
tsimonq2I am sad...I will be at school when the UOS is happening02:21
tsimonq2you people need to cover me! XD02:22
Kamilionflexiondotorg: interesting, thanks for the link to mate's pi2 generator03:25
Kamilionflexiondotorg: you say it can generate a rootfs for the C1 as well, with some tweaks?03:28
KamilionI've got a pi2, a c1, and a BBB next to me, and was lamenting the lack of a default lubuntu image myself.03:28
Kamilionphillw: yep, that kit looks pretty nice for the price. Might have a bit more fun with http://www.amazon.co.uk/Vilros-Raspberry-Pi---Complete-Cable--WiFi/dp/B00T53135O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1445555727&sr=8-2&keywords=rasberry+pi203:29
Kamiliononly a few more pounds but you get the physical IO toys to screw around with (which is half the fun of these little tiny computers)03:30
Kamiliontho if you go that route, spend the extra two pounds on a longer breadboard. http://www.amazon.co.uk/BB830-Solderless-Plug--BreadBoard-tie-points/dp/B0040Z4QN8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1445571096&sr=8-2&keywords=breadboard03:32
Kamilionflexiondotorg: by all means, show lubuntu off on as many ARMs as you get get it to fire up on.03:37
Kamilioni keep pushing people towards the mate image and telling them to apt-get install lubuntu-desktop, lol03:38
phillwKamilion: So, I'd be better with this deal? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Vilros-Raspberry-Pi-Kit-Includes-Clear-Cable-WiFi/dp/B00T53135O/ref=pd_sim_sbs_147_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1N1VCHV6MBMYFDPVJD0R&dpID=61WoGRD0VwL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_10:25
phillwKamilion: and get this with it http://www.amazon.co.uk/Electronic-Starter-Kit-Raspberry-Pi/dp/B00IT6AYJO/ref=pd_bxgy_147_img_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0DG4DGYAKW7GBVM4GJG9  ??10:27
phillwI've got those two + the mini wifi keyboard with trackpad ... 77 GBP the lot.12:37
flexiondotorgwxl, Kamilion phillw I'm running the new Lubuntu 15.10 build on my Pi 2. I don't know exactly what to expect from Lubuntu (I don't play with it often), but this seems to be 100% of what I have in a VM on my laptop :-)13:08
flexiondotorgNo issues.13:08
flexiondotorgphillw, I h-i-g-h-l-y recommend a Class 10 microSDHC card.13:10
phillwflexiondotorg: it should run sweetly. There was a fully functioning one for the arm100c (or what ever it was) a couple of cycles back.13:10
flexiondotorgLubuntu is using 1.7GB on the Pi 2 fully installed.13:10
phillwflexiondotorg: I'll see once i get the bits and it running. The list of add ons for the Pi is very long :P13:11
phillwI doubt you need it, but if you want a 2nd area to host Pi ISO's I'm more than happy to oblige. That iso server is nice nice and stable and has been issuing iso's for a number of years now. It's one of the original range of KS machines, but does all i need of it.13:15
flexiondotorgphillw, I'm fine for now.13:18
flexiondotorgI have a 4 servers in a distrubted cluster handling the downloads.13:18
phillwhe he.. I thought you would :)13:19
flexiondotorgwxl, phillw, Kamilion Proof it happened - http://imgur.com/xV6sRcy13:20
phillwnice :)13:22
phillwPi should be here for next weekend.13:26
* flexiondotorg is uploading a Lubuntu image to my ervers to share with wxl and phillw.13:29
* flexiondotorg wonders who else should be invited to try it out/13:29
tsimonq2if I had a Pi213:30
phillwI've mentioned it on Fb area of lubuntu-offtopic. Once we have full details of 'how to' I'll put a wiki page up which can then have info on lubuntu and MATE13:31
phillwwb wxl14:22
phillwhe he raspbery Pi with a 2TB HDD connected.... Nice little NAT :D15:44
phillwflexiondotorg: for the Class 10 microSDHC what sort of transfer rate is acceptable?15:52
phillwand, as you need the adaptor, is not a SDHC just as good?15:55
phillwwxl: Kamilion  you may also have views on this ^^15:56
Elizs/NAT/NAS/ ?15:58
phillwNAS :P16:06
phillwdyslexic fingers on a friday :)16:07
flexiondotorgphillw, wxl Yo16:19
phillwhiyas flex16:19
flexiondotorgJust mirroring my servers.16:19
flexiondotorgWho should I share the Lubuntu image with?16:19
phillwWalter makes sense as he as a Pi. I don't get mine until mid / late next week.16:20
phillwflexiondotorg: downloading :)16:41
=== redwolf is now known as superbitch
=== superbitch is now known as redwolf
ianorlin!info qupzilla20:15
ubot93qupzilla (source: qupzilla): lightweight web browser based on libqtwebkit. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.6~dfsg1-2 (wily), package size 890 kB, installed size 5507 kB20:15
ianorlin!info qupzilla unstable20:15
redwolfyes, ianorlin, it failed to build again :|20:15
ubot93qupzilla (source: qupzilla): lightweight web browser based on libqtwebkit. In component main, is extra. Version 1.8.6~dfsg1-2 (unstable), package size 906 kB, installed size 5354 kB20:15
* Kamilion reads scrollback20:23
phillwwb Kamilion20:30
Kamilionphillw: for a class 10 microsd, that should meet the class 10 standard, of writing 10MB/sec20:34
Kamiliona class 4 card that writes 4MB/sec is much slower20:34
Kamilionyou really should go for a UHS1 card though, that's beyond class 10.20:34
phillwKamilion: do I need micro, or can I use a standard one?20:35
Kamilionwhich pi?20:35
Kamilionpi2 only has micro.20:35
Kamilionit's the older pis with the full-size SD slot20:36
phillwKamilion: is this okay? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fusion5-Memory-without-Adapter-High-Speed/dp/B015M56T6G/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1445615151&sr=8-18-spons&keywords=memory+cards+sandisk+sdhc&psc=120:37
Kamilionlooks like it.20:41
Kamilionnever heard of the brand20:41
Kamilionbut the price and spec is good.20:41
Kamilion... lol20:41
Kamilion"X-ray proof"20:41
phillwi recall those worries... the yanks will fall from any advertising gimmik :D20:42
Kamilioni should buy a couple hundred, then assemble a suit of iron man armor out of X-ray proof microsd cards.20:42
Kamilionflexiondotorg: need any help cleaning and compressing the image?20:53
phillwKamilion: I got heartily fed up of reading mixed reviews for powered usb hubs... got one with 4 amp supply.. http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00EWO1KE0/ref=pe_385721_37986871_TE_item_image21:05
Kamilionphillw: Good plan.21:22
phillwit is usb3 and has one of those usb charging thinggies... and none of that soppy 250mA power supply :P21:23
KamilionI keep using "iPad" chargers that advertise 2.1A21:26
Kamilionbut really, the pi can't draw more than about 2.4 amps. ~400mA for the processor at full tilt, and 500mA for each USB 2.0 port.21:27
phillwwell, with the exception of the WiFi dongle, all other usb stuff will go through the hub21:33
phillwpopping on a 2TB HDD in a caddy that uses usb for power needs a powered hub!21:34
phillwwxl: couple of people interested in PPC on lubuntu-official, I've pinged you via Fb22:16
wxlthanks i'll check in later22:19
Kamilionphillw: just one thing to point out, the pi's CPU only has one USB port that the hub must share22:26
Kamilionand it's not really great about servicing that USB interrupt either. The original singlecore pi1 could easily get saturated with USB request/response processing using over half of it's CPU22:27
Kamilionthe pi2 uses the exact same design, but it's four cores mitigate the problem significantly -- now it's ~40% of one 900Mhz core, and 3 900Mhz cores to spare, instead of 56% of one 700mhz core and barely anything to spare.22:28
phillwit has 4 ports on the machine, is that correct?22:29
Kamilionfrom a USB hub chip (that also provides the ethernet port)22:29
Kamilionthat hub chip connects to the pi CPU's only USB interface.22:30
Kamilionthere are four physical ports; but you only have one port's worth of bandwidth at any time.22:30
phillwit's not going to be under stress, but the external HDDs need a powered usb port, and I doubt the PSU that comes as default is man enough to provide 2.4 A :)22:30
Kamilionthat includes the use of the ethernet adapter22:30
Kamilionaye, it shouldn't under any stress with one disk and ethernet traffic.22:30
phillwas it will be using WiFi dongle.. that bandwidth is simply going 100% to usb and none to ethernet22:31
KamilionIIRC those are the best supported so far22:31
phillwthe one that comes with the kit :)22:31
Kamilionyeah, should be a realtek then22:31
Kamiliondon't expect a TON of range from it, but it should reach a room or two away22:32
phillwwhich, I'm assuming is suported.. it is a type n mini usb type device22:32
Kamilionyou can use it on pretty much any ubuntu 9.04+ kernel22:32
Kamilionit's been supported for a looooooong time22:32
Kamilion(one of the reasons why it's cheap, and the support is decent)22:33
phillwi know, those micro ones are limited range, but i do have some of similar type with antenna - also plug and play.22:33
KamilionHonestly, my preferred option has always been using the cheapest openwrt AP I could find, and setting it in client mode.22:33
Kamilionhistorically, it's been a 703N for a good long time now. I picked up a box of 20 of them from a alibaba or aliexpress or dhgate seller for about $17 each22:34
Kamilioni forget where, it's been about four or five years now.22:34
Kamilionbut for 'permanantly sticking something on wifi', they're perfect.22:35
Kamilionno messing around with wireless drivers in linux22:35
Kamilionjust plug in one of those cheap short flat ethernet cables between the two22:35
KamilionNot suggesting you do this, mind you22:35
Kamilionbut explaining, this is what I do for PCs that have ethernet already22:36
phillwI got some of these for old desktops with no WiFi.. shipped direct from China to anywhere in world... The build quality is not brilliant but they work with no drivers on *buntu kernel http://www.amazon.co.uk/JaneDream-Wireless-Adapter-Wi-Fi-Receiving/dp/B012VEPEAI/ref=sr_1_33?s=computers&ie=UTF8&22:37
Kamilionheh, i got some of those with some Zotac mini pcs I picked up a while back22:38
Kamilionhalf of them have overheated and burnt themselves out22:38
Kamilionoh, the ol' ralink RT537022:38
phillwhmm, mine still all working.. well, apart from the one I stood on :P22:39
Kamilionthose are pretty solid, I agree.22:39
Kamilionthey don't try to be 'high power'22:39
Kamilionso that's good22:39
Kamilionyeah, I'd say one of your janedreams should be using no more than 200ma in normal operation22:40
Kamilionversus what I have22:41
phillwI've got one, if the one it comes with cannot reach the WiFi. But, it is a modern router and the mini-mac upstairs gets a good signal from it down stairs.22:41
Kamilionof note, it's one of the only adapters that work with https://www.kismetwireless.net/android-pcap/22:41
phillwthat wifi dongle cost more than putting two desktop computers together using lubutnu, a flat bed scanner and colour printer !22:43
KamilionNOW it does, yes22:43
Kamilionbecause it was extremely popular in 2012 and 2013 for wifi 'hacking'22:43
Kamilionbut it was a 8 pound buy, back then.22:44
Kamilionnowhere near the 40 it's listed for now, lol22:44
Kamilionbut I was working for google at the time, well, a subcontractor doing work for google, operating google's 'free-to-public' wifi network in the bay area22:45
flexiondotorgKamilion, Do you want the Lubuntu Pi 2 image to test?22:45
Kamilionflexiondotorg: yes!22:45
KamilionPM me a 2048 SSH private key and I'll give you some space to upload it, if you want.22:46
KamilionI mean, the public side of the key22:46
phillwflexiondotorg: are you happy for people to 'play' with image?23:09
flexiondotorgWho are people?23:10
phillwpeople here and a couple on lubuntu-offtopic who also have pi's23:10
phillwi take it that it needs pi2 ?23:10
flexiondotorgFine by me, but get the go ahead from wxl or whoever first.23:11
flexiondotorgHas to be Pi 2.23:11
flexiondotorgThe Ubuntu archive only has ARMv7.23:11
flexiondotorgPi 1 is ARMv6.23:11
phillwofftopic is just that.. :) and lubuntu is fine with community spins.23:11
phillwyeah, that's what i undestood for it having to be pi223:11
flexiondotorgphillw, Kamilion, wxl Please test the Lubuntu image for Pi 2.23:13
flexiondotorgLet me know if any modifications are required.23:13
phillwi will next week when my pi2 arrives :)23:13
flexiondotorgWhen you have an image you're happy with, you can plop it on your servers or whatever :-)23:13
flexiondotorgphillw, who admins DNS for lubuntu?23:17
phillwflexiondotorg: which ones23:18
flexiondotorgfor lubuntu.org23:18
flexiondotorgof subdomain there of.23:18
phillwmario behling has that23:19
phillwone of the founders of lubuntu23:19
flexiondotorgIs he in the IRC?23:21
phillwno. He is pretty inactive now. If needed to be contacted he can be emailed, or simply via Julien23:21
phillwinactive on *buntu, he's still heavily involved in f/oss stuff.23:22
flexiondotorgWell, time for sleeping.23:23
phillwtc :)23:24

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