
bananapieIf I install an upstream kernel provided by Ubuntu, is that the same thing as a mainline kernel?00:42
TJ-From the kernel team mainline PPA? Yes00:47
TJ-The prebuilt mainline kernels use the Ubuntu config though, to be as compatible as possible without adding any SAUC patches00:48
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smbhenrix, Ah thanks. Somehow I'd be interested to hear more details on how (and maybe on what hw) you succeeded. Cause I could not reproduce it with the steps I did before on less critical to me machines07:31
henrixsmb: sure, i'm not in the office yet so i can give you only what i remember.  i do remember the eth card is a realtek using the r8169 driver07:49
smbhenrix, Meh, I could wait for you to be in the office. :) I am not sure the card itself matters as my NAS which showed the bug and my other testbox have exactly the same model. But maybe its something with cpu to network speed (the NAS box is based on Atom, so not very powerful on the cpu side)07:53
henrixsmb: ok, so that was on a lenovo laptop (ideapad something...) with 4 i7 cores, with threads enabled.  so, a bit more powerfull than an atom :)07:56
smbHm, ok. So then rather not that. :) Did you need to write stuff for longer or do the crashes happen rather quick?07:58
henrixsmb: no, that was quick.  i just started copying a few M07:59
smbhenrix, Weird. So quite like on my NAS and no clue why the other cases just worked fine without any problem. o.O08:01
henrixsmb: probably not relevant, but the client was running vivid08:02
smbhenrix, No, unlikely since for anything I did (successful or not) I was using the same Trusty client 08:03
henrixsmb: i'm still not convinced about the lts-u, though.  i've asked the guy on the bug to post the kernel log, but that didn't happen yet08:05
smbhenrix, yep, saw the bug email08:05
smbor did not see it (any reply)08:05
henrixsmb: i'll try to reproduce it in lts-u, but it will take me a bit08:06
smbhenrix, ack08:06
jjohansenAceLan: see your mail, if you run into problems ping me08:46
AceLanjjohansen: got it, thank you very much08:47
smbhenrix, @linux-stable -> [PATCH stable<3.19] net: handle null iovec pointer in skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec()08:47
henrixsmb: looking08:49
apwbananapie, TJ- is on the money if you mean the ones from ~kernel-ppa08:50
henrixsmb: aaahhh!08:51
smbhenrix, we are not alone... :-P08:51
apwhenrix, let me guess, a regression in -proposed ?08:51
henrixapw: of course :)08:52
apwhenrix, oh how we love those08:52
apwhenrix, oh and please don't look at the adt-matrix for the moment, you will have a heart attack and its mostly lying08:52
apwhenrix, an erroneous trigger with junk in a version (caused by another bug) has causes chaos08:53
henrixapw: yeah, i've been busy with other things so adt-matrix is very low in my priorities at the moment :)08:53
apwhenrix, good, pretend is said nothing :) 08:54
jjohansenAceLan: one more thing, we just use the default config values08:55
AceLanjjohansen: that means we should align with ubuntu-vivid's apparmor releated options?08:56
jjohansenAceLan: yes, but you can get that by choosing the default config options when doing updateconfigs08:57
AceLanjjohansen: ../../../../../../kernel/security/apparmor/domain.c:610:2: error: implicit declaration of function 'task_no_new_privs' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]08:58
jjohansenAceLan: okay give me a few minutes to look at it08:58
AceLanjjohansen: thanks08:58
AceLanjjohansen: btw, I didn't change kernel options yet08:59
jjohansenAceLan: thats fine08:59
smbapw, henrix is busy trying to handle all the "good news" I seem to provide most of recently08:59
apwsmb, how many is that in this set ?09:00
smbapw, not sure how much it may fall into one thing, but Trusty seemed to potentially have up to 3 regressions... though by the nature it might be one with random things happening to people09:01
apwsmb, oh googy09:02
AceLanjjohansen: I don't want to occupy you too much time, no worries, I think I can fix this issue by myself. And I have to leave now, I'll contact you if I need your help next week, thanks a lot :)09:14
jjohansenok, bye AceLan09:22
who_mehi, guys, why isn't the latest mainline building properly on x64? I see something about ZFS in the logs09:30
who_meactually both 4.2.4 and 4.1.11 are affected09:31
smbhenrix, Yay! So this other system I just set up is usable to be unusable after writing doing the test. So that can be used for reproduction09:31
henrixsmb: cool!09:32
henrixsmb: so.... have you seen the reply to that patch in stable mailing-list?09:32
smbhenrix, not yet09:32
smbnow I did09:33
henrixsmb: looks like a different solution had been posted already a few days ago :-/ i had that patch tagged as 'TODO', but havent actually checked it09:33
smbhenrix, I see... So we could move that or that way or wait a little longer for maybe authoritative feedback...09:36
henrixsmb: or just revert it for now, applying it again once we have a final version09:38
smbhenrix, or that. 09:38
smbhenrix, Since that gets is into a place at least no worse than before... maybe the best path09:39
henrixsmb: gahhh! precise also has this commit.  bjf just uploaded it yesterday :)09:41
henrixat least it hasn't hit -proposed yet09:42
smbhenrix, why stay only half broken of we can be completely broken...09:42
henrixheh, true09:43
apwhenrix, yeah if it is only in CKT then its just buildd time wasted09:43
apwand maybe an upload number or two09:43
smbhenrix, Just to be careful, I just installed your kernel version of T with the one patch reverted and now might have dhcp issues...09:44
henrixsmb: any idea about what's wrong?  it shouldn't be kernel-related, i guess...09:58
smbhenrix, well dhcp is something multicast so maybe changes that come together but then rely on the one we want to revert... or just coincidentally hw explosion10:00
henrixsmb: yeah, odd10:03
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quadrisprohi all10:05
quadrisprocould anybody have a look at lp#1439111 please?10:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1439111 in linux (Ubuntu) "Enable full touch support for ELAN0600 touchpad" [Medium,Triaged]10:05
quadrisproit'd be 2-lines patch10:05
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* apw looks10:07
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apwok that made it into v4.3-rc1, dispite what the conmmentary says in the bug10:07
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apwjsalisbury, ^ one for your list perhaps ...10:07
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apwquadrispro, we'll try and get you a test kernel and so on soon ...10:08
quadrisproapw, true, I believed that was to be included in 4.210:08
quadrisproapw, yeah thanks, do you think then we have chances to see that in wily at some point?10:08
apwquadrispro, yeah must have missed it, it was in the merge window instread10:08
apwquadrispro, the patch is pretty simple, and if the thing just does not work without it, it is hard to see how it would regress anything, so the chances are above average i'd say10:09
apwquadrispro, but we need to go through the motions, get a patch tested by you, reviewed etc10:09
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quadrisproapw, I got my better half's Lenovo Yoga 3 11 ready to test it already :)10:10
apwheh, i know how that works oh so well10:12
quadrispronot too bad to be honest but yeah, it definitely lacks features10:13
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quadrisproapw, thanks for helping out! i'll sit and wait until something happens on lp #143911110:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1439111 in linux (Ubuntu) "Enable full touch support for ELAN0600 touchpad" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143911110:18
apwquadrispro, the guy i asked to have a look is east coast so don't expect it toooo sooon10:18
apwquadrispro, we are a bit frantic here, its "new release opening" time of the cycle10:19
quadrisproapw not a problem, my custom kernel has worked good so far. Therefore I can wait, thanks!10:22
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smbhenrix, OK... not sure what that was. I went back and forth with the kernels. That box has two NICs one Nvidia nforce and one Marvell. The Nvidia one appeared to get no incoming packets with the test kernel with the revert while the Marvel NIC did work ok. Though maybe the NVidia one which I used for the nfs test first still got spammed by the sender...? 10:40
smbHad to forcefully reboot my desktop. And now I have the other box up with the test kernel with the revert and the Nvidia NIC works still....10:40
smbhenrix, So bottom line... I guess we could proceed with pushing the revert while waiting for the real fix10:41
henrixsmb: cool, thanks!10:43
apwogasawara, rtg, i am proceeding with opening repositories for xenial ... i am writing new opening instructions as i go as we've not updated for repos on LP10:44
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smbhenrix, Maybe (as soon as the re-spin is out) we should also write a note to the other two bug reports (the mumble and the other NULL pointer deref) we noticed for Trusty to ask them whether maybe that fixes those, too12:37
henrixsmb: ah, good idea12:41
apwor make one test kernel on any one of them and just ask them to test that12:47
smbor that, which could be the one henrix already did for the nfs one12:48
henrixapw: ok, i've already a test kernel so i'll ask that12:49
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jsalisburyquadrispro, apw, I posted a link to a test kernel in bug 143911117:22
ubot5bug 1439111 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Enable full touch support for ELAN0600 touchpad" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143911117:22
apwjsalisbury, hey thanks17:30
TJ-Is the amd64 build failure for mainline v4.2.4-unstable temporary? "rsync: change_dir "/home/kernel/COD/linux//spl" failed: No such file or directory "17:59
rtgapw, ^ that looks suspicious18:09
TJ-build log: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.2.4-unstable/BUILD.LOG.amd6418:09
lowninI'm running ubuntu server 15.04 on my home server.  After doing apt-get dist-upgrade, this happens when I try to boot - http://imgur.com/a/20zFG18:31
lowninIt seems to be failing to boot with Ubuntu Kernel 3.19.0-31 and if I interupt grub during boot and select, my system boots just fine without the above errors.  Anyone have any ideas where I should even start with this?  Thanks!18:31
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dudebroI have a strange problem. Running Ubuntu 14.04 3.13.0-66-generic. My laptop failed to resume from suspend, so I hard reset. Now, USB is broken, the window ("decorator") looks different, and when I try to reboot the computer just remains at the purple ubuntu screen with the multi-dot progress indicator scrolling away. This happens even when I try to boot into older kernels (e.g. 3.13.0-65-generic)18:55
apwlownin, if you are saying -15 woks and -31 does not, then finding the first one which fails would be good18:58
lowninapw: Forgive me, but I am not familiar with how I would select specific kernels and install them so they list in grub. Do you have instructions for that?18:59
apwlownin, you can find all the kernels for a series on the publishing page:19:39
apwand look for the ones in your release19:40
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