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dholbachgood morning06:28
fgimenezgood morning07:02
mvohey fgimenez, good morning07:16
mvoogra2: hi, around?07:16
mvoor ogra_07:16
fgimenezhey mvo07:18
mvofgimenez: could you please add a card that we add  a integration test that basicly checks for "systemctl status | grep State: degraded"? It looks like opencryptoki is failing right now07:20
mvohey dholbach, good morning!07:20
mvodholbach: are you at ubucon already?07:20
mvodholbach: did you guys had a great release party?07:20
dholbachmvo, nope - it's starting tomorrow07:20
mvoaha, ok07:20
dholbachmvo, there's a social event tonight though07:20
* mvo nods07:21
dholbachso there'll be time for everyone to have some of their favourite beverages07:21
mvosounds like a lot of fun07:21
fgimenezmvo, sure! :) we have already some tests that query systemctl status, should we be waiting/polling for that condition?07:21
mvofgimenez: well, we want to make sure that it does not boot into this degraded mode, i.e. that no unit fails :) pardon my ignorance on how the integration test for systemctl status works right now, I would (naively) assume that after you waited for boot-ok and before rebooting would be a good time to check that no unit failed07:22
fgimenezmvo, indeed, currently we ask systemctl for status of restarted services, for instance, in which case makes sense to wait for the service to be up. As you say after booting we can assert that all the units are ok07:24
mvofgimenez: great, thanks a bunch07:25
davidcallemorning o/08:04
Chipacamvo: hoe gaat het?08:55
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Mole Day! 😃08:56
ChipacaJamesTait: also happy UN day!08:56
JamesTaitChipaca, do they make holes in your lawn as well?08:57
ChipacaJamesTait: I'm not sure. Bosnia made me think they do.08:57
ChipacaJamesTait: but that might have been all the other guys doing the holes and UN trying to fill them08:58
mvoChipaca: hey, not too bad, one glitch in the release with opencryptoki, otherwise all good08:58
mvoChipaca: how are you?08:58
Chipacamvo: relaxed :)08:59
Chipacaperhaps prematurely :D08:59
mvono, all good08:59
ogra_mvo, on my way out ... whats up ?09:00
mvoogra_: I was wondering how important opencryptoki is09:00
mvoogra_: but no worries, drive, I have it all under control09:00
ogra_it was part of the reqs for the encryption09:00
* mvo nods09:01
ogra_you gotta ask ricmm09:01
dholbachmvo, snapcraft is just used for app snaps, right?09:20
dholbachso documenting meta/package.yaml for let's say gadget snaps still makes sense09:20
mvodholbach: it does, yes. long term this may change though09:21
dholbachok, thanks09:22
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* Chipaca goes for lunch11:29
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tedgdholbach: I think that it is being used for the Mir framework snap13:16
tedgdholbach: It doesn't provide any help there, but also won't get in the way.13:16
dholbachtedg, hum...13:17
dholbachtedg, I can't quite remember what you're referring to right now O:-)13:17
tedgdholbach: Sorry, didn't read the timestamps, just the last few messages :-)13:21
tedgdholbach: About snapcraft only doing app snaps.13:21
dholbachoh ok13:22
dholbachdo we have any docs on how to sign snaps or is this something we say just the store does?14:07
elopiofgimenez: there was already a card for that: https://trello.com/c/kyipW838/260-add-a-test-to-check-that-no-service-failed-to-load14:15
elopiowe can just drop this one and keep the new one.14:15
fgimenezelopio, sorry didn't know. ok, we can keep any of them, the check proposed by mvo would catch any service not being loaded14:17
elopiofgimenez: and we are upstream, finally \o/ https://github.com/testing-cabal/subunit-go14:19
fgimenezelopio, great! \o/14:20
elopionow that niemeyer is working with us, it might be easier to get better integration with go check.14:20
fgimenezelopio, i've archived the new card about the services and added a comment with the check to the existing one14:23
elopiofgimenez: ok. And about scalignstack, we were sooo close, but now we are back to convincing people why we need them :(14:27
fgimenezelopio, yep, i've seen, some day maybe... :) it seems that we are back to square one, but they haven't responded yet to your last email, let's see14:32
noise][1where can I find the source for the pi2 snap from http://people.canonical.com/~platform/snappy/raspberrypi2/ ?14:45
noise][1ogra_: you were building these images right?14:47
elopionoise][1: ogra is travelling to a conference today. If you only need the source, just open the snap with file-roller.15:48
elopioor do you need to do something in the repository?15:48
noise][1elopio: did that, but then found that the package.yaml doesn't include webdm and now i'm wondering precisely how those images are rolled15:49
noise][1basically I want to be able to duplicate the released image so I know i'm starting from a good place, then make some mods15:49
elopionoise][1: like this? https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/raspberry-pi-2/15:51
elopioudf takes all the snaps, and combines them. You can pass a local snap in --oem.15:51
elopioudf takes all the snaps, and combines them. You can pass a local snap in --oem.d0n_pa!a\/ra*15:52
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all on Monday!15:52
elopiobye dholbach. Enjoy the weekend.15:53
dholbachyou too15:53
dholbachstill need to prepare my demo for Ubucon DE :)15:53
dholbachsee you :)15:54
noise][1elopio: that page just isn't clear exactly what is used to create the images because they have webdm but it's not part of the oem snap, so I'm assuming it's done via u-d-f's —install webdm.canonical, but wanted to get confirmation of that15:55
elopionoise][1: I suppose you are right, but can't confirm.15:56
noise][1when i tried that, webdm didn't seem to start, but i'm still working through this so it's quite possible i just did something wrong15:57
jdstrandChipaca: hey, I see bug #1498842. I just uploaded snappy-debug 0.3 to the store and snappy update isn't detected it. I had 0.2 installed. snappy-debug has a store alias of 'snappy-debug'16:46
ubottubug 1498842 in Snappy "Packages without aliases don't get updates" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149884216:46
jdstrandChipaca: so it seems I am seeing the inverse of that bug. ie, a package with an alias isn't updating16:46
jdstrandChipaca: seeing this on stable r9 and edge r229. file a bug?16:47
Chipacajdstrand: try again?16:48
jdstrandChipaca: I tried 5 times16:50
Chipacaecho '{"name":["snappy-debug.canonical"]}' | POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Frameworks: ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Architecture: amd64' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Release: 15.04-core' 'https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/click-metadata'|jq .16:51
Chipacajdstrand: ^ that's what snappy does16:51
jdstrandsnappy search sees it and I can install it16:51
Chipacajdstrand: I see 0.3 here16:51
jdstrandso do I16:51
jdstrandbut snappy update doesn't install it16:51
jdstrandI can search it fine, I can install it fine, it won't update16:51
jdstrand$ snappy list|grep debug16:52
jdstrandsnappy-debug  2015-10-19 0.2          canonical16:52
jdstrand$ sudo snappy update16:52
jdstrand$ snappy list|grep debug16:52
jdstrandsnappy-debug  2015-10-19 0.2          canonical16:52
Chipacajdstrand: snappy list -u ?16:52
jdstrand$ snappy search snappy-debug|grep debug16:53
jdstrandsnappy-debug          0.3                snappy-debug16:53
jdstrand~$ snappy list -u16:53
jdstrandName          Date       Version16:53
jdstrandubuntu-core   2015-10-23 916:53
jdstrandhello-world   2015-10-01 1.0.1816:53
jdstrandminecraft     2015-10-10 0.416:53
jdstrandsnappy-debug  2015-10-19 0.216:53
jdstrandufw           2015-10-12 IDDaHcdMFHdS16:53
jdstrandgeneric-amd64 2015-09-30 1.416:53
Chipacanessita or matiasb, you guys around?16:55
jdstrandChipaca: just for perfect clarity-- snappy-debug has a store alias16:56
Chipacajdstrand: and it's a framework16:56
jdstrandno, it isn't16:56
Chipacajdstrand: ok16:56
Chipacanessita: hola! Can i pester you with a question about cpi?16:56
nessitaof course16:57
jdstrandChipaca: it started as one, but we changed that. 0.2 was not a framework and neither is 0.316:57
Chipacanessita: jdstrand has a snap at version 0.2, published 0.3, but snappy update can't find it16:57
Chipacanessita: but16:57
Chipacanessita: the url snappy update hits returns 0.316:57
Chipacanessita: so i'm missing something :-/16:58
nessitaChipaca, let me check the store data16:58
Chipacanessita: thanks16:59
nessitaChipaca, snappy-debugis the package name?16:59
Chipacanessita: .canonical16:59
nessitafrom myapps 0.3 should be published in every channel, debugging further16:59
nessitaChipaca, what would mean "snappy can't find it"? I see the metadata OK (https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/snappy-debug.canonical) perhaps you can't download?17:01
Chipacanessita: well, search works and finds 0.3, so i assume it's not that17:02
Chipacanessita: if nothing jumps out at you, never mind17:02
Chipacai'll dig into this later17:02
Chipacajdstrand: bug time!17:02
nessitaChipaca, what is weird is that browsing https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/canonical/snappy-debug.canonical/snappy-debug.canonical_0.3_all.snap I get nothing17:02
nessitaChipaca, so let me check our package storage status17:02
Chipacajdstrand: hold off on the bug :)17:03
nessitaChipaca, so https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/canonical/snappy-debug.canonical/snappy-debug.canonical_0.3_all.snap is giving 40117:04
nessitaChipaca, so it requires auth, so somehow is not matching criteria for "allow unathenticated". Let me dig more.17:04
Chipacajdstrand: you haven't paid your store subscription! I'll transfer you to accounts. Please hold.17:04
nessitaChipaca, in any case, while I debug, the snappy install should check return codes when downloading a package, to help debugging17:06
nessita(and do retries on network errors)17:07
nessitajust mentioning in case you can build ToDos17:07
Chipacanessita: looking at the code i'd tell you it does report errors17:09
Chipacaso if this is because a 401, somehting's awry17:10
Chipacabut it's not even that17:10
Chipacabecause it'd print "Updating <package>..."17:10
Chipacabut it's not even getting that far17:10
nessitaChipaca, any chance you can try to pin point where is failing in that end?17:11
Chipacathe only thing i can see where it would fail silently like this17:12
Chipacais if the store is returning json that doesn't fit into the expected struct17:12
nessitaChipaca, ok, so enigma solved for the 401, we need to use the anon URL17:13
nessitaChipaca, so I would say nothing stands out in our end17:13
Chipacanessita: thanks17:14
nessitaChipaca, let me know if you can detect the exact point of failure to debug our end17:17
Chipacajdstrand: file a bug, i'll dig on monday17:17
jdstrandChipaca: ok17:18
jdstrandChipaca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/150945117:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1509451 in Snappy "snappy update is not updating snappy-debug" [Undecided,New]17:24
Chipacajdstrand: it just udpated for me, fwiw17:27
* Chipaca should leave17:27
Chipacajdstrand: i installed a fake 0.2, and snappy updated it to 0.317:28
Chipacajdstrand: is this a vm?17:28
Chipacajdstrand: if it is, please preserve the disc image17:29
jdstrandChipaca: it isn't a test vm17:30
Chipacajdstrand: any chance you can make an image of the disc?17:30
Chipacafor monday17:32
Chipacai'm out17:32
jdstrandChipaca: well, not trivially. ping me on monday and we'll work something out17:33
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