
=== grv is now known as qzero
qzerohi guys09:32
qzeroi have a question: Do you know how to mount exfat partition in lubuntu?09:33
hateballqzero: sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse10:07
=== NOOB__ is now known as NOOB
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:47
Hassaani have intel 82865g graphics will lubuntu work on that16:48
Hassaanhurry answer me its an important question please please please please please16:51
Hassaanplease please please please please please please please please please16:52
CooloutAChello all, is it possible to uprade to the new lubuntu or should I do a clean install17:28
CooloutACwhen i hit the uprade button from the software updater nothing happens17:28
CooloutACis there a terminal method I can use?17:30
CooloutACI found the command online sudo do-releasel-upgrade -d17:52
CooloutAChmm its telling me i need to free 22M on /boot17:54
CooloutACwhat can I delete on /boot17:57
CooloutACok i had to delete old kernels18:06
WP29C0O2is pcmanfm not working in 15.10?18:19
WP29C0O2pcmanfm is not working.  what can i do?18:29
CooloutACwhat is the error message?18:31
bioterroropen terminal and run pcmanfm18:40
Freddie_Mercury`n-iCe: lol19:05
Freddie_Mercury`Hi. :)19:05
n-iCeooh you are here19:05
Freddie_Mercury`Yes. Like I said, I use Lubuntu on my laptop.19:06
n-iCewhy not lxle19:08
Freddie_Mercury`I hadn't heard about it before installing Lubuntu.19:08
n-iCeI see19:09
Freddie_Mercury`Feel free to ask here for when you finally get around to installing Lubuntu btw19:13
CooloutACthe upgrade was successful,  everything works,  well done!19:42
Freddie_Mercury`CooloutAC, nice.19:43
=== redwolf is now known as superbitch
=== superbitch is now known as redwolf
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare

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