
Ben64so does 15.10 do kernel updates without restarting yet03:32
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:54
lotuspsychjei like new layout & strategy http://www.ubuntu.com/07:53
lordievaderGood morning.08:17
cupofjoecoder2#msg alis ruby08:54
cupofjoecoder2#msg alis list ruby08:55
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all11:45
cfhowletthey^3 lotuspsychje11:45
lotuspsychjehey cfhowlett :p11:45
lotuspsychjeall ok?11:45
cfhowlettno complaints, mate.  just sittin here, sippin tea and waitin for XX11:46
cfhowlettOMG do you have any idea how many ubuntu + XX complaints we're going to get11:46
lotuspsychjeim real curious about it aswell11:47
cfhowlettI can hear the screeching now "Ubuntu = porn!!"11:47
lotuspsychjei like the new layout and strategy page: http://www.ubuntu.com/11:49
lotuspsychjeubuntu on all platforms11:49
lotuspsychjejust like i have in mind for my shop11:49
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: good afternoon12:03
OerHeksHi lotus12:03
=== popey_ is now known as popey
lotuspsychjeafternoon travnewmatic and Daekdroom12:14
EriC^^afternoon lotuspsychje12:25
lotuspsychjeheya EriC^^ :p12:25
lotuspsychjethe wily rush is pretty stable12:26
lotuspsychjefor now..12:26
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i like the ubuntu on all of your things icons: http://www.ubuntu.com/12:29
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: a bit same idea for my shop12:29
EriC^^yeah pretty cool12:30
* lotuspsychje throws a xenial xerus into johnny_linux's neck12:35
* johnny_linux eats it and asks 4 more12:36
OerHeksy, lotuspsychje, y?12:36
johnny_linuxthe toothless terminator ?12:37
johnny_linuxpoor arnie12:38
TJ-lotuspsychje: kwerfguuto is Italian I think; and English isn't their best language13:11
lotuspsychjebetter feed him to the dogs :p13:14
lotuspsychjethe huskies are hungry13:15
lotuspsychjebbl city walk13:16
=== popey_ is now known as popey
daftykinsdid anyone ever try that guys claim the other day, a while back, that "cp file.iso /dev/sdX" works in place of dd?15:47
OerHeksonly if you sync after that ?15:49
daftykinshmm i might test this15:50
TJ-Sure that will work, it's the same basic process16:09
daftykinssomeone should write a 'dd' clone that shows progress as it runs :)16:10
daftykinsdoes it? i figured that was more tailored toward data recovery16:10
OerHekswith pv it shows16:11
OerHeksdd if=/dev/urandom | pv | dd of=/dev/null16:11
OerHeks1,74MB 0:00:09 [ 198kB/s] [      <=>                               ]16:11
daftykinso rly16:12
OerHeksinstall pv first16:12
daftykinshmm not so much something to instruct a new user through, then16:12
OerHekselse ddrescue like TJ says, it has those scripts in it16:13
daftykins!info ddrescue trusty16:13
ubot5Package ddrescue does not exist in trusty16:13
TJ-yeah, or you can do something like "dd xxxx & watch -n 10 kill -USR1 $(pgrep dd)"16:14
daftykinsmm, all pretty messy16:14
TJ-!info gddrescue (GNU....)16:14
ubot5'(GNU....)' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed16:14
TJ-!info gddrescue16:14
ubot5gddrescue (source: gddrescue): GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19-1 (vivid), package size 105 kB, installed size 373 kB16:14
OerHeks!info pv16:16
ubot5pv (source: pv): Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.7-2 (vivid), package size 46 kB, installed size 169 kB16:16
daftykinsi think i'm out of my depth on this Nectar guy's query, i don't see why setting the displays with the 'monitor' settings program wouldn't remain after restart - unless a config file in ~/.gonf/ or wherever it lives perhaps is not user writable?16:16
EriC^^daftykins: that makes sense16:22
EriC^^find ~ ! -user $USER16:22
daftykinsooh :>16:23
daftykinsalthough TJ- is the multi display professional now on the case ;)16:23
TJ-Do any of you have Gnome/Unity running desktop? I use KDE and can't search the existing config files to identify where the config is stored16:26
TJ-if you do "grep -rn '1920' .config .gconf" should help - assuming your monitor resolution has 1920x<something>. Change 1920 to a resolution used by your monitor16:27
daftykinsi could boot a VM16:27
daftykinssec :)16:28
daftykins"Binary file .config/dconf/user matches"16:29
TJ-daftykins: can you pastebin monitors.xml ?16:32
daftykinsugh no pastebinit and i'd already kicked off an update, oh the pain of it all16:34
daftykinsany time :)16:34
lotuspsychjegood evening to all18:39
daftykinshallo thar o/18:41
lotuspsychjehi xerus18:41
lotuspsychjeTJ-: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kubuntu-release-manager-steps-down-says-canonical-defrauded-donors-495173.shtml18:42
EriC^^evening lotuspsychje18:45
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^ :p18:45
lotuspsychjeDosTuMai: good evening18:54
DosTuMaiEvEning. o/18:56
daftykinsFriday night is here already18:56
daftykinsmy my my18:56
OerHeksKubuntu amd64 ratio 4,2 Ubuntu amd64 ratio 3,818:58
lotuspsychjenice1 OerHeks !18:58
lotuspsychjegood seeding18:58
OerHekskubuntu wins18:58
Bashing-omLooks like the weekend mayhem has begun .18:58
daftykinsi dunno, we haven't had any other distro users yet today i don't think? :)19:00
lotuspsychjenot me19:00
* daftykins facepalms19:01
daftykinsnow we have a mac question asker19:01
OerHeksone asks too early, grinn19:01
DosTuMai['_o|', '\\o_', 'o/', '_o/', '_o-', '\\o-']19:02
daftykinsASCII yoga19:03
daftykinssuch is the desire for Apple gear these days, these folk falls over themselves in crazy attempts to get using it19:05
lotuspsychjesomeones mad19:07
OerHekssome spend $1500 on a bycicle, others on displayport19:09
OerHeksYes, have you ever met Alan? (popey)19:10
lotuspsychjeno, why?19:11
lotuspsychjeive read many articles on him though19:11
OerHekshe is a huge guy man, 2 meter or so. i sure make no troubles with him :-D19:11
lotuspsychjelinux magazine and such19:11
lotuspsychjethe higher you are, the harder you can fall to the floor19:12
daftykinsi wonder what his quit was about19:15
lotuspsychjemaybe a fight with some unfriendly co-op that randomly bans friendly volunteers19:16
lotuspsychje; )19:16
OerHeksyou 2 are so lucky i have no clue.19:19
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: your not an op either :p19:20
OerHeksoh, you are double lucky.19:23
lotuspsychjegot query off OerHeks ?19:24
OerHeksI was trying to ruins someones usb with u3-stuff19:25
* lotuspsychje only uses windows...to look through a wall19:27
TJ-lotuspsychje: Re: Jonathan Riddell - yes, I saw his draft text yesterday19:27
lotuspsychjeTJ-: ok thats the one you was talking bout right19:28
lotuspsychjeomgubuntu says kubuntu doesnt ends19:28
TJ-" of the other main developers have, or are about to, move on, too19:29
TJ-2 of19:29
daftykinsheh islandmonkey sounds like he/she is using a stolen machine :P19:30
lotuspsychjeand the thief wants to run over ubuntu with it :p19:31
wileeeAll this seems like standard stuff, we are interested so know more than we would on mirrored industries. Any big orgs are gonna have hierarchies and over sized ego's19:31
lotuspsychjewileee: what are you talking about19:32
wileeeusual human behavior, heh, the whole canonical, kubuntu in general and now this person leaving.19:33
wileeejust generalized, I tend to not analyze the individual characters, no way in really knowing. ;)19:34
OerHeksdramatic, if a community relies on one person.19:34
lotuspsychjewe are all ubuntu19:34
lotuspsychjeand its never gonna be big org ego from our side19:34
daftykinsi have no clue about what proprietary software development would be like, but the open source land definitely seems to be full of skilled people fighting amongst one another19:35
lotuspsychjeopensource communites are the future, also in daily life19:35
wileeeI'm biased but think ubuntu is probably one of the best overall from beginner to devel overall, support and a future that seems to be expanding, maybe the net cough redhat19:36
TJ-wileee: the issue with/for Kubuntu was, J.R. was told to quit his post on the Kubuntu Community Council, by the Ubuntu Community Council, despite UCC having no control of KCC, and the other members of the KCC fully supporting Jonathan19:37
wileeeor that general model of providers19:37
wileeeTJ-, Ah, heh, not purdy.19:37
TJ-wileee:  I know of many senior, former core devs, who have moved away from Ubuntu for similar reasons19:38
wileeeTJ-, Sure, I think this is standard procedure in the systems we accept as a free market and how this affects consumers and the devel here many working for free I suspect.19:39
TJ-Folks seem to forget the word 'dictator' in shuttleworth's 'honary' title, SABDFL (self-appointed benevolent dictaotor for life)19:39
TJ-Whenever the Ubuntu 'community' wants one thing and the dictator another - SABDFL gets his way19:40
wileeethe free market as nice as it is, is not really working for everyone is all, yeah shuttleworth just one of the minor demigods19:40
OerHeksis there more behind this, mir ?19:40
lotuspsychjemaybe there's a hidden agenda to make us all pay one day $$$19:41
lotuspsychjeamazon, phones, internet of things19:42
lotuspsychjeits all getting closer and closer19:42
TJ-OerHeks: the issues for Jonathan was Canonical publishing a licence that claimed derivatives could NOT re-distribute binary packages (they'd have to rebuild them from source), and issues over donations money not being accounted for fully (but spent by) Canonical19:42
daftykins14.04 doesn't go straight to 15.04 is someones upgrading, does it? with utopic dead19:45
OerHeksThose license issues were solved,no?19:45
lotuspsychjedaftykins: would not be reccomended19:46
TJ-OerHeks: pretty good overview of the issues here, especially the licence/IP policy and why the UCC/Shuttleworth insisted on J.R. standing down http://www.itworld.com/article/2949217/open-source-tools/canonical-changes-licensing-terms-to-comply-with-gpl.html19:47
TJ-OerHeks: FSF got Canonical to be more explicit this July - after 2 years - but it is still problematical. See that quote of Matthew Garret in that article, 3rd para of "There are still major issues with this policy"19:49
TJ-"Strict reading of the policy indicates that you are distributing a modified version of Ubuntu and therefore must either get it approved by Canonical or remove the trademarks and rebuild everything. The strange thing is that this doesn't limit itself to rebuilding packages that include Canonical's trademarks -- there's a requirement that you rebuild all binaries."19:49
OerHeksversion number needs a trademark license, .. but any derivate should have its own unique ID19:50
TJ-That's the thing; Trademark law requires no such thing. TM law only applies for 'passing of', not 'in the ordinary course of business'19:50
TJ-this tension - in the background for many years - is what has driven the talent like Matthew Garrett, Scott Kitterman, Jonathan Riddell and others I cannot recall, away from Ubuntu. Those last 2 were very active KDE/Kubuntu devs/maintainers.19:53
lotuspsychje_nite nite20:26
Bashing-omTJ-: ( laiek ) Always a pleasure to see your thought processes, and great you take the time to explain .20:43
TJ-:D If I'm terse I get told I'm cryptic, so I try to ensure I only say things once :D20:44
TJ-Bashing-om: but basically... my brain operates like the CPU... I trace each step mentally from power-on, and figure out which decision paths the software would take based on current info... and refine that to try to pinpoint where to focus attention20:45
Bashing-omTJ-: Yeah .. I try to mean what I say and say what I mean .. In my simple mind re-stating only serves to confuse/take away from my focus .20:47
Bashing-omTJ-: In my early days of learning to program .. I too applied those processes to life in general . helps a bunch .20:48
daftykinsanyone know the default paste expiration on paste.ubuntu.com ?20:56
EriC^^never i think20:57
EriC^^i uploaded my partition table there one day and have it on my cellphone20:57
daftykinsof all things i just helped someone discover a bug in Kodi on OS X...20:58
daftykinssince i've got that VM of OS X now ;)20:58
EriC^^yup still there! http://paste.ubuntu.com/8874720/20:58
Bashing-omTJ-: ( laiek ) /proc/mounts >> gvfsd-fuse /run/user/1000/gvfs fuse.gvfsd-fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1000,group_id=1000 0 0 . Is this the one we are seeking ??20:59
TJ-Bashing-om: That's the GVFS daemon, as I recall GVFS handles mounting in userspace under ~/.gvfs/ or /run/$USER/gvfs/. or similar21:04
TJ-Bashing-om: this askubuntu gives some useful background on what to expect21:06
TJ-Bashing-om: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61196/why-do-my-gvfs-mounts-not-show-up-under-gvfs-or-run-user-login-gvfs21:06
Bashing-omTJ-: I also do not run gnome .. I think though in those days of unity I did have that mount point, just not sure of what to look at in this case .21:06
TJ-Unity uses the gnome libraries and GVFS as I recall21:07
TJ-I know it doesn't use QT/KDElibs :D21:07
daftykinsTJ-: still busy busy i see :)23:09
TJ-Almost asleep on my feet... trying to get off to bed23:11
daftykinsoof where did midnight come from!?23:12
TJ-I think english9090's install may have everything it needs for the sound device, but not configured correctly23:12
TJ-but dealing with the poor English and fixation on installing from source some realtek drivers is wearing23:13
daftykinsdoh :(23:14
daftykinsdo realtek actually provide a better way?23:14
TJ-I think he's got misled; read random forum posts rather than checking if the drivers are already there  - which they are23:16
daftykinscould it have been one of those alsa config ones of adding the err, snd hda thingy23:17
daftykinscan't even remember it myself now23:18
TJ-It's there, and the outputs are all there as per aplay -L ... I suspect auto-mute or output aimed at the HDMI23:19
daftykinshmm a guy in #ubuntu-uk had to disable HDMI as a device to get an optical stream working a bit ago, could well be fighting23:20
TJ-The defaults in GUI can often be the cause23:21
TJ-The worst thing that happened was when Gnome/Unity/KDE all decided to dumb-down the excellent PaVuControl so we lose a GUI view into the core of PA.23:49
TJ-hmmm, so on a clean install why would ALSA see and use 1 sound device, but PA not see that device, but see the other?23:54
TJ-hmmm... is this really an Ubuntu flavour? "Cinnamon Volume Control Dialog" (pactl list client #3)23:55

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