianuk(for desktop)13:48
jubo2Is there a preferred copyleft software for taking snapshots of partitions?13:48
yossarianukalso has the BFS scheduler (and I believe fancy preload) which makes the desktop feel more responsive..13:48
BluesKajno drop down history dialog in krunner, no individual wallpapers for VDs etc etc13:49
yossarianukthe wallpaper thing is annoying I'll give you that.13:51
BluesKajno configurable quicklaunch for the panel13:51
TJ-jubo2: snapshots? 'dd' ?13:51
yossarianukjubo2: do you mean lvm snapshots ?13:52
TJ-yossarianuk: I find the lowlatency kernel doesn't suffer desktop latency13:52
jubo2TJ-: Oh yeah..13:53
BluesKajtakes the panel 45 secs to load after the dektop does13:53
BluesKajdesktop even13:53
jubo2TJ-: but wouldn't dd reproduce also all empty parts of the partition ?13:54
TJ-BluesKaj: I purged the underlying 'search' indexer to stop that13:54
TJ-jubo2: yes. that's a snapshot. If you want an optimized image you'd need a file-system-aware tool13:54
BluesKajTJ-, it's disabled, you mean baloo?13:54
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jubo2TJ-: plus using dd wouldn't I need to worry about something changing in the partition?13:56
TJ-BluesKaj: I forget now - when I first installed 15.10 I noticed something had a private mysqld running, so I purged all the packages13:57
yossarianukTJ-:  sorry it isn;t BFS - its BFQ i/o scheduler - either way it seems to make the desktop slightly more responsive.13:57
BluesKajTJ-, or do you mean the plasma search in systemsettings>search13:58
yossarianukjubo2: if you have LVM make a snapshot 100% size then dd the snapshot.13:58
BluesKajmsyqld is probly akonadi server which i disable immediately after installation, TJ-13:59
TJ-That's be it; I can't get my memory around the weird KDE codenames14:00
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marco-parilloCan't you get different wallpapers on each activity? What do virtual desktops do that activities do not?14:04
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BluesKajmarco-parillo, I tried that in activities too, it worked to some extent but not the way i was used to with the pager14:08
BluesKajbesides activities too clunky for my purposes14:09
yossarianukBluesKaj: +114:11
yossarianuktotally agree.14:11
TJ-I'm also disappointed that devs don't seem to pay attention to .xsession-errors; I see loads of obviously amateur mistakes causing silly warnings that are easily fixed14:13
BluesKajguess i don't get the point of activities advantages over virtual desktops, whatever they might be.14:13
jubo2Plasma still does not have a "raise all little black screens to top of window stack"14:28
jubo2I need to point and click 4 times14:28
yossarianukIve only just seen that Mark Shuttleworth was the first patron of KDE - he's changed.......14:31
yossarianukif only he'd adopted kde instead of gnome/unity im sure desktop linux would have more users...14:35
jubo2Desktop GNU/Linukka is a piece of nakki these days..14:35
jubo2I installed friend Kubuntu14 and told him to "look for the little black window" and enter commands 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' into it whenever he sees a bubble saying something about "security upgrades". That plus showed him where to find LibreOffice Writer14:37
jubo2He's been a happy desktop GNU/Linukka user14:37
TJ-I'd never guess 'little black window' meant a terminal! I thought you were referring to a modal dialog box14:38
denza242jubo2: I just use muon update mangler14:40
jubo2wuzzdat denza242?14:41
denza242it's a frontend to apt-get upgrade i think14:41
BluesKajthey're all part of the base dpkg syatem14:42
jubo2better be good or it's a mess14:42
BluesKajsystem even14:42
jubo2what should I do with a .bin file14:58
jubo2I'm thinking 'sudo sh jdk8.bin' but the autocompletion ain't supporting this theory14:58
jubo2trying to install a working copy of Android Studio14:58
TJ-jubo2: do "file jdk8.bin" to find out what is in it15:01
TJ-jubo2: likely a self-exracting shell executable15:01
jubo2Already risked it and 'sudo sh'ed it15:01
denza242i personally use the webupd8 PPA to get java15:03
TJ-openJDK 8 is in the repos15:03
jubo2I got the IBM Java, is that bad?15:09
jubo2I reboot now. Thanks all who've contributed to this great OS15:10
OdurHmmm... Having trouble importing mail from a backup from kmail under 14.10 to kmail under 15.10. No mail gets imported?15:29
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ejayGuys, did they just shipped 15.10?16:01
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ejayIf so - how broken it is in scale of 0-10 where 0 is Vista broken and 10 is Apple maps broken.16:03
Odurehmm... 5? :)16:04
OdurHave not noticed any bad things yet, except I probably lost all local mail. But that is my own fault....16:05
ejayOdur: hey, that's a great score for a plasma! In about a year we are gonna get something that will work. Great news.16:05
ejayBoo, it looks like I'm on 15.10 already. So dissapointing. I was so hyped for new features and bug fixes.16:10
drleviathanI just downloaded the 15.10 image over bittorrent.  I'll watch the news and if I don't hear of terrible disasters I'll try to install it in a week or two.16:13
jubo2How do I make an exact copy of a directory and all it's subdirectories? 'cp -r ~/directory/* ~/anotherdirectory/.' ?16:26
jubo2try and see?16:29
jubo2I mean I see no harm in running that16:29
jubo2except if it doesn't for some reason copy everything16:29
jubo2and oh yeah.. need to 'mkdir anotherdirectory' first16:30
marco-parillojubo2: I believe that when you cp the target date will be the current date16:32
jubo2marco-parillo: ok.. I don't mind that16:33
frank__Hi, I just installed latest Kubuntu on my computer and install fcitx, however, I could not find where I can input chinese16:36
jubo2frank__: sounds like you need an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input_method16:39
frank__I installed fcitx, which shall have pinyin input for chinese, however, I do not know where I can add chinese input method. there is a config tool but it does not work16:43
jubo2Cannot help you there frank__16:43
frank__Ok, thx16:44
jubo2Have you seen the movie Calamari Union by Aki Kaurismäki.. it features few dozen characters named Frank16:44
BluesKajjubo2, not many Finnish movies make it to Canada16:45
frank__in ubuntu, I can add chinese language in system setting.16:46
jubo2BluesKaj: In a few years time we will have the Spotify of movies and TV series16:46
jubo29.99€ / month16:46
BluesKajwe have spotify I think16:46
frank__but in Kubutu, the region setting does not have language support16:46
jubo2that's my guess anyways16:46
jubo2BluesKaj: and Spotify works in browser even if you cannot get the spotify repo to work16:48
BluesKajfrank I think there's a kubuntu kylin image, but that's a totally chinese version I think16:48
skritehey all16:52
skriteanyone have any issues upgrading from 15.04 to 15.10?16:52
BluesKajskrite, are you asking or want to share your issue?16:53
TJ-skrite: You?16:53
marco-parilloWhen I ran the upgrade, it worked, but I lost the icons on my favorites on the Applications Launcher16:57
marco-parilloI simply removed them and re-added them and I had my icons.16:58
OdurStrange... Can't connect to Hangouts in Telepathy no more.17:00
marco-parilloWere you able to right before the upgrade? I saw something where Google seemed to say a client i wanted to use (sorry I forget which one) was 'insecure', and advised me to use their preferred one.17:07
OdurDidn't upgrade. Fresh install (had 14.10 before)17:09
Odur2-factor authentication on Google. Looks OK when I enter password and code from SMS, but won't connect17:10
OdurAnd I was able to connect before, yes17:10
amaroqIs everybody ok?17:15
muscaYes, it is a good day17:16
muscaat least for KDE17:16
EvilRoeyshadeslayer_:  I hope that Kubuntu stays strong into the future17:17
EvilRoeyshadeslayer_:  I saw your comment on kubuntu reddit17:17
amaroqI'm ready for a kubuntu fork, lol..17:17
amaroqLets fork off17:17
EvilRoeyI feel like talking about forking or moving to other distributions detracts from the efforts of developers who are in this same very chat channel17:18
EvilRoey*dismisses their efforts, rather17:18
EvilRoeyso I will talk here about sticking with and enjoying Kubuntu :)17:18
amaroq#joke! : (17:18
EvilRoeyRiddell:  thank you so much for your hard work17:18
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amaroqIs Canonical getting evil or what?17:24
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BluesKajamaroq, neglectful and uncaring maybe, but not evil17:25
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amaroqthat'd be mark shuttleworth ultimately, or?17:27
amaroqhow can a company setup to support ubuntu also be neglectful and uncaring while believing to be acting with its raison d'etre for being?17:29
tsrct8just used wubi to install kubuntu 12.10, dual boot with win 7.   how do i  find kubuntu updates?17:30
skriteBluesKaj: just attempted, about to restart, will let you know :)17:31
BluesKajamaroq, it's KDE/plasma that he doesn't care about17:31
amaroqI see; not caring for the entire family, tut tut...17:32
BluesKajwubi is not a dual boot tsrct8 , that's just kubuntu within a file on windows\17:32
geniitsrct8: Two problems here: 12.10 has been End Of Life for a very long time now and if you installed that, it's actually faster to just install a newer version from scratch than to go through the process of updating EOL to EOL versions until you get to something currently still supported. The other issue is wubi installs17:33
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.17:33
* genii feeds BluesKaj coffee and cookies17:34
BluesKajthanks genii :-)17:34
tsrct8better to install kubuntu in a partition??17:34
geniitsrct8: Aboslutely17:35
geniialso, Absolutely17:35
* BluesKaj slides over some donuts to genii17:35
* genii munches17:35
BluesKajtsrct8, yes, Absolutely, much better:-)17:36
tsrct8that would be kubuntu 15.10...17:36
geniitsrct8: To get from 12.10 to a currently supported  version, you'd have to go 12.10 (EOL) to 13.04 ( which is also EOL) to 13.10 ( also EOL) to 14.04 (Yay, still supported!)17:36
geniitsrct8: Your best move is to install 14.04 and then in April next year go directly from 14.04 to 16.0417:39
BluesKajbest to burn a 14.04 and install it to it's own ext4 partition, tsrct817:39
BluesKajyup, good advice genii17:39
BluesKajwll, I have leaves in my yard that need raking, BBL17:40
denza242https://phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Kubuntu-RM-Quits D:17:44
geniidenza242: That's better for #kubuntu-offtopic than here :)17:45
tsrct8thx for helping, back to the install drawing board17:45
denza242genii: oops, meant to post there17:45
denza242#kubuntu is right above #kubuntu-offtopic17:46
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danakilhello, I'm trying to add a Google "web account" to my freshly upgrade Kubuntu 15.10. I have AIM, GaduGadu and so on... but no Google18:11
danakilany idea please ?18:11
drleviathandon't you access "Google" through a web browser? (e.g. firefox or chromium)18:12
danakilwell, of course I can go to gmail or google.com. I'm speaking of web account for Telepathy18:13
drleviathanI see, you want to sign into an online chat system using your google account as authentication.  I dunno.18:14
danakilok, thank you18:14
marco-parilloAfter you tried, have you checked your GMail in a browser? ISTR I got an e-mail from Google saying my security was deprecated or something.18:15
danakilI can't try, I need to choose a provider to create an account. There are AIM, Yahoo and several others, but no google18:16
BluesKajyeah, using your browser after a new install always generates those security email notices, google, facebook etc after logging in to them18:22
denza242BluesKaj: i think it's a different problem18:32
denza242BluesKaj: see, when I set up KMail, it wouldn't let me send anything, since it was a "non secure app" to gsmtp18:32
denza242you have to enable "non-secure apps" now18:32
denza242(even then kmail doesn't work with gmail :(18:33
BluesKajdenza242, guess I should have directed the reply to mparillo :-)18:33
BluesKajok, back to raking18:34
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skriteupgrade went just fine.. however first login took a bit of time... guess it was sorting out the configs18:45
marco-parilloActually, you are not the first to notice it. Did the destop load well before the panel?18:46
BluesKajmarco-parillo, yes the panel takes around 45 secs toload after the desktop19:07
BluesKajit actually started thar behaviour with the Final daily, the day before the Official Release19:09
marco-parilloI have my pet theory. I think when sitter fixed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351805 it seemed to coincidently fix https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344600 so I am happy that I do not need to re-enter my kwallet password every boot, but now it takes much longer.19:15
ubottuKDE bug 351805 in general "Configuration file "//.config/kwalletd5rc" not writable. Please contact your system administrator." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:15
ubottuKDE bug 344600 in applet "Network Manager Widget does not 'remember' to connect to previous WEP network" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]19:15
bkovacsSo will Kubuntu live on without Johnathan?19:16
BluesKajbkovacs, we're quite sure someone step in to try to fill the void. Heard rumours to that effect, but no names yet19:19
bkovacsGood to hear. I really enjoy Kubuntu.19:20
BluesKajmarco-parillo, I have kwallet disabled, but boot still takes much longer than last week's daily19:23
marco-parilloThere goes my pet theory19:23
BluesKajand akonadi and baloo as well19:25
BluesKajok ,back to the yardwork, can't waste this glorious weather19:27
TJ-BluesKaj: I'd be interested in seeing a pastebin of the ~/.xsession-errors to compare with one from my PC19:27
skritemarco-parillo, yes19:32
skritebkovacs: i hope they keep up kubuntu also. i suppose i could install another distro on 16.04 or whatever, like ubuntu or somesuch and then apt-get kde19:33
squashsuper useful stuff: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?69161-Booting-install-image-from-USB-stresults-in-busybox-unable-to-find-a-live-file-system19:33
bkovacsTrue but I only need KDE and not another desktop enviroment with it's specific default apps,19:35
squashnot sure if the community forum hates me specifically or not :)19:37
skritebkovacs: indeed19:46
bkovacsRather just have KCD vs Ubuntu with KDE. than you have two sets of default apps19:48
bkovacsMeant KDE19:48
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rodolfojcjgreetings for everybody20:25
rodolfojcjI've just updated last night to Kubuntu 15.1020:25
rodolfojcjeverything is working fine, but some minutes ago, suddenly, the monitor display was filled by horizontal lines, white lines most of them20:26
rodolfojcjI hardly see the windows and text characters on the screen20:26
rodolfojcjdo you have an idea about what could be the reason?20:27
rodolfojcjIf I minimize and restore, or press Alt+Tab to recover focus on a given application window, that lines are "cleaned" and I can see most of the area of such application window20:28
OdurAaaaand another problem. cifs shares not mounting at boot anymore. Have to "sudo mount -a"20:35
Odursame fstab as in 14.1020:36
TJ-Sounds like a systemd issue20:36
OdurYeah... Spent 2 hours trying now, but no joy :/20:37
rodolfojcjI suspended my PC and some seconds later powered it again and the while lines disappeared20:38
rattkingis the network up when it attempts to mount the cifs share?20:38
rodolfojcjso "fixed" for now20:38
Odurrattking: Probably not :)20:38
OdurBut how am I gonna delay that?20:39
TJ-rodolfojcj: does the fstab entry have option _netdev ?20:39
TJ-Odur ^^^^ sorry, typo20:39
rattkingwhen I hit that issue I ended up putting noauto in fstab and doing the mount later in boot20:40
rattkingthat was years ago though, there may be a batter way now20:40
OdurIsn't _netdev just for nfs shares? No matter, I've tried it and it didn't make any difference20:40
Odurswitched to nfs and same problem.... Well, I remember that some years ago i changed the order of a file in rc.<some number> when I hit this problem. I just can't remeber the file name...20:43
TJ-Systemd figures out the correct order of units, usually quite well20:44
rattkingmaybe you could make a systemd unit to do it and make it depend on After=network.target20:45
OdurHmm... maybe. I think I have to sleep on it. I'm new to systemd :P20:47
OdurBTW, I tried nfs too, but it had the same problem20:48
OdurMy Plex server depends on those shares, so I'll have to solve this some how20:48
* sick_rimmit Woo Hoo Kubuntu 15.10 Wily installed and running.. YaY \o/20:55
clivejosick_rimmit: is this your first time running it?20:57
sick_rimmitclivejo: No I've installed some of the Alpha, Beta's in a VM to test them21:12
sick_rimmitBut onto the metal of my machine, then yes this is the first time21:12
sick_rimmitIt's completely gorgeous21:13
clivejobeen using it for months, I guess the novelty has worn off21:15
syntroPiare there any tricks involved when running kubuntu 15.10 amd64 in vbox 4.3.32? Any special requirements?21:27
sick_rimmitsyntroPi: You'll certainly want to install the Guest Additions21:28
sick_rimmitOften to get that to compile the VB Kernel drivers, you'll need to apt-get install gcc21:29
syntroPiyeah i installed from iso to ext4 in vbox, reboot hang so i had to kill it (pull the plug), well on first boot after kdm login the gui did just display a black screen, so i had to kill -9 Xorg to get a GUI. Just wondering if i did anything wrong21:29
syntroPihmm on a clean install there is a vboxvideo 5.0.0 in the kernel loaded already. does the newer kernel/Xorg need vbox 5 instead of 4.3.32?21:32
sick_rimmitNot sure what's happening there21:32
syntroPishould i trash that module and get the correct version (4.3.32) compiled instead?21:33
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sick_rimmitWell I didn't try installing into VB 5.021:33
lordievadersyntroPi: Is your host os Linux by any chance?21:33
syntroPiyes ubuntu gnome 15.0421:33
syntroPix64 with proprietary nvidia21:34
syntroPiim just thinking about switching to kde so i want to evaluate kubuntu in vbox first21:35
lordievadersyntroPi: Ah, then you can go the KVM route ;) I know Kubuntu Wily works in KVM.21:36
syntroPilordievader, is the gui snappy in virtual machine manager?21:37
lordievaderWith the right settings, yes.21:37
sick_rimmitWell I know it works in VB 4, well I installed the Daily Build on 20th Oct21:37
syntroPior are you using something else for kvm gui?21:37
sick_rimmitand installed Guest Additions, and compiled VB Kernel modules21:38
lordievaderI usually use spice, but vnc does the job if you don't want spice.21:38
sick_rimmitIt all worked well21:38
syntroPisick_rimmit, for version 4?21:38
sick_rimmitThat was on x64 Dell with Intel GPU21:38
syntroPivbox 4.3.x?21:38
sick_rimmitYes Vbox 4.3.x that's right21:38
syntroPiok then i will first try that then21:38
sick_rimmitI'm kicking about here in IRC for a while.. ;-)21:39
syntroPidoes kubuntu have an equivalent to synaptic on kde?21:40
sick_rimmitWell Muon21:40
sick_rimmitis our software center, it's really good21:40
syntroPinot that muon discover right?21:41
sick_rimmitYes, that's right21:41
sick_rimmitIt's had a revamp21:41
syntroPiso i need to install muon instead to get the full feature set?21:41
sick_rimmitNo Muon is installed out of the box21:41
sick_rimmitand of course you can apt-get synaptic too if you want to21:42
syntroPihmm im rather searching for some gui tool where i can find exact package names21:42
syntroPilike synaptic21:43
syntroPior maybe i dont understand muon gui yet21:43
sick_rimmitOK, so installing synaptic will make you happy21:43
bpromptsyntroPi:    Muon is pretty much like a kde version of synaptics21:45
syntroPican i somehow activate full view of installed deb's in muon?21:45
syntroPiwhen i click on installed i just get some fancy icons with names, but not the installed packages21:46
syntroPimaybe im using it wrong?21:46
bpromptsyntroPi:   you're not using Muon Package Manager, you're likely using Muon Software Center, thus21:47
syntroPiaah technical packages21:47
bpromptsyntroPi:     there are two Muon apps, the one that's pretty much just a kde version of synaptics, is Muon Package Manager21:47
syntroPihidden below that magick stick :P21:47
syntroPibprompt, can i install both of them at once?21:48
bpromptsyntroPi:    both are installed already21:48
bpromptcheck your System Tools menu21:48
syntroPihmm from a terminal i cant launch muon, searching for muon on start menu just gets me thet "muon discover"21:49
sick_rimmitNo I don't see that21:50
syntroPiofc i could install synaptic but i would like to explore all kde solutions first21:50
sick_rimmitquick apt-cache search muon finds21:51
sick_rimmitmuon - package manager for KDE21:51
sick_rimmitThis is not installed by default21:51
sick_rimmitSo it's an apt-get install if you want to try it ou21:51
syntroPiparallel to the discover thingy?21:52
syntroPiah thats better :))21:52
sick_rimmitYeah.. Now I have a Synaptic style package tool21:53
sick_rimmit50349 packages available..21:54
sick_rimmitI feel like a kid in the Candy Store21:54
syntroPii have 78081 :P21:54
mparilloAren't there three? Muon Update; Muon Discover, and plain old Muon? And plain old Muon is not installed by default.21:54
mparilloPlain old Muon is like Apper, right?21:55
syntroPimparillo, seems to be like that21:55
mparilloOr Octopi21:55
sick_rimmitOh wow!!21:55
syntroPii like that plain old muon thingy21:55
syntroPiits neat21:55
sick_rimmitGqrx Software Defined Radio receiver..21:56
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sick_rimmitI have an RTL-SDR Dongle here..21:56
syntroPisick_rimmit, thats a lot of fun and consumes even more time ;)21:57
sick_rimmitI'm installing it now tee hee :-D21:59
mparilloAnybody ever use Okular to save fill-in PDFs? Sometimes it works, but for one tax state (grrrr) I need to keep Adobe on MS-Windows.21:59
clivejosick_rimmit: are you amateur radio?22:00
syntroPisick_rimmit, there is also http://gqrx.dk/ qt for quick fun22:00
VeryBewitchingmparillo: I don't remember ever having an issue doing that.22:00
mparilloTY. Next tax season, I will try to do a better job of bug reporting, but IIRC Okular is really a wrapper for the same engine pretty much all Linux based PDF readers use.22:03
syntroPimparillo, afaik okular saves some annotations and such in an extra file... used it long time ago22:05
bprompthmmm    IIRC okular or kde uses libpoppler library, as opposed to what other readers use, I'd say all kde or QT based pdf readers use libpoppler22:05
syntroPii just remember renaming the original pdf makes it loose its state22:06
* bprompt uses qpdfview, multi-tab pdf viewer22:06
syntroPihmm after installing vbox guest additions 4.3.32 glxinfo says im running llvm pipe...22:11
syntroPican i somehow get native performance?22:11
syntroPiooh wow after rebooting kdm blings with a white screen every second22:14
syntroPinot good22:14
syntroPimaybe its not meant for vbox 4...?22:15
syntroPiis that even kdm? whats it called?22:16
geniiYou might want to make either lightdm or sddm the default instead of kdm22:17
syntroPigenii, its not kdm its sddm and it seems to be broken now :-/22:19
mparillosyntroPi: Yes, so when trying to send it back to a Windows user, it becomes a problem. bprompt: Yes, libpoppler rings a bell, and I think that is what evince used.22:19
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syntroPiyay first installation trashed already ... dangit22:20
mparilloI used evince on Ubuntu before Unity drove me to Kubuntu ;-)22:20
syntroPishould have made a snapshot before trying to fiddle with the guest additions22:20
th3s3_3y4sDoes the lightdm guest session start another x server?22:22
bpromptmparillo:   I've used kde apps for a long while, I don't necessarily run kwin though, I run lxde, and run kde as well as qt and gtk apps22:23
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syntroPii like what im seeing from kubuntu so far, though it seems to be a bit unstable still22:27
AndyMan1Hi. In Kubuntu 15.10, Kate's Text Filter Plugin appears to still be missing. It looks like a patch was made for this in July: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347243, and I *think* it's there in Kate's source tagged at 15.08: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kate.git&a=tree&h=dad9965fb5ebcd7f27c7225bdc1b2544fdc96b04&hb=f7e8905912c130399b0195158941f544d565ed62&f=addons%2Ftextfilter Is this an...23:16
ubottuKDE bug 347243 in plugin-pythonapi "text filter plugin missing from kate 5.0.0" [Major,Resolved: fixed]23:16
AndyMan1...oversight for Kubuntu, or is it missing for some other reason?23:16
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syntroPiwhere does that vboxvideo preinstalled come from? linux-image-extra? cant deinstall that without deinstalling linux-image(-generic)... how do i get rid of vboxvideo.so on a clean install?23:57
syntroPii dont want to delete files from packages manually23:58
MichaelPI use eog in all my kde plasma desktops.... I can grab the edge on all and drag to resize... Eog is missing that in kubuntu...23:59

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