
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== [BNC]flocculant is now known as flocculant
=== flocculant is now known as Guest98685
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
=== Guest98685 is now known as flocculant
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flocculantslickymasterWork knome : next lot of test fiddles are up if you get a chance11:49
slickymasterWorkI saw the mail, will do those after lunch11:49
flocculantty ty :)11:49
flocculantpretty simple except addition of xfpanel switch11:50
teward|livewhen ISO testing was done for the Wily images, is there a reason an installer disk used as the upgrade medium would replace a non-EFI setup with an EFI setup?13:20
teward|liveasking because i saw someone say it happened, while perusing askubuntu13:20
teward|liveor rather, had anyone run into this13:20
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balloonsteward, that sounds interesting, but I have heard of it before Ithink15:31
tewardballoons: i thought someone might, know the cause?15:32
tewardor the relevant bug?15:32
teward(or why it's still existing)15:32
balloonsfrom what I remember, it's intentional, but I could be wrong15:32
balloonsI believe colin would know.. that's what I seem to remember from last time15:32
tewardballoons: well, from what I saw on Ask Ubuntu, it breaks Grub setup, and can cause a lot of hellish headaches such as needing to do a complete reinstall15:32
teward(in EFI mode no less)15:33
flocculantI've not seen anything like that mentioned - would have taken notice of that15:34
slickymasterWorkflocculant, all done16:11
tewardballoons: flocculant: I'm trying to grab reproduction steps to see if I can't replicate it on this one machine and a clean drive I don't mind nuking (the old hard drive I just moved my actual stuff off of xD)16:19
tewardsince this laptop here is BIOS and EFI ready, well... :P16:19
tewardif I can get reproduction steps and can reproduce i'll share for the issue i mentioned earlier16:19
flocculantslickymasterWork: cheers :)16:23
slickymasterWorknp flocculant16:35
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk

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